101.04 Definitions. - USDA Forest Service

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 1
Preface........................................................................................................................................... 11
101 - Terms, Format, and Definitions ........................................................................................... 12
101.01 Meaning of Terms ......................................................................................................... 12
101.01 Meaning of Terms ......................................................................................................... 12
101.03 Abbreviations. ............................................................................................................... 12
101.04 Definitions..................................................................................................................... 13
101.04 Definitions..................................................................................................................... 16
102 - Bid, Award, and Execution of Contract .............................................................................. 17
102 Bid, Award, and Execution of Contract ............................................................................. 17
103 - Scope of Work ..................................................................................................................... 18
Deletions ................................................................................................................................... 18
104 - Control of Work................................................................................................................... 19
Deletions ................................................................................................................................... 19
104.03........................................................................................................................................ 19
104.03 Specifications and Drawings......................................................................................... 19
104.06 Use of Roads by Contractor .......................................................................................... 21
104.07 Other Contracts. ............................................................................................................ 22
105 - Control of Material .............................................................................................................. 23
105.02 Material Sources. .......................................................................................................... 23
105.02(a) Government-provided sources.................................................................................. 23
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources. ................................................................................ 23
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources. ................................................................................ 23
105.02 Material Sources. .......................................................................................................... 23
105.02(a) Government-provided Sources. ................................................................................ 24
105.02 Material Sources. .......................................................................................................... 24
105.02(a) Contractor-provided sources. ................................................................................... 24
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources. ................................................................................ 25
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources. ................................................................................ 25
105.05 Use of Material Found in the Work. ............................................................................. 25
106 - Acceptance of Work ............................................................................................................ 26
106.01 Conformity with Contract Requirements. ..................................................................... 26
106.01 Conformity with Contract Requirements. ..................................................................... 28
106.07 Delete ............................................................................................................................ 30
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility To the Public............................................................... 31
107.02 Protection and Restoration of Property and Landscape. ............................................... 31
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public ................................................................ 32
107.05 Responsibility for Damage Claims. .............................................................................. 32
107.06 Contractor’s Responsibility for Work. .......................................................................... 32
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility To the Public............................................................... 33
107.08 Sanitation, Health, and Safety. ...................................................................................... 33
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public ................................................................ 34
107.08 Sanitation, Health, and Safety....................................................................................... 34
107.09 Legal Relationship of the Parties. ................................................................................. 34
107.10 Environmental Protection. ............................................................................................ 34
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility To the Public............................................................... 36
107.11 Protection of Forests, Parks, and Public Lands: ........................................................... 36
108 - Prosecution and Progress ..................................................................................................... 37
108 Delete. ................................................................................................................................ 37
109 - Measurement and Payment .................................................................................................. 38
109 Deletions ............................................................................................................................ 38
109.02 Measurement Terms and Definitions. ........................................................................... 38
109.03 Weighing Procedures and Devices. .............................................................................. 38
109.03 Weighing Procedures and Devices. .............................................................................. 39
151 - Mobilization......................................................................................................................... 40
152 - Construction Survey and Staking ........................................................................................ 41
152.02 General. ......................................................................................................................... 41
Table 152-1 Tolerances for reestablishing P-line, traverse, and elevations. ............................ 44
Table 152-2 Cross section and slope stake tolerances. ............................................................. 45
153 - Contractor Quality Control .................................................................................................. 46
153.02 Contractor Quality Control Plan. .................................................................................. 46
153.04 Records. ........................................................................................................................ 46
154 - Contractor Sampling and Testing ........................................................................................ 47
155 - Schedules for Construction Contracts ................................................................................. 48
155 Delete. ................................................................................................................................ 48
156 - Public Traffic ....................................................................................................................... 49
156.03 Accommodating Traffic During Work. ........................................................................ 52
156.04 Maintaining Roadways During Work. .......................................................................... 52
156.08 Traffic and Safety Supervisor. ...................................................................................... 52
157 - Soil Erosion Control ............................................................................................................ 53
157.03 General .......................................................................................................................... 53
170 - Develop Water Supply and Watering .................................................................................. 54
171 - Weed and Disease Prevention ............................................................................................. 55
183 - P Line Survey ...................................................................................................................... 57
185 - Low Volume Road Design .................................................................................................. 60
201 - Clearing and Grubbing ........................................................................................................ 66
