TEMPLATE Note that throughout this Template, black font indicates the template framework and red italic provides guidance material, offers options or suggests content and should be overwritten. PT's must apply considered thought to the content of their SI Strategy Document – simply replacing the red text with the platform name throughout would not result in an acceptable strategy; likewise, the black text can be adjusted to suit the particular platform. PLATFORM NAME STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY STRATEGY DOCUMENT Reference: XXXX/XXXX/XXX Date: 12 Apr 2013 Approved and Issued by: Project Team Leader Copy Number: ____ of ____ i Intentionally Blank ii CONTENTS Contents Page Abbreviations Record of Amendments iii v vii PART 1 - PLATFORM NAME SI STRATEGY DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION Background Aim Scope Strategy Document Usage Methodology Strategy Document Relationship to Other Documents Strategy Document Content Ownership and Review Processes SI Assurance Activities Structural Integrity Meetings Structural Integrity Plan Structural Integrity Historical Evidence PART 2 PLATFORM NAME SI STRATEGY DOCUMENT Introduction Establishing SI Introduction Type Records Statement of Operating Intent (SOI) Structural Qualification/Clearances Identification and Classification of Structure Sustaining SI Introduction Structural Monitoring and Individual Aircraft Tracking Fatigue Meter Formula Structural Examination Structural Configuration Control Validating SI Introduction Statement of Operating Intent and Usage (SOIU) Type Records Structural Sampling Operational Loads Measurement/Operational Data Recording Requirements Maintenance Schedule Review Ageing Aircraft Audit - Structural Sub-Audit Recovering SI Introduction Structural Issues Environmental Damage Prevention and Control (EDPC) Compromised IAT Repair Assessment Programme (MASAAG 106) Exploiting SI Introduction Fatigue Conservation Measures Structural Hazard-Risks Exploiting In-Service Experience iii Life Extension Activities Aircraft Disposal PART 3 - PLATFORM NAME HISTORICAL SI ASSURANCE ACTIVITIES Introduction Aim Historical Activities Summary Statements ANNEXES: Annex A – Structural Integrity Meetings Matrix Annex B – Structural Integrity Meetings – Terms of Reference Annex C – Structural Integrity Working Group Standing Agenda Annex D – Platform Specific Structural Integrity Document References iv List of Abbreviations (Delete abbreviations from this list if they are not used in the final document. Likewise, the list can be added to) AAA AAMC AASA ac AD ADR ADS AEDIT ALARP ALI AMC AMM AOA AP ASI CAA CADMID DDH Def Stan DO EASA ED EDPC ESVRE FAA FDR FH FI FLC FMF FSFT FST FTR FWAMG GAG GARP GM HAMG HRI HUMS IAT IPT IPTL ISD JAP JSP LEP Ageing Aircraft Audit Alternative Acceptable Means of Compliance Ageing Aircraft Structural Audit (obsolete term – include in this list of your platform had an AASA in the past) Aircraft Accidental Damage Air Data Recorder Aircraft Document Set Aircraft Engineering Development Investigation Team As Low as Reasonably Practicable Airworthiness Limitation Item Acceptable Means of Compliance Aircraft Maintenance Manual Aircraft Operating Authority Air Publication Aircraft Structural Integrity Civil Aviation Authority Concept, Assessment, Demonstration, Manufacture, In-service, and Disposal Delivery Duty Holder Defence Standard Design Organisation European Aviation Safety Agency Environmental Damage Environmental Damage Prevention and Control Establish, Sustain, Validate, Recover, Exploit Federal Aviation Authority Flight Data Recorder Flying Hour Fatigue Index Front Line Command Fatigue Meter Formula Full-Scale Fatigue Test Forward Support Team Fatigue Type Record Fixed Wing Airworthiness Management Group Ground-Air-Ground Generic Aircraft Release Process Guidance Material Helicopter Airworthiness Management Group Hazard Risk Index Health and Usage Monitoring System Individual Aircraft Tracking Integrated Project Team Integrated Project Team Leader In-Service Date Joint Air Publication Joint Service Publication Life Extension Programme v MAA MAR MASAAG MDRE MOD MRCOA MRP NDE NDI NDT NDTS ODH ODR OLM OSD PA PDS PE PHM PSE PSEP PSWG RA RAP RCM RI RN RTS RTSA SDH SEP SoFS SHM SI SIN SI(T) SIWG SM SME SMM SOI SOIU SPC SPS SSI STR TAA TLM TLMP UAVASMG UTI WLC Military Aviation Authority Military Aircraft Release Military Aircraft Structural Airworthiness Assurance Group Manual Data Recording Exercise Ministry of Defence Military Registered Civil Owned Aircraft MAA Regulatory Publications Non-Destructive Examination Non-Destructive Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Non-Destructive Testing Squadron Operational Duty Holder Operational Data Recording Operational Loads Measurement) Out of Service Date Publication Authority Post Design Services Project Engineer Prognostic Health Monitoring Principal Structural Element Project Safety & Environmental Panel Project Safety Working Group Regulatory Article Repair Assessment Programme Reliability Centred Maintenance Regulatory Instruction Regulatory Notice Release to Service Release to Service Authority Senior Duty Holder Structural Examination Programme Safety of Flight Structure Structural Health Monitoring Structural Integrity Schedule Identification Numbers Special Instructions (Technical) Structural Integrity Working Group Service Modification Subject Matter Experts Structural Matters Meeting Statement of Operating Intent Statement of Operating Intent and Usage Sortie Profile Code Support Policy Statement Structurally Significant Item Static Type Record Type Airworthiness Authority Through Life Management Through Life Management Plan Unmanned Air Vehicle Airworthiness and Safety Management Group Urgent Technical Instruction Whole Life Costs vi Record of Amendments To record the incorporation of an amendment list in this publication, sign against the appropriate Amendment List number and insert the date of incorporation. Amendment List Number Incorporated by Name Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 vii Date PART 1 PLATFORM NAME STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY STRATEGY DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION References: A. Def Stan 00-970, Design and Airworthiness Requirements for Service Aircraft. B. MRP RA 5720. C. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1702/2003 (Part 21) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 Annex 1 (Part M). 1 BACKGROUND The policy governing the activities required to achieve and maintain Structural Integrity (SI) for MOD aircraft from their inception through to their eventual disposal are detailed in References A and B. Similar requirements for civil ac types are contained in the regulations at Reference C. Note that the last sentence of the above paragraph is appropriate if the PT intends to adhere to civil regulation in its management of the aircraft’s SI. However, if this is the case then the PT needs to clearly communicate this decision in the lead paragraph. Furthermore, a description of how the civil regulation compares with military regulation and a description of any Exemptions, Waivers or Alternative Acceptable Means of Compliance (AAMC) agreed with the MAA need to be added throughout the document. Whilst the References define regulation for maintaining SI, the required activities are not fixed throughout the life of the platform. Consequently, there is a need for a ‘living’ document that is platform specific within which the PT can communicate its intentions, regarding ongoing SI activities, to all stakeholders. This communication is particularly important, as it will form part of the platform’s Through Life Management Plan (TLMP) and ultimately the associated Safety Case. It will also act as a record of the rationale behind the SI decisions taken throughout the life of the platform. Therefore, this document intends to outline the strategy and detail the headline actions required to implement and maintain Structural Airworthiness. 2 AIM The aim of this SI Strategy Document is to communicate how the Platform Name Project Team, along with the key stakeholders, complies or intends to comply with the SI management requirements contained in the MRP. The document also acts as a record of significant historic SI actions and events. Part 1 Page 1 3 SCOPE This document is applicable to the aircraft structure of the Platform Name, where ‘Structure’ is defined in RA 5720 as: Structure: Aircraft structure consists of all load-carrying members including wings, fuselage (including some transparencies), empennage, engine mountings, landing gear, flight control surfaces and related points of attachment, control rods, propellers and propeller hubs if applicable and, for helicopters: rotor blades, rotor heads and associated transmission systems. The actuating portion of items such as landing gear, flight controls and doors must be subject to System Integrity Management regulation (RA 5721) as well as Structural Integrity Management regulation. ‘Structural Integrity’ is similarly defined in RA 5720 as: Structural Integrity: SI is the ability of an aircraft structure to retain its strength, function and shape within acceptable limits, without failure when subjected to the loads imposed throughout the aircraft’s service life by operation within the limitations of the Release To Service (RTS) and to the usage described in the Statement of Operating Intent (SOI) or the Statement of Operating Intent and Usage (SOIU). 