1920s Good Times or Bad Times


1920s Good Times or Bad Times?

The Task:

Read through pp.46-75 in chapter 2. Fill in evidence in the appropriate column of the following T-Chart.

Proof that the 1920s were boom times Proof that the 1920s were hard times

1920s, Good Times or Bad?

The Task:

Based upon your understanding of the 1920s, defend your stance on this issue. Were the 1920s truly a roaring time, or were these roaring times only for a select few? You are to write a persuasive paragraph approximately 250 words in length. Your opinion paper must be typed or neatly hand-written, and should include a proper introduction and conclusion. You should use at least two properly cited references in the body of your persuasive paragraph. Your citation method should conform to APA style, and must include a reference list at the end of your piece. A good model of how to use APA format can be found here: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/

You should hand in a copy of the checklist for persuasive writing with your paragraph. Ensure that you have edited the work yourself and that someone else in the class has done the same. You should have a parent sign your sheet as well.


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Student accurately demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issue and incorporates factual content in their response.


Student critically analyzes the issue and effectively supports their opinion.


Student clearly supports their opinion, uses effective language and demonstrates strong mechanics.


Student makes logical conclusions that effectively support their opinion in the assignment.

Proper application of APA form used in paragraph and reference list.


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