Haemodialysis-associated Bloodstream Infection Indicators

Haemodialysis-associated Bloodstream Infection Indicators
AICA-NAB, ACHS Indicator sets
Dialysis-associated blood stream infections cause considerable morbidity. A
proportion of infections are potentially preventable through adherence to
appropriate standards of care and the avoidance, where possible, of devices that
have more frequent occurrence of infection. This indicator should be used for adult
and paediatric patients receiving chronic dialysis.
Definitions of
Diagnosis of BSI must meet the specific criteria set out in Appendix 3.
Haemodialysis-associated BSI is defined as a BSI without apparent focus of
infection or where there is clinical infection at the site of the vascular access.
If antibiotic treatment is given for less than 14 days for a dialysis-access lineassociated infection and then restarted for the same infection, it is NOT
considered a new episode. If antibiotics are stopped for 14 days or more and
then restarted for a BSI, this is considered a new episode.
To calculate patient months see example below. Note that patients with dialysis
access in place that is not being used for dialysis during the period of study are
NOT counted in the denominator.
Type of
These are comparative rate based indicators addressing the outcome of patient
care in terms of infection. Comparisons can be conducted within health care
facilities. However, the rate for the present surveillance period may also be
compared with data presented in the ACHS Comparative Report, and the previous
surveillance period. The aim of the suggested comparisons is to reduce an
organisation’s rate to the comparative rate, or to that of the previous surveillance
period, which ever is the lowest.
The rate of dialysis blood stream infection for each indicator is determined by
multiplying the numerator by 100 and dividing by the denominator. This provides a
rate for each indicator that is expressed per 100 dialysis-months.
It is recommended that a 95% confidence interval is expressed around the rate1.
CI. 3.1
Haemodialysis fistulaassociated BSI rate
CI. 3.2
Haemodialysis synthetic
graft-associated BSI rate
The number of AV-fistula access – associated blood
stream infections during the time period under study.
The number of patient-months for patients dialysed
through AV-fistula during the time period under study.
The number of synthetic graft access –associated
blood stream infections during the time period under
The number of patient-months for patients dialysed
through synthetic grafts during the time period under
CI. 3.3
Haemodialysis native
vessel graft – associated
BSI rate
The number of native vessel graft access –
associated blood stream infections during the time
period under study.
The number of patient-months for patients dialysed
through native vessel grafts during the time period
under study.
See Appendix 5 for instructions on calculation of 95% Confidence Intervals.
CI. 3.4
Haemodialysis centrally
inserted non-cuffed
dialysis line (temporary)
– associated BSI rate
CI. 3.5
The number of centrally inserted non-cuffed line
access-associated blood stream infections during the
time period under study.
The number of patient-months for patients dialysed
through centrally inserted non-cuffed line during the
time period under study.
The number of centrally inserted cuffed line accessassociated blood stream infections during the time
period under study.
The number of patient-months for patients dialysed
through centrally inserted cuffed line during the time
period under study.
Haemodialysis centrally
inserted cuffed
(semipermanent) dialysis
line-associated BSI rate
Calculating Patient-months
The patient-month denominator is calculated by counting the number of patients being haemodialysed by
each access method, each month and adding them together.
For example, for if there were 45 patients dialysed via non-cuffed dialysis lines in January, 40 in February
and 50 in March, the denominator for Indicator 3.4 would be (45+40+50=135) 135 dialysis patient months for
the 3-month surveillance period.
If a patient was on the Dialysis program for only 1 or 2 weeks, fractional calculations can be made and given
values of 0.25 or 0.5.
Hospital Infections Program, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta Surveillance of
Bloodstream and Vascular access Infections in Outpatient Haemodialysis Centres. October 1999.
This indicator has been replicated with permission, from the ACHS Infection Control Indicators Version 2
ACHS (2004) ACHS Clinical indicator Users’ Manual 2004.