201.02 Material: ........................................................................................................................ 66
201.01 Description .................................................................................................................... 66
201.04 Clearing. (c) .................................................................................................................. 66
201.04 Clearing. ........................................................................................................................ 67
201.04 Clearing. ........................................................................................................................ 67
201.06 Disposal......................................................................................................................... 68
201.06 Disposal......................................................................................................................... 69
201.06 Disposal......................................................................................................................... 69
201.06 Disposal......................................................................................................................... 69
201.06 Disposal......................................................................................................................... 70
203 - Removal of Structures and Obstructions ............................................................................. 71
203.01 Description. ................................................................................................................... 71
203.02 Material. ........................................................................................................................ 71
203.04 Removing Material. ...................................................................................................... 71
203.05 Disposing of Material. .................................................................................................. 71
203.05 Disposing of Material. .................................................................................................. 72
203.05 Disposing of Material. .................................................................................................. 73
204 - Excavation and Embankment .............................................................................................. 74
204.06 Roadway Excavation. ................................................................................................... 87
204.06 Roadway Excavation .................................................................................................... 87
204.09 Preparing Foundation for Embankment Construction. ................................................. 88
204.10 Embankment Construction............................................................................................ 88
204.11 Compaction. .................................................................................................................. 88
204.13 Sloping, Shaping, and Finishing. .................................................................................. 89
204.13 Sloping, Shaping, and Finishing. .................................................................................. 89
Table 204-2 Construction tolerances. ....................................................................................... 90
204.14 Disposal of Unsuitable or Excess Material. .................................................................. 90
204.15 Acceptance .................................................................................................................... 90
Table 204-1 Sampling and Testing Requirements. ................................................................... 90
205 - Rock Blasting ...................................................................................................................... 92
205.03 Regulations ................................................................................................................... 92
205.06 Preblast condition survey and vibration monitoring and control. ................................. 92
205.07 Test Blasting. ................................................................................................................ 92
205.08 Blasting. ........................................................................................................................ 92
208 - Structure Excavation and Backfill for Selected Major Structures ....................................... 94
208.04 General. ........................................................................................................................ 94
209 - Structure Excavation and Backfill ....................................................................................... 96
MINOR STRUCTURES ........................................................................................................... 96
209.10 Backfill. ....................................................................................................................... 100
209.11 Compacting. ................................................................................................................ 100
Table 209-1 Sampling and Testing Requirements .................................................................. 101
211 - Roadway Obliteration ........................................................................................................ 102
211.01. Description. ............................................................................................................... 102
211.01 Description. ................................................................................................................. 102
211.02 Construction Requirements. ........................................................................................ 103
212 - Linear Grading ................................................................................................................... 104
213 - Subgrade Stabilization ....................................................................................................... 108
251 - Riprap ................................................................................................................................ 109
251.03 General. ...................................................................................................................... 109
252 - Special Rock Embankment and Rock Buttress ................................................................. 110
252.02. Material. ..................................................................................................................... 110
252.03 Placing Rock. .............................................................................................................. 110
255 - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls ................................................................................ 111
255.02 Material. ...................................................................................................................... 111
255.06 Acceptance. ................................................................................................................. 111
262 - Reinforced Soil Embankment ............................................................................................ 112
262.01...................................................................................................................................... 112
262.02...................................................................................................................................... 112
Table 262-1 Sampling and Testing Requirements .................................................................. 116
301 - Untreated Aggregate Courses ............................................................................................ 117
301 Title Change. .................................................................................................................... 117
301.01 Work. .......................................................................................................................... 117
301.02 Material. ...................................................................................................................... 117
301.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 117
301.04 Mixing and Spreading. ................................................................................................ 118
301.05 Compacting ................................................................................................................. 118
301.06 Surface Tolerance. ...................................................................................................... 119
Table 301-1 Field Density Requirements. .............................................................................. 121
301.08(b) Plasticity Index. ...................................................................................................... 122
Table 301-1—Acceptance Sampling and Testing Requirements. .......................................... 123
301.09 Measurement. .............................................................................................................. 124
302 - Treated Aggregate Courses ............................................................................................... 125
302 Delete. .............................................................................................................................. 125
303 - Road Reconditioning ......................................................................................................... 126
303.01 Work. .......................................................................................................................... 126
303.06 Aggregate Surface Reconditioning. ............................................................................ 126