3.1 PLATFORM DETAILS. Include a brief description and history of the platform, procurement strategy, platform evolution, support strategy, its Designer/Design Organisation, design methodology, intended/actual use, fleet size and geographical locations as well as In-Service Date (ISD) and projected Out of Service Date (OSD). The aim of this section is to identify those significant aspects of the origins, history and development of the platform that could influence the SI programme for the remainder of the in-service life, including any life extension. These aspects may include changes of role (from a structural usage and environmental protection perspective) and major modifications to the aircraft. For example, the role of the platform may have changed significantly from the design assumptions (e.g. conversion from an air interceptor role to a ground attack role or use of an aircraft designed for land-based operations in a maritime environment). Additionally, aircraft designed under multi-national collaborative programmes may have been designed to an amalgam of assumed usages; historically UK usage has tended to be more severe than other nations in such programmes. Moreover, aircraft designed for civil roles and certified to civil regulation are frequently used within the military air environment and often with a usage significantly different to that assumed in design (e.g. time at low level, operating at higher all-up mass or far more frequent transition between flight conditions). Also, aircraft have been introduced to service rapidly to support operational requirements with limited certification evidence; these platforms may remain in service far longer than originally expected. All of these examples can affect the SI measures needed to support the platform significantly and need to be considered within the SI Strategy. 3.2 KEY SI STAKEHOLDERS. There are several organisations that are considered key SI stakeholders for the Platform Name: a. Platform Name Project Team Part 1 Page 2 b. Designer/Design Organisation - Platform Design Organisation c. Independent Structural Airworthiness Advisors - e.g. QinetiQ/CAA/Cranfield Aerospace d. Aircraft Operating Authority (AOA) - Details e. Release to Service Authority (RTSA) - Desk Officer Details f. Duty Holder Chain (1) (2) (3) g. DDH - e.g. Stn Cdr RAF Waddington ODH - e.g. AOC 1 Gp SDH - e.g. CAS CAA (MRCOA only) Also, whilst not a Key Stakeholder, MAA-Cert-Structures 1-4 is able to provide independent specialist regulatory advice. 4 STRATEGY DOCUMENT USAGE METHODOLOGY 4.1 STRATEGY DOCUMENT RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER DOCUMENTS This SI Strategy Document provides the pivotal link between the activities of the PT, stakeholders and the higher-level SI regulation. It should be closely coordinated with the SI Plan. This document is in 3 parts: Part 1, an introduction that also contains the static SI information; Part 2, the PT’s SI Strategy Document, and; Part 3, the historical perspective of SI assurance activities. This document does not form part of the Topic 2(A/N/R)1 – General Orders and Instructions - Support Policy Statement (SPS). Neither is it a leaflet in itself, because it is a living document and the amendment process would be burdensome. Consequently, the SI Strategy Document forms part of the suite of SI assurance actions and is referenced from the Topic 2(A/N/R)1 – General Orders and Instructions - SPS. Diagram 1 shows the diagrammatic relationship of this strategy document to the SI Plan, SI processes, working groups and other documents Part 1 Page 3 H AMG CA AMG AS AMG SAFETY CASE TLMP Platform 2* Airworthiness Review Platform Air System Safety Working Group PSEP Topic 2(A/N/R)1 SI MEETINGS SI DOCUMENTS SI Strategy Doc SIWG Review DOCUMENTARY STRUCTURE WORKING GROUP STRUCTURE Amendment SI Plan 4.2 Structural Specialist Meetings e.g EDPC WG, SHM etc Diagram 1 - Relationship of SI Documents, Activities and Forums STRATEGY DOCUMENT CONTENT The Strategy Document content is structured as illustrated in Table 1 below: Part Title Part 1 Platform Name SI Strategy Document Introduction Part 2 Platform Name SI Strategy Document Part 3 Platform Name Historical SI Assurance Activities (if included) Annexes: Annexes Annex A – Structural Integrity Meetings Matrix Annex B – Structural Integrity Meetings – Terms of Reference Annex C – Structural Integrity Working Group Standing Agenda Annex D – Platform Specific Structural Integrity Document Ref’s Table 1 – Breakdown of Strategy Document Sections 4.3 OWNERSHIP AND REVIEW PROCESSES Ownership and authority for this document lies with the Platform Name TAA. It will be reviewed and amended periodically, then endorsed at the Structural Integrity Working Group (SIWG) by the Structural Specialist Stakeholders. Reviews will be carried out when necessary (pre-RTS ac) / every XX months (typically every 12 months for in-service ac). 5 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY MEETINGS RA 5720 mandate SI specific meetings. The schematic at Diagram 1 shows their relationship with other documents and activities. Amend Diagram 1, and this paragraph, to reflect the meeting hierarchy and titles used by the PT. This paragraph should include the PT’s meetings policy, strategy, who will chair etc. Reference should be made to the appropriate Annexes. RA 5720 also mandates the Environmental Damage Prevention and Control Part 1 Page 4 (EDPC) Working Group. Make Reference to the following Annexes as appropriate: A. Structural Integrity Meetings Matrix B. SIWG Terms of Reference (Example TORs that could also be applied to other meetings i.e. EDPC WG) C. SIWG Standing Agenda 6 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY PLAN The SI Plan for the Platform Name is maintained by the PT and can be found at hyperlink or provide Reference. SI planning is a continuous ‘Sustaining SI’ activity, which ensures all ESVRE activities are coordinated and the necessary SI actions are identified and adequately resourced. Consequently, the SI Plan is a key document for through life planning and underpins the SI aspects of the TLMP. The SI plan takes the form of a spreadsheet/Microsoft project plan (as reqd) and is used to communicate when the SI activities listed at Part 2 of this document are to be carried out. It also contains historical data mentioned in paragraph 8 below. The SI plan is referenced from the Support Policy Statement (SPS) contained within the Topic 2(A/N/R)1. 7 HISTORICAL STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITIES With the change over of personnel involved in maintaining the platform’s SI, the rationale behind significant decisions and strategies is often lost. Therefore, as the existing strategy evolves, it is essential to understand previous decisions and where the documentary evidence has been placed. Therefore, Part 3 of this document contains the historical perspective on SI assurance significant activities. (Adjust this paragraph if the platform is not considered mature enough to require a separate history Part of the SI Strategy, so the historical record is contained in Part 2) Part 1 Page 5 PART 2 PLATFORM NAME SI STRATEGY DOCUMENT 1 INTRODUCTION This part of the Strategy Document communicates how the PT implements, or intends to implement, the AMCs of RA5720. Where AAMC had been agreed with the MAA (iaw MAA03), this is described in this Part of the document as well. The responsibilities of key stakeholders are described, as are the major timelines for each activity, cross referring to the SI Plan as required. Where documents are produced as a result of this strategy, their reference and amendment state are recorded at Annex D of this document. 2 ESTABLISHING SI (RA 5720(2)) 2.1 INTRODUCTION The Establishing phase is aimed at providing the evidence to substantiate the initial clearances for the aircraft and ensure that the aircraft is safe to operate. Primarily, this phase occurs during the platform’s procurement and entry into service; however, the principles also apply during the introduction of any modifications or life extension activities. 2.2 TYPE RECORDS – (RA 5720(2) Para 39-43, RA 5103(1)Para 1.d and Annex A.2 ) Static Type Record. A Static Type Record (STR), or equivalent (RA5720(2) Para 40), is mandated by RA 5720 and is, in effect, a collation of the static strength evidence necessary to support the structural airworthiness of the platform. The STR, or equivalent, comprises the following: a general arrangement and description of the aircraft, static design assumptions, critical loading, shear force, bending moment, torque and mass distributions, static reserve factors and summaries and references for all relevant supporting stress reports, test reports, calculation files, aerodynamic and loads models. The modern approach to aircraft design is likely to preclude the direct inclusion of all relevant evidence within a STR. Therefore, the STR could be considered as a summary document with all appropriate references identified. Where a platform does not have a constituted STR, those documents, references and models that contain the requisite static evidence, need to be clearly identified (in Annex D to the SI Strategy) and maintained through life in the same way as a STR and this approach needs to be identified in the SI Strategy. The initial static strength evidence for the platform should have been presented by the DO and reviewed by the Independent SI Advisor in support of the initial RTS for the platform. Any shortfalls identified in the evidence, outstanding recommendations for further work, or failure to undertake an independent review of the static evidence in support of the RTS, may need to be addressed within the platform SI Strategy. Historical evidence has identified shortfalls in the through-life management of the static Part 2 Page 6 strength of a number of platforms. In several cases this has been due to failure to appreciate the significance of incremental mass increases on the static strength margin for the aircraft due primarily to modifications. Hence the evidence contained in STR no longer reflected the configuration of the aircraft in service. . Fatigue Type Record. A Fatigue Type Record (FTR), or equivalent (RA 5309), is, in effect, a collation of the fatigue evidence necessary to support the structural airworthiness of the platform. The FTR, or equivalent, comprises details of the fatigue design philosophy, materials, loading, principal fatigue critical structure, development and results for analytical and test-based evidence, inspection requirements (for inclusion in the Topic 5A1), usage monitoring requirements and references to all relevant test reports, models etc. As with the STR, the modern approach to aircraft design is likely to preclude the direct inclusion of all relevant evidence within a FTR. Therefore, the FTR could be considered as a summary document with all appropriate references identified. Where a platform does not have a constituted FTR, those documents, references and models that contain the requisite fatigue-life related evidence, need to be clearly identified (in Annex D to the SI Strategy) and maintained through life in the same way as a FTR and identified accordingly in the SI Strategy. The FTR may require updating on a routine basis through the life of the platform to take account of modifications, changes in operational usage, usage monitoring programmes (e.g. IAT/OLM/ODR) and further fatigue-related test results, all of which may generate revised fatigue lives or inspection requirements. As with the STR, the initial fatigue-life related evidence for the platform should have been presented by the DO and reviewed by the ITE in support of the initial RTS for the platform. Any shortfalls identified in the evidence, outstanding recommendations for further work, or failure to undertake an independent review in support of the RTS, may need to be addressed within the platform SI Strategy. In addition, for the introduction to service of a ‘new’ platform, it is likely that some fatigue test evidence will be outstanding when the aircraft enters service and may require FTR updates when complete. Evidence has shown that the fatigue-life analysis, testing and documentation required to support a platform in service becomes increasingly complex over time. This is often a function of change of usage in service, life extension or arisings in service illustrating inadequacies in the original approach (such as failures in service showing a shortfall in a loading spectrum under test and analysis). Hence, the importance of ensuring a strategy for development and control of the fatigue-related evidence through life cannot be over emphasised. 2.3 STATEMENT OF OPERATING INTENT - (RA 5720(2) Para 44-46) This section of SI Strategy relates to establishing the Statement of Operating Intent (SOI) as part of the introduction to service of the platform. Once the platform has entered service and sufficient usage data have been collected (usually not more than 3 years in service), the document is transformed to become the Statement of Operating Intent and Usage (SOIU). Development of the SOI (Topic 15S) is mandated in RA 5720. The principle aim of the SOI is to communicate the intended usage of the aircraft to the DO. This will allow the DO to review the design usage assumptions against the SOI and to evaluate the initial aircraft clearances and maintenance periodicities, as appropriate. It is essential that development of the initial SOI for a platform is led by or has significant input from the Aircraft Requirements Manager to ensure an accurate understanding of the Part 2 Page 7 intended usage of the platform is captured. Technical advice from SMEs can also be invaluable in anticipating the potential implications for different usage assumptions for the platform. For example, a significant low-level content in the usage spectrum for a civildesigned and certified aircraft could have significant implications for fatigue lives or inspection regimes in service. In developing the initial SOI it is useful to view the Concept of Operations for the new platform alongside SOI/SOIU for current or previous types undertaking similar roles, bearing in mind the capability of the new platform may differ significantly when compared with previous platforms used in this role. Guidance on how to generate an SOI is contained in the Ac Usage Validation Process, which can be obtained from MAA-Cert-Structures. This paragraph needs to explain whether an SOI has been produced as well as describing how often reviews are performed and who is involved in those reviews (post titles). If the SOI has been replaced by an SOIU a single sentence explaining this and signposting the reader to para 4.2 is all that is required. 2.4 STRUCTURAL QUALIFICATION/CLEARANCES – (Reference A) Details of clearance and qualification methodologies, both static and fatigue, and the responsibilities of all parties are explained within this paragraph. The majority of the structural qualification and clearance information required for the platform should be contained within the STR and FTR (or equivalents) (see Sections 2.2 above) However, as detailed in Section 2.2, it is highly likely that outstanding work will be required to compile the full fatigue-life evidence for the platform at introduction to service. Therefore, this section should identify the strategy, developed in conjunction with the DO and SMEs, for gaining the evidence to support full-life clearances and the mechanisms to be used to provide updated fatigue-life clearances to the fleet, with appropriate safety factors pending teardown or residual strength calculation / testing. The approach taken in gaining the optimum structural clearance evidence (often from testbased programmes) early in the life of the platform can have significant airworthiness and cost-of-ownership implications for the remainder of the service life, particularly if usage is more severe than assumed in design (often the case) or if life extension is required. Test articles and rigs in particular represent a significant capital investment and hence careful consideration, involving the DO and SMEs to develop methods and approaches to gain the most information possible from these programmes, including detailed evidence from teardowns of test articles, can be hugely advantageous in the longer term. Care needs to be taken to ensure clearances are correctly identified against different standards of aircraft within the fleet (this also relates to Structural Configuration Control – Section 3.5). These variations could be due to production structural standards, modification or technical instructions standards, flight control system / software standards and these issues can be further complicated by the ability or components to migrate between aircraft within the fleet. The strategy for managing incremental fleet clearances needs to be cognisant of these potential issues. Understanding and recording the development of a platform’s clearances through life is essential to preserve SI airworthiness. In the past, loss of corporate memory has led to platforms being inadvertently flown significantly beyond their originally cleared life and at unacceptable risk levels. Moreover, evidence that undoubtedly existed has had to be regenerated as the information had been lost over time. Therefore, as developments in the structural qualification and clearances of the platform develop, population of Section 3 (particularly with references) of this document can help ensure this information and the significance of this information is not lost to future organisations. Part 2 Page 8 2.5 IDENTIFICATION & CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURE - (RA 5720(2) Para 29-33, JAP (D) 100C-22.) The aim of this section of the SI Strategy is to detail the approach taken (or intended to be taken) in the identification of Structurally Significant Items (SSI) and to identify all relevant references. SSIs are the foundation used for the development of the Structural Examination Programme (SEP), undertaken within the preventative maintenance programme. SSIs are identified as either safe-life SSIs or damage-tolerant SSIs and then their vulnerability to accidental damage or environmental damage is assessed and appropriate maintenance actions are defined accordingly (e.g. inspection, replacement etc). The current definition of an SSI (RA 5720(2), Para 30) is: any detail, element or assembly, which contributes significantly to carrying flight, ground, pressure or control loads and whose failure could affect the Structural Integrity necessary for the continued safe and controlled flight of the aircraft. Generally, the DO is best placed to develop a SSI list, with input from SMEs (including scheduled maintenance specialists) and this section needs to include a description of how the SSI list was (or is to) be developed, what organisations were involved, what references were produced, how the SSI list is promulgated in the ADS (Topic 5A1) and the development of a Topic 5V. In addition, the mechanism needs to be identified for reviewing the SSI list to ensure through-life in-service experience or any aircraft modifications are accounted for or incorporated, as appropriate. However, the identification of SSIs has proven challenging on several platforms in the past. In some cases the number of SSIs identified has been enormous and down to the level of spacers, ignoring the consequences of failure criteria. In others the SSI list has been identified at major component level and is therefore impractical for use as the basis for deriving a SEP. Some of these issues may be because aircraft structure has traditionally been classified using various terms such as Primary Structure, Class 1 Structure, Vital Parts or ‘Grade A’ Parts, Principal Structural Element (PSE), Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALIs), SSIs and Safety of Flight Structure (SoFS) and there has been no universally accepted method for selecting or identifying important structure, or commonly accepted interpretation of critical or significant in this context. In such cases, the use of a specialist working group, with input from the PT, DO, SMEs (structures, maintenance and RCM) can provide a useful mechanism for deriving a workable SSI list, from an initial list of important or critical structure already used on the platform, supplemented by on-aircraft physical surveys. Where such an approach is taken, clear documentation is necessary to ensure the origins and development of the SSI list can be understood. 