1 Vision paper for a third funding phase of HepatoSys: "Bridging the Scales" The Project Committee July 2008 The liver plays a central role in metabolism, protein synthesis, storage and detoxification. Exceptionally high capacity of regeneration ensures liver functionality despite continuous exposure to toxic substances. The diverse functions of the liver require the precisely regulated interplay of mainly hepatocytes with endothelial cells lining blood sinosides as well as bile duct cells but also with stellate (Ito) cells and immunological cells such as Kupffer cells. World wide chronic inflammation of the liver with a link to metabolic syndrome and cancer pose a major health burden. Therefore the establishment of an In Silico-Liver developed from interlinked models at different scales and based on highquality quantitative data will provide a highly innovative tool to unravel underlying mechanisms facilitating liver functions, to address emergent properties and to quantitatively predict the consequences of perturbations caused by genetic variability or disease promoting alterations. Most evidently, the establishment of an In Silico-Liver capturing essential liver functions is a long-term process that requires the steady development of data-based models at all scales and progressive model integration. However, already working towards this highly ambitious long-term goal will have a major impact on cost effective drug discovery, risk assessment and personalized medicine. Approaching this long-term goal HepatoSys focuses on four major areas “regeneration”, “metabolism”, “iron storage” and “detoxification”. In the first funding phase “Getting Started” of HepatoSys the infrastructure, standard operating procedure, and the basis of the data management system were established. Currently, in the second phase of HepatoSys termed “Integration”, biological processes of signalling, detoxification/metabolism, endocytosis and iron metabolism are investigated and first efforts are underway to link submodule models. In order to take the next step, we propose for the third funding period “Bridging the scales” as the central theme: (i) Bridging the spatial scales: Single Molecule - Intracellular - Supracellular Hepatocytes constitute 90% of the liver volume and significantly contribute to the diverse functions of the liver. Currently, entirely different modelling strategies are employed to examine essential functions of the liver such as regeneration is studied by dynamic modelling of signalling pathways, metabolism/detoxification by flux based analysis and endocytosis by spatio-temporal modelling. However, to gain access to mechanisms regulating the intricate interplay of e.g. signalling networks, endocytosis and metabolism during regeneration it is essential to bridge these differences and successively generate an integrated model. A possible strategy could be to simultaneous quantified by mass spectrometry metabolites and alterations in signalling components. Furthermore, in the liver lobulus the characteristically polarized hepatocytes are organized in single-cell plates and are exposed to periportal to pericentral gradients for oxygen, food and information supply. Thus hepatocytes differ significantly depending on their position in the liver lobulus. To quantitatively examine these effects it will be important to monitor organ explants or events in the liver of whole animals by advanced imaging techniques and employ biosensors as well as fluorescent-probes or reporter strains expressing fluorescent-tagged components. At the single cell level these tools should facilitate the quantitative examination of dynamic changes in the organization and localization e.g. of signalling complexes or target gene induction and the dynamics of transport processes and thereby 2 contribute significantly to advance spatial-temporal models. A further important aspect determining liver functions is cell-cell communication. Hepatocyte not only self-interact to from bile ducts, but in addition interact with cells lining the blood sinusoids as well as the bile duct, hepatic stellate cells and liver macrophages (Kupffer cells). Major mediators of cell-cell communication are cytokine-networks. Thus it will be important to identify relevant cytokines, quantify dynamic changes in the networks and include these into models. Furthermore, fluidic flow in the liver such as blood flow, bile excretion etc. have to be quantified by advancing and adapting techniques of medical imaging and linked to events at the single cell level to step-by-step develop multi-scale models. (ii) Bridging the time scales: Seconds - Minutes – Hours – Days - Years Major functions of the liver operate on entirely different time scales. Metabolites are converted with in seconds whereas ligand induced activation of signalling pathways can take minutes to hours. Conversion into alterations in gene regulatory networks then takes from minutes to days which subsequently results in coordinated biological responses. For example the entire process of regeneration from partial hepatectomy to full reconstitution of the liver takes approximately 2 weeks. Disease relevant alterations can accumulate over a time frame of years resulting in progressive disease development. Inflammatory responses can lead to chronic inflammation of the liver resulting in hepatic fibrosis which becomes irreversible leading to hepatic cirrhosis and finally fostering the onset of hepatocellular carcinoma formation. Thus, it will be important to establish models covering the different time scales and facilitating predictive extrapolation for time points beyond the experimentally measured time frame. (ii) Bridging research areas: Basic – Translational – Applied Liver regeneration can be severely impaired by inflammatory processes leading to tissue destruction and replacement of functional hepatic tissue by scar tissue. Development of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis occurs as a consequence of different causes such as alcohol-induced liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), drug-induced liver damage, auto-immune hepatitis or storage diseases. Cirrhosis in turn is an important prerequisite for the pathogenesis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) which develops in more than 80 % of all cases at the bottom of cirrhosis. The observation that HCC-development requires precedent cirrhosis strongly suggests that deregulation of hepatocyte proliferation and differentiation in the environment of chronic inflammation may be an important pathogenetic factor for the development of HCC. Data-based modelling of signalling pathways involved in liver regeneration has already provided insights into mechanisms that could foster the process. Therefore establishing interlinked models of increasing complexity will facilitate insights into key properties and help to predict strategies for early intervention. Multifactorial diseases such as metabolic syndrome are characterized by alterations in metabolic processes, insulin resistance and obesity. Perturbation of signalling pathways such as insulin resistance results in metabolic disturbance and can trigger inflammatory processes and inflammatory processes may interfere with signalling resulting in insulin resistance demonstrating the tight interrelation of inflammation, fibrosis development, metabolic abnormalities and hepatocyte regeneration. To untangle these relations and establish possibilities for targeted intervention and possibly prevention it is important to integrate models capturing regulation of metabolic processes, signalling and gene 3 regulatory networks and link these with mechanistic models at the organ level. For drug discovery toxicity of substance under development is a major problem. The liver has evolved sophisticated mechanisms to detoxify substances however due to polymorphisms and genetic variability in the human population the effects are frequently difficult to predict. Animal testing (ethical issues) link to relevance for humans (generate proliferating hepatocytes) from fundamental understanding to specific prediction prediction of toxiticity, polymorphism, model based finger-printing, personalized medicine (iv) Bridging technologies: Improving Sensitivity and Precision live cell imaging imaging of organ explants imaging of whole animals single molecule spectroscopy development of biosensor/fluorescent probes development of reporter strains quantitative mass spectrometry with enhanced sensitivity (proteomics, metabolomics) (iiv) Bridging the disciplines: Systems Biology Education (iiiv) Bridging efforts: From national to international EU FP 7 funded STREP CancerSys BMBF funded HepaChip Boogle (UK), Hook (USA), Virtual Liver (USA) (iiv) Bridging the scales requires that the foundation is solid. Therefore, while reaching out for higher scales, solid work on the lower scales will continuously be necessary. 4