Table 2 Mineralogy of selected spring-limestone deposits. Mineralogy was determined only in cases of suspect for magnesian calcite or aragonite, such as in case of fibrous CaCO3. For deposits that obviously consisted of low-magnesian calcite, a few check samples were investigated by XRD (not shown here). The calculated mole percentage of MgCO3 in calcite is indicated as ('X mol%') in parentheses. Method: X-ray powder diffractometry for identification of carbonate polymorphs and determination of magnesium content of calcite was done on a BrukerAXS D8 diffractometer with Bragg-Brentano geometry, CuK radiation, at 40kV and 40mA acceleration voltage, with parallel-beam optics and an energy-dispersive detector. The data was collected between 2 and 70° 2θ, with a step size of 0,02° 2θ, and a detecting time of four seconds per step. Crystalline phase identification was done with the program Eva.Ink and the PDF4 data base 8.0.113 of ICDD. Chunks of actively-forming spring limestones were sampled for XRD measurement at two different positions (two XRD measurements per sample of active limestone). Quantitative phase composition, including relative percentage aragonite/magnesian calcite/calcite, was done by Rietveld-refinement using Bruker-AXS software TOPAS 2-1; the relative standard deviation for this calculation is five wt%. For determination of Mg content in calcite, crystallographic data (cell volume, lattice constant a and c, d-value of [104]-reflection) were extraced by Rietveld-refinement using TOPAS 2.1 and the initial structure model ICSD 20179 (Borodin et al. 1979). The calculation of mol% MgCO3 followed the calibration by Goldsmith et al. (1961). References: Borodin VL, Lyutin VI, Ilyukhin VV, Belov NV (1979) Isomorphic series of calcite-otavite. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 245(5):1099-1101 Goldsmith JR, Graf DL, Eard HC (1961) Lattice constants of the calcium-magnesium carbonates. American Mineralogist 46:453-457 Geographic location, federal country of Austria (A), or other state Name of deposit; activity status; U/Th age (where available) Sample AIT 2 Ainet, Eastern Tyrol (A) Ainet; fossil deposit AIT 7, bulk sample of laminated springstone AIT 8 Mineralogy in XRD (relative percentage of minerals or carbonate polymorphs) Magnesian calcite (5 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (5.6 mol%) Magnesian calcite (5.4 Remarks Three laminae of laminated springstone Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone Bulk sample U/Th ages (Boch et al., 2005): 13.440 0.16 ka 13.490 0.17 ka 13.960 0.11 ka 13.700 0.13 ka Fimber valley, Tyrol (A) AIT 9A mol%) Magnesian calcite (5.5 mol%), aragonite AIT 9B_1 Calcite (3.6 mol%), aragonite AIT 9B_2 Calcite (3.3 mol%), aragonite Schwarze Wand; fossil deposit SWAN 1 SWAN 6 Calcite (1.3 mol%) Calcite (1.2 mol %) Tote Kuh; fossil deposit TKU/A Magnesian calcite (4.2 mol%) TKU/B TKU/D TKU 2 Calcite (0.5 mol%) Calcite (0.7 mol%) Calcite (0.8 mol%) FLA 6 Magnesian calcite (6.9 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (11.2 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (9.7 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (8.1 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (8.3 mol%) FLA 13 FLA 14 FLA 17 FLA 19 Sample of 2-mm thick cement fringe in megapore within laminated springstone Selective sample of lightcoloured laminae of laminated springstone Selective sample of lightcoloured laminae of laminated springstone Bulk sample of tufa Bulk sample of tufa Sample of laminated cement fringe within phytoclastic tufa Bulk sample of tufa Bulk sample of tufa Sample of laminated cement fringe within phytoclastic tufa Bulk sample of intraclastic tufa Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Bulk sample of moss tufa Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Flath-Alm, Tyrol (A) Flath-Alm; fossil deposit FLA 20 U/Th age: 8.9 ± 0.3 ka (Ostermann, 2006) FLA 22 FLA 25 FLA 27_1 FLA 27_2 FLA 30 FLA 33_1 ABR 4 Magnesian calcite (6.5 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (5.7 mol%), aragonite Calcite (3.8 mol%) ABR 5, bulk sample Calcite (2.6 mol%) LAA 1 Magnesian calcite (4.3 mol%) LAA 2 Magnesian calcite (4.4 mol%) GSAL 4 Magnesian