Maryland Food System Map Data Layers, July 2015 www

Maryland Food System Map Data Layers, July 2015
Farms Selling Locally
All Farms
Certified Organic
Sell at Farmers Markets
Sell through CSA
Dairy Farms
Livestock and Poultry Farms
Urban Farms
Large–Scale Livestock Farms
Beef Cattle CAFOs
Broiler Chicken CAFOs/MAFOs
Dairy Cattle CAFOs/MAFOs
Layer Hen CAFOs
Prime Farmland
Plant Hardiness Zones
Agriculture Resources
Agriculture Marketing Professionals
Future Farmers of America
Census of Agriculture Layers
Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold
Average Market Value of Products Sold
Net Cash Farm Income of Operations
Average Net Income Per Operation
Number of Farms with Net Gains
Number of Farms with Net Losses
Number of Large Farms
Number of Mid-Sized Farms
Number of Small Farms
Government Payments
Average Payments Per Farm
Number of Farms that Received Payments
Total Government Payments
% of Land in Farms
Acres of Cropland Harvested
Acres of Land in Farms
Average Acres of Farmland
Local Food
Number of Farms with Direct Sales
Market Value of Farms with Direct Sales
Number of Agritourism Operations
Average Income per Agritourism Operation
Operators and Labor
Average Age of Principal Farm Operators
% Female Principal Operators
Primary Occupation: Farming
Primary Occupation: Other
Number of Hired Workers
Number of Farms with Migrant Labor
Organic Agriculture
Number of Organic Exempt Farms
Number of USDA Certified Organic Farms
Number of Transitioning USDA Certified Organic
Beef Cattle Farms
Number of Cattle Farms
Total Gross Sales of Cattle
Dairy Farms
Number of Dairy Farms
Gross Sales of Milk from Cows
Grain Farms
Number of Grain Farms
Gross Sales of Grain
Hog Farms
Number of Hog Farms
Gross Sales of Hogs
Orchard Farms
Number of Orchard Farms
Number of Berry Farms
Gross Sales of Fruit, Nuts, and Berries
Poultry Farms
Number of Broiler Farms
Number of Poultry Layer Farms
Gross Sales of Poultry Products
Vegetable Farms
Number of Vegetable Farms
Gross Sales of Vegetables
2010 Commercial Oyster Landings
Oyster Sanctuaries
Public Shellfish Areas
Land Conservation:
Land Preservation
MALPF Easements
DNR Lands and Conservation Easements
Environmental Trust Easements
Rural Legacy Properties
Rural Legacy Areas
Farm Conservation Practices
Acres of Practices by County
# of Practices by Watershed
Processing and Distribution:
Food Processors
All, Cannery, Dairy, Egg, Meat, On Farm, Seafood
Distribution & Storage Facilities
All, Dairy, Egg, Fruit & Vegetable, Local Food, Meat, Seafood
Animal Slaughter Facilities
Food Retail:
Food Stores
Small Grocery/Corner Stores
Convenience Stores
Baltimore City Carryouts
Fast Food Chain Restaurants
Alternative Food Retail
Farmers Markets
Baltimore Public Markets
Food Access
Baltimore Food Deserts
Limited Supermarket Access Areas
USDA Low Income and Low Access Census Tracts
Health Care Facilities
K-12 Schools
Public Schools
Breakfasts and Lunches Served Annually
Breakfasts Served Annually
Dollars Spent on Food
Lunches Served Annually
% Eligible for Free and Reduced Price Meals
% Food Dollars Spent on Local Foods
Universities or Colleges
Universities or Colleges
Nutrition Assistance:
At-Risk Afterschool Meals Sites
Pantry and Free Meal Sites
School Free and Reduced Price Meal Sites
SNAP Retailers
Summer Food Service Program Sites
WIC Offices
Avg Monthly # SNAP Participants
Maryland Meals for Achievement
% Food Insecure
% Increase in SNAP Participants
% SNAP Participation (County)
% SNAP Participation (Zip Code)
% SNAP Participation Among Low-Income (County)
% SNAP Participation Among Low-Income (Zip Code)
2013 SNAP Redemption
Mortality Rates
Heart Disease
Morbidity Rates
Environmental Indicators:
Air Quality
Ammonia from Fertilizer Application
Ammonia from Livestock Waste
Particulate Matter Less than 2.5 Microns
Biodiversity Conservation Areas
Incremental Nitrogen Yield from Agriculture
Delivered Nitrogen Yield from Agriculture
Incremental Phosphorous Yield from Agriculture
Delivered Phosphorous Yield from Agriculture
Incremental Sediment Yield from Agriculture
Delivered Sediment Yield from Agriculture
Water Quality
% Population on Private Well
Watershed Health
Bacteria Assessment
Biological Assessment
Nutrient Assessment
Sediment Assessment
Environmental Clean-up Areas
Land Restoration Program
LRP Determination Areas
Landfill Methane Outreach Program
Brownfields Properties
Hazardous Waste – Corrective Actions
Superfund NPL Sites
185% Federal Poverty Level
200% Federal Poverty Level
Median Household Income
2010 Population Density
% No Vehicle Available
% Population Change 2000-2010
Self-Sufficiency Standard
Point of Interest
Recreation Centers
Public Libraries
Senior Centers
State Parks