YSGOL GYMUNEDOL MAENCLOCHOG 08/04/14 DiweddTymor (GwyliauPasg) Byddyrysgolyncau am Wyliau’rPasgarddyddGwener, 11eg o Ebrillam 3.00y.p. acyn ailagorargyferTymoryrHafarddyddLlun, 28ain o Ebrill. CystadlaethauCelf, Dylunio a ThechnolegyrUrdd (RhanbarthPenfro) Llongyfarchiadaui’rdisgyblioncanlynolareullwyddiantyngnghystadlaethauCelf, Dylunio a ThechnolegyrUrdddrwygystadluar ran yrYsgola’rAdran: GwaithLluniadu 2D Bl. 5 a 6: Rhys Ouseley (3ydd) Ffotograffeg/GraffegCyfrifiadurol Bl. 6 ac iau: Carys Balfour (3ydd) - Adran Pyped Bl. 5 a 6: Emily Cooke (1af) GwaithCreadigol 2D Tecstiliau Bl. 3 a 4 (Grŵp): Carys, Nia a Marged (2il) – Adran Gwehyddu Bl. 5 a 6: Rosie Christie (3ydd) Penwisg Bl. 6 ac iau: Honour Carlisle (2il) Print Monocrom Bl. 5 a 6: GethinGreenhalgh (2il) – Adran Print Lliw Bl. 5 a 6: Rhys Ouseley (3ydd) Cyfres o BrintiauMonocrom Bl. 3 a 4: Carys Balfour (3ydd) Cyfres o BrintiauLliw Bl. 3 a 4: Carys Balfour (1af) – Adran Cyfres o BrintiauLliw Bl. 5 a 6: GethinGreenhalgh (1af) - Adran Cyfres o BrintiauLliw Bl. 5 a 6: Joe Emberson-Marl (3ydd) Gemwaith Bl. 3 a 4: Marged Harries (2il) Dylunio a Thechnoleg Bl. 5 a 6: GethinGreenhalgh (2il) CystadlaethauLlenyddolyrUrdd Bu’rdisgyblioncanlynolynllwyddiannusyngnghystadlaethaullenyddolyrUrddeleniarlefelsirol: Barddoniaeth Bl. 3 a 4: 1af: Amy Philipsen Cydradd 2il: Macsen Fudge Cydradd 3ydd: Marged Harries a Ffion Rosa Williams Rhyddiaeth Bl. 5 a 6: 1af: Cydradd 2il: GethinGreenhalgh Liberty Carlisle Barddoniaeth Bl. 5 a 6: Cydradd 3ydd: Nia Ann Williams a GethinGreenhalgh CystadleuaeethCogurdd Llongyfarchiadau i Sara Edwards am ddodynaillyn y Sir yngnghystadleuaethCogurddyrUrddeleni. Da iawnti. Eisteddfod Sir yrUrdd Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a fu’ncystadluynyr Eisteddfod Sir ynddiweddar a dymunwnynddai’rddau a fyddyncynrychioli’rysgolyn Eisteddfod GenedlaetholyrUrddynSir Feirionnyddarddiweddmis Mai. Gweler y canlyniadauisod: Unawd Bl. 3 a 4: Jencyn Corp (3ydd) UnawdCerddDant Bl. 3 a 4: Aled Lloyd (1af) LlefaruUnigol Bl. 3 a 4: Aled Lloyd (1af) Unawd Bl.5 a 6: Liberty Carlisle (2il) UnawdCerddDant Bl. 5 a 6: Liberty Carlisle (1af) UnawdAlawWerin: Liberty Carlisle (2il) LlefaruUnigol Bl. 5 a 6: Liberty Carlisle (2il) Deuawd Bl. 6 ac iau: Liberty Carlisle a NiaMair Williams (3ydd) PartiUnsain Bl. 6 ac iau: YsgolMaenclochog (2il) GrŵpLlefaru Bl. 6 ac iau: YsgolMaenclochog (2il) Côr Bl. 6 ac iau: AdranMaenclochog (2il) Eisteddfod Sir DdawnsyrUrdd Cynhaliwydyr Eisteddfod DdawnsynYsgol Bro Gwaunyrwythnosddiwethaf a budauGrŵp Hip Hop yrysgolyncystadluynoynystod y prynhawn.Dyma’r ail droi’rysgolgystadluyn y gystadleuaethhon ac ernadoeddyntynllwyddiannuseleni, cafodd y disgyblionhwylyncymrydrhan. Da iawnareichperfformiadau. ‘Purple Routes’ Byddtîm ‘Purple Routes’ yngwneudsesiwnarddyddLlun 19eg o Fai. YSGOL GYMUNEDOL MAENCLOCHOG 08/04/14 End of Term(Easter Holidays) The school will close for the Easter Holidays on Friday, 11th April at 3.00p.m. and will recommence for the Summer Term on Monday, 28th April. Urdd Arts and CrafsCompetitions (Pembrokeshire Region) Congratulations to the following pupils who successfully competed for the School and the Adran in this year’s Urdd Arts and Crafts competitions: 2D Drawing Yr. 5 and 6: Rhys Ouseley (3rd) Photographic/Computer Graphic Yr. 6 and under: Carys Balfour (3rd) - Adran Puppet Yr. 5 and 6: Emily Cooke (1st) 2D Creative Textile Work Yr. 3 and 4 (Group): Carys, Nia and Marged (2nd) – Adran Weaving Yr. 5 and 6: Rosie Christie (3rd) Head-Dress Yr. 6 and under: Honour Carlisle (2nd) Monocrome Print Yr. 5 and 6: GethinGreenhalgh (2nd) – Adran Coloured Print Yr. 5 and 6: Rhys Ouseley (3rd) Series of Monocrome Prints Yr. 3 and 4: Carys Balfour (3rd) Series of Coloured Prints Yr. 3 and 4: Carys Balfour (1st) – Adran Series of Coloured Prints Yr. 5 and 6: GethinGreenhalgh (1st) - Adran Series of Coloured Prints Yr. 5 and 6: Joe Emberson-Marl (3rd) Jewellery Yr. 3 and 4: Marged Harries (2nd) Design and Technology Yr. 5 and 6: GethinGreenhalgh (2nd) Urdd Literary Competitons The following pupils were successful at county level in this year’s literary competitions: Yr. 3 and 4 Poetry: 1st: Amy Philipsen Joint 2nd: Macsen Fudge Joint 3rd: Marged Harries and Ffion Rosa Williams Yr. 5 and 6 Prose: 1st: Joint 2nd: GethinGreenhalgh Liberty Carlisle Yr. 5 and 6 Poetry: Joint 3rd: Nia Ann Williams and GethinGreenhalgh Cogurdd Competition Congratulations to Sara Edwards on coming 2nd at county level in the Urdd cooking competition this year. Well done. Urdd County Eisteddfod Congratulations to all the pupils who competed in the County Eisteddfod recently. Best wishes to the two who will be representing the school at the Urdd National Eisteddfod in Meirionnydd at the end of May. The results were as follows: Yr. 3 and 4 Solo: Jencyn Corp (3rd) CerddDant Solo Yr. 3 and 4: Aled Lloyd (1st) Recitation Solo Yr. 3 and 4: Aled Lloyd (1st) Yr. 5 and 6 Solo: Liberty Carlisle (2nd) CerddDant Solo Yr. 5 and 6: Liberty Carlisle (1st) Folk Song Solo: Liberty Carlisle (2nd) Recitation Solo Yr. 5 and 6: Liberty Carlisle (2nd) Duet Yr. 6 and under: Liberty Carlisle and NiaMair Williams (3rd) Unison Party Yr. 6 and under: YsgolMaenclochog (2nd) Recitation Group Yr. 6 and under: YsgolMaenclochog (2nd) Choir Yr. 6 and under: AdranMaenclochog (2nd) Urdd County Dance Eisteddfod Two Hip Hop Dance Groups represented the school at Ysgol Bro Gwaun recently. This is only the second time the school has competed in this competition and although they were not successful in gaining a position this year, the pupils had a very enjoyable time taking part. Well done on your performances. Purple Routes The ‘Purple Routes’ team will be running a session on Monday 19 th May.