TEMPERATURE AND EMISSIONS MEASUREMENTS FOR A GAS BURNER Ighodalo Osagie, Amunega Ibrahim, Lawani Monday, Onaghinor Sidney, And Ogboi Terry. Mechanical Engineering Department, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. oighodalo@yahoo.com Abstract Emissions for combustion systems continue to pose major environmental and health challenges, hence the need to regulate these emissions.Temperature and emissions measurements were carried for a gas burner so as to determine the level of emissions. The burner which was designed and constructed for furnace firing is a forced draught, pre-mix type and has a power rating of 162.7kW. The experiment was carried out on a burner test-rig which was also designed and constructed. Temperature readings for five points along the flame length in the combustion chamber were taken using k-type thermocouples while an exhaust gas analyzer was employed for the emissions measurements from the chimney. The gas flow rates for the burner were varied for the test. The maximum temperature obtained from the closed test was 1273OC at full gas valve opening. The emissions measurements obtained were compared with some established standards and the levels of emissions were found to be close to the established standard. An optimum operating condition at ½ gas valve opening was also established for the burner based on the comparisons made. Keywords: Burner, emissions, temperature, test-rig, gas analyzer. Corresponding Author: Dr. O. Ighodalo Introduction 1 Burners are employed for a variety of purposes in the metal melting and other industries. A burner is a device used for the combustion of fuel with an oxidizer which converts chemical energy in the fuel to thermal energy (Baukal, 2004). An Emission is the release of gases (CO2, NOx and CO) from the exhaust after fuel and air is mixed and is being combusted in the burner (Stern, 1987). These Emissions, when released into the environment have negative environmental impact and contribute to health challenges. CO emissions are generally an indication of too little air, poor mixing or insufficient Furnace temperature. The gas is poisonous and can lead to death when inhaled especially in enclosures. CO2 and H2O are normal products of fuel combustion but the former is a greenhouse gas which is contributing to global warming. NOx contributes to ground-level ozone which can be a severe problem to persons with respiratory diseases, NOx formation is influenced by very high temperatures (The environmental impact of vehicle emissions, 2007). Other concerns generated by these pollutant emissions include accumulation of fine particles in the atmosphere, development of acid rain, the acidification of aquatic systems, visibility limitations (Oland, 2002). The increasing problems posed by pollutant emissions have led to the stipulation of emission standards in many advanced countries. Emission standards are requirement that set specific limits to the amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment. Many emissions standards focus on regulating pollutants released by burners and other powdered vehicles, but they can also regulate emissions from industry power plants and diesel generators (Wikipedia, 2012). Burner testing provides an opportunity to gather and verify valuable information such as operating parameters, pollutant emissions, heat flux profile etc (Baukal, 2004). Such information is relevant in order to meet set regulatory standards, customer specifications, operational, research and developmental efforts at optimizing burner performance to improve emissions and 2 other parameter. The temperature and emissions measurements carried out for a gas burner are here presented in this paper. MATERIALS AND METHODS Burner specification The burner tested was designed and constructed for firing furnaces and is a forced draught, premix type with a power rating of 162.7kW. The burner is fitted with linked valves for simultaneous adjustment of gas and air flow. The burner specification is given in Table 1 and Fig. 1 shows the burner schematic diagram. Table 1. Burner specifications Length of the nozzle tip = 5cm Length of the mixing tube = 5cm Length of the throat = 19cm Length of the divergent zone = 8cm Length of the convergent zone = 4.3cm Diameter of the convergent zone = 5cm Diameter of the divergent zone = 4cm Diameter of the nozzle tip = 3.6cm Diameter of the throat = 3.4cm Inner diameter of burner D1 = 28cm Outterside diameter of burner Do = 36cm Total length of the burner = 397cm Knowing that the blower was designed to a speed N = 2500rpm Pressure of air delivered P = 10N/m2 3 mixing tube Gas inlet air inlet butterfly valve nozzle tip convergent zone throat divergent zone Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the burner The burner was tested on a burner test-rig. The test-rig has a burner stand, combustion chamber with five holes for thermocouple probes for temperature measurements aligned along the central axis of the flame issuing from the burner. The holes were positioned at distances of 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 40cm and 50cm from the combustion chamber inlet. The outlet of the combustion chamber has an attached chimney which has a hole for exhaust gas temperature measurements. The emission from the exhaust was measured using an SV-5Q Automobile Exhaust Gas Analyzer. The five gases measured by the exhaust gas analyzers are: HC, CO, CO2, O2, and NO. The exhaust gas analyzer specifications are given in Table 2. The burner test-rig arrangement is shown in Fig. 2. The burner and burner test- rig were designed and constructed in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology workshop of the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma-Nigeria. The measurements were also carried out in the same workshop. 4 Combustion chamber Thermocouple Hole Burner Outlet exhaust gas hole .. . .. ... .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . ... . ... Air cooled inculcator Inlet exhaust gas hole Stand Blower Seal Blower pipe Valve Fig. 2. Burner test-rig arrangement used for the measurements 5 Table 3. Exhaust gas analyzer specifications 1. Measurement range HC : 0 10000 10-6 (ppm) vol CO: 0 10.0 10-2 (%) vol CO2: 0 20.0 10-2 (%) vol O2: 0 25.0 10-2 (%) vol NOx: 0 5000 10-6 (%) vol Speed: 0 10000 rpm 2. Resolution: CO: 0.01(%) vol HC: 1 ppm vol CO2: 0.01(%)vol O2: 0.01(%) vol NO: 1 ppm Speed: 1 rpm Emissions standards Emission standards are available for the regulation of different combustion systems; Table 3 shows the U.K emission standard of 2002 for landfill gas flaring, European standard EN 676 of 1998 for automatic forced draught burners for gaseous fuels ( Hubner and Boos, 1998) and typical emission for gas burners provided by TESTO AG (2011). 6 Table 3. Emission standards TESTO AG CO U.K.(2002) EUROPEAN(1998) Typical values mg/m3 mg/kWh 80-100ppm 100(93.1ppm) 100(80ppm) NOx 50-100ppm 150(73.3ppm) 170(96.73ppm) HC <50ppm 10(9.23ppm) - CO2 8-10% - - O2 2-6% - - TEST PROCEDURE The following procedure was followed during the testing of the burner on the burner test-rig. 1. The air supply hose from the blower and the gas supply hose from the gas cylinder were connected to the burner and the burner mounted on a support with nozzle projecting into the combustion chamber. 2. Thermocouple probes were inserted into the various probe holes on the combustion chamber and the outlet of the chimney and their terminals connected to the digital display. The exhaust gas analyzer probe was also inserted into the chimney. 3. The burner air valve and gas valve were set to full opening, the burner was ignited and temperature and emission readings were taken and recorded after 5 minutes when conditions had stabilized. 4. The procedure was repeated for gas and air valve openings at three quarter, half and one quarter respectively. 7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The gas and air flow rates corresponding to the valve openings used in the tests are shown in Table 4. Table 4. Flow rate at various opening VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE M3/S VALVE OPENING GAS AIR Full 3.33 x 10-6 1.123 x 10-1 ¾ full 2.498 x 10-6 8.43 x 10-2 Half 1.67 x 10-6 5.62 x 10-2 ¼ full 8.33 x 10-7 2.81 x 10-2 The temperature readings obtained for the combustion chamber are shown in table 5 while that for exhaust temperatures is shown in Table 5. A graph of temperature versus distance has been plotted as shown in Figure 3. 