Survival and Event History Analysis (MATH463) Lab Session 2: Proportional hazards regression analysis The Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial (MDPIT) was a clinical evaluation of long-term administration of the drug diltiazem in patients who had already suffered from a myocardial infarction (heart attack). A total of 2466 patients from 38 hospitals in the United States and Canada were randomised between diltiazem and placebo and followed up for between 12 and 52 months. Both mortality and reinfarction (having another heart attack) were of interest, but here we will focus on mortality. Full details of the trial were published by the MDPIT Research Group (1988). This Lab Session involves various analyses of data from this trial. 1. Reading in the data mdpitsas.dat is a data file containing an extract of the data from this study. The 12 data columns are as follows. Column 1: Column 2: Column 3: Column 4: patno treat hosp region Column 5: survt Column 6: Column 7: cens pc Column 8: ef unique patient number treatment group, coded 0 = placebo, 1 = diltiazem a code number identifying the treating hospital a character variable identifying the region of North America where the hospital is located time from randomisation to death or until last time seen alive (days) censoring code, 0 = alive, 1 = dead pulmonary congestion, coded 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe, 9 = missing ejection fraction at baseline, 999 = missing Create formats for your dataset by running the program libname library 'C:\Home\MSc Lancaster\Survival and event history analysis\Datasets'; proc format library = library; value trtfmt 0 = 'placebo' value pcfmt 0 = 'none' 2 = 'moderate' run; 1 = 'diltiazem'; 1 = 'mild' 3 = 'severe'; data mdpit.mdpitsas; set mdpit.mdpitsas; format treat trtfmt. pc pcfmt.; run; MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 1 Convert the data into a SAS dataset, using the program options ps=54 ls=72 nodate nonumber; libname mdpit 'C:\Home\MSc Lancaster\Survival and event history analysis\Datasets'; data mdpit.mdpitdat; infile 'C:\Home\MSc Lancaster\Survival and event history analysis\Datasets\mdpitsas.dat'; label patno = 'Patient Study Number' treat = 'Treatment Group' hosp = 'Hospital' region = 'Region' survt = 'Survival Time' cens = 'Censoring Indicator' pc = 'Pulmonary Congestion' ef = 'Ejection Fraction'; input @8 patno f5.0 @17 treat @20 hosp @25 region$ @40 survt f4.0 @50 cens @55 pc @60 ef; if pc = 9 then pc = '.'; if ef = 999 then ef = '.'; run; 2. Plotting the data The program below will plot the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function for the MDPIT data. Other output will be given, but for the moment focus on the graphs produced. proc lifetest data = mdpit.mdpitsas notable plot = (s); time survt*cens(0); run; Run the program. The curve below is obtained. It is obscured by the circle plotting symbol which marks where each censored observation is located. In this dataset there are so many censored observations that the default curve is difficult to see. MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 2 To see what the curve looks like with a smaller dataset, obtain the curve for patients with pulmonary congestion in hospital 1. In the SAS code below, a data step is first used to extract the subset of the data required. data hosp1_pc; set mdpit.mdpitsas; if pc = 0 then delete; if hosp ne 1 then delete; run; proc lifetest data = hosp1_pc notable plot = (s); time survt*cens(0); run; MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 3 Now it is clear how long each of the censored patients survived. Returning to the complete dataset, it is of interest to compare the patients on diltiazem with those on placebo. This is achieved using the following program. The problem of having too many censoring symbols has been resolved by adding the option “censoredsymbol = none” in the proc line, and separate plots for the two treatments have been requested using the line “strata treat;”. proc lifetest data = mdpit.mdpitsas notable plot = (s) censoredsymbol = none; time survt*cens(0); strata treat; run; It can be seen that there is very little difference between the two curves. Now plot separate curves on the same figure for patients in the four different pulmonary congestion groups. Which group has the better survival? Next prepare a dataset containing only patients who do not have pulmonary congestion (for all hospitals), and on a single figure plot the survival curves for the two treatment