The Skeleto-Muscular System

Chapter 6 The Skeleto-Muscular System
 Movement is a defining characteristic of animals
 Humans move by applying tension to the bones and joints of the skeletal system
 The tension is applied by the muscular system
 Therefore, the skeletal and muscular systems work together as a unit
Functions of skeleto-muscular system
 Support the body allowing us to stay upright
 Allow for movement and locomotion
 Help maintain a constant body temperature
 Protect internal organs and stabilize joints
 The skeleton produces blood cells (hematopoiesis) and stores and releases minerals
such as calcium and phosphorus (essential for muscular contraction)
 Movement depends on the unique arrangement of muscle and bone
 All human skeletal muscles have a similar function and structure
They contract (shorten) to produce movement
They relax to their original (resting length)
Bone formation
 Bones are a form of connective tissue
 Formed by immature bone cells called osteoblasts
 Ossification (bone formation) can be endochondral (formed within a cartilage frame)
or intramembranous (formed between sheets of fibrous connective tissue)
 Most bones are endochondral; intramembranous bones are flat bones of the skull,
clavicle, mandible
Bones grow thicker and longer
 Growth occurs at the outer surface of the bone
 Cells within the periosteum differentiate into osteoblasts and begin to add matrix to
the exterior
 The accumulating matrix entraps these osteoblasts, which mature into osteocytes,
creating new bone tissue around the exterior of the bone
Bone tissue comes in two forms
 Compact (dense) bone usually occurs at the edges of bones and is composed of many
individual osteons
Each osteon has a central canal that houses blood vessels and nerves
 Spongy bone is less organized and lacks osteons
Has trabeculae (struts) that form in response to stress
Bones grow thicker and longer
 The ends of the bones (epiphyses) include the epiphyseal plate
Area of cartilage where long bones continue to grow during childhood and
Eventually the bones cease growing, the cartilage is replaced by bone,
leaving an epiphyseal line
 Wherever two bones meet, there will be a layer of hyaline cartilage preventing the
bones from rubbing against each other
Bone marrow
 The central canal of the long bone houses the marrow
 Blood cells form in the red marrow found in the spongy bone at the bone ends
 Energy is stored in the yellow marrow found in the medullary cavity in the shaft
Bone remodeling
 Bones are highly dynamic tissues, constantly being remodeled to better suit the needs
of the body
 At maturity, there is no further lengthening of bones but there is still continued
 Bone renewal may occur at rates as high as 18%
 Bone remodeling occurs for two basic reasons
In response to physical stress to strengthen or weaken the bones
They are the body’s main store of calcium used to maintain homeostatic
levels of calcium in the blood
 Calcium is required for nerve transmission and muscle contraction
 If blood calcium levels are low, osteoclasts dissolve the matrix,
releasing calcium
 If blood calcium levels are high, osteoblasts produce new matrix,
removing calcium from the blood
Bone repair
 Steps involved in bone repair
Hematoma - blood clot forms (6-8 hours)
Fibrocartilaginous callus (~3 weeks)
Bony callus - cartilaginous callus to spongy bone (3-4 months)
The human skeleton
 206 bones
The axial skeleton
 Along the central axis of the body
Skull - cranial and facial bones
Hyoid bone
Vertebral column - vertebrae and intervertebral disks
Rib cage - ribs and sternum
 Cranial bones protect the brain
Consists of 8 tightly-fitting bones held together by fixed joints called
 Facial bones protect the entrances of the respiratory and digestive systems and some
of the sensory organs
Mandible, maxillae, zygomatic bones, nasal bones
 Hyoid - only bone that does not articulate with another
Vertebral column
o Types of vertebrae: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 1 sacrum (5 fused), coccyx (3-5
fused into tailbone)
o Intervertebral disks
Fibrocartilage pads preventing the vertebrae from rubbing against one
Allow limited motion between vertebrae
Ribs and the sternum
o 7 pairs of true ribs and 5 pairs of false ribs
True ribs either attach directly to the sternum or attach to costal cartilage
that is directly attached to the sternum
False ribs either attach to costal cartilage that is “indirectly” attached to
the sternum or has unattached ends
The appendicular skeleton
o Includes all of the bones that are attached to the axial skeleton
Pectoral girdle and upper limbs
Pelvic girdle and lower limbs
o Pectoral girdle
o Scapula and clavicle
o Upper limb
o Arm and hand bones
o Pelvic girdle
o Coxal (hip) bones
o Lower limb
o Leg and foot bones
o Places where bones meet
o Joints are classified based on function or structure
o Function is determined by degree of movement
o Synovial joints provide the greatest movement
o Structure is determined by the composition of the joint
Muscle tissue
o Tendon – connective tissue that connects muscle to bone
o Origin – attachment of a muscle on a stationary bone
o Insertion – attachment of a muscle on a bone that moves
o Muscles are complex structures made up of many muscle cells and accompanying
connective tissue
o Each muscle cell is long, slender, and fragile
o The connective tissues prevent the individual cells from ripping apart under tension
We have over 700 muscles in our body
o They are named based on a number of criteria - shape, size, attachment sites, number
of attachment sites, location, direction of fibers, and action
Muscle cells
o Terminology for cell structure
The plasma membrane is called the sarcolemma
The cytoplasm is called the sarcoplasm
The SER of a muscle cell is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum and stores
Muscle fibers
o Terminology for structure within a whole muscle
Muscle cells (fibers) are arranged in bundles called fascicles
Myofibrils are within the cells and are bundles of myofilaments that run
the length of a fiber
Myofilaments are proteins (actin and myosin) that are arranged in
repeating units
Sarcomeres are the repeating units of actin and myosin found along a
The beginning of muscle contraction: The sliding filament model
o Nerve impulses travel down motor neurons to a neuromuscular junction
o Acetylcholine (ACh) is released from the neurons and binds to the muscle fibers
o This binding stimulates the fibers causing calcium to be released from the
sarcoplasmic reticula
The sarcomere
o Made of two protein myofilaments
o Myosin are the thick filaments shaped like a golf club
o Actin are the thin filaments
o These filaments slide over one another during muscle contraction
o The released calcium combines with troponin, a molecule associated with actin
o This causes the tropomyosin threads around actin to shift and expose myosin binding
o Myosin heads bind to these sites forming cross-bridges
o ATP bind to the myosin heads and are used as energy to pull the actin filaments
towards the center of the sarcomere = contraction now occurs
So the contractions occurring in all of those muscle cells cause the whole muscle to contract
Lots of motor neurons, lots of impulses, lots of cells contracting
o Rigor mortis?
ATP is needed to attach and detach the myosin heads from actin
After death, muscle cells continue to produce ATP through fermentation
and muscle cells can continue to contract
When ATP runs out some myosin heads are still attached and cannot
detach = rigor mortis
Body temperature and rigor mortis help to estimate the time of death
Muscle fibers come in two forms
Fast-twitch fibers
o Rely on creatine phosphate and fermentation (anaerobic)
o Designed for strength
o Light in color
o Few mitochondria
o Little or no myoglobin
o Fewer blood vessels than slow-twitch
Slow-twitch fibers
o Rely on aerobic respiration
o Designed for endurance
o Dark in color
o Many mitochondria
o Myoglobin present
o Many blood vessels