VITA 1 | Page Hamed M. Al-Awidi Al

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Hamed M. Al-Awidi Al-Abbadi, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Faculty of Education, UAE University,
Al Ain, UAE- P.O. Box 17551
Phone :(+971-50) 112-3004
August 1999 Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction
University of North Texas, USA
: Elementary Education
: Educational Technology
June 1993
M.S. in Foundations of Education
University of Jordan, Jordan
June 1990
B.S. in Teaching & Learning
University of Jordan, Jordan
2008 – Current
Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Faculty of Education, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
2005 – 2008
Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
College of Education, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
1999 – 2005
Assistant Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
College of Education, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
2005 – 2007
Assistant Dean
College of Education Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
2006 – 2008
Associate Professor (Part time Lecturer)
Arab Open University -Jordan branch
2001 – 2005
Assistant Professor-(Part time Lecturer)
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Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies
2007 – 2008
Associate Professor (Part time Lecturer)
University of Jordan – ICTE Program.
Part time Lecturer
University of North Texas, Denton Texas, USA
1996 – 1999
1992 – 1995
Computer Lab Assistant
University of North Texas, Denton Texas, USA
Elementary School teacher
Ministry of Education - Jordan
Al- Ajlouni, Khaled; Al Majali, Mohammad; and Al- Abbadi, Hamed (2006). Computer
Assisted Instruction, Arab Open University, Kuwait.
Al- Ajlouni, Khaled; Al Majali, Mohammad; and Al- Abbadi, Hamed (2007). Educational
Software Design and Development, Arab Open University, Kuwait.
Ismail, Sadiq Abdulwahed, Hamed Mubarak Al-Awidi, & Almekhlafi, Abdurrahman Galib
(Under Review). Reading and writing computer-based instruction in UAE’s
elementary schools. Educational Technology & Society.
Al-Awidi, Hamed Alghazo, Iman (Under Review). Preservice elementary teachers’ Selfefficacy Beliefs toward Technology Integration into the Classroom in the UAE.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE).
Al- Awidi, H. (2011). Effects of Participation in Authoring of Multimedia Software on
Developing the Creative Thinking Skills of Sixth Graders. Journal of Educational and
Psychological Science, 12 (3), 197 – 218.
Alghazo, Iman., Alsawaie, Othman, & Al-Awidi, Hamed. (2010). Enhancing Counting Skills
of Preschoolers Through the Use of Computer Technology and Manipulatives. The
International Journal of Learning, 17 (9), 159 – 176.
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Al-Awidi, H. (2010). The Effect of Computerized Story on Developing Reading
Comprehension Among Third Grade Children. University of Sharjah Journal for
Humanities & Social Sciences, 7(1), 93 – 117.
Khazaleh, T; Al-Abbadi, H. (2009). The Effectiveness of Internet Based Instruction on First
Grade Students' Attainment of Some Basic Concepts. Dirasat, Educational Science,
Jordan University, Jordan. , 36(1), 161 – 174.
Al- Awidi, H,& Hader, N. (2009).The effects of computer-assisted instruction on the reading
readiness skills of preschool children. Journal of The Faculty of Education, United
Arab Emirates University. 26, 77 – 113.
Khasawneh, O ; Al-Awidi, H. (2008). The Effect of Home Computer Use On Jordanian
Children: A Parental Perspective. J. EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH, Southern
New Hampshire University. 39(3), 267-284.
Al-Abbadi, Hamed & Al Shbool, F. (2007). The Effect of Discovery Learning Through
Computer Assisted Instruction in Developing the Science Processes among Third
Grade Students in Jordan. Jordan Journal of Educational Science, Yarmouk
University, Jordan, . 3(3), 51-61.
Al-Abbadi, H; Nasir, H; Khalil, R.. (2007). An Evaluative Study of Fourth Grade Students’
computerized Arabic Language Curriculum in Jordan. Journal of Educational Science
(JES), Qatar University, 13, 207- 229.
Abbadi, Hamed (2005). Effects of Using Computer Games as an Instructional Tool on Third
Grade Students’ Acquisition of Higher Order Thinking Skills, Jordan Journal of
Educational Science. Yarmouk University Jordan. 1(2), 143-148.
