Philippe Claye Born 07/20/50 in France Married, three children (34

Philippe Claye
Born 07/20/50 in France
Married, three children (34, 33, 27 years old)
Certified engineer from IDN (Centrale Lille), AEA in automatics
Address: 3, Avenue de La Pérouse 62520 Le Touquet France
Tel : +33 321 536 313 ; +33 633 592 047
E mail :
Jan 06 - Aug 07
Visteon (France)
General Manager Europe South America Interior components.
22 sites, technical center. 3500 employees
1.3 billion $ in sales
May 02 – Jan 06
Crown (France)
Business Unit Manager France/Italy for the Speciality Packaging division
Full responsibility on a 100 million Euros business.
From heavy losses and an unstable business to positive income, reduced
working capital and customers satisfaction in three years.
Mid 98 – April 02
Plastic Omnium then Visteon (France)
France General Manager for Interior parts division.
Scope of responsibilities include : sales to OEM (Renault, PSA, RVI, Volvo
trucks, Toyota), programs, plants (four main facilities, four “in sequence”
delivery shops), HR, purchasing, finance.
2200 employees, 280 million Euros yearly sales.
Significant contribution throughout the process of the acquisition of Plastic
Omnium Interior division by Visteon. Same responsibilities within Visteon.
Constant improvement of results: PBT 4.5% in 98, 5.3% in 99, 6.4 % in 00,
budgeted at 7% in 01, customer satisfaction, backlog increase.
May 96 - end 98
Plastic Omnium (USA, Automotive subsidiary)
President of Plastic Omnium Inc. and P&B Automotive LLC in
Anderson (SC) and Detroit (MI).
Exterior parts division : major restructuring and reengineering,
significant reduction of losses, return to customer’s satisfaction
(BMW, GM) in a joint venture structure.
Operating profit (before interests): -115% in 96, -41% in 97, -19% in 98.
Fuel systems division : stabilisation, management of growth,
Constant improvement of financial results: operating profit (before interests):
-21% in 96, +5% in 97, +6% in 98.
Total sales (both divisions) : 25 M$ in 1996, booked at the
end of 1998 : 220 M$ for 2001.
SAP Software implemented. QS 9000 certification.
March 95 - May 96
Plastic Omnium (France)
Director of Operations of the “Urban System” division, world-wide.
Major reengineering of the plants and of supply chain scheme.
New ERP system implementation.
Mid 89 - March 94
Plastic Omnium (France)
Expansion of the Bruay la Buissiere plant, creation of the Guichen
plant (near Rennes).
Management of the “France northern plants group” (Bruay, Amiens,
Le Havre, Guichen), about 1000 employees.
Constant growth and profitability, GM/Opel “Supplier of the year”
Award four years in a row.
Management of severe industrial disputes in Le Havre.
Mid 87 - Mid 89
Plastic Omnium (USA, “3P” subsidiary)
Director of Operations Plastic Omnium Inc.. Turn around of
the American subsidiary (high performance plastics) in Boston and Houston.
Return to break even in one year, after combining all operations
in one site, and subcontracting metal machining.
April 86 - mid 87
Plastic Omnium (France)
Plant Manager. Start up of the Bruay la Buissiere plant
(body colour painted bumpers).
From zero to 120 employees, and 100 million FFR yearly sales.
Positive results the first year. Renault customer satisfaction.
April 80 - March 86
Michelin (France)
Various training : IE, quality, communication, international
relations. Production manager in Cholet, then creation of an
IE group C3M (revolutionary process and equipment).
Initiator of the organisation “Functions of Production”, later
spread throughout the Company.
Mid 74 - March 80
ITT group (France)
Production engineer.
Production manager (sheet metal, injection moulding).
Other activities:
President ADITEC Pas de Calais/CEEI
Rotary club member since 1987 ( president 2001/2002)
Golf player