WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION EC-PORS-5/ INF. 10(2) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PANEL OF EXPERTS ON POLAR OBSERVATIONS, RESEARCH AND SERVICES Fifth session Date: 5 February 2014 AGENDA ITEM: 3.1 Wellington, New Zealand, 25 – 28 February 2014 CLIMATE OBSERVATIONS, NETWORKS AND DATA MANAGEMENT DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED: EC-PORS is informed on the following CCl activities that will influence the progress in addressing all observations for climate. Observations in cold areas and mountainous regions are part of CCl focus. CONTENT OF DOCUMENT: Role of CCl in the development of climate observations, networks and related data management aspects relevant to Polar Regions. EC-PORS-5, INF.10(2), p. 2 Role of CCl in the development of climate observations, networks and related data management aspects relevant to Polar Regions 1. The Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO No. 100) was last formally updated in 2011, and CCl has agreed on an update schedule. Chapter 2 (Climate Observations, Stations and Networks) is due to be updated in 2016, which might include an update on solid precipitations in cold and mountainous areas. This update will be worked out through a new proposed structure of CCl. CCl MG proposed a revised structure for the CCl for its sixteenth intersessional period (201418), including among other elements of structure a pool of rapporteurs to engage with and communicate climate observational needs to all relevant Technical Commissions and other groups such as WIGOS, WIS, GCOS, JCOMM, Global Cryospheric Watch (GCW), etc. Working groups are planned to work with SPICE to identify improved methods of measuring sold precipitation, and to develop plans for the establishment of global voluntary observing networks where existing networks are inadequate. Experts from the pool would also respond to ad hoc requests to CCl on issues of data or standards. It is also considered useful to establish a working group to scope and if thought suitable, to progress, the development of a quantitative version of the Statement of Guidance for climate observational needs. 2. CCl presented its plans to develop a High Quality Global Data Management Framework for Climate (HQ-GDMFC), for the purpose of establishing a best-practice guidance and regulatory framework for climate data management within WMO Member countries. EC-65 welcomed this initiative and requested CCl to work with other commissions and programmes on defining the HQGDMFC. This framework would address quality and management issues relevant to all climate data, such as also those pertaining to GCW. An inter-commission programme of work will be discussed at CCl-16. 3. CCl is working on an international Data Rescue Portal that would provide information services on inventory of climate records existing world wide, data rescue projects and best practices and technologies for recovering and digitizing climate records. 4. The nomenclature of “Centennial Climate Stations” is being developed by CCl, recognizing those observing stations which have accumulated at least 100 years of measurements. EC-65 has requested CCl to investigate, jointly with GCOS and CIMO, an appropriate WMO mechanism for the designation of such stations so as the raise the awareness among decision makers about the importance of maintaining long-term observations for climate assessment, adaptation and services. Recommendations: Recognize the importance of above CCl activities for GCW. Cold and mountainous regions are amongst the most sensitive areas to climate change and having huge consequence on weather and climate globally, regionally and/or locally. Improving, maintaining observation networks and managing related data in these areas is very important. Guiding Members on what to do and how to do in these aspects is becoming an urgent issue for implementing high quality climate assessment and climate services. Request CCl to accelerate its work with other Commissions and Programmes to develop common guidance on network requirement, maintenance, sustainability, data management and the recovery and digitisation of old records in support of GCW.