This is an Arts NSW devolved funding program, administered by Museums & Galleries NSW on behalf of the NSW Government Mentorship, Fellowship and Volunteer Placement Program 2014 Fellowship Program Guidelines Amount Available: Closing Date: 2 Fellowships available; up to $6,000 per placement 5pm, Friday 11 April 2014 The Fellowship Program is an Arts NSW devolved funding program, administered by Museums and Galleries NSW on behalf of the NSW Government. Purpose of program This professional development program provides museum and gallery staff with an opportunity to extend their knowledge, enrich their skills and cultivate their networks through access to the expertise and resources of international cultural organisations. The Fellowship Program is open to paid staff from public museums and galleries throughout NSW. This competitive fellowship program is appropriate for mid-level and senior museum and gallery professionals. M&G NSW has arranged placements in several leading international organisations (details below) and is interested in strengthening relationships in Asia. Applicants are encouraged to apply to one of these placements or can select their own host organisation/s. M&G NSW can provide advice if you choose your own host/s and can make contact with relevant organisations your behalf. Fellowships available Museum Fellowship: Hong Kong Maritime Museum Hong Kong Maritime Museum (HKMM) reopened at Pier 8, Victoria Harbour in February 2013. It has a staff of thirty and it is anticipated to attract 90,000 visitors over its first 12 months of operation. The museum contains 15 galleries, a temporary exhibition space, café, shop, resource centre, and collection store. Specialist staff are employed in the areas of curatorship, conservation, public programs, marketing, librarianship and museum management. HKMM is non-government organisation, registered as a charity under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It is supported financially by the Hong Kong Government and the HKMM Endowment Trust. In 2014 HKMM staff and consultants will be working on a major new temporary exhibition on life in Hong Kong to open early 2015. The successful applicant could expect to meet and discuss with key staff all aspects of running a museum in North Asia while experiencing the dynamism of Hong Kong. This fellowship would be particularly useful to an individual seeking to make the transition from a specialist to general cultural resource manager. The museum would be happy to make introductions to other relevant Government museums such as the Hong Kong History Museum as part of the experience, should that be of interest. Further information: 43-51 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 t: 612 9358 1760 | f: 612 358 1852 | e: of 5 1 Gallery Fellowship: National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA) is devoted to a curatorial program that keeps its pulse on the local and international contemporary art scene. MMCA was inaugurated in 1969 inside Gyeongbokgung Palace and moved to Gwacheon city in 1986. MMCA Gwacheon is currently the headquarters of three MMCA museums, with eight galleries holding special and permanent exhibitions of Korean and international contemporary art. At MMCA Gwacheon, the Children’s Gallery offers various educational programs and the Outdoor Sculpture Garden enables visitors enjoy artworks in beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains. Opened in 1998 inside the Deoksugung Palace, MMCA Deoksugung has four galleries to accommodate Korean art from 1960’s and international modern art. Finally MMCA Seoul opened in Nov 2013 in the heart of Seoul as a public-friendly museum where visitors may encounter leading-edge contemporary art exhibitions and a wide range of cultural programs. The MMCA fellowship will be suitable to an art museum professional working in curatorial and education roles. The placement will provide a unique opportunity for mid-level to senior art museum professionals to be introduced to the Korean contemporary art scene. It will provide access to study the museum’s vast collection of Korean modern and contemporary art and the extensive range of materials at the Art Research Center in Gwacheon. The fellow will also have opportunities to meet renowned Korean contemporary artists and important art professionals. The main location for the fellowship program will be MMCA Gwacheon, with occasional visits to MMCA Deoksugung and MMCA Seoul. Further information: Gallery Fellowship: Dallas Museum of Art The Dallas Museum of Art (DMA) is a dynamic institution leading the field with innovative approaches to visitor engagement and learning. Extensive audience research conducted 2005-2008 has had far-reaching impacts on exhibitions, programming, and the development of the Center for Creative Connections (C3). In 2013 the DMA embarked on a new chapter of its history with a return to free general admission and the launch of an innovative new and free membership model available to the public. This new program, DMA Friends and Partners, approaches membership as a program of engagement and participation that is intended to build long-term relationships with visitors rather than the transaction-based membership model that has become common practice among museums. The program has enhanced the DMA’s role as the region’s largest municipal museum and a vital community asset that rewards cultural participation in novel ways and provides meaningful experiences with art to visitors free of charge. The DMA Fellowship placement will focus primarily on the Museum’s approach to the research and programming related to visitor engagement and learning through the DMA Friends Program and the Center for Creative Connections (C3). Free and open to anyone who visits the Museum and wishes to join, the DMA Friends Program seeks to expand and deepen visitor connections to the institution. At the time of enrollment, new DMA Friends receive a card allowing them to track their engagement with the Museum, both on-site and online through new technologies on kiosks throughout the institution, on personal smartphones, and via the web. As Friends visit exhibitions, attend programs, share their experiences online, and participate in other local arts events, they earn points for their participation that they can convert into a variety of rewards. Each DMA Friend can choose which rewards best reflect his or her interests. Discounts, access to special events, program tickets, and other opportunities are among the many ways the DMA hopes to say thank you to visitors who enrich the experience of the Museum by their participation. The study of staff interactions 43-51 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 t: 