MA 113 - Math for Elementary School Teachers

MA 314/514 -7P – Geometric & Proportional Reasoning
Spring 2014, Wed., 5:00-7:30
Instructor- Dr. Tommy Smith, Office- 122 EB, Phone 934-8089, Email
Office Hours- Wed. 9-11, 1:30-4:30, others by appointment
Text & Supplies: You will need a scientific calculator, a 3-ring binder with at least 5 tabs, a compass, a protractor, a ruler, and color
markers or pencils for various tasks. You may need other miscellaneous items such as straws, tape, glue, graph paper, and
construction paper. I’ll let you know about these.
Prerequisite: MA 313/513 (Patterns, Functions, and Algebraic Reasoning)
Course Description: This course will continue the methods and inquiry-based learning environment similar to that established in MA
313/513. It will continue to focus on problem solving and making sense out of mathematics. The content focus will be around
number systems and number sense, geometry, measurement, and proportional reasoning. Students will develop inductive and
deductive reasoning skills and will make and explore conjectures about mathematical concepts. Justification of ideas leading toward
formal proof will be developed within the course. Students will experience mathematics through hands-on investigations using
manipulatives and appropriate technologies. Collaborative learning will be one of the primary modes of instruction. Students will be
expected to communicate mathematics verbally and in writing through small group, whole group, and individual interactions.
Course Policies:
The UAB School of Education Student Dispositions Policy will be enforced in this course. A copy of the policy is found below
on this syllabus and on the Canvas site for this course.
*** Electronic Communication Devices: You are required to turn off (or turn to silent mode) all cell phones, email devices, and
computers upon entering the classroom. If this creates a hardship for you, see the instructor. Text Messaging, Face booking,
Tweeting, etc., or emailing during class will result in the issuance of a negative disposition form to be placed in your file. If you
want to use a calculator, then bring a hand held calculator.
Class attendance, observation, and participation in all sessions. Participation is a key part of the instruction and you can’t participate
if you are not here! Tardiness is a disruption to the learning process. Cumulative tardies may be counted as absences at the
instructor’s discretion.
Course Content: The specific mathematics content of the course will include these topics:
Linear, area and volume measurement, including standard and non-standard measurement as well as error analysis
Ratio and proportionality
Similarity and congruence
Analysis of one, two and three dimensional features of real objects
Identification and classification of geometric figures
Position and orientation, and transformational geometry
Exploration and analysis of three dimensional objects and their two-dimensional nets
Computing with integers
Coordinate graphing
Number theory (square numbers, triangular numbers, powers, properties of numbers)
Collecting, organizing and analyzing data
Inductive and deductive reasoning
Mathematically convincing arguments (leading to mathematical proofs)
Algebraic analysis of one-, two- and three-dimensional growth patterns
In addition to a focus on geometry and proportional reasoning, course time is spent developing participants´ numerical reasoning
skills. Through ‘number talks’ and other investigations, students will explore the rational number system including various
representations such as fractions, decimals, and percents.
Course Objectives:
1. Students will be able to solve a variety of math problems related to concepts taught in grades K-8.
2. Students will be able to define and use a variety of mathematics terms and concepts.
3. Students will be able to apply inductive and deductive reasoning to problems.
4. Students will be able to identify patterns in mathematics.
5. Students will be able to identify properties of geometric figures and apply these in classification schemes and problems.
6. Students will be able to apply problem solving strategies such as guess and check, working backwards, solve a simpler problem,
etc. to a variety of problems.
7. Students will be able to find the perimeter, area, and volume of standard (polygonal) and non-standard regions/objects.
8. Students will be able to apply measurement skills in the metric and English systems, and non-standard measures.
9. Students will demonstrate knowledge of concepts of number and number relationships, number systems, number theory,
estimation, and computation in the context of problem solving.
10. Students will be able to apply knowledge of ratio, proportions, similarity, and congruence in solving problems.
11. Student will be able to apply transformations and the use of symmetry in solving problems.
12. Students will communicate mathematical ideas orally and in writing including making conjectures and expressing mathematically
convincing arguments to justify claims.
Course requirements:
Class attendance, observation, and participation in all sessions. More than 1 absence may result in your grade being lowered
by 1 or more levels. Participation is a key part of the instruction and you can’t participate if you are not here! Tardiness is a
disruption to the learning process. Cumulative tardies may be counted as absences at the instructor’s discretion.
Class starts at 5:00 so be aware of traffic and parking so that you arrive to class on-time.
Individual menus of problems, group tasks, and homework problems. Homework is primarily for reinforcement and
extension of class sessions.
Complete article reviews and other readings.
Complete a Midterm Performance Task and a Final Performance Task in class near the middle of the course and at the end.
Develop a Final Mathematics Portfolio.
Have a positive mental attitude toward yourself, your classmates, and mathematics. Be respectful of fellow classmates and
the instructor as you share ideas.
MA 514 students are expected to give good attempts at all dessert problems. Your participation grade will include
this as a key factor. You are expected to be able to work independently on problems.
Evaluation: All course objectives will be measured by the following measures
Item 1.
Item 2.
Item 3.
Item 4.
Item 5.
Scores on completed Math Menus
Participation, Attendance, article reviews,
and instructor’s judgment of effort & persistence
Midterm Performance Assessment
Final Performance Assessment
Mathematics Portfolio
A typical grading formula (based on 10% grade range, A=90|100, B=80|89, etc.) will be used.
Grade = (combined % score on Menus * 20)+(% Score daily * 10)+(% Score Midterm * 30)+(% Score Final * 30)+(% Score
Portfolio * 10). There will be a 10% per day grade deduction for any task or assignment submitted late.
Special Notes:
UAB Spring break week March 23-27.
Additional Help in the Course: I will be glad to offer some outside of class assistance on selected problems. I cannot spend my
entire office hours tutoring any of you one-on-one, but I will work with you as you make sense of problems. You will also be working
collaboratively in groups. This should be another source of support.
Electronic Communication Devices: You are required to turn off (or turn to silent mode) all cell phones, email devices, and
computers upon entering the classroom. If this creates a hardship for you, see the instructor. Audio recording lectures is permitted.
Other Non-Academic (and academic) misconduct - The UAB School of Education Student Dispositions Policy will be enforced
in this course.
Candidates are held to high standards of professional conduct. To assess your professional dispositions, faculty members in UAB’s
SOE have developed a formal process for assessing each candidate’s professional dispositions. In the event that you exhibit
unsatisfactory professional dispositions, this may trigger an Unsatisfactory Professional Disposition. This process is described in the
following link:
(Refer to the Assessment of Unsatisfactory Professional Dispositions link).
You are responsible for reading the information in this link and for understanding the consequences when inappropriate
professional dispositions are displayed.
Policy Regarding Reasonable Accommodations
If you are registered with Disability Support Services (DSS), please make an appointment with your instructor to discuss
accommodations that may be necessary. It is incumbent upon the candidate to inform the instructor of necessary accommodations
throughout the semester as they may apply. If you have a disability but have not contacted DSS, please call 934-4205 or visit DSS at
516 Hill University Center. Candidates with disabilities must be registered with DSS and provide an accommodation request letter
before receiving accommodations in this class.
Policy Regarding Candidate E-Mail Requirement
UAB requires that each candidate use their UAB e-mail address for official communication. If you encounter trouble or problems
with your e-mail address, please contact ASK-IT (996-5555).
Policy Regarding Candidate Absences (Class attendance and participation):
Candidates are expected to be present at all class sessions. Any absence must have a documented excuse. Make up work will be
given at the discretion of the instructor. On the second absence, the student must arrange a conference with the instructor to discuss
this. Missing more than one class session may result in lowering your course grade by one mark per excess absence. More
than two absences may result in a negative dispositions rating and a note in the candidates file. Tardiness is also a disruption of the
learning process. More than 2 tardies may result in a Disposition Form being issued to the student.
Policy Regarding Late Assignments
Late assignments will be assessed a 10% penalty per day late.
Policy Regarding Oral and Written Communication
UAB’s SOE members faculty expect all candidates to be proficient in the areas of spoken and written communication. Consequently,
the course instructor reserves the right to recommend remediation for any candidate whose oral and written communication skills are
considered unsatisfactory. This remediation might include an objective diagnostic writing evaluation or completion of an appropriate
writing course (e.g., EDU 210 for undergraduate students; GRD 727 for graduate students).
Policies Regarding Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct
UAB Faculty members expect all members of the academic community to function according to the highest ethical and professional
standards. Academic dishonesty and misconduct includes, but is not limited to, acts of abetting, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and
misrepresentation. Candidates are expected to honor the UAB Honor Code, Academic Code of Conduct, Student Code of Conduct,
and Non-Academic Code of Conduct. Information regarding UAB’s policies regarding these Codes of Conduct is located in link
below. You may access this link online by going to:
UAB Key Dates Spring 2015
Jan 5 Classes Begin
Jan 5 - Jan 12 Registration After Classes Begin
Jan 12 Last Day to Drop/Add (Without paying full Tuition & Fees)
Jan 19 Martin Luther King Holiday
Mar 23 - Mar 28 Spring Break
Mar 30 Last Day to Withdraw
April 17 Last Day of Class
April 20-24 Final Exams
April 27 Grades Due (by midnight)
April 29 Grades Available Online
COURSE AGENDA Dates and assignments are tentative and may be adjusted forward as the pace of the course dictates.
Assignments and exams will be due no sooner than these posted dates.
MA 314/514 Agenda Spring 2015
Jan. 7 Intro -syllabus & letter in email), 4 Triangle Group Task, Process 4 triangles.
Playing around with circles task 1. Process drawing circles, extend circles task to move
toward constructions. Define Polygons-convex-concave-by number of sides,
Homework- give What’s your angle sheet, Article 1- Geometry: More Than Just Shapes
1/14 Article 1 due; What’s your angle sheet; What do you know about triangles group
task, triangulation task. Follow up questions on triangle sum, triangulation, trusses
problem; Basic Def of Quads sheet, Characteristics of Quads sheet and process; Quads
activity sheet (Wheeler book); talk about Menu item 1.1
1/21 Geo. Vocab., special angles, Pattern Block activity, Guess my block, Is this a
rectangle? Work on Menu 1.
1/28 Work on Menu 1. Menu item 1.1 is due. I will collect this. Work on Menu.
2/4 Menu item 1.2 due. I will collect this. Work on Menu. We'll process items. Work
on desserts.
2/11 Remainder of Menu is due. Processing menu.
2/18 Menus returned to students. Other review tasks for midterm. Introduction to area,
the Hand Task. (Possibly area on the geoboard.)
2/25 Midterm Exam.
3/4 Group tasks, area of 4, area on a geoboard. More work on area of polygons.
Complete area sheet for homework. Do group task on Shortest and Longest Perimeter.
3/11 Introduce similarity, Group task on similarity (similar rectangles). Begin Menu 2
3/18 Work on Menu 2. Menu problem 2.1 due. Process it with the class
3/25 Spring Break
4/1 Group task on Similar Pattern Blocks. Work on Menu 2, Menu problem 2.2 due.
4/8 Work on Menu. Problems 2.3, 2.4 due.
4/15 Remainder of menu due. Process Menu 2. Portfolios Due. Last day of class.
4/22 Final Exam, 5:00-7:30, per schedule for Wednesday night classes