ZHOU LIN - PubFacts

Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave, Bldg 6-226, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
(614) 370-4528 (cell)
Born in Fuzhou, Fujian, China on 08/19/1987.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Postdoctoral Associate, 06/2015-present.
 Advisor: Dr. Troy Van Voorhis.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Ph.D. in Chemical Physics (GPA 3.95/4.00), 05/2015.
 Thesis Topic: Theoretical Studies on the Spectroscopy of Astrochemically Significant
Species and the Mechanisms of Relevant Reactions.
 Advisors: Dr. Anne B. McCoy and Dr. Eric Herbst.
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China.
B.S. in Chemical Physics (GPA 3.75/4.30), 07/2009.
 Thesis Topic: Sol-Gel Synthesis of the 12CaO-7Al2O3-X- Nanoparticles and
Investigation of Its Antibacterial Property.
 Advisor: Dr. Quanxin Li.
Student Awards at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
 The Presidential Fellowship, The Graduate School, 01/2014-12/2014.
Presentation Awards
 Selected Hot Topic Talk, 2015 Gordon Research Conference on Gaseous Ions: Structures,
Energetics & Reactions, Galveston, TX, 02/2015.
 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Poster Award, 2013 Midwest Theoretical Chemistry
Conference, Champaign-Urbana, IL, 05/2013.
Student Awards at University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China.
 Excellent Graduate Award, 07/2009.
 Outstanding Bachelor's Thesis Award, 06/2009.
 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award, 10/2008.
 Second Place, Undergraduate Research Contest in Experimental Physics, 12/2007.
 Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship, 10/2005-10/2008.
1. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Group Theory Analysis in the H2 + H3+ ↔ H5+ ↔ H3+ + H2 Reaction.” in
2. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Probing the Relationship Between Large-Amplitude Motions in H5+ and
Proton Exchange Between H3+ and H2.” J. Phys. Chem. A. (published oline), DOI:
Marlett, M.L.; Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Rotation/Torsion Coupling in H5+, D5+, H4D+, D4H+ Using
Diffusion Monte Carlo.” J. Phys. Chem. A., 2015, 119(35): 9405-9413.
Sarka, J.; Fábri, C.; Szidarovszky, T.; Császár, A.G.; Lin Z.; McCoy, A.B., “Modeling Rotations,
Vibrations, and Rovibrational Couplings in Astructural Molecules – A Case Study Based on the
H5+ Molecular Ion.” (invited article) Mol. Phys., 2015, 113(13-14): 1873-1883.
Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “The Role of Large-Amplitude Motions in the Spectroscopy and Dynamics
of H5+.” J. Chem. Phys., 2014, 140(11): 114305/1-10.
Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Investigation of the Structure and Spectroscopy of H5+ Using Diffusion
Monte Carlo.” J. Phys. Chem. A, 2013, 117(46): 11725-11736.
Lin, Z.; Talbi, D.; Roueff, E.; Herbst, E.; Wehres, N.; Cole, A.C.; Yang, Z.; Snow, T.P.;
Bierbaum, V.M. “Can Interstellar Propene (CH3CHCH2) Be Formed via Gas-Phase Reactions?”
Astrophys. J., 2013, 765(2): 80/1-5.
Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Signatures of Large-Amplitude Vibrations in the Spectra of H5+ and D5+.”
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2012, 3(24): 3690-3696.
Gong, L.; Lin, Z.; Ning, S.; Sun, J.; Shen, J.; Torimoto, Y.; Li, Q. “Synthesis and Characteristics
of the C12A7-O- Nanoparticles by Citric Acid Sol-Gel Combustion Method.” Mater. Lett., 2010,
64(11): 1322-1324.
Sun, J.; Gong, L.; Shen, J.; Lin, Z.; Li, Q. “Sol-Gel Preparation of Porous C12A7-Cl- Crystals.”
Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., 2010, 26(3): 795-798.
1. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Large Amplitude Motions and Feasible Proton Permutations in the
Spectroscopy and Dynamics of H5+.” 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting &
Exposition, Boston, MA, 08/2015.
2. Lin, Z.; Marlett, M.L.; McCoy, A.B. “The Role of Large Amplitude Motions in the
Rotation/Torsion Coupling in H5+.” (Hot Topic Talk selected from poster abstracts) 2015 Gordon
Research Conference on Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions, Galveston, TX,
3. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Large Amplitude Motions in H5+.” (invited seminar) Department of
Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 11/2014.
4. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Roles of Large Amplitude Motions in the Proton Transfer Reaction H2 +
H3+ ↔ H5+ ↔ H3+ + H2.” 69th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy,
Champaign-Urbana, IL, 06/2014.
5. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Investigation of Large-Amplitude Motions of H5+ in the Proton Transfer
Reaction between H3+ and H2 .” 68th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy,
Columbus, OH, 06/2013.
6. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “A Story of the Spectroscopy of H5+.” Physical Chemistry Student Lecture
Series, Columbus, OH, 02/2013.
7. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Diffusion Monte Carlo Studies of the Ground-State Energetics and
Structures of H5+ and Its Deuterated Isotopologues.” 67th International Symposium on
Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, OH, 06/2012.
8. Lin, Z.; Herbst, E. “Chemistry of Gas Phase in the Universe and Formation of Interstellar
Propylene (CH3 CHCH2 ).” Physical Chemistry Student Lecture Series, Columbus, OH,
1. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Large Amplitude Motions and Feasible Proton Permutations in the
Spectroscopy and Dynamics of H5+.” 2015 Gordon Research Conference on Gaseous Ions:
Structures, Energetics & Reactions, Galveston, TX, 02/2015.
2. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “The Role of Large Amplitude Motions in the H2 + H3+ ↔ H5+ ↔ H3+ + H2
Reaction.” 2014 American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, Telluride, CO, 07/2014.
3. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Investigation of the Dynamics of the Proton Transfer Reaction between
H3+ and H2 through H5+ as the Intermediate.” 2013 William Lloyd Evans Lecture Poster Session,
Columbus, OH, 09/2013.
4. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Investigation of Large-Amplitude Motions in the Spectroscopy of H5+ and
the Dynamics of the Proton Transfer Reaction between H3+ and H2 .” 2013 Midwest Theoretical
Chemistry Conference, Champaign-Urbana, IL, 05/2013.
5. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Diffusion Monte Carlo Studies of Energetics and Structures of H5+
Deuterated Isotopologues.” 2012 William Lloyd Evans Lecture Poster Session, Columbus, OH,
6. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Diffusion Monte Carlo Studies of Structure and Energetics of H5+ and Its
Deuterated Isotopologues.” 2012 Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, Madison, WI,
7. Lin, Z.; McCoy, A.B. “Diffusion Monte Carlo Studies of the Ground-state Structure and
Energetics of H5+.” 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Molecular & Ionic Clusters, Ventura,
CA, 01/2012.
8. Lin, Z.; Herbst, E. “Formation of Interstellar Propylene (CH3 CHCH2 ).” 2011 Site Review of
Center for Chemistry of the Universe, Irvine, CA, 04/2011.
1. Li, Q.; Gong, L.; Lin, Z.; Yuan, L.; Torimoto, Y. “Preparation Method of Polycrystal Nano
Calcium Aluminum Oxide.” China CN101532176, 09/2009.
2. Li, Q.; Gong, L.; Lin, Z.; Yuan, L.; Torimoto, Y. “Antibacterial Application of Polycrystalline
Nanometer Calcium-Aluminum Oxide.” China CN101518259, 09/2009.
Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
With Dr. Troy Van Voorhis, 06/2015-present
 Performed theoretical studies on the electronic processes occurring in the organic
Graduate Research Associate at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
With Dr. Anne B. McCoy, 07/2011-05/2015.
 Performed theoretical study on the large-amplitude motions of H5+ and investigated
their implementations in the spectroscopy of H5+ and the mechanism of the proton
transfer reaction between H3+ and H2.
With Dr. Eric Herbst at Center for Chemistry of the Universe, 03/2010-06/2011.
 Updated and simulated the reaction network in the interstellar medium and predicted
the evolution of the abundance of propene based on the kinetic study of the proposed
formation mechanism.
Undergraduate Research Associate at the University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, Anhui, China.
With Dr. Quanxin Li at Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Biomass Clean Energy,
 Developed sol-gel synthesis of the nanomaterial 12CaO-7Al2O3-X- and tested its
antibacterial property on E. coli and S. aureus.
Graduate Teaching Associate at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
 CHEM 861 Quantum Chemistry I (G), 09/2011-12/2011.
 CHEM 121 General Chemistry Lab I (UG), 09/2010-12/2010.
 CHEM 122 General Chemistry Lab II (UG), 06/2010-09/2010.
 CHEM 101 General Chemistry Lab I (UG), 03/2010-06/2010.
Grader at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
 CHEM 531 Physical Chemistry II (UG), 01/2010-03/20109.
 CHEM 530 Physical Chemistry I (UG), 09/2009-12/2009.
2013 Telluride School on Theoretical Chemistry, Telluride, CO, 07/2013.
Member, American Chemical Society (ACS), 10/2012-present.
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 04/2015-present
 C/C++, FORTRAN, LaTeX, Mathematica.
 OriginLab, SigmaPlot, PuTTY, Office.