AAE 451 – Aircraft Senior Design Spring 2007 Continuous Area Coverage via Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Systems System Requirements Review Team 3 Sumitero Darsono Charles Hagenbush Keith Higdon Seung-il Kim Matt Lewis Matt Richter Jeff Tippmann Alex Zaubi I. Description and overview of proposed system The unmanned aerial system (UAS) will not be just one plane but will consist of a system of multiple aircraft and support equipment that will work in conjunction to provide continuous aerial coverage over about a five mile radius. The aircraft will house a small payload consisting of a video camera, a thermo imaging camera, or a chemical detector. The aircraft will either have a module payload or will carry all of the payload types simultaneously depending upon the final payload weight and the weight of the cameras. The aircraft itself will be a micro unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is able to be hand launched and carried in a military style backpack. The entire system will be transportable by two or three people depending on the number of aircraft needed. The support equipment is very limited and will consist of a small transmission unit and a laptop to program waypoints and to view the incoming video feeds. The aircraft and transmission equipment will both be portable so that they can be used anywhere that surveillance is necessary. II. Customers, Competition, and Market The proposed system will be geared toward a surveillance market, which includes mainly military and law enforcement personnel. The military will deploy the system UAS out of either a backpack when on foot or out of a Humvee when traveling. The main uses for the UAS by the military will be for surveillance around a temporary base or convoy or for forward reconnaissance. Law enforcement will deploy the UAS out of the back of a squad car. The main use for law enforcement will be for assessing a hazardous situation before committing personnel or to provide continuous surveillance of large groups. Currently, there exist several vehicles of less than 10 pounds takeoff weight that have proven successful and will compete with the proposed aircraft in the military sector. Figure 1 below shows the capabilities of several successful vehicles in this class9. 1 Figure 1: Capabilities of the competition with pictures of each aircraft below For law enforcement applications, there are a few vehicles of this class that are currently in development, but none that have been as successful as the military UAVs. Farsight Intelligence Systems and Octran are both developing systems for this market. Shown below in Figure 2 are the Raider and the Marauder by Farsight and the Skyseer by Octran. As these systems are currently in development, many of their capabilities are still unknown or not disclosed. Raider Marauder Skyseer Figure 2: UAVs currently in development for law enforcement Since the beginning of the War on Terror, the market for small Unmanned Aerial Systems for the military sector has grown dramatically. Due advances in sensors, materials and batteries the mission capabilities of small UAVs are ever increasing. 2 Combined with the changing scope of warfare, current small UA systems are seeing more and more use in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and the United States military has decided to invest substantially in similar systems. Shown below in Figure 3 is the number of small UA systems, less than 10 pounds takeoff weight, which the United States military plans to purchase, as of 20059. Small UA Systems (<10 lb Gross Weight) 1400 1200 1000 Number of Systems 800 Number of Aircraft 600 400 200 0 Dragon Eye FPASS Pointer \ Raven Buster Figure 3: Number of small UA systems to be purchased by US military (as of 2005) From Figure 3, the Dragon Eye and the Raven, both made by AeroVironment, currently dominate the military small UAV market. The success of these systems in Iraq and Afghanistan has prompted the armed forces to allocate resources for the continued development of small UA systems. Figure 4 below shows the Department of Defense’s projected budget for procuring small UA systems9. 3 Projected Budget for Procurement of Small UA Systems 25 Budget ($M) 20 15 10 5 0 05 06 07 08 09 Fiscal Year Figure 4: DoD budget for procuring small (<10 lbs) UA systems As the capabilities and acceptance of these systems continue to increase, we can only expect this market to grow and new markets to open. Foreign markets are opening as well, as the Canadian and British militaries have seen the capabilities of the US UAV systems and are looking to purchase systems for their forces8. III. Concept of Operations a. Military Current unmanned vehicles of this size, the Dragon Eye and Raven for example, provide simply “over the hill” type missions where they observe a target location for a few minutes and then return; whereas, our system provides the capability to observe a location or multiple locations for hours at a time. The system is designed to be deployed with the infantry at the squadron or platoon level. Similar to other systems of this size, the aircraft is simply launched by hand and does not require a runway. In addition, the entire system: aircraft, laptop, and supporting equipment would be transported via backpack or a small container in a Humvee. In order to best describe the planned capabilities and operations of the vehicle, there is a listed description provided of a situation encountered by the military and how the vehicle aids in response to the situation. Figure 5 shows a schematic of this scenario. 4 Figure 5: Concept of operations in a military role In a rural, rugged area of Iraq, the commanding officer of a communication relay station is notified of rising levels of insurgency near the station and that the station may come under attack. He instructs a soldier to remove one of the UAVs from its container in the supply building and deploy it. After assembling the vehicle and setting the flight path waypoints via a laptop, the soldier launches the aircraft by hand to begin its mission. The soldier operator then activates the visual and IR cameras, and data is streamed back to the user in real-time. Two more vehicles wait in the supply building should the officer determine that the desired surveillance area would require multiple aircraft, or if only one aircraft’s surveillance was needed but beyond the endurance of a single plane. As depicted in Figure 5, this system can work with conventional security and patrols. The aircraft provides several features that Humvees or foot soldiers cannot provide, such as surveillance of difficult terrain and extended range without risk of casualties. 5 b. Law Enforcement Increase in national threats such as terrorism and crime along with budget pressure has caused law enforcement agencies to seek more effective, efficient, and less costly ways to perform their mission. The idea of using a remotely operated vehicle system, whether it is ground or air, has begun to interest law enforcement. Currently, law enforcement already utilizes remote control ground vehicles to perform some missions, such as those used by the bomb squad and the SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) team. However, the idea of unmanned aerial vehicles for law enforcement is relatively new. The concept of continuous coverage using an unmanned aerial vehicle that is small, light, portable, cheap, and that an officer can operate has great appeal to law enforcement personnel. This vehicle will provide mobility to sensors systems, and in doing so, can assist police agencies in obtaining evidence, providing surveillance and much more. Figure 6: A UAV in front of police officers5 Typically, police agencies can use the UAV to provide overhead surveillance in assessing hazardous situations before committing personnel. Similar to the military, police officers need to gather information on each mission before performing their actions. Usually, the law enforcement personnel carry out these missions. However, placing a police officer in a situation that is relatively unknown and high risk may jeopardize the police officer’s safety. Currently, the alternative method is aerial surveillance provided by helicopter. 6 Unfortunately, helicopters are very expensive to buy and operate, require dedicated pilots, and their availability is limited. Law enforcement agencies can use UAVs as a perfect substitute for a helicopter in the aerial surveillance role5. In addition to a surveillance camera, the UAV can carry a chemical or radiation sensor. This allows law enforcement personnel to search for suspected drug manufacturing sites as well as monitor hazardous chemical spills. With this information, police agencies can coordinate a better plan in order to perform a given mission. Furthermore, the UAV can search for missing people in difficult terrain. This allows officers to save time in located missing people and minimizes the risk to rescuers. Currently, several law enforcement agencies around the world have started to use UAVs in performing their missions. In South Africa, tactical UAV systems such as Kentron Seekers operate for the purpose of crowd monitoring and urban surveillance. The UAV monitors large crowds that have gathered legally and peacefully for demonstration. This ensures that the law enforcement agency can obtain real time information about the situation and fewer personnel are required on duty. Similarly, Pakistani law enforcement agencies use the Pakistan built Bravo tactical UAV to perform border patrol. However, these systems are relatively large, making their mobility limited. Figure 7: Police Officer Holding the SkySeer UAV When BBC News approached the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and Los Angeles Sheriff Department (LASD) in an article that was published on June 6, 2006, the sheriff made several comments regarding the SkySeer UAV (See database in appendix). The head of the LASD technology exploration project Charles Heal said, "It (Skyseer) 7 provides several things that we can't get other ways." Commander Heal also provided sample applications for the UAV. For example, when burglaries occur, the conventional approach is to call the fire department to bring in ladder trucks, allowing officers physically to climb onto the top of a building. However, the SkySeer can provide an aerial view of a building where someone has broken in through the roof. He also commented, "If the suspect really wants to hurt you, your head is the first thing that he sees. Now we'll have the ability to actually to fly this over and see if it is even worth doing containment." Currently, the LASD department only has one prototype Skyseer. Heal said that when the prototype does go into service, it will deploy with the SWAT unit to carry out initial evaluations in real life situations1. The market potential of a UAV in law enforcement is huge and relatively untapped. Ideally, each police station could have one UAV. With the large number of law enforcement organizations in the United States, Europe and around the world, the future of UAVs in law enforcement operations is very bright. IV. Customer Attributes/House of Quality As the business plan stated, the primary customers for the UAS would be either military or law enforcement personnel. These two customers have several similarities and differences. They both are at risk from attacks by enemy forces, and both desire knowledge of their surroundings. Military personnel would operate in much harsher environmental areas with significantly long lasting operations, while law enforcement personnel often operate in urban areas that require high maneuverability. Below are the most important attributes for both the military and law enforcement, though the level of importance is not necessarily the same for military and law enforcement. The complete house of quality is provided in the appendix. Performance: Continuous coverage during day and night Long range Long endurance 8 Hand toss launch Resolution of sensor Ability to fly during harsh weather Accessibility: Packable into backpack Easy to retrieve Interchangeable Sensor/Diverse Sensor package Easy to pilot Easy to assemble Available fuel source Durability: Withstand skid landing Shelf life Easy maintenance Water proof Manufacturing Low material cost Off the shelf items After proposing the above questions, the list was narrowed down to the most important aspects for both potential clients. Military and law enforcement received separate pools to decide the importance of each individual attribute in the house of quality. After averaging the total score, military customers considered long endurance, hand toss launch, and the ability to pack in backpack as important traits, while law enforcement considered hand toss launch and simple piloting system as the most important traits. Since many law enforcement agencies on a limited budget, they have also listed low cost as higher importance. Then a list of engineering traits that related to the UAS was developed. Each engineering trait received a relationship with the questions asked of the customer, and with each other engineering trait to see which traits were highly related and which were completely independent (see house of quality in appendix). Last, each engineering trait received a 9 relative and weighted score so that a trait focus could be determined. Since the UAV’s primary focus is small size and light weight, its take off gross weight (TOGW) is the most important engineering trait to both military and law enforcement customer. In addition, operative cost is highly important. Since the goal is to provide one UAS per platoon for military customers and per team of officers for law enforcement agencies, operative cost must be low enough to have a large number of systems affordable. Payload weight and number of aircrafts are the next important engineering traits for both customers. We can therefore focus on the UAV’s weight, payload weight, and cost issues. Since the target TOGW and payload weight are close to thresholds, cutting down cost will be the main focus. V. Initial Trade Studies on Design Requirements Now that the customers important attributes have been determined and a general feel has been developed based on current airplanes in service, initial design-to requirements for the aircraft design are listed below in Table . The table consists of only the important variables to which the design will be most dependent on. Table 1 – Design Requirements Target Threshold TOGW (lbs) Endurance (hrs) Range (nmi) Loiter Speed (kts) Stall Speed (kts) Payload Weight (lbs) Power Density (W-hrs/kg) We/W0 10 4 20 30 7 2 350 0.4 12 2 10 40 15 4 200 0.5 The major design requirements are the TOGW, loiter speed, stall speed, and endurance. The limit on the weight for hand launch capable UAV is 12 lbs. The loiter speed based on sensor requirements is 40 knots. The stall speed needs to be 7 knots for a hand launch takeoff. Finally, the endurance target is 4 hours in order to out perform the competition. 10 With the endurance being 4 hours, this directly affects the amount of power needed to fly the mission. a. Database Regression Trade studies on the design requirements show the feasibility and sensitivity of the chosen initial design requirements. Two approaches were used to look at the effect of these variables. The first was a power regression line fit to a database of 22 UAV’s no larger than 200 lbs. There are 6 parameters that are record in the database, the gross weight, empty weight, payload weight, maximum endurance, cruise velocity and altitude. Weight fraction is calculated as a ratio between the gross weight and empty weight. To find relation between the six parameters and the weight fraction of the UAV, data regression is used to create a predictor equation. The predictor equation used the least square approach and the resultant equation will provide the weight fraction of the UAV. The equation derived from the database is: Equation 1 – Regression Curve Fit We 0.1566 0.3014 1.243Wo Payload 0.0806 Endurance 0.0975 Vcruise Altitude 0.0174 Wo 11 Weight Fraction Regression for Small UAVs 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000 We/Wo 0.6000 0.5000 0.4000 0.3000 0.2000 We/Wo =1.2429654Wo^0.1566*Payload^-0.0806*Endurance^0.0975* Velocity^-0.3014*Altitude^-0.0174 0.1000 0.0000 0 50 100 150 200 250 Wo Wo vs. We/Wo Regression Figure 8 – Regression Curve Fit Under the regression obtained from Equation 1 and Figure , the predicted weight fraction is approximately 0.5458 using a TOGW of 10 lbs, payload of 2 lbs, endurance of 4 hours, cruise velocity of 39.2 knots, which is 1.32 times the loiter speed of 30 knots, and an altitude of 7000 ft. b. Trade Study Plots from Initial Sizing The second trade study method used initial sizing methods to calculate the predicted takeoff gross weight by estimating some aircraft characteristics such as L/D ratios, propeller efficiencies. i. TOGW The TOGW is the most important aspect of our design as it what our market is determined upon. A soldier can not hand launch a 30 lb plane. Also, 30 lb plane will also have a hard time landing without a clear ground path. For example, the Institu ScanEagle is 40 lbs and has a rail launch system and a unique cable catch landing system9. 12 These both require large pieces of equipment to set up and transport with the UAS. With a TOGW of 10 lbs, the plane can be hand launched and transported relatively with ease. We ight F ra c tion a s a F unc tion of Gros s We ight 0.9000 0.8000 We ight F ra c tion 0.7000 0.6000 0.5000 0.4000 0.3000 0.2000 0.1000 0.0000 1 51 101 151 201 Gros s We ight (lbs ) We ight F ra c tion P re dic tion Da ta ba s e Figure 9 – Database Regression: Empty Weight Fraction vs. TOGW From the data obtained, it shows, as the gross weight of the UAV, becomes heavier, the weight fraction of the UAV will increase for a given set of other variables. This trend is also seen in the code predicting the takeoff gross weight, Figure . The graph shows an increasing gradient in weight as the empty weight fraction is increased. The goal of We/W0 of 0.4 for a 10 lb plane would be more than sufficient. 