303.06 Asphalt and Aggregate Surface Reconditioning. ........................................................ 126
303.07 Roadway Reconditioning. ........................................................................................... 128
303.10 Measurement ............................................................................................................... 128
306 - Dust Palliative.................................................................................................................... 129
306.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 129
306.04 Preparation and Application. ...................................................................................... 129
306.06 Acceptance. ................................................................................................................. 129
Table 306-1—Sampling and Testing. ..................................................................................... 130
320 - Stockpiled Aggregates ....................................................................................................... 132
320.01...................................................................................................................................... 132
320.02...................................................................................................................................... 132
321 - Major Aggregate Courses .................................................................................................. 134
322 - Minor Aggregate Courses .................................................................................................. 142
324 - Minor Aggregate, Commercial Source .............................................................................. 150
401 - Superpave Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement ...................................................................... 156
401.16 (b)International roughness index (IRI). ...................................................................... 156
Table 401-4 Type IV Pavement Roughness ........................................................................... 156
402 - Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement by Hveem or Marshall Mix Design Method ................. 158
402.03 (b)Submission. ............................................................................................................ 158
403 - Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement........................................................................................ 159
403.06 Surface Preparation. .................................................................................................... 159
403.16 Pavement Smoothness. ............................................................................................... 159
Table 403-1—Acceptance Sampling and Testing Requirements. .......................................... 160
404 - Minor Hot Asphalt Concrete ............................................................................................. 162
404.02 Composition of Mix (Job-Mix Formula). ................................................................... 162
404.04 Weather Limitations.................................................................................................... 162
404.06 Placing......................................................................................................................... 162
404.07 Compacting (a)............................................................................................................ 163
404.07 Compacting (b). .......................................................................................................... 163
404.09 Acceptance. ................................................................................................................. 164
Table 404-1. Sampling and Testing Requirements. ................................................................ 164
409 - Asphalt Surface Treatment ................................................................................................ 165
409.02 Material. ...................................................................................................................... 165
409.06 Weather. ...................................................................................................................... 165
409.06 Date & Time. .............................................................................................................. 165
409.08 Asphalt Application. ................................................................................................... 165
409.10 Fog Seal. ..................................................................................................................... 165
409.11 Single Course Surface Treatments. ............................................................................. 166
Table 409-1 Approximate Quantities of Material-Single Course Surface Treatment ............ 166
Table 409-2 Approximate Quantities of Material – Double Course Surface Treatments ...... 167
Table 409-3 Approximate Quantities of Material – Triple Course Surface Treatments ........ 168
409.13 Acceptance. ................................................................................................................. 168
Table 409-4 Sampling and Testing Requirements. ................................................................. 169
411 - Asphalt Prime Coat ............................................................................................................ 170
411.06 Asphalt Application. ................................................................................................... 170
412 - Asphalt Tack Coat ............................................................................................................. 171
413 - Asphalt Pavement Milling ................................................................................................. 172
414 - Asphalt Pavement Crack and Joint Sealing ....................................................................... 173
414.02 Material. ...................................................................................................................... 173
414.05 Crack Cleaning and Sealing. ....................................................................................... 173
414.05 Asphalt Pavement Crack Sealing and Filling. ............................................................ 173
430 - Asphalt Pavement Patching ............................................................................................... 175
551 - Driven Piles ....................................................................................................................... 180
551.03 Pile Driving Equipment ............................................................................................. 180
552 - Structural Concrete ............................................................................................................ 182
Table 552-3 Required Average Compressive Strength .......................................................... 186
553 - Prestressed Concrete .......................................................................................................... 187
554 - Reinforcing Steel ............................................................................................................... 190
555 - Steel Structures .................................................................................................................. 191
556 - Bridge Railing.................................................................................................................... 192
571 - Prefabricated Bridges ........................................................................................................ 193
571.12...................................................................................................................................... 196
571.13...................................................................................................................................... 196
572 - Log Stringer Bridges ......................................................................................................... 197
573 - Bridge Repair ..................................................................................................................... 200
601 - Minor Concrete .................................................................................................................. 209
601.01...................................................................................................................................... 209
Table 601-2. Sampling and Testing Requirements. ................................................................ 215
602 - Culverts and Drains ........................................................................................................... 216
602.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 216
602.06 Laying Plastic Pipe. .................................................................................................... 216
603 - Structural Plate Structures ................................................................................................. 217
603.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 217
603.04 Erecting. ...................................................................................................................... 217
607 - Cleaning, Reconditioning, and Repairing Existing Drainage............................................ 218
607.04 Cleaning Culverts in Place. ......................................................................................... 218
617 - Guardrail ............................................................................................................................ 219
625 - Turf Establishment ............................................................................................................ 221
