1 APPENDIX: PILOT EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIOS 2 3 Global SNR for the Acoustic Stimuli 4 As discussed in the main text, the SNR for the A stimulus was held fixed at a single value 5 for all listeners, motivated by a planned future study aimed at identifying psychophysical 6 correlates of the bimodal benefit for individual listeners. To determine the global SNR for the A 7 stimulus to be used for all listeners and conditions in the study, two initial listeners (S1 and S2) 8 were brought in for pilot testing. S1 and S2 were selected because their clinical records showed 9 the highest and lowest word recognition performances, respectively, with their acoustic hearing 10 ear, amongst the pool of subjects available for recruitment when the study commenced. These 11 listeners were presented with test blocks over a range of SNRs in the A and AV conditions to 12 determine the minimum SNR at which S2 would receive some speech information in the A 13 condition, and at which S1 would be below ceiling in the A and AV conditions. This SNR was 14 determined to be 6 dB. 15 16 Baseline Testing and Training 17 Prior to participating in experiments 1 and 2, each listener participated in an initial 18 baseline experiment conducted to determine the range of performance to be expected in the 19 various modalities. Each listener was tested in a subset of the main experimental conditions 20 where the A and E stimuli were not combined (E, EV, V, AV, and A). This baseline testing also 21 served as training in the consonant-identification task. The A and E stimuli were both presented 22 in speech-spectrum-shaped noise at an SNR of 6 dB (i.e., the global SNR selected for all A 23 stimuli). For the V condition, the noise was presented at the same level as in the other conditions Sheffield et al 24 (6 dB below the speech level specified for each ear), but no auditory speech signal was 25 presented. Two blocks of 56 trials were presented for each condition. One block each was 26 presented for the E, EV, V, AV, and A conditions, in that order, and then a second block for each 27 condition was presented in the reverse order. 28 Figure 2 shows mean percentage-correct consonant-recognition scores for each listener 29 and the group mean for each of the five baseline/training conditions. The range of performance 30 for the implant only condition (E) varied greatly across listeners (13-86% correct, mean 51.1%). 31 Performance in the EV conditions was considerably better than in the E condition, reflecting the 32 benefit of the added visual cues (53- 100% correct, mean 83.3%). EV performance across 33 listeners was also somewhat less varied than in the E condition, perhaps because performance 34 was at or near ceiling (above 90% correct) for many of the listeners. For the visual-only 35 condition (V), performance was much more consistent across listeners, ranging from 27 to 39% 36 with a mean of 33.8%. Performance for the acoustic ear stimulus with visual cues (AV) ranged 37 from 47-90% correct (mean of 74.2%), whereas performance for the acoustic only condition (A) 38 was lower and had greater variability (8-65% correct, mean 29.8%). Note that although 39 performance was near chance (7% correct) in the A condition for two of the lowest-performing 40 listeners (S2 and S7), performance was better in the AV than in the V condition for all listeners, 41 indicating that some speech information was provided by the A stimulus. 42 Overall, these results demonstrate the need for using different SNRs for the E and A 43 stimuli in the main experiment to avoid floor and ceiling effects. The results show that an SNR 44 less than 6 dB is required to avoid ceiling effects in the EV condition, whereas reducing the SNR 45 below 6 dB for the A condition would likely eliminate most of the speech information available 46 for the lowest-performing listeners in the A modality. Furthermore, there were large differences Sheffield et al 47 in performance between the E and EV conditions when the same SNR was used in both 48 conditions. This would make it difficult to make accurate inferences about the relative benefit 49 provided by the additional acoustic signal in each condition (E and EV) because of the fact that 50 performance increases would be measured from two different performance reference points. 51 Therefore, an attempt was made to identify two different E stimulus SNRs applied for each 52 listener – one SNR for the E conditions and another lower SNR for the EV condition – to 53 equalize CI performance at the 50% correct level. 54 55 Individualized SNRs for the Cochlear Implant Stimuli 56 To determine the SNR required for 50% correct consonant-identification performance for 57 each listener, three blocks of trials each were tested for the E and EV conditions with the SNR 58 varying on every trial using a one-up-one-down psychophysical tracking procedure (Levitt, 59 1971). Consonant tokens were selected at random on each trial. The first token was played at an 60 SNR of 18 dB. The SNR was then lowered after each correct response or raised after each 61 incorrect response. The step size was 6 dB for the first two reversals, 4 dB for the next two 62 reversals, and 2 dB for the remaining 20 reversals. An initial estimate of the SNR required for 63 50% correct performance (SNR50) was calculated to be the mean of the SNRs across the last 64 eight reversal points of the three runs for a given condition (24 points total). Further testing was 65 then conducted with each listener to refine the SNR50 estimates via trial and error. This was 66 accomplished by testing at least one block each (56 trials) for the E and EV conditions at the 67 initial SNR50 estimate for each condition. Additionally, at least one block of trials was presented 68 for the E condition, but at the generally lower SNR required to reach 50% correct for the EV 69 condition (SNREV50). This latter test was included to ensure that listeners were obtaining at least Sheffield et al 70 some auditory speech information at this lower SNR and that they were not relying solely on 71 visual cues to achieve 50% correct performance in the EV condition. If these criteria were not 72 reached for a given listener, the estimates of the SNRE50 and SNREV50 were adjusted, and testing 73 continued iteratively until these performance criteria were reached. These final values of SNRE50 74 and SNREV50 were then used in the testing phase. 75 The resulting estimates of the SNRE50 and SNREV50 are listed for each listener in Table 2. The 76 SNRE50 ranged across listeners from -3.5 dB for S5 to infinity (i.e., no noise) for S2, S4, and S7. 77 Note that S8 was unable to reach 50% consonant recognition even in quiet, thus an SNRE50 could 78 not be determined for this listener. The SNREV50 ranged across listeners from -9 dB for S1 to 79 infinity (i.e., no noise) for S8. 80 Reference 81 Levitt, H. (1971). Transformed up-down methods in psychoacoustics. J Acoust Soc Am, 49 Suppl 82 2, 467–477. Sheffield et al