Mefferd Family Genealogy

The Mefferds and Their Kin
By Margerite E. Robinson
In Memory of my beloved
Grandmother, Susan Jane
(Mefferd) Lindsey
Published May 1977
(This version has notes and updates by David L. Mefford.
Changes and additions have been noted and/or italicized.)
(Photo of Susan Mefford Lindsey)
The Franks
The name assumed in the third century, A.D. by a Confederation of German tribes. It
was divided by the 4th century into three groups, The Catti, the Ripurain Franks (dwelling
near Cologne) and the Salian Franks (dwelling along the lower Rhine). The Merovingian
monarchy of the Salian Franks was established in north Gaul under Clovis (481-511).
The Mefferts were of Frankish extraction.1
(There is some new research that may indicate that the Mefferts were actually French
and went by the name Meffard. They would have migrated from western France into the
Rhine River area prior to the birth of Johannes Heinrich Meffert in 1634. -dlm)
Maps of Wachenbuchen and Oberdorfelden
(Mrs. Robinsons map was difficult to read or reproduce. I have substituted the follow
maps to show the location of Wachenbuchen and Oberdorfelden, Germany. dlm)
Map of east-central Germany showing Frankfurt and the surrounding area.
Map showing Wachenbuchen, just north of Strasse 66, between Frankfurt and Hessen.
Oberdorfelden is the town to the right of Niederdorfelden.
City map of Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Table of Contents
The Franks ............................................................................................................................... ii
Maps of Wachenbuchen and Oberdorfelden.................................................................. iii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ v
Editor’s Note ................................................................................................................ viii
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
Parish Records, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Generations ...................................................................... 2
Will and Estate of Andreas Mefford and Descendants ................................................... 5
Account of the Estate of the late Andrew Mefford ..................................................... 5
Tax lists – Chester Co.1747-63 ................................................................................... 6
Account of the Estate of the late Andrew Mefford, #2 ............................................... 7
Will of Magdalene Mefford Grouse ........................................................................... 8
Court Judgment in Favor of Casper Mifford .............................................................. 9
Parish Records, 4th Generation...................................................................................... 10
Translation of Names From German to English ....................................................... 10
Records referring to William Mefford or Mifford .................................................... 12
Parish Records, 5th Generation, Descendents of Johannes Meffert, Son of Andreas .. 13
5th Generation - Jacob, son of John (Johannes) Meffert and Suzanne ...................... 13
Pension Application of Jacob Mefford from Revolutionary War ............................. 13
5th Generation - Phillip, son of John (Johannes) Mefford, and Suzanne .................. 14
Census Record of 1830 for Phillip Mefford ............................................................. 14
Marriages of Franklin Co. Ky ................................................................................... 14
5th Generation- Andrew, son of John (Johannes) Mefford, and Suzanne ................. 15
Court Orders Regarding the Estate of Andrew Mifford ........................................... 15
5th Generation- Thompson, son of John (Johannes) Mefford, and Suzanne ............. 15
5th Generation- David, son of John (Johannes) and Suzanne, .................................. 16
Court Orders Regarding the Estate of David Mifford .............................................. 16
5th Generation- Abraham, son of Johannes (John) and Suzanne Mefford ................ 16
Parish Records, 6th, 7th & 8th Generations, Descendents of David Mifford ................ 17
6th Generation- David, son of David and wife. ......................................................... 17
6th Generation- Thomas, son of David Mifford and wife. ........................................ 17
7th Generation- Elias, son of Thomas Mifford (Mefford) and Peggy Rush. ............. 17
8th Generation- Joseph Quincy, son of Elias Mefford and Zeralda Baker. ............... 18
Meffords in Grainger Co. Tenn .................................................................................... 19
Marriages for Grainger Co. Tenn.............................................................................. 19
Census Records ......................................................................................................... 19
Additional Mefford Marriages .................................................................................. 20
Descendents of Casper Meffert, Son of Andreas Meffert............................................. 21
Short history of the life of Casper Meffert................................................................ 21
Will of Casper Mefford ............................................................................................. 22
4th Generation – Casper, son of Andreas Meffert, and Magdalene Haas. ................. 23
Old Frieden’s Church record .................................................................................... 23
5th Generation- John, son of Casper Meffert and Mary Seigler. ............................... 24
John Mefford and his Gun Powder Factory .............................................................. 25
Pension application of John Mefford ........................................................................ 26
Land purchases of John and George Mefford ........................................................... 26
6th Generation- George, son of John Mefford and Mary Lemon. ............................. 28
7th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of George Mefford and Anna Hudlow ......... 31
8th Generation- George W. son of Andrew J. Mefford and Catherine Mefford. ...... 31
9th Generation- French, son of George W. Mefford and Amanda Hardison ............ 31
9th Generation- Labo, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Louisa Brashear.................... 32
9th Generation- Elmo, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Louisa Brashear. .................. 32
8th Generation- George Bennett, son of John Mefford and Faithy Arendell. ........... 32
8th Generation- William W. son of John Mefford and Faithy Arendell .................... 33
9th Generation- Azro, son of George Bennett Mefford and Cordelia Hunt .............. 34
10th Generation- Beulah Louise, daughter of Azro Mefford and E. Vivian Proctor. 34
Jacob Mefford and his wife, Susanna Hudlow, and their descendents ......................... 35
Land sale by Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow ................................................... 35
6th Generation- Jacob, son of John Mefford and Mary Lemon. ................................ 36
Emancipation writ for John (18 yrs) and George (17 yrs) Mefford .......................... 36
7th Generation- John, son of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow. ......................... 37
8th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of John Mefford and Sarah Arnold. .............. 37
9th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Susan Henson..... 38
9th Generation- Fletcher, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Susan Henson. ................. 38
8th Generation- William McDowell, son of John Mefford and Sarah Arnold. ......... 39
9th Generation- Earl Riley, son of Wm. McDowell Mefford and Rebecca Pettit. .... 39
George W Mefford and Susanna Hudlow and their Descendents ................................ 40
7th Generation- George W. son of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow. ................ 40
Will of George Mefford ............................................................................................ 41
8th Generation- William Grandison, son of George Mefferd & Elizabeth Hunt....... 42
8th Generation- Nathaniel, son of George Mefferd and Ellizabeth Hunt. ................. 42
8th Generation- Virgil Jacob, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt. .............. 43
9th Generation- George William, son of Susan Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey. ......... 43
9th Generation- Electa Jane, dau of Susan Jane Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey. ........ 44
9th Generation- Irene Cora, dau of Susan Jane Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey. ......... 44
9th Generation- Susan, dau of Susan Jane Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey. ................. 44
9th Generation- Zena Rosella, dau of Susan Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey. ............. 45
Information on Nathan Lindsey and Susan Jane Mefferd ........................................ 45
8th Generation- Lemuel, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt. ..................... 46
8th Generation- Cena, dau of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt .......................... 46
8th Generation- Mary Elizabeth dau of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt. .......... 46
8th Generation- John, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt. .......................... 47
8th Generation- Eliza Ellen, dau of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt. ................ 47
8th Generation- Emanuel, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt. ................... 47
7th Generation- Elizabeth, dau of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow ................... 48
8th Generation- Daniel, son of James Grant and Elizabeth Mefferd ......................... 48
9th Generation- Sophronia, dau of Daniel Grant and Sarah A. Jenkins .................... 48
7th Generation- William Ewing, son of Jacob Mefferd and Susanna Hudlow .......... 49
8th Generation- William Jasper, son of William Ewing Mefford & Lucinda Arendell
................................................................................................................................... 49
9th Generation- John Milton, son of William J. Mefferd and Leanna Graves .......... 50
8th Generation- Jacob, son of William Jasper Mefferd and Lucinda Arendell ......... 50
7th Generation- Chole Ann, dau of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow. ............... 51
7th Generation- Jacob son of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow .......................... 51
7th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of Jacob Mefford and Susan Hudlow ........... 51
8th Generation- Rouseau, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Peletha Ann Mefford. .... 52
6th Generation- Catherine, dau of John Mefford and Mary Lemon. ......................... 53
Orphan Court Record of Thomas Ewing .................................................................. 53
7th Generation- Mary, dau of John Ewing and Catherine Mefford. .......................... 54
7th Generation - Levy, son of John Ewing and Catherine Mefford ........................... 54
5th Generation- Casper, son of Casper Sr. Mefford and Marie Seigler. .................... 55
6th Generation- John David, son of Casper Jr. Mefford and Katherine Jones. ......... 55
7th Generation- Eli, son of John D. Mefford and Naomi Richards. .......................... 55
5th Generation- Magdalene, dau of Casper Meffert and Mary Seigler. .................... 56
6th Generation- Mefford, son of Thomas Hannah and Magdalene Mefford ............. 57
7th Generation- Jesse Harrison, son of Mefford Hannah and Margaret Flick. .......... 57
8th Generation- Joseph Austin, son of Jesse Hannah and Virginia Mathenney. ....... 58
7th Generation- Edith Lenore dau of Mefford Hannah and Edith Harrison. ............. 58
8th Generation- Sarah Elizabeth, Daughter of Edith Lenore Hannah and Charles W.
Queen. ....................................................................................................................... 58
9th Generation- Edith Lenore dau of Jasper N. Bright and Sarah Elizabeth Queen. . 59
6th Generation- Thomas Hannah, Jr. son of Thomas Hannah Sr, and Magdalene
Mefford. .................................................................................................................... 59
7th Generation - Thomas J. Hannah, son of Thomas Hannah and Elizabeth Hudlow
................................................................................................................................... 60
8th Generation- John Jefferson Hannah, son of Thomas Hannah & Mary A. Holman
Funk .......................................................................................................................... 60
The Lemon Family ...................................................................................................... 61
John Lemon ............................................................................................................... 61
2nd Generation- George Lemon, son of John Lemon and Ann Maria. ...................... 61
The Koch Family of Wachenbuchen ......................................................................... 63
Johann Phillip Koch .................................................................................................. 63
2 Generation - Anna Margarethe Koch, dau of Johann Phillip Koch & Anna
Magarethe ................................................................................................................. 63
The Haas Family of Germany .................................................................................... 64
Johannes Haas ........................................................................................................... 64
2nd Generation - Wilhelm Jost Haas, son of Johannes Haas and Elisabeth .............. 64
2nd Generation - Hans Haas, son of Johannes Haas and Elisabeth ........................... 64
Other Meffords............................................................................................................ 65
Index ............................................................................................................................. 66
Editor’s Note
Every effort has been made to replicate Margerite Robinson’s book as close to the
original as possible. There were some restrictions or mistakes in the original work that I
chose to correct. Any additions by me are in italic and are my responsibility.
Many pages had little or no paragraph breaks. Many of the legal documents contained
lengthy run-on sentences. These were not only impossible to understand, but in a lot of
instances, the initial reading created a different impression than was received after a
second or third examination.
I therefore chose to make the following changes to open up the layout and make the book
more inviting to read, as well as to clarify some of the information it contains.
1. Added paragraph and page breaks between sections. This increased the number
of pages in the book, but made it much easier to read.
2. Included a detailed Table of Contents.
3. Added footnotes to explain the definitions of words not commonly used today or to
give insight to the time period or situations.
4. Inserted obvious words that were left out, misspelled or were apparent omissions
by the original author.
5. Punctuation was added, especially to lengthy legal documents, to clarify the
intent of the authors.
6. Added an index of names to allow researchers to find their specific ancestors.
I have tried very hard to ensure that these changes have not destroyed the intent of the
book. I have never supposed to profit from Margerite Robinson’s work or glory. She did
the research for this volume of work as well as all the original layout and publication.
As an Editor, I have only tried create a more reader friendly work and make the
information available to as many people as possible, using tools and opportunities not
available to Betty in 1985, namely word processors and the Internet.
This work should not be sold. It is to be distributed freely as a family history research
David L. Mefford
This is the story of Andreas Meffert, his ancestors in Germany and some of his
descendents in America.
Many people came from Germany, between 1700-75, driven by economic depression and
religious wars, and during the time when King Louis of France, desecrate the Rhineland.
The trip from Germany to Pennsylvania, fell into three parts: The first part, down the
Rhine to Rotterdam, or some other port, was by no means the easiest. The boats down
the Rhine, Hellborn to Holland, had to pass twenty-six custom houses and were examined
by the officials at their convenience. Hence, the trip often lasted from four to six weeks.
They began the trip from Holland to England. Most of the ships called at Cowes on the
Isle of Wright. In England another delay of one or two weeks, waiting for favorable
winds. Then the ships weighed anchor and the real difficulty began. Often the ships
sailed eight or twelve weeks before reaching Philadelphia. Many of the emigrants died
from disease and hunger.
Ships docks at the Delaware River upon reaching Philadelphia. All the new arrivals were
led in a procession to the City Hall. All males over sixteen were required to sign the oath
of Allegiance to England’s Ruler.
Announcements were then published in the newspapers, stating how many had arrived
and the ships became the market place for any passenger would could not pay their
These emigrants became “Indentured servants”, and were required to serve a given
number of years to whomever paid their passage.
Lists edited by Dr. W.H. Egle, from the Pennsylvania Archives, Vol. XIVII, of the
second series, contain lists of these German emigrants and the name of the ship on which
they came. “Pennsylvania German Pioneers” published by Strassburger, contain and
index and signatures of these German Pioneers and the name of the ship on which they
came. There are three vols.
List 136C – At the court house, Tuesday 26 Sept. 1749; Ship: Ranier – Capt: Henry
Browning, from Rotterdam
Whole freights, 277, from Hanau, Wuerttemberg, Darnstadt and Isenburg.
Signers: Andreas Meffert
Johannes Meffert
This was a father and son signing the Oath of Allegiance. The ship’s Captain had listed
the names of the passengers and the general area from which they came. This meant I
had to locate the exact Parish from which they came.
Parish Records, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Generations
After more than a year of searching, the exact Parish was found. The old church books
were examined and this is what they contained.
1st Generation –
Hans Henrich Meffert, the Smidt, b. 1634. d. 10 June 1704, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Prussia,
mar 25 Nov. 1659
Ann Margareth Emmel b.
d. 24 Nov. 1680, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Prussia.
Anna Maria, b. 15 Nov. 1660, Wachenbuchen,
Johann, b. 20 Oct. 1661, Wachenbuchen d. 24 Nov. 1728,
27 Aug, 1685 Anna Hesse
Anton, b.14 Feb. 1664, Wachenbuchen, d. 25 Mar. 1666
John Conrad, b. 1666 d. 22 July 1731, Wachenbuchen,
mar. 1st Ann Maria Glinder,
2nd, Magdalene Hertz,
3rd, Ann Maria Koch
Elizabeth, b. 17 June 1669, Wachenbuchen.
Esther, b. 20 Dec. 1677
Hans Henrich Meffert, the Smidt,
mar 2, 5 May 1681, Wachenbuchen
2nd Juliana Zehn, b. 1656 Killianstadten, Hessen, Prussia, d. 4 Oct. 1722, Wachenbuchen
Anna Maria, b. 12 Mar. 1682, Wachenbuchen
Johann Henrich, b. 24 Jan. 1684, Wachenbuchen
Johann Daniel, b. 16 Aug. 1686, Wachenbuchen
Johann Mathes, b. 31 July 1692, Wachenbuchen
Johann Jacob, b. 1694, mar 3 Nov. Barbara Schmidt, 1718.
2nd Generation – John Conrad Meffert, son of Hans Henrich Meffert and
Ann Margareth Emmel.
John Conrad Meffert, b. 1666, d. 22 July 1731, Wachenbuchen,
mar 1st 26 Jan. 1691
Anna Maria Glinder, b. 7 Sept. 1651, Wachenbuchen, d. 9 Feb. 1702 dau. Abraham
John George, b. 9 June 1691, Wachenbuchen, d. 9 Feb. 1694.
Ann Otillia, b. 25 Oct. 1694, Wachenbuchen
Ann Katherine, b. 13 Feb. 1697, Wachenbuchen
John Conrad, mar 2nd, Magdalene Hertz, who died within the year.
John Conrad mar. 3rd, 25 Feb. 1706, Anna Maria Koch, b. 9 July 1682, Wachenbuchen,
dau. of John Phillip Koch, d. 19 July 1745, Wachenbuchen
Andreas, b. 2 Jan. 1707, Wachenbuchen, d. Will Prob. Chester Co. Penna.
13 Aug. 1760,
mar in Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Prussia, Magdalene Haas.
Johann Casper, b. 29 Apr. 1708, Wachenbuchen,
mar Christine Jost.
Maria Elisabeth, b. 20 Mar 1710, Wachenbuchen
Barbara Elizabeth, b. 28 Feb. 1712 Wachenbuchen, d. 30 Jan 1717.
Margareth Elisabeth, b. 19 Nov. 1713, Wachenbuchen, d. 17 Oct. 1794.
John Conrad, Jr, b. 23 June 1716, Wachenbuchen
Eva Catherine, b. 26 Dec. 1720, d. 20 Apr. 1727
John Baltasar, b. 15 Nov. 1726, d. 1 Aug. 1783
2nd Generation - Johann, son of Hans Henrich Meffert and Anna Margarethe Emmel
Johann Meffert, b. 20 Oct. 1661, Wachenbuchen
Anna Margarethe Hesse, b.1664, Bruckobel, Hessen, Germany, d. 1 June 1729,
Wachenbuchen, dau. Johann Hesse
Elisabeth, b 16 Sept. 1686 Wachenbuchen
Rachel, b. 10 Jan. 1690, Wachenbuchen
Ester, b. 1 June 1695, Wachenbuchen
Johann Peter, b. 12July 1696, Wachenbuchen
Johann Henrich, b. 20 Oct. 1698, Wachenbuchen
Egidius (Giles), b. 21 Apr. 1701 Wachenbuchen
A child, b. and d. 30 July 1703 Wachenbuchen
John Valentine, b. 19 Feb. 1705 Wachenbuchen
3rd Generation - Johann Casper, son of John Conrad Meffert and Anna Maria Koch
Johan Casper Meffert, b 29 April. 1708,
mar. 28 May 1744 Wachenbuchen
Christine Margarethe Jost, b. 4 Aug. 1709 Wachenbuchen
Otto Friedrich, b. 11 Apr. 1745, Wachenbuchen,
mar. Anna Maria Mankel
Johann Henrich, b. 13 Mar. 1748, Wachenbuchen
3rd Generation - Johann Baltasar, son of John Conrad Meffert and Anna Maria Koch
Johann (John) Baltasar Meffert, b, 15 Nov. 1726, Wachenbuchen,
mar. 11 Jan. 1758,
Anna Margarethe Stein, b. 1737, Wachenbuchen, d. 27 Dec, 1811
Johann Friedrich, b. 14 Jan. 1759, Wachenbuchen, d. 29 Jan. 1759
Johannes, b. 29 Apr. 1760, Wachenbuchen, d. 17 Sept. 1778
Johan Friedrich, b. 9 June 1763, Wachenbuchen
Johann Baltasar, b. 30 Sept, 1767, Wachenbuchen, d. 6 Oct. 1835
3rd Generation - Margarethe Elisabeth, dau. of John Conrad Meffert and
Anna Maria Koch
Margarethe Elisabeth Meffert, b. 19 Nov. 1713, Wachenbuchen, d. 17 Oct. 1794
mar. 1 Jan. 1737,
Kasper Will, b. 23 Oct. 1715, Wachenbuchen, d. 24 Dec. 1747
Johann Casper, b. 6 Jan. 1740, Wachenbuchen
Johann Baltasar, b. 3 Sept, 1743, Wachenbuchen, d. 3 July 1745
Marie Katherine, b. 9 July 1747, Wachenbuchen, d. 23 may 1748
The first three generations belong to all descendents of Andreas Meffert (Mefford) of
Germany and America. After Andreas, the families will belong to his three children and
their descendants.
3rd Generation – Andreas Meffert, son of John Conrad and Anna Maria Koch
Andreas Meffert, b. 2 Jan 1707, Wachenbuchen, d. will proved 13 Aug. 1760 Chester Co. Penna.
mar 2 Feb. 1730, in Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany.
Magdalene Haas, b. 4 July 1708, Oberdorfelden, Hessen Germany, d. May 1765,
Fredericks Co. Md. mar. 2nd Dr. Jacob Grouse
Maria Margaret, b. 6 Dec. 1730, Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany, d. May 1809,
Germantown, Pa.
mar 28 Jan. 1750, William Dauber, in 1st German Reformed Church of
Philadelphia. bur Hood Cemetery or Lower burying ground.
Johannes, b. 24 Jan. 1732, Oberdorfelden, d. Scott Co. Ky. 1797 (Scott Co. tax
mar. Penna. Suzanne Kuntz
Casper, b. 27 Aug. 1741, Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany. d. 6 Dec. 1805,
Rockingham Co. Va.
mar. in Philadelphia, Pa. 30 May. 1763, Mary Seigler. by Rev. Henry M.
Will and Estate of Andreas Mefford and Descendants
Will of Andreas Mefford, pr 13 Aug. 1760, Chester Co. Pa. will no. 313, year 1760,
Orphan’s court. Registered in the County of Philadelphia, Pa.
“In the name of God amen, I, Andrew Mefford of Coventry township, Chester Co. Pa.
and province of Penna., yeoman, being of sound mine and good memory----I order that
all my estate be equally divided between my dear wife, Magdalene, and my two sons
John and Casper ---- and my daughter Magdalene Dauber shall have ten pounds.
bk.L, pg. 495
Wife, Magdalene and John are the executors
Tax lists – Chester Co, Penna. 1747-63.
1753, Andrew Mefford, Coventry Township
1760, John Mefford
1762, John Mefford
Account of the Estate of the late Andrew Mefford
25 Aug. 1762, Chester Co. Penna.
Balance of £1271, in the hands of the accomptants to be divided agreeable to the will.
To the widow 42.8
To John Mefford, the eldest son, 42.8
To Casper Mefford, the youngest son, 42.8
Will of Andreas Mefford, 31 May 1760, pr 13 Aug. 1760, Chester Co. Pa. “In the name
of God Amen, I Andrew Mefford, yeoman, with wife Magdalene and children: Margaret
Dauber, John and Casper Mefford, Executors – Wife Magdalene and son John.
Will No. 373, Orphan’s court.
Jacob Light
Charles Hickman
signed Andrew Mefford
The “₤” sign is the English symbol for pound, the monetary unit used in America prior to the
Revolutionary War. For a more complete description of English money, you can refer to
Tax lists – Chester Co.1747-63
1753 Andrew Mefford Coventry Township
1754 Andrew Mefford Coventry Township
1757 Andrew Mefford Coventry Township
1760 John Mefford
1761 John Mefford.
Will mentions the estate and that sons and wife are to each have equal parts and daughter
Margaret is to have ten pounds.
Account of the Estate of the late Andrew Mefford, #2
Settled 25th day of Aug. 1762, Chester Co. Penna.
Balance of £127, in the hands of the accomptants to be divided agreeable to the will.
To the widow £42.8.
To John Mefford £42.8
To Casper Mefford £42.8
Magdalene X Grouse, Inst.
John Mefford.
“Dr. Jacob Grouse, Magdalene Grouse and John Mefford, executors of Andrew Mefford,
deceased, 1762, to the amount of the debit side, brot over ₤426.13.31.
The Accomptants charge themselves with the further sum of ₤2.10.15. Received for
some goods belonging to the said estate and not mentioned in the Inventory. Inventory of
the estate, last of Andrew Mefford, dec’d, 11 Aug. 1760:
A bay mare, a marza saddle, a mawl, wedges, a wagon, a timber chair, three pair of
hames, and traces, two gores, and two collars, two rakes, two cows, three yearlings, a
bullock, a heifer, two calves and a cow. Seven hogs, two hind and a sheep, four hives of
bees and twelve hives of bees, a plow, and single trees, a harrow, four hundred feet of
popular boards, a spinning wheel, 33 yards of flax linen, fourteen bushels of wheat.
“The account of Jacob Grouse and Magdalene, his wife, formerly the widow and relict of
Andreas Mefford, dec’d and John Mefford, the executors, of the last will and Testament
of Andrew Mefford, dec’d, as well of all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and
credits, which were of ye deceased, and which came to their hands possession or
knowledge as of the several payments and disbursements made out of the same as
“Dr. Jacob Grouse, Magdalene Grouse and John Mefford, executors of the estate of
Andrew Mefford, deceased, 1762, to the amount of the debit side, brot over ₤426.13.3
The accomptants charge themselves with the further sum of ₤2.10.15. received for some
goods belonging to the said estate and not mentioned in the Inventory.
Inventory of the estate, late Andrew Mefford, deceased, 11 Aug. 1760, wearing apparel,
horses, saddle and bridle, cash ₤20.16 a bay mare, a Marza saddle, a mawl and wedges, a
wagon and a timber chair, three pair of hames and traces, two gores, and two collars, two
The “₤” sign is the English symbol for pound, the monetary unit used prior to the Revolutionary War.
This amount would read; 426 pounds, 13 shillings, 3 pence, plural for penny.
rakes. Two cows, three yearlings, a bullock, a heifer, tow calves and a cow. Four hives
of bees, twelve hives of bees. A plow and single trees, a harrow, four hundred feet of
poplar boards, a spinning wheel, 33 yards of flax linen, fourteen bushels of wheat.
“The account of Jacob Grouse and Magdalene, his wife, the widow and relick of Andrew
Mefford, deceased, and John Mefford, the executors of the last will and testament of
Andrew Mefford, dec’d, as well as of all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights,
hands, possessions or knowledge as of the several payments and disbursements made out
of the same as follows:
To William Daubert, a Legacy
To Peter Wenger, a Legacy
To Frederick Daubert, a Legacy
To Casper Meffert
To John Meffert
To Jacob Grouse, a Legacy
To Jacob Grouse, 3 bonds
In May of 1764, I find John and Casper and their mother Magdalene, living in Fredericks
Co. Md. Jacob Grouse Sr, had passed on.
Liber J. folio 1237. Deeds of Fredericks, Co. Md.
Will of Magdalene Mefford Grouse
“Know all men by these presents that I, Magdalene Grouse of Fredericks, Co. Md.
aforesaid, presents that I, Magdalene Grouse, for the love and consideration which I hold
for my children, namely John Mefford, Casper Mefford and my daughter, Margaret
Dauber. Hath given, granted and doth freely give and grant unto the aforesaid, their heirs
forever, one strawberry roan gilding about eight years old, one young cow about one year
old, one copper bucket, one copper kettle and all of my portion of Jacob Grouses estate in
the hands of John Crouse (John Grouse?) and Jacob Null; administrators of the said
Jacob Crouse, to be equally divided by the said John Mefford, between my three children
to have and to hold the said goods and chattels, their heirs and assigns forever,
signed, sealed and delivered
Magdalene X Crouse
Her mark.
The “₤” sign is the English symbol for pound, the monetary unit used in America prior to the
Revolutionary War. For a more complete description of English money, you can refer to
Court Judgment in Favor of Casper Mifford
Court records of Fredericks Co. Md.
10 Nov. 1764,
At Register of Casper Mifford.
“To whit” You, Jacob Null and John Weaver, do confess judgments unto Casper Mifford,
for the sum of one pound 5 shillings, five pence currency, which was recovered by the
said Casper Mifford, against Jacob Null on 2 Sept. 1764, by me as a supervisor and this is
leveyed against you for the goods and chattels, land and tenements for the use of the said
Casper Mifford in case Jacob Null shall not pay.
Parish Records, 4th Generation
4th Generation - Maria Margaret, dau of Andrew Mefford and Magdalene Haas
Called Margaret Mefford, b.6 Dec. 1730, Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany, d. 22 May 1809,
Germantown, Pa. bur. Hood Cemetery,
mar. 28 Jan 1750, in 1st German Reformed Church in Philadelphia,
William Dauber, b. 1722 Baumholder, Palatinate, Germany, d. 4 July 1770, bur. Hood
Andrew, b. 1751m North Liberty Lands, Philadelphia. Served in the Revolution
War of 1776, Enl. 8 Jan. 1776, was taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16
Nov. 1776, exchanged 25 Nov. 1780, died 12 Dec. 1831, Philadelphia.
File 92, Admin. O, pg 15, Pension appl. S42172
Anna Maria, b. 8 Oct. 1752, North Liberty Lands, d. 15 Nov. 1827, bur Hood
mar Capt Jacob Sommers, who also served in the Revo. War. Can be
found listed in the S. A. R.s.
John, b. 1755, North Liberty lands, also served in the War of 1776, 1st Lieut. Of
the 4th Penna. Btt. 3 Jan. 1777. Died 18 Mar. 1821, Philadelphia.
mar 1st Mary Nice, at the Swedes Church on Philadelphia.
mar 2nd Lititia Steward. Admn. File 96, bk M. pg 264, Pension appl. S42177
Magdalene, b. June 1756, North Liberty Lands,
Maria Margaret, b. 30 Oct. 1758, Liberty Lands,
Births were taken from 1st German Reformed Church of Philadelphia
Translation of Names From German to English
The English changed the German t’s, to d’s, the b’s. to v’s. The name was first spelled
Tauber, then changed to Dauber, and eventually to Dover. Service records for John and
Andrew will be found under the name change of Dover.
You will notice that the name Meffert is spelled in various ways throughout this works.
Meffert was the original spelling. But officials spelled it as it sounded to them. The
sound of an E in the German language is of an A.
Occasionally the name was found to be spelled Mifford, Mafford, Mefferd, Mefford and
in one place I found it spelled Malford.
Also see heading to Index on page 66.
4th Generation - John (Johannes) son of Andreas Meffert (Mefford) and Magdalene Haas
John Meffert, b. 24 Jan 1732, Oberdorfelden, Hessen. Germany. d. Scott Co. Ky. 1797
(Tax records for Scott Co.)
mar. in Chester Co. Pa. 1st.
Suzanne, b. 1735, Prussia, d. Fredericks Co. Md. Before 1788.
John, b. 1758, Chester Co. PA. served in the Revolution War 1781. Went to
Baltimore. MD., after the war. No other information.
William, b. 9 Apr 1760, Chester Co. PA. also served in the war of 1781, from
Fredericktown, MD. Pension appl. R-7098.
mar. 9 Apr 1805, in Fayette co. PA. Rachel Holton, b.
John mar 2nd : Fredericks Co. Md., Catherine (Luttz) Trout, a widow. Liber 1,
464, 1793, General Land Office, Annapolia, MD.
Records referring to William Mefford or Mifford
Pension Application of William Mefford from Revolutionary War
“On the 7th of Apr. 1835, personally appeared in open court, in the county of Fayette and
state of Pennsylvania, William Mefford, a resident of said county, ages 75 years, who
being duly sworn according to law, doth make the following declaration in order to
benefit from the act of Congress----enl in the month of December 1781, and was called
out in the Maryland Militia from Frederickstown, in a company commanded by Capt.
John Ickes from whence he was marched in said company to guard some British
prisoners taken from Gen. Cornwallis army.-----He afterwards entered the Naval service
in the city of Philadelphia, sometime in the month of April, and went on board a vessel,
he believed was called the Philadelphia, which was commanded by Thomas Lollard, then
put out to sea and was captured by the British frigate “Rotterdam”, of 50 guns, where he
was taken as prisoner of war to Charleston, So. Carolina. He was exchanged on the 5th
day of Febr. 1783, and sailed on board a vessel for Maltimore (Baltimore?) where he
arrived on the 10th of March following. He states he never received a discharge.
He states he was born the 9th of Apr. 1760, that he took his birth from “my father’s
Bible.” I was a resident of Frederickstown when I was called into the service. I resided
in Burlington Co, NJ after my discharge from the service for about eight years and then
in 1796, settled in Fayette Co. Penna.
“We Daniel Rogers and Caleb Trevor, residents of Fayette Co. Pa. hereby testify that we
are acquainted with William Mefford, who had sworn to the above declaration, and we
believe him to be seventy-five and a soldier of the Revolution.
Caleb Trevor
Daniel Rogers
Deeds of Fayette Co. Pa. referring to William Mifford
Deeds of Fayette Co. Pa M1 (Atreement)
William Mifford to Aechariah Connel, 9 Apr 1809.
William Mifford, to John Latta, 21 Feb. 1809.
1810 Census of Fayette Co. PA.
1810 Census of Fayette Co. PA.
William Mifford.
1 male under 16, 1 male over 16, 3 females.
Parish Records, 5th Generation,
Descendents of Johannes Meffert, Son of Andreas
5th Generation - Jacob, son of John (Johannes) Meffert and Suzanne
Jacob, b. 7 May 1763, Chester Co. PA d. 14 Dec 1844, Campbell. Co. Ky.
mar in Scott Co. Ky. 20 Aug 1793, (Court house burned and no records)
Ellenor, b. 1776 d. 2 mar 1848, Lawrence Co. Ind.
Polly, b. 1794 Ky, mar Henry Roach.
Elizabeth, b. 1796 Campbell Co. Ky. Mar 3 Feb 1815, Daniel Steward
John, b. 1798, Campbell Co. mar. 14 Apr 1827, Mary Parker.
Ellen, b. 1800, Campbell Co.mar. 9 Nov. 1820, John Cady, lived Lawrence Co. Ind.
Thompson, b. 1803, Campbell co. d. will 26 May 1845, prob. Nov 1850, mar Nancy.
Nancy, b. 1808, Campbell Co.
William, b. 1810, Campbell Co.
James (A), b. 1813, Campbell Co.
Jackson, b. 1816, Campbell Co.
Malissa, b. 1818, Campbell Co. Ky. mar 29 Dec. 1838, Henry Parker.
Pension Application of Jacob Mefford from Revolutionary War
Jacob Mefford, also served in the Revolution 1781, from Frederickstown, MD. Pension
appl. W-9562
Pension appl.
“Since writing you it has occurred to my mind----- I enl in Frederickstown, Md. And
Capt. Lemon as me how long I wanted to enlist for, and I said three years – I thought
three years entitled me to land---He fell to writing and measured me by the standard, five
feet and five inches high and fair complexion then had me qualified to be true to my trust
by Squire Young. Gave me bounty money and a suit of clothes and told me where to go
to my station --- For about three years after the war ceased I went to south western
Kentucky. And from there to --- and came home to my father’s house and then sold my
horse and went to Baltimore where my brother John was. We was both musketmen
together, my brother William was a seaman. My father had but one brother and he had
many sons old enough to be in the Revolution.”
Jacob stated in his pension appl. He had ten children. Eight of them living with him.
“My eldest daughter is called Polly, and is twenty-six years of age. My second child is a
daughter aged 20, called (Ellen) . my third child is a son called Thompson, aged 17
years. My fourth child is a daughter called Nancy and my 5th child is a son called
William, age 10, my sixth child is a son James aged eight, my 7th child is a son called
Jackson aged 4, and my 8th child is a daughter called Malissa, aged 2.
5th Generation - Phillip, son of John (Johannes) Mefford, and Suzanne
Phillip b. 25 Jan. 1766. Frederickstown, Md. (birth record from Evangelical Lutheran
church records from Frederickstown, MD.)
Phillip went with his father and stepmother, Catherine to Scott Co, Ky. and settled in
Harrison Co, 1st, then to Franklin Co, after the death of his father. Phillip moved to
Franklin Co. Ky in 1810. Tax records show Phillip with 1000 acres of land, near
Frankfort, Ky. Census records show Phillips with 3 males under 10, 2 males 10-16, 2
males 26-45, 3 females under 10, 2 females 26-45. In 1827, Phillip was having some
court trouble with some people from Virginia who had squatted on his land and he was
trying to evict them. Circuit court order Bk,U, pg 222. He stopped paying taxes and
there is no other record of him after 1822.
In 1812, Benjamin began paying taxes, Joseph in 1813. Jacob began paying taxes in
1814. Each with one hundred acres of land. All on the Elkhorn river.
Census Record of 1830 for Phillip Mefford
In the 1830 Census, I find in Franklin Co. Dist no 1, Joseph Mefford, 3 males under 5, 1
male under 10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 30-34, 1 female under 10, one female 30-40. 1860
Census dist. No 1, I find a Phillips Mefford, age 41 b. Ky wife Caroline, b. Ky. Age 34,
Caroline, age 18, William age 17, Angeline age 17, Letitia age 7, Mary age 2.
In an old account book for Franklin Co., I find Henry b. 30 march 1857, d. age 5 days
parents were Phillip and Caroline Mefford.
In old auditor’s book, I find:
Mary C. Mefford, d. April 1855, age 3, b. Franklin Co.
Parents were: Jacob Mefford and Sarah. D. Shelby Co. Mo.
Julia A. Mefford, b. Scott Co, Ky age 27, d. 3 Oct. 1859,
Parents were L. and Elizabeth Wash.
Marriages of Franklin Co. Ky
Jacob Mefford to Polly Tucker, 17 Sept, 1817.
Elizabeth Mefford to John Gardner, 15 Dec. 1832, bondsman was Phillip Mefford.
Eliza Mefford to James Rush, 18 July 1820
Rebecca Mefford to Fred Hackensmith, 21 May 1805,
This has to be a daughter of John and Suzanne. One daughter was Eliza Mefford
who married Jonathan Huling.
5th Generation- Andrew, son of John (Johannes) Mefford, and Suzanne
Andrew b. 1768, Fredrickstown, Md, d. in the war of 1812, at the Battle of the Raisin
River. He settled in Fayette Co. Ky.
Court Orders Regarding the Estate of Andrew Mifford
Court Order bk.c. pg 71.
“Inventory of the estate of Andrew Mifford, dec’d, was procured and ordered to be
Court order bk. C. pg. 303, Aug. 1815.
“Elizabeth Mifford, widow of the said Andrew Mifford, made oath that her said husband,
Andrew Mifford, went out under Capt. Hamilton and was supposed killed at the Battle of
Raisin River. Eliza Huling, sister of said Mifford, made oath that the said Elizabeth was
married to her said brother, Andrew Mifford who was killed at the Battle of Raisin River.
Ct. Order bk. C pg. 13.
“On motion of Elizabeth Mifford who took oath as the law directs and gave bond in the
sum of $400, with Benjamin and Joseph Mefford, as the law directs. And she is given
her share and granted what is due her from the estate of Andrew Mifford, dec’d, for her
“Frenchtown was 35 miles away on the Raisin River, near the south end of Lake Erie.
Six hundred and fifty Kentuckians were guarding Frenchtown. On Jan 22, the British
with 8000 Wyandotts (Indians) led by Roundhead, struck the fort before dawn. The
Kentuckians were cut to pieces and fled across the Raisin River and into the woods on the
south bank, and hid until dark. How many Kentuckians were killed has never been
ascertained. The best estimates were at least 400. ‘Remember the Raisin’, rang loudly
across every battlefield in which Kentuckians fought in the war of 1812.”
From the history of the Raisin River
5th Generation- Thompson, son of John (Johannes) Mefford, and Suzanne
Thompson, b. 1770, Frederickstown, Md, d. in Fayette Co. Ky
Court order bk. 1 pg. 368.
Administrations: “On motion of Mary Thomas who came to court and gave bond and
made oath according to law to admin. on the estate of Thompson Mefford.1806.
No mention of wife or children, unless this is a remarried widow or married daughter.
5th Generation- David, son of John (Johannes) and Suzanne,
David, b. 1772, Frederickstown, MD. Settled in Scott, Co. Ky. with father and
stepmother, Catherine (Luttz) Trout Mefford.
Mar in Scott Co.(court house burned and all marriage records) no mention of wife
in admn bonds.
Court Orders Regarding the Estate of David Mifford
Amn Admn, bl A, David d. 1802, Court order bk. 10 June 1803.
“In conforming to an order of the county and court of Scott, we have this day procured
and proceeded to the letter with Robert Thompson for administration, on the estate of
David Mifford, dec’d, and find a balance unaccounted for in the amount of £52.11.3. We
have not charged for David Mifford’s funeral expenses, there is a deduction of £3.6.9 for
articles said and remains in said Thompson’s hands. The orphans are entitled to interest
from this point to June 1804. This settlement made with Robert Thompson Adm. Of
David Mifford, dec’d. and settlement is returned to court to be recorded
clerk – John Hawkins
Court order bk.D-E, pg 266, Scott Co.
The condition and obligation of Robert Thompson and his heirs and assigns shall truly
pay and deliver to Sally Mifford, David and Thomas Mifford, orphans of David Mifford,
dec’d all such estate as is or hereafter due to said orphans when they shall attain their
legal age. Acknowledged in open court, Robert Thompson, Sr and Jr. And they are
bound in the sum of $300 current money of Kentucky. Examined and administered and
sealed this 24th day of June 1805. No wife Mentioned.
The above mentioned Sally Mifford, mar. John Sames, 1 July 1813, Fayette Co. KY.
Bondsman was Jacob Kiger. (This Jacob Kiger was the 3rd husband of Catherine(Luttz)
Trout Mefford.)
5th Generation- Abraham, son of Johannes (John) and Suzanne Mefford
Abraham, b. 1775, Fredrickstown, MD. Lived for a time in Rockingham Co. Va. After
1810, went to Grainger Co. Tenn. d. Admn. 21 Nov. 1815, Grainger Co. Tenn.
Abraham “Mafford”, served on the Jury, 18 Aug. 1812.
Deed bk, 8, pg. 425,
Abraham Mafford to Joseph Croft.
Abraham Mafford to David Profitt.
Deed bk C, pg 268.
John Bell took over the polls and taxes for One John Mefford, 18 Aug 1814.
Parish Records, 6th, 7th & 8th Generations,
Descendents of David Mifford
6th Generation- David, son of David and wife.
David, b. 1802. Scott Co. Ky. d.
Martha, b. 1801 Ky. d.
Mary, b. 1831, Ky. 1850 Census for Scott Co. Ky.
Leonidas, b. 1833, Ky.
Eliza, b. 1835, Ky.
Cordelia, b. 1837, Ky.
William, b. 1841, Ky
James D. b. 1842 Ky.
Martha, b. 1844, Ky.
6th Generation- Thomas, son of David Mifford and wife.
Thomas, b. 1800, Ky. D. Scott Co. Ky.mar.
Peggy Rush, b. Owen Co. Ky. d.
Elias, b. 1837, Scott Co. d. 1909,
mar Zeralda Baker of Owen Co. Ky.
Phillip, b. 1839,
Joseph, b. 1841 Scott Co. Joseph was constable at one time and was killed while
arresting a criminal.
William, b. 1843.
7th Generation- Elias, son of Thomas Mifford (Mefford) and Peggy Rush.
Elias, b. 1837, d. 1909, Scott Co. Ky. mar.
Zerelda Baker, b. 1836, Owen Co. Ky. d.
John, b. 1857, d.
mar. Prascilla Church
Joseph Quincy, b. 1867, d. 1944
mar. Rhoda Hancock.
William Jesse, b. 1846, d.
mar. Delia Wash.
Ernest, b. 1877 d.
mar. Betty Dailey
Continued next page
Emma Kate, b. d.
mar. Chester Baldwin
Carrie, b. 1869, d.
mar. Chester Baldwin
Ella, b. 1875 d.
mar. Wm. Baldwin.
Lena, b. d.
Launa Margaret, b. d.
mar. John House
8th Generation- Joseph Quincy, son of Elias Mefford and Zeralda Baker.
Joseph, b. 1867 d. 1944
Rhoda Hancock.
Roy, b. d. young
mar. Helen Stofel
mar. Paul Karrick
mar . Adelaine Plummer
mar. Mildred Miller
mar. Marth Lee Plumer
Emma Valeria
mar. James C. Prewill
John William
mar. Frances Jones
Meffords in Grainger Co. Tenn
Marriages for Grainger Co. Tenn.
John Bealor to Anna Mefford, 24 Feb. 1823.
Elizabeth Mefford to John Rubble, 5 Feb. 1827
Selburn Mefford to Retty Rice, 2 Mar. 1835.
Census Records
There was a migration from Grainger Co. Tenn. to Monroe Co. Ind.
The 1850 census for Monroe Co. Ind. shows:
Ann Mefford, b. Va. Age 46
Peter Mefford, age 10, b. Tenn.
Ann Bealor, age 75, b. VA
John Mefford age 50 b. Va.
Jacob Mefford age 50, b. VA.
1850 Census for Grainger Co. Tenn:
Marion Mefford b. 1821, Tenn.
Roenna, b. Tenn. 1826
Sarah b. 1849 Tenn.
Rufus, b. 1820 Tenn.
Nancy, b. 1820, Tenn.
Betsy, b. 1848, Tenn.
Edward, 7/12, 14 Aug. Tenn.
Benjamin, son of John (Johannes and Catherine (Luttz) Trout,
Benjamin, Liber 1, folio 464, 1793, General Land Office, Annapolis, Md.
He went to Jefferson Co. Ind. and I find him there in the 1850 census.
married in Franklin Co, Ky. 29 July 1810,
Frances Witherspoon.
Additional Mefford Marriages
Catherine (Luttz) (Trout) Mefford, mar. for her 3rd husband, 2 Feb. 1802, Jacob Kiger in
Harrison Co. She and John’s son, Phillip, settled 1st in Harrison Co. Ky after the death of
John and I find them in the tax list for that county. These Kigers (Kygers) came from
Rockingham Co. Va.
The Meffords had inter-married with the Hudlow family in Rockingham. Two Hudlow
sisters had married two sons of John Mefford and his wife Mary Lemon, of Rockingham
Co. Two more Hudlow sisters married two sons of Thomas Hannah, Sr. and Magdalene
Mefford, and Magdalene was a daughter of Casper Mefford, in Rockingham Co.Va.
John (Johannes) Mefford and Suzanne, had at least one known daughter, Eliza who
married Jonathan Huling, and I believe the Rebecca Mefford who married Fred
Hockensmith in Franklin Co. 21 May 1805, had to be another daughter. John was
deceased and I find that a Hockensmith was the bondsman for this marriage.
Also Rebecca could not have been a daughter of anyone else because of her age.
These pages have concluded the information about two children of Andrew (Andreas
Meffert) Mefford and Magdalene Haas. The following pages will be of the descendents
of his youngest son, Casper Mefford and his wife Maria Seigler.
Descendents of Casper Meffert, Son of Andreas Meffert
Short history of the life of Casper Meffert
From the Journal of Henry M. Muhlenberg, pg 613, year 1763.
“March 30, Wednesday, Christopher Beyer, reported that Henrich Hoffman had passed
away at Paul Cover’s last night, between eleven and twelve, born at Itlinger, Palatinate,
Germany. I preached Psalms 39-5-9, as my funeral text.”
“Further I married Casper Meffert, unmarried, of New Hannover and Maria Seigler,
unmarried, of Northern Liberties. They were married by authority of a license from the
Governor, dated 31 Mar. 1763. I received seven shillings and gave them a marriage
The Reverend Muhlenberg performed less than a dozen marriages, so this must have been
a special ceremony. The Rev. Muhlenberg was also an Episcopalian minister in order to
be able to function in Virginia.
Casper moved his family from Pennsylvania to Fredericks Co. Maryland in 1764. In
1766, I found the birth date of his daughter, Magdalene, in the Evangelical Lutheran
church records of Frederickstown, Md.
About 1778, Casper moved his family from Fredericks Co. Md. to Rockingham Co. Va.
Deed: For Casper Meffert from Henry and Jane Reburn of Rockingham co. Va. 24 Dec.
1778. 100 acres on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. See Chalkley’s History of
Augusta, Co.Va.
Surveys and Land Owners of Rockingham Co. Va.
Survey 41 acres of land of Rockingham Co. for Casper Mefford. Assignee of Robert
Pollard, Exchange warrant No. 1425, dated 28th day of 1793, Bounded as follows:
Beginning at a pine and small white oak in Henry Mace’s corner and running to a line to
the corner of Whitmore and Samuel Miller’s line and back to Henry Mace’s corner and
Survey 85 acres of land in Rockingham Co. Va. For Thomas Hannah, assignee of Casper
Mifford, assignee of Robert Pollard, exchange warrant for 400 acres of land, N520, dated
29 May 1783, and bounded as follows:
Beginning at a chestnut, corner of Henry Mace’s line and 396 poles west and --- in Henry
Mace’s line and 66 poles to a branch west and --- in Henry Mace’s line and 66 poles to a
branch of Dry Run and back to Henry Mace’s corner (Thomas Hannah was Casper
Mifford’s son-in-law. He married Magdalene Mefford.)
Rockingham Co. Court Records, for Rockingham Co. Va.
4 Aug. 1770, in the 4th year of our commonwealth of Virginia came Casper Meffert,
complaining of assault and battery by Joseph Thompson, that he was beaten by clubs and
staves, that the said Thompson did beat and wound him so that his life was despaired of.
Casper Meffert does ask for damaged and up to £200, through his Lawyer, Gabriel Jones.
He was awarded damages and court costs. (Thompson was a land agent.)
Will of Casper Mefford
Augusta County Court records by Lyman Chalkly, pg. 199.
Casper, alias Gasper Mefford, made his will 28 Nov. 1805 and died 6 Dec. 1805,
Rockingham Co. Va., leaving a widow, Mary and children; George, Ben, Cate, John,
Casper and Magdalene Hannah, widow of Thomas Hannah.
“Mary, my wife, to have the home plantation as long as she shall live. Benjamin, my son,
shall live with her on the plantation. And after my wife’s decease, my daughter Caty Kile
is to have my black woman, Rachel. Magdalene, widow of Thomas Hannah, is to have
my black woman Hannah, if she lives. As for my son John, it is my wish that his son
George have his part. And as for my son Casper, he shall have $1.”
Another son mentioned but not by name. John had a son George and George had a son
The Shenandoah Valley is on the most beautiful part of Virginia. It is protected by the
Blue Ridge Mountains on the east and the Alleghenies on the west. So the climate is free
from extremes of temperatures.
If you would like four distinct seasons metered out, a short winter with a beautiful spring
and a summer that is not to hot, a long glorious fall, then the heart of the Shenandoah is
just for you.
The Tenth Legion, included the present day counties of Rockingham, Shenandoah and
Page, and stood solidly for Jefferson and Democracy. The population was predominately
German and many descendents still live there.
Casper’s two older sons served in the Revolution in 1781. John, the eldest, applied for
his pension from Logan Co. Ky. Casper, Jr. settled in Ohio.
4th Generation – Casper, son of Andreas Meffert, and Magdalene Haas.
Casper, b. 27 Aug. 1741. Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany, d. 6 Dec. 1805,
Rockingham Co. VA.
mar 31 Mar. 1763, in Philadelphia, PA
Mary Seigler, b. 1745, d. 16 Apr. 1816, Rockingham Co. VA.
John, b. 8 Oct. 1764, Fredericks Co. MD. D. 18 Apr. 1842, Logan Co. Ky.
mar. Mary Lemon, dau of George Lemon, In VA.
Casper, b. 1765, Fredericks Co. MD. D. Clark’s Co. Ohio. Also served in
war of 1781, from VA.
mar. in VA. Katherine Jones.
Magdalene, b. 1 May 1766, Frederickstown, Md. (Evangelical Lutheran church record.)
mar. in VA. Thomas Hannah d. 18 Mar. 1833, Rockingham Co. VA. admn. bond.
Catherine, b. 1769, Fredericks Co. MD.
mar. in Rockingham Co. Jacob Kyle.
George, b. 1771, Fredericks Co. Md. Went to Scott Co. VA (Chancery Court records of
Augusta Co. VA) 1816.
mar. Sarah.
Benjamin, b. 1779, Rockingham Co. VA.
mar. 25 Apr 1802, Nancy Saxton.
Went to Woodford Co. Ky. d. Frankfort Ky., after 1850
Anna Maria, b. 6 Mar. 1786, Rockingham Co. VA (Old Frieden’s church record)
no further record.
Old Frieden’s Church record:
Casper Meffert
Anna Maria
Anna Maria
6 May 1786
George Meffert
and wife
8 Aug. 1786
g. parents
George Meffert
23 Oct. 1803
g. parents
George Meffert
9 Jan 1805
g. parents
Kasper Meffert, Jr.
Katherine Jones
Johannes David
28 Feb. 1804
5th Generation- John, son of Casper Meffert and Mary Seigler.
John, b. 8 Oct 1764, Fredericks Co. Md. D. 18 Apr 1842, Logan Co. Ky.
mar. 8 Jan 1787, Rockingham Co. Va.
Mary Lemon, b. 1767, Fredericks Co. Md. (Old marriage bond states she was daughter of
George Lemon.)
Mary Jane, b. 12 Nov 1781, Rockingham Co. Va.
mar. in Peldleton Co. VA. Leonard Simmons
George, b. 11 Jan. 1789, Rockingham Co. Va. d. 24 Oct 1877, Butler Co. Ky.
bur Old Midway Cemetery.
mar. in VA, Anna Hudlow.
Jacob, b. 11 May 1790, Rockingham Co. Va. d. estate damn, Oct. 1835,
Muhlenberg Co. Ky.
mar. in VA, Susanna Peters. Sister of the above Anna Hudlow.
Catherine, b. 3 Apr. 1793, Rockingham Co. Va. d. 26 Aug. 1844, Muhlenberg Co.
Orphan Court record bk 4, pg 394,
mar. in Va. John Ewings.
John and Mary (Lemon) Mefford, lived in Pendleton Co. Va. for several years, now
Highland Co.
Mortons History of Pendleton Co., bs 5, page 273, 31 Aug. 1810.
John “Mafford” and wife Mary, of Rockingham Co. Va. Sold land to Aaron Key of
Pendleton Co. Va., joining Col. Peter Hull, George Rimer, Henry Wymer and Jacob
Pentzell, 96 acres.
John Mefford applied for his pension after he settled in Logan Co. Ky R-7097.
Soon after 1810, a company was formed in Rockingham Co.Va., in which was John
Mefford and his two married sons, George and Jacob, and his married daughter,
Catherine, and her husband John Ewings. There was also George Hudlow and his family,
John Hudlow and his family. William Hannah and his wife, Mary Hudlow and another
Hudlow sister, Elizabeth who married Thomas Hannah, Sr. These two Hudlow sisters
were sisters to Anna and Susanna Hudlow who had married the Mefford brothers. John
Hudlow as a brother to these four Hudlow sisters and George Hudlow was an uncle to
these other Hudlows. There was also William Trobaugh, who had been a guardian to
some of the Hudlow sisters. I expect there were also others in the company who journeys
to this new land of Kentucky. George Hudlow went on into Tennessee and settled in
Williamson co. John Hudlow eventually went elsewhere, also.
John Hudlow and his four sisters were the children of Jacob Hudlow and his wife
Susanna Peters, from Shenandoah Co. and Rockingham Co. Va.
William and Thomas Hannah, Jr. were the sons of Thomas Hannah, Sr. and Magdalene
John Mefford and his Gun Powder Factory
Bk F, pg 306, Deed: This Indenture made the 22 day of July 1813, between Joseph
Payne of the county of Robertson and the sate of Tenn., of one part and John Mefford of
the county of Logan and state of Kentucky of the other part for the sum of $440 to him in
hand paid by the said John Mefford. Sold to John Mefford a certain sulphur cave, being
and lying in the county of Robertson and state of Tenn., on the north side of the creek
above Gideon Payne, also this Mefford is to have a stand of timber joining the cave,
except for the sugar trees. Also ground sufficient to carry on his work. And to have the
aforesaid cave with all and sundry belongings to the cave for the proper use of the said
Signed Joseph Payne,
Nov. Term 1813, John Mefford.
John Mefford was a powder maker and the old mill was something like two miles from
the old home of Fairfax Washington, a cousin of George Washington.
Before Mr. Mefford’s time the old cave was used by the outlaw, John Murrel, as a
hideout for the gang, but he was finally caught and killed in Missouri. Initials and dates
were carved on the walls of the old cave which dated in the late 1700s.
The old cave was on Whipporwill creek, quite near its confluence with the Red River.
Before the great flood of 1865, one could drive a team of horses into the entrance of the
cave. Now there are great boulders blocking the entrance of the cave.
There were three Moulding forts nearby and also old Fort Logan. And Mr. Mefford
made powder for the settlers in the area of these forts.
A Mr. Rogers now lives on the old farm of Fairfax Washington. Mr. Rogers said he
knew where the tomb of Fairfax was. It was a box type one and he remembers seeing it
when a boy. The later buyers took up the headstone and used it for a doorstep.
One old cemetery in the Red River community was destroyed by a farmer who buried the
stones and tilled the soil over the graves. Another farmer piled the stones to one side and
people tried to find them.
Old Traughber Cemetery is in the Red River community. It is something like three miles
from Adarsville, three miles east on the State highway. Buried there, are some of the
Pension application of John Mefford
Pension Appl. R-7097, Logan Co. Ky. John Mefford.
Personally appeared before me, one John Mefford, this 28th day of December 1840. a
resident of Logan Co. Ky., age 76, on the 8th of October last, who first being duly sworn,
states he enlisted in the army of the United States as a substitute for his father, Gasper
Meffert, in the year 1781, in which Cornwallis was taken. And he went out with Guy
Hamilton as a Major and the Lieut. was a Cuggar, who took sick and Thomas Lewis took
his place.
A man by the name of Campbell was a General and also Anthoney Wayne. He was in
the service two months and then returned home and got his discharge about four months
Court order bk.10, page 164, Monday, 28 Dec. 1840.
Declaration of John Mefford, a Revolutionary soldier, this day appeared in open court
and swore to the truth of the same as required by law, which is ordered to be certified and
is in the following words ----- And the said court does hereby declare in their opinion that
the above applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states.
He was denied the pension because he had not served six months.
John Mefford died Apr. 1842. Logan Co. Ky.
Mrs. Robinson had inserted at this point a flyer from the Old Red River Presbyterian
Meeting House. It had no references to any one listed in the boo. I chose to omit it.
Land purchases of John and George Mefford
Bk Y, pg. 137, 138. Logan Co. Ky.
“This Indenture made and entered into this 12th day of Oct. 1841, Between John Mifford
of the county of Logan and state of Kentucky, of on part and William Traughber of the
same county and state of Kentucky of the other part, witnesseth that the said John
Mifford for and in consideration of the sum of $125, for a certain parcel of land situated,
lying and being in the county of Logan and on the middle fork of the Red River and
bounded as follows: to wit: Beginning at 2 black oaks formerly in Jacob Grows corner
running to Jacob Smith’s corner and to a persimmon formerly Jacob Grow’s corner –
containing 18 acres of land conveyed to William Traughber from John Mifford. 24 Dec.
Signed, sealed and delivered and Oath testified to by Jacob Grow, 18 Apr. 1842.
Standing at the southwest corner of Sixth and Main Streets in Russelville, is a two story
brick building which was at one time the largest bank in Kentucky. The lot was
purchased in 1810 from Preslu Edwards, by William Harrison. George W. Norton
acquired the property in 1837 and used part of it as his residence. The Southern Bank of
Kentucky was chartered in 1839 with Norton as its first president.
Russelville was at one time the third largest city in Ky. And this was the largest bank. In
1863, the bank was liquidated in Kentucky statutes and became the Nimron Long and
Company Bank.
In 1868, Jesse James and a group of five companions, arrived in town, posing as a group
of cattle buyers. On the afternoon of March 20, they shocked the townspeople by
robbing the bank of $9000 and wounding its president, before fleeing into Tennessee.
Jesse’s father had received a loan from this very bank which enabled him to attend
Georgetown College to become a Baptist Minister.
The old Southern Bank building is now used as the Logan co. Public Library at
When George and his brother, Jacob Mefford moved from Logan, Co., in the 1830’s,
George settled in Butler Co. and Jacob settled over the line into Muhlenberg Co.
Bk. 6, pg 454, Court Records of Logan Co. Ky. “This Indenture made the 19th day of
Sept. 1814, Between George Mefford and Ann, his wife, late Hudlow, of Logan Co.,
State of Kentucky, and Jacob Kyger (Kiger) of the one part of the county of Rockingham
and State of Virginia, witnesseth that the said George Mefford and Anna, his wife, for
and in consideration of the sum of $1 lawful money paid in hand, by the said Jacob
Kiger, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, hath bargained and sold land to the said
Jacob Kyger. All the rights and interest in their undivided one ninth portion of the 260
acres of land lying and being in the county of Rockingham and state of Virginia, on the
north east side of the north fork of the Shenandoah, which descended unto the children by
the death of the father, Jacob Hudlow, there being nine of them, which land was devised
to the said Jacob Hudlow by the will of his father, Andrew Hudlow.
George Mefford
Anna X Mefford
Her mark.
6th Generation- George, son of John Mefford and Mary Lemon.
George, b. 11 Jan. 1789, Rockingham Co. Va. d. 24 Oct. 1877, Butler Co. Ky.
bur Midway cemetery
mar in Va
Anna Hudlow, b. Oct 1793, Rockingham co. Va. d. 19 Nov 1859 Butler Co. Ky.
bur Midway cemetery
John, b. 5 May 1813, Adairsville, Ky. d. 18 Apr 1862, Huntsville, Ky.
mar. Faithy Arendell.
Andrew Jackson, b. 25 Feb 1817, Adairsville, d.
mar. 10 July 1839, Catherine Mefford, cousin, bur Old Hamilton cemetery.
George, b. 16 Nov 1819, Adairsville,
Elisabeth, b. 10 Feb 1825, Adairsville,
Peletha Ann, b. 24 Apr. 1831, Butler Co.
mar Andrew Jackson Mefford, cousin (nephew).
bur. Old Hamilton cemetery.
7th Generation- John, son of George Mefford and Anna Hudlow.
John, b. May 1813, Adairsville, d. 18 apr 1862, Huntsville.
mar. 30 Nov 1836
Faithy Arendell, b. 10 Feb 1818, Butler Co. d. 28 July 1878, Butler Co. KY. bur Midway
cemetery. Dau of Bennett Arendell and Cary Cooper of N.C. Bennett Arendell,
b. 22 Dec 1777, N.C. d. 12 Sep 1860, Butler Co. bur Midway cemetery. The
name was interchangeable with Arnold.
Andrew Jackson, b. 6 Dec. 1837, Huntsville,
mar. Louisa Brashear, dau
Mary Ann, b. 30 May 1842, Huntsville. D. 29 Nov 1862.
Jane, b. 1 May 1844, Huntsville. d. 29 Nov. 1930
mar. Thomas P. Brown, son of George W. Brown and Nancy Jenkins, dau
of Joel, Sr.
Sarah, b. 12 Mar. 1847, Huntsville. d. 17 July 1911,
mar. Joel G. Hunt,
bur Old Hamilton cemetery.
Eliza, b. 30 May 1849. Huntsville. d. July 1864.
George Bennett, b. 9 June 1851, Huntsville. d. 22 May 1917,
mar. 1st Cordelia Hunt, 2nd Minnie C. Jenkins
William, b. 2 June 1853, Huntsville. d. 5 Apr 1931,
mar. 1st Virginia Grubb. dau of Oliver Grubb, 2nd (Jenkins) Hope, widow
of Squire Hope.
8th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of John Mefford and Faithy Arendell.
Andrew, b. 6 Dec 1837, Huntsville, d. 9 Mar 1917, bur Methodist cemetery,
mar. 3 Sept. 1870
Louisa Brashear, b. 3 Sept. 1848, Butler co. KY d. 11 Sept. 1918. Huntsville, dau of Asa
Brashear of No. Carolina, who d. Huntsville, bk 6, pg. 163.
Alfonzo, b. 28 Sept. 1871, Huntsville. d. 8 Oct. 1956,
mar. Cordelia Hope.
Annie, b. 1 Dec 1872, Huntsville, d. 2 May 1956, Cleveland, Ohio,
mar. George Bunch
Homer, b. 22 Feb 1847, Huntsville, d. 4 Nov 1957,
mar. Pearl Sweazy.
John, b. 3 Dec 1875, Huntsville, d. 21 Oct 1952, Huntsville.
mar. Artie Arnold.
Jacob, b. 1878, Huntsville, d. 13 Apr 1957, Charleston, or Jefferson
mar. Minnie C. Vaughn, 6 Dec 1904.
Labo, b. 15 Sept 1883, Huntsville, d. 7 July 1921, Morgantown,
mar. 3 Jan 1908, Laura Ward.
Elmo, b. 1 Dec 1885, Huntsville. d. 2 Sept. 1955, Morgantown.
mar. 21 Mar. 1913, Lora Neely.
Lucian, b. 3 Aug 1888, Huntsville. d. 4 Aug 1903, Huntsville, KY.
9th Generation- Alfonzo, son of Andrew Jackson Mefford and Louisa Brashear.
Alfonzo, b. 28 Sept. 1871, Huntsville, d. 8 Oct 1956, Huntsville,
mar. 24 Sept. 1895
Cordelia Hope, b. 29 Jan 1872, Huntsville, d. 16 Feb 1942, Hope cemetery in Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Raymond, b. 18 July 1896, Huntsville.
Alexander, b. 26 Dec 1897, Huntsville, d. 18 June 1961, bur Beech Creek cemetery.
Son, b. and d. 24 Dec 1898, Huntsville.
Burley, b. 20 Oct 1900 Huntsville
John Beckman, b. 17 Dec 1903, Huntsville
mar. Pearl Cook
Joyce Pride, b. 16 Sept. 1906, Huntsville,
mar. 1st, Fannie McDonald.
Son b. and d. 12 Apr 1916, Huntsville
9th Generation- Annie, dau of Andrew J. Mefford and Louisa Brashear.
Annie, b. 1 Dec 1872, Huntsville. d. 2 May 1956, Cleveland, Ohio.
mar. 18 Feb 1891
George J. Bunch, b. 5 Oct 1862, Butler Co., d. 24 July 1932, bur Rochester, KY.
Imogene, b. KY.
mar. Savil Justis Manley, bro Edward Manley
Andrew Jackson, b. 18 June 1896, Butler Co. d. 28 Aug 1924, Rochester, KY.
Henry, b. KY. d. Sept. 1954, Cleveland, Ohio.
Nanie, b. 1905. d. 1932. mar. H. Mohon.
9th Generation- Homer, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Louisa Brashear.
Homer, b. 22 Feb. 1874, Huntsville. d. 4 Nov. 1957, Huntsville
mar. 24 Dec 1899
Pearl Sweazy, b. 30 Dec 1880, Springfield, Tenn. d. 7 Nov 1953, Huntsville KY.
Eulah, b. 20 July 1903, Huntsville. d. 5 Dec 1919.
Anna, b. Sept. 1905 Huntsville
Homer, Jr. b. 1 Nov 1917, Huntsville
9th Generation- John, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Louisa Brashear
John, b 3 Dec. 1875, Huntsville d 20 Oct 1951, Huntsville
mar. 12 Nov 1912
Artie Arnold, b 19 June 1892, Huntsville, KY
Andrew Jackson, b. 6 Mar. 1916, Huntsville
Ethel Hazel, b. 24 Apr 1919, Huntsville
Robert Thomas, b. 9 Nov 1921, Huntsville
Annie Laurie, b. 3 May 1924, Huntsville
Nancy Lou, b. 26 Nov. 1925, Huntsville
James Lucian, b. 14 Jan 1931, Huntsville
7th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of George Mefford and Anna Hudlow
Andrew Jackson, b. 25 Feb 1817, Huntsville, KY
mar. 10 July 1839
Catherine Mefford, b. 28 Jan. 1817, Adairsville, d. 26 Aug. 1855. dau Jacob Mefford and
Susanna Hudlow. bur. Old Hamilton cemetery.
Caroline, b. 10 Apr 1840, Muhlenberg Co.
mar. 4 Feb. 1864, Joseph E. Webb.
Eliza Ann Frances, b. 1841, Muhlenberg Co.
mar. 10 Jan. 1864, Jacob Hardison.
Jacob, b. 1846, Muhlenberg Co.
George w. b. 1848, Muhlenberg Co
mar. 19 Mar. 1868, Amanda Hardison.
Frank, b. 1853, Muhlenberg Co.
mar. in Ohio Co. KY., 27 Aug. 1876, Louisa Campfield.
8th Generation- George W. son of Andrew J. Mefford and Catherine Mefford.
George W. b. 1848, Muhlenberg Co. d. 28 Aug. 1953,
mar, 19 Mar 1868
Amanda Hardison, b. 14 Dec 1848, Logan Co. KY, dau of John and Anna Hardison of
Logan Co. KY.
Cordelia, b. 25 Sept 1871, Muhlenberg Co.
mar. Robert Zeck.
Hazel, b. 1870, Muhlenberg Co.
mar. Fleming.
French, b. 2 Apr 1873, Muhlenberg Co. d. 24 Apr 1955, Louisville, KY.
mar. 10 Feb. 1898, Lillie Turner.
Morton, b. 29 Nov. 1879, Muhlenberg Co.
9th Generation- French, son of George W. Mefford and Amanda Hardison
French, b. 2 Apr 1873, Muhlenberg Co. d. 24 Apr 1955, Louisville, KY.
mar. 10 Feb 1898
Lillian Turner, b. 23 Nov 1879
Clinton, b. 1903, Muhlenberg Co.d. 3 Oct 1965, Browder
mar. Edith Mae Martin.
Geneva and Janetta, twins b. 28 Nov. 1912.
9th Generation- Labo, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Louisa Brashear.
Labo, b. 15 Sept. 1833. Huntsville. d. 7 July 1921, Morgantown, KY.
mar. 3 Jan 1908,
Laura Ward, b. 10 Apr 1884, d. 14 Feb 1965, Morgantown.
Esther, b. 19 Sept. 1903, Morgantown, Ky. d. 28 Oct 1910.
Pauline, b. 3 Dec. 1910, Morgantown, Ky.
Irene, b. 24 Dec 1913, Morgantown, Ky.
9th Generation- Elmo, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Louisa Brashear.
Elmo, b. 1 Dec 1885, Huntsville, d. 2 Sept. 1955,
mar. 21 Mar. 1913,
Lora Neeley, b. 30 Jan 1898, Huntsville.
Ruth Evelyn, b. 30 Oct. 1913, Butler Co.
George Fentress, b. 17 Aug. 1920, Huntsville, d. 21 June 1944. WWII
Vida Lou, b. 3 Apr. 1923, Huntsville.
Samuel Carson, b. 17 Oct. 1926, Butler Co. Majored in Elementary Education and
received his B.S. degree from Western college, May 1957.
8th Generation- George Bennett, son of John Mefford and Faithy Arendell.
George Bennett, b. 9 June 1851 Huntsville, KY. d. 22 May 1917,
mar. 19 Nov 1971,
Cordelia Hunt, b. 7 July 1854, Huntsville, KY. dau Wm. H. Hunt, gdau John Hunt and
Ann Jenkins.
Azro, b. 8 July 1874, Huntsville, d. 23 Mar. 1964, Louisville, KY.
mar. E. Vivian Proctor.
Jodie Rosie, b. 13 Dec 1876, Huntsville, KY. d. 24 Feb. 1962,
mar. Bayless Gaines.
Adelaine, b. 7 Sept. 1878, Huntsville, KY. d. Jan. 1928,
mar. Elmore Bradley.
George Bennett, mar. 2nd, 7 Jan 1887, Minnie C. Jenkins.
8th Generation- William W. son of John Mefford and Faithy Arendell
William W Mefford, b. 2 June 1853, Huntsville, KY. d. 5 Apr 1931,
mar. 1st
Virginia Grubb, b. dau Oliver Grubb.
mar. Daniel Hunt
mar. Henry Wester.
Needy, b. 11 Aug. 1886, bur Ebenezer Cemetery, d. 17 Mar. 1945.
mar. Henry Smith
William mar 2nd, Mary Catherine (Jenkins) Hope, widow of Squire Hope, 26 Mar 1925.
9th Generation- Azro, son of George Bennett Mefford and Cordelia Hunt
Azro, b. 8 July 1874, Huntsville, KY. d. 23 Mar 1964, Louisville, KY.
mar. 11 Dec 1904.
E. Vivian Proctor, b. 14 Apr 1889, Logan Co. KY.
Beulah Louise, b. 22 Apr. 1906, Homer, Logan Co. Ky.
mar. George Fortney and lived Browder. Ky.
Dovie, b. 18 June 1907, Homer, Logan Co., d. 5 Aug 1907
George Proctor, b. 2 July 1908, Huntsville, Ky.
William Forest, b. 9 Mar. 1910 Huntsville, Ky.
Jessie, b. 5 Nov. 1912, Huntsville, Ky.
Grace, b. 27 May 1916, Huntsville, Ky.
Cassie, b. 7 Aug. 1919, Huntsville, Ky.
10th Generation- Beulah Louise, daughter of Azro Mefford and E. Vivian Proctor.
Beulah Louise, b. 22 Apr 1906, Homer, Logan Co. KY.
George Fortney, b.
Ray Foley, b. 3 Nov. 1925, Butler Co. KY. d. 30 Mar 1945, W.W.II
Anna Doria, b. 6 Dec 1926, Butler Co. KY. d. 4 Apr 1929.
William, b. 16 Aug. 1931, Butler Co. KY. d. 22 May 1933.
Joseph Kendrick, b. 24 Aug 1937, lives Louisville, KY.
Jacob Mefford and his wife, Susanna Hudlow, and their
The next chapter will be devoted to Jacob Mefford and his wife, Susanna Hudlow, and
their descendents.
Land sale by Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow
Burnt deed bk 2, pg. 109, Rockingham Co.Va.
“This Indenture made the 9th day of Aug. in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight
hundred and thirteen, between Jacob Mefford and Susanna, his wife, late Hudlow, of the
county of Rockingham and state of Virginia, of the one part, witnesseth that the said
Jacob Mefford and Susanna his wife, for and in consideration of one dollar lawful money
of the state of Virginia, paid in hand by the said Jacob Kyger – doth grant and bargain
and sell all their rights, interest and in one ninth part of two hundred and sixty acres of
land, being and lying in the county of Rockingham and state of Virginia and the North
river, a branch of the Shenandoah, which descended unto the late Jacob Hudlow, by the
will of his father Andrew Hudlow and Jacob Hudlow, father of the said nine children,
deceased, will 13 Mar. 1785, all of which may more fully appear in the county court of
Rockingham and state of Virginia----unto the said Jacob Hudlow. To the proper use of
the said Jacob Kyger and his heirs. In witness whereof the said Jacob Mefford and
Susanna, his wife, hath hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year written above.
Signed, sealed and delivered
In the present of John Mefford
Jacob Seck, Gideon Payne of Logan Co. Ky.
Signed Jacob Mefford
Susanna X Mefford
Her mark
6th Generation- Jacob, son of John Mefford and Mary Lemon.
Jacob, b. 11 May 1790, Rockingham Co. VA d. Oct. 1835, Muhlenberg Co. KY. Exers and admn.
mar. in VA 21 Dec 1807,
Susanna Hudlow, b. 1792, Rockingham Co. VA d. Apr 1836, estate admn. Bk 4, pg 12 and 236.
John, b. 1809. Rockingham Co. VA d. 1849 Muhlenberg Co. KY
mar. Sarah Arnold.
George, b. 11 May 1810, Logan Co. KY. d. 12 Feb 1896, Woodbine, IA.
mar. in KY Elizabeth Hunt. Dau of John Hunt, Jr. and Jane Coates of North Caro.
gdau of John Hunt, Sr. a Revolutionary soldier and wife Charity Hunt.
Elizabeth b. 1815, Adairsville, d. Ohio Co. KY.
mar. 1833, James Grant.
Catherine, b. 28 Jan 1817, Adairsville. d. 26 Aug. 1855, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
mar cousin, Andrew Jackson Mefford.
William Ewing, b. 28 Nov. 1819, Adairsville, KY. d. 18 Jan 1875, Stephenville, Texas.
mar. Lucinda Arendell.
Rachel, b. 18 Oct. 1821, Adairsville, KY
Susan, b. 18 Sept. 1823, Adairsville, KY.
mar. 9 Jan 1845 William B. Williams.
Jacob, b. 27 July 1826, Adairsville, KY, d. 7 Jan 1907, Logan Co. KY
mar Witaker Sarah.
Chole Ann, b. 22 Feb 1829, Adairsville, KY., d. 18 Aug 1908, Stephenville, TX
mar. 1st Leonard Marks, 2nd William Cook.
Andrew Jackson, b. 3 Aug. 1830, Muhlenberg Co. KY. d. 22 Dec 1918, Muhlenberg Co.
mar. Peletha Ann Mefford dau. George Mefford and Anna Hudlow.
Emancipation writ for John (18 yrs) and George (17 yrs) Mefford
Emancipation writ” deed bk. 6, pg 414. Muhlenberg, Co. Ky.
“Know all men by these presents that I, Jacob Mefford, of the county of Muhlenberg, and
state of Kentucky, placing special confidence and for the good cause unto me made
known of my two sons, John and George Mefford, of the county and state of Ky., are
minors, do appoint, nominate, authorize and empower them to act if they were 21 years
old, either in buying or selling at home or in foreign parts, and they can be sued or sue,
plead or be impleaded, give, grant, bargain and possess – that all instruments that they
may assign, that they shall make, in no wise be binding on me, in no case whatsoever:
and that all acts that they have committed before signing this instrument is on them. And
this power shall be to you, the said John and George, is for your so doing. In testimony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 15th day of Apr. in the year
of our Lord, 1827.
Joseph Mefford
Muhlenberg Co. Clerk,
Charles F. Wing
7th Generation- John, son of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow.
John, b. 1809, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 1849, Muhlenberg Co.
Sarah Arnold, b. 1818, Logan Co. KY., d. Hagamon, IL..
Henry, b. 1831, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Frank, b. 1837, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Samuel, b. 1839 Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Andrew Jackson, b. 1841, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 1933, Carlinville, IL.
mar. 1st a Martin, 2nd Susan Henson.
Rachel, b. 1845, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
William McDowell, b. 6 Mar 1848, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 6 Apr 1925, Hagamon, IL.
mar. Rebecca Pettit.
8th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of John Mefford and Sarah Arnold.
Andrew Jackson, b. 1841, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 1933, Carlinville, IL.
mar. 1st
? Martin
Evie, b.
mar. G. Doll Smith
Andrew Jackson Mefford,
mar. 2nd
Susan Henson, B. 1843.
Andrew Jackson, b. Carlinville, IL., d. Oct 1951.
mar 1st Nellie Braley, 2nd Ella Jones.
Fletcher, b. Carlinville, IL. d. Mar 1952 Carlinville, IL.
mar. Gussie McGuire
Ida, b. Carlinville, IL., d. 1947,
mar. John Pinkerton.
Ollie, b. Carlinville, IL.,
mar. Wm. Shipley.
9th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Susan Henson.
Andrew Jackson, b. d. Oct. 1951, Carlinville, IL.
mar. 1st
Nellie Braley, 2nd Ella Jones,
Lowell, b. Carlinville, IL.
mar. Phillip Daniels
9th Generation- Fletcher, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Susan Henson.
Fletcher Mefford, b. Carlinville, IL., Mar 1952
Gussie McGuire
Mabel, b. Carlinville, IL.
mar. a Journey.
Marvin, b. Carlinville, IL.
mar. a Hart
Mildred, b. Carlinville, IL.
mar. a Love
Wilma, b. Carlinville, IL.
mar. a Cooper
Nanie, b. Carlinville, IL.
mar. a Clark
Maurice, b. Carlinville, IL.
mar. a Carrol
8th Generation- William McDowell, son of John Mefford and Sarah Arnold.
William, b. 6 Mar 1848, Muhlenberg Co KY., d. 6 Apr 1925, Macoupin Co. IL.
Rebecca Pettit
Homer Judson, b. 14 Sept. 1880, Carlinville, IL.
William Austin, b. 1882, Carlinville, IL.
Mary Frances, b. 14 Feb 1884, Carlinville, IL.
Earl Riley, b. 14 Feb 1888, Carlinville, IL.
Clyde Otto, b. 1890, Carlinville, IL.
Rose Belle, b. 1894, Carlinville, IL.
9th Generation- Earl Riley, son of Wm. McDowell Mefford and Rebecca Pettit.
Earl, b. 14 Sept 1888, Carlinville, IL.
Mary Jane Lee, b. 7 Nov 1892 Carlinville, IL., d. 29 Aug. 1959.
Evelyn Rebecca, b. 23 July 1917 Carlinville, IL., d. 29 July 1938.
George William, b. 1 Feb 1919, Carlinville, IL.
Lawrence Earl, b. 14 Sept. 1920, Carlinville, IL.
Dorothy Rose, b. 6 Mar 1923, Carlinville, IL.
Ruby Ellen, b. 14 Mar 1928, Carlinville, IL.
Letter from Earl Mefford, Carlinville, Ill.
“Sarah Arnold Mefford, was my grandmother and she made her home with my father.
She died near Hagamon, Ill., a small town in western mount township. It is about 60
miles north of St. Louis.
“One of Sarah’s sons died in the Civil war and she was paid by insurance. When she
received the money she bought each of her sons a cow. Sarah was crippled and sat in a
wheel chair mostly. ”
John was the eldest son of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow. And the past pages were
of his descendents. My great grandfather was the second child of Jacob Mefford and
Susanna Hudlow, born in Kentucky. And the following pages will be about his
George W Mefford and Susanna Hudlow and their
7th Generation- George W. son of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow.
George, b. 11 May 1810, Logan Co KY. near Adairsville, d. 12 Feb 1896, Woodbine, IA.
mar. 17 July 1832 in Kentucky, Muhlenberg Co.
Elizabeth Hunt, b. 27 Aug. 1815, Huntsville, KY., d. 20 Feb 1889, Woodbine, IA. dau of
John Hunt Jr. and Jane Coate, from Rowan Co. N.C. gdau of John Hunt Sr. and
wife Charity. John Hunt Sr. was a Revolutionary War soldier 1776, in Rowan
Co. N.C.: Applied for pension 1832, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
William Grandison, b. 20 May 1833, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 3 June 1906, Woodbine, IA.
mar. 1st Martha.
Nathaniel, b. 5 Sept 1834, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 21 Apr 1907, Woodbine IA.
mar. Melissa DeEtta Dewey.
Virgil Jacob., b. 6 Aug 1837, Muhlenberg Co. KY, d. 21 Mar. 1900, Woodbine IA.
mar. Mary Jan Vallier.
Susan Jane, b. 10 Oct. 1838, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 12 May 1931 Independence, MO.
mar. Nathan Lindsey, in Woodbine, IA.
Samuel, b. 8 Oct 1840, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. Woodbine IA.
Lemuel, b. 17 Oct 1842, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 3 Sept 1922, Woodbine
mar. Mary Rosella Richmond, dau of Mary Jane Vallier and Mr. Richmond.
Cenia Ann, b. 6 Apr. 1844, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 30 Jun 1931, Mapleton, KA.
mar. John Springer.
George, b. 13 May 1846, Muhlenberg Co. KY., killed Aug. 1868, Woodbine, IA.
by a man by the name of Mecham. (In the early days anyone interested in
homesteading land plowed around the piece of land they desired. George
had plowed around the piece he desired and Mecham also desired the
same piece, so in the disagreement, shot George.)
Mary Elizabeth, b. 20 Feb 1849, Woodbine, IA., d. 6 June 1887,
mar. Thomas Lumley.
Nancy Emeline, b. 19 June 1851, Woodbine, IA., d. 9 Feb. 1931, Woodbine, IA.
never married.
John, b. 20 July 1853, Woodbine, IA., d. 12 Oct 1916, Woodbine, IA.
mar. Lucinda Jones.
Eliza Ellen, b. 24 Nov. 1855, Woodbine, IA., d. 1914, Omaha, NE.
mar. William Clark Marsh
Emanuel, b. 4 Apr 1858, Woodbine IA., d. 2 Mar 1940, Woodbine, IA
mar. Libbie V. Harris.
Will of George Mefford
County Clerk’s office, Woodbine, Ia. 1 Nov. 1888.
Will of George Mefferd, of Harrison Co. state of Iowa.
Being of sound mind and of full age, do hereby make and ordain this my last will and
Testament, hereby revoking all other wills by me made.
First: I give and devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth all my estate both
real and personal in whatsoever it may consist or whereof situation during her natural
life, precisely the same as I, myself, might do if living.
Second: What so ever remains of my estate at the time of my wife’s decease, I hereby do
give and bequeath to my children in equal shares to have share and share alike.
Third: It is my will that I should outlive my wife, Elizabeth, that my property both real
and personal, after my death shall be equally divided between my children including the
children of my daughter Elizabeth Lumley, whose children are to have one share the
same as their mother would have if living.
Fourth: It is my will and order that after my decease all my debts, including my last
illness and funeral expenses shall first be full paid.
Fifth: It is my will that J.R. Burkholder shall be executor of this my last will and
Executed at Woodbine, IA. Harrison Co. this first day of Nov. 1888
Signed George Mefford
8th Generation- William Grandison, son of George Mefferd & Elizabeth Hunt.
William Mefferd, b. 5 May 1833, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 3 June 1906, Woodbine, IA.
mar. 1st
Martha, b. 1 July 1836, IL. d. 1 June 1881, Woodbine, IA.
Nancy, b. 22 June 1855, Woodbine, IA. d. 20 Sept. 1915, Woodbine,
mar. Barnhart Earlewine.
Andrew John, b. 1858, Woodbine, IA.
George, b. 5 Sept. 1860, Woodbine, IA.
Mary Rosella, b. 1862, Woodbine, IA.
Amanda, b. 1863, Woodbine, IA.
William, b. 7 Mar. 1865, Woodbine, IA., d. 6 May 1865, Woodbine, IA.
8th Generation- Nathaniel, son of George Mefferd and Ellizabeth Hunt.
Nathaniel, b. 5 Sept. 1834, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 21 apr. 1907, Woodbine, IA.
mar. 30 Apr 1883
Melissa DeEtta Dewey, b. 8 Mar. 1850, Madison Co. N.Y., d. 10 Nov. 1898, Woodbine, IA.
Henry Clay, b. 20 May 1885, Woodbine, IA., d. 9 Jan 1952, Los Angeles, CA.
8th Generation- Virgil Jacob, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt.
Virgil Jacob Mefferd, b. 6 Aug 1837, Muhlenberg, IA.
Mary Jane Vallier, b. 10 Apr. 1839, Canada East, d. 6 Apr 1911, Woodbine, IA.
Charles Edwin, b. 12 Feb. 1867, Woodbine, IA., d. 2 Apr 1868, Woodbine, IA.
bur Purcell cemetery.
George William, b. 14 Feb 1868, Woodbine, IA., d. 12 Sept. 1944, Milwaukee, Wis.
mar. Anna Oldis.
Electa Jane, b. 24 Mar 1869, Shelby Co. IA.
mar. 30 Aug 1890, William Emerson, son of Sylvester M. Emerson and Eliza Gray.
Emil Melville, b. 3 Feb 1871, Shelby Co. IA., d. 1871, Shelby Co. IA.
Edwin Carleton, b. 16 Oct. 1872, Woodbine, IA., d. 15 Oct 1940. Chicago, IL.
never married.
Irene Cora, b. 26 Feb 1875, Woodbine, IA., d. 16 Apr. 1933, Independence, MA.
mar. Ernest E. Stone.
Susan, b. 2 Apr. 1879, Manteno, IA., d. 13 Sept 1957, Wichita, Kans.
mar. 1st John J. Toye, 2nd ? Baldwin, 3rd William Purdy.
Anna, twin, b. 2 Apr. 1879, Manteno, Ia., d. as an infant.
Floyd Myrtle, b. 14 Mar 1877, Manteno IA., d. as an infant.
Rosa Viola, b. 8 Mar. 1878, Manteno IA., d. as an infant.
Zena Rosella, b. 20 May 1880, Onawa, IA., d. Mar. 1947.
mar. Elmer Davis.
Lena C. b. 7 Dec 1881, Onawa, IA., d. after 1960, Los Angeles, CA.
9th Generation- George William, son of Susan Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey.
George called William , b. 14 Feb 1868, Woodbine IA, d. 12 Sept 1944, Milwaukee, Wis.
Anna Oldis, b. d. Milwaukee, Wis.
Hazel, b. North Dakota, d. Independence, MA (MO)
mar. ? Covey.
Charles Moroni, b. North Dakota.
Everett, b. North Dakota., d. CA.
9th Generation- Electa Jane, dau of Susan Jane Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey.
Electa, b. 24 Mar 1869, Shelby co. IA., d. Mar 1907.
mar 30 Aug. 1890, Onawa, IA.
William Emerson, b. 30 June 1860, Winneshiek, or Cresco, Co IA., son of Sylvester
Emerson and Eliza Gray. D. Oct 1918, Sioux City, IA.
(This is the author of this record.)
Marguerite Winifred, b. 4 Nov. 1904, Onasa, IA.
mar. 10 Jan 1938, Wm J. Robinson, Jr.
9th Generation- Irene Cora, dau of Susan Jane Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey.
Irene, called Rene, b. 26 Feb. 1875, Woodbine, IA., d. 16 Apr 1933, Independence, MO.
Ernest Stone, b. 26 Mar. 1860, IA., d. 4 June 1936, Independence, MO.
Pearl, b. 2 June 1900, Castana, IA., d. 17 Jan, 1931, Independence, MO.
Genevieve Ellen, b. 13 Sept. 1908, Castana, IA., d. 13 Sept. 1908.
Margaret Mildred, b. 26 Dec. 1909, Castana, IA.
Martha Evelyn, b. 2 July 1913, Independence, MO.
9th Generation- Susan, dau of Susan Jane Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey.
Susan, b. 2 Apr, 1879, Manteno, IA., d. 13 Sept. 1957, Wichita, Kans.
mar. 1st
John J. Toye, b. d. 1902, Onawa, IA.
Violet Mabel, b. 25 May 1899, Onawa, IA.
mar. E. S. Skanes, lives Miami, FL.
Grace, b. 1900 Onawa, IA., d. 1901, Onawa.
Jeanette Ruth, b. 17 Feb. 1902, Onawa, IA.
mar. ? Tellis, lives Wichita, Kans.
Susan, mar. 2nd ? Baldwin.
Alice, b. 1904, Omaha, NE.
mar. Roy Jennings, lives Wichita, KA
9th Generation- Zena Rosella, dau of Susan Mefferd and Nathan Lindsey.
Zena Rosella Lindsey, b. 20 May 1881, Onawa, d. Mar 1947,
Elmer Davis
Annabelle, b. Feb. 1902, Onawa, IA.
Charles Both boys were burned to death in a fire about 1911.
Information on Nathan Lindsey and Susan Jane Mefferd
Nathan Lindsey, husband of Susan Jane was elected Judge in Onawa, 15 Nov. 1900. He
had also served as Superintendent of schools in Shelby co. and had been a pioneer teacher
for many years.
“Obituary in Monona Gazette”
Nathan Lindsey dies at his home in Onawa.
Nathan Lindsey died at his home in Onawa, born 28 Oct. 1832, in southern Ill. and died
at his home 3 Feb. 1912. His childhood was spent in Northwestern Ill. and northeastern
Iowa. In 1859, he crossed the trackless wastes of Iowa and settled in Shelby Co. He
married Miss Susanna Mefferd in Woodbine, Ia. He spent the prime of his life in Shelby
and Harrison Counties, and retired in his declining years to Onawa. He is survived by his
wife and seven children. The funeral was conducted from his home, Tuesday after by
Elder D.A. Hutchings of Little Sioux. Internment was in the city cemetery.
Attending the funeral were, G.W. Lindsey of Sentinel Butte, N.D. E.C. Lindsey of
Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Susan Baldwin of Omaha, Nebr. Mrs. Ernest Stone and Miss Lena
Lindsey, the latter from Omaha.
8th Generation- Lemuel, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt.
Lemuel Mefferd, b. 17 Oct. 1842, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 3 Sept. 1922, Woodbine, IA.,
Mary Rosella Richmond, b. 3 Jan 1854, Utah, d. 2 Apr 1911, Woodbine, IA.
George, b. 27 Feb 1870 Woodbine, IA., d. 5 Feb 1945,
mar. Minnie Ely
Arthur, b. 2 Dec 1822, Woodbine, IA., d. Nov 1954, CA.
mar. Fay Hollister.
Fred, b. 9 June 1876, Woodbine, IA., d. 21 May 1961,
mar. 26 Jan 1892, Olive Norton.
Mary Isabelle, b. 20 Dec 1871, Woodbine, IA., d. 25 June 1945.
mar. Charles Brewster
Reuben, b. 17 Sept 1888, Woodbine, IA., d. Apr 1963, Colorado Springs, CO.
mar. 20 July 1910, Edna Fogelsong.
Lillian Pearl, b. 24 Nov 1897, Woodbine, IA.
mar. Carl Henry.
Pearl Elizabeth, b. 7 Oct 1880, Woodbine, IA., d. 21 Aug. 1894, Woodbine, IA.
8th Generation- Cena, dau of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt
Cena Mefferd, b. 6 Apr 1844, Muhlenberg Co. KY, d. 30 June 1931, Mapleton, IA.
mar. 6 Sept 1866,
John Springer, b. 7 Oct 1846, Indiana, d. 11 Mar 1928, Mapleton, IA.
Elizabeth, b. 1867, Woodbine, IA.
Lillian, b. 1869, Woodbine, IA.
Viola, b. 1871, Woodbine, IA.
Stella, b. 1873, Woodbine, IA.
8th Generation- Mary Elizabeth dau of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt.
Mary, b. 20 Feb 1848, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 6 June 1887, Woodbine, IA.
mar 19 June 1876 at Woodbine, IA.
Thomas Lumly, b. 1839, England
Albert Andrew, b. 1879, Woodbine, IA.
Francis, b. 1882, Woodbine, IA.
John Jacob, b. 1884, Woodbine, IA.
8th Generation- John, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt.
John, b. 20 July 1853, Woodbine, IA., d. 12 Oct 1916, Woodbine, IA.
mar. 13 Sept 1882.
Lucinda Jones, b. 12 Sept 1860, Marysville, Nodaway, MO., d. 29 Sept. 1930, Woodbine, IA.
Eliza Adaline, b. 14 Oct. 1883, Woodbine, IA., d. 1955, Woodbine, IA.
mar. Ellison.
Walter, b. 26 Sept. 1885, Woodbine, IA., d. 15 Oct 1924,
mar. 30 Apr 1910, Nellie Hicks.
8th Generation- Eliza Ellen, dau of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt.
Eliza, called Ellen, b. 24 Nov. 1855, Woodbine, IA., d. 1914, Omaha, NE
William Clark Marsh, b.
Paul, b. 1876, Woodbine, IA. lived Omaha, NE. 1914.
Dora, b. 1878, Woodbine, IA. also lived Omaha, Nebr.
Leonard, b. 1880, Woodbine, IA.
8th Generation- Emanuel, son of George Mefferd and Elizabeth Hunt.
Emanuel, b. 4 Apr. 1858, Woodbine, IA., d. 2 Mar. 1940, Woodbine, IA.
mar. 24 Oct. 1878
Libbie V. Harris, b. 4 Mar 1856, New York, d. 1932, Woodbine, IA.
Elizabeth, b. 3 Dec 1880, Woodbine, IA. d. as an infant.
7th Generation- Elizabeth, dau of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow
Elizabeth, b. 1815, Adairsville, Logan co. KY.,
James Grant, b. 1815, KY.
Jacob, b. Oct. 1833, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
William, b. 1838, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Susan, b. 1840, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Alexander, b. 1842, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Daniel, b. 13 Dec. 1845, Muhlenberg Co. KY. d. Ennis, KY. bur Union Chapel,
Civil War veteran, Co. I, 11th KY. Inf.
mar. Sarah A. Jenkins
Duff Green, b. 1854, Ohio Co. KY.
Rachel, b. 1850, Ohio Co.
8th Generation- Daniel, son of James Grant and Elizabeth Mefferd
Daniel, b. 13 Dec 1845, Muhlenberg Co. KY
Sarah A. Jenkins, b. 10 Mar. 1864, Butler co.
Sophronia, b. Ohio Co, KY. d. 1905, Rochester, KY.
Elbert, b. 21 Apr. 1884, Ohio Co. KY.
9th Generation- Sophronia, dau of Daniel Grant and Sarah A. Jenkins
Sophronia, b. Ohio Co. KY. d. 1905, Rochester, KY.
Luther Barbee
Daniel Barbee, b. 6 Feb. 1896, Rochester, KY.
7th Generation- William Ewing, son of Jacob Mefferd and Susanna Hudlow
William, b. 28 Nov. 1819, Adairsville, KY., d. 18 Jan 1875, Stephenville, TX,
mar. in KY 28 Nov. 1839
Lucinda Arendell, b. 14 Oct. 1820, Butler Co. KY., d. 13 Dec. 1884, Stephenville, TX.
William Jasper , b. 31 Oct. 1842, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 18 Jan. 1918.
Stephenville, TX.
mar. Leanna Graves
Mary Ann Kentucky, b. Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Jacob, b. 19 Aug. 1854, Stephenville, TX, d. 20 Jan 1909, Stephenville TX.
mar. cousin, Ann Marks, dau Leonard Marks and Chole Ann Mefford.
mar. a Hancock
mar. a Pickard
mar a Salmon
Samuel, b. d. 1866
Thomas, b. 20 Oct 1866, d. 9 Nov. 1866
John, b. d. an infant
mar. a Clagg
8th Generation- William Jasper, son of William Ewing Mefford & Lucinda Arendell
William Jasper Mefford, b. 31 Oct. 1842, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 18 Jan 1918 Stephenville
mar. 19 Sept 1866
Leanna Graves, b. 5 Dec 1847, Alabama, d. 1936, Stephenville, TX.
bur Oakdale cemetery.
Lucy Caroline, b. 23 July 1867, Stephenville, d. 11 Jan. 1949
mar. John Lockhart
John Milton, b. 1 May 1872, Stephenville, d. 6 Sept. 1923 Stephenville TX.
mar. 1st Arra Carver, 2nd Mattie Knight.
Luther Martin, b. 13 Mar 1876, Stephenville TX., d. 22 Sept. 1939, Stephenville
Jasper Franklin, b. 26 Dec. 1880, Stephenville TX., d. 25 Dec. 1951.
9th Generation- John Milton, son of William J. Mefferd and Leanna Graves
John, b. 1 May 1872, Stephenville TX., d. 6 Sept. 1923, Stephenville TX.
Arra Carver
Roy Balfour, b. 29 Dec. 1892, Stephenville TX. d. Stephenville TX.
mar. Delfa Russel 26 Jan 1919.
Lillian Mae, b. Jan 1894, Stephenville TX.
mar. Homer Rogers
John Milton mar. 2nd Mattie Knight
William, b 13 Mar 1899, Stephenville TX.
John b. 18 June 1903, Stephenville TX.
Jasper, b. 21 Nov. 1910
George, b. 1917
R. Elmo, b. 1921
Leslie Bell
8th Generation- Jacob, son of William Jasper Mefferd and Lucinda Arendell
Jacob, b. 19 Aug 1854, Stephenville TX. d. 20 Jan. 1909, Stephenville TX.
mar. cousin
Ann Marks, b. 1850, Stephenville TX., d. 1928, Stephenville TX.
Susan, b. Stephenville TX., d. 1932, Stephenville TX.
mar. a Defore
Charles, b. d. 1936
Dora, b. d. 1963, Stephenville TX.
Lucy, b. d. 1963
mar. a Griffin
Oscar, b. Stephenville TX., d. 1951
mar. Ollie May Stanford
7th Generation- Chole Ann, dau of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow.
Chole Ann Mefford, b. 22 Feb. 1829, Adairsville, d. 18 Aug. 1908, Stephenville TX.
mar. in KY.
Leonard Marks, b. 5 Mar 1812, KY., d. June 1850, Stephenville TX.
Ann, b. d. 1928,
mar. cousin, Jacob Mefferd
Emma, b. d. 1929,
mar. 1st a Hook, 2nd William Cook
Elizabeth, b. d. 1926
mar. James Defore
7th Generation- Jacob son of Jacob Mefford and Susanna Hudlow
Jacob, b. 27 July 1826, Adairsville, KY. d. 7 Jan. 1901, Adairsville, KY.
mar. in Logan Co. KY. 25 Sept 1865
Sarah Whitlock, b. 12 May 1827, KY., d. 31 Mar 1883, Logan Co. KY.
James (Bud) b. 15 Nov. 1850, Logan Co. K., d. 8 Aug. 1914, Logan Co. KY.,
these three bur, in Old Traughber Cemetery near Kentucky, Tenn. border.
7th Generation- Andrew Jackson, son of Jacob Mefford and Susan Hudlow
Andrew b. 3 Aug. 1830, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 22 Dec. 1918, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Peletha Ann Mefford, b. 24 Apr. 1831, Butler Co. KY., d. 11 Dec 1921, Butler Co. both
bur Union Chapel. Peletha was dau of George Mefford and Anna Hudlow, and
Andrew was son of Jacob, younger bro. of George and his wife, Susanna, was a
sister of Anna Hudlow. Thus Peletha and Andrew were double cousins before
their marriage.
Susan Ann, b. 26 May 1855, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 1956, over one hundred years
old, at Prentis, KY. Received a card from President Eisenhower on her birthday.
mar. George Leach, son of John Leach.
John Granton, b. 13 Jan. 1861, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
George, b. 29 Aug. 1858, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
James Rossey, b. 13 Oct. 1863, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 14 Jan 1948,
mar. 1st Theodisia Buchannon, 2nd Dora Brashear, 3rd Mollie Taylor, in
Logan Co. KY. 28 Feb 1906.
Faithy Adaline, b. 17 Dec. 1865, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Andrew Jackson, b. 11 May 1868, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
(Continued next page)
Parlee, b. 18 July 1870, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
mar. 7 June 1891, ? Taylor, and went to Madison, TN.
Rouseau, b. 12 Mar 1873, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 28 July 1911,
mar. Etta Howeston
Peletha Margaret, b. 29 Dec 1875, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 9 Feb 1952, ochester, KY
mar. Rev. W.J. Gates
8th Generation- Rouseau, son of Andrew J. Mefford and Peletha Ann Mefford.
Rouseau Mefford, b. 12 Mar 1873, Muhlenberg Co. KY., d. 28 July 1911
Etta Elizabeth Howeston, b. 17 Oct. 1876, Butler Co. KY., d. 8 Dec 1946,
Odus Judson, b. 8 Oct 1908, Butler Co. KY.
Ozra, b. 10 Dec 1909, Butler Co. lived Beech Creek, KY.
mar. Dealy Ann Smith.
John Rouseau, b. 17 Oct. 1932, Beech Creek, KY.
Frances Elizabeth, b. 10 June 1936, Beech Creek KY.
Naomi, b. 12 Feb. 1949, Beech Creek KY.
6th Generation- Catherine, dau of John Mefford and Mary Lemon.
Catherine Mefford, b. 3 Apr. 1793, Rockingham Co. VA., d. Orphan’s court record,
Muhlenberg Co. KY., 26 Aug. 1844.
mar. in VA., 1808
John Ewing, b. VA., d. Orphan’s court record, June 1847.
Mary b. 1809, Rockingham Co. VA., d. KY.
mar. Willaford Arendell, son of Bennett and Carey (Cooper) Arendell,
bur Green Hill Cemetery. d. June 1847.
Thomas, b. Aug 1829, Logan Co. KY.
Levy, b. Dec. 1838, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
mar. 28 Sept. 1862, Mary A. Latham, lived near Silver City, KY.
4, pg 394, Muhlenberg Co. KY., June 1847.
Orphan Court Record of Thomas Ewing
“Thomas Ewing, orphan of Catherine Ewing, deceased shall dwell with George Mefford,
until said Thomas Ewing becomes of age or 21 years, he being 11 years of age, Aug.
1840. and now in his 15th year.
Signed Charles T. Wind --- Clerk
Bk. 4 pg. 301, 26 Mar. 1838 Muhlenberg Co. Ky.
“On motion of Solomon Rhodes, ordered that Catherine Ewing be summoned to appear
here at the next court and show cause if any why her children may not be bound out as
the law directs.”
7th Generation- Mary, dau of John Ewing and Catherine Mefford.
Mary Ewing, b. 1809, Rockingham Co. VA
Willaford Arendell, b. 3 Jan 1810, KY., d. 21 June 1847, Huntsville, bur Old Green Hill Cemetery.
mar. J.E. Gardner.
mar. Mary Elizabeth House.
mar. John McPherson.
Lydia John and Lydia were twins.
7th Generation - Levy, son of John Ewing and Catherine Mefford
Levy Ewing, b. Dec 1838, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Mary A. Latham, b. 1840, VA.
John M. b. 1865, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Alice, b. 1867, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Bayless, b. 1870, Muhlenberg Co. KY. (Became a Judge)
Charles, b. 1871, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
James, b. 1872, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Levi, b. 1873, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Rufus, b. 1876, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Mary, b. 1878, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
Henry, b. 1880, Muhlenberg Co. KY.
5th Generation- Casper, son of Casper Sr. Mefford and Marie Seigler.
Casper Mefford, b. 1765, Fredericks Co. MD., d. Clark Co. Ohio.
mar. 4 June 1803, in Rockingham Co. VA.
Katherine Jones
John David, b. 28 Feb. 1804, Rockingham Co. VA (Old Frieden’s church record)
d. 1855, Clark Co Ohio.
mar. Namoi Richards.
Mary Jones
mar. Amos Byrd.
Jane Givvons
mar. Wm. Donnels.
Andrew Hodge
6th Generation- John David, son of Casper Jr. Mefford and Katherine Jones.
John David Mefford, b. 28 Feb 1804, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 1855, Clark Co. Ohio.
mar. 2 June 1831.
Naomi Richards, b. 1814, Ohio.
Andrew, b. 1 Feb 1837, Clark Co. Ohio, d. 24 Nov 1913,
mar 16 Nov 1864, Sarah Smith.
Elizabeth, b. 1840, Clark Co. Ohio
Eli, b. 16 Sept. 1842, Clark Co. Ohio, d. 24 Nov 1912
mar. 24 Jan 1863, Malinda Jones,
Amos Byrd, b. 1845, Clark Co. Ohio
mar. 22 Apr. 1864, Jennie Austin.
George, b. 1850, Seneca Co. Ohio
John David, b. 1856, Cedar Rapids, IA.
7th Generation- Eli, son of John D. Mefford and Naomi Richards.
Eli, b. 16 Sept. 1842, Seneca Co. Ohio, d. 25 Nov. 1912, Cedar Rapids, IA
mar. 24 Jan 1863,
Malinda Jones, b. 23 May 1845, Cook Co. IL. d. 29 Apr. 1920, Cedar Rapids, IA.
Levi, b. 24 Feb. 1864, Cedar Rapids, IA.
Martin Eli, b. 19 Oct 1866, Cedar Rapids, IA., d. Jan 1911,
mar. 19 Oct 1887, Ida Mae Perrigo.
George, b. 13 June 1870, Cedar Rapids, IA.
Charles, b. 3 July 1873, Cedar Rapids, IA., d. 25 June 1900.
(Continued on next page)
Mary, b. 31 Aug. 1875, Cedar Rapids, IA., d. 6 Nov 1849,
mar. Harry Gauman.
Julia, b. 4 Oct 1877, Cedar Rapids, IA.
mar. ? Metz.
Louis, b. 25 Jan. 1879, Cedar Rapids, IA., d. 23 Jan 1933.
Herbert, b. 23 Mar. 1884, Cedar Rapids, IA.
5th Generation- Magdalene, dau of Casper Meffert and Mary Seigler.
Magdalene Meffert, b. May 1766, Fredericks Co. MD., d. 18 Mar. 1833, Est. Admn. and
will, Rockingham Co. VA.
mar. 1785, in VA
Thomas Hannah, Sr., b. 1755, d. 1808, will pr. Rockingham Co. VA., son of Joseph Hannah.
William, b. 21 Jan 1786, Rockingham Co. VA.
mar. Mary Hudlow, dau of Jacob Hudlow and wife, Susanna Peters. went
to Robertson Co. TN.
Thomas Jr., b. 11 Sept 1787, Rockingham Co. VA., d. near Brownsville, OR.
mar. Elizabeth Hudlow
Joseph, b. 3 Feb 1789, Rockingham Co. VA.
John, b. 18 Feb. 1791, Rockingham Co. VA.
Magdalene, b. 22 Feb 1795, Rockingham Co. VA.
mar. William Bailey.
Elizabeth Kathryn, b. 30 Mar 1797, Rockingham Co. VA.
mar. John Andrew or Andres.
Mefford, b. 1 July 1799, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 18 Oct 1884, bur Peck’s Run
cemetery, W. VA. see “Settlers by the Long Grey Trail:, by J. Houston Harrison.
mar. 1st Edith Harrison, 2nd Susan Depoy, 3 Margaret Flick
David, b. 14 May 1801, Rockingham Co. VA.
Margaret, b. 27 June 1804, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 13 Dec. 1846,
mar. Amos Scott 16 Oct. 1832.
Mary, b. 15 Mar. 1806, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 28 Jan 1864, Jefferson Co. IA.
mar. 2 Sept. 1830, William Taylor.
6th Generation- Mefford, son of Thomas Hannah and Magdalene Mefford
Mefford Hannah, b. 1 July 1799, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 18 Oct 1884, bur Peck’s Run, W. VA.
mar 1st
Edith Harrison, b. d. 1836, Near Rockbridge, VA.
Nathaniel, b. 5 Mar. 1824, Natural Bridge, VA. d. 6 July 1863,
John, b. 4 Oct. 1828, Natural Bridge, VA., d. 2 Dec 1911
Margaret Magdalene, b. 23 Nov. 1826, Natural Bridge, VA.
Mary, b. 16 Apr. 1830, Natural Bridge, VA.
Lucretia, b. 22 Aug. 1831, Natural Bridge, VA.
Edith, b. 29 Sept. 1833, Natural Bridge, VA., d. 10 Apr 1905.
Elizabeth Catherine, b. 7 Apr 1836, Natural Bridge, VA. d. 17 Oct 1903, Colusa,CA.
Mefford Hannah, mar. 2nd, Susan Depoy
Mefford Hannah, mar 3rd, Margaret Flick, b. d. Pecks Run W. VA.
mar. Charles W. Queen, 5 Apr. 1857, Upshur Co. VA.
Thomas Harrison, b. 28 Nov. 1842, Harrisonburg. VA.
Jesse Harrison, b. 28 Sept 1845, Harrisonburg. VA.
Reuben, b. 20 July 1847, Harrisonburg. VA.
Samuel, b. 29 Apr. 1849, Harrisonburg. VA.
Phillip Depoy, b. 9 Mar. 1852, Buckhannon, Upshur Co. VA.
Lydia Ann, b. 20 Dec 1854, Buckhannon, Upshur Co. VA.
7th Generation- Jesse Harrison, son of Mefford Hannah and Margaret Flick.
Jesse Harrison Hannah, b. 28 Sept. 1845, Rockingham Co.
mar. 4 Jan. 1872,
Virginia Mathenney,
William, b. 1873, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 1886.
Infant twins, b. 1874, d. 1875.
Joseph Austin, b. 10 Aug. 1875, d. Sept. 1957, Rockingham Co. VA.
Eva Bell, b. 8 Mar. 1877, Rockingham Co. VA.
Infant b. and d.
Infant, b. and d.
Eustace, b. 1886, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 19 Sept 1928.
8th Generation- Joseph Austin, son of Jesse Hannah and Virginia Mathenney.
Joseph, b. 10 Aug 1875, Rockingham Co. VA., d. Sept 1957, Akron, Ohio.
Lile Vermont
7th Generation- Edith Lenore dau of Mefford Hannah and Edith Harrison.
Edith Lenore Hannah, b. 29 Sept. 1833, Virginia, d. 10 Apr 1905, VA.
mar. 5 Apr. 1857, Upshur Co. VA.
Charles W. Queen, b. 18 May 1839, Peel Tree, Harrison, VA., d. 21 Nov. 1913,
Johnstown, Harrison, VA. son of Rezin Queen and Sarah Westfall.
James Reason Erastus Monroe Queen, b. 7 July 1858, Peel Tree VA., d. 28 Jan
mar. 5 Oct 1880, Ida Lorentz.
Sarah Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1861, Johnstown, VA., d. 20 July 1934.
mar. 19 Sept 1878. Jasper Newton Bright.
Charlie Mafford Queen, by. 18 Sept 1869,
mar. 24 Jan 1894, Alice Blair.
8th Generation- Sarah Elizabeth, Daughter of Edith Lenore Hannah and Charles W.
Sarah Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1861, Johnstown, VA., d. 20 July 1934, Geary Okla.
mar. 19 Sept. 1878, Peel Tree, VA.
Jasper Newton Bright, b. 5 Oct 1856, Lewis co. VA., d. 28 May 1944, Hydro, Caddo, OK.
June, b. 29 June 1879, Harrison, W. VA., d. 21 Feb 1952,
mar. Fannie Deremer.
Myrtle, b. 23 mar 1881, Braxton, W. VA., d. 26 Feb 1958.
Charlie Newton, b. 22 Dec. 1882, Braxton, W. VA., d. 24 Sept. 1963.
mar. Mary Lou Breckinridge.
Cottie Lee, b. 29 July 1884, Braxton, d. 13 Dec. 1972,
mar.1st Charles Cox, 2nd Davidson, and 3rd Hursh.
Edith Lenore, b. 3 Apr. 1887, Latham, Kans.
mar. Marshall Dixon.
Iola Mildred, b. 14 Jan 1891, Latham, Kans. d. 1893.
(Continued on next page)
Fred Stevenson, b. 9 Jan. 1894, Latham, Kans., d. 11 June 1965,
mar. Julie Frost.
Mary Hope, b. 16 Dec 1895, Latham, Kans., d. 1895.
Nina Elizabeth, b. 15 Nov. 1897, Latham, Kans
Baby unnamed, b. Apr 1899, Geary, Okla. d. 1899.
9th Generation- Edith Lenore dau of Jasper N. Bright and Sarah Elizabeth Queen.
Edith Lenore Bright, b. 3 Apr 1887, Latham, Kans,
mar 14 Feb. 1906, El Reno, Ohio.
Marshall Dixon, b. 22 Nov. 1877, Union Co. IA., d. 2 Dec 1927, Delano, CA.
Odessa L. Dixon, b. 22 Jan 1907, Hydro, Okla., d. 10 May 1962.
mar. Clarence K. Bosman.
Alice L. b. 27 Apr. 1910, Hydro, OK.
mar. Marion C. Curfman.
Owande, L. b. 17 Feb, 1917, Hydro, OK
mar. 1st Gilbert Sproul, 2nd Julian Cantelmi.
6th Generation- Thomas Hannah, Jr. son of Thomas Hannah Sr, and Magdalene Mefford.
Thomas Hannah Jr., b. 11 Sept. 1787, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 7 May 1861, Brownsville, OR.
Elizabeth Hudlow, b. 26 June 1797, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 24 Oct. 1872, both bur.
Sand Ridge cemetery. Dau of Jacob Hudlow and Susanna Peters of Shenandoah
Co. VA. (See :Hudlows in America:, New York City Public Library or
Genealogical library in Salt Lake City, Utah)
Minerva Tennessee, b. 1826, Robertson co. TN.
Percelia Ann, b. 10 Aug. 1828, Robertson co. TN.
Margaret, b. 1830 Robertson co. TN.
Thomas Jackson, b. 8 Mar 1832/33, Robertson co. TN., d. 1914
mar. 22 Jan. 1865, Mary Ann (Holman) Funk.
America, b. 1835, IL.
Sarah, b. 1841, IL.
7th Generation - Thomas J. Hannah, son of Thomas Hannah and Elizabeth Hudlow
Thomas J. Hannah b. 8 Mar. 1832, Robertson co. TN., d. 6 Oct 1914, Lebanon, Ore.
Mrs. Mary Ann (Holman) Funk, b. 12 Mar. 1832, Ray Co. MO., d. 3 May 1926,
Lebanon, Ore. dau of Thomas D. Holman and Elizabeth Welch.
Thomas Berdwell, b. 17 Apr. 1866. Scio. OR., d. 1934, Lebanon, OR.
Florine, b. 30 Aug. 1867, Scio, OR, d. 28 Feb 1931, Lebanon, OR.
John Jefferson, b. 22 Apr 1869, Scio, d. 7 May 1919, Salem OR.
mar. Nora Crocket.
8th Generation- John Jefferson Hannah, son of Thomas Hannah & Mary A. Holman Funk
John Jefferson Hannah, b. 22 Apr 1869, Scio. OR, d. 7 May 1919, Salem, OR.
mar. 4 Sept. 1901, Albany, OR.
Nora Susan Bell Crocket, b. 14 Jan 1877, Stayton, Ore., d. 29 Apr. 1921, Lebanon, OR.
dau of Thomas David Crocket and Sarah Smit.
Reta Elene, b. 24 Nov. 1902, Scio, OR. lives Eugene, OR.
mar. C. Ross Oakes.
The Lemon Family
John Lemon
John Lemon, b. 1705, Rhineland, Germany, d. after June 1764, Fredericks Co. MD
mar. in Germany
Arian (Anna Maria) b. Germany, d. between 1753-59, Fredericks Co. MD.
Louisa, b. 1722, Germany, d. 1790 York Co. Penna.
mar. 12 Feb. 1744, George Sponseller
Lenora, b. 1725, Germany
Margaret, b. 1728, Germany
Catherine, b. 1730, Germany
may have married Leonard Miller.
John, b. 22 Apr. 1734, Germany
George, b. 1735, Germany, d. will Mar. 1807, Botetourt Co. VA.
mar. Mary Elizabeth Young
Rev. Stover’s records, pg. 9 Deeds of Fredericks Co. ME., mentions Arian as wife of
John Lemon. Deed of June 1764, Fredericks Co. MD. vol. 2, pg. 305, mentions George
as son of John Lemon.
2nd Generation- George Lemon, son of John Lemon and Ann Maria.
George Lemon, b. 1735, Found first in Fredericks Co. MD., d. Mar 1807,
bk B. pg. 141-142.Botetourt Co. VA.
Mary Elisabeth Young.
Frederick, b. 1759, Fredericks Co. MD. d. 17 Dec 1832, Botetourt Co. VA
mar. 6 Nov 1781, Mary Sea.
Jacob, b. 7 May 1762/3, Fredericks Co. MD., d. 8 Nov 1843, Botetourt Co. VA.
Served in Revolutionary war from Augusta Co. VA.
County court records, by Lyman Chalkly.
mar. 3 Jan 1797, Jane Gilleland
George, b. 1764, Fredericks Co. MD., d. 13 Jan. 1852, Allegheny Co. VA.
Also served in the Revolutionary War.
Mary, b. 1767, Fredericks Co. MD., d. Logan Co. after 1840 in Kentucky.
mar 8 Jan 1787 Rockingham Co. VA. John Mefford, (Old Mar. bond)
dau George Lemon.
(Continued on next page)
Conrad, b. 18 Mar. 1770, Fredericks Co. MD., d. 27 June 1843, Allegheny Co.
VA. will pr.
mar. 14 Apr. 1801, Nancy Gilleland.
Andres, b. 1772, Rockingham co. VA.
mar. 16 Mar 1804, Marth Bowler
Jonathan, b. 2 Mar. 1776, Rockingham co. VA (birth from Peaked Mt. church) left VA.
Elizabeth, b. 1777, Rockingham Co. VA., d. 4 Jan 1855, Fayette Co. W. VA.
mar 26 Jan 1796, John Phillips.
Deeds of Fredericks Co. W. VA. wills of Botetourt Co. VA. also tax records of Augusta
Co. VA. Botetourt County was included in with the area of Augusta Co. in their tax
records before Botetourt Co. was formed.
The Koch Family of Wachenbuchen
Johann Phillip Koch
Johann Phillip Koch, b. 1652, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany., d. 14 Mar. 1724,
Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Anna Margarethe, b. 1665, d. 8 Feb. 1705, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Johann Phillip, b. 14 Mar. 1678, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
mar. 16 Feb. 1708, Anna Mariea Koster.
Johann, b. 8 Feb. 1681, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Anna Maria, b. 9 July 1682, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany, d. 19 July 1745.
mar 25 Feb. 1706, John Conrad Meffert.
Anna Margarethe, b. 24 Feb. 1686, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
d. 6 Nov 1739,
mar. 9 June 1701, Henrich Jost.
Maria Elisabeth, b. 31 July 1687, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Anna Barbara, b. 14 Feb. 1689, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Anna Catharina, b. 28 Aug 1690, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
child, b. 4 Mar. 1694, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
2 Generation - Anna Margarethe Koch, dau of Johann Phillip Koch & Anna Magarethe
Anna Margarethe Koch, b. 24 Feb. 1686, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
d. 6 Nov. 1739, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
mar. 9 June 1701
Henrich Jost, b. 1679, Dorheim, Hessen, Germany, d. 1757, son of Caspar Jost
Johan Henrich Jost, b. 19 Apr. 1703, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
d. 30 Apr. 1775.
Nicholas Jost, b. 19 Nov. 1705, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Anna Margareth Jost, b. 4 Aug. 1709, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
mar. 28 May 1744, Johann Caspar Meffert.
Johann Phillip Jost, b. 12 Nov. 1711, Wachenbuchen, Hessen, Germany
Anna Maria Koch and Anna Margarethe Koch, were sisters. The record of Anna Maria
and her family will be found with the Mefferts.
The Haas Family of Germany
Johannes Haas
Johannes Haas, b. 1633, d. 30 Jan 1695, Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany
Elisabeth, b. 1648, d. 15 Mar 1711, Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany
Wilhelm Jost, b. 1668, Kleindorfelden, Hessen, Germany
mar. 23 Sept. 1700, Anna Maria Webler.
Hans, b. 1670 Kleindorfelden, Hessen, Germany
mar. Agethe Elisabeth ?
2nd Generation - Wilhelm Jost Haas, son of Johannes Haas and Elisabeth
Wilhelm Jost Haas, b. 1668, Kleindorfelden, Hessen, Germany
mar 23 Sept. 1700, Kilianstadten, Hessen, Germany.
Anna Maria Webler, b. 6 Feb 1667 Kilianstadten, Hessen, Germany, d. 16 Mar. 1741,
Kilianstadten, Hessen, Germany
known child:
Agathe Elisabeth Haas, b. 13 Oct, 1701, Kilianstadten, Hessen, Germany.
2nd Generation - Hans Haas, son of Johannes Haas and Elisabeth
Hans, b. 1670 Kleindorfelden, Hessen, Germany
Agethe Elisabeth, b. 1785, d. 8 sept. 1735, Oberdorfelden, Hessen, Germany
Anna Catharina, b. 7 June 1705, Oberdorfelden, d. 6 May 1708.
Magdalene, b. 4 July 1708, d. May 1765, Fredericks Co. MD.
mar. 2 Feb. 1730, Andreas Meffert
Johannes, b. 8 Mar. 1711, Oberdorfelden, d. 10 Nov 1713.
Anna Clara, b. 11 May 1714, Oberdorfelden, d. 22 Jan. 1718.
Other Meffords
There were several heads of Meffert families who entered the part of Philadelphia,
Penna., at various times before the Revolutionary wards.
Egidius (Giles) and John Peter Meffert came from Rotterdam on the British Ship “Two
Brothers”, and arrived 15 Sept. 1748. John Peter commonly called Peter, settled in Berks
Co. Penn. A Meffert of Berks Co., served in the Revolutionary war. He lived in Berks
Co., as early as 1767 and died before 1785, for in that year his estate was taxed in
Douglas Township. Peter had a daughter who was born in 1750 and who married John
Fischer, born in 1746.
I find at Faulkner’s Swamp church, 1775, a Peter and Ann Maria Mefferd and children;
Magdalene, John, Elisabeth, Maria and Catherine. This could have been the John Peter
who arrived on the ship “Two Brothers.”
A George Conrad Meffert arrived from Rotterdam on the ship “Two Brothers”, 16 Sept.
1761. I believe he was the father of the George Mefford who settled Maysville, Ky.
The descendents of that George said, George and his father made guns for the
Revolutionary war. It was sure that George was a Patriot for this is evidenced by the
National Society of the D.A.R. No. 431610 and 431811. These lines were accepted by
them 7 Dec. 1955. Data was compiled by Lulu Reed Boss of Maysville, Ky. That
George was accepted for Frontier service was proven by deposition of John Riggs, his
brother-in-law, and is recorded in Will bk, A, pg. 323. Mason Co. Court records.
George is said to have been born about 1757, and have a brother John, another brother
Jacob and a sister Elisabeth. John settled in Brown Co. Ohio.
George and his wife Malinda (Masters) Mefford were the parents of 13 children.
Index of Wills and Accounts in Washington Co. Penna.
Estate records for 1781-96 compiled by Raymond Martin Bell, for Washington and
Jefferson College, 1965, lists the foregoing; File can be found in the Orphan Court
records. The heirs were; John, Jacob, George and Elisabeth Meffert, John Administered
on the will.
Penna. Archive – pg. 177, 202 lists George Mefford, 4th class under Capt. Hopkins,
Washington Co. Militia
John, pg, 183, 203 8th class, 5th Batt.
It should be noted that in this book, there are multiple entries and multiple spellings of
names that appear in the index. Examples:
Andreas and Andrew Mefford appear on the same pages, and are the same person, just
spelled differently. There are also numerous Andrew Meffords, Casper Meffords, John
Meffords and Magdalene Meffords. Some are the same person and many of them are
different people. You will need to compare birth and death dates to make a positive
identification of an individual.
Generally speaking, if a person was born in Germany, their name was Meffert. The
children born in America became Mefford. Other mutations in the spelling occurred over
subsequent generations, as in Mifford and Mefferd. Many of these errors are from
Census and Court records and the changes stuck. The assumption is made that many of
our early ancestors could not read or write English. They were therefore left to the
devises of those who could read to spell their names. See the note on Page 10.
1830 Census, 20
1st German Reformed Church in
Philadelphia, 14
Adairsville, KY, 50, 70, 74
John Andres, 82
John Andrew, 82
Abner, 78
Bennett, 77, 78
Bennett Arendell, 39
Carey, 78
Elizabeth, 78
Faithy Arendell, vii, 39, 41, 46, 47
John, 78
Levi, 78
Lucinda Arendell, ix, 50, 70, 72
Lydia, 78
Martha, 78
Sally, 78
Willaford Arendell, 77, 78
Arian (Anna Maria), 91
Artie Arnold, 41, 44
Sarah Arnold, viii, 50, 51, 52, 54
Augusta Co. VA, 32, 91, 93
Jennie Austin, 80
William Bailey, 82
Zeralda Baker, vii, 25, 26
Zerelda Baker, 25
Alice, 63
Chester Baldwin, 26
Harold, 63
Wm. Baldwin, 26
Daniel Barbee, 69
Luther Barbee, 69
Battle of Raisin River, 22
Baumholder, Palatinate, 14
Ann Bealor, 27
John Bealor, 27
Beech Creek, KY, 76
Alice Blair, 86
Clarence K. Bosman, 87
Botetourt Co. VA, 91, 93
Marth Bowler, 93
Elmore Bradley, 46
Nellie Braley, 52, 53
Asa Brashear, 41
Dora Brashear, 75
Louisa Brashear, vii, 39, 41, 43, 45,
Braxton, W. VA, 86
Mary Lou Breckinridge, 86
Charles Brewster, 65
Baby unnamed, 87
Charlie Newton, 86
Cottie Lee, 86
Edith Lenore, 86
Edith Lenore Bright, 87
Fred Stevenson, 87
Iola Mildred, 86
Jasper Newton Bright, 86
June, 86
Mary Hope, 87
Myrtle, 86
Nina Elizabeth, 87
George W. Brown, 39
Thomas P. Brown, 39
Brownsville, OR., 82, 87
Bruckobel, 5
Theodisia Buchannon, 75
Buckhannon, Upshur Co. VA., 84
Andrew Jackson, 43
Bessie, 43
Fanny, 43
Frank, 43
George Bunch, 41
George J. Bunch, 43
Imogene, 43
Lucian, 43
Manta, 43
Marion, 43
Myrl, 43
Nanie, 43
Preston, 43
William, 43
Worral, 43
Butler Co. KY, 39, 48, 70, 74, 76
Amos Byrd, 80
John Cady, 19
Campbell Co, 19
Campbell Co. Ky, 19
Louisa Campfield, 44
Julian Cantelmi, 87
Carlinville, IL, 51, 52, 53, 54
Arra Carver, 71, 72
Catti, ii
Cedar Rapids, IA, 80, 81, 82
Census, vi, vii, 18, 20, 25, 27
Chester Co. Pa, 7, 8, 16
Chester Co. Penna, 4, 7, 8, 10
Chicago, IL, 60
Prascilla Church, 25
Grace, 70
Clark Co. Ohio, 80
Clovis, ii
Jane Coates, 50
Colorado Springs, CO, 65
Colusa,CA, 84
Pearl Cook, 42
William Cook, 50, 74
Carey Cooper, 77
Cary Cooper, 39
Cowes, 1
Charles Cox, 86
Nora Crocket, 89
Nora Susan Bell Crocket, 89
Thomas David Crocket, 89
Marion C. Curfman, 87
Betty Dailey, 26
Phillip Daniels, 53
Darnstadt, 1
Andrew, 14
Anna Maria, 14
John, 14
Magdalene, 14
Magdalene Dauber, 7
Margaret Dauber, 8, 12
Maria Margaret, 14
William Dauber, 7, 14
Frederick Daubert, 11
William Daubert, 11
Davidson, 86
Andrew, 64
Annabelle, 64
Charles, 64
Elmer Davis, 60, 64
Defore, 72
James Defore, 74
Delano, CA, 87
Susan Depoy, 83, 84
Fannie Deremer, 86
Melissa DeEtta Dewey, 56, 59
Marshall Dixon, 86, 87
Alice, 87
Odessa, 87
Owande, 87
Wm. Donnels, 80
Barnhart Earlewine, 59
President Eisenhower, 75
El Reno, Ohio, 87
Minnie Ely, 65
Sylvester Emerson, 62
Sylvester M. Emerson, 60
William Emerson, 60, 62
Ann Margareth Emmel, 3, 4
Anna Margarethe Emmel, 5
Marguerite Winifred, 62
Ennis, KY, 68
Alice, 78
Bayless, 78
Charles, 78
Henry, 79
James, 78
John Ewing, ix, 77, 78
John M, 78
Levi, 78
Levy, 77
Levy Ewing, 78
Mary, 77, 79
Mary Ewing, 78
Rufus, 78
Thomas, 77
Thomas Ewing, ix, 77
John Ewings, 34
Faulkner’s Swamp church, 98
Fayette Co. Ky, 22
John Fischer, 98
Fleming, 45
Margaret Flick, x, 83, 84, 85
Anna Doria, 48
Esther, 45
George Fortney, 48
Irene, 45
Joseph Kendrick, 48
Pauline, 45
Ray Foley, 48
William, 48
Frankfort Ky, 32
Franks, ii
Fredericks Co. MD, 32, 80, 82, 91, 92,
93, 96
Fredericks Co. Md., 7, 11, 13, 16, 29,
32, 34
Frederickstown, Md, 19, 20, 22, 29, 32
Frenchtown, 22
Julie Frost, 87
Bayless Gaines, 46
J.E. Gardner, 78
John Gardner, 21
Rev. W.J. Gates, 76
Harry Gauman, 82
Geary, Okla, 87
German Reformed Church of
Philadelphia, 7, 14
Germantown, Pa, 7, 14
Jane Gilleland, 92
Nancy Gilleland, 93
Abraham Glinder, 4
Ann Maria Glinder, 3
Anna Maria Glinder, 4
Grainger Co. Tenn, vii, 24, 27
Alexander, 68
Daniel, 68
Duff Green, 68
Elbert, 68
Jacob, 68
James Grant, ix, 50, 68
Lillian, 68
Rachel, 68
Rose, 68
Sophronia, 68
Susan, 68
William, 68
Leanna Graves, ix, 70, 72
Eliza Gray, 60, 62
Green Hill Cemetery, 77
Griffin, 73
Dr. Jacob Grouse, 7, 10
Jacob Grouse, 10, 11
John Crouse, 12
Magdalene Crouse, 12
Magdalene Grouse, 10, 11
Jacob Grouses, 12
Oliver Grubb, 40, 47
Virginia Grubb, 40, 47
Gun Powder Factory, vii, 35
Agathe Elisabeth Haas, 96
Anna Catharina, 96
Anna Clara, 97
Hans, 96
Johannes, 97
Johannes Haas, x, 96
Magdalene, 96
Magdalene Haas, vii, 4, 7, 14, 16, 28,
Wilhelm Jost, 96
Wilhelm Jost Haas, x, 96
Fred Hackensmith, 21
Hagamon, IL, 51
Hagamon, Ill, 54
Hanau, 1
Naomi, 70
Rhoda Hancock, 26
America, 88
Bonnie, 85
David Hannah, 83
Edith, 84
Edith Lenore Hannah, x, 85, 86
Elizabeth Catherine, 84
Elizabeth Kathryn, 82
Eustace, 85
Eva Bell, 85
Florine, 89
Infant, 85
Infant twins, 85
Jesse Hannah, x, 85
Jesse Harrison, 84
Jesse Harrison Hannah, 85
John, 82, 84
John Jefferson, 89
John Jefferson Hannah, x, 89
Joseph, 82, 85
Joseph Austin, 85
Joseph Hannah, 82
Lile Vermont, 85
Lucretia, 84
Lydia Ann, 84
Magdalene, 82
Margaret, 83, 88
Margaret Magdalene, 84
Mary, 83, 84
Mefford Hannah, x, 83, 84, 85
Minerva Tennessee, 87
Nathaniel, 84
Percelia Ann, 88
Phillip, 85
Phillip Depoy, 84
Randall, 85
Reta Elene, 89
Reuben, 84
Samuel, 84
Sarah, 88
Thomas Berdwell, 89
Thomas Hannah, x, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35,
82, 84, 87, 89
Thomas Hannah Jr, 82
Thomas Hannah, Sr, 28, 35, 82
Thomas Harrison, 84
Thomas J. Hannah, x, 89
Thomas Jackson, 88
William, 35, 82, 85
William Hannah, 35
Amanda Hardison, vii, 44, 45
Jacob Hardison, 44
John, 44
Libbie V. Harris, 57, 67
Edith Harrison, x, 83, 84, 85
Harrison Co, 28, 58
Harrisonburg. VA, 84
Hellborn, 1
Carl Henry, 65
Susan Henson, viii, 51, 52, 53
Magdalene Hertz, 3, 4
Anna Hesse, 3
Anna Margarethe Hesse, 5
Johann Hesse, 5
Hessen, iv, v, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16, 32, 94,
95, 96
Nellie Hicks, 66
Fred Hockensmith, 28
Holland, 1
Fay Hollister, 65
Mary Ann (Holman) Funk, 88, 89
Thomas D. Holman, 89
Rachel Holton, 16
Hood Cemetery, 7, 14
Hook, 74
Cordelia Hope, 41
Squire Hope, 40, 47
John House, 26
Mary Elizabeth House, 78
Etta Elizabeth Howeston, 76
Etta Howeston, 76
Andrew Hudlow, 38, 49
Anna, 35
Anna Hudlow, vii, 34, 39, 44, 51, 74
Elizabeth, 35
Elizabeth Hudlow, x, 82, 87, 89
George Hudlow, 34, 35
Jacob Hudlow, 35, 38, 49, 82, 87
John Hudlow, 34, 35
Mary Hudlow, 35, 82
Susan Hudlow, ix, 74
Susanna Hudlow, viii, ix, 35, 44, 49,
50, 51, 55, 56, 68, 70, 74
Eliza Huling, 22
Jonathan Huling, 21, 28
Charity Hunt, 50
Cordelia Hunt, vii, 40, 46, 48
Daniel Hunt, 47
Elizabeth, 58
Elizabeth Hunt, viii, ix, 50, 56, 59, 60,
65, 66, 67
Joel G. Hunt, 40
John Hunt, 46, 50, 56
Wm. H. Hunt, 46
Huntsville KY, 43
Huntsville, Ky, 39, 48
Huntsville, KY, 41, 44, 46, 47, 48, 56
Hursh, 86
Hydro, OK, 87
Hydro, Okla, 87
Independence, MO, 56, 62
Isenburg, 1
Isle of Wright, 1
Jesse James, 38
Ann Jenkins, 46
Joel (Jenkins) Sr, 39
Mary Catherine (Jenkins) Hope, 47
Minnie C. Jenkins, 40, 46
Nancy Jenkins, 39
Sarah A. Jenkins, ix, 68
Roy Jennings, 63
Johnstown, Harrison, VA, 86
Johnstown, VA, 86
Ella Jones, 52, 53
Frances Jones, 26
Katherine Jones, ix, 32, 33, 80
Lucinda Jones, 57, 66
Malinda Jones, 80, 81
Anna Margareth Jost, 95
Caspar Jost, 95
Christine Jost, 4
Christine Margarethe Jost, 5
Henrich Jost, 94, 95
Johann Phillip Jost, 95
Nicholas Jost, 95
Paul Karrick, 26
Jacob Kiger, 23, 28, 38
Mattie Knight, 71, 72
Ann Maria Koch, 3
Anna Barbara, 94
Anna Catharina, 94
Anna Margarethe, 94
Anna Margarethe Koch, x, 94, 95
Anna Maria, 94
Anna Maria Koch, 4, 5, 6, 95
child, 94
Johann, 94
Johann Phillip Koch, x, 94
John Phillip Koch, 4
Maria Elisabeth, 94
Anna Mariea Koster, 94
Suzanne, 16
Suzanne Kuntz, 7
Jacob Kyger, 38, 49
Jacob Kyle, 32
Mary A. Latham, 77, 78
Latham, Kans, 86, 87
Lawrence Co. Ind, 19
George Leach, 75
John Leach, 75
Lebanon, OR, 89
Lebanon, Ore, 89
Mary Jane Lee, 54
Andres, 93
Catherine, 91
Conrad, 93
Elizabeth, 93
Frederick, 91
George, 91, 92
George Lemon, x, 32, 34, 91, 92
Jacob, 91
John, 91
John Lemon, x, 91
Jonathan, 93
Lenora, 91
Louisa, 91
Margaret, 91
Mary, 92
Mary Lemon, vii, viii, ix, 28, 32, 34,
39, 50, 77
Charles Moroni, 61
Electa Jane, 62
Everett, 61
Hazel, 61
George William, 61
E.C. Lindsey, 64
G.W. Lindsey, 64
Irene Cora, 62
Lena Lindsey, 64
Nathan Lindsey, viii, 56, 61, 62, 64
Susan, 62
Zena Rosella Lindsey, 64
Logan Co, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 44, 48, 49,
50, 51, 56, 74, 75, 77, 92
Logan Co KY, 56
Logan Co. Ky, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 48, 49
Logan Co. KY, 44, 48, 50, 51, 74, 75, 77
Ida Lorentz, 86
Los Angeles, CA, 59, 60
Elizabeth Lumley, 58
Thomas Lumley, 57
Albert Andrew, 66
Francis, 66
John Jacob, 66
Thomas Lumly, 66
Catherine (Luttz) (Trout) Mefford, 28
Catherine(Luttz) Trout Mefford, 23
Macoupin Co. IL, 54
Abraham “Mafford”, 24
John “Mafford”, 34
Anna Maria Mankel, 5
Edward Manley, 43
Savil Justis Manley, 43
Mapleton, IA, 65
Mapleton, KA, 56
Maps, iii
Ann, 74
Ann Marks, 70, 72
Elizabeth, 74
Emma, 74
Leonard Marks, 50, 70, 74
Dora, 66
Leonard, 67
Paul, 66
William Clark Marsh, 57, 66
Edith Mae Martin, 45
Marysville, Nodaway, MO, 66
Malinda (Masters), 98
Virginia Mathenney, x, 85
Gussie McGuire, 52, 53
John McPherson, 78
Amanda, 59
Andrew John, 59
Ann Maria Mefferd, 98
Anna, 60
Arthur, 65
Birdie, 72
Catherine, 98
Cena Mefferd, 65
Charles, 72
Charles Edwin, 60
Dora, 73
Edwin Carleton, 60
Electa Jane, 60
Elisabeth, 98
Eliza Adaline, 66
Eliza Ellen, 66
Elizabeth, 67
Ellen, 66
Emanuel, 67
Emil Melville, 60
Floyd Myrtle, 60
Fred, 65
George, 59, 65, 70, 72
George Mefferd, viii, ix, 58, 59, 60,
65, 66, 67
George William, 60
Grace, 70
Henry Clay, 59
Irene Cora, 60
Jacob, 70, 72
Jacob Mefferd, ix, 70, 74
Jasper, 72
Jasper Franklin, 71
John, 66, 70, 72, 98
John Milton, 71, 72
Lemuel Mefferd, 65
Lena, 60
Leslie Bell, 72
Lillian Mae, 72
Lillian Pearl, 65
Lucy, 73
Lucy Caroline, 70
Luther Martin, 71
Magdalene, 98
Maria, 98
Martha, 70
Mary Ann Kentucky, 70
Mary Elizabeth, 66
Mary Isabelle, 65
Mary Rosella, 59
Myrtle, 72
Nancy, 59
Naomi, 70
Nathaniel, 59
Oscar, 73
Pearl Elizabeth, 65
Pink, 72
R. Elmo, 72
Reuben, 65
Rosa Viola, 60
Roy Balfour, 72
Samuel, 70
Susan, 60, 72
Susan Jane, 64
Susanna Mefferd, 64
Thomas, 70
Virgil Jacob Mefferd, 60
Walter, 66
William, 59, 72
William Ewing, 70
William Jasper, 70
William Mefferd, 59
Zena Rosella, 60
A child, 5
Andreas, 4
Andreas Meffert, vii, 1, 6, 7, 16, 28,
29, 32, 97
Ann Katherine, 4
Ann Otillia, 4
Anna Maria, 3
Anton, 3
Barbara Elizabeth, 4
Casper, 7
Casper Meffert, vii, x, 11, 29, 30, 32,
34, 82
Egidius (Giles), 98
Elisabeth, 5, 98
Elizabeth, 3
Ester, 5
Esther, 3
Eva Catherine, 4
Gasper Meffert, 37
George Meffert, 33
Hans Henrich Meffert, 3, 4, 5
Jacob, 98
Johan Casper Meffert, 5
Johan Friedrich, 6
Johann, 3
Johann (John) Baltasar Meffert, 6
Johann Baltasar, 6
Johann Caspar Meffert, 95
Johann Casper, 4
Johann Daniel, 3
Johann Friedrich, 6
Johann Henrich, 3, 5
Johann Mathes, 3
Johann Meffert, 5
Johann Peter, 5
Johannes, 6, 7
Johannes Meffert, 1
John, 16, 98
John Baltasar, 5
John Conrad, 3, 4
John Conrad Meffert, 4, 5, 6, 94
John George, 4
John Meffert, 11, 16
John Peter Meffert, 98
Kasper Meffert, Jr, 33
Magdalene Meffert, 82
Margareth Elisabeth, 4
Margarethe Elisabeth Meffert, 6
Maria Elisabeth, 4
Maria Margaret, 7
Otto Friedrich, 5
Rachel, 5
William, 16
Abraham, 24
Adelaine, 46
Alexander, 41
Alfonzo, 41
Alma, 53
Amos Byrd, 80
Andreas Mefford, vi, 7, 8, 10
Andrew, 22, 80
Andrew Hodge, 80
Andrew J. Mefford, vii, viii, ix, 43,
44, 45, 46, 53, 76
Andrew Jackson, 39, 41, 44, 50, 51,
52, 53, 74, 75
Andrew Jackson Mefford, 39, 41, 50,
Andrew Mefford, vi, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
Angeline, 20
Ann Mefford, ix, 27, 70, 74, 76
Anna, 43
Anna Maria, 32
Anna Mefford, 27
Annie, 41, 43
Annie Laurie, 44
Azro, 46, 48
Ben, 30
Benjamin, 28, 32, 33
Betsy, 27
Beulah Louise, 48
Binnie, 47
Bud, 74
Buela Louise, 48
Burley, 42
Caroline, 20, 44
Casper, 32
Casper Mefford, vii, 8, 10, 11, 28, 29,
30, 80
Casper, Jr, 31
Cassie, 48
Cate, 30
Catherine, 32, 34, 50
Catherine Mefford, vii, ix, 39, 44, 77,
Cenia Ann, 56
Charles, 81
Chole Ann, ix, 50, 70, 74
Clinton, 45
Clyde Otto, 54
Cordelia, 45
David, 23
Dorothy Rose, 54
Dovie, 48
Earl Mefford, 54
Earl Riley, 54
Edward, 27
Eli, 80, 81
Elisabeth, 39
Eliza, 28, 40
Eliza Ann Frances, 44
Eliza Ellen, 57
Eliza Mefford, 21
Elizabeth, 19, 50, 68, 80
Elizabeth Mefford, 21, 27
Ellen, 19
Ellenor, 19
Elmo, 41, 46
Emanuel, 57
Emma Valeria, 26
Erie, 47
Ethel Hazel, 44
Eulah, 43
Evelyn Rebecca, 54
Evie, 52
Faithy, 47
Faithy Adaline, 75
Fletcher, 52
Fletcher Mefford, 53
Frances Elizabeth, 76
Frank, 44, 51, 53
French, 45
Gasper Mefford, 30
Geneva, 45
George, 30, 32, 34, 38, 39, 44, 50, 56,
75, 80, 81
George Bennett, 40, 46
George Fentress, 46
George Mefford, vii, viii, 37, 38, 39,
44, 51, 58, 74, 77, 98, 99
George Proctor, 48
George W, 44, 56
George William, 54
Grace, 48
Hazel, 45
Henry, 21, 51
Herbert, 82
Homer, 41, 43
Homer Judson, 54
Ida, 52
Jackson, 19
Jacob, 19, 34, 41, 44, 50, 74
Jacob Mefford, vi, viii, ix, 19, 21, 27,
38, 44, 49, 51, 55, 56, 68, 74
James, 74
James (A), 19
James Lucian, 44
James Rossey, 75
Jane, 39
Jane Givvons, 80
Janetta, 45
Jessie, 48
Jodie Rosie, 46
John, 19, 21, 30, 31, 32, 34, 39, 41,
43, 50, 51, 57
John (Johannes) Mefford, vi, 20, 22,
John Beckman, 42
John David, 80
John David Mefford, 80
John Granton, 75
John Mefford, vii, viii, ix, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 24, 27, 28, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41,
46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 77, 92
John Rouseau, 76
John William, 26
Joseph, 26
Joseph Mefford, 20, 22, 51
Joyce Pride, 42
Julia, 82
Julia A. Mefford, 21
Labo, 41, 45
Lawrence Earl, 54
Lemuel, 56
Leo, 53
Letitia, 20
Levi, 81
Louis, 82
Lowell, 53
Lucian, 41
Lucinda Jones, 57
Mabel, 53
Magdalene, 7, 32
Magdalene Hannah, 30
Magdalene Mefford, vi, x, 11, 28, 30,
35, 84, 87
Malissa, 19
Margaret Mefford, 14
Maria, 14
Marion Mefford, 27
Martin Eli, 81
Marvin, 53
Mary, 20, 82
Mary Ann, 39
Mary C. Mefford, 21
Mary Elizabeth, 57
Mary Frances, 54
Mary Jane, 34
Mary Jones, 80
Mattie, 26
Maurice, 53
May, 26
Merie, 47
Mildred, 53
Morton, 45
Nancy, 19, 27
Nancy Emeline, 57
Nancy Lou, 44
Nanie, 53
Naomi, 76
Nathaniel, 56
Needy, 47
Odus Judson, 76
Ollie, 52
Oscar, 53
Ozra, 76
Parlee, 76
Paul, 26
Peletha Ann, 39
Peletha Ann Mefford, 51
Peletha Margaret, 76
Peter Mefford, 27
Phillip, 20, 28
Phillip Mefford, vi, 20, 21
Phillips Mefford, 20
Polly, 19, 33
Rachel, 50, 51
Raymond, 41
Rebecca Mefford, 21, 28
Robert Thomas, 44
Roenna, 27
Rose Belle, 54
Rouseau, 76
Rouseau Mefford, 76
Roy, 26
Ruby Ellen, 54
Rufus, 27
Ruth Evelyn, 46
Samuel, 51, 56
Samuel Carson, 46
Sara, 33
Sarah, 27, 40
Selburn Mefford, 27
Silas, 26
Son, 41
Stephen, 26
Susan, 50
Susan Ann, 75
Susan Jane, 56
Thompson, 19, 22
twins, 45
Vida Lou, 46
Virgil Jacob, 56
William, 19, 20, 40
William Austin, 54
William Ewing, 50
William Forest, 48
William Grandison, 56
William Jasper Mefford, 70
William McDowell, 51, 54
William Mefford, vi, 17
William W Mefford, 47
Wilma, 53
Winnie, 47
Merovingian, ii
Metz, 82
Miami, FL, 63
Andrew Mifford, vi, 22
Carrie, 26
Casper Mifford, vi, 13, 29, 30
Cordelia, 25
David, 25
David Mifford, vi, vii, 23, 25
Elias, 25
Eliza, 25
Elizabeth Mifford, 22
Ella, 26
Emma Kate, 26
Ernest, 26
James D, 25
John, 25
John Mifford, 37
Joseph, 25
Joseph Quincy, 26
Launa Margaret, 26
Lena, 26
Leonidas, 25
Martha, 25
Mary, 25
Phillip, 25
Sally Mifford, 23
Thomas, 25
Thomas Mifford, vii, 23, 25
William, 25
William Jesse, 26
William Mifford, 17, 18
Leonard Miller, 91
Mildred Miller, 26
H. Mohon, 43
Morgantown, Ky, 45
Morgantown, KY, 45
Henry M. Muhlenberg, 7, 29
Rev. Henry M. Muhlenberg, 7
Muhlenberg Co, 34, 38, 41, 44, 45, 50,
51, 52, 54, 56, 59, 65, 66, 68, 70, 74,
75, 76, 77, 78, 79
Muhlenberg Co. Ky, 34, 77
John Murrel, 35
Natural Bridge, VA, 84
Lora Neeley, 46
Lora Neely, 41
Mary Nice, 14
Niederdorfelden, iv
Northern Liberties, 29
Olive Norton, 65
Jacob Null, 12, 13
Oakdale Cemetery, 70
C. Ross Oakes, 89
Oberdorfelden, iii, iv, vi, 4, 7, 14, 16, 32,
96, 97
Ohio Co. KY, 44, 50, 68
Old Frieden’s church, 32, 80
Old Green Hill Cemetery, 78
Old Midway Cemetery, 34
Old Traughber Cemetery, 36, 74
Anna Oldis, 60, 61
Omaha, NE, 57, 63, 66
Onawa, IA, 60, 62, 63, 64
Owen Co. Ky, 25
Henry Parker, 19
Mary Parker, 19
Peck’s Run Cemetery, 83, 84
Peel Tree, Harrison, VA, 85
Ida Mae Perrigo, 81
Susanna (Hudlow?) Peters, 34
Susanna Peters, 35, 82, 87
Rebecca Pettit, viii, 52, 54
Philadelphia, 1, 7, 14, 17, 32, 98
Philadelphia, Pa, 7
John Phillips, 93
Pickard, 70
John Pinkerton, 52
Marth Lee Plumer, 26
Adelaine Plummer, 26
Robert Pollard, 29, 30
James C. Prewill, 26
E. Vivian Proctor, vii, 46, 48
Prussia, 3, 4, 16
Purcell cemetery, 60
William Purdy, 60
Charles W. Queen, x, 84, 85, 86
Charlie Mafford Queen, 86
James Reason Erastus Monroe Queen,
Rezin Queen, 86
Sarah Elizabeth, 86
Rhineland, 1
Retty Rice, 27
Namoi Richards, 80
Naomi Richards, ix, 80, 81
Mary Rosella Richmond, 56, 65
John Riggs, 98
Henry Roach, 19
Robertson co. TN, 87, 88, 89
Robertson Co. TN, 82
Wm J. Robinson, Jr, 62
Rochester, KY, 43, 68, 69
Rockingham Co. VA, 32, 50, 51, 77, 78,
80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 92, 93
Rockingham Co. Va., 7, 24, 28, 29, 30,
34, 35, 39
Rockingham Co.Va, 28, 34, 49
Homer Rogers, 72
Rotterdam, 1
Rowan Co. N.C, 56
John Rubble, 27
James Rush, 21
Peggy Rush, vii, 25
Delfa Russel, 72
Salem OR, 89
Salian, ii
Martha, 70
John Sames, 23
Sand Ridge cemetery, 87
Sarah, 32
Nancy Saxton, 32
Scio. OR, 89
Amos Scott, 83
Scott Co. Ky, 7, 16, 19, 25
Scott, Co. Ky, 23
Mary Sea, 91
Maria Seigler, 28, 29
Mary, 30
Mary Seigler, vii, x, 7, 32, 34, 82
Seneca Co. Ohio, 80, 81
Shenandoah Co. VA, 29, 30, 31, 35, 38,
49, 87
Shenandoah Valley, 30
Wm. Shipley, 52
Ranier, 1
Two Brothers, 98
Silver City, KY, 77
Leonard Simmons, 34
Sioux City, IA., 62
E. S. Skanes, 63
Hannah, 30
Rachel, 30
Sarah Smit, 89
Dealy Ann Smith, 76
G. Doll Smith, 52
Henry Smith, 47
Sarah Smith, 80
Capt Jacob Sommers, 14
George Sponseller, 91
Elizabeth, 65
John Springer, 56, 65
Lillian, 65
Stella, 65
Viola, 65
Springfield, Tenn, 43
Gilbert Sproul, 87
Ollie May Stanford, 73
Stayton, Ore, 89
Anna Margarethe Stein, 6
Stephenville TX, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74
Stephenville, TX, 50, 70
Daniel Steward, 19
Lititia Steward, 14
Helen Stofel, 26
Ernest E. Stone, 60
Ernest Stone, 62, 64
Genevieve Ellen, 62
Margaret Mildred, 62
Martha Evelyn, 62
Pearl, 62
Pearl Sweazy, 41, 43
Swedes Church, 14
Taylor, 76
Mollie Taylor, 75
William Taylor, 83
Joseph Thompson, 30
Robert Thompson, 23
Grace, 63
Jeanette Ruth, 63
John J. Toye, 60, 62
Violet Mabel, 62
William Traughber, 37
William Trobaugh, 35
Catherine (Luttz) Trout, 16, 23, 28
Polly Tucker, 21
Lillian Turner, 45
Lillie Turner, 45
twin, 60
twins, 78
Union Chapel, 68, 74
Union Co. IA, 87
Upshur Co. VA, 84, 85
John Valentine, 5
Mary Jane Vallier, 56, 60
Minnie C. Vaughn, 41
Wachenbuchen, iii, iv, v, vi, x, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 94, 95
Laura Ward, 41, 45
Delia Wash, 26
Elizabeth Wash, 21
Fairfax Washington, 35, 36
George Washington, 35
John Weaver, 13
Joseph E. Webb, 44
Anna Maria Webler, 96
Elizabeth Welch, 89
Peter Wenger, 11
Henry Wester, 47
Sarah Westfall, 86
Sarah Whitlock, 74
Wichita, KA, 63
Wichita, Kans, 60, 62, 63
Johann Baltasar, 6
Johann Casper, 6
Kasper Will, 6
Marie Katherine, 6
William B. Williams, 50
Charles F. Wing, 51
Sarah, 50
Frances Witherspoon, 28
Woodbine, IA, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62,
65, 66, 67
Wuerttemberg, 1
York Co. Penna, 91
Mary Elisabeth Young, 91
Mary Elizabeth Young, 91
Robert Zeck, 45
Juliana Zehn, 3