Dear Parents, - Greatfield Park Primary School

Autumn Term 14/11/14
Dear Parents,
Whizz of the week
Jigsaw award ‘include others at work and play’
James Guppy
Harrison Booker
Nancy Rogers
Connor Badger
Charlie Hart
Aniqa Akhter
Ben Halford
Niall Heath
Lucas West
Marcin Sobala
Darcey Evans
Alice Gould
Mia Simmons
Jamie Wilson
Attendance award
Congratulations to Year 5 and Year 3, both classes achieved 100% attendance last week – very well done to all the children!
Children in Need
It was great to see children and staff dressed up, raising money, today for Children in Need. We had famous superheroes,
newly created superheroes and heroic career choices, just to mention a few. Thank you so much for your support!
Remembrance Day
The children honoured Remembrance Day in school this Tuesday. They had a special assembly led by Mrs Kydd first thing in
the morning and then remained silent for the two minutes at 11.00am. Many children, and parents, bought poppies during
the weeks leading up to this event.
Race Night
Apologies to those of you, who had purchased tickets for Race Night, but sadly we did not have enough sold. We have
postponed this event until February, when I hope many more of you will be able to come along and support GPA. It is only
through supporting these events that GPA are able to raise the thousands of pounds that they spend on our children each year
to pay for things such as laptops, playground equipment, reading books, pantomime trips and much, much more.
Bike-It Update – message from Mrs Williams…
Having earned our Bronze award last year we are now focusing on the Silver Award! This week we have introduced the new
Bike-It crew to the school and to encourage biking and scooting during these wintry days launched ‘The Golden Lock’ scheme.
Each week a golden lock will appear on either a bike or a scooter (and maybe even 1 of each). This needs to be returned to the
school office the following day for a small prize. If you are lucky enough to have the Golden Lock, you will also have a small
Sustrans sticker on the frame of your vehicle. If you do not wish to have a sticker on your bike or scooter please give your name
in to the office by Monday!
Also please read the Bike-It breakfast letter, take note of the change of location and return the slip so we can cater for our first
Bright Breakfast of the school year! Remember for those of you without bikes or scooters, walking counts on Breakfast days too!
Stay bright and safe. Happy cycling, scooting and walking!
Just a reminder that next Friday, 21st November, is INSET day and school will be closed for the day as all staff will be attending
training in Gloucester.
GPA Christmas Fayre
GPA will be holding their Christmas Fayre on Saturday 13th December from 2-4pm. If you have a business and would like to
run a stall on the day, please let me know or drop your details in to the school office.
Key Stage 2 – Spelling meeting
Thank you to all parents who were able to attend the KS2 Spelling information session on Tuesday evening led by KS2 teaching
staff. A separate letter detailing the information discussed has been sent home to all KS2 children.
Autumn Term 14/11/14
Christmas Ticket Allocation
You will have received a Christmas Ticket Allocation letter this week detailing how to order tickets for the whole school
Christmas performance of ‘Christmas Cracker’. Please note that you may only order 2 tickets per family at this stage,
irrespective of how many children you have in school. Tickets will not be issued until the money is received, the cost is £2 per
ticket. Please also be aware that if, as a couple, you wish to come to watch both partners need to book a ticket – one booking
equals one ticket.
We are aware of a few teething problems, please bear with us, this is still a very new system. Do call the school office on
01242 523301 if you require some assistance.
Congratulations to Mrs Kibble who this week celebrates her 20 th year as a dinner lady at our school! We are extremely
grateful to Mrs Kibble for her enthusiasm and commitment to the children and look forward to sharing lots more years with
Operation Christmas Child
Thank you so much to all those of you who were able to bring in shoeboxes full of gifts for children as part of the Operation
Christmas Child campaign. We were able to send 66 boxes in total. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Gloucestershire Life Education
We have enjoyed having the Life Bus here (on Thursday and Friday this week). Each class has gone on to the bus and learned
about topics relevant to their age – friendships, making sensible choices etc. The younger children (well, and some of the older
ones) were really excited to see Harold the giraffe!
Virtual Book Bag
Please don’t forget to check the virtual book bag on our school website This virtual bag
contains copies of letters that have been sent home.
Kind regards, Nikki Hill, Headteacher
21/11/14 INSET
3/12/14 Pantomime
3/12/14 Full Governing Body meeting
5/12/14 GPA Christmas Disco
8/12/14-11/12/14 Christmas performances (times to be confirmed)
12/12/14 Kidz R Uz Christmas Disco
13/12/14 GPA Christmas Fayre
15/12/14 KS1 party
16/12/14 KS2 party
17/12/14 School Council Christmas Fayre
17/12/14 Progress reviews home
18/12/14 Merit assembly
19/12/14 School finishes 2pm