625.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 221
625.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 221
625.04 Preparing Seedbed. ..................................................................................................... 221
625.05 Watering ...................................................................................................................... 221
625.06 Fertilizing. ................................................................................................................... 222
625.07 Seeding. ....................................................................................................................... 222
625.08 Mulching. .................................................................................................................... 223
625.09 Protecting and Caring for Seeded Areas ..................................................................... 224
625.11 Measurement. .............................................................................................................. 224
625.04 Preparing Seedbed. ..................................................................................................... 224
625.05 Watering. ..................................................................................................................... 224
625.07 Seeding. (a) Dry method. ............................................................................................ 224
625.07 Seeding. (b) Hydraulic method. .................................................................................. 225
Table 625-1. Fertilizer Application Rate. ............................................................................... 225
633 - Permanent Traffic Control ................................................................................................. 226
633.02 Material. ...................................................................................................................... 226
633.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 226
633.05 Panels. ......................................................................................................................... 226
634 - Permanent Pavement Marking........................................................................................... 227
634.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 227
635 - Temporary Traffic Control ................................................................................................ 228
635.03 General. ....................................................................................................................... 228
648 - Stream Simulation ............................................................................................................. 229
650 - Road Closure Devices ....................................................................................................... 232
651 - Development of Pits & Quarries ....................................................................................... 235
701 - Cement ............................................................................................................................... 237
701.02 Masonry and Mortar Cement. ..................................................................................... 237
703 - Aggregate........................................................................................................................... 239
703.05 Subbase, Base, Surface Course, and Screened Aggregate. ........................................ 239
703.10(e) Flakiness Index. ...................................................................................................... 243
703.10(i) Adherent Coating. ................................................................................................... 243
Table 703-2 Correction ........................................................................................................... 243
Table 703-2 Correction ........................................................................................................... 245
Table 703-7 Target Value Ranges .......................................................................................... 245
704 - Soil ..................................................................................................................................... 246
704.02 Bedding Material. ....................................................................................................... 246
704.02 Bedding Material. ....................................................................................................... 246
705 - Rock ................................................................................................................................... 247
705.02 Riprap Rock. .............................................................................................................. 247
705.07 Streambed Simulation Rock. ................................................................................ 248
705.08 Channel Rock. ......................................................................................................... 249
709 - Reinforcing Steel and Wire Rope ...................................................................................... 251
712 - Joint Material ..................................................................................................................... 253
712.01 Sealants, Fillers, Seals, and Sleeves.......................................................................... 253
712.01 Sealants, Fillers, Seals, and Sleeves............................................................................ 253
713 - Roadside Improvement Material ....................................................................................... 254
713.05 Mulch. ......................................................................................................................... 254
714 - Geotextile and Geocomposite Drain Material ................................................................... 255
Tables 714-1 and 714-4. ......................................................................................................... 255
714.03 Geogrids. ..................................................................................................................... 255
Table 714-7—Physical strength requirements for geogrids. .................................................. 255
715 - Piling.................................................................................................................................. 256
715.08 Pile Shoes. .................................................................................................................. 256
717 - Structural Metal ................................................................................................................. 257
717.01 Structural Steel ......................................................................................................... 257
718 - Traffic Signing and Marking Material............................................................................... 259
718.02 Reserved. ..................................................................................................................... 259
718.02 Protective Overlay Film and Edge Film. .................................................................... 259
718.05 Aluminum Panels ........................................................................................................ 259
718.08 (b)(2)(c)Signpost - Square tubular steel posts ............................................................ 259
718.14 (g)Waterborne Traffic Paint - Daylight reflectance ................................................... 259
718.15 (g)Epoxy Marking - Drying Time............................................................................... 260
718.15 (a)Epoxy Markings Pigments ..................................................................................... 260
725 - Miscellaneous Material...................................................................................................... 262
725.02 Calcium Chloride, Calcium Chloride Flakes and Magnesium Chloride. ................... 262
725.20 Lignin Sulfonate.......................................................................................................... 262
725.30 Bentonite. .................................................................................................................... 262
725.04 Pozzolans. .................................................................................................................. 262
Delete all but the first paragraph and add the following:
The Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture has adopted FP-03 for construction of
National Forest System Roads.
101 - Terms, Format, and Definitions
Required for all Metric contracts
Required in ALL contracts -- deletes references to TAR (Dept of Transportation Acquisition Regulations)
101.01 Meaning of Terms
Delete all references to the TAR (Transportation Acquisition Regulations) in the specifications.
Use in all FS-2400-6 & FS-2400-6T Timber Sale Contracts -- deletes reference to the FAR
101.01 Meaning of Terms
Delete all references to the FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations) in the specifications.
101.03 Abbreviations.
Add the following to (a) Acronyms:
American Forest and Paper Association
Mine Safety and Health Administration
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Electrical Safety Code
West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau
Add the following to (b) SI symbols:
Part Per Million
101.04 Definitions.
Delete the following definitions and substitute the following:
Bid Schedule--The Schedule of Items.
Bridge--No definition.
Contractor--The individual or legal entity contracting with the Government for performance of
prescribed work. In a timber sale contract, the contractor is the “purchaser”.
Culvert--No definition.
