Sociology 100, Spring Quarter 2007

Sociology 100, Spring Quarter 2007
Review Guide for Exam #4: Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The exam will consist of any combination of the following: multiple choice, short answer,
matching, and fill in the blank. Questions on the exam are based on the following materials:
Henslin textbook, Chapters 8 (Gender) and 10 (Marriage & Family); the reading by Popenoe
posted on my webpage, and the video clip “Our God is a Woman”. Be sure to know more than
just definitions; study so that you can apply concepts as well. Good luck!!
What is the difference between sex and gender? What is biological determinism?
What are gender roles? What is meant by “expected gender roles” for women and men?
Video: “Our God Is A Woman”: how were gender roles portrayed, and how were they different
than what is seen in the United States? What does this say about gender cross culturally? (Think
about social construction of gender here.)
What is gender identity? Gender socialization?
What is hegemonic masculinity? Subversive masculinity?
Explain the social construction of gender (as described by Lorber). How does gender cut across
social institutions? Why can one consider gender AS a social institution?
What is gender stratification? What is gender inequality? How does gender inequality cut across
various social contexts (education, health care, everyday life, as a few examples)?
What is sexism?
What is the difference between a patriarchy and a matriarchy? What are the origins of patriarchy?
What is meant by a “pay gap” (also know as the “wage gap”)?
What is occupational sex segregation? What are blue collar, pink collar, and white collar jobs?
Who fills these type of jobs typically?
How are gender stratification and gender inequality functional for society?
What is the glass ceiling? The glass escalator? How does gender relate to each of these? Be able
to explain the “mommy track” in relation to the employment experiences of women in the U.S.
What is sexism? Sexual harassment? What is “quid pro quo” sexual harassment? Explain what a
hostile work environment.
Explain what is meant by the idea of the “devaluation of women’s work”
How is gender stratification and gender inequality functional for society?
According to Parsons (1955), what is the expressive role? The instrumental role? Who is
expected to fill each role? What duties are supposed to be done within each of those roles?
What is the conflict perspective of gender inequality and the division of labor in families and the
Using a symbolic interactionist perspective, explain what is meant by “doing gender”
What is feminism? What is feminist theory? How does it focus on social justice & social change?
What are the different types of feminist “waves” discussed in the Henslin text? What has been
the primary focus within each of the feminist waves?
What are the different types of feminisms discussed in lecture? (Liberal, multiracial, socialist)
How does each feminist theory view gender in society? What is “multiple jeopardy”?
What is the family? How is family different from a household?
Explain the difference between a family of orientation and a family of procreation
What is kinship? What is meant by a “pattern of descent”? Why is tracing kinship and descent
important in families?
Be able to distinguish the difference among patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilateral descent
What is a nuclear family? An extended family? What are fictive kin? “Othermothers?”
What are some characteristics of the “ideal” nuclear family discussed in class?
What is the difference between a preindustrial family and an industrial family? How does the
concept of economic production differentiate a preindustrial family from an industrial family?
In the development of the industrial family, what is meant by public/private spheres? How did
the Industrial Revolution shape the creation of public and private spheres?
Which sphere is considered “masculine” and why? Which is considered “feminine” and why?
How did the G.I. Bill, road building, and suburbanization influence the development of the1950s
ideal nuclear family?
Popenoe reading “Can the Nuclear Family Be Revived?”: Why did Popenoe write about nuclear
families? What explanations does he provide for the decline (i.e., “breakdown”) of the nuclear
family? (Here, think about shifts in cultural ideologies [such as individualism & radical
feminism], women working outside the home, technological advancement, etc.)
What does Popenoe suggest for the revival of the nuclear family? (Think about changes in
American cultural ideology, abstinence, the influence of media & entertainment, marriage,
monogamy, etc.)
What is the definition of marriage? What are reasons for getting married besides romantic love?
What are some of the cultural variations discussed in class? Here think about distinguishing the
following forms: monogamy, serial monogamy, exogamy, endogamy
With marriages having more than one spouse, distinguish the marriage practices of polygamy,
polygyny, and polyandry (in other words, which is the general definition, which terms identify a
husband with multiple wives and a wife with multiple husbands?)
What factors might influence why an individual has more than one spouse?
Explain the social factors that influence mate selection for marriage; what is homogamy?
What is the sex ratio? How is it calculated?
What is the functionalist perspective on family? Why is the institution of the family considered a
“universal”? What are the functional requisites that the institution of the family should provide
within a given society? (In other words, what needs should the family fulfill in society?)
How can family life be dysfunctional, especially for nuclear families? What is the incest taboo?
How does the conflict perspective analyze gendered relationships in family dynamics? How does
power factor into these family dynamics?
What is meant by the “second shift”? What is meant by a dual wage-earning family? How does
the idea of egalitarianism relate to a dual wage-earning family?
Be able to explain the following “strategies of resistance”: playing dumb, waiting it out, needs
reduction, substitute offerings? (Please see the “Thinking Critically” Box on pp. 300-301 in
Henslin textbook.) How does the second shift challenge the assumption of egalitarianism in a
dual wage-earning family?
How does the symbolic interactionist perspective analyze the meaning of family? The meaning
of gender dynamics in the family? How individuals define marriage?