
Global Compact
Plastic Omnium - Best Practices in 2006
Plastic Omnium pursues an active policy of sustainable development, in accordance with
its strategy for continuing growth. The group has been a member of the Global Compact
since 2003 and issues a progress report every year. In 2006, advances have been most
evident in the protection of the environment and safety at work - advances that have
been achieved through the implementation of internal management systems, based on
objectives shared by all our staff.
Principle 6 of the Global Compact: the elimination of discrimination in respect
of employment and occupation
 Strategic response and best practices at Plastic Omnium:
- In the next two years, Plastic Omnium wishes to further its commitment to the occupational
integration of handicapped workers by means of its recruitment policies, the retention of staff
already employed, and contracting workers via Special Employment Centers. In 2006, the
employment rate of handicapped workers in France stands at 4.3 %.
- Plastic Omnium organized events in Germany, Great-Britain and the United States to
increase awareness amongst managers and staff of the importance of "Diversity and Equality
of opportunity".
Principle 7 of the Global Compact: to support a precautionary approach to
environmental challenges
 Strategic response and best practices at Plastic Omnium:
- 14001 certification program: in 2006, 66 sites were ISO 14001 certified, representing
94% of the overall certification of the group. Our 2007 objective will raise this figure to
100%. This common point of reference for environmental management enables the
structuring of progress in our sites and means that actions initiated can become permanent.
- REACH* regulations for chemicals. * Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and
Restriction of Chemicals.
Even before the adoption of the REACH legislation by the European Parliament in December
2006, the Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior Division had anticipated the changes of
classification of certain chemicals due to their known toxicity. The solvent N-Methyl
Pyrrolidone and the additive Formaldehyde were accordingly removed from paint lines. In
parallel with this action, a comprehensive list of chemicals used was compiled in order to
assess their impact on health and the environment.
- Use of water-based paint: painting is a function of the Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior
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division. This division develops and industrializes painting processes that do not emit harmful
substances. Four paint lines are already equipped with water-based paint systems, systems
that are more environmentally friendly.
This action plan will be continued.
- Offering our markets products that respect the atmosphere:
a) Reduction of vehicle weight: Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior, the division that specializes in
designing bodywork parts and modules, has developed new modular and combined materials
solutions to restrict the weight of body parts, improve the aerodynamic properties of vehicles,
and thus limit CO2 emissions. To give an example, the replacement of metal by thermoplastics
for the fenders can lighten a car by approximately 2 kg, and up to 10 kg per car for fender
b) Reduction of pollution emissions: Inergy Automotive Systems, world leader in the design
and manufacture of fuel systems, has developed a complete exhaust system with a view to
controlling soot particles and nitrous oxide gases.
In both instances, the Plastic Omnium group offers environmentally friendly solutions that
make a reduction in fuel consumption and vehicle emissions possible.
Principle 8 of the Global Compact: to promote greater environmental
 Strategic response and best practices at Plastic Omnium:
- Use of recycled materials: in 2006, the group used 22,500 tons of recycled plastic, derived
from both parts at the end of their life and production waste, compared with 20,382 tons in
2005. These recycled materials were used for the manufacture of automobile parts and
household waste collection equipment, as part of a move to cut down on the use of fossilbased raw materials. In addition to this, Plastic Recycling, 50/50 subsidiary of Plastic
Omnium and CFF Recycling, recycled 9,027 tons of plastic in 2006.
- Energy economy: In 2006, Plastic Omnium committed to reducing energy expenditure,
with an objective of reducing electricity and gas consumption in factories and offices by 15%
by 2008.
Principle 9 of the Global Compact: to encourage the development and
diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
 Strategic response and best practices at Plastic Omnium:
- Eco-design sharing: in parallel with the eco-design methodology that Plastic Omnium
applies to all its projects and to the training of its engineers, the group developed and
launched a 5-day training module for its suppliers and contractors in 2006. This dual training
program will be continued.
- Ecosourcing: the Plastic Omnium Environment division offers local government and
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companies service solutions to optimize waste management prior to collection. The
ecosourcing offer enables the reduction of waste volume, encourages waste sorting, and
increases the recycling rate. Numerous local government bodies have already adopted this
system in France, and even more so in Belgium, where a 35% reduction of waste tonnage has
been calculated to give a 25% reduction in cost.
- Renewable energy sources: Plastic Omnium is involved in research into renewable energy
solutions in partnership with expert organizations.
- Biofiber and biomaterial research: the Plastic Omnium group is engaged in research for
the replacement of fossil-derived materials (resins and polymers) by agro-based materials. To
this end, Inoplast is developing a "green" composite material using resins and fibers produced
by organic farming.
Principle 10 of the Global Compact: to work against corruption
 Strategic response and best practice at Plastic Omnium:
- Rules for best practices between purchaser and supplier: the Group Code of Conduct
lists the rules that each member of staff must observe with regard to suppliers. In 2006, the
Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior division sent a letter to all its suppliers reminding them of the
principle rules of this Code of Conduct, with particular reference to the prohibition of all
benefits in kind.
Safety at work - our priority
In addition to the implementation of TOP SAFETY training, which began in 2004, Plastic
Omnium committed to the OHSAS 18001 certification program with the aim of obtaining
certification for all sites in 2008. GROUP Safety management and 5 sites have already
obtained this certification in 2006.
PJ & PS – Plastic Omnium – 21 May 2007