3 SUSTAINING SI (RA 5720(3)) 3.1 INTRODUCTION The Sustaining Phase is aimed at monitoring the aircraft usage, ensuring that appropriate structural examinations take place and maintaining structural configuration control. This phase is required to ensure SI is maintained throughout the life of the platform. 3.2 USAGE MONITORING AND INDIVIDUAL AIRCRAFT TRACKING - (RA 5720(3) Part 2 Page 9 Para 74-83) The decision as to what usage monitoring methodology is required for a particular platform needs to be developed during the design phase (for a new platform) or introduction to service (for an existing platform). RA5720(3) Para 74 outlines broad requirements for a usage monitoring system. However, these need to be tailored to the platform, likely usage and structural clearance development (largely referenced in the STR and FTR or equivalent). For example, if a platform has the capability to experience exceedences significantly beyond structural never exceed limits and operations are likely to be conducted near those limits, an exceedence monitoring requirement may be necessary. Equally, if the loading action on a critical structural feature is driven by ground-air-ground (GAG) cycles alone and the variation in these cycles is not considered significant, counting of GAG cycles may be sufficient to monitor that particular feature. For procurement of existing platforms, the platform may be delivered with an existing monitoring system package and in such cases, it is important to understand the design drivers behind the system as well as its strengths and limitations. For all monitoring systems this section needs to include a clear statement of which areas of structure are considered to be monitored by the system and how this is achieved (this may be referenced to an existing document and summarised here). The strategy for developing the monitoring system, introduction into service, including any phased capability development (hardware and software), initial on-aircraft and off-aircraft support and equipment and training needs to be clearly identified in this section along with division of responsibilities between Stakeholders. The development and introduction to service of a successful monitoring system requires involvement of the DO, SMEs, PT and FLC and dedicated personnel and a Working Structure is usually necessary to support development of these systems. Experience has shown that the introduction of modern, complex, aircraft monitoring systems has often been challenging and capability has often fallen short of expectation. Failure of the monitoring system to meet requirements can have significant implications for fleet life clearances and contingency strategies for complex monitoring systems may be advisable. In addition, the approach for lifetime management of the monitoring systems (SHM/HUMS/IAT etc) should be detailed. This approach, ideally developed by the PT, DO, SMEs and FLC using Specialist Working Groups, needs to address the day-to-day management of the monitoring system, with clear divisions of responsibility identified including: data management and reporting, system performance monitoring, calibration and fault finding, recovery action (including spares provisioning). Longer-term issues should also be considered including: hardware and software upgrades and system life and replacement strategy (it is considered highly unlikely that a modern monitoring system will be economically supportable for the life of a platform). Obsolescence relatively rarely affects SI issues on a platform; however, the rapid pace of electronic obsolescence can be significant for monitoring systems and hence the replacement strategy may be driven by sub-components in the system, or may be mitigated by life-time buys for example. 3.3 FATIGUE METER FORMULAE (RA 5720(3) Para 79) NOTE: This paragraph should not be used for aircraft that do not use Fatigue Meter Formulae e.g. rotary wing aircraft. Part 2 Page 10 This paragraph should include details of what Fatigue Meter Formulae (FMF) exist (e.g. Wing Fuselage, Fin etc) for the platform and how they will be used. However, the important aspect is the maintenance of the FMF and how it will be validated and updated. The FMF should be reviewed and updated following an OLM programme, a significant modification or a change of usage; however, this is a PDS activity through the designer or through the Independent Structural Airworthiness Advisor. If this process is neglected the fatigue ‘damage’ being accrued by the platform will not be accurately recorded and there is a risk that the airworthiness will be compromised and the aircraft will not meet the required OSD. 3.4 STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION (RA 5720(3) Para 60-69) Structural Examination of the platform is required to ensure that the threats to SI are detected, countered and recovery initiated. This examination is covered by the Structural Examination Programme (SEP), which is made up of flight servicing, scheduled maintenance, teardown and structural sampling activities; the latter 2 being validating activities. The scheduled maintenance element of examination of SSIs should be reported upon by operating units and maintenance facilities as detailed in the Topic 5V. This para should include a brief description of the methodology used to derive the SEP; it should also briefly identify the organisations that execute the SEP as well as describing the reporting procedures (eg Topic 5V returns) that those organisations comply with. 3.5 STRUCTURAL CONFIGURATION CONTROL (RA 5720(3) Para 70-72) Retaining structural configuration control has been a military airworthiness requirement for many years (it is currently an MRP requirement, but SCC was mandated in JAP100A-01 and, for RAF platforms, in AP100A-01 before that). However, many PT's cannot claim to fully understand the SCC of the ac that they support, although MRCOA platforms tend to have a better SCC record that the equivalent record for 'pure' military platforms. Maintaining SCC is important for 3 main reasons: When a structural repair is needed on an ac the repair designer can use the record to see if any other repairs are located close to the area of damage. To enable trending of structural occurrences. This could be done in a couple of ways – if someone thinks that there is a recurring issue, the PT could investigate the SCC database to provide evidence that that issue does actually exist, which will add weight to the case for funding for a modification. Alternatively, during the AAA the auditor would typically spend some time investigating the SCC database to see if there are any trends emerging that nobody had previously realised. During an Ageing Ac Audit the auditor would examine the SCC database to decide whether the accumulation of modifications, SI(T)s, repairs and corrosion blends affect the aircraft type's mass, CofG, and structural layout, which could alter load distributions and so affect static strength and fatigue and damage tolerance clearances. The result of not maintaining SCC could on one hand result in the need for a fleet structural survey to be identified (e.g. as a result of an Ageing Ac Audit or to support a Life Extension Programme), which would probably be extremely costly, or on the other hand it could result in airworthiness decisions being made with incomplete information, which could be dangerous. Furthermore, careful identification of which structural components or parts are to be tracked on the ac can be a significant issue in addressing this problem. For example, a major MOD fleet was introduced to service with no component tracking requirements for fins or tailplanes. When individual fatigue lifing of these components was required part way Part 2 Page 11 through the aircraft’s life, records were patchy and unreliable. This resulted in costly remedial action and necessary conservative assumptions of life consumed having to be made. Whilst the ideal method of retaining SCC is for a PT to provide a single computer-based database that captures all aspects of SCC, such databases are rarely affordable. Instead, SCC could be retained by an SI(T) log, a modifications log and a