8 Table 5. Temperature versus distance measurements for various valve openings Distance cm Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature at full opening at ¾ opening at ½ opening at ¼ opening oc oc oc oc 10 1273 998 1094 592 20 1180 1161 830 630 30 1060 1102 620 828 40 804 946 435 790 50 790 804 278 615 9 Table 6. Exhaust gas temperature measurements for various valve opening Temperature at Temperature at ¾ Temperature at ½ Temperature full opening oc opening oc opening oc at¼ opening oc 633 554 436 430 RESULTS OF EMISSION OF GASES The readings for the emissions at various opening are as shown in Table 7. The plots for emissions versus gas valve openings are shown in Figures 4 and 5. Table 7. Exhaust gas emissions Gases Emission at Emission at ¾ Emission at ½ Emission at ¼ full opening opening opening opening CO 10.75% 7.91% 5.92% 2.80% CO2 8.50% 5.03% 5.74% 3.64% HC 90.67ppm 75.6ppm 0ppm 0ppm O2 2.85% 10.9% 11.93% 11.97% NO 28ppm 15ppm 8ppm 7ppm 10 11 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS It was observed from Table 5 and graph of Fig. 3 that the maximum temperature obtained was 1273oc at full valve opening at a distance of 10cm from the nozzle tip. The maximum temperature was observed to increase with increase in gas valve opening. Also in all cases the measured temperatures decreased as you move away from the burner nozzle tip. Table 4 also shows that the exhaust gas temperatures increased as the gas valve opening was increased. Table 7 and Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 shows that, CO, CO2, and NO emissions increased with increase in valve opening, while O2 showed a decrease. The presence of CO indicates an incomplete combustion due to insufficient supply of air (rich mixture). NO emission is known to increase at high combustion temperatures. The level of HC is zero at ½ and ¼ valve openings; hence no unburned fuel is escaping with the exhaust gases. The HC level is highest at full valve opening. The level of emissions released therefore depends on the amount of fuel used and the condition of combustion of the fuel. A comparison of the emissions produced by the burner was made with the established standards in Table 2. The emissions produced by the burner were observed to fall within the range given by Testo AG (2011) for all operating conditions except for CO emission which gave higher concentrations. A comparison with the U.K and European standards shows that the NOx emission for the burner meets the set standards for all operating conditions. The HC emissions at full valve and ¾ valve openings for the burner exceeds the U.K value, while the ½ and ¼ meets the standard. An optimum operating condition for the burner may therefore be specified as half valve opening since the temperature attained is over 1000OC, the HC value is zero and all other 12 emissions are also very low. The emission measurements have also shown that the burner is environmentally friendly. CONCLUSION The tests conducted on the premixed, forced draught burner shows that high flame temperatures were obtained depending on the rate of firing or gas valve opening. The level of emissions released also depended on the amount of fuel used and the condition of combustion of the fuel. The emissions released are low and within permissible standards especially for the ½ valve opening operation which is therefore specified as the optimum operating condition for the burner. REFERENCES Baukal, C.E. Jr. 2004. Industrial Burner Handbook. 790pp. CRC press, Florida, U.S.A. Hubner, C., and Boos, R.1998. Emissions of oil and Gas appliances and requirements in European standards .Retrieved April 2012 from. http://www.verbraucherrat.at/download/gasoil.pdf Oland, C.B. 2002. Guide to lower emission Boiler and Combustion equipment selection. ORNL/TM-2002/19 report, Office of Industrial technologies, U.S.A. Retrieved October 23,2012 from www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/.../pdfs/guide_low_emission.pdf Stern, A.M. 1987. Engineering Control of Pollution. 3rd Edition, 620pp. Pergamon press, Oxford. Testo AG. 2011. Practical handbook Heating Measurement Technology, 3rd Edition. Retrieved 10th April 2011from http:// www.raeco.com. 13 The environmental impact of vehicle emissions. 2007. Retrieved April 19, 2012 from http://www.engr.uconn.edu/~garrick/ce320/2007/ The U.K. emission standard for landfill gas flaring. 2002. Retrieved January 28, 2012 from http://www.scribd.com/doc/78309076/30/The-UK-emission-standard Wikipedia. 2012. Emission standard. Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 23, 2012 from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emission_standard 14