Annexure- A List of Participant 1. Dr. G. Prasanna Kumar IAS Member Secretary SEIAA 2. Sh. R.N. Malik Member SEIAA Representatives of the project Representing 1. Shri. Amit M/S ERA Landmarks (India) Ltd., 2. Shri. Aditya 3. Shri. I. Shekhar 4. Shri R.K. Bakashi 5. Shri. I. Shekhar 6. Shri. Meena 7. Mr. Rajeev Gupta 1. Shri R.K. Bakashi 2. Shri Anand 10. Shri Anand M/S Landmark Constructions, M/S Mangalam Multiplex Pvt. Ltd. M/S DLF Cyber City Pvt. Ltd. RS Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. M/S RPS Infrastructure Ltd. M/S Countrywide Promoters. M/S DLF New Gurgaon Homes. EO Municipal Committee Karnal. EO Municipal Committee Y. Nagar 11. M/S Varun Enterprises. Shri Rai 12. Shri V. Gupta M/S Shri Bihari Ji Industries. PROCEEDING OF 14th of State Impact Assessment Authority held on 22ND AND 23RD SEPTEMBER, 2008 AT HUDA GYMKHANA CLUB, SEC. 29, GURGAON UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SH. K.S. BHORIA, IAS (RETD.) CHAIRMAN, SEIAA regarding Environmental Clearance under EIA notification dated 14.09.06. *** The following were present in the meeting: 1. Dr. G. Prasanna Kumar, IAS Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary, Environment Member Secretary, SEIAA 2. Sh. R.N. Malik, Member SEIAA The 14th meeting of the SEIAA was held on 22nd and 23rd Sept. 2009 at HUDA Gymkhana Club, Sec. 29, Gurgaon for consideration of the cases of environmental clearance as recommended by the State Level Expert Appraisal Committee. In the meeting, 9 projects were taken up on 22nd Sept. 2009 and 9 projects were taken up on 23rd Sept. 2009 and following decisions were taken. 1. M/S Manglam Multiplex-EC for proposed Group Housing Project at Vill: Medhawas, Sec. 65, Distt. Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 20th meeting for granting environmental clearance with the various conditions as stipulated therein. This case was earlier considered by the Authority in its 13th meeting. Wherein the representative of the Project Proponent could not give satisfactory explanation regarding the details of green belt development scheme, rain water harvesting scheme and composting of bio-degradable waste at the site. Accordingly the case was deferred for the next meeting and representative of the project proponent was advised to submit details of green belt development scheme, rain water harvesting scheme and arrangements of composting of bio-degradable waste at the site; within 7 days and he was also advised to depute a person in the next meeting of SEIAA who is well conversant with the matter and can give satisfactory explanation. In the meeting today the representative of the project proponent alongwith the consultant were present and explained the issues as pointed out in the last meeting of the Authority. It has also been pointed out that the project is located in sector 65, Gurgaon. Haryana. and HUDA has intimated that they will be able to provide water supply in this area in about 3 years. It was also observed that the Project Proponent has proposed to meet with the water requirement during construction Phase from Private/ Authorized water supplier and during operational phase the water demand will be met from HUDA/existing bore-wells. After discussions and due consideration of the matter, the Authority was of the unanimous view to grant environmental clearance to this project subject to the following conditions in addition to the conditions stipulated by the SEAC in their recommendations. i) The entire non-built up area should be maintained properly by the Project Proponent. ii) The site for solid waste collection should be properly demarcated. iii) For collection and segregation of bio-degradable waste, in house treatment facility should be adopted. iv) The Project Proponent shall follow the green building design by installation of solar system to conserve energy. 2. M/S DLF Cyber City Developers Ltd-EC for building at DLF Ph-II Bld. N0. 14, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 20th meeting for granting environmental clearance with the various conditions. This project was earlier considered by SEIAA in its 13th meeting. Wherein the details of traffic circulation plan, rain water harvesting scheme and green belt development plan in context of entire cyber city as one unit was discussed. The Authority decided to visit the cyber city during the next meeting. It was done in the today meeting. The owner of the project alongwith his team explained in details the traffic circulation plan, green belt development plan and rain water harvesting scheme of the DLF cyber city and he also informed about the further improvement they are proposing to make in these areas. The Authority expressed its concern about the traffic congestion in this area. The representative of project proponent informed that to reduce the traffic congestion of internal road “Sikandarpur to NH8, which is passing through the DLF cyber city complex, Chief Engineer HUDA has approved the Detail Project Report (DPR) submitted by them for widening of road network. It was also informed that Deputy Commissioner of Police Gurgaon has also recommended the plans submitted by them for making traffic flow continuous, smooth and conflict free. The copies of the same were also submitted by the project proponent. It was desired that traffic plans prepared by the project proponent should not result in the reduction of the green area along the road side in the process of expansion of the road. The Authority also brought home the necessity of the rain water harvesting in