African horse sickness

OIE Collaborating Centre Reports
Activities in 2010
Title of Collaborating Centre:
Address of Collaborating Centre:
Animal Welfare Science
and Bioethical Analysis
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries
and Forestry (DAFF), GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT
Australia 2601
e-mail address:
Name of Head of Centre
(Responsible Official):
Dr Peter Thornber
Name of OIE Contact Point:
Dr Peter Thornber
Name of writer of this report
(if different from above)
Dr Peter Thornber
Manager Australian Animal Welfare
Strategy and Communications
Dr A C David. Bayvel
Animal Welfare Directorate MAF,
PO Box 2526,
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel.: (644) 894 0368
Fax: (644) 894 0747
(Chair from 1 July to
31 December 2010
Dr Peter Thornber
Australian Government Department
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT
Australia 2601
Tel: 61 2 6272 3925
Fax: 61 2 6272 3778
(Chair from 31 December 2010 to
31 December 2011)
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Part I: Summary of activities specifically related to the
mandate of OIE Collaborating Centres
Centre’s work plan and focus from 2010 to 2013
The New Zealand and Australian Partners held their second meeting at the University of Queensland Gatton
campus in October 2010, chaired by Dr Peter Thornber, who has assumed the rotating chair until 31 December
The partners agreed on the following priority areas for the Centre’s work plan 2010-2013:
Conduct an intensive two-week residential training course on animal welfare with participants from
across the region.
Annual workshop held to share strategic drivers and research directions in addition to providing a forum
to exchange the groups’ latest research results.
Assist OIE, by developing the proposed scientific program and suggested speakers for the third OIE
Global Conference on Animal Welfare to be held either Dec 2012/January 2013 in Asia
Support implementation of the OIE Regional Animal Welfare Strategy for Asia, The Far East and
Oceania, particularly efforts in capacity building by fostering strategic relationships with developing
countries through OIE twinning activities.
Promote the use of Australia and New Zealand expertise on OIE ad hoc groups relating to animal
Support student training and exchange across the region.
Provide OIE with independent policy advice and scientific analysis.
Publication of reference material relevant to the region (books, papers, proceedings etc.).
The Partners subsequently developed an information flyer about the Centre’s key work activities for dissemination
to relevant people, other OIE Collaborating Centres on animal welfare and for promotional use (see Attached
Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of
techniques within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE
New Zealand Partners:
Selected key activities undertaken during 2010, by MAF New Zealand, included the following:
Participation in the Workshop for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare for the Regional Animal
Welfare Strategy held in Bangkok from 5-7 April 2010.
Participation in the Regional Animal Welfare Strategy Implementation Planning Workshop, held in
Bangkok from 27-29 April 2010.
DVD presentation to ASEAN Livestock Working Group held in Vientiane, Vietnam on 4 May 2010.
Presentation to the OIE Regional Commission for Asia, Far East and Oceania at the 2010 General Session
on the Regional Animal Welfare Strategy.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Presentation at the Second Globabl Confernce for Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Cetnres in
Paris on 22 June 2010.
Participation in joint meeting between the OIE Animal Welfare Working Group and representatives of
OIE Animal Welfare Collaborating Centres held in Paris on 22 June 2010.
Presentation at ACVSc Science Week Animal Welfare Chapter on “Animal Welfare & Trade – Citizens
Desire but Consumers Dictate” in Brisbane beginning 28 June 2010.
Participation as examiner for the 2010 ACVSc Fellowship Membership for the Animal Welfare Chapter
in Brisbane during June 2010.
DVD presentation to Responsible Dog Ownership in Europe conference, held in Brussels from 45 October 2010.
Presentation to the First Inter-Disciplinary Congress on Fauna Protection held in Goiania, Brazil from 1315 October 2010.
Peer review of paper “Legislative Proposals for Enhancing Trotter Welfare in Italy” for publication in the
OIE Scientific and Technical Review.
Selected key activities undertaken during 2010, by the Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre
(AWSBC), Massey University, New Zealand, included the following:
Overall, members of the AWSBC made 24 presentations in 2010: New Zealand (6); Australia (9); Chile
(1); France (1); Greece (1) Italy (1); Thailand (2); UK (2); USA (1). Some of them are listed below.
Participation in the Workshop for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare for the Regional Animal
Welfare Strategy held in Bangkok from 5-7 April 2010.