calcite (4.4 FLA 33_2 Alter Bruch (part of active system at Laas); active deposit Magnesian calcite (7.6 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (8.6 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (8.3 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (6.9 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (8.2 mol%), aragonite Magnesian calcite (5.7 mol%), aragonite Laas, Southern Tyrol, Italy Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood Bulk sample of laminated cementstone formed within megapore in tufa limestone Bulk sample of moss tufa Bulk sample of moss tufa Sample of dense, indurated springstone of fibrous calcite Bulk sample of tufa formed in association with cyanobacteria Fibrous magnesian calcite precipitated on experimental substrate (rinse fleece) Fibrous magnesian calcite precipitated on experimental substrate (rinse fleece) GSAL 5 GSAL 6 Gsalerweg; fossil deposit GSAL 7 U/Th age: 13.4 ± 0.2 ka (Ostermann, 2006) GSAL 8 GSAL 9 ÜBH 4 Überhang (part of active system at Laas); active deposit mol%) Magnesian calcite (5.0 mol%) Magnesian calcite (4.5 mol%) Magnesian calcite (4.4 mol%) Magnesian calcite (4.7 mol%) Magnesian calcite (5.4 mol%) Magnesian calcite (4.1 mol%) ÜBH 5, bulk sample Calcite/Magnesian calcite (4.0 mol%) ÜBH 6, bulk sample Calcite (1.5 mol%) ÜBH 6, outer fringe Calcite (3.4 mol%) ÜBH 7 Calcite (3.0 mol%) ÜBH 8_1 Calcite (3.5 mol%), haematite Calcite (2.9 mol%) ÜBH 8_2 Bulk samples of tufa limestones including phytoclastic tufa and moss tufa Bulk sample of about 3 laminae of laminated waterfall tufa Bulk sample of laminated waterfall tufa, drilled across ~ 15 laminae From brownish, iron-oxide rich, non-laminated inner part of sample of laminated waterfall tufa From light-coloured, nonlaminated, 1.5cm thick outer tufa fringe of sample of laminated waterfall tufa 3 mm thick lamina of waterfall tufa with endolithic Gloeocapsa Bulk sample of moss tufa Bulk sample of top of light-coloured carbonate LDQ 5 Spring number 1; active deposit Landeck, Tyrol (A) LDQ 6 LDQ 7 LDQ 1, petrified wood Aragonite ≈ 81 wt% Calcite ≈ 19 wt% Aragonite ≈ 73 wt% Calcite ≈ 27 wt% Aragonite ≈ 76 wt% Calcite ≈ 24 wt% Calcite (0.4 mol%) Landeck; fossil part of deposit LDQ 2, bulk sample of tufa Magnesian calcite (13.2 mol%), aragonite Blasigleralm; fossil deposit BLS 3 Calcite (1.2 mol%) Stoffenalm; fossil deposit STL 1 Calcite (1.1 mol%) OBL 4_1, bulk sample of laminated springstone OBL 4_2 Calcite (0.0 mol%) OBL 11 B, bulk sample of laminated springstone OBL 12, bulk sample of laminated springstone OBL 7 Calcite (1.4 mol%) Navis valley, Tyrol (A) Calcite (0.0 mol%) Fossil spring-associated limestones Obladis, Tyrol (A) Active limestone- Calcite (0.0 mol%) Calcite (1.5 mol%) crust forming close-up with the green tips of moss plants in a moss tuft Sample of crust on peg of Picea abies Sample of crust on peg of Picea abies Sample of crust on peg of Picea abies X-ray sample drilled directly out of petrified wood Bulk sample of tufalimestone matrix of petrified wood Bulk of ~ 25 laminae of laminated springstone of fibrous calcite Bulk of ~ 25 laminae of laminated springstone of fibrous calcite Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone Sample of single, whitecoloured lamina in laminated springstone Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone Bulk of ~ 15 laminae of laminated springstone depositing spring Feistritz an der Gail, Carinthia (A) Trebesing, Styria (A) Sankt Magdalena; fossil deposit OBL 7A Calcite (1.5 mol%) SMA 5, bulk sample Calcite (1.9 mol%) SMA 6B, bulk sample Calcite (2.1 mol%) SMA 7_1, bulk sample from only faintly laminated portion SMA 7_2, selective sample of light-coloured laminae TRE 1 Calcite (2.6 mol%) TRE 4A, bulk sample Calcite (1.5 mol%) TRE 4A, petrified wood Calcite (1.2 mol%) Calcite (2.3 mol%) Calcite (2.2 mol%) Limestone of 'old' mineral spring; fossil deposit Sample of iron-oxide rich (reddish) portion of sample OBL 7 Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone faintly laminated tufa Four laminae of laminated tufa Bulk sample of laminated springstone, drilled across ~ 10 laminae Bulk sample of petrified wood Sample of marginal fringe of petrified wood