Programme of Bachelor’s degree study programme of Geography Purpose of the study programme: 1) to train qualified teachers with competences in modern education theories and modern teaching geography methods who would be able to work at schools of general education, vocational schools, gymnasiums, education centres and institutions of special and complementary education within the formal and informal educational programmes. 2) to create conditions for accumulation of fundamental knowledge from different fields of natural and human geography and to train skills of practical work necessary for attainment of bachelor‘s degree. 3) To train specialists, active society members able to critically reason and professionally act within the changing social environment, actively participate in development and implementation of country’s educational policy and ready for lifelong learning and qualification extension. The study programme of Geography provides conditions for students to become well-qualified specialists with university education: on successful completion of the study programme students acquire modern knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, natural science and geography, based on the latest scientific achievements and are able to apply it in their practical activities and to expand it independently by going deeper into the field and by conducting research on pedagogical activity improvement. At the same time students develop the concept of modern technologies based on national cultural values, develop special competences necessary for a teacher of geography and ability to improve them through lifelong learning. In this way it is ensured that the purpose of Bachelor’s degree study programme of Geography complies with the University aims, defined in the LUES Statute and 2012 – 2020 year Strategic Plan: “to prepare specialists of highest qualifications <…> able to influence the advancements in science, education and culture of Lithuania”; “to create conditions for University students to acquire university higher education based on research and conforming to the contemporary level of geography, qualification and research degree”. The goals of the Geography programme conform to the requirements for university first cycle study programmes confirmed by Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania by order No. ĮSAK-1551 of July 22, 2005, in „Regulations for basic, vocational and integrated studies programme“, based on Dublin Descriptors (2004) initiated by Bologna process (1999), which encourage orientation towards the models of modern school and place emphasis on the importance of communication, cooperation, learning and social skills. After completion of this study programme in 2005–2010, the graduates were granted Bachelor‘s of geography degree and teacher‘s qualification (field of studies – physical sciences, study course – geography, qualification degree – Bachelor of Geography, professional qualification – teacher). On September 1, 2010, the content of the study programme for bachelor‘s degree was renewed pursuant to Order of the Lithuanian Minister of Education No. V-501 of April 9, 2010, “On the Approval of the Descriptor of General Requirements for First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes” and Order of the Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science No. V-54 of January 8, 2010, „On approval of the regulations on training teachers“. Based on these documents, the pedagogical studies are parallel integrated into the university first cycle programme, which trains a new type of socially competent teacher oriented towards the student’s personality. The studies are organised in such a way that the specialised education would be regarded by the future teacher as a means of encouragement of students’ development as is expected from the Lithuanian educational reform. The graduates who entered the LUES Geography programme in 2010 will be granted the degree of Bachelor of Subject Didactics and Geography and teacher‘s qualification (field of studies – social sciences, study course – pedagogy, branch of study course – subject didactics, qualification degree – Bachelor of Subject didactics and Natural and Human Geography, professional qualification – teacher). In 20132–2013, the University has been running 20 first cycle study programmes. The graduates will be granted the qualification degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy and teacher‘s professional qualification. In 2010 – 2011, following the Resolution of the Government of RL “On Approval of List of Study Areas and Fields, According to Which Studies in Higher Education Institutions are Organised, and List of Qualification Degrees“ (23 12 2009, No.1749), it was decided to grant the degrees of Bachelor of Geography Education in LUES (VPU) (this is underlined in the List of the Study Programme of the Study Field of Natural Geography (F800) and Pedagogy (X100 approved by CQAHE). Such decision of the Government did not meet requirements of integral geography taught in general education schools. On February 23 2011, following the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science , the qualification degree granted by the Study Programme of Geography (state code 612X130220) was changed into the degree of Bachelor of Natural and Human Geography Education and teacher’s qualification. Such decision allowed and will allow realising the content of geography, as that of integral science. Currently, the Study Programme of Geography LEU is the only study programme in Lithuania, where an individual with secondary education and determined to do pedagogical work, are provided with a possibility to study geography and acquire qualification of Geography teacher; therefore, they are able to compete in the labour market as geographers and teachers. The specialisation of Tourism Management. Since 2002 the facilities and academic staff of the GT at LEU have been used for training of tourism managers. About 250 young specialists graduated or are still studying in the study programme of Tourism Management and they work in tourism and travel agencies, tourism information centres, administrative structures, in the sphere of tourism abroad. Studies are popular among students-geographers. Each year the study programme admits 18-25 third year students of the full-time study programme, whose academic achievements are best and who are active in public activities. Studies last in Years 3-4 (Semesters 6-8) . Without study subjects of general education , pedagogical studies and study subjects in the field of studies the study subjects of tourism specialisation are introduced: Introduction to tourism and kinds of tourism; Historic-cultural heritage; Tourism planning and legal framework, Theory and strategy of tourism, Methodology of excursion preparation and management, Tourism events and school tourism; Tourism management, Tourism marketing, Tourism information and reservation systems, Tourism theory and practice (course paper). The studies are finalised with the Final examination of tourism management. Next to the scientific degree of Bachelor of Geography and professional qualification of teacher of Geography of general education school, a graduate, having implemented the specialization of Tourism management , acquires qualification in Tourism management and obtains qualification certificate. Since 2013, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technologies of the LUES has been organising geography distance studies (internet). This is the first programme of this type in the LUES. It offers a good opportunity to attain university education and bachelor‘s diploma for those who are not in a position to leave for a longer time their place of residence (in Lithuania or other country) for full-time studies in Vilnius. The volume and content of distance study programme do not differ from other types of studies (full-time, part-time studies) and develop the same competences. This type of study programme is accredited and its diploma is equivalent to the diplomas of other types of studies. The Geography subject module (90 credits) was successfully introduced in the autumn semester of 2013. It is designed for practicing teachers (16 entrants). The module was developed following the regulation for training teachers Order No. V-1742 of December 12, 2012, of the Minister of Education of the RL (Official Gazette 2012, No 149-7654). Teachers with higher school qualification working at educational institutions can be enrolled in this study module. The completion of the module is certified. Goals of the Master Study Programme of Geography: 1. To accumulate information on development of natural and human geography knowledge in the world, to deepen methodology of geographic research and to develop skills of practical work that are necessary for acquisition of the Master’s degree. 2. To train qualified specialists in geography, who are aware of modern theories of natural and social development, which have mastered methods of research on spatial phenomena and are able to successfully work in institutions of public sector administration, education and planning, and in economic and business establishments. 3. to educate and develop specialists, who are active members of the society and educationalists, who are able to think critically and to act professionally in a constantly changing social environment, who are able to actively involve in national educational policy making and its implementation and who are ready for life long learning and development.