this area in an effective manner. The Project proponent promise to under-take in the near future. The Authority also advised the project proponent to introduce the green building concept in designing their building to work as a model for other developers. After detailed deliberations the Authority decided to accept the recommendation of SEAC and to accord environmental clearance to the project subject to the conditions as below in addition to the conditions stipulated by the SEAC in their recommendations. [1] The project proponent shall go in for rain water harvesting measures in an effective manner as discussed in the meeting. [2] Since the project area falls in the list of Aravalli villages the project proponent shall obtain clearance from Forest Department in respect of the specific project area about the applicability of the MOEF GOI notification dated 07.05.92 before the start of construction activity. [3] The project proponent shall insure the green belt development in the project area to the extent of at list 15%. 3. M/S R.S. Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.- EC for Commercial Complex Project at Sec. 62, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 20th meeting for granting environmental clearance with the various conditions as stipulated therein. This case was earlier considered by the Authority in its 13th meeting wherein it was noticed that the project proponent has proposed 11meter wide road for access to the proposed building. On the one side of the proposed access road another plot which is not in their possession also exists. Upon this the Authority inquired from the project proponent regarding details about the vacant piece of land and type of construction activity to be under-taken on that piece of land but the representative of the project proponent could not give satisfactory reply. Accordingly the case was deferred for the next meeting with the decision that the project proponent should obtain clear cut clarification from HUDA about the ownership/possession and type of construction activity to be under- taken on that piece of land and submit the same to this office so as to enable the Authority to take a final decision of this case. In the meeting today the representative of the company and their consultant explained that they have the ownership of this vacant land and have already submitted the plans for development of the vacant piece of land with Town and Country planning Department; as an integrated part of this project. After discussions and due consideration of the matter, the Authority was of the unanimous view to grant environmental clearance to this project subject to the conditions stipulated by the SEAC in their recommendations. 4. M/S Pashupati Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.- EC for proposed group housing project Sec. 95, Village Wazirpur, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. The Project Proponent with the consultant appeared before the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). It was observed that the project is located in village Wazirpur, Sector 95, Gurgaon. The HUDA has intimated that they will not be able to provide water supply to this area in 3 years it was also observed that the project proponent has proposed to meet with the water requirement from existing 2no. of bore-wells during operation phase till the water supply is made available by HUDA. The project proponent has already applied to CGWA for permission for abstraction of ground water. During construction phase, the water will be used from tankers and private agency/contractors were engaged for supply of water. It was observed by the Authority that village Wazirpur falls in the 24 villages notified by the CGWA for regulation of ground water as well as village Wazirpur is also located within 5 KM distance of the boundary of the protected area of Sultanpur National Park situated in Gurgaon which has been notified by MOEG GOI as Eco-sensitive Zone vide MOEF GOI draft notification dated 29.01.09. After detailed deliberation in the matter, the Authority agreed to grant environmental clearance to this project under Govt. of India Not. 14.9.2006, subject to the following conditions in addition to the conditions stipulated by the SEAC:1. No construction will be started until the clearance/permission from CGWA is obtained for drawl of ground water as this area falls in the village Wazirpur which has been notified by CGWA for regulation of ground water. 2. The environmental clearance is subject to the condition that the Project proponent shall comply with the provisions of the notification declaring Sultanpur National Park, Gurgaon as Eco-sensitive Zone as an when the same will be finalized and published. 