Optimization of agricultural enterprises based on the methodology of optimal aggregation Taisa Borovska, Inna Shulgan Abstract - This article discusses a new approach to the optimization of agricultural enterprises on complex processing of raw materials on the basis of the methodology of the optimal aggregation, which allows you to replace the multidimensional problems of nonlinear programming system of onedimensional problems. The process of solving the problem: the mapping of the resource structure of the enterprise in a binary tree of optimal aggregation and development of the binary operator optimal aggregation. An example is given for a typical dairy. Keywords – information technology, optimization, aggregation, operator algebra, the production function. I. INTRODUCTION Modern distributed production system integrates: production, logistics, development and innovation to ensure the release of an effective product line. Therefore, the problem of optimal production control and enterprise development are relevant today. The methodology of optimal aggregation of production systems based on information technology to build "working models" - mathematical models implemented in an environment of mathematical packages. The essence of methodologies - the replacement of a multidimensional nonlinear programming system of onedimensional optimization problems. Computing costs while increasing approximately linearly with the dimensionality of the problem. In [1] presented optimal solution to the problem of aggregation of the integrated system "production, development". Substantially, the problem lies in the optimal distribution of of affordable "quantum" of the resource between the subsystems of "production" and "the development of production". The peculiarity of this mission is the parametric resource relationship between subsystems. In [2] based on the methodology optimal aggregation solved the problem optimal aggregation integrated subsystem of the "production, development, innovation." In [3] shows a system model of the optimal development of the production system taking into account the of uncertainties of "active environment" - competitors and consumers. Taisa Borovska - Vinnitsa National Technical University, Khmelnytske shosse 95, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 21021, E-mail: taisaborovska@gmail.com Inna Shulgan - Vinnitsa National Technical University, Khmelnytske shosse 95, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 21021, E-mail: shulganinna29@gmail.com In this paper solves the problem of optimal distribution of resources between different types of agricultural products taking into account the uncertainty in prices resources and products of production. II. METHODOLOGY OF OPTIMAL AGGREGATION. EXAMPLE OF OPTIMIZATION OF DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES BETWEEN PRODUCTS The methodology of optimal aggregation occurred as a result of the decisions and studies the classical problem of optimal distribution of limited resources between the production elements. The aim of the development was to create a method of optimization that has no restrictions of a mathematical nature: linearity, convexity, the existence of continuous the derivatives. The method has no direct analogs in information technology for solving optimization problems. Consider the procedure for solving optimization problems by the method of optimal aggregation on the example (Fig. 1): - structuring of the production system (selection of elements - converters "resource, product", identification of resource links); - the formation of base functions of the "expenses, production" (production functions (PF)) for the elements; - record PF in a standard format operand algebra; - forming the base of the binary operators optimal aggregation for typical links; displaying the production system structure in binary tree structure optimal aggregation; - meeting the challenge (getting the optimal equivalent production functions (OEPF) system, and vector function of optimal resource allocation); - parameterization OEFP (getting the system of functions influence). Method of optimum aggregating of parallel structures – algebraic; algebra-matrix structure, in the first column (Fig. 1b) - the value of the discrete function output (PF), in the following columns - the relevant dimensionless resource values for each subsystem. A binary tree in Fig. 1a - is a structural formula that runs in the environment of simulation; f1, f2, f3 – discretized PF of subsystems - matrix corresponding dimension; f2o – operator which takes two production function and returns the optimal equivalent production function (OEFP). EOFP belongs to a plurality of carriers algebra. Strictly proven associativity and operator f2o commutativity [1, 2]. Analogues: algebra numbers addition, algebra of transfer function. Unlike counterparts - optimization, built-in operator. “COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES” (CSIT’2015), 14-17 SEPTEMBER 2015, LVIV, UKRAINE OEFP values and functions of the optimal allocation of resources (Fig. 2b). Is the text of the module that implements operator F2opr, optimal aggregation structure with nonlinear parametric relationship (fig. 2c). Fig.1. Example of optimal aggregating parallel structure The methodology of optimal aggregation in practical terms - the solution of problems of optimization of production systems when the production system there are new classes of inter-element connection. Consider the procedure for solving optimization problems on the example (Fig. 2): - analysis of the resource structure of the chosen segment of production systems; - analysis of resource links between elements; - the formalization of new classes of resource links, structure development of the operands and binary operators optimal aggregation; solving optimization problem by the method of optimal aggregation. In Fig. 2 decision represented the optimal aggregation of integrated structures “production, development". The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that in today's high-tech industries development (modernization, replacement of production capacity, product models) actually occurs continuously. Informative statement of the problem: the enterprise solves the problem of optimum distribution of "quantum" resource between existing production and increasing production efficiency. In mathematical terms, the relationship between the subsystems is parametric: "development" modifies parameters of "production". Optimization of object-system of two subsystems, each of which consists of subsystems "production" and "development". Shows the structural formula of optimal aggregation (Fig. 2a) and optimization results-matrix Fig.2. Example of optimum aggregating of “production, development” Solution of the problem of optimal aggregation structures "production development" allowed us to posing the problem and solve the problem of the class "localization of production in the region", "optimization of assembly production management structure components". Without a solution to such problems does not make sense to do formulation of the problem of sustainable of optimal development of regional structures (settlements, districts, regions). Consider the features of solution of optimization tasks of production systems based on the methodology at the detailed example model dairy. Dairy provides a specific region of dairy products, creates jobs and provides a reliable product sales dairy farms and small suppliers, as well as supplies under contracts remote users (including for export) products