Al-Abbadi, Hamed & Al Shara, Mohammed. (2005). The Effect of using the Puppet Theater
on the Second grade Students' Achievement in Arabic language. Mu`tah Lil-Buhuth
WadiDirast, Mu`tah University, Jordan, 20 (7), 35-59.
Nasir, Hammdan and Al-Abbadi, Hamed (2005). The Effect of Role Playing Strategy on the
Development of Third Grade Students` Speaking Skills. Jordan Journal of Educational
Science, Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1(1), 51-61.
Al-Abbadi, Hamed. (2004). Analytical Study of Instructional Questions in the Textbooks of
the First, Second, and third grades in Jordan. Dirasat, Educational Science, Jordan
University, Jordan, 31(1), 125-142.
Al-Abbadi, Hamed (2004). Levels of Concerns of Elementary School Teachers In Accepting
and Utilizing Computer, As an Educational innovation, in Their Teaching Practices,
Mu`tah Lil-Buhuth WadiDirast, Mu`tah University Jordan, 19( 1),169-196.
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Al-Abbadi, Hamed. (2004) The Problems of Student- Teachers as Perceived by Class
Teacher Students at Yarmouk University, Dirasat, Educational Science, University of
Jordan, Jordan. 31(2), 242-253.
Al-Abbadi, Hamed. (2004). Effect of Mnemonic Strategies on Third Grade Students`
Performance in Cognitive Objectives, Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Yarmouk University
Jordan. 20(2b), 959-982.
Al-Abbadi, Hamed (2004) The Role of Cooperative, Competitive, Individualistic Learning
Styles on first Grade Students` Problem Solving Performance, Journal of Educational
and Psychological Science. University of Bahrain, Bahrain. 5(4),61-84.
Doctoral Dissertation:
Al-Awidi, H. (1999). Current and Future trends in Computer Use in Elementary School
Settings. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA.
Master’s Thesis:
Al-Awidi, H. (1993). Effects of Gender and Socialization Pattern on the Achievement and
Attitudes toward School of a Jordanian Sample of Tenth Grade Students, University
of Jordan.
Al-Awidi, H.( 2006, March). An Analytical Evaluative study of A sample of Instructional Internet
Sites for Children. Paper presented in the First international Conference for E-Learning
in Bahrain. University of Bahrain.
Al-Awidi, H (2010). Multimedia and Creativity, Paper presented in the Global Education Forum
(GESS), Dubai, UAE.
Al-Awidi, H. (2010,April). Learning & the Brain The Making of a Memory. Workshop for preservice teachers at the United Arab Emirates University.
Al-Awidi, H.(2010,March). Enabling Teacher’s Successful Use of ICT. Workshop for pre-service
teachers at the United Arab Emirates University.
Al-Awidi,H.(2010, April). Effective teaching and technology. Mathematics, science, and
technology Forum. College of Education, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE.
Al-Awidi, H.(2009,November). Ethical Use of computer. Workshop for pre-service teachers at
the United Arab Emirates University.
Al-Awidi, H.(2009,October). Skills of surfing the Internet. Workshop for pre-service teachers at
the United Arab Emirates University.
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Al-Awidi, H.(2009, April). Math, science, and technology Forum. Evaluating the Usability of
Selected Educational Web- Sites for Instruction. College of Education, United Arab
Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE.
Al-Awidi, H.(2009, April). Promoting Creative Thinking through the use of ICT. Workshop for
pre-service teachers at the United Arab Emirates University.
Al-Awidi,H.(2009,March). Computer and Children Health. Workshop for pre-service teachers at
the United Arab Emirates University.
Al-Awidi, H.(2008,November). Web Based Instruction. Workshop for pre-service teachers at the
United Arab Emirates University.
United Arab Emirates (2008 – present) - Medium of instruction (English)
 Educational Technology
 Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
 Classroom Assessment in Early Childhood Education
 Principles of Curriculum & Instruction.
 Classroom Environment in Elementary Education.
 Exploratory Educational Experiences.
 Advanced Study in Curriculum Instruction (Graduate)
 Field Training – Elementary Education Students.