5. M/S Gateway Education & Charitable Society-EC for Gateway International School proposed expansion project at vill: Fazilpur, Sec.11, Sonepat: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with the various stipulations as laid down in the minutes. The Project Proponent with the consultant appeared before the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The PP has informed that this is an expansion project. They had build up the school on 10000 sq. mt. and further applied for expansion to the tune of 7000 sq. mt. The change of land use has already been provided by TCP. The total built up area will be 31214 sq. mt. The total green area has been kept as 45% of the total area and the height of the building will be 16.65 mts. The total water requirement 249 KLD which will be supplied by HUDA. The power supply will be 375 KW which will be supplied by UHBVNL but the certificate has not been provided from Competent Authority for supply of power. The total water requirement has not been given. It was informed by the PP that they will use water from 2 existing borewells. After detailed deliberation in the matter, the Authority agreed to grant environmental clearance to this project under Govt. of India Not. 14.9.2006, as recommended by the SEAC. 6. M/S Milestone Mega City Pvt. Ltd. - EC for “Warehouse Project” Vill-Kapriwas & Malpura, Sec. 16, Rewari: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with the various conditions as stipulated therein. The Project Proponent with the consultant appeared before the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The PP has informed that this is a Warehouse Project at Sec. 16, Rewari will give various organizations, businesses and companies for the purpose of warehousing of stock in trade, finished, semi-finished, raw materials and other goods for carrying out other supply. The total built up area will be 132651.41 sq. mt. The total green area has been kept as 31.02% of the total area. The power supply will be 2232.9 KW which will be supplied by DHBVNL but the certificate has not been provided from Competent Authority for supply of power. After detailed deliberation in the matter, the Authority agreed view to grant environmental clearance to this project under Govt. of India Not. 14.9.2006, subject to the conditions as stipulated by the SEAC. 7. M/S Puri Construction Pvt. Ltd.-EC for proposed IT Park Project at Vil: Chauma, Sec. 110A, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therin. The Project Proponent appeared before the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The PP has informed that the reply to the shortcomings were submitted to SEAC during presentation. The power supply will be supplied by DHBVNL but the certificate has not been provided from Competent Authority for supply of power. The water will be used from 2 tubewells for which the authority from CGWA will be required. After detailed deliberation in the matter, the Authority agreed to grant environmental clearance to this project under MOEF GOI notification dated 14.9.2006, subject to the conditions that the PP will not start construction activity until the clearance/permission from CGWA is obtained in addition to the conditions recommended by SEAC. 8. M/S Royal DM Estate, 1043, New Delhi-EC for Commercial-cum-Hotel Complex at Sec. 62 & 65 at Vill: Nangli Umarpur, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. The Project Proponent appeared before the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The PP has informed that they have proposed to construct Commercial-cum-Hotel Complex at Sec. 62 & 65, Gurgaon and the reply to the shortcomings were submitted to SEAC in the 19th & 20th meeting of SEAC. The power will be supplied by HVPN but the certificate has not been provided from Competent Authority for supply of power. The water will be used from 2 tubewells for which the authority from CGWA will be required. After detailed deliberation in the matter, the Authority agreed to grant environmental clearance to this project under Govt. of India Not. 14.9.2006, subject to the following conditions in addition to the conditions stipulated by the SEAC: 1. The PP will not start construction until the clearance/permission for drawl of ground water is obtained from CGWA. 2. The green area will be 20% with further scope of 10% additional area for future. 3. The bio-degradable waste shall be decomposed at the site by the approved norms/method. 4. The Project Proponent shall make solid waste segregation arrangement as discussed in the meeting. 9. M/S DLF Building India-EC of construction of 19.643 acres group housing project at Sec. MIA, Manesar, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. The Project Proponent with the consultant appeared before the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The PP has informed that their proposal for construction of group housing project “Express Greens-II” at Sec. Mia, Gurgaon. The total built up area will be 280233 sq. mt. comprising of 2 basements, 1 GF and 24 floors and the highest of the building will be 83.20 mts. The total water requirement 491.2 cubic meter per day. The power supply will be 4000 KVA which will be supplied by HVPNL but the certificate has not been provided from Competent Authority for supply of power. It was informed by the PP that they will use water from 2 existing borewells for which the permission from competent authority will be required. The Authority found that village Manesar falls in the list of villages notified by the CGWA for regulation of ground water. The Authority found that the project area fall in the list of villages notified under section 4&5 of PLPA 1900. The Authority however agreed to grant Environmental Clearance by SEAC subject to the following additional conditions. 1. The Project proponent shall obtain requisite approval from the Forest Department with regard to the notification under section 4&5 of PLPA 1900 as such areas are also covered under MOEF GOI notification dated 07.05.92; before the start of construction activity. 2. The Project proponent shall obtain permission for abstraction of ground water from CGWA prior to the operationalization of the project. 