groups. Take care to exclude patients for whom the pc grade is missing. Repeat for a dataset containing only patients who do have pulmonary congestion, at any grade of severity. Comment on the pattern observed. MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 4 3. Simple comparisons of groups PROC LIFETEST can also be used to conduct a logrank test comparing two groups of patients. Run the code below, and look at the output window (no plots have been requested, and so there will be no graph window this time). proc lifetest data = mdpit.mdpitsas notable; time survt*cens(0); strata treat; run; The out put is given below: The SAS System The LIFETEST Procedure Summary of the Number of Censored and Uncensored Values Stratum treat Total Failed Censored Percent Censored 1 diltiazem 1232 165 1067 86.61 2 placebo 1234 166 1068 86.55 ---------------------------------------------------------------Total 2466 331 2135 86.58 Testing Homogeneity of Survival Curves for survt over Strata Rank Statistics treat Log-Rank Wilcoxon diltiazem placebo -0.47441 0.47441 2038.0 -2038.0 Covariance Matrix for the Log-Rank Statistics treat diltiazem placebo diltiazem placebo 82.7270 -82.7270 -82.7270 82.7270 Covariance Matrix for the Wilcoxon Statistics treat diltiazem placebo diltiazem placebo 3.5384E8 -3.538E8 -3.538E8 3.5384E8 Test of Equality over Strata Test Log-Rank Wilcoxon -2Log(LR) MPS/MSc in Statistics Chi-Square DF Pr > Chi-Square 0.0027 0.0117 0.0020 1 1 1 0.9584 0.9137 0.9640 Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 5 Some of the output is self explanatory. Of the rest, we are interested here only in the log rank test. From the row that reads placebo 0.47441 -2038.0 we extract Z = 0.47441. This is the logrank statistic defined in Lecture 3.3, and its positive sign indicates a slight advantage of diltiazem. The “covariance matrix for the log-rank statistics” repeats the value 82.7270 four times, sometimes with a negative sign. From this, we deduce that V = 82.7270. To test whether there is a treatment effect, we calculate Z2/V = 0.00272 and this is given in the output under “Test of Equality over Strata”, with an accompanying p-value (against the two-sided alternative that the treatments are not the same). In the third row of the code just run, change “strata” to “test” and rerun. The output looks quite different, but it includes the following lines: Univariate Chi-Squares for the Log-Rank Test Variable Test Statistic treat 0.4744 Standard Deviation Chi-Square Pr > Chi-Square 0.00272 0.9584 9.0965 Label Treatment Group Covariance Matrix for the Log-Rank Statistics Variable treat treat 82.7466 The test statistic Z = 0.47441 can be found here, although only to four decimal places. The value of V is reported under the heading “Covariance matrix” as V = 82.7466. This is slightly different from the run using the strata command. The reason is that: strata uses Cox’s treatment of ties test uses Breslow’s treatment of ties Sometimes the differences will effect the magnitude of Z and the test statistic. Use the logrank test to compare patients with pulmonary congestion to those without. Be sure to exclude patients with missing grades for pulmonary congestion first. MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 6 Prepare a dataset comprising only patients with pulmonary congestion, and within that dataset use the logrank test to compare the two treatment groups. Repeat for patients without pulmonary congestion. 4. Analysis using Cox’s proportional hazards regression model In SAS, PROC PHREG can be used to fit Cox’s proportional hazards regression model. Run the following SAS program which fits treatment to the data: proc phreg data = mdpit.mdpitsas; model survt*cens(0) = treat/ ties = discrete; run; The resulting output is: The SAS System The PHREG Procedure Model Information Data Set Dependent Variable Censoring Variable Censoring Value(s) Ties Handling MDPIT.MDPITSAS survt cens 0 DISCRETE Number of Observations Read Number of Observations Used Survival Time Censoring Indicator 2466 2466 Summary of the Number of Event and Censored Values Total Event Censored Percent Censored 2466 331 2135 86.58 Convergence Status Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 7 Model Fit Statistics Criterion -2 LOG L AIC SBC Without Covariates With Covariates 4890.264 4890.264 4890.264 4890.261 4892.261 4896.063 Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 1 1 1 0.9584 0.9584 0.9584 Likelihood Ratio Score Wald Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable treat DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq 1 -0.00573 0.10995 0.0027 0.9584 Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable treat Hazard Ratio Variable Label 0.994 Treatment Group Results relating to testing the null hypothesis are: Model Fit Statistics Criterion -2 LOG L Without Covariates With Covariates 4890.264 4890.261 Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Likelihood Ratio Score Wald Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 1 1 1 0.9584 0.9584 0.9584 “-2 LOG L” is minus twice the log-likelihood, as known as the (raw) deviance. The value without covariates is the deviance when no factors are fitted in the model, while the value with covariates is the deviance when treatment is fitted. The difference between the two values, 4890.264 – 4890.261 = 0.003 is the change in deviance due to fitting treatment. This is reported below, to an additional decimal place, as Likelihood Ratio = 0.0027, and the resulting p-value of 0.9584 is given. “Score” is the logrank test statistic Z2/V, as given in Lecture 3.3. The SAS option “ties = discrete” in the model statement has ensured that Cox’s treatment of ties has been used. This test should always be consistent with the logrank test drawn from PROC LIFETEST, provided that ties are treated in the same way. The SAS option “ties = Breslow” can also be used (but is not recommended!). MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 8 , where ̂ is the maximum 2 “Wald” is the Wald test statistic calculated from ˆ / se ˆ likelihood estimate of the treatment effect on the log-hazard ratio scale. In this example, all three tests give the same answer to all decimal places reported. Asymptotically, for large sample sizes and small values of , this should always be the case. In smaller sample sizes, or when is far from zero, then the statistics will differ. Experience suggests that the likelihood ratio test is to be preferred, with the score test being second best and the Wald the least accurate. Estimation results are given in the last part of the output. Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable treat DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq 1 -0.00573 0.10995 0.0027 0.9584 Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable treat Hazard Ratio Variable Label 0.994 Treatment Group The maximum likelihood estimate of the log-hazards ratio (which is in our notation) is given as treat. Hence ̂ = 0.00573. The positive sign indicates a (very small) advantage of diltiazem. Also given is the standard error of ̂ : se ˆ = 0.10995. The Wald test is then repeated here: ˆ / se ˆ 0.00573/ 0.10995 0.05211 0.002716 , 2 2 2 together with its related p-value. In view of the relative accuracy of the three tests available, do not rely on this test. Judge significance by the likelihood ratio test. The hazard ratio itself is estimated by exp ˆ = 0.9943. Note that the approximate maximum likelihood estimate of is Z/V, which from the PROC LIFETEST output is 0.47441/82.7466 = 0.005733. In this large sample situation the approximation is very good. Note that the true maximum likelihood estimate from PROC PHREG should always be quoted. The approximation Z/V is useful for understanding and for developing theory, and it can be helpful for “back-of-envelope calculations”, but it should not be used in serious data analysis reports. MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 9 Next, we wish to explore the joint effects of pulmonary congestion and treatment. The following code accomplishes this. data pcg; set mdpit.mdpitsas; if pc = '.' then delete; pcg = (pc > 0); int = treat*pcg; run; proc phreg data = pcg; model survt*cens(0) = pcg/ ties = discrete; run; proc phreg data = pcg; model survt*cens(0) = pcg treat/ ties = discrete; run; proc phreg data = pcg; model survt*cens(0) = pcg treat int/ ties = discrete; run; First, patients with unknown grades of pulmonary congestion are deleted, and an indicator, pcg, of pulmonary congestion YES (1) or NO (0) is created. Then a series of nested models is fitted, first entering pcg, then adding treat and finally adding int – the treatment by pulmonary congestion interaction. The series of models are fitted so that likelihood ratio tests can be conducted (rather than Wald tests) of the additional effect of each new term in the model. Finally, separate models by treatment are fitted to each pulmonary congestion group. Extracts from the output are given below. From proc phreg data = pcg; model survt*cens(0) = pcg/ ties = discrete; run; The SAS System The PHREG Procedure Number of Observations Used 2399 Model Fit Statistics Criterion -2 LOG L MPS/MSc in Statistics Without Covariates With Covariates 4768.105 4672.136 Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 10 Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq 95.9691 119.3062 106.7609 1 1 1 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 Likelihood Ratio Score Wald Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable pcg DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq Hazard Ratio 1 1.16280 0.11254 106.7609 <.0001 3.199 All three tests show a highly significant effect of pulmonary congestion, with the chisquare values now being quite distinct. Notice that the score chi-square is precisely the same as that obtained from the logrank test in Section 3. These two values are mathematically equivalent. The positive parameter estimate indicates that having pulmonary congestion (at any grade) increases mortality. The hazard ratio is 3.199 – pulmonary congestion triples the risk of death. From proc phreg data = pcg; model survt*cens(0) = pcg treat/ ties = discrete; run; Model Fit Statistics Criterion -2 LOG L Without Covariates With Covariates 4768.105 4671.996 Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq 96.1089 119.4447 106.8988 2 2 2 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 Likelihood Ratio Score Wald Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable pcg treat DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq 1 1 1.16402 0.04158 0.11259 0.11118 106.8932 0.1398 <.0001 0.7084 The tests of the global null hypothesis investigate whether the model with pcg and treat is better than the model with no factors, thus the tests are on 2 degrees-offreedom. This test of little interest, and can usually be ignored. Of greater interest is whether treatment reduces deviance further, once pulmonary congestion has been fitted. The reduction in 2logL is 4672.136 4671.996 = 0.140, taking the first value from the output for the model with pcg only and the second from the output with both pcg and treat. After adjusting for pulmonary conclusion, the treatment estimate becomes positive, indicating disadvantage of diltiazem – but remember this treatment effect is so small in magnitude to as to be essentially zero. The Wald test MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 11 statistic is 0.1398, which is equal to 3 decimal places to the likelihood ratio test in this case. Both of these tests consider the effect of treatment having taken into account the effect of pulmonary congestion, which is what we are interested in. The Wald test reported for pcg, giving chi-square = 106.8932, tests whether pulmonary congestion is significant, having allowed for treatment effect. Such an analysis is less appropriate. From proc phreg data = pcg; model survt*cens(0) = pcg treat int/ ties = discrete; run; Model Fit Statistics Criterion -2 LOG L Without Covariates With Covariates 4768.105 4666.082 Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Variable pcg treat int DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq 1 1 1 0.88647 -0.19005 0.54866 0.16275 0.14688 0.22641 29.6678 1.6743 5.8723 <.0001 0.1957 0.0154 The further reduction in 2logL due to fitting the treatment by pulmonary congestion interaction is 4671.996 4666.082 = 5.914, and the corresponding p-value is 0.015021. The Wald test in this case is not quite the same, with a statistic of 5.8723 and a p-value of 0.0154. The other Wald tests reported are quite inappropriate. The first tests for the effect of pulmonary congestion, allowing for treatment and for treatment by pulmonary congestion interaction. The second tests for the effect of treatment, allowing for pulmonary congestion and for treatment by pulmonary congestion interaction. These are what SAS calls “Type III analyses”, but they have little meaning when interaction terms are included. We conclude that there is a significant treatment by pulmonary congestion interaction. Because of the interaction just found, it is not possible to reach a single conclusion about the effect of treatment for all patients. Instead, different analyses are required for each pulmonary congestion group. Run PROC PHREG programs to investigate (a) the effect of treatment for patients without pulmonary congestion and (b) the effect of treatment for patients with pulmonary congestion. MPS/MSc in Statistics Survival Analysis - Lab Session 2 12