612 9358 1760 | f: 612 358 1852 | e: of 5 2 with visitors and visitor engagement, as well as the tracking of visitor participation will inform new programming approaches and experimentation among staff. Serving as a hub for visitors, the C3 is an experimental learning environment providing participatory encounters with works of art and artists. It is designed to stimulate curiosity, inquiry, and reflection in visitors of all ages and learning styles. The C3 staff and volunteers connect visitors to the DMA collections and programs, and the space celebrates and makes visible the active engagement and contributions of DMA visitors. Mobile carts introduced into the DMA’s permanent collection galleries in 2013 infused the spirit of C3 throughout the larger institution. This placement offers an opportunity to witness first-hand the dynamic approach of the Museum and its success in designing innovative experiences through programs and exhibitions that cross artforms and truly engage audiences. Further information: and Amount available The maximum amount that can be applied for under the Fellowship program is $6,000. Funds will assist with travel, accommodation and per-diem costs. Any other costs are to be discussed with M&G NSW staff prior to application. In special circumstances funds may be used to back-fill the recipient’s position while their placement is undertaken. This program will not fund the applicant’s salary while undertaking the Fellowship. Timeframe Applications will be accepted by mail or email. The closing date is 5pm, Friday 11 April 2014 No late applications will be accepted All fellowship placements must be carried out before 31 December 2014. Eligibility criteria To be eligible you must: Be working in a paid position in a public museum or gallery in NSW Be able to fulfill the placement before 31 December 2014 over two consecutive weeks Hold a current passport and be eligible for visa application to the selected destination Agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of the grant program Have not previously received an M&G NSW Fellowship Not have applied for, or received, Arts NSW funding for the same activity Selection criteria Your application must demonstrate: The relevancy of your fellowship aims to your skills and current employment That you are able to apply new knowledge to your present workplace You have considerable professional experience and a sound knowledge of the NSW museum/gallery sector Compatibility with the host organisation Priority areas Preference will be given to applicants who: Have limited access to professional development opportunities due to geographic isolation or financial hardship Clearly demonstrate that they will apply what they have learnt during the fellowship to their current workplace. 43-51 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 t: 612 9358 1760 | f: 612 358 1852 | e: of 5 3 The program will not Fund applicants based in major state or national cultural organisations Fund applicants based outside NSW Retrospectively fund professional development placements Fund applicants who have received other Arts NSW funding for the same activity. Application process As an applicant you must: Submit your application on the relevant application form Attach an up-to-date copy of your CV (3 pages max) Provide a letter of support from your employer or management body Provide evidence of endorsement by the host organisation if placement has not been facilitated through M&G NSW Contact M&G NSW to discuss your proposal before you submit your application (please contact Kate Major Professional Development Coordinator, M&G NSW p. 02 9339 9914 or 1800 114 311 (regional NSW only) e. After the closing date M&G NSW will send you an email/ letter acknowledging your application. It is your responsibility to contact M&G NSW if you do not receive this acknowledgement. Applications can be emailed or posted: Email: Professional Development Coordinator: Subject: Mentorship Program application Emailed applications must not exceed 5MB. Post: Mentorship Program, Museums & Galleries NSW 43-51 Cowper Wharf Rd WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011 Assessment process Eligible applications will be assessed by an assessment panel consisting of professionals from the NSW museum and gallery sectors. Host venues will also be consulted during the assessment process. The decisions of the assessment panel are final. A new panel is convened for each round of the Mentorship and Fellowship Program. M&G NSW will notify applicants of the assessment outcome by mail within 10 weeks of the closing date. Funds will not be available until the grant acceptance documentation is completed. Terms & conditions Applicants must abide by the following terms and conditions of the Mentorship program: All grant funding must be expended as per the approved budget. Any unused grant money will be returned to M&G NSW. M&G NSW and Arts NSW must be publicly acknowledged as supporting the project by using the appropriate logos and text acknowledgement on all printed and/or electronic material produced in relation to the funded activity. This includes publications, invitations, banners, websites and any printed or electronic material. Any products developed as a result of the funded activity must also carry the M&G NSW and Arts NSW logos and acknowledgments. The following written acknowledgement must accompany the Arts NSW logo: This project is supported by Arts NSW’s Mentorships, Fellowships and Volunteer Placement Program; a devolved funding program administered by Museums and Galleries NSW on behalf of the NSW Government. 43-51 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 t: 612 9358 1760 | f: 612 358 1852 | e: of 5 4 The logos and written acknowledgement should be placed in a position appropriate to the level of support. Logos and style-guides are available from the M&G NSW Information and Resources Officer on 02 9339 9902 or email Successful applicants are required to submit an acquittal report within two months of the project’s completion. The acquittal includes: o A financial report o A written report (up to 6 pages) that will include an overview of the mentorship and the benefits of the placement to the individual and their museum/gallery. o Photographs, media clippings and brochures can also be included with the acquittal where available (photographs should represent your fellowship activities rather than be images of the host organisation or exhibition installation shots). M&G NSW may use all or part of your acquittal report in marketing material and promotion of the Mentorship and Fellowship Program. 43-51 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 t: 612 9358 1760 | f: 612 358 1852 | e: of 5 5