Minutes format Wd - Orland School District 135

APPROVED 9/11/2014
Board of Education
Orland School District 135
Regular Meeting
Monday, August 11, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
Administration Center, Board Room
15100 South 94th Ave., Orland Park, Illinois
The regular meeting of the Board of Education, Orland School District 135, was held on
Monday, August 11, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Center, 15100 S. 94th Ave.,
Orland Park, Illinois. Notice of the meeting, along with copies of the complete agenda,
was delivered to members of the Board and emailed to news media on Thursday,
August 7, 2014.
The meeting was called to order at 7:14 p.m. by President Pro Tem Michael Carroll.
ROLL CALL, followed by recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Dr. Laura Berry, Michael Carroll, Michael Maratea, Greg Okon
Absent: Sandra Kulak, Joseph LaMargo, Tina Zekich
Also present were the following:
Pam Becker, Asst. Principal, Orland Jr. High
Kristin Beeler, Century Jr. High
Ellen Belotti, Dir., Special Education
Chris Bohula, Century Jr. High
Kevin Brown, Orland Jr. High
Eve Bukowski, President, Orland Council of
Amanda Del Buono, Orland Park Prairie
Dan Doogan, Dir., Technology
Robert Engelmaler, student
Cheryl Foertsch, Principal, High Point School
Brian Fogarty, Asst. Dir., Curriculum
Pat Guinane, TribLocal
Jerry Hughes, Dir., Safety & Risk Management
Linda Kane, Principal, Orland Jr. High
David Kennedy, Principal, Jerling Jr. High
Dan Leib, Orland Council of Educators
Julian Liotine, resident
Tracy Marc, Coord., Community Relations
Jennifer Nichols, Principal, Center School
Jeff Nightingale, Principal, Prairie School
Julie Oberwise, Dir., Human Resources
Ami Porte-Lewis, Asst. Director, Special Education
Dan Prorok, Asst. Principal, Jerling Jr. High
Logan Radgovski, student
Donna Rehm, High Point School
Shannon Roedel, Principal, Meadow Ridge School
David Snyder, Dir., Curriculum
Janet Stutz, Superintendent
Dan Werfelman, Director of Facilities, Operations
& Maintenance
Lynn Zeder, Dir., Curriculum, Instruction &
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 2
August 11, 2014
Mr. Okon moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of Education appoint
Laura Berry to serve as Secretary Pro Tem in the absence of Board Secretary
Sandra Kulak. Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays:
None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
High Point School Nurse, Team Leader and active member of the Southwest Suburban
Teacher Union, Local 943, Donna Rehm was recently featured in the Illinois Federation
of Teachers (IFT) magazine for her winning entry submitted to the "Make a Wish"
contest, sponsored by the IFT and First Book. First Book is a non-for-profit agency that
helps promote literacy and a love for reading through providing free books to lowincome students and their teachers. Ms. Rehm's entry was selected based on
"Nurse Rehm's Reading Corner," designed to promote healthy bodies and healthy
minds by having students read while visiting her office.
The Spring 2014 Illinois Art Education Association (IAEA) publication, Mosaic,
highlighted the District 135 art educators' efforts in displaying over 200 select student
artworks from District 135 schools during the National Youth Art Month in March 2014.
Eight art teachers celebrate the artistic talents of students throughout Grades 1-8. The
article featured highlights from the reception for the student art showing on display at
the Orland Park Public Library.
The IAEA's Mosaic also featured an elementary school-level reusable material art project
prepared by Liberty School Art teacher Debbie Johnson. The project involved students
creating paper puppets, per a design executed by a Northern Illinois Studio Art
graduate. Students chose an animal or object symbolic of themselves and another
puppet to represent one of their goals. Upon completion, the students use their puppets
to communicate their goal to fellow classmates.
This District 135 Art teachers Nancy Heuser and Eryn Blaser coordinated a communitybased art project during the annual Orland Park Fine Arts Fair to create two colorful art
sculptures that will be on display in the Village of Orland Park. District 135 art teachers
Ms. Heuser and Ms. Blaser led the project with a goal to engage the whole Orland Park
community of all ages in creating an art piece for the public's enjoyment.
Community members enthusiastically participated in creating the two sculptures: a
welded metal structure shaped like a Bell Tower and appropriately named, "The Bell
Tower,” and a natural materials sculpture named "Colorful Growth." The two
sculptures were on display at the Taste of Orland earlier this month and will find a
permanent home at either the Village Hall or Cultural Center. The District looks
forward to future collaborative artistic opportunities with the Village.
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 3
August 11, 2014
Art Fair: Dr. Stutz commended the District's art teachers and students who participated
at the annual Fine Arts Fair hosted by the Village of Orland Park.
1st Day of School / Open Houses: Dr. Stutz noted that the first day of school on
August 25 will be a full day, in accordance with Public Act 97-0742. The new law, which
went into effect on June 30, 2013, indicates that any school days less than 5 clock hours
in length will not be counted toward total pupil attendance days for the school year.
The last day of school will also be a full day for students. The first day of kindergarten
will be Tuesday, August 26. In addition, Dr. Stutz noted that open houses and
orientations for each of the District's 10 schools have been scheduled and posted online.
Enrollment/Staffing: Mrs. Oberwise reported that there were about 35 newly registered
students in the past two days, and numbers are steadily increasing toward the
anticipated student enrollment projection of 4,718 for the 2014-15 school year. All
classrooms are filling within expected capacities, with full capacities in Centennial's AM
Kindergarten and 2nd Grade sections. It was explained that the District could either: 1)
increase staffing to accommodate additional class sections at Centennial as needed, or
2) close enrollment for these sections and place further enrollments at another primary
school. It is the administration's recommendation to increase staffing in order to avoid
placing students outside of their home draw. It was also noted that enrollment in the
4th grade section at Meadow Ridge is above average, and will be monitored as
enrollment continues. The administration will provide an update to the Board as
enrollment increases.
Ms. Belotti discussed the possibility for increased staffing to accommodate the high
enrollment in the District's Early Childhood (EC) program which currently has 95
students enrolled, with three classes at Centennial and two at Park. This does not
include walk-ins or speech, which is continuing to grow. The administration will
continue to monitor enrollment for the EC program throughout the year, and will
provide an update to the Board.
8/18 & 8/19 – New Certified Staff Orientation/Mentoring: Ms. Zeder reported on this
year's orientation/mentoring program for new certified staff, which is reviewed and
approved annually by the State. Highlights include several planned activities, including
introductions of the District's administration, departments, OCE and website system,
BEAMS (Beginning Educators' Assimilation and Mentoring System), and various areas
of focus, including mentor/mentee roles, blood borne pathogens training, PowerSchool
student management system, INFORM, and iPad setup. Board members were invited to
attend the New Staff Orientation luncheon at Center School on August 19.
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 4
August 11, 2014
8/21 & 8/22 – Institute Days: Ms. Zeder reviewed the agenda for the Institute Days'
program as developed by the Institute Day Committee, which spans the itinerary over a
two-day period. This year's Institute Days will begin with the Opening Day kick-off
celebration with all District 135 staff on August 21 at Parkview Church. Keynote
speaker Kevin Honeycutt will address 21st Century Learning. Staff will then return to
their home buildings to continue their scheduled itineraries. The two-day itinerary
includes technology integration, curriculum updates in Reading/Language Arts,
Mathematics and Next Generation Science Standards, assessment, RtI, and other
activities planned by each building principal for their staff.
Technology Roll-Out Plan & Pick-Up Schedule: Ms. Zeder commended all
administration, principals, staff and departments in an unprecedented collaborative
effort to initiate the mobile device roll-out program, and reported that the roll-out
program is ready to go. The District has seen an overwhelmingly positive response
from families whose child will receive a mobile device this year, noting a 97% return
rate for the parent/guardian technology device consent forms. A staggered pick-up
schedule has been established to provide devices to junior high students prior to the
start of school, while 3rd grade students will receive their iPads during the first week of
Board Treasurer Jan Prieto-McCarthy provided an overview of the Treasurer's Report,
which illustrates a summary of fund balances and the District's financial profile as of
June 30, 2014.
Ms. Prieto-McCarthy has completed a three-month bidding process for an estimated
$6 million of the District's assets. It was determined to invest $6 million with Cole
Taylor Bank for a 6-month period at an interest rate of .35% to incur a higher return rate
for the District, equaling to about $9,400. The District's assets were previously earning
an interest rate of .04%.
