South East Region’s Intercounties Championship Discipline: English Sporting Date: April 4th/5th 2009 Venue: Southdown Sporting Gun Club Greater London Reserve: Ben Ayres Adrian Balham Neville Jay Mark O’Dowd Nick Foster Aldis Kartocius Total: Lady: Sarah Flight Junior: Fabio Dimaria Colt: Sophie Weller Vet: Tom Wingham Score Kent Score Buckinghamshire Score 88 82 88 80 84 422 67 79 45 74 Reserve: Tim Martin Kevin Howland Henry Arnold Mark Vessey Ross Straker Mark Winser Total: Lady: Maxine Hales Junior: Jamie Leadsham Colt:Tom Corbin Vet: Chris Mumford 91 90 81 87 92 441 69 80 68 80 Phil Easeman Gwyn Presley Chester Cobb Paul Brown Rene Rivoire Total: Lady: Lorrayne Harris Junior: Chester Cobb Colt: Vet: Paul Roden 86 85 85 81 72 409 29 85 Sussex George Digweed Tom Bury Steve Clark Henry Devall Richard Effamy Total: Lady: Cheryl Beacham Junior: Dan Whittaker Colt: Dan Tarrant Vet: Ray Effamy Surrey 88 81 96 76 82 423 66 78 80 87 Essex Scott Greenfield Luke Riddington Steve Miller Phil Moss Robert Humphreys Total: Lady: Tracey Riddington Junior: Matt Bone Colt: Daniel Wicker Vet: Paul Buckley Reserve: Tim Heywood Alex Cobb Danny Smith Adrian Berry Jason Duncton Bob Clarke Total: Lady: Natasha Vadasz Junior: Oliver Betchley Colt: Sidney Radcliffe Vet: John Duncton Oxfordshire 87 81 84 81 80 413 56 74 34 81 Hertfordshire 90 87 73 72 82 404 71 80 83 78 Martin Papworth Robert Gray Stuart Taylor Peter Butler Paul Lovick Total: Lady: Jane Maloney Junior: Chris Papworth Colt: Jack Lovick Vet: Dave Camp 80 Steve Cox Julian Freeman Matt Hance Chris Broomfield Tim Thornett Total: Lady: Junior: Bob Blundell Colt: Vet: 85 76 85 83 71 400 Berkshire 88 83 75 83 87 416 67 87 75 Mark Marshall Chris Childerhouse John Rideout Ady Miles Robin Blamire Total: Lady: Pet Easton Junior: Tim Bovingdon Colt: Amber Hill Vet: Gerald Hatt 84 87 83 90 84 428 63 59 37 72 South East Region’s Intercounties Championship Discipline: English Sporting Date: April 4th/5th 2009 Venue: Southdown Sporting Gun Club Counties Final Team Positions Scores 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 441/500 428 423 422 416 413 409 404 400 Kent Berkshire Sussex Greater London Hertfordshire Surrey Buckinghamshire Essex Oxfordshire Champion: Steve Clark (Sussex) 96/100 Lady Champion: Tracey Riddington (Essex) 71 Junior Champion: Chester Cobb (Buckinghamshire) 85 Colt Champion: Jack Lovick (Hertfordshire) 87 Veteran Champion: Ray Effamy (Sussex) 87 South East Region of the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association Discipline: English Sporting Venue: Southdown Sporting Gun Club Date: 4th/5th April 2009 The season kicked off with an excellent sporting championship courtesy of Southdown. The weather was excellent, a good entry and a good atmosphere. The Champion, who shot on the Saturday, was Steve Clark (Sussex) with a massive 96/100, the Ladies Champion was, again, Tracey Riddington (Essex) with 71, the Junior Champion was Chester Cobb (Bucks) with 85, the Colt Champion was Jack Lovick (Herts) with 87 and the veteran champion was Ray Effamy (Sussex) with 87. The Winning Team was Kent, with Berkshire in second place (their best effort since joining the Region) with Sussex coming in third. Sadly there was only three shooters present for the prize giving, Luke and Tracey Riddington and Ross Straker but Steve Clark drove for an hour to collect his Champion’s trophies and badge and he was delighted so that made it more worthwhile Our glorious leader, Johnny Johnson, presented the prizes and we all went home. My thanks to the all the Peckhams and Southdown for a very successful championship Sandie Buckler South East Regional Secretary