Resolution on Alleviating the Suffering of Attacked And Displaced

Adopted by the 2007 JCPA Plenum
The resilience of the Israeli people has always earned the admiration of American Jews. In
turn, American Jewry continues to support our Israeli brothers and sisters in many ways.
This past summer, more than a million Israelis were affected by the devastating attacks of
Hezbollah rockets. After the war, apartments were left demolished, water pipes destroyed,
roadways damaged and even graves were blown apart. Thanks to impressive and selfless
efforts by the United Jewish Communities, Jewish Federations, B’nai B’rith International and
other constituent agencies of the JCPA, and their contributors and members, millions of dollars
have reached northern Israel to help her residents begin to rebuild what the rockets destroyed.
There is still more work to be done. Families remain displaced, and the emotional and
psychological scarring from this war is not fully healed. These Israeli citizens need further
assistance as they continue to rebuild their lives.
Yet, this problem is not confined to the north of Israel. The city of Sderot, for example, a city in
Israel’s south, has over the past six years sustained thousands of rocket attacks launched from
the Gaza Strip. Similar rocket attacks in Israel’s south have targeted the civilian population and
industrial infrastructure of the city of Ashkelon and settlements (kibbutzim and moshavim) in
that area as well. Those attacks continue despite Israel’s complete evacuation of all Israelis
from Gaza. The attacks have resulted in deaths and injuries, as well as in deep psychological
distress among the residents. The rocket attacks have also caused substantial destruction and
economic damage to Sderot, an already impoverished town, and have violently disrupted
the city's economic life, adding a terrible economic malaise to the growing anxiety of daily life.
The residents of Sderot and other southern towns affected by Palestinian terrorist rocket attacks
must be supported both emotionally and economically in their defiant stand.
 Believes the global Jewish Community must remain committed to supporting these
displaced and crisis-weary Israelis.
JCPA member organizations are encouraged to:
 Provide financial assistance and emotional support for all the residents of the northern
and southern communities affected by Hezbollah and Palestinian attacks.
 Raise awareness regarding the plight of the residents of Sderot and other affected
southern towns and seek necessary support for them.
Advocate in their meetings with Israeli government officials for economic support for
affected southern towns, requesting in their discussions that the Government of Israel
declare the housing, employment and social welfare of these Israeli citizens a national
mission of appropriate priority.