
Name____________________________ Class________________ Date_____________
Layers of the Earth
Key Term Review
Inner Core: Innermost, densest, hottest, mostly Fe.
Outer Core: Mostly Fe, surrounds inner core, liquid.
Lower Mantle: Thickest layer, ultra heavy rock.
Upper Mantle: Part of lithosphere, brittle.
Crust: You live on it, relatively paper thin, brittle, least dense, floats on mantle.
Lithosphere: Solid part of Earth.
Asthenosphere: Layer of deformable rock below the lithosphere.
1. Using the information from the Powerpoint presentation, the model, and your
book, fill in the table below:
The Layers of the Earth
Upper mantle
Lower Mantle
Outer Core
Inner Core
0-35 km
35-60 km
35-2890 km
2890-5100 km
5100-6378 km
2. Which layer do we live on? Crust
3. What layer is directly below your answer above? Upper Mantle
4. What is the thickest layer? Lower Mantle
5. Which layers are in included in the lithosphere? Crust and Upper Mantle
6. The Earth’s inner core is made up of mainly Fe and Ni
Apply Your Knowledge
Like an egg, Earth has a core, a layer surrounding the core, and a thin, hard outer
layer. Which layers of the Earth match the layers of an egg?
Crust = white shell
Mantle = Egg white
Core = Yolk (yellow center)