Also, the District's profile score has returned to its perfect score of 4.0, which is Financial
Recognition. The District decreased from a 4.0 to a 3.65 due to the expenditure to
revenue ratio increasing slightly in June, from .98 to 1.033. The expenditure ratio
increased more than revenue due to the Board's decision to restructure the debt for $4.7
million and invest $2.6 million in computers. These additional expenditures were paid
out of the District's fund balance.
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 5
August 11, 2014
The Board reviewed Policy 318 – Operational Services: Fund Balances, and Policy 713.5 –
Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries. Mrs. Oberwise noted that Policy 318 had
been revised as requested by the Board at the July 14 Committee of the Whole meeting.
Following review, it was the consensus of the Board for Policies 318 and 713.5 to be
brought forth for approval later this evening.
Consent Agenda: Mr. LaMargo read the items on the proposed consent agenda. There
being no requests for further discussion, Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that
the Board of Education approve the following consent agenda items:
1. Minutes:
July 14, 2014, Committee of the Whole Meeting
July 14, 2014, Regular Board of Education Meeting
July 14, 2014, Closed Sessions
July 24, 2014, Special Meeting
July 24, 2014, Closed Session
2. Accounts Payable:
3. Petty Cash/Imprest Fund:
4. Payroll Summary:
5. Resignation—Classified Staff, effective immediately
Stacy Wasik, Paraprofessional, Century Jr. High
6. Change of Classification—Classified Staff, effective 8/11/14
Dave Monday, from Night Lead at Prairie to
Day Lead at District Office
7. Military Fee Waiver of Education Fees
for District 135 students whose parent or guardian is currently
in active service in the U.S. military during the 2014-15 school year
8. Resolution Stating that Hazardous Conditions
Exist for Student Transportation
Roll call on the consent agenda: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon.
Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 6
August 11, 2014
Approval of Minutes—7/15/14 Committee of the Whole Meeting: Dr. Berry moved
(Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the July 15,
2014, Committee of the Whole meeting. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Dr. Berry. Nays:
None. Abstain: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich.
Motion carried.
Display of Tentative 2014-15 Budget: Mr. Okon moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the
Board of Education approve the tentative 2014-15 budget to be placed on public display
for a 30-day period, in accordance with Illinois School Code, effective 8/12/14. Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak,
Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Membership Renewal – Illinois Association of School Boards: Mr. Maratea moved
(Dr. Berry seconded) that the Board of Education approve the membership renewal
with the Illinois Association of School Boards in the amount of $9,665.00. Roll Call:
Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak,
Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Approval of New Board Policy 318: Dr. Berry moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the
Board of Education approve the Policy 318 – Operational Services: Fund Balances, effective
8/11/14. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None.
Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Approval of New Board Policy 713.5: Dr. Berry moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the
Board of Education approve the Policy 713.5 – Student Athlete Concussions and Head
Injuries, effective 8/11/14. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry,
Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Employment – Classified Staff: Mr. Okon moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board
of Education employ the following, effective the 2014-15 school year:
Vicky Arends, Paraprofessional, TBD
Kelly Baxter, Lunchroom/Playground, Center
Ty Devine, Paraprofessional, TBD
Lenore Garoufalis, Library Media Associate, Prairie
Donna Licata, Paraprofessional, TBD
Patti Loichinger, Paraprofessional, TBD
Karen Lyvers, Paraprofessional, TBD
Coleen Maines, Paraprofessional, TBD
Jennifer Martinand, Lunchroom/Playground, Center
Denise Nelson, Paraprofessional, TBD
Colleen Palermo, Paraprofessional, TBD
Denise Pesek, Lunchroom/Playground, Centennial
Suha Salem, Lunchroom/Playground, Center
Constance Schultz, Paraprofessional, TBD
Emily Stillwell, Paraprofessional, TBD
Jacqueline Valentine, Paraprofessional, TBD
Stephany Walsh, Paraprofessional, TBD
Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea. Nays: None. Absent:
Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 7
August 11, 2014
Employment – Certified Staff: Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that the Board
of Education employ the following, effective the 2014-15 school year:
Alessandra Jensen, Bilingual Teacher, Prairie/Liberty
Jeana Johnson, Planning Center, Jerling
Bethany Mampre, 7th Gr./Math, Century
Angela Young, LA/SS, OJH
Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Absent:
Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Approval of 2014-15 Substitute Salaries: TABLED
Ms. Kulak moved (Ms. Zekich seconded) that the Board of Education table the
recommended motion, Approval of 2014-15 Substitute Salaries, until after closed session.
Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Absent:
Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion TABLED.
Approval – Memorandum of Understanding: Mr. Okon moved (Mr. Maratea seconded)
that the Board of Education approve the Memorandum of Understanding, as presented,
regarding the change in salary category for the technology position due to a change in
job description. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry. Nays:
None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Camera Bid: Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that the Board of Education
approve a low responsible bid submitted by Tyco Simplex Grinnell for security cameras
in the amount not to exceed $195,163.00. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon,
Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich.
Motion carried.
Approval of Camera Software: Dr. Berry moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of
Education approve the purchase of Genetec products from Quantum Crossing, LLC, in
an amount not to exceed $71,660.00. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry,
Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Server (Camera Support): Mr. Okon moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of
Education approve the purchase of VMS server hardware from MCPC at a total cost not
to exceed $105,000.00. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll.
Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 8
August 11, 2014
Appointment – Liberty School Principal: Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that
the Board of Education appoint Daniel Prorok as Principal of Liberty School, effective
August 12, 2014. Dr. Stutz relayed the interview process, noting Mr. Prorok as the
outstanding candidate for the position. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Okon, Dr. Berry,
Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich.
Motion carried. The Board applauded Mr. Prorok upon his new appointment.
Appointment – Jerling Jr. High Assistant Principal: Dr. Berry moved (Mr. Okon
seconded) that the Board of Education appoint Kevin Brown as Assistant Principal of
Jerling Jr. High School, effective August 12, 2014. Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll,
Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich.
Motion carried. The Board applauded Mr. Brown upon his appointment.
Approval – Resolution for Bank Account Signers: Mr. Okon moved (Mr. Maratea
seconded) that the Board of Education approve a Resolution for Bank Account Signers,
presented as attached. Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon.
Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
Camera Project: Mr. Okon commended Jerry Hughes, Director of Risk Management &
Safety, for his diligent efforts in planning for security camera installations in all District
135 buildings as an added safety measure for all students and staff.
Welcome Aboard!: Dr. Berry congratulated the newly appointed staff and
administration, welcoming them to the District 135 family.
Tech Roll-Out: Mr. Maratea acknowledged the efforts of District 135 administration and
staff for establishing a successful roll out program for students receiving mobile devices.
Night Out Against Crime: Mr. Carroll recognized the successful turnout in support of
this year's annual Night Out Against Crime program hosted by the Orland Park Police
Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that the Board of Education adjourn to closed
session to discuss sale or lease of property owned by the public body, probable or
imminent litigation, and the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel. Roll Call: Ayes:
Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Absent: Ms. Kulak,
Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried (7:44 p.m.).
Orland School District 135
Board of Education
Minutes • Page 9
August 11, 2014
Dr. Berry moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education, upon completion of
its discussions in closed session, reconvene in public session. Voice vote: four ayes, no
nays. Absent: Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried (8:50 p.m.).
Approval of 2014-15 Substitute Salaries: Mr. Maratea moved (Dr. Berry seconded) that
the Board of Education approve the following daily pay rates for substitute teachers,
nurses, and paraprofessionals, as amended:
Rate of Pay
Substitute Teachers:
1-20 days
21st day and beyond
Substitute Nurses:
1-20 days
21st day and beyond
Substitute Paraprofessionals:
Daily Pay Rate
Roll Call: Ayes: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Absent:
Ms. Kulak, Mr. LaMargo, Ms. Zekich. Motion carried.
There being no further business at this time, Mr. Okon moved (Mr. Maratea seconded)
that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was called—all ayes, no nays. The
President declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned (8:52 p.m.).
Dr. Laura S. Berry, Secretary Pro Tem
Michael F. Carroll, President Pro Tem
Jill A. Olson, Recording Secretary