waivers/concession log (all of which should be in existence as part of the PT's wider configuration control policy), combined with an additional log or logs to track instances of corrosion and structural repairs. Each separate log could be computer-based or it could be hardcopy, provided that a record of every repair, modification, corrosion arising etc and the individual airframe it has been experienced on has been kept and can be searched in the future. If computer-based databases are used, experience has shown that they are more likely to be populated accurately if single data entry methods are used, rather than information duplication. Furthermore, the use of validation rules and data quality monitoring for data entry dramatically reduces the risk of erroneous data entry which unchecked can cause the system to lack credibility. This section of the SI Strategy should contain details of the approach to retain structural configuration control. The names and location of each database and/or hardcopy file needs to be mentioned. Also required is a reference to the Topic 2(A/N/R)1 leaflet that mandates reporting of in-service arisings (e.g. corrosion & repairs) so that those arisings are captured on the appropriate database/hardcopy file. 4 VALIDATING SI (RA 5720(4)) 4.1 INTRODUCTION ‘Validating SI’ activities are aimed at measuring the current usage and loading as well as the condition of structure that is not regularly inspected to allow a comparison with design assumptions and make adjustments to component lives and inspection periodicities where necessary. The nature and complexity of this phase means that it is a periodic rather than continuous activity. 4.2 STATEMENT OF OPERATING INTENT AND USAGE (RA 5720(4) Para 93-96) The SOI (Section 2.3) is migrated to a Statement of Operating Intent and Usage (SOIU) once ac usage has stabilised in service and once sufficient usage data has been captured. Normally this transition begins 3 years after the Type's ISD, when a statistical review of the most recent 12-18 months of usage data would begin. As mandated at References C and D, the SOIU (Topic 15S of the aircraft Air Publication (APs)) is the document that formally communicates the recent and intended usage of the aircraft to the DO. The content of the SOIU is owned by the AOA, although the PT usually administers the review and publication of the document on the AOA's behalf; however, it is ultimately the AOA's responsibility to ensure that the content of the document reflects the current and intended usage of the ac Type. Annual reviews are a simple check to ensure that no substantial change in usage has occurred but has not been documented and the implications assessed. Likewise, the annual review is also a check of whether a significant change of usage is planned in the next 12 months e.g. as a result of a new capability. During the annual review a senior operator (e.g. Staneval) should be consulted to establish whether or not the usage documented in the SOIU reflects current operating practice. Likewise, the AOA should confirm that no Part 2 Page 12 significant changes in usage are planned over the following 12 months. Annual reviews should be simple activities that could be completed relatively quickly. Triennial reviews incorporate a statistical review of a sample of representative usage data, as well as formal aircrew and AOA staff interviews, all carried out by an independent organisation. Normally an SOIU will be re-written and re-issued following a triennial review. Further guidance on the conduct of annual and triennial SOIU reviews can be found in the Ac Usage Validation Process (AUVP), which is available from MAA-Cert-Structures. Following any changes incorporated to the SOIU as a result of an annual review, or following re-issue of the document as a result of a triennial review, the PT must ask the DO to review the document and comment on the fatigue and maintenance implications of the changes. This review by the Design Organisation is essential to ensure that the FTR and associated clearances are underpinned by valid assumptions, and, if necessary any changes to maintenance periodicities and procedures are incorporated into the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) by the PT. In this section the PT should document: What the current issue state of the SOIU is. Who is consulted during annual SOIU reviews (post titles, not individuals) When annual reviews are carried out (e.g. the 1st week of June every year). A very brief description of the triennial review process: o When the last triennial review was conducted. o What period the usage data that was statistically analysed covered. o When the next triennial review is due. Experience has shown that PTs often do not know when the last SOIU review was performed and when the next one is due. For a platform with a sophisticated monitoring system where the data is relayed or managed by the DO, much of the data traditionally reproduced within the SOIU is already available to the DO. In such circumstances the PT may consider applying for an AAMC to the full SOIU requirement, although a process to ensure feedback from the DO of the fatigue and maintenance implications of usage would still need to be demonstrated, as would a process for conveying the future intended usage of the ac Type to the DO. 4.3 STRUCTURAL SAMPLING - (RA 5720(4) Para 104-109) Structural Sampling. Structural Sampling is an element of the Structural Examination Programme (SEP) that is carried out on a sample of SSI components where the SSIs are not inspected as part of the maintenance schedule. The sampling programme is carried out to ensure that the maintenance policy assumptions that precluded certain SSIs from scheduled inspections, due to a low probability of degradation due to the effects of AD/ED, were correct. This para should detail how the items are to be inspected, how they will be identified, and how the inspection will be carried out and reported (either via the Topic 5V reporting proforma or equivalent). The PT rationale for dealing with the results needs to be included also, including a summary of structural sampling undertaken. Guidance should be provided on the opportunity for sampling of hidden structure e.g. from Cat 4/5 ac or life expired components. Negative reporting can also be extremely relevant for structural sampling as this can significantly improve the understanding of the onset of degradation across the fleet. Structural sampling may also be considered necessary where novel material or new Part 2 Page 13 processes have been introduced to service with the platform and where there is little or no experience of the longer-term performance of these materials or processes. Teardown (e.g. destructive assessment) may be required as an alternative where structural sampling does not provide sufficient information. Teardown. Teardown of an aircraft is the inspection of a whole airframe or component in order to determine whether the threats to SI are compromising the SI of the aircraft. The teardown is a formal process that uses both destructive and non-destructive techniques, often to a forensic level, to progressively inspect and determine the integrity of the structure, in particular those areas that cannot be inspected as part of the scheduled examination element of the SEP. Teardown of the full scale fatigue test article is a Def Stan 00-970 requirement (clause 3.2.16 of Part 1 for fixed wing aircraft), which is an Establishing SI activity. The requirement to conduct teardown of an in-service ac is normally a recommendation from an AAA or it is identified as being required to support a Life Extension Programme (LEP). Where possible, in-Service or retired airframes or components selected for teardown shall be representative of the harshest usage/environment experienced by the fleet in order to provide an indication of the ‘worst case’ SI threats that are likely to exist throughout the fleet. As teardown of an In-Service or retired aircraft is not mandated, this para may detail the PT’s intentions and any planned activities or review of the teardown requirement. Although not mandated, targeted teardown of in-service aircraft on an opportunity basis has provided invaluable information to support platforms in their later lives, particularly in identifying emerging risks when approaching life extension. Teardown may also be considered necessary where novel material or new processes have been introduced to service with the platform and where there is little or no experience of the longer-term performance of these materials. This may be necessary when structural sampling cannot provide sufficient information to support this assessment. 4.4 OPERATIONAL LOADS MEASUREMENT/OPERATIONAL DATA RECORDING REQUIREMENTS - (RA 5720(4) Para 98-103) The routine usage monitoring systems together with the SOIU provide some confidence that the initial design assumptions were correct. However, they may not provide the level of detail required to validate all of the initial design usage and loads assumptions throughout the life of the aircraft. This higher level of detail can be essential in assuring continued SI, life/fatigue clearances, validating Fatigue Meter Formulae (FMF) (as applicable), validating RTS assumptions (e.g. time at flight level for gust analysis) as well as underpinning any ageing aircraft audit or life extension programme. This detail can only be determined by undertaking an OLM (for fixed wing aircraft) or ODR (for rotary wing aircraft). This para needs to detail the PT’s approach to OLM/ODR and to detail the strategy including data analysis being undertaken. The relationship, if any, to SHM/HUMS activities should also be included. A history of OLM/ODR activities undertaken previously, the headline outcomes and also details of any OLM/ODR exemptions or waivers granted needs to be discussed here. Detailed guidance on the conduct of OLM programmes (largely applicable to ODR also) is provided by MASAAG Paper 109 (available from MAA-Cert-Structures). The principal guidance provided in this document is to consider carefully the aims of the OLM/ODR programme in detail at the outset. One size does not fit all. For example, the usage validation requirement for a combat aircraft with a limited IAT system is likely to be significantly different to a civil derivative aircraft used in a civil-type role. An OLM/ODR programme may be considered to have started once: the recommendations of MASAAG Paper 109 have been sentenced; once a project-specific OLM/ODR requirements document has been issued; and once the design of a suitable system has begun. Part 2 Page 14 In addition to discrete OLM/ODR systems, the use of data from existing SHM / HUMS, Flight Data Recorder (FDR) or Accident Data Recorder (ADR) systems on the aircraft can potentially meet a significant proportion of the OLM/ODR data capture requirements. Moreover, a Manual Data Recording Exercise (MDRE) can also reduce the instrumentation requirement in certain circumstances and this can be implemented rapidly. Management of OLM/ODR programmes, due to their complexity, cost and the number of agencies involved can be a significant challenge and needs to be addressed carefully within the SI Strategy accordingly. 4.5 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE REVIEW (RA 5720(4) Para 110-111, MAP 01 Chap 8.1.1) The outline strategy for maintenance schedule reviews for the platform needs to be identified within this section. From a SI perspective, it is essential that the fatigue or damage-tolerance basis for SSI inspections is preserved during this review process. For example, an historical lack of arisings for fatigue-related inspections does not necessarily mean these will not occur in the future. Moreover, corrosion-related occurrences are likely to increase with the life of the platform due to usage and the degradation of protective measures. Therefore, it is essential that DO and Structures SME input into schedule reviews is included within the process. The maintenance schedule review programme also needs to include the content of the SSI list (see Section 2.5) to ensure the SSI list reflects in service experience. In addition, the implications from any arisings from Topic 5V inspections (Structural Sampling) or any teardown programmes outside of the scheduled maintenance programme need to be collated and considered within the review. The review also needs to include assessment of the effectiveness of the inspections or other maintenance activity in assuring structural airworthiness (for example, is the inspection requirement achievable in practice at the level of strip at this maintenance opportunity?). In addition, it is essential that SI-related Schedule Identification Numbers (SIN) are either retained or traceable across all schedule reviews for the life of the fleet, to allow collation of arising information and traceability of SSI inspection. Where Special Instructions (Technical) (SI(T)) (e.g. UTI) are to be incorporated into the maintenance programme care needs to be taken to ensure that the fatigue or damagetolerance basis of the instruction are not lost in the incorporation into the schedule. Also where NDT techniques were developed, often at short notice, to support an urgent instruction, a review of the technique in light of in-service experience, before incorporation into the schedule can prove extremely valuable and experience may allow greater leeway in inspection periodicity. An explanation of the process the PT applies for reviewing such techniques needs to be included in this section. A schedule review will use historical maintenance data to support the review process. Experience has identified a lack of confidence in the recording of maintenance information on a number of platforms. Consequently, the SI Strategy needs to include measures to assure that any maintenance data are fit for purpose when used to support a schedule review. 4.6 AGEING AIRCRAFT AUDIT - STRUCTURAL SUB-AUDIT (RA 5720(3) Para 85 and RA 5723) Part 2 Page 15 RA 5720 mandates that a periodic assessment of the SI activities, with particular emphasis on those issues associated with ageing are carried out. (Also consult RA 5723) Details of any MAA waiver, when the review is required, what activities are to be carried out and details of who is to carry out the review are to be detailed here. Specialist TOR and meetings may be required. These are to be detailed in Part 3. In addition, where an AAA has been undertaken, the PT’s approach to addressing recommendations and actions from the audit needs to be clearly identified within this strategy. 5 RECOVERING SI (RA 5720(5)) 5.1 INTRODUCTION The Recovering SI phase covers the techniques required to deal with airframe damage or compromised usage metrics. Furthermore, reductions in clearances released by the Designer are also dealt with during this phase of ESVRE. 5.2 STRUCTURAL ISSUES (RA 5720(5) Para 118-121) The recovery of damaged structure is an essential part of maintaining SI, consequently procedures are required to ensure this activity is appropriately carried out and recorded. This section contains the PT’s strategy for dealing with damage, repairs, structural modifications and SI(T) and recording actions taken. In addition, this section of strategy is extremely important for collating and retaining the SI history of the platform throughout its service life. Experience has shown that loss of corporate memory has had significant airworthiness and cost of ownership implications for MOD air platforms. Historically, the DO has often been relied upon to provide the required continuity and memory across the life of a platform but this cannot necessarily be relied upon for the future. Therefore, summaries of significant structural issues and how they have been addressed (technical instruction, modification etc) can be documented either in this section or in Part 3 of SI Strategy when considered routine business or ALARP. This approach could be invaluable in supporting life extension programmes or AAA, as well as providing briefing material for new members of staff within the PT, DO or SMEs. In reality, the additional burden on staff of developing this approach is small as much of the information can be extracted directly from the minutes of SIWG or similar meeting structures. 5.3 ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE PREVENTION & CONTROL (EDPC) (RA 5720(5)) The level of environmental damage on an air platform is generally a function of time, usage and maintenance; the presence of corrosion or other environmental damage can reduce the static strength and fatigue life of materials and adversely affect the platform’s/component’s airworthiness, Whole Life Costs (WLC), availability and life. Consequently, detection, monitoring and reporting of environmental damage is a key SI assurance activity. This section details the PT’s approach to managing EDPC and fulfilling the requirements of Reference D, including EDPC Working Groups as required. Historically, the effectiveness and management of EDPC in service has been mixed. EDPC measures often improve for a period of time in response to the identification of in-service arisings or as a result of a particularly motivated EDPC Representative on a Station or in the PT. Evidence suggests that EDPC issues are often treated as repeated ‘one offs’ rather than Part 2 Page 16 being addressed proactively. Corrosion issues in particular often re-surface periodically during the life of a platform, frequently as a result of the measures taken in response to the initial arising not having been completely effective. Moreover, proactive measures have often been restricted to the particular arising identified without consideration of the wider issues. In such cases the risk to similar combinations of structures, materials or configurations elsewhere on the platform may not have been identified. For example, one would expect the identification of structurally significant corrosion in the metal honeycomb structure or a flying control to generate a review of the risk to other flying controls on the platform manufactured in a similar way. Therefore, the SI Strategy could include a specific requirement to consider a wider review and identification of similar risk areas, once the initial remedial action in response to an EDPC arising has been taken. 5.4 COMPROMISED IAT - (RA 5720(5) Para 122-124) Experience has shown that IAT data is likely to be compromised at some stage through the life of the platform. This is true for the simplest systems of manual recording of post-sortie feedback (eg lost MOD Form 724/725s) through to the advanced parametric and straingauge systems fitted to some newer ac types (eg corrupted or lost data on data transfer devices, or unserviceable accelerometers/strain gauges). Therefore, in this section the PT needs to summarise its process for keeping track of the unmonitored sortie rate (this should be done at every SIWG for modern Structural Health Monitoring Systems). The PT also needs to describe its process for gap-filling lost IAT data. Finally, for those ac types that use an advanced parametric and/or strain gauge-based system for IAT, a brief description of how often the system is calibrated and how that calibration is performed (eg BIT, ground calibration, flight calibration) should be provided. 5.5 REPAIR ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME (MASAAG 106) A Repair Assessment Programme (RAP) is employed to assure confidence in the continued airworthiness of repairs through to OSD. A physical survey of the fleet is part of conducting a RAP and so the exercise can also be used to regain repair configuration control. MAACert-Structures can provide current regulatory advice and guidance on RAP. A RAP is currently required for in-service large aircraft. In addition, it is an AMC for large ac types undergoing a LEP (RA 5724). Newer ac types may avoid the need to perform a RAP if they have maintained exceptional structural configuration control and if all repairs (either from the SRM or bespoke repairs) have had a fatigue assessment performed. Some Fast Jet and RW PTs have decided to perform a RAP to ameliorate concerns about the quality and increasing number of repairs on the fleet. Although the RAP requirement was identified by the civil regulatory organisations, experience from a number of military LEP identified significant shortfalls in the fatigue substantiation of aircraft repairs. In addition, platforms with a usage history prior to operation by the MOD have often had significant issues with fatigue substantiation of repairs and, in such cases, it may be necessary to survey the fleet to baseline the repair data. In this paragraph the PT should describe whether a RAP is considered necessary (either for regulatory compliance or if the decision has been taken to perform a RAP on an ac type for which it is not mandatory) and the minutes of the meeting at which the decision was taken should be referenced. If a RAP has been performed (or will be performed in the future), a brief description of when the RAP was performed and what the scope of the RAP was (eg pressure fuselage only, whole ac structure etc) should be added. Part 2 Page 17 6 EXPLOITING SI (RA 5720(6)) 6.1 INTRODUCTION The Exploiting phase covers the techniques required to determine if an increased life or capability can be gained from a fleet. Indeed, the exploitation techniques can, if applicable and appropriate, be used to decrease the maintenance required and thereby increase availability. 6.2 FATIGUE CONSERVATION MEASURES (RA 5720(5) Para 130) This section of the SI Strategy includes details of any fatigue conservation measures implemented or planned for the platform and identifies mechanisms in place to identify when conservation measures may be required. Experience has shown that fatigue conservation measures are often introduced too late in the platform’s life to be effective or they are not as effective as expected when introduced. There are a number of reasons for this. Too much reliance can be placed upon using average fatigue consumption rates for prediction models, whereas invariably fleet leaders have above average fatigue consumption rates. Fleets-within-fleets issues are often the cause of a wide range of fatigue consumption rates across the fleet and unless the required operational capability is available on alternative platforms conservation measures are likely to be ineffective. Often aircrew are provided with poor or limited advice on how to meet the operational requirement but with reduced fatigue consumption. Also, blanket limitations alone can be less effective than expected. For example, reducing the normal acceleration (Nz) limit for a fleet can have limited effect if the way the mission profiles are flown is not changed. Therefore, fatigue consumption needs to be monitored carefully, drivers for that fatigue consumption need to be understood (in conjunction with the DO, SMEs and aircrew) and realistic expectations for conservation measures identified and the performance of conservation measures needs to be monitored. 6.3 STRUCTURAL HAZARD-RISKS (RA 5720(5) Para 133-137) Structural risks/incidents are subjected to a safety/risk assessment iaw the platform’s Safety Case and Safety Management Plan. This paragraph contains details of how SI risks will be determined and managed. This may involve referencing where the data to carry out an assessment may be obtained from (for example) SHM, HUMS, hardcopy usage data, SOIU, SME advice etc. Although the process for risk management of structure is no different to the remainder of the platform, assessing structural risks and apportioning probabilistic assessments, usually identified as a Hazard Risk Index (HRI), can be particularly challenging for structures. It can be extremely valuable to document in the SI Strategy the approach taken to identify the initial HRI, which organisations are to be involved in the process, and what measures can be implemented to mitigate the level of risk with confidence over time. Although different identifiers and classification systems for assessing the HRI are used, all Part 2 Page 18 require an assessment of the consequence of the failure and the probability of that failure occurring. Generally, an assessment of the consequence of failure of a structural item can be made (usually with DO and SME support). The approach may vary slightly but it is expected that consideration would be given as to whether the item was an SSI (or equivalent) or not. Thereafter, the damage mechanism would be identified (e.g. fatigue) and an assessment made of the residual strength, stiffness or deformation (depending on its function) and a view of the likely in-service loads compared with the design case. An assessment would be made as to: whether the component would collapse or fail to perform its function under expected loads; whether that would lead to a structural collapse; and what the implications of any structural collapse in terms of loss of aircraft would be. However, the probability of occurrence of that failure has historically proved more difficult to assess with confidence. The likelihood of events such as bird strike or lightning strike are routinely assessed probabilistically and mitigations such as time at flight level or weather restrictions can be used. However, the majority of structural failures occur (in systemsparlance) in the wear-out phase of the life of the item and hence figures of mean time between failures, for example, are of little value. Hence, assessments of the probability of occurrence, with confidence in the result, require considerable specialist knowledge (DO and SMEs). Where practicable a visual or relatively simple NDT inspection can provide initial confidence in the condition of the remainder of the fleet and provide a time window to undertake a more detailed assessment of the HRI. 6.4 EXPLOITING IN-SERVICE EXPERIENCE (RA 5720(5) Para 144) There may be other users of the platform both within UK and other nations and valuable information may be gained from sharing SI information with them. Consequently, this paragraph could detail the interaction (eg regular attendance at Type Operators' Conferences, description of bi-lateral agreements etc) between these organisations that may include but not be limited to Designer, Other operators or National Authorities including Safety Investigation Organisations. This paragraph could also discuss the requirement to provide feedback for the platform and the wider aircraft engineering and operating communities on features, novel materials, maintenance methodologies etc. 6.5 LIFE EXTENSION ACTIVITIES (RA 5720(3) Para 138-143 RA 5724) RA 5724 AMC identifies that a LEP should be undertaken when it is identified that an aircraft type needs to be extended beyond its current certified life measured in any applicable lifing parameter (such as calendar time, flying hours, fatigue Index (FI), landings or pressure cycles). Additionally, the potential requirement for a life extension should be considered no later than 10 years before the original Out-of-Service Date (OSD) and should be reviewed annually thereafter. This AMC is based firmly upon experience of LEP where programmes have suffered from creeping incremental life extension requirements and OSD extension requirements identified too late to allow suitable evidence to support continuing airworthiness to be assembled. RA5724(2) states “When required to extend the certified life of a UK military ac type in any parameter, the TAA shall develop and implement a LEP to underwrite the airworthiness of the ac type for its extended life”. From this it is clear that any extension to OSD, no matter how small, must be considered as a life extension and that TAAs are to develop a LEP in order to remain compliant with the MRP. One of the AMCs to RA 5724(2) requires TAAs to deliver a LEP Certification and Assurance Strategy to the MAA’s Certification Division; the Strategy should explain how the TAA will demonstrate compliance with the other AMCs of Part 2 Page 19 RA 5724. 7 AIRCRAFT DISPOSAL This section provides details of the disposal plans for the fleet at drawdown or as individual aircraft are retired. This should include any policy for the requirement, assessment and recovery of structural items for spares parts, provision of teardown articles, onward sale to non UK MOD users and the documentation that would be provided with them etc. Part 2 Page 20 PART 3 PLATFORM NAME HISTORICAL STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITIES 1 INTRODUCTION With the change over of personnel involved in maintaining the platform’s SI, the rationale behind significant decisions and strategies is often lost. However, even if the current strategy has progressed it is often useful to understand ‘how we got to where we are’. Therefore, Section 3 of this document contains this historical perspective in terms of the significant decisions made and the rational and methodology behind them. 2 AIM To satisfy the requirements of RA 5720, there is a need to maintain a historical record of significant SI assurance activities, the methodology and rationale behind SI decisions and the significant SI issues encountered throughout the life of the aircraft. RA 5720(3) puts emphasis on the need for this document to act as an accountable record of the evidence and rationale behind the SI decisions such as MAA waivers for OLM programmes or termination of full-scale fatigue testing, taken throughout the life of the aircraft. Other suggested examples are as follows; Changes in design philosophy, Life extensions, Modification to structure that may affect SI, Structural occurrences (significant cracking, corrosion or other defects), Findings of the structural sub-audits of an AAA (or findings of AASAs (now an obsolete term)), and Findings of Teardown activities. It is suggested that this Section provides summaries of relevant SI activities, under the ESVRE headings, with concise cross referencing to supporting documentation (files, letters, publications etc) to provide accountability as well as Referencing to the platforms own SI Plan as appropriate. 3 ESTABLISHING SI 4 SUSTAINING SI 5 VALIDATING SI 6 etc Some PTs, in particular those that support younger ac types, may prefer to place the historical record of structural integrity activity in Pt 2 of the Strategy. That would be acceptable – the important part is that the historical decisions are documented and the appropriate evidence is referenced. Part 3 Page 1 ANNEXES ANNEXES: Annex A – Structural Integrity Meetings Matrix Annex B – Structural Integrity Meetings – Terms of Reference Annex C – Structural Integrity Working Group Standing Agenda Annex D – Platform Specific Structural Integrity Document References Annexes Page 1 ANNEX A TO XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX DATED XXXXXX STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY MEETINGS MATRIX Meeting SI Working Group SIWG or similar meeting is mandatory. All other meetings are discretionary Requirement Reference RA 5720(3) Para 54 Frequency Chair Minimum twice per year Minimum of Airworthiness LoD holder or by exception, a SO1 or B2 that holds an appropriate LoAA Core Members (as applicable) PT Designer Independent Advisors Front Line Command / Aircraft Operating Authority Release to Service Authority Service Provider Other UK Platform Users Airworthiness LoAA Holder (Chair) Head of Structures Structures Desk Officer Fleet Manager AEDIT/FST Structures Section Stress Office e.g. QinetiQ CAA Requirements Manager Engineering Rep Aircrew Rep RTSA Desk Officer e.g. QinetiQ Engineers/Aircrew Whilst MAA-Cert-Structures desk officers are not core members of any PT meetings, they should be invited to all Structural Integrity–related meetings. A-1 Meeting Environmental Damage Prevention and Control (EDPC) Working Group Requirement Reference RA 5720(3) Para 54. RA 4507 Frequency As required (typically twice per year in align with the SIWG) Chair PT Structures Desk Officer RA 5720(4) Para 98. As Required PT Structures Desk Officer MASAAG Paper 109 Manual Data Recording Exercise (MDRE) Ageing Aircraft Audit (AAA) Structural SubAudit RA 5720(3) Para 85. As Required PT Designer MAP-01, Chap 11.6 Operational Loads Measurement (OLM) or Operational Data Recording (ODR) Core Members (as applicable) PT Structures Desk Officer RA 5723. Independent Advisor Front Line Commands / Aircraft Operating Authority Units PT Designer Independent Advisor Front Line Commands / Aircraft Operating Authority Units PT Designer Independent Advisors Auditor A-2 Structures Desk Officer AEDIT/FST Structures Section Customer Support e.g. QinetiQ Engineering Rep Corrosion Control Reps Structures Desk Officer Structures Section e.g. QinetiQ Engineering Rep Chief Instructor (for MDRE only) Head of Structures Structures Desk Officers Structures Section Stress Office e.g. QinetiQ Meeting Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) or Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) Requirement Reference RA 5720(3) Para 74. As Required Chair PT Structures Desk Officer MAP-01, Chap 11.2 Structural Matters Meetings Teardown/Structural Sampling Frequency RA 5720(4) Para 104 Core Members (as applicable) PT Designer System OEM Independent Advisor Front Line Commands / Aircraft operating Authority As required (typically twice per year in align with the SIWG) PT Head of Structures As Required PT Head of Structures PT Designer Independent Advisors PT Designer Independent Advisors Other meetings as required A-3 Structures Desk Officer Structures Section System Specialist System Specialist e.g. QinetiQ Engineering Rep 1710 NAS Head of Structures Structures Desk Officer Structures Section Stress Office e.g. QinetiQ Head of Structures Structures Desk Officer Structures Section Stress Office e.g. QinetiQ ANNEX B TO XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX DATED XXXXXX STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY WORKING GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE Example TORS show SIWG, but could also be applied to EDPCWG etc Reference: A. MRP RA 5720 1 INTRODUCTION The requirement for SI specific meetings is mandated in Reference A. The frequency, chairmanship and core membership of the Platform Name Structural Integrity Working Group (SIWG) are detailed at Annex A. 2 AIM The aims of the meeting are: a. To review the level of compliance with Structural Integrity regulations. b. To identify, review, discuss and formally record the risks to structural airworthiness and to accept and endorse the strategies and plans to mitigate those risks. c. To report to the PSEP (or equivalent meeting) any unmitigated or unquantified risks. d. To report to the AS/CA/H AMG any specific structural integrity risks as well as the overall level of structural airworthiness risk. 3 SCOPE The SIWG will consider and ensure progress on the SI activities detailed in the Standing Agenda Annex C. 4 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT The meeting performance will be assessed against agreed output plans and hard targets agreed within the action matrix. Minutes will be issued within XXX working days and the agenda will be issued XXX working days prior to the next meeting. 5 ADMINISTRATION The meetings will be held at the company premises/MoD Abbey Wood and paid for under the PDS contract. The secretariat for the meeting will be provided by XXX. B-1 ANNEX C TO XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX DATED XXXXXX STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY WORKING GROUP STANDING AGENDA 1 Introduction 2 Fleet Planning 3 Establishing SI 4 Sustaining SI 5 Validating SI 6 Recovering SI a. Introduction. b. Actions arising from previous minutes and not covered under items 3 to 7. a. Fleet Statistics. b. Fleet Size. c. Fleet Disposition. a. SI Strategy Document and SI Plan. b. SOI. c. Release to Service – SI aspects. d. Structural Design Certification: (1) Classification of Structure & review of SSI list. (2) Static Type Record. (3) Fatigue Type Record. e. Fatigue Test Clearances. f. SARC Assessment. a. Usage Monitoring – method of Individual Aircraft Tracking (IAT); fatigue monitoring/budgeting/formulae; structural and transmission Health and Usage Monitoring Systems. b. Structural Examination Programme (SEP) (to include discussion on structural examination to counter threat posed by hazardous incidents, corrosion, erosion and other environmental degradation). (1) SEP Reporting Process (Topic 5V). (2) Scheduled maintenance plan (Topic 5A1). c. Structural Configuration Control. d. OSD. e. Obsolescence Management Plan. f. SIWG Frequency and Composition. g. SARC Assessment. a. SOIU Review. b. OLM/ODR/MDRE. c. Structural Sampling. d. Teardown. e. Maintenance schedule review (Including Topic 5V returns). f. Review of Type Records. g. NDT Technique Review h. Ageing Aircraft Measures. i. SARC Assessment. a. Structural Problems. (1) Review Contents of Structural Arising Database. (2) Review EDPC WG/Database. b. Modifications with SI implications. c. Special Instructions Technical SI(T) with SI implications. d. Repair Assessment Programme (MASAAG C-1 7 Exploiting SI 8 Ac Disposal Plan 9 AOB 10 SARC Score 11 New SI Risks 12 Upward Reporting 13 Next Meeting 106)(mandatory for large ac only). Compromised IAT. SARC Assessment. Review of Structural Hazards or -Risks. Fatigue Conservation Measures. Exploiting In-service experience. Life/OSD Extension Programme. Exploitation of OLM/ODR/HUMS/SHM/MDRE data. Aircraft Disposal Plan AOB Overall SARC Assessment. Consideration of new SI Risks that should be registered within Risk Management system a. Actions from and reports to HAMG/CA AMG/AS AMG a. Arrangements for next meeting e. f. a. b. c. d. e. a. a. a. a. C-2 ANNEX D TO XXX/XXX/XXX/XXX DATED XXXXXX PLATFORM SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY DOCUMENT REFERENCES Document Statement of Operating Intent and Usage (SOIU) Reference AP101B-XXXX-15S Structural Qualification/Clearances Static type records Fatigue type records Fatigue meter formula Scheduled maintenance plan Ageing Aircraft Audit (AAA) Structural Sub-Audit OLM/ODR Documents D-1 Date XXXX Amendment State Issue XX AL XX