13 Figure 10 - Trade study on empty weight fraction on Takeoff Gross Weight ii. ENDURANCE The endurance of our plane is a key factor derived from the mission goals of our plane. Because continuous coverage is wanted, rather than “see what you need and come back” approach, the plane needs to stay up in the air longer. Also, because the most planes in the market for hand launched aircraft have endurances of maximum endurance of 2 hours, designing a plane with an endurance of twice, 4 hours, what the current competition has gives this design an edge in the market9. 14 We ig h t Fra ctio n a s a Fu n ctio n o f E n d u ra n ce 0 .9 0 0 0 0 .8 0 0 0 We ight Fra ction 0 .7 0 0 0 0 .6 0 0 0 0 .5 0 0 0 0 .4 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 0 0 .2 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 E n d u ra n ce (h r) We ig h t Fra ctio n P re d ictio n Da ta b a s e Figure 11 - Database Regression: Empty Weight Fraction vs. Endurance The trend line shows the longer the UAV is flying, the bigger the weight fraction is needed. The longer the UAV needs to fly, the more power the UAV takes, which also leads to a higher gross weight. An increase in gross weight leads to an increase in the denominator of weight fraction, hence increase in weight fraction. This is also shown in the trade study with the code, Figure . In this graph, as the endurance goes up, the gradient of the TOGW increases. With the current parameters, the endurance level could increase slightly, but the target will stay at 4 hours as many other parameters will change this graph. 15 Figure 12 - Trade Study - TOGW vs. Endurance iii. LOITER SPEED The loiter speed of the aircraft is a variable controlled by the sensor payload. Some cameras cannot operate at speeds larger than 40 knots2. Plus, with the low-resolution cameras, images become blurry at fast speeds. A fast loiter speed ensures multiple aircraft can cover a larger area, while a smaller loiter speed helps with the more focused point monitoring and resolution. The loiter speed does not have as great of an effect on the TOGW, as seen in. This will allow some variation in the final loiter speed chosen. 16 Figure 131 - Trade Study - TOGW vs. Loiter Speed iv. STALL SPEED The takeoff and landing of the aircraft is where the stall speed comes into play. For a takeoff, the stall speed needs to be at the speed at which the person launching the plane can throw it at. The values for the stall speed need to be calculated based on studies on how fast a person can throw a 10 lb airplane. Since this parameter doesn’t effect the initial sizing, but the aerodynamics and wing characteristics, an approximation of 7 knots is the target value for the stall speed. Also the plane needs to come in very slow on approach to ensure the landing will not damage any parts on the airplane. v. PAYLOAD The payload weight incorporates the sensor and communication equipment. Looking at sensors of the low resolution type have weights around 2 – 4 lbs. The UAV will carry a system of visual and infrared cameras to provide day and night surveillance. Although a trade study was not done, many visual and infrared cameras were researched to find the 17 best set of cameras. The chosen cameras were picked because of their light weight and their resolution. The FLIR Photon EOM core with at 37.5mm lens was chosen for the infrared camera3. This infrared camera is used in many UAVs and is designed specifically for that purpose. The Matrix MB-1250HRVF with 4 to 8x zoom was chosen for the visual camera6. This camera was chosen because of its small size and weight with enough zoom to fit our chosen pixilation. The cameras will be either interchangeable or will both be on the aircraft at the same time depending upon the final payload weight and volume available. Weight Fraction as a Function of Payload Weight 0.9000 0.8000 Weight Fraction 0.7000 0.6000 0.5000 0.4000 0.3000 0.2000 0.1000 0.0000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Payload Weight (lbs) Weight Fraction Prediction Database Figure 14 - Database Regression: Empty Weight Fraction vs. Payload Weight Figure 14 shows the heavier the payload weight, the smaller the weight fraction. It is important to note that weight fraction is a ratio between the gross weight and empty weight. Assuming