10. M/S Toucan Real estate Ltd-EC for Hotel-cum-Commercial Project at Vill: Ullahwas, Manesar Urban Complex Sec. 60, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. None from the project proponent site appeared before the Authority. However the project was considered on merits in view of the recommendations of the SEAC. The Authority observed that the project area falls in village Ullahwas which is covered under the Aravalli notification dated 07.05.92 of the MOEF GOI. The project therefore would require Environmental Clearance from the competent Authority. The Authority after detailed discussions agreed to grant EC as recommended by the SEAC but subject to the condition that the project proponent shall obtained requisite clearance under the MOEF GOI notification dated 07.05.92 from the competent Authority before the start of construction activities. This condition will be in addition to the other conditions as stipulated by the SEAC. 11. M/S A.N. Buildwell (P) Ltd-EC for IT Park, Sec.8, IMT, Manesar, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various stipulated therein. None from the project proponent side appeared before the Authority. However the Project was taken up for consideration in view of the recommendation of SEAC. After detailed discussions, the Authority found no reason to disagree with the recommendation of SEAC and decided to grant Environmental Clearance as recommended by the SEAC. 12. M/S Millenium Plaza Resorts & Hotels Pvt. Ltd.-EC for construction of “Five Star Hotel” at Sec. 47, District Centre, Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. The representative of the Project Proponent and their consultant informed that this project is construction of 5 Star Hotel at Sec. 47, Gurgaon. It was observed that the project proponent has proposed to install STP in the basement of the building. The Authority was of the view that the STP should not be installed in the basement as it spreads lot of odour in the basement and becomes a health hazard for the worker their. After detailed discussions, the Authority agreed to grant Environmental Clearance to this project subject to the following conditions in addition to the conditions stipulated by SEAC. 1. STP should not be installed in the basement as it spreads lot of odour and is not congenial to healthy Environment. 2. The project proponent shall use solar energy for energy saving up to a minimum of 20%. 3. Parking arrangements should be sufficient to accommodate more vehicles in future as well. Therefore 15% of the project area should be kept for future requirement apart from existing one. 13. M/S Eldeco Infrastructure and Properties Ltd- EC for proposed expansion township project at Sec. 40, Panipat: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. None from the project proponent side appeared before the Authority. However the Project was taken up for consideration in view of the recommendation of SEAC. It was observed that the master plan of the proposed expansion Town ship project, green belt development scheme, solid waste management scheme, biomedical waste management scheme, solar energy conservation measures and traffic circulation plan submitted by the project proponent are not self explanatory and satisfactory. After detailed discussions, the Authority decided to defer this case for the next meeting. It was also decided that the project proponent should be advised to attend the next meeting of SEIAA to explain in detail master plan of the proposed expansion Town ship project, green belt development scheme, solid waste management scheme, bio-medical waste management scheme, solar energy conservation measures and traffic circulation plan. 14. M/S Parsavnath Developers Ltd.-EC for construction of IT/ITES SEZ project at sohna Road, Distt. Gurgaon: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. The representative of Project Proponent and their consultant informed that this project is for construction of IT/ITES SEZ project at Village- Sohna and Mohammadpur Gujjar, Tehsil- Sohna, Distt. Gurgaon. It was informed that they intent to setup IT/ITS SEZ on 427050 of area in village- Sohna and Mohammadpur Gujjar. They have already acquired the land on lease for which MOEF GOI has already issued notification. 1. The Authority observed that village-Mohammadpur Gujjar falls in Aravalli area as per report of District revenue Officer, Gurgoan. In addition village Sohna and Mohammadpur also fall in Aravalli area as well as closed under section 4&5 of PLPA 1900 as per the list obtained from Deputy Conservator of Forest Gurgaon. 2. The project proponent has submitted a report of Tehsildar Gurgaon stating that this area is not covered under Aravalli Notification dated 07.05.92. 3. As per the report of District Revenue Officer, the category of the land in this village is “Gair Mumkin Pahar” thereby falling under Aravalli notification dated 07.05.92. The certificate given by Tehsildar thus does not appear to the correct. It needs further verification Deputy Commissioner Gurgaon to be informed accordingly. 4. In addition, the power requirement of the project is quite high and the supply is not assured by any power utility. The project proponent has proposed a coal based captive power plant of 75 MW which does not appear to be feasible and could require separate Environmental Clearance for this. 5. The project area also falls in over exploited zone and there is no surety of supply of water from NCR canal which the project proponent is claiming. Therefore the project proponent has to obtain prior permission from CGWA for utilizing the ground water. The above points being crucial to the environment needs further examination and appraisal. It was therefore decided to refer back this case to SEAC to further examine and appraise this project on the aspects explained above. 15. M/S SLF Building Bricks of Trust-EC for construction of group housing project in Vill-Martzapur at Sec. 75-76. Faridabad: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. None from the project proponent side appeared before the Authority. However the Project was taken up for consideration in view of the recommendation of SEAC. It was observed that green belt development scheme, solid waste management scheme, solar energy conservation measures and traffic parking and circulation plan, rain water harvesting scheme submitted by the project proponent are not self explanatory and satisfactory. After detailed discussions, the Authority decided to defer this case for the next meeting. It was also decided that the project proponent should be advised to attend the next meeting of SEIAA to explain in detail green belt development scheme, solid waste management scheme, solar energy conservation measures and traffic parking and circulation plan, rain water harvesting scheme. 16. M/S SLF Haryana-EC for group housing project “Indraprastha Apartments” at Sec. 30-33, Faridabad: This project has been recommended by the SEAC in its 21st meeting for granting environmental clearance with various conditions as stipulated therein. None from the project proponent side appeared before the Authority. However the Project was taken up for consideration in view of the recommendation of SEAC. It was observed that green belt development scheme, solid waste management scheme, solar energy conservation measures and traffic parking and circulation plan, rain water harvesting scheme submitted by the project proponent are not self explanatory and satisfactory. After detailed discussions, the Authority decided to defer this case for the next meeting. It was also decided that the project proponent should be advised to attend the next meeting of SEIAA to explain in detail green belt development scheme, solid waste management scheme, solar energy conservation measures and traffic parking and circulation plan, rain water harvesting scheme. 17. M/S Dhir Constructors & Builders (P) Ltd.-EC for Suncity Township Project, Sec.33, Kaithal. The SEAC has recommended to reject this case and to issue directions to the respective department to insure that the project proponent should not violate the provisions of EIA notification 14.09.06 and legal action be initiated in case of any violation. The recommendations of SEAC were considered in the presence of representative of project proponent in the meeting today. The project proponent intimated that their project area is less than 50 hec. therefore their project is not covered under 8 (b) of EIA notification 14.09.06 and MOEF GOI has also issued clarification in this regard. Therefore environmental clearance for this project is not required. The Authority observed that the propose township project is located in a HUDA sector i.e. sector 33, Kaithal being developed by HUDA. It was also noticed that the construction activity for development of commercial area to be under taken by the project proponent as well as the construction activity for development of residential plots would exceed 1, 50,000 for which the project proponent is required to seek environmental clearance under category 8(b) of EIA notification. The project proponent however agreed to obtain environmental clearance from SEIAA Haryana for the development of said town ship project. The project proponent also submitted an undertaking in this regard. The Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC for appraisal of this project on merits as the project proponent has agreed to obtain environmental clearance for the development of township at sector- 33, Kaithal. 18. M/S Uddar Gagan Ltd-EC for Suncity Township Project, Sec. 27-28, Rohtak: The SEAC has recommended to reject this case and to issue directions to the respective department to insure that the project proponent should not violate the provisions of EIA notification 14.09.06 and legal action be initiated in case of any violation. The recommendations of SEAC were considered in the presence of representative of project proponent in the meeting today. The project proponent intimated that their project area is less than 50 hec. therefore their project is not covered under 8 (b) of EIA notification 14.09.06 and MOEF GOI has also issued clarification in this regard. Therefore environmental clearance for this project is not required. The Authority observed that the propose township project is located in a HUDA sector i.e. sector 27-28, Rohtak being developed by HUDA. It was also noticed that the construction activity for development of commercial area to be under taken by the project proponent as well as the construction activity for development of residential plots would exceed 1, 50,000 for which the project proponent is required to seek environmental clearance under category 8(b) of EIA notification. The project proponent however agreed to obtain environmental clearance from SEIAA Haryana for the development of said town ship project. The project proponent also submitted an undertaking in this regard. The Authority decided to refer back this case to SEAC for appraisal of this project on merits as the project proponent has agreed to obtain environmental clearance for the development of township at sector- 27-28, Rohtak. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair.