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M.Phil in Development Studies (and Economics) – University of Cambridge, UK
Paper 14, Philosophical Issues in Economics
Instructor, Dr. Gay Tulip Meeks
The intention is to cover as many as possible of the topics on this reading list (not
necessarily in this order). You will only need to read selectively from this general list;
more streamlined lists, as well as some further suggestions about reading, will be given
during the course. No background in philosophy is presumed, but the more philosophical
items on the list may use terms that are unfamiliar to you: in that case, try referring
Edwards (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, or Flew (ed.), Dictionary of Philosophy,
both of which are available in the Philosophy Library (located on the Sidgwick Site).
Philosophy journals will be found there too (please register with the Librarian).
N.B. The bibliography is NOT intended as a list of sources to be read from end-to-end!
Rather, just for dipping into if you have a particular area of interest or as back-up for
Rationality and expectations: Keynes’ analysis
Arrow, K.J. (1978). “The future and the present in economic life,” Economic Inquiry
(formerly, Western Economic Journal).
Carabelli, A (1988). On Keynes’s Method.
*Coates, J. (1996). The Claims of Common Sense: Moore, Wittgenstein, Keynes and the
Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press.*
DeCanio, S.J. (1979). “Rational expectations and learning from experience,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics.
Dow, S. and Hillard, J. eds. (1995). Keynes, Knowledge and Uncertainty
Gerrard, B. (1994) “Beyond rational expectations: a constructive interpretation of
Keynes’s analysis of behaviour under uncertainty” Economic Journal
Hume, D. An abstract of a Treatise of Human Nature, ed. Kynes and Sraffa (text and
editor’s introduction).
*Keynes, J.M. (1921). Treatise on Probability. Ch. 1 (also preface and Chs. 2, 3, 6 and
26, if time permits).*
**Keynes, J.M. (1936). General Theory. Ch 12.**
**Keynes, J.M. (1937). “The general theory of employment,” Quarterly Journal of
Lawson, A. (1981). “Keynesian model building and the rational expectations critique,”
Cambridge Journal of Economics.
Lawson A.(1985) “Uncertainty and economic analysis,” Economic Journal
**Matthews, R.C.O. (1991) “Animal Spirits” in Meeks (ed.), Thoughtful Economic
**Meeks, J.G. (1976) “Keynes on the rationality of the investment decision under
uncertainty,” in Meeks (ed.), Thoughtful Economic Man (1991).**
(slightly abbreviated version printed in Runde, J et al eds (2003). The Philosophy of
Keynes’s Economics).
Meeks, J.G. ed. (1991). Thoughtful Economic Man.
Minsky. John Maynard Keynes, esp p 64-68.
*Moggridge, D. Keynes, Appendix.*
O’Donnell, R.(1980) “Keynes as a theorist of rationality” (mimeo, copy in the Marshall
O’Donnell, R. (1989). Keynes: Philosophy, Economics and Politics
Robinson, J. (1973). “What has become of the Keynesian revolution?,” Ch. 13, esp. Sec
2. in Keynes, M. (ed.), Essays on John Maynard Keynes.
*Shackle, G.L.S. The Years of High Theory, Chs. 11-15 inclusive; but esp. Ch 11.*
Simon, H.A. “From substantive to procedural rationality,” op cit. section 3 below.
*Runde, J. (1990). “Keynesian uncertainty and the weight of arguments,” Economics and
Runde, J. (1995) “Risk, uncertainty, and Bayesian decision theory: a Keynesian view” in
Dow S and Hillard J. eds. Keynes, Knowledge, and Uncertainty.*
Rational maximising: the acceptability of false assumptions?
Friedman’s argument
Alchian, A. A. (1950). “Uncertainty, evolution and economic theory,” Journal of
Political Economy.
Archibald, G.C. (1959-60). “The state of economic science,” British Journal of the
Philosophy of Science.
Caldwell, B.J.(1982). Beyond Positivism: Economic Methodology in the Twentieth
**Friedman, M. (1953). “The methodology of positive economics,” in Friedman. Essays
in Positive Economics (largely reprinted in Hahn, F. and Hollis, M. (eds.). Philosophy
and Economic Theory).**
Hausman, D. The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics. Section 9.4.
Hempel, C.G. & Oppenheim, P.(1948). “Studies in the logic of explanation,” Philosophy
of Science.
*Lemmon, E.J. (1965). Beginning Logic. p1-2. (those with an appetite for logic might
read Ch. 1 and p 60, 64-65, 82).*
Maki, U. “Reorienting the assumptions issue,” in New directions in Economic
Methodology ed. Blackhouse, R.
Musgrave, A. (1981). “Unreal assumptions’ in Economic Theory: the F-Twist
Untwisted,” Kyklos.
*Nagel, E. (1963). “Assumptions in economic theory,” American Economic Review.
(reprinted in Ryan, A. (ed.) (1973), The Philosophy of Social Explanation).*
Popper, K.R. Conjectures and Refutations, Ch 3.
Samuelson, P.A. (1963). “Problems of methodology – discussion,” American Economic
Simon, H.A. (1963). Discussion. America Economic Review.
Sen, A.K.(1980). “Description as choice,” Oxford Economic Papers (sections 1-9)
Strawson, P.F. (1952). Introduction to Logical Theory. Ch. 1, Part I (secs. 1&2). Parts II
and III; Part II (secs. 6&9).
Rationality: the orthodox concept: criticisms
*Anand, P. (1986). “Are the preference axioms rational?” Theory and Decision.*
**Anand, P. (1993). “The philosophy of intransitive preference,” Economic Journal.**
Anand, P. (1993). The Foundations of Rational Choice Under Risk. (Oxford: Oxford
University Press).
Akerlof and Dickens. (1982). “The economic consequences of cognitive dissonance,” in
American Economic Review.
*Arrow, K.J. (1990). “Economic theory and the hypothesis of rationality,” in Eatwell, J.
et al (eds.), New Palgrave Utility and Probability.*
*Becker (1962). “Irrationality and Economic Theory,” in Journal of Political Economy.*
Benn, S & Mortimore, G. (1976). Rationality in the Social Sciences. (Introduction and Ch
1. secs A & B).
Broome, J. “Rationality and the sure thing principle” in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.), Thoughtful
Economic Man
Elster, J. (1979). Ulysses and the Sirens: Studies in Rationality and Irrationality.
Elster, J. (1983). Sour Grapes (esp. Ch 1.)
Hahn, F.H. (1973). On the Notion of Equilibrium in Economics (1973, Inaugural Lecture)
*Hahn, F.H. & Hollis, M. eds. (1979). Philosophy and Economic Theory. Introduction p
**Hahn, F.H. (1991). “Benevolence,” in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.), Thoughtful Economic Man
Hahn & Sen. (1991). Exchange in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.), Thoughtful Economic Man
Hargreaves – Heap, S (1989). Rationality in Economics.
Hargreaves – Heap, S. et al eds. (1992). The Theory of Choice: A Critical Guide.
Hollis, M. The Cunning of Reason.
Hollis, M.(1993). “Rationality in Action,” Mind
Matthews, R.C.O. “Animal Spirits,” in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.), Thoughtful Economic Man
(See section III).
Myrdal, G. (1953). The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory
(1929), translated by Streeten P. (1953). p 92-97.
Sen, A.K.(1977). “Rational Fools: a critique of the behavioural foundations of economic
theory” in Philosophy and Public Affairs.
Sen, A.K. (1985). “Rationality and uncertainty,” Theory and Decision.
Sen, A.K. (1987). “Rational Behaviour,” in Eatwell, J. et al. eds. The New Palgrave
Utility and Probability.
Sen, A.K. (1997). “Maximisation and the act of choice,” Econometrica
**Sen, A.K. (1991). “Beneconfusion,” in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.), Thoughtful Economic Man.
Sen, A.K. (2003). Rationality and Freedom. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press). (see Introduction).
Simon, H.A. (1959). “Theories of decision-making in economic and behavioural
sciences,” American Economic Review.
**Simon, H.A. “From substantive to procedural rationality,” in Hahn, F.H. & Hollis, M.
eds. (1979). Philosophy and Economic Theory.**
*Simon, H.A. (1987). “Bounded rationality” in Eatwell, J. et al (eds.), New Palgrave
Utility and Probability.*
Sugden, R. (1985). “Why be consistent?” Economica.
Sugden and Loomes. (1982). “Regret theory: an alternative theory of rational choice
under uncertainty,” Economic Journal.
*Sugden, R. (1991). “Rational choice: a survey of contributions from economics and
philosophy,” Economic Journal.*
*Tversky and Kahneman. (1974). “Judgement under uncertainty: heuristics and biases,”
Williams and Sen. Utilitarianism and Beyond (see, Introduction).
Zamagni, S. ed. (1995). The Economics of Altruism.
Varieties of utilitarianism; Rawls’ objection and other criticisms.
[There will usually be two sessions discussing this topic]
Broome, J. (1991) “Utility,” Economics and Philosophy.
Dasgupta, P. Well-being and Destitution.
Cramp, A.B. (1991). “Pleasures, prices and principles,” in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.),
Thoughtful Economic Man.
**Glover, J. ed. (1990). Utilitarianism and Its Critics. (Very useful collection containing
several of the other items on the list; see also Nozick, Dworkin and Gover’s
Griffin, J. Well-being: Its Meanings and Measurement.
Hahn, F.H. (1982) “On some difficulties of the utilitarian economist,” in Williams, B and
Sen A.K. (eds.) Utilitarianism and Beyond.
Hamlin, A. (ed.). Ethics and Economics (Volume I). (This is a helpful collection of
important papers in this area).
Harrod, R.(1936). “Utilitarianism revised,” Mind.
Harsanyi, J. (1976). Essays on Ethics, Social Behaviour and Scientific Explanation. (See
Part A).
Kymlicka, W. (1990). Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction (See Ch. 2).
Little, I.M.D. (1950). A Critique of Welfare Economics. (Chs. 1-5).
Lyons, D. (1965). Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism.
**Meeks, J.G.T. “Utility in economics: a survey,” in Turner, C. and Martin, E. (eds.),
Surveys of Subjective Phenomena, Vol II (National Science Foundation).**
*Mill, J.S. Utilitarianism, Chs. 1, 2 and 4.*
Myrdal, G. (1953). The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory
(1929), translated by Streeten P. (1953). (See Ch. 4).
Oswald, A. (1997). “Happiness and economic performance,” Economic Journal.
Parfit, D. Reasons and Persons.
**Rawls, J. (1958). “Justice as Fairness,” in Philosophical Review. (Esp. secs. VI and
Robbins, L. (1932). An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science. (p
Robbins, L. (1938). “Interpersonal comparisons of utility,” Economic Journal.
*Robertson, D.H.(1952). Utility and All That. (See Ch. 1).*
*Robinson, J.V. (1962). Economic Philosophy. (See Ch. 3).*
Rowley, C.K. (ed.). Social Choice Theory. (See Vol I, Sec II, which relates to Arrow’s
impossibility theorem).
Sen, A.K. (1970). Collective Choice and Social Welfare. (See Ch. 7).
Sen, A.K. (1979). “Utilitarianism and Welfarism,” Journal of Philosophy.
**Sen, A.K. (1979). “Interpersonal comparisons of welfare,” in Boskin, M. (ed.)
Economics and Human Welfare.**
*Sen, A.K. (1987). On Ethics and Economics.*
*Sen, A.K. (1991). “Utility: ideas and terminology,” Economics and Philosophy.*
**Sen, A.K. “The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal,” in Hahn and Hollis, Philosophy
and Economic Theory. (Reading VII esp. secs 1, 3, and 4).
Smart, J.J.C. & Williams, B.(1973). Utilitarianism: For and Against.
Williams, B (1972). Morality: an Introduction to Ethics. (See last chapter).
Williams, B (1973). See Williams’ contributions in Smart, J.J.C. & Williams, B.(1973).
Utilitarianism: For and Against
Williams, B. & Sen, A.K.(1982). Utilitarianism and Beyond. (See Introduction).
Williams, B. Moral Luck.
Income distribution and equality: Bentham, Rawls, and others
Barry, B. The Liberal Theory of Justice. Clarendon Press.
Beckerman, W. (1979) Slow Growth in Britain. London: Clarendon Press. (Ch 1, Sec 4, p
Broome, J. “What’s the good of equality?” in Hey, J. (ed.) Current Issues in
Microeconomics. (1989).
Collard, D. “Love is not enough” in Meeks, JGM (ed.) Thoughtful Economic Man (1991)
Cambridge University Press.
Crocker, D.A., “Functioning and Capabilities: The Foundation of Sen and Nussbaum’s
Development Ethic” (Part I), in Political Theory, (1992) [part II of the same piece
available in Nussbaum, M. and Glover, J (eds) (1995) Women, Culture and Development.
Oxford University Press.]
Dworkin, R. “What is Equality?” in Philosophy and Public Affairs. (1981).
Dworkin, R. (2005). Taking Rights Seriously. Harvard University Press.
Feinberg, J. (1974). Doing and Deserving. Princeton University Press.
Gauthier, D. (1987) Morals by Agreement. Oxford University Press.
Lutz, M.A. and Lux, K. (1979). The Challenge of Humanistic Economics. [passages
leading up to p 87].
Nagel, T. (1992). Equality and Partiality. Oxford University Press.
Nussbaum, M. and Glover, J. (eds.) (1995). Women, Culture and Development. Oxford
University Press.
Nussbaum, M. and Sen, A.K. (eds.) (1993). The Quality of Life.
*Rawls, J.(1971). A Theory of Justice (See secs. 11-14, 17 in Ch 2.)*
*Robeyns, I. ‘An unworkable idea of a promising alternative? Sen’s capability approach
reexamined’ (available in the Marshall library; or see her personal website for a recent
downloadable version of the working paper. *
Roemer, J. (1996). Theories of Distributive Justice. Cambridge University Press.
Roemer, J. (1998). Equality of Opportunity. Cambridge University Press.
Rowley, C.K. (ed.) (1993). Social Choice Theory. (especially, Vol III)
Sandal, M. (1982). Liberalism and the Limits of Justice. Cambridge University Press.
*Sen, A.K. “Rawls versus Bentham: an axiomatic examination of the pure distribution
problem,” in Daniels, N (ed.), Reading Rawls (1975), Stanford University Press [also
available in a slightly different form, in Theory and Decision, vol 4, 1974].*
** Sen, A.K. “Equality of What?” Tanner Lectures on Human Values (1980).**
*Sen, A.K. (1973) On Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press. (esp. p 16-18 and
Sen, A.K.(1982). “Introduction,” in Choice Welfare and Measurement. Harvard
University Press.
** Sen, A.K. (1985). Commodities and Capabilities. Oxford University Press.**
Sen, A.K. “The Living Standard” in Economic Theory and Hicksian Themes, ed. Collard,
H., Scott and Sen (1984).
** Sen, A.K. (1992). Inequality Re-examined. Harvard University Press.
Sen, A.K. (1999). Development as Freedom. Oxford University Press.
Streeten, P. “Human Development: Means and Ends” in American Economic Review vol
84. issue 3. (1994). p 232-237.
Sugden, R. “Review of Sen’s ‘Commodities and Capabilities’” in Economic Journal
Sugden, R. “Welfare, Resources and Capabilities: A review of ‘Inequality Re-examined’”
in the Journal of Economic Literature vol XXXI (December 1993) p 1947-1962.
Tawney, R.H. (1931). Equality. [esp. Ch 1; partially reprinted in Atkinson, A.G. (ed.),
Wealth, Income and Inequality (1973).]
Williams, B. “The idea of inequality,” in Laslett, P. and Runciman, W.G. (eds.), op cit,
second series.
Zamagni, S. (ed. ) (1995). The Economics of Altruism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Equality and Freedom; Capitalism and Socialism
Berlin, I. (1969). “Two concepts of liberty” in Four Essays on Liberty.
*Daniels, N. (ed.) Reading Rawls (1975), Stanford University Press. (Hart, H. “Rawls on
liberty and its priority,” (Ch 10), sec. VI; Daniels, “Equal Liberty and unequal worth of
liberty” (Ch 11), sec. V. and Daniels’ Introduction, sec. V.)*
** Friedman, M and R. (1980). Free to Choose. (As much as possible, but esp.
Introduction, Chs. 1, 2, conclusion of 4 and 5).**
*Friedman, M. (1982). Capitalism and Freedom. (esp. Chs. 1, 2, first section of 7, 10, 12,
*Hahn, F.H. “The economic limits of politics” (mimeo in Marshall library) reprintd in
Dunne, J. (ed). The Economic Limits of Modern Politics. *
Hayek, F. (1960). The Constitution of Liberty.
Hodgson, G. (1988). Economics and Institutions.
Kymlicka W. (1990). Contemporary Political Philosophy. An Introduction. (Chs. 3 and
Mill, J.S. On Liberty. (esp. Chs. 1, 4 and 5).
Nagel, T. “Libertarianism without foundations,” in Paul, T (ed.) Reading Nozick.
Nozick, R. (1974). Anarchy, State and Utopia.
*Rawls, J. (1971). A Theory of Justice. (esp. secs. 12, 42 and 82).*
Reiman, J. “The Fallacy of Libertarian Capitalism.” Ethics. Vol. 90.
Reiman, J. (1990). Justice and Modern Moral Philosophy.
*Ryan, A. “Exploitation, justice and the rational man,” in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.) (1991).
Thoughtful Economic Man.*
Sen, A.K. (1999). Development as Freedom.
** Tawney, R.H. (1931). Equality. (esp. secs. V(ii) and VII(iii)).**
Wolff, R. (1977). Understanding Rawls.
Wolff, R. (1991). Understanding Nozick.
Morality in the economic behaviour of the individual
*Collard, D. (1978). Altruism and Economy: A Study of Non-Selfish Economics.*
*Collard, D. (1991). “Love is not enough” in Meeks, J.G.T. (ed.), Thoughtful Economic
**Matthews, R.C.O. (1981). “Morality, competition and efficiency,” Manchester
Sen, A.K.(1977). “Rational Fools: a critique of the behavioural foundations of economic
theory” in Philosophy and Public Affairs.
Wilson, T. “Sympathy and self-interest,” in Wilson, T. and Skinner, A.S., The Market
and the State: Essays in Honour of Adam Smith. (see also “Comments” by Downie and
Zamagni, S. (1995). The Economics of Altruism.
The validity of the distinction between positive and normative economics
Feyerabend, P (1993). Against Method. Verso (third edition).
*Hudson, W.D. (ed). (1969) The Is-Ought Question. (esp editor’s introduction and Chs
10 (Black), 12 (Searle) and 19 (Foot). The papers by Searle and Foot are also reprinted
in Foot, P (ed.) (1967). Theories of Ethics). *
Hutchinson, T.W. (1964). “Positive” Economics and Policy Objectives. (part I, esp. Ch
*Klappholz, J. “Value judgements and economics,” British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, Vol 15 (1964-65).*
*Kuhn, T.S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. (Ch 10).*
Meek, R. “Value judgements in economics,” British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, Vol 15 (1964-65).
Myrdal, G. (1953). The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory
(1929), translated by Streeten P. (1953). (Esp. Myrdal’s 1953 foreword)
Myrdal,, G. (ed) (1958). Value in Social Theory. (see introduction by Streeten).
*Popper, K. (1959). The Logic of Scientific Discovery. (esp p 420-425 in revised, 1968,
ed; and p 106-111). *
Robbins, L. (1932). An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science. (p
Sen, A.K. (1970). Collective Choice and Social Welfare. (See Ch. 5; sections. 1-4
** Sen, A.K.(1980). “Description as choice,” Oxford Economic Papers (sections 1-9)**
The micro/macro move
Becker, G. “Irrationality and economic theory.” Journal of Political Economy. (1962).
Davis, J. “Atomism, Identity Criteria and Impossibility Logic.” Methodus. (1992).
*Dray, W. “Holism and individualism in history and social science” in Edwards, P. (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol 4.*
Gerrard, B. “Keynes, the Keynesians and the Classics: A suggested interpretation.”
Economic Journal. (1995).
Harcourt, G. (ed.) (1977). The Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics.
(Harcourt’s Introduction and Hahn’s paper).
Harrod, R.(1936). “Utilitarianism revised,” Mind. (esp. p 148).
*Hodgson, G. “Behind methodological individualism” Cambridge Journal of Economics.
Keynes, J.M. (1936). General Theory. Ch VII Sec V.
Keynes, J.M. (1937). “The general theory of employment,” Quarterly Journal of
Kirman, P. “What exactly do ‘representative agents’ represent?” Journal of Economic
Perspectives. (1991).
Liejonhufvud, A. “Schools, ‘revolutions’ and research programmes in economic theory”
in Latsis, S.J. (ed.) (1980). Method and Appraisal in Economics. (esp. sec. II.5).
Liejonhufvud, A. “Life Among the Econ” in Information and Coordination: essays in
Macroeconomic Theory (1981).
**Lukes, S. “Methodological individualism reconsidered” in Ryan, A. (ed.). The
Philosophy of Social Explanation, and in Emmet, D. and MacIntyre, A. (ed.) Sociological
Theory and Philosophical Analysis.**
Lyons, D. (1965). Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism.
Negishi, T. (1979). Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics. (esp. Introduction).
Parfit, D. “Prudence, morality, and the prisoner’s dilemma” Proceedings of the British
Academy (1981). (esp. early pages).
*Schelling, T.C. (1978). Micromotives and Macrobehaviour. (dip into introduction).*
Sen, A.K. “Choice, orderings and morality” in Korner, S. (ed.) Practical Reason (1974).
*Weintraub, E.R. (1979). Microfoundations: the Compatibility of Microeconomics and
Macroeconomics. (esp. Chs 5 and 10, also Part II).*
Arrow, K and Hahn, F. (1971). General Competitive Analysis. (esp. Introduction).
Blaug, M. (1980). The Methodology of Economics. (p 123-126; Ch 8).
Dobb, M. (1973). Theories of Value and Distribution since Adam Smith. (Ch 1, p 4-11;
**Friedman, M. (1953). “The methodology of positive economics,” in Friedman. Essays
in Positive Economics (largely reprinted in Hahn, F. and Hollis, M. (eds.). Philosophy
and Economic Theory).**
Hahn, F. H. “The winter of our discontent: review of Kornai” Economica, (1973).
*Hahn, F.H. (1973). On the Notion of Equilibrium in Economics. (Inaugural Lecture,
available at the Marshall Library). [sections I-IV incl., but esp I and III).*
*Hahn, F.H. “In Praise of Economic Theory,” reprinted in Money, Growth and Stability
(1985), “The Truth of Economics” and “On Some Common Mistakes in Economic
Thinking” (mimeos in Marshall Library).*
*Hollis, M. and Nell, E. (1975). Rational Economic Man. Cambridge University Press.
(esp. p 231-248).
Hutchison, T.W. (1977). Knowledge and Ignorance in Economics. (Ch 4).
Kornai, J. (1971). Anti-Equilibrium.
Lawson, A. “Abstraction, tendencies and stylised facts: a realist approach to economic
analysis.” Cambridge Journal of Economics (1989).
Maki, U. “Reorienting the assumptions issue” in New Directions in Economic
Methodology. ed. Backhouse (1994).
Runde, J. Paper on abstraction and idealisation (details from Dr Meeks).
Paradigms in economics
Backhouse, R. (ed.) (1994). New Directions in Economic Methodology.
Bharadwaj, K. (1986). Classical Political Economy and the Rise to Dominance of Supply
and Demand Theories.
Caldwell, B.J. “Clarifying Popper.” Journal of Economic Literature. (1991).
Cross, R. “The Duhem-Quine thesis, Lakatos and the appraisal of theories in
macroeconomics.” Economic Journal (1982).
**Deane, P. Paradigms in Economics I and II. (mimeos in Marshall library).**
Deane, P. (1978). The Evolution of Economic Ideas. Cambridge University Press.
Feyerabend, P (1993). Against Method. Verso (third edition).
Hume, D. (1740). An abstract of a Treatise of Human Nature. (eds.) Keynes, J.M. and
Sraffa, P. (See text and editors’ introduction).
Hutchison, T.W. (1978). On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge.
*Kuhn, T.S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. (Ch VI and VIII note
particularly p 77-80).*
Lakatos, I. (1978). The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes.
**Lakatos, I. and Musgrave, A. (1965). Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge.
Cambridge University Press.(** articles by Kuhn, Popper, Lakatos and Feyerabend).**
*Latsis, S, J. (1980). Method and Appraisal in Economics. (esp. contributions of Latsis,
Leijonhufvud and Blaug).
Lawson, A. “Realism and Instrumentalism in the development of economics.” Oxford
Economic Papers (1989).
Machlup, F. (1978). Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences.
*Popper, K. (1959). The Logic of Scientific Discovery. (Ch 1). *
Redman, D.A. (1991). Economics and the Philosophy of Science.
*Warnock, G. “Review of Popper.” Mind. (1960). *