such as butter, powdered and condensed milk. This is potentially an effective sustainable socio-techno-economic system. Perform the formulation and solution of the problem of optimizing the distribution of the primary resource milk from suppliers of production between products. "Problem Statement" in this case, the methods for Applied Systems Analysis. We consider the system as a “COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES” (CSIT’2015), 14-17 SEPTEMBER 2015, LVIV, UKRAINE whole (Fig. 3) as a technological converter "resources product" or "input - output". Fig.4. Optimal aggregation product line "milk" Fig.3. Displaying the resource structure of the enterprise in a binary tree of optimal aggregating We perform display resource structure of technological system (Fig. 3a) in the binary tree structure optimal aggregating (Fig. 3b). We are doing it for a part of the circuit - from the delivery of milk to the total output. On the scheme presents the elements of production system, which will be included in the model the following of approximations - subsystem development, service, and patterns of consumption and of consumers, competition models, advertising. The company produces a large quantity of products, but they can be grouped by purpose and production technologies. In Fig. 3 shows the product line "butter" (a fat content of 60%, 70%, 80%), "milk" (a fat content of 2%, 4%, 6%), "powdered milk", "condensed milk". The multidimensional problem of optimal aggregating is divided into tasks aggregating lines of products, and then - aggregating types of products. In Fig. 4 for lines milk are shown: the formula aggregating (Fig. 4a), price charts of production functions milk of various fat (Fig. 4b) and the result of optimization - Matrix Fml (Fig. 4c), according to which the graphs in Fig. 5. Fig.5. Results of optimal aggregation product line "milk" In Figs. 6 and 7 shows the results of optimal aggregating product line "butter". Fig.6. Optimal aggregation product line "butter" “COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES” (CSIT’2015), 14-17 SEPTEMBER 2015, LVIV, UKRAINE 1500 1350 Butr1kc kc c1200 1050 Butr2kc kc c 900 750 Butr3kc kc c 600 Butr4kc kc c 450 300 150 0 0 Темп випуску Доля выпуска продукции 1500 Functions optimal distribution of resources 0 2400 0 2160 1920 1680 1 1440 1200 Fmb kc 960 720 480 240 0 0 400 800 1200 1600 kc c Затраты ресурса суммарные 2000 2000 Optimal equivalent öåíà ðåñóðñà production Cm0 3 function араспределения 400 800 1200 1600 2000 kcproduct c ресурсов Fig.5. Results of optimal aggregation line " butter Темп витрат The last step in the optimization of resource allocation between the products of production - the optimal aggregation of OEFP lines "butter", "milk", "condensed milk", "powdered milk" - aggregation of second level (Fig. 8). Fig. 8. Binary tree optimal aggregation product lines Also, like the previous aggregating, the last aggregation - routine operation subject to the availability of adequate models of production functions elements. Production function should reflect the dependence "costs - Issue " for some production. This is quite a difficult task for technologists, economists and consumers even in the case of a known product. In this challenging and discussion task, choose the approaches developed in the Applied System Analysis. Possible ways of obtaining production functions (FP): - FP-regularly forms the manufacturer based on standard cost accounting and production in natural and monetary units. PF in this case empirical dependence, sophisticated fuzzy accounting procedures and data confidentiality; - PF receives a system analyst based on gathering descriptive information about "generating mechanisms", well-known mathematical models of technological processes. Statistics available is drawn at the stage of verification of the model. This methodology of J Forrester; - PF is determined based on modern data processing ICS, PCs online. It should be noted that classical methods of analysis and optimization, empirical PF approximates the restricted method used: linear, quadratic, convex, continuous. Limitations of the method of optimal aggregation: weakly positive and weakly monotonic bounded PF. Inability to get PF some enterprise accounting standard database reveals deficiencies in the Organization and technology of production. In many cases technological processes stochastic. For standard calculations of uncertainties and risks of production it is necessary to determine the probability distribution production system as a convolution of the probability distributions of subsystems. This topical and complex problem is solved on the basis of methodology of optimal aggregating [4]: we created an operator of optimal aggregating for stochastic PF. III. CONCLUSION In this paper goal to develop effective work of mathematical models and techniques to solve the problem of optimal allocation of resources between various types of agricultural products, taking into account the uncertainty of the resource prices and products. Proposed solution to the problem based on the methodology for the optimal aggregation of production systems. The effectiveness of the methodology due to the use of information technology to build working models in an environment modeling packages. We have defined the procedure for solving optimization problems of varying complexity. On this basis, we have performed the task of optimal aggregation for dairy. We have developed a method of optimal aggregating product lines. We performed analysis of alternatives to the formation of production functions. We have shown the need for sharing "technology" and "price" of the functions of production. In a modern economy, the prices of raw materials and product only on average reflect real costs and value. To account for the effects of random fluctuations is designed and implemented programmatically parameterized solution of optimization tasks when optimal function equivalent production system depends not only on the magnitude of a system resource, but also on resource prices and products. This solution is unique among the known methods. Resource allocation optimization model developed dairy is open to changes in the assortment of products, production technology. The model may include additional restrictions on the volume of production of individual products. Possible to configure the optimal allocation of system resources to the mating tasks: minimizing the cost of production at the specified output volume. Theoretical solution of the tasks set out in article is an extension of the algebra of optimal aggregation is the basis for a holistic, algebra theory of production systems, such as the theory of “COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES” (CSIT’2015), 14-17 SEPTEMBER 2015, LVIV, UKRAINE linear dynamic systems. Fast parametric and structural changes of modern production systems require the development of information technology is continuously immediately to modify models of the production system. REFERENCES [1]. Borovska, T. N. (2014). Optimal aggregation of production systems with parametric connections. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11(70)), 9-19. DOI: 10.15587/17294061.2014.26306. [2]. Borovska, T. N., Kolesnik, I. S., Severilov, V. A., Severilov, P. V. (2014). Optimal models of innovation development production systems. EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(2(71)), 42-50. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014. 28030. [3]. Borovska, T. 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