Medicine - University of Tasmania

Unit details [CMP]
Psychiatry 5
Enrolment code: CMP500
Offered: [rotation] Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Year five students will have either a nine week attachment to Psychiatry or Paediatrics.
The nine weeks Psychiatry attachment aims to consolidate and expand specific knowledge
of the more common psychiatric disorders and to provide a solid foundation of clinical
skills in the assessment and treatment of adult disorders. Each student will be rotated
through the inpatient unit, the Consultation-Liaison Service and the Community Mental
Health Team. Among other things attention will be given to the development of effective
communication skills, to developing a respectful and empathic approach to patients, to
developing awareness of the impact of psychiatric and medical illness on the lives of
patients and their families and to the inculcation of a biopsychosocial view of psychiatric
disorders. Students will be encouraged to involve themselves in as many activities in the
School as possible. There will be a formal lecture series but emphasis will be placed on
learning through case presentations and discussions and through an involvement in
clinical situations.
Staff: Dr K Fischer (Coordinator), Dr R Schneider, Dr S Johl, Dr A Bell
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: full time (9 wks), seminar, lecture and patient clerking
Prereq: 4th year Medicine
Assess: an essay, 2 written case histories; clinical assessment, and viva voce exam
Required: Kaplan HI & Sadock BJ, Synopsis of Psychiatry – Behavioural Sciences Clinical
Psychiatry, ISBN 0683303309
Bloch S & Singh BS, Foundation of Clinical Psychiatry, ISBN 0522849245
Recommend: Pridmore S, The Psychiatric Interview, ISBN 9058231062
Courses: [M3B] [M4B]
Faculty website: <>
Psychiatry 6
Enrolment code: CMP600
Offered: [rotation] Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year
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Unit details [CMP]
Is a nine week attachment (see also CMM600), during which students acquire the training
and skills sufficient to equip them to function as responsible and effective hospital interns.
Half of their time is spent on the Ward in the Dept of Psychological Medicine at the Royal
Hobart Hospital where they acquire clinical experience with severe psychiatric illness.
They also spend periods of one week each on a selection of the following services: The
Psychogeriatric Service, Community Psychiatric Clinics, Alcohol and Drug Services,
Private Practice rooms and Private Psychiatric Hospital. Students are to become proficient
in: the interviewing of patients, analysing the information gained, taking into account the
results of investigations and information from other sources; conceptualising patients with
their difficulties in the context of their socio-economic and vocational environment, and
the planning of appropriate management and treatment; basic counselling and
understanding the role of the psychologist in psychiatric assessment and treatment.
Staff: Prof K Kirkby, C Clifford, Dr B Daniels, LJ Gilroy, Clinical University teachers
Clinical Prof S Pridmore, Dr R A Pargiter, Dr P Fernando, Dr L Herst, Dr K Ryan, Dr IP
Burges Watson, Dr D Carter, Dr R Parton, Dr I Sale, Dr M Haughton, Dr W Ashley, Dr M
McArthur, Dr D Weidmann, Dr P Dunne, Dr D Jackson, Sr G von Gehr, Dr S Morell
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: full time (9 wks), case presentations, seminars and hospital visits,
individual tuition
Prereq: 5th year Medicine
Assess: an essay, 2 written case histories; clinical assessment, and viva voce exam
Required: Kaplan HI & Sadock BJ, Synopsis of Psychiatry – Behavioural Sciences Clinical
Psychiatry, ISBN 0683303309
Bloch S & Singh BS, Foundation of Clinical Psychiatry, ISBN 0522849245
Recommend: Pridmore S, The Psychiatric Interview, ISBN 9058231062
Courses: [M3B] [M4B]
Faculty website: <>
University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year
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