Presentation of a paper “Pain and slaughter”, at Animal Welfare Science Centre (AWSC) Scientific
Seminar, AWSC, Attwood Veterinary Laboratory, Melbourne, Australia, 14 April 2010
Presentation of a paper entitled “Ethics, expectations and excellence in client-friendly professionalism” to
the Animal Welfare Stream of the Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010, Brisbane Convention and
Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia, 27 May 2010.
Presentation of a paper entitled “Activities of the OIE Collaborating Centre for Animal Welfare Science
and Bioethical Analysis”, to the Animal Welfare Working Group of the OIE , which met at the OIE
Second International Conference for Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, Paris, France,
22 June 2010.
Participation in the European Commission Better Training for Safer Food Program, mounted by the OIE
Collaborating Centre for Veterinary Training, Epidemiology, Food Safety and Animal Welfare, leading
discussion on “Integration of Animal Welfare Policies into Emergency Preparedness Plans” at Teramo,
Italy in June 2010.
Presentation of a paper entitled “Questioning the onset of consciousness in neurologically immature
newborns” to the Animal Welfare Chapter of the Australian College of Veterinary Science, Science Week
Meeting, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2 July 2010.
Presentation of a paper entitled “Teaching ethics: What do students need to know?” to the Animal
Welfare Chapter of the Australian College of Veterinary Science, Science Week Meeting, Gold Coast,
Queensland, Australia, 3 July 2010.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Selected key activities undertaken during 2010, by the Animal Behaviour and Welfare Research Centre
(ABWRC), AgResearch, New Zealand, included the following:
Overall, scientists of the ABWRC made 19 presentations in 2010 some of which are detailed below.
Participation in the Knowledge-based Bio-Economy Conference, Brussels, 13-14th September, 2010.
Participation in Welfare Quality scientist-farmer feedback meeting, Brussels, 13th September, 2010.
Participation in a meeting with EFSA, Parma, Italy (via Video link) to discuss use of risk management
and other approaches for welfare assessment, 15th September, 2010.
Presentation of a paper entitled “Welfare Quality EU Advisory Board” to the Animal Welfare Chapter of
the Australian College of Veterinary Science, Science Week Meeting, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia,
1 July 2010.
Presentation of a paper entitled “Producers, retailers and NGOs: a partnership to improve farm animal
welfare” to the Animal Welfare Chapter of the Australian College of Veterinary Science, Science Week
Meeting, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 1 July 2010.
Presentation of a paper entitled “Do thermal stress models reflect the behavioural requirements of dairy
cattle” at the 4th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand
31st August -2nd September 2010.
Australian Partners:
Selected key activities undertaken during 2010, by DAFF Australia, included the following:
Participation in the Workshop for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare for the Regional Animal
Welfare Strategy (RAWS) for Asia, The Far East and Oceania held in Bangkok from 5-7 April 2010.
Funded and supported the Regional Animal Welfare Strategy Implementation Planning Workshop, held
in Bangkok from 27-29 April 2010.
Organised the next workshop of the OIE Regional Animal Welfare Strategy (RAWS) Implementation
Planning Workshop, Bangkok, April 2011.
Presentation of a paper entitled Australian Animal Welfare Strategy: A continuing platform for
engagement to the Animal Welfare Chapter of the Australian College of Veterinary Science, Science
Week Meeting, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3 July 2010.
Represented OIE, chaired Sessions, at the 6th International Colloquium on Working Equids, New Delhi,
29 November to 2 December 2010.
Selected key activities undertaken during 2010, by CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australia, included the
Presentation “Research on the impacts of stocking density during livestock transport by sea” at the MLA
LIVECORP Livestock Export Information Day, Canberra ACT, June 23 2010.
Presentation of a paper “Pre-slaughter stress and its relationship to meat quality” at the Joint Annual
Meeting (ADSA, PSA, AMPA, CSAS & ASAS), Denver Colorado, July 11-15 2010.
Presentation “Pre-transport food and water deprivation in ruminants – is it better to travel on an empty
stomach?” at the RSPCA Qld World Farm Animal Day Symposium, Brisbane Qld, 1 Oct 2010.
Presentation of a paper entitled “Flystrike management in absence of mulesing 4. skintraction” to the Pan
Pacific Veterinary Conference 2010, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia,
26 May 2010.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Presentation of paper entitled “Administration of serotonin inhibitor p-Chlorophenylalanine induces
pessimistic-like judgement bias in sheep” at the International Society of Animal Ethology conference,
Sweden, 2010.
Colditz, I.G. 2010. Flystrike management in the absence of mulesing. 2. Welfare assessment. Proceedings
of the 3rd AVA / NZVA Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference, Brisbane 2010. Published by the Australian
Veterinary Association LTD. ISBN 978-0-9807967-0-4
Colditz, I.G. Update on NSAIDs for analgesia in sheep, Australian Wool Innovation Welfare Forum, 28 th
April 2010.
Idrus, Z., Sazili, A.Q., Yong Meng, G., Small, A., Bahyuddin, N. (2010) Effects of Stunning and
Thoracic Sticking on Welfare and Meat Quality of Halal-Slaughtered Beef Cattle. Project report
PIP.0197, Meat and Livestock Australia. (joint CSIRO and Malaysian Research Project)
Selected key activities undertaken during 2010, by the Animal Welfare Science Centre, University of
Melbourne, Victoria, included the following:
Book published – Hemsworth, P.H. and Coleman, G.J. (2010)“Human-Livestock Interactions: The
Stockperson and the Productivity and Welfare of Farmed Animals”, 2nd Edition, CAB International,
Oxon UK.
Overall, scientists of the AWSC published 1 book, 2 book chapters, 12 papers in refereed journals and 11
refereed conference publications.
Dr Andrew Fisher has been appointed to the American Veterinary Medicine Association Animal Welfare
Curriculum Planning Group.
Dr Andrew Fisher is a member of the OIE ad hoc Group on Animal Welfare and Livestock Production
Systems for beef cattle.
Steve Moeller is a member of the US National Pork Board Animal Welfare Committee.
New major research grants –
Fundamental welfare methodology project using the pig as a model (CSIRO collaborator).
Applied welfare methodology project investigating group housing and aggression in sows.
Benchmarking stockmanship in the pork industry.
Lambs in intensive finishing systems (public attitudes and lamb behaviour and welfare research)
Collaborating (as is Massey) in a project investigating tail docking in piglets and pain
Concluding major research projects
Space and group size effects on group housed sows.
Effects of time off feed for transported bobby calves
Effects of food and water deprivation on laying hens
2 PhD students recently commenced (sow aggression and human-farm animal relationships)
4 PhD students and 1 Masters student due to complete
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
AWSC scientific seminars:
“Building better dogs: using what we've learned about genetic and experiential effects on dog
behaviour to improve dog welfare”, Paul McGreevy (Univ. Sydney), Mike Goddard (Univ Melb),
Pauleen Bennett, (AWSC, Monash), Kate Schoeffel (AAPDB) and students of the AWSC
“Pain and slaughter”, Prof David Mellor, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Massey
University, NZ
Pig Welfare Seminar, Greg Cronin (The University of Sydney), Graeme Pope (Rural Solutions SA),
Prof Knut Bøe (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Rebecca Morrison (Rivalea Australia),
A/Prof Inger Lise Andersen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Kathleen Plowman
(Australian Pork Limited), Roger Campbell (Pork CRC)
“Animal welfare education – why, what and how?”, Alistair Lawrence, Scottish Agricultural
“Alternative Farrowing Systems - identifying the gaps in knowledge”, Greg Cronin (The University
of Sydney), Hugh Payne (DAGFWA), Emma Baxter (Scottish Ag College), Sandra Edwards
(Newcastle University), Melina Tensen (RSPCA Australia), Rebecca Morrison (Rivalea Australia)
Australian Poultry Welfare Research Seminar, Phil Glatz (SARDI), Joanna Engel (AWSC, The
University of Melbourne), Greg Cronin (The University of Sydney), Lauren Edwards (AWSC, The
University of Melbourne), Peter Groves (The University of Sydney)
Animal Welfare Symposium - The Ohio State University, Naomi Botheras (OSU), Candace Croney
(OSU), Linda Lobao (OSU), Charlie Arnot (Center for Food Integrity), Jan Shearer (Iowa State),
Tony Forshey (Ohio State Veterinarian), Temple Grandin (Colorado State University).
AWSC input into Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board through partnership with The Ohio State
AWSC is a core participant in Australian Pork CRC re-bid through Program 1: Confinement-free sow and
piglet management.
Selected key activities undertaken during 2010, by the Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics, University of
Quensland, Gatton, included the following:
2010. My livestock research in developing countries. Presentation to Vets Beyond Borders, Gatton,
September, 2010.
Presentation of a paper to the Animal Welfare Chapter of the Australian College of Veterinary Science,
Science Week Meeting, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2 July 2010.
Attended the OIE Second International Conference for Reference Laboratories and Collaborating
Centres, Paris, France, 22 June 2010, including the Round-Table Breakout Meeting of the Permanent
Animal Welfare Working Group of the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health).
Organised OIE CC annual meeting at Gatton Campus, University of Queensland.
Scientific Organising Committees for 1) Minding Animals 2, Utrecht, 2012, Animal Studies Group
conference in Brisbane.
Organising committee for Racehorse Welfare Expert forum, June, 2010.
Development of new journal Animals to be launched in early 2011, including Special Issues, the first of
which covers animals in society.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of
international regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases,
food safety or animal welfare
Nil during reporting period.
Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE
Nil during reporting period.
Part II: Other activities related to the mandate
of OIE Collaborating Centres
Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by
the OIE, to personnel from OIE Members
MAF New Zealand
Participation in EC Better Training for Safer Food on Animal Welfare during Religious Slaughter
Practices held in Istanbul from the 8-11 November 2010.
Liaison with Teramo OIE Collaborating Centre on Humane Slaughter Training Course held in Cairo in
October 2010 with funding from EC/TAIEX. This training course was a key recommendation of the
Technical Mission to Cairo in July 2009.
Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE
Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories,
organisations or collaborating centres
Nil during reporting period.
Agreement, in principle, to participate, along with Teramo Collaborating Centre, in FVE led project proposal
for KBBE 2011.1.3-03 – European interprofessional network addressing zoonotic diseases transmitted via
companion animals. The project has been named “CALLISTO – Companion Animals multi-sectorial,
interprofessional, interdisciplinary strategy think tank on zoonoses”.
Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given
by the OIE that may be useful to Members of the OIE
New Zealand Partners:
MAF, New Zealand
“Animal Welfare: A Complex International & Domestic Public Policy Issue – Global Developments & the
Role of the OIE” - Five Nations Beef Alliance Conference, Paihi, New Zealand, February 2010.
“Development and Activities of the OIE Collaborating Centre for Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical
Analysis” – Workshops for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare – Bangkok, Thailand, April 2010.
“OIE Animal Welfare Standards (1) - Commercial Slaughter, Killing for Disease Control Purposes and
Transport of Livestock” – Workshops for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare – Bangkok, Thailand,
April 2010.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
“OIE Animal Welfare Standards (2) - Stray Dogs, Laboratory Animals, Future Work” – Workshops for OIE
National Focal Points for Animal Welfare – Bangkok, Thailand, April 2010.
“Animal Welfare in New Zealand – Domestic Overview and International Context” - ASEAN Sectoral
Working Group, WSPA Workshop on Animal Welfare, Vientiane, Laos, May 2010 – DVD presentation.
“Report of Animal Welfare Working Group – Achievements & Priorities” - OIE World Assembly of
Delegates, 78th General Session, Paris, France, June 2010.
“OIE Guidelines on the Welfare of Laboratory Animals” - Second Global Conference of OIE Reference
Laboratories & Collaborating Centres, Paris, France, June 2010.
“Animal Welfare & Trade – Citizens Desire but Consumers Dictate?” – ACVSc Animal Welfare Chapter,
Gold Coast, Australia, July 2010.
“Responsible Ownership of Companion Animals – An OIE (and NZ) Perspective” - Responsible Dog
Ownership in Europe, Brussels, Belgium, October 2010 – DVD presentation.
“The Globalisation of Animal Welfare – International Developments of Strategic Significance” - First
International Transdisciplinary Congress on Fauna Protection, Goiânia, Goiás – Brasil, October 2010.
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre
Over all the AWSBC produced 35 puyblications during 2010: peer-reviewed (15); book chapters (4); full
conference and other substantive papers (7); other publications (9). Some of them are noted below.
Diesch, T.J., Mellor, D.J., Johnson, C.B. and Lentle, R. (2010). Developmental changes in the
electroencephalogram and responses to a noxious stimulus in anaesthetized tammar wallaby joeys (Macropus
eugenii eugenii). Laboratory Animals 44, 79-87.
Stafford, K.J. and Mellor, D.J. (2010). Painful husbandry procedures. In: Animal Welfare: A Practical
Approach, pp 88-114. Ed. T. Grandin: CABI, Wallingford, UK.
Mellor, D.J. (2010). Galloping colts, fetal feelings and reassuring regulations: Putting animal welfare science
into practice. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 37, 94-100.
Mellor, D.J., Diesch, T.J. and Johnson, C.B. (2010). Should mammalian fetuses be excluded from regulations
protecting animals during experiments? ALTEX 27 Special Issue, 199-202.
Mellor, D.J., Diesch, T.J. and Johnson, C.B. (2010). When do mammalian young become sentient? ALTEX 27
Special Issue, 275-280.