Right-of-Way--A general term denoting (1) the privilege to pass over land in some particular
line (including easement, lease, permit, or license to occupy, use, or traverse public or private
lands), or (2) Real property necessary for the project, including roadway, buffer areas, access,
and drainage areas.
Add the following:
Adjustment in Contract Price--“Equitable adjustment,” as used in the Federal Acquisition
Regulations, or “construction cost adjustment,” as used in the Timber Sale Contract, as
Change--“Change” means “change order” as used in the Federal Acquisition Regulations, or
“design change” as used in the Timber Sale Contract.
Design Quantity--“Design quantity” is a Forest Service method of measurement from the FS-96
Forest Service Specifications for the Construction of Roads and Bridges. Under these FP
specifications this term is replaced by the term “Contract Quantities”.
Forest Service--The United States of America, acting through the Forest Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
Neat Line--A line defining the proposed or specified limits of an excavation or structure.
Pioneer Road--Temporary construction access built along the route of the project.
Purchaser--The individual, partnership, joint venture, or corporation contracting with the
Government under the terms of a Timber Sale Contract and acting independently or through
agents, employees, or subcontractors.
Protected Streamcourse--A drainage shown on the plans or timber sale area map that requires
designated mitigation measures.
Road Order--An order affecting and controlling traffic on roads under Forest Service
jurisdiction. Road Orders are issued by a designated Forest Officer under the authorities of 36
CFR, part 260.
Schedule of Items--A schedule in the contract that contains a listing and description of
construction items, quantities, units of measure, unit price, and amount.
Utilization Standards--The minimum size and percent soundness of trees described in the
specifications to determine merchantable timber.
Add Figure 101-1—Illustration of road structure terms:
Figure 101-1—Illustration of road structure terms.
Use with all Timber Sale contracts
101.04 Definitions.
Delete the following definitions:
Contract Modification
Notice to Proceed
102 - Bid, Award, and Execution of Contract
102 Bid, Award, and Execution of Contract
Delete Section 102 in its entirety.
103 - Scope of Work
Delete all but subsection 103.01 Intent of Contract.
104 - Control of Work
Delete Sections 104.01, 104.02, and 104.04.
Use with all TS Contracts. Include in other contracts when drawings and site specific layouts are not required.
104.03 Specifications and Drawings.
Delete 104.03.
Include in all contracts to require as-built plans
104.03 Specifications and Drawings.
Add the following:
(c) As-Built-Plans. Furnish one set of as built plans. The Government will provide one set of
contract plans to be used exclusively for recording the as-built details of the project. Use red
pencil or red ink to record the information on the as-built plans.
Note all additions or revisions to the location, character, and dimensions of the prescribed work
shown on the contract plans. Line out all details shown that are not applicable to the completed
work. Check off details shown that were incorporated into the completed work without change.
Retain the plans at the project site and, as work progresses, continually update them to reflect the
as-built details. Upon request, make the plans available to the CO to review for compliance with
these specifications.
Show the following types of changes on the as-built plans:
(1) Typical section(s)
(a) Revisions in dimensions
(b) Revisions in materials
(2) Plan and profile
Revisions to the alignment
Changes in the construction limits
Revisions in location, type, and grade of road approaches
Location and type of utilities
Location, size, and type of underdrains
Skew of culverts
Channel changes
Location of monuments and permanent references
Elevations for all aerial and underground crossings of utilities
Location, length, and type of fencing
Revisions to grades, elevations, and stationing of intersection PIs
Culvert diameter, length, type, and stationing. On culvert extensions, indicate the
length of the existing pipe and the length of the extension.
 Location, length, stationing, and type of retaining walls
 Location, length, stationing, and end treatment of guardrail
(3) Bridge
(a) Stationing of bridge ends
(b) Revisions to footing and seal elevations
(c) Pile length, size, type, and tip elevation
(d) Any changes in plan or dimensions including any major changes in reinforcing
(4) Miscellaneous
(a) Revisions to parking areas or turnouts
(b) Final location, type and length of curbs, sidewalks, etc.
Furnish the as-built working plans to the CO before the final inspection. Correct all details found
during the final inspection that are not shown on the as-built plans and return to the CO within 5
include in all Timber Sale contracts. Include in other contracts when drawings and site-specific layouts are not required.
104.03 Drawings and Specifications
Delete subsection 104.03
Authorizes use of Forest Service Roads
Add the following subsection:
104.06 Use of Roads by Contractor
The Contractor is authorized to use roads under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service for all
activities necessary to complete this contract, subject to the limitations and authorizations
designated in the Road Order(s) or described in the contract, when such use will not damage the
roads or national forest resources, and when traffic can be accommodated safely.