Yarmouk University / Irbid- Jordan(1999 - 2008)
 C&I 153 Models and Strategies of Teaching
 C&I 256 Teamwork in Early Childhood
 C&I 152 Children language Development
 C&I 405 Curriculum Planning and Development
 C&I 451 Children Computer Programs and Games
 EE 430 Planning Elementary and Early Childhood Curriculum
 C&I 435 Educational Media Design and Utilization
 C&I 303 General Teaching Methods
 C&I 436 Computers in Education
 C&I 437 Computer and Instructional Media
 C&I 631 Computer Education (Graduate Level)
 C& 605 Theory of Curriculum(Graduate Level)
Arab Open University -Jordan branch- (2006 - 2008)
 ED332 Computer Assisted instruction
 Ed 431 Educational Software Design and Development.
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Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies (2001 - 2005)
 Computer Education (Graduate Level)
 Computer Software Design and Development (Graduate Level)
 Curriculum Planning and Development (Graduate Level).
University of Jordan – ICTE Program- (2007 - 2008)
 Instructional Multimedia
 Instructional Design
University of North Texas, Denton Texas, USA ( Summer 1999)
 Teaching: CECS 1100 Computer Education Tool.
 Computer Lab Assistant 1997 –1999
 CURR 6121 Advanced study in curriculum & Instruction: Developing the course
materials: Course syllabus, selecting a textbook and designing tasks.
 Curriculum Supervisor and Publisher Yarmouk Model School: A committee member for
publishing computer curriculum for elementary grades (1-6) in the model school at
Yarmouk University.
 Ministry of Education Jordan: A committee member of a national team for supervising
the Publication and Development of the curriculum in Jordan for grades (1-12) according
to Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) plan, 2004 -2007.
2010- 2011
Journal of Language Teaching and Research (JLTR)
Reviewer, USA.
2009 – 2010
International Journal For Research In Education (IJRE).
UAE University.
2008 – 2010
University of Sharjah Journal for Humanities & Social Sciences.
University of Sharjah, UAE.
Jordan Journal of Educational Science.
Yarmouk University, Jordan.
2005 – 2010
2003 – 2010
Dirasat, Educational Science.
Jordan University, Jordan
2010 – Present
The Qatar National research Foundation
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 A Committee member for organizing the fourth students’ research forum (2009/ 2010).
College of Education, UAE University.
 Member of college Field Experience Committee, college level. (2010/ 2011).
 A member of the Research Affairs and Scientific Activities committee (2008/ 2009 –
2009/ 2010), faculty of Education, UAE University.
 A member of the graduate study committee (2009/ 2010- 2010/2011), faculty of
Education, UAE University.
 A member of committees for interviewing new candidate teachers applied for Abu
Dhabi Educational Council (ADEC). (May , 2010 and May, 2009)
 An arbitrator in the second round (2009) of Khalifa Award for Education in the field of
general education ( Distinguished teacher).
 A referee in the second round (2009) of Khalifa Award for Education in the field of
Research and studies for assessing the reality of the Arabic language and the strategies
of its teaching in the UAE educational field.
 A reviewer for national, regional and International journals.
 Contributed in establishing the child education program at Yarmouk
 A committee member to design programs and plans to activate a network for distance
learning among the Jordanian Universities, Yarmouk University, Jordan.
 A committee Member of the strategic plan and the future vision for Yarmouk University
for the years 2006- 2010.
 A head of accreditation committee for the Computer Education Program in Irbid Private
University in Jordan, 2008.
 Supervisor of the Elementary Teachers , Kindergarten teachers, and Computer teachers
at Yarmouk University Model School (2000-2008)
 Supervised more than 20 theses in various areas related to Curriculum and Instruction
and Educational Technology.( 2003 – 2008)
 Participated as a committee member in more than 50 theses and dissertations at
Yarmouk University and other Jordanian universities, (2003 – 2008)
Research Interest:
Computer Assisted Instruction.
Teaching and Learning in Elementary School.
Utilizing Technology in Elementary School.
Young Children and Computer.
Developing Elementary School Curriculum.
Last day Updated Sunday , November 20, 2011