Stafford, K.J. and Mellor, D.J. (2009). Implementation of animal welfare standards by Member Countries of
the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE): analysis of an OIE questionnaire. Scientific and Technical
Review, Office International des Epizootice 28 (3), 1143-1164.
Littin, K. and Mellor, D. (2010). The New Zealand Three Rs Programme. Welfare Pulse No 6, 10.
Mellor, D.J. (2010). Farmer and public perspectives on neonatal lamb mortality. Welfare Pulse No 6, 12-13.
Mellor, D.J. (2010). Ethics, expectations and excellence in veterinary professionalism. VetScript December, pp
Mellor, D.J. (2011). Animal pain and OIE guidelines. In: Proceedings of the OIE Conference on Evolving
Veterinary Education for a Safer World, Paris, France, 12-14 October, 2009 (in press).
Mellor, D.J. and Bayvel, A.C.D. (2010). The scientific assessment of animal welfare. In: Proceedings of the
OIE Conference on Evolving Veterinary Education for a Safer World, Paris, France, 12-14 October, 2009 (in
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
AgResearch Ruakura, New Zealand
Refereed publications
Arnold, A.A., Matthews, L.R. 2010. Measuring what animals ‘really want’: implications for welfare on dairy
farms. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium Eds G.R. Edwards and R.H. Bryant
Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand 31st August -2nd September 2010. Pp 444-447.
Bryant, J. R., Matthews, L.R., Davys, J. 2010. Development and application of a thermal stress model.
Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium Eds G.R. Edwards and R.H. Bryant )Lincoln
University, Christchurch, New Zealand 31st August -2nd September 2010. Pp 360-364.
Hernandez-Verduzco,C, Matthews,L, Oliver,M,H, Bloomfield,F,H, Harding,J,E. 2010. Effects of sex, litter
size, and periconceptional ewe nutrition onoffspring behavioural and physiological responses to isolation.
Physiology and Behavior 101(5):588-594.
Schütz, K., E., A. R. Rogers, et al. (2010). "Dairy cattle prefer shade over sprinklers: Effects on behavior and
physiology." Journal of Dairy Science 94: 273-283.
Schütz, K. E., K. V. Clark, et al. (2010). "Responses to short-term exposure to simulated rain and wind by
dairy cattle: time budgets, shelter use, body temperature and feed intake." Animal Welfare 19: 375-383.
Schütz, K. E., A. R. Rogers, et al. (2010). "The amount of shade influences the behavior and physiology of
dairy cattle." Journal of Dairy Science 93: 125.
Stewart, M., G. A. Verkerk, et al. (2010). "Non-invasive assessment of autonomic activity for evaluation of
pain in calves, using surgical castration as a model" Journal of Dairy Science 93: 3602-3609.
Stewart, M., J. R. Webster, et al. (2010). "Effects of an epinephrine infusion on eye temperature and heart rate
variability in bull calves." Journal of Dairy Science 93: 5252–5257.
Stewart, M., Webster, J.R., Matthews, L.R., Rogers A.R. 2010. Effects of road transport, including stationary
periods, on environmental conditions and physiological responses of lambs. Proceedings of the New Zealand
Society of Animal Production, 70: 162-164.
Tucker, C.B., Burke, J.K., Cox, N.R., Wells, D.N., Matthews L.R. 2010. Cloned bulls in the first year of life:
behavior and growth. Transgenic Research, 19: 138 (abstract).
Verbeek, E., Waas, J., McLeay, L., Matthews, L.R. 2010. Measurement of feeding motivation in sheep and the
effects of food restriction. Applied Animal Behaviour Science (submitted)
Presentations at Scientific Meetings and Reports
Dowling, S.K.; Stewart, M.; Stoookey, J.M.; Stafford, K.J.; Tucker, C.B.; Rogers, A.R.; Verkerk, G. A.;
Webster, J.R. (2010). Effects of local anaesthetic and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic on stress
responses of calves to disbudding. ISAE Regional Conference, Auckland.
Huddart, F.; Stewart, M.; Shepherd, H.M.; Webster, J.R.; Waas, J.R.; McLeay, L.M.; Schütz, K.E. (2010).
Effects of previous handling on responses of dairy calves during painful procedures. ISAE Regional
Conference, Auckland.
Matthews, L.R., Bryant, J. 2010. Do thermal stress models reflect the behavioural requirements of dairy cattle.
Development and application of a thermal stress model. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Dairy Science
Symposium Eds G.R. Edwards and R.H. Bryant )Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand 31st August 2nd September 2010. Pp 435.