the UAV only consisted of three weights (empty, gross and payload), an increase in payload weight leads to a decrease in either empty weight or gross weight. However, gross weight is assumed to be constant, therefore, empty weight has to 18 decrease. Decrease in empty weight means smaller value of the numerator, hence smaller weight fraction. Looking at the trade study plot, Figure , of the payload weight with an unfixed TOGW, the graph shows the TOGW will increase nearly linear with the payload weight for the same empty weight fraction. However, a pound of payload does not increase the TOGW by a pound, but by about three pounds. Figure 15 - Trade Study - TOGW vs. Payload Weight c. POWER DENSITY Power density has a large impact on how far the plane can fly. Essentially it is the fuel weight of an electric airplane, but constant during flight. With power density, the more power that can be packed into the weight of the battery the longer and lighter the plane can fly. The trade study plot from the code shows the effect of the power density, Figure 162. Most lithium polymer packs lie in the range of 200 W-hrs/kg. New fuel cells have a 19 power density of 350 W-hrs/kg. With a new fuel cell, the aircraft could fly for an extended period of time. For the aircraft propulsion system, a large number of lithium polymer batteries were organized into a database for comparison, but the power densities for all of the batteries were found to be too low for the aircrafts threshold time airborne. As an alternative, fuel cell technology was compared to the batteries and exceeded the lithium polymer batteries in power density as well as total power output. The largest power density for any of the batteries was 250 watt hours per kilogram by the Venom Group 15c 11.1v 3 cell lithium polymer battery10. The fuel cell, produced by Protonex, has a power density of 350 watt hours per kilogram7. Although fuel cells are still a relatively new technology, by the time the aircraft is put into production, technology should have gone above and beyond the current data. Figure 162 - Trade Study - TOGW vs. Power Density 20 References 1. Bowes, Peter. “High Hopes for Drones in LA Skies”. February 15, 2007. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5051142.stm 2. CONTROP-Precision Technologies LTD. http://www.controp.co.il/ PRODUCTS/SPSproducts. 3. FLIR Systems Indigo Operations. http://www.flir.com 4. Murphy, Douglas. Cycon, James. “Applications for mini VTOL UAV for law enforcement”. January 15, 2007. http://www.spawar.navy.mil/robots/ pubs/spie3577.pdf. 5. “Law Enforcement UAVs”. Aeronautics Defense System Ltd. January 25, 2007. http://www.aeronautics-sys.com/Index.asp?CategoryID=116&ArticleID= 280&Page=1. 6. PolarisUSA Video. http://www.PolarisUSA.com. 7. Protonex Technology Corporation. http://www.protonex.com/procoreuav.html. 8. Raven UAVs Winning Gold in Afghanistan’s ‘Commando Olympics’,” Defense Industry Daily [online], November 2005, http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/ 2005/11/raven-uavs-winning-gold-in-afghanistans-commando-olympics/ index.php [retrieved 17 February 2007] 9. “Unmanned Aerial Systems Roadmap 2005-2030,” Department of Defense, August 2005, pp 39-51. 10. Venom Group International. http://www.venom-group.com. 21 Appendix VI. Initial Aircraft design-to requirements a. Trade studies to show realistic requirements b. Investigations into payloads/batteries/etc. 22 UAV DATABASE Vehicle Name Azimuth AEROS Pointer FQM-151A Swift - Eye Javelin azimut 2 Biodrone Aerosande 4 Seascan MKY Luna X-200 Phantom MKY2 APID-2 Mini- Vanguard Tern Dakota Fox Tx Futura UCAV Chacal 2 MK-105 Flash Vixen/ Hellfox Empty Weight Gross (lbs) Weight (lbs) 14.3 4.994 4.994 3.96 8.69 5.5 15.4 19.8 24.25 66 66 88 132 121 84.7 44.88 70.84 264 44 66 105.6 139.7 5.5 7.194 8 14.08 18 19.8 22 33 33.95 35.2 44 50.6 57.2 77 104.72 125 132.66 143 154 165 198 199.54 Maximum Payload Endurance Cruise Velocity Weight (lbs) (hrs) 4.4 2 31.1 2.2 0.75 20.02 2.002 1.5 40 6.6 0.67 29.92 6 2.5 55 4.4 2 65 6.6 1.5 70 11 24 24.3 7.054 15 56.38 30.8 2 67 6.6 3 43.73 18.04 3 56.4 74.8 3 80.5 44 4 62.1 20.02 2.5 40.27 29.92 5 75 49.94 3.4 126.585 66 5 56.4 33 1.1 195 44 4 173 59.4 3 50 49.94 4 64 Altitude We/w0 985 3000 12500 14000 3000 984 984 19880 16000 9840 9800 9800 13120 985 3000 10000 15000 11500 984 9840 10000 2500 0.3846 0.6942 0.6243 0.2813 0.4828 0.2778 0.7000 0.6000 0.7143 0.5333 0.6667 0.5750 0.4333 0.6364 0.8088 0.3590 0.5340 0.5417 0.2857 0.4000 0.5333 0.7001 23