
Operator Manual
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Last updated by H.Balk 04.03.2004 Sonar5-Pro version 5.9.3
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(Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 a) Paper I. Implementing and testing multiple target trackers on split
beam sonar data recorded in lakes. (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 b) Paper II. Evaluation of the hydroacoustic fish counting method
based on single echo detection and tracking in shallow rivers. (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 c) Paper III. Why single echo detectors tends to rejects echoes from
fish in shallow water. (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 d) Paper IV Development of a new single echo detector suited for
fish detection in shallow rivers) (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2000 e) Paper V. Improved fish detection in data from split beam
transducers. Aquat. Living Resour. 13 (5), 2000, 297-303. (Click here to open)
Operator Manual
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 f) Paper VI Application of linear discriminant function analysis in
classification of echo-tracks detected by split beam sonar in shallow rivers. Aquat.
Living Resour.(In Press) (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 g) Paper VII. Discrepancy between expected and measured sound
field in shallow waters (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 h) Paper VIII. Influence from water current on hydroacoustic
measurements (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 i) Proceeding I. Hydroacoustic fish counting in rivers and shallow
waters, with focus on problems related to tracking in horizontal scanning sonar’s. Proc.
21’th Scandinavian Symp. Phys Acoust., Vol. No. 1998-04 pp. 21-22. (Click here to
(Balk and Lindem, 2001 j) Proceeding II. Fish tracking in shallow water by applying image
processing. Proc. 22’th Scandinavian Symp. Phys Acoust., 1999. Vol. No. 429904. pp
1-2. (Click here to open)
(Balk and Lindem, 2002 ) A new method for single target detection. (Click here to open)
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