Matthews, L. R. (2010). Report to OIE Collaborating Centre Management Committee on outcomes of visit to
Brussels, September 2010. OIE Collaborating Centre Management Committee.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Matthews, L.R. 2010. Welfare Quality® Project and international developments in animal welfare. ACVS
Animal Welfare Chapter Science Week, Gold Coast, July 2010.
Matthews, L. R. (2010). The effects of lighting patterns on broiler welfare. Contract report 24 November 2010.
Matthews, L. R. (2010). The effects of stocking density on broiler welfare. Contract report. July 2010
Rogers, A.R.; Dowling, S.K.; Webster, J.R. (2010). Raising market lambs with intact tails: On-farm feasibility
and farmer perspective. New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Invercargill (accepted).
Schaefer, A.L.; Bench, C.; Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.; Cook, N.; Basarab, J.; Krampl, D; Okine, E.; Stewart,
M.; Webster, J. (2010). Orbital Infrared as an Early Indicator of Bovine Respiratory Disease in Sero-negative
Cattle 26th World Buiatrics Congress. Santiago, Chile November 14 - 18, 2010.
Schütz, K., E. (2010). Hot cows – signs and science. Dairy News. October 2010
Schütz, K., Clark, K.V., Cox,N., Matthews, L. R., Tucker, C. 2010. Responses to short-term exposure to
simulated rain and wind by dairy cattle. Proceedings of the 44th Congress of the International Society for
Applied Ethology, Uppsala, Sweden, 4-7 August, 2010.
Schütz, K., E., K. Clark, et al. (2010). Responses to short-term exposure to simulated rain and wind by dairy
cattle. ISAE Regional Conference, Auckland. 08 October 2010.
Schütz, K., E. and C. B. Tucker (2010). Behavioural responses to heat stress in dairy cattle. ISAE Regional
Conference, Auckland. 08 October 2010.
Stewart, M., R. B. Stratton, et al. (2010). An approach for assessment of positive emotions in horses.
Internation Society for Equitation Science, Sweden.
Stewart, M. and M. A. Sutherland (2010). Chewing the cud over animal welfare: an inconvenient truth or
market opportunity? Café Scientifique, Tauranga 11 October 2010.
Stewart, M., G. A. Verkerk, et al. (2010). Detection and alleviation of acute pain due to castration in calves.
ISAE regional Conference, Auckland. 08 October 2010.
Stewart, M., G. M. Worth, et al. (2010). Effects of handling during calf rearing on behavioural and
physiological responses of 1-year-old dairy heifers. New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Invercargill
Sutherland, M. A. (2010). Indicators of reactivity to humans to facilitate management. DairyNZ research
Sutherland, M. A. (2010). Reducing stress in pigs and cows. ISAE Regional Conference. Auckland. 08
October 2010.
Sutherland, M. A. (2010). Research update: Pigs and dairy cattle. Animal Behaviour & Welfare Consultative
Committee Meeting.
Sutherland, M. (2010). Project summary – heifer study. Farmers in study.
Sutherland, M. (2010). Treat them nicely if you want more milk. Dairy News: 14 December 2010.
Sutherland, M. A. (2010). Temperament and Milk Production. DairyNZ Board: 4 November 2010.
Sutherland, M.A.; Ballou, M.; Davis, B.; Brooks, T. (2010). Alleviating the pain associated with dehorning and
castration in calves. Darden Foundation: 23 December 2010.
Sutherland, M. A. and P. Bryer (2010). Using Carbon Dioxide Gas For On-Farm Euthanasia. National Hog
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Sutherland, M. A. and B. L. Davis (2010). The effect of anaesthesia and analgesia on the behaviour of piglets
after castration. Proceedings of the 44th International Congress of the International Society of Applied
Ethology, Uppsala, Sweden.
Verbeek, E., Waas, J., McLeay, L., Oliver, M.H., Matthews, L.R. 2010. The effects of body condition score on
stress and metabolic responses to a cold challenge in pregnant ewes - preliminary results. Proc. of the 44th
Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Uppsala, Sweden, 4-7 August, 2010.
Webster, J. (2010). Producers, retailers and NGO’s: A partnership to improve farm animal welfare? Australian
College of Veterinary Scientists. Science week. Gold Coast International Hotel Surfers Paradise. July 2010.
Webster, J. R. (2010). Animal Behaviour and Welfare Research at AgResearch, Ruakura. ISAE regional
Conference. Auckland. 08 October 2010.
Worth, G. M., M. Stewart, et al. (2010). Assessment of positive emotions in horses: implications for welfare
and performance ISAE Regional Conference. Auckland. 08 October 2010.
Australian Partners:
“Development and Activities of the OIE Collaborating Centre for Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical
Analysis” – Workshops for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare – Bangkok, Thailand, April 2010.
“OIE Animal Welfare Standards (1) - Commercial Slaughter, Killing for Disease Control Purposes and
Transport of Livestock” – Workshops for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare – Bangkok, Thailand,
April 2010.
“OIE Animal Welfare Standards (2) - Stray Dogs, Laboratory Animals, Future Work” – Workshops for OIE
National Focal Points for Animal Welfare – Bangkok, Thailand, April 2010.
Warner, RD, Greenwood, PL, Pethick, DW and Ferguson, DM (2010). Genetic and environmental effects
on meat quality. Meat Science 86: 171-183.
Bickell, S, Nowak, R, Pindron, P, Ferguson, DM and Blache D (2010). Maternal behaviour at parturition
in outdoor conditions differs only moderately between single bearing ewes selected for their calm or
nervous temperament. Animal Production Science 50: 675-682.
Fisher, AD, Niemeyer, DDO, Lea, JM, Lee, C, Paull, DR, Reed, MT, & Ferguson, DM (2010). The effects
of 12, 30 or 48 hours of road transport on the physiological and behavioral responses of sheep. Journal of
Animal Science 88:2144-2152.
Rebecca E. Doyle, Geoff N. Hinch, Andrew D. Fisher, Alain Boissy and Caroline Lee. (2010).
Administration of serotonin inhibitor p-Chlorophenylalanine induces pessimistic-like bias in sheep.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2010.07.018.
Rebecca E. Doyle, Caroline Lee, Veronique Deiss, Andrew D. Fisher, Geoff N. Hinch and Alain Boissy.
(2011). Measuring judgement bias and emotional reactivity in sheep following long-term exposure to
unpredictable and aversive events. Physiology and Behaviour, 102, 503–510.
I.G. Colditz, D.R. Paull, C. Lee, A.D. Fisher. (2010). Physiological and behavioural effects of intradermal
injection of sodium lauryl sulphate as an alternative to mulesing in lambs. Australian Veterinary Journal,
88, 483-489.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Colditz, I.G. and Paull, D.R. 2010 Needle-free vaccination in. sheep Australian Veterinary Journal: 88:
Rebecca E. Doyle, Stephanie Vidal, Geoff N. Hinch, Andrew D. Fisher, Alain Boissy and Caroline Lee.
(2010). The effect of repeated testing on judgement biases in sheep. Behavioural Processes, 83: 349-352.
Doyle, R. E., Fisher, A. D., Hinch, G. N., Boissy, A. and Lee, C. (2010). Relief from restraint generates
optimistic judgement biases in sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 122:28-34.
Sanger, M., Doyle, R. E., Lee, C. Sheep exhibit a positive judgement bias and stress-induced hyperthermia
following shearing. (2011). Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Accepted.
Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics
Published Books
Phillips, C.J.C. 2010. Principles of Cattle Production. Second Edition. 233 pp. CAB International,
Mills, D., Marchante-Forde, J., McGreevy, P.D., Morton, D.B., Nicol, C.J., Phillips, C.J.C., Sandøe, P. And
Swaisgood, R.R. (editors). 2010. Encyclopaedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare. CAB International,
Refereed Journal papers
Poulsen, A., Lisle, A. and Phillips, C.J.C. 2010. An evaluation of a behaviour assessment to determine the
suitability of shelter dogs for rehoming. Veterinary Medicine International Article ID 523781, 9 pages,
doi:10.4061 2010 523781
Phillips, C.J.C. and Phillips, A.P. 2010. Attitudes of Australian sheep farmers to animal welfare. Journal of
International Farm Management 5, 26 pp.
Robins, A. and Phillips, C.J.C. 2010. Lateralized visual processing in domestic cattle herds responding to
novel and familiar stressors. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 15, 514-534.
Cooper, M.A., Arney, D.R., and Phillips, C.J.C. 2010. The motivation of high and low yielding dairy cows to
obtain supplementary concentrate feed. Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical Applications and Research
5, 75-81.
Hogan, L.A., Horsup, A.B., Keeley T., Nicolson V, Janssen T, Lisle A, Phillips CJC and Johnston SD. 2010.
Monitoring male Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) reproductive function and seasonality
in a captive population. Animal Reproduction Science, 118, 377-387.
Muller, T.L., Ensabella, T.J., Booth, R., Johnston, S.D. and Phillips, C.J.C. 2010. The behaviour and
environmental enrichment of captive mahogany gliders (Petaurus gracilis). Australian Mammalogy, 32, 109116.
Izmirli, S., Aldavood S.J., Yasar, A. and Phillips, C.J.C. 2010. Introducing ethical evaluation of the use of
animals in experiments in the Near East. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 38, 331-336.
Hogan, L.A., Keeley, T., Phillips, C.J.C., Lisle, A., Horsup, A.B., Janssen, T., Johnston, S.D. 2010. Noninvasive methods of oestrus detection in captive southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons). Animal
Reproduction Science, 119, 293-304.
Hogan, L.A., Johnston.S.D., Lisle A., Horsup, A. Janssen T., and Phillips C.J.C. 2010. Stereotypies and
environmental enrichment in captive southern hairy-nosed wombats, Lasiorhinus latifrons. Applied Animal
Behaviour Science, 126, 85-95.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
McGowan, T.W., Pinchbeck, G., Phillips, C.J.C., Perkins, N., Hodgson, D.R., and McGowan, C.M. 2010. A
survey of aged horses in Queensland, Australia. Part 1: management and preventive health care. Australian
Veterinary Journal, 88: 420-427.
McGowan, T.W., Pinchbeck, G., Phillips, C.J.C., Perkins, N., Hodgson, D.R., and McGowan, C.M. 2010. A
survey of aged horses in Queensland, Australia. Part 2: Clinical signs and owner perceptions of health and
welfare. Australian Veterinary Journal, 88: 465-471.
Hogan, L.A., Phillips, C.J.C., and Johnston, S.D. 2011. A technique for faecal marking in group-housed
southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons) (Marsupialia: Vombatidae). Australian Zoologist, in
Phillips, C.J.C., Pines, M.K., Latter, M., Muller, T., Petherick, J.C., Norman, S.T. and Gaughan, J.B. 2010.
The physiological and behavioral responses of steers to gaseous ammonia in simulated long distance transport
by ship. Journal of Animal Science, 88, 3579-3589.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Animal Welfare Science and Bioethical Analysis
Animal Welfare Science & Bioethics Centre, Massey University
Animal Behaviour & Welfare Research Centre, AgResearch
Animal Welfare Science Centre, The University of Melbourne
Centre for Animal Welfare & Ethics, The University of Queensland
CSIRO Livestock Industries
Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, New Zealand
Photo courtesy of Patrick Smith
Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry, Australia
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Who we are
We are a collaboration of New Zealand and Australia’s major animal welfare research groups and national
government agencies. Our joint scientific research and teaching capacity in animal welfare science and bioethical
analysis is world-class and is applied across a wide range of species and situations. Our experience of national and
international issues relevant to regulatory frameworks positions us well to advise on animal welfare standards and to
deliver education and training in the animal welfare arena.
Why we are important
The OIE animal welfare mandate covers production animals, animals used in research and teaching, wild animals,
animals used for work, sport, recreational and display purposes and aquatic animals. Animal use and the acceptability of
various animal management options are becoming increasingly important to society, as is the associated need for animal
welfare scientific support and bioethical analysis. Our well-coordinated, collaborating centre comprising internationally
recognised centres of animal welfare science excellence can meet this need.
Of all OIE Regions, ours has the greatest human population, the greatest animal population, and a wide range of socioeconomic conditions.
To ensure better standards of animal welfare in our region, we are creating a network of expertise bridging Australia,
New Zealand and the Asia, Far East and Oceania region. Our Centre will be linked with other OIE collaborating centres
across the globe.
What we are doing
Establishing a “twinning” programme in the Asia, Far East and Oceania region to enhance regional capacity
building and develop collaborative links.
Developing a residential animal welfare training course for practitioners in the wider animal welfare arena. It
will appeal to industry organisations, veterinarians and others in the diverse fields of animal welfare regulation,
law, national and local management, science, practice, economics and ethics.
Supporting the OIE Region for Asia, the Far East and Oceania hosting the third OIE Global Conference on
Animal Welfare.
Compiling an authoritative publication on the future directions of animal welfare.
Actively working with stakeholders to identify high-priority research, development and extension
opportunities to advance animal welfare in our region.
Australian Government Department of
Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
Telephone: (61) 2 6272 3925
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
New Zealand Government
Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry
PO Box 2526
Wellington New Zealand 6140
Telephone: (64) 4 894 0368