Chronically ill individuals suffering from neurotoxin exposure

Neurotoxic Membrane Syndrome (Summary)
John Foster, MD, Patricia Kane, PhD, and Neal Speight, MD
Chronically ill individuals suffering from neurotoxin exposure impacts patient populations with
CFS, Fibromyalgia, IBS, MS, Cardiovascular Disease, Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Infertility, ALS, Parkinson’s, Lyme, Toxic Building Syndrome, Estuary Associated Syndrome,
Psychosis, Diabetes (without family Hx), Optic Neuritis, Refractory Heavy Metal Toxicity, Autism,
Pulmonary Hemorrhage, Stroke. Patients diagnosed with these chronic illnesses may be
potentially classified as ‘Neurotoxic Membrane Syndrome’ (NMS) with the endothelial cell
membrane as the target of degeneration. While hypercoagulation involves a myriad of proteins, it
is ultimately a membrane event, essentially disrupting the phospholipids that structure the
membrane. Agglomeration (blocked cellular exposure to blood flow/nutrients and impaired cell-tocell communication) indicates elevation of phospholipase A2 and the uncoupling of eicosanoids
from the cell membrane causing inflammation. The agglomeration that eventually occurs is, in
essence, a product of a weakened membrane, and ultimately a disturbed red cell fatty acid
profile. Through isolating individual fatty acids and dimethylacetyls in red cells we can now
examine the cellular integrity/structure, fluidity, the formation of renegade fats that impair
membrane function, myelination status, and the intricate circuitry of the prostaglandins.
Our biomedical approach is an attempt to reach the systemic nature of these tenacious
neurotoxic syndromes and provide clinically proven methods that eradicate neurotoxins. Our
course of action is that of freeing the patient of pervasive symptoms of neurotoxic illness in a
noninvasive manner that heals the membrane, and ultimately, the body and brain.
The recent pioneering work of Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, as communicated in his book
“Desperation Medicine” and his peer-reviewed paper (Shoemaker 2001), lends strong support
to a connection between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Pfiesteria
infection and that of numerous Neurotoxic Syndromes.
The presentation of biotoxin exposure often parallels neurological and psychological impairment
due to the interrelationship between the ENS (Enteral Nervous System) and the CNS (Central
Nervous System). The biliary tree, gall bladder, and bile formation within the liver serve in the vital
processes of detoxication (disposal of waste products, bilirubin, heavy metals, biotoxins,
xenobiotics), lipid metabolism, transport and digestion (bile acids). Abnormalities of the
hepatobiliary system may involve biliary stasis whereby infectious material or biotoxins reside
within the liver, biliary tree and gallbladder, as a viscous suspension in biliary sludge. Biotoxins as
bacteria, viruses, parasites, spirochetes, dinoflagelletes, and fungus may be within biliary sludge
often creating neurotoxins impacting the CNS via the ENS, or the Second Brain (gut). The
occurrence of biliary sludge may be due to prolonged fasting, low fat intake, high carbohydrate
diets or exposure to pathogens. Restriction of dietary fat may impair biliary flow which would be
contraindicated in attempting to clear toxicity as bile is paramount to cleansing the body and
getting biotoxins and heavy metals excreted into the fecal matter.
Neurotoxins are minute compounds between 200-1000 KD (kilodaltons) that are comprised of
oxygen, nitrogen and sulfate atoms arranged in such a way as to make the outside of the
molecule fat loving and water hating. As such, once it enters the body, it tends to bind to
structures that are rich in fat such as most of our cells, especially the liver, kidney, and brain.
Neurotoxins are capable of dissolving in fatty tissue and moving through it, crossing cell
membranes (transporting against a gradient, particularly with potassium) disrupting the electrical
balance of the cell itself.
The Liver as the Center of the Storm
As fat soluble neurotoxins move through the cells of the body from the GI tract to sinus to lung
to eye to muscle, to joint to nerve, whereby they eventually enter the liver and the bile. Once
neurotoxins bind with bile they have access to the liver, the body is poisoned over and over again
as the bile is re-circulated (first released into the intestine to digest fats, and then reabsorbed).
Unhealthy bacteria have been known to colonize the liver and its biliary system. These bacteria
as well as viruses, spirochetes, dinoflagellates, and the like can synthesize very long chain
saturated or renegade fats that lead to liver toxicity, biliary congestion, impairment of
prostaglandin synthesis and the release of glutathione. Lipids vibrate in the cell at millions of
times/second. The double bonds of the omega 6 and omega 3 lipids are the singing backbone of
life expressed through their high energy level. These bonds are their vibratory song, and they
absolutely carry a tune befitting every act and function in the exercise of life, providing all 70
trillion of our cells their flexible nature. When renegade fats are over represented in the cell
membrane they result in off key expression, and if strong enough, may spell cellular death and
apoptosis. Healing the outer leaflet of the membrane comprised primarily of phosphatidylcholine,
with phospholipids therapy, is our highest priority in addressing chronic illness and hypercoagulation. Healing the membrane is virtually ... healing the brain .
The Detoxx System, developed by Dr. Patricia Kane
Our clinical protocol at the WellSpring Clinic in Wayne, Pennsylvania is to initiate treatment with
changing the patients’ overall diet, addressing the lipid balance and especially the outer lipid
leaflet of the cell membrane through fatty acid therapy and the addition of supplementation
targeted towards dissolving fibrin, clearing the liver/biliary tree, and healing the cell membrane.
Patient progress is evaluated through the Visual Contrast Test (VCS) and repeat lab evaluation.
**(PhosChol) BodyBio PC – (PhosphatidylCholine) (E-lyte US only)
This supplement is a fat that is taken daily. Its benefits include:
Major component of cell membranes and component of the GI mucosal protective lining.
Maintains and improves membrane fluidity.
Prevents/treats microbial fungal and viral infection by phosphoglycerides.
Increases blood choline levels necessary for proper brain functioning. Also acts as an essential
precursor for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.
Reduces Low Density Lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol).
Heals toxic liver damage. Improves cell regeneration, enzyme functioning, inflammation,
reduces fatty deposits from tissue. Aids Leaky Gut Syndrome, which can be brought on by
candida or the use of NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs).
Boosts immune system strength.
**Chlorella (E-lyte, Puritan’s Pride US, Solgar IL)
An oral chelation agent that binds to metals and is safer than IV therapy. Chlorella algae are
microscopic small water plants and, although a vegetable, its detoxification ability, immune
enhancement and anti-viral characteristics are highly effective.
Some detox agents have multiple mechanisms by which they bind to metals. The algal
organism chlorella has over 20 such known mechanisms.
Chlorella has a strong affinity for both heavy metals and neurotoxins. Chlorella possesses a
three-layer cell wall, which shows strong adsorptive properties against toxins such as dioxins
and heavy metals (e.g. mercury, cadmium or lead). Chlorella has the ability to bind heavy
metals, pesticides and toxins and carry them safely out of the body.
It dramatically increases glutathione production.
Super nutrient: 50-60% amino-acid content, ideal nutrient for vegetarians, methylcobolamin, the
most easily absorbed and utilized form of B12, B6, minerals, chlorophyll and beta carotene.
Immune system strengthening.
Restores bowel flora. Chlorella pulls toxic metals through the mucosal surface of the intestines,
from the blood and protects the kidneys.
**Butyrate (E-lyte)
This is a short chain fatty acid and fat-soluble nutrient. It’s also found in butter.
Has a powerful ability in mobilizing renegade fats and clearing neurotoxins.
Clears the liver and biliary tree, GI tract and bowel of fat-soluble toxins/renegade fatty acids
(odd and very long-chain fatty acids).
Inhibits bacterial growth in the stomach.
BodyBio Balance Oil (E-lyte)
EFA with protein.
Contains most beneficial ratio of 4:1 Omega-6 to Omega-3, crucial to human lipid metabolism.
The effects of this ratio are an increase in polyunsaturated EFAs and a reduction of cholesterol
in the neuronal membrane of the brain.
The result is improved membrane structure and behavioral functioning. All detoxification
functions depend on optimal oxygen delivery and blood flow, which depend on optimal cell
membrane fluidity.
Evening Primrose Oil (E-lyte, Solgar)
This is an omega-6 EFA. It is high in linoleic acid (LA) and gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which is
depleted in states of toxicity. Almost one third of cell membranes are made up of omega-6 fatty
EFAs support the immune system, GI tract, kidneys, liver, brain, hormonal system and skin.
Arachidonic acid (AA) is derived from dihomo gamma linolenic acid (D.GLA) which itself is
derived from GLA.
AA is the main eicosanoid that controls functions such as inflammation, growth, reproduction,
gut motility, mucous control, PH, heart rate and brain development.
Oral Electrolyte Concentrate (E-lyte)
These minerals are important, comprising sodium, potassium and magnesium.
Enables transport of toxic waste across the extra-cellular space towards the lymphatic and
venous vessels.
Adding a balanced electrolyte solution in small amounts to water helps to restore intra – and
extra-cellular fluid balance and therefore maintain cellular health.
Liquid Trace Minerals (E-lyte)
These include magnesium, chloride, sodium, potassium, sulphate, lithium and boron.
Crucial for maintaining body systems including immune, GI tract, brain, heart, liver, kidneys,
hormonal systems.
Supports body in relieving it of toxins and heavy metals.
Ground Organic Flax Seed (E-lyte, Solgar-oil)
Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, alpha linolenic acid (ALA).
ALA is high in lignans, which have antioxidant properties (and act as a natural anticancer
Normalises bowel function and reduces constipation that can occur as you detox.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Greater doses than 10,000 mg/day start to have negative effects, flushing out calcium.
Vitamin C is essential for efficient immune system functioning. Immunity involves the
determination of self from non-self, and attacking only foreign bodies.
Raises glutathione production in the body
High intake of ‘C’ manufactures more antibody molecules, types IgG and IgM.
Shown to be very beneficial to protect the body from heavy metals as well as aid in excretion
and detoxification.
E-lyte Introduces New Detoxx™ Program!
Our external environment has radically changed
with increased exposure to toxins such as
chemicals and heavy metals (lead, cadmium,
mercury). Pathogens such as parasites, viruses,
bacteria, fungus and dinoflagelettes are now also
part of our world and hard to avoid. They are
even more difficult to remove once they have
embedded themselves into our tissue. Removal
of toxins, which often act as neurotoxins, can
be as challenging as the symptoms they produce
Phosphotidylcholine, at a concentration of
50%, is the principle phospholipid in the
membrane and incorporates a high concentration
of Highly Essential Fatty Acids. The membrane
contains a rich assortment of both active and
inactive fatty acids, all of which are metabolically
important including the omega 6 and the omega 3
essential fatty acids.
Chlorella is a tiny water plant and although a
vegetable, its detoxification ability and
immune enhancement make it an important
addition to one’s nutrient armament.
BodyBio Balance
The interest in lipids is exploding following the
research which dramatically supports the use of
omega 3 fatty acids for a wide range of health
improvements. The list grows daily, however
there is an issue of balance between the Omega
6s and the Omega 3s. - 4:1 ratio
Flax Seed
Ground Flax contains the highest concentration
of omega 3 oils, but is also the highest in
lignans, which give it substantial. Also recent
health studies on flaxseed lignans is exciting
Butyrate is a short chain fat that is a potent
detoxifier of ammonia and neurotoxins. It
encourages the formation of essential friendly
bacteria in the gut.
Evening Primrose Oil
The list of metabolic enhancing functions of GLA
could fill volumes. It is clearly one of the most
important nutrient/hormones in the entire
metabolic scene.
Electrolyte Concentrate
The 4 marvelous Alkaline Minerals (the
electrolytes); Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium,
and Calcium are the 4 horseman of metabolism.
Nothing stirs within us without them, including
the beating of our heart and the blinking of our
eye, not even a thought. In essence there is no
Liquid Minerals
Minerals are essential for life and are also the
beginning of life. They are rejuvenating and
detoxifying. The secret of E-Lyte minerals is in
the ability to test each one separately. Taking
only the ones you need is paramount and the
only way to take minerals.
Vitamin C
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi compounded vitamin C in
1928, but it was first shown to be ascorbic acid in
1932. The ravages of scurvy among early sea
voyagers were terrible. Five mg of ‘C’ is enough
to prevent Scurvy, but the fact that as little as 5
mg can prevent the disease speaks to the power
of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is found in many foods. Some foods,
such as red and green peppers, parsley, turnip
greens, oranges and other citrus fruits, and
certain berries, are rich in vitamin C.