Include to notify contractor of other active projects in the vicinity. Fill in blank
Add Subsection.
104.07 Other Contracts.
Example: The Federal Highway Administration is administering and is intending to award a
contract for the reconstruction of 3 1/2 miles of Salmon la Sac Road approximately 5 miles north
of this project. Schedule activities to assure no delays or interference to the operations of the
Federal Highway Administration contract.
105 - Control of Material
105.02 Material Sources.
105.02(a) Government-provided sources.
Add the following:
Comply with the requirements of 30 CFR 56, subparts B and H. Use all suitable material for
aggregate regardless of size unless otherwise designated. When required, re-establish vegetation
in disturbed areas according to section 625.
Include if there are restrictions or conditions for use of gov't provided material sources. Fill in the blank
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources.
If the Contractor elects to obtain material from (Material Source Number or name) the
following applies:
Include if royalty is to be paid for gov't provided source. Fill in blanks.
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources.
Pay (person or company) a royalty of ($$$) per cubic yard, or if the material is weighed, ($$$)
per ton for material furnished from this source and incorporated into the work.
Make monthly royalty payments directly to: (owner of the source and address)
Use when pit or quarry development is to be required even if material is not obtained from the designated source
105.02 Material Sources.
105.02(a) Government-provided Sources.
Add the following:
Complete any pit or quarry development specified for a designated source, even when material is
not obtained from the source.
105.02 Material Sources.
105.02(a) Contractor-provided sources.
Add the following:
All material (e.g., soil, gravel, sand, borrow, aggregate, etc.) transported onto National Forest
System land or incorporated into the work will be weed-free. The Contracting Officer may
request written documentation of methods used to determine the weed-free status of any and all
materials furnished by the contractor. Contractor-provided expertise and methods to establish
weed-free status must be appropriate for the weeds of concern in the local area. The following
applies to this contract:
Weeds specific to this project:
Weeds & methods specific to this project:
Weed species or
applicable weed list
A Forest Service weed specialist will inspect proposed sources to determine weed-free status.
Provide the Contracting Officer written notification of proposed material sources _____ days
prior to use. Written approval of the specific source will be provided to the contractor. If weed
species are present in the proposed source, appropriate mitigation measures may allow
conditional use of the source as required by the Contracting Officer.
Identifies Gov't provided material sources (mandatory & optional). Fill in the blank
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources.
(a) Government-provided sources. Add the following:
Government-provided sources for this project are identified as follows:
(1) Government-provided mandatory sources.
Obtain material for use as (borrow/riprap/boulders/etc.) and in the production of aggregates
under Sections (301/401/411/etc.) from (Material Source Number or name).
(2) Government-provided optional sources.
Material for use as (borrow/riprap/boulders/etc.) and in the production of aggregates under
Sections (301/401/411/etc.) may be obtained from (Material Source Number or name).
Include when no royalty is required for material from gov't-provided material source. Fill in the blank
105.02(a) Government Provided Sources.
There is no charge for material taken from (Material Source Number or name).
Required in all Contracts
105.05 Use of Material Found in the Work.
Delete 105.05 (a) and (b) and the last sentence of the second paragraph and substitute the
Materials produced or processed from Government lands in excess of the quantities required for
performance of this contract are the property of the Government. The Government is not
obligated to make reimbursement for the cost of producing these materials.
106 - Acceptance of Work
Include in all TIMBER CONTRACTS (2400-6/6T and 2400-13/13T) for Timber Sales and Stewardship contracts. Clarifies disputed test results
106.01 Conformity with Contract Requirements.
Delete Subsection 106.01 and substitute the following:
References to standard test methods of AASHTO, ASTM, GSA, and other recognized standard
authorities refer to the methods in effect on the date of solicitation for bids.
Perform all work to the lines, grades, cross-sections, dimensions, and processes or material
requirements shown on the plans or specified in the contract.
Incorporate manufactured materials into the work according to the manufacturer’s
recommendations or to these specifications, whichever is more strict.
Plan dimensions and contract specification values are the values to be strived for and complied
with as the design values from which any deviations are allowed. Perform work and provide
material that is uniform in character and reasonably close to the prescribed value or within the
specified tolerance range. The purpose of a tolerance range is to accommodate occasional minor
variations from the median zone that are unavoidable for practical reasons.
When standard manufactured items are specified (such as fence, wire, plates, rolled shapes, pipe
conduits, etc., that are identified by gauge, unit mass, section dimensions, etc.), the identification
will be considered to be nominal masses or dimensions. Unless specific contract tolerances are
noted, established manufacturing tolerances will be accepted.
The Government may inspect, sample, or test all work at any time before final acceptance of the
project. When the Government tests work, copies of test reports are furnished to the Contractor
upon request. Government tests may or may not be performed at the work site. If Contractor
testing and inspection is verified by the Government, the Contractor’s results may be used by the
Government to evaluate work for acceptance. Do not rely on the availability of Government test
results for process control.
Acceptable work conforming to the contract will be paid for at the contract unit bid price. Four
methods of determining conformity and accepting work are described in Subsections 106.02 to
106.05 inclusive. The primary method of acceptance is specified in each Section of work.
However, work may be rejected at any time it is found by any of the methods not to comply with
the contract.
Remove and replace work that does not conform to the contract, or to prevailing industry standards
where no specific contract requirements are noted, at no cost to the Government.
(a) Disputing Government test results. If the accuracy of Government test results is
disputed, promptly inform the CO. If the dispute is unresolved after reasonable steps
are taken to resolve the dispute, further evaluation may be obtained by written
request. Include a narrative describing the dispute and a proposed resolution
protocol that addresses the following:
(1) Sampling method;
Number of samples;
Sample transport;
Test procedures;
Testing laboratories;
Estimated time and costs; and
Validation process.
If the evaluation requires additional sampling or testing be performed, mutually agree with
the Government on witnessing procedures and on sampling and testing by a third party
laboratory. Use a third party laboratory accredited by the AASHTO accreditation program.
Provide proof of the laboratory’s accreditation for the test procedures to be used. Do not
use the same laboratory that produced the disputed Government test results or that
produced the test results used as a basis for the dispute.
The CO will review the proposed resolution protocol and may modify it before final
approval and execution.
The Government will use the approved resolution protocol test results to determine the
validity of the disputed testing. If the Government test results are validated, the Contractor
will be responsible for all costs associated with developing and performing the resolution
protocol. If the Government test results are not validated, the Government will be
responsible for all costs associated with developing and performing the resolution protocol.
If the validity of the Government test results cannot be determined, the Contractor and
Government will equally share all costs associated with developing and carrying out the
resolution protocol.
(b) Alternatives to removing and replacing non-conforming work. As an alternative to
removal and replacement, the Contractor may submit a written request to:
(1) Have the work accepted at a reduced price; or
(2) Be given permission to perform corrective measures to bring the work into
The request must contain supporting rationale and documentation. Include references or data
justifying the proposal based on an evaluation of test results, effect on service life, value of
material or work, quality, aesthetics, and other tangible engineering basis. The CO will
determine disposition of the nonconforming work.
INCLUDE WITH ALL PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS: Clarifies disputed test results
106.01 Conformity with Contract Requirements.
Delete Subsection 106.01 and substitute the following:
Follow the requirements of FAR Clause 52.246-12 Inspection of Construction.
References to standard test methods of AASHTO, ASTM, GSA, and other recognized standard
authorities refer to the methods in effect on the date of solicitation for bids.
Perform all work to the lines, grades, cross-sections, dimensions, and processes or material
requirements shown on the plans or specified in the contract.
Incorporate manufactured materials into the work according to the manufacturer’s
recommendations or to these specifications, whichever is more strict.
Plan dimensions and contract specification values are the values to be strived for and complied
with as the design values from which any deviations are allowed. Perform work and provide
material that is uniform in character and reasonably close to the prescribed value or within the
specified tolerance range. The purpose of a tolerance range is to accommodate occasional minor
variations from the median zone that are unavoidable for practical reasons.
When standard manufactured items are specified (such as fence, wire, plates, rolled shapes, pipe
conduits, etc., that are identified by gauge, unit mass, section dimensions, etc.), the identification
will be considered to be nominal masses or dimensions. Unless specific contract tolerances are
noted, established manufacturing tolerances will be accepted.
The Government may inspect, sample, or test all work at any time before final acceptance of the
project. When the Government tests work, copies of test reports are furnished to the Contractor
upon request. Government tests may or may not be performed at the work site. If Contractor
testing and inspection is verified by the Government, the Contractor’s results may be used by the
Government to evaluate work for acceptance. Do not rely on the availability of Government test
results for process control.
Acceptable work conforming to the contract will be paid for at the contract unit bid price. Four
methods of determining conformity and accepting work are described in Subsections 106.02 to
106.05 inclusive. The primary method of acceptance is specified in each Section of work.
However, work may be rejected at any time it is found by any of the methods not to comply with
the contract.
Remove and replace work that does not conform to the contract, or to prevailing industry standards
where no specific contract requirements are noted, at no cost to the Government.
(a) Disputing Government test results. If the accuracy of Government test results is
disputed, promptly inform the CO. If the dispute is unresolved after reasonable steps
are taken to resolve the dispute, further evaluation may be obtained by written
request. Include a narrative describing the dispute and a proposed resolution
protocol that addresses the following:
(1) Sampling method;
(9) Number of samples;
Sample transport;
Test procedures;
Testing laboratories;
Estimated time and costs; and
Validation process.
If the evaluation requires additional sampling or testing be performed, mutually agree with
the Government on witnessing procedures and on sampling and testing by a third party
laboratory. Use a third party laboratory accredited by the AASHTO accreditation program.
Provide proof of the laboratory’s accreditation for the test procedures to be used. Do not
use the same laboratory that produced the disputed Government test results or that
produced the test results used as a basis for the dispute.
The CO will review the proposed resolution protocol and may modify it before final
approval and execution.
The Government will use the approved resolution protocol test results to determine the
validity of the disputed testing. If the Government test results are validated, the Contractor
will be responsible for all costs associated with developing and performing the resolution
protocol. If the Government test results are not validated, the Government will be
responsible for all costs associated with developing and performing the resolution protocol.
If the validity of the Government test results cannot be determined, the Contractor and
Government will equally share all costs associated with developing and carrying out the
resolution protocol.
(b) Alternatives to removing and replacing non-conforming work. As an alternative to
removal and replacement, the Contractor may submit a written request to:
(1) Have the work accepted at a reduced price; or
(2) Be given permission to perform corrective measures to bring the work into
The request must contain supporting rationale and documentation. Include references or data
justifying the proposal based on an evaluation of test results, effect on service life, value of
material or work, quality, aesthetics, and other tangible engineering basis. The CO will
determine disposition of the nonconforming work.
106.07 Delete
Delete subsection 106.07.
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility To the Public
Include when restrictions (season of use, buffer zones, etc.) apply to contractor operations. Fill in the blank
107.02 Protection and Restoration of Property and Landscape.
Add the following:
Examples: (Include language to clarify or interpret permit or other requirements).
Do not work within the wetted perimeter of streams before July 1 or after September 15.
Do not work within 1000 feet of an occupied dwelling on any legal holiday or between 12 noon
Saturday and 6 a.m. the following Monday.
Do not work (except hauling material) within 1500 feet of osprey nests between March 1 and
May 31. No known active nests were located within the 1500 feet limit as of June 15, 1991. If a
new nest is found, suspend work (except hauling material) within 1500 feet of the nest location.
See Subsection 108.06.
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public
107.05 Responsibility for Damage Claims.
Delete the entire subsection.
Use in all contracts
107.06 Contractor’s Responsibility for Work.
Delete the following from the first paragraph.
“except as provided in Subsection 106.07”.
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility To the Public
107.08 Sanitation, Health, and Safety.
Add the following:
Perform all operations in a prudent, conscientious, safe and professional manner. Ensure that all
personnel involved in handling and packaging the hazardous waste are trained for the level of
expertise required for the proper performance of the task and, in particular, in the areas of
chemical incompatibility, general first aid procedures, and spills. Provide handling and personal
protective equipment appropriate to ensure safe handling of the hazardous waste according to 29
CFR 1910.120). Notify the Forest Service of all hazardous material that may be brought onto the
National Forest.
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public
Include in all TS contracts. This is covered in B(T) Provision 6.3
107.08 Sanitation, Health, and Safety
Delete the entire subsection.
107.09 Legal Relationship of the Parties.
Delete the entire subsection.
Requires hazardous spill plan & notification of spills
107.10 Environmental Protection.
Add the following:
Design and locate equipment repair shops, stationary refueling sites, or other facilities to
minimize the potential and impacts of hazardous material spills on Government land.
Before beginning any work, submit a Hazardous Spill Plan. List actions to be taken in the event
of a spill. Incorporate preventive measures to be taken, such as the location of mobile refueling
facilities, storage and handling of hazardous materials, and similar information. Immediately
notify the CO of all hazardous material spills. Provide a written narrative report form no later
than 24 hours after the initial report and include the following:
Description of the item spilled (including identity, quantity, manifest number, and other
identifying information).
Whether amount spilled is EPA or state reportable, and if so whether it was reported, and
to whom.
Exact time and location of spill including a description of the area involved.
Containment procedures.
Summary of any communications the Contractor had with news media, Federal, state and
local regulatory agencies and officials, or Forest Service officials.
Description of clean-up procedures employed or to be employed at the site including final
disposition and disposal location of spill residue.
When available provide copies of all spill related clean up and closure documentation and
correspondence from regulatory agencies.
The Contractor is solely responsible for all spills or leaks that occur during the performance of
this contract. Clean up spills or leaks to the satisