Historical Archaeology - Department of Anthropology

Archaeological Surveying
Anth. 451
Prof. Christopher Fennell
Spring 2005
Bibliography of Additional Sources on
Archaeological Surveying, Spatial Analysis, and Landscapes
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Internet Resources on
Archaeological Surveying, Spatial Analysis, and Landscapes
Aerial Archaeology:
Aerial Archaeology in Baden-Württemberg, Germany:
Aerial Archaeology Research Group:
American Memory Project, Map Collections:
Archaeological and Geophysical Image Library (U. Arkansas):
Archaeology and Geophysical Survey (Notre Dame):
Association for Environmental Archaeology:
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (U. Arkansas):
Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis (Rutgers U.):
Geoarchaeology: An Introduction (Ass’n Environ. Arch’y):
Geoarchaeology and GIS (U. Calgary):
Geophysics in Illinois (CERL):
Geophysics at New Philadelphia, Illinois (CERL):
Ground Penetrating Radar in Archaeology (U. Denver):
Historic Landscapes of New Philadelphia (U. Illinois):
History of Territory and State Boundaries in U.S.:
Index of Historical Map Web Sites (U. Texas):
Institute for Computational Earth System Science (U. California):
Landscape History reading list by Dr. Graham Jones (U. Leicester):
Old Compass & Bearing Equivalents:
NASA's Remote Sensing Imagery:
NASA’s Space Radar Images of Earth:
NASA's Visible Earth:
National Park Service Cultural Landscapes Initiatives:
National Park Service’s Historic Landscapes Initiatives:
National Preservation Institute:
National Register of Historic Places:
National Trust for Historic Preservation:
North America Database of Archaeological Geophysics (U. Arkansas):
Nova's Remote Sensing Imagery:
NRCS Soil Surveys:
Rumsey Cartography Collections:
Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeology (M. Fowler):
Technology in Archaeology:
UNESCO Cultural Heritage Preservation:
U.S. Geological Survey:
U.S. Historical Declinations: