OBJECTIVE - Bahauddin Zakariya University

As s is ta n t P r o fe ss o r , D ep ar t me n t o f Ag ri c ul t ura l En g i neer i n g, U ni v er sit y Co l le g e o f Ag ric u lt ur e,
B ah a ud d i n Za kar i ya U ni ver s it y (B . Z.U ) , M u lt a n - P ak is ta n
mu h a m mad s ho a ib @b z u. ed u .p k , Ce ll No . (9 2 ) 3 0 0 4 2 9 2 1 2 8
Results driven professional with strong mathematical modeling skills (Use and Development) .Vast
experience of working with reputed International and National Organizations and remained involved in
the use and development of Hydrologic/Hydraulic and Optimization modeling.
B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
M.Sc. Water Resources Management, Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering,
University of Engineering and Technology(UET), Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Agricultural Engineering, BZU, Multan, Pakistan
(Assistant Professor)
Nov, 2004 to date
National Engineering Services of Pakistan (NESPAK), Lahore, Pakistan
(Senior Engineering (Hydrology/Hydraulic/Sedimentation Modeler)
Jan, 2004–Nov, 2004
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Lahore, Pakistan
(Water Resources Engineer/Research Officer)
Jul, 2002–Jan, 2004
Associated Consulting Engineers-(ACE), Lahore, Pakistan
(Trainee Junior Engineer)
Apr, 2002–Jul, 2002
Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, UET, Lahore, Pakistan
(Testing Engineer)
Jan, 2001–Mar, 2002
Department of Agricultural Engineering, BZU, Multan, Pakistan:
Teaching different subjects of Water Resources Engineering which includes Surface Water Hydrology, Irrigation
Engineering, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering & Fluid Mechanics, to the students of B.Sc. Agricultural
National Engineering Services of Pakistan (NESPAK), Lahore, Pakistan
Worked on the following assignments under Flood Protection Sector Project 2 (Package –C)
Developed Hydrodynamic models for Indus river system and its tributaries
Developed Hydrological Models for the tributaries of the Indus river system and its tributaries
Developed spreadsheet models for discharge computation at different barrages for river Jhelum and river Chenab.
Reviewed and modified the discharge computation procedure adopted by the Irrigation department.
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Lahore, Pakistan
During the stay in IWMI, worked in two projects
Operation Support for Pehur High Level Canal (PHLC)
 Development of Hydraulic/Sedimentation model for the Upper Swat Pehur Hight level Canal (USC-PHLC) in
order to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the USC-PHLC system using SIC (Simulation of Irrigation
Canals) model. SIC is a hydrodynamic hydraulic model developed by CEMAGREF, France.
 Development of Optimization Model for the USC-System
An Optimization model based on dynamic programming technique was developed for the USC-PHLC System in
Microsoft Visual Basic to study optimal water allocation of the NWFP’s quota under the provincial water accord.
This is intended to study the trade-offs between hydro electricity generation through Tarbella Dam and
alternative use of water for Agriculture in Swabi District, NWFP.
Resume of Muhammad Shoaib
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Development of Decision Support System (DSS) for River Basin Management
Involved in the development of spatial database and spatial modeling in GIS, for the IIMI’s Benchmark basin
Rechna Doab for the project of “Development of Decision Support System for river basin management”
Associated Consulting Engineers-(ACE), Lahore,Pakistan
Review of Hydrological Studies of different Dams in Pakistan.
Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, UET, Lahore, Pakistan
Developed fully hydrodynamic overland flow and runoff model for the flat irrigated areas. Two-dimensional St. Venant
Equation was used to develop the model and Kostikove’s infiltration equation was used to model the infiltration.
MacCormack’s Explicit finite difference scheme was used to solve the 2D St. Venant Equation. The model code was
written in Java Computer language.
One Year Diploma in Integrated Water Resources Management, United Nations University International
Network on Water, Environment and Health at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Two-weeks training course on “Canal Simulation Modeling using the SIC v. 4.0 software” held by
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), at Colombo, Sri Lanka
Two-weeks training course on “ArcView GIS and Avenue Porogramming” held by International Water
Management Institute (IWMI), at Colombo, Sri Lanka
Six-days training course on “Crop Based Irrigation Operation Model (CBIO)” held by International
Water Management Institute (IWMI), at Swabi, Pakistan
Computer Languages:
Good experience to work with computer languages like:
Turbo C++
Models and Packages:
Very comfortable in the use of following Engineering related models and packages:
Hydraulic/Hydrologic Models
 SOBEK (Developed by Delft Hydraulics Neatherland)
 SAMO (Developed by Delft Hydraulics Neatherland)
 HEC-RAS (Developed by HEC-USA)  HEC-HMS (Developed by HEC-USA)
 SIC (Developed by CEMAGRAF, France)
Ground water Models
Water Management Models
Arc GIS
Erdas Imagine
GIS/RS Packages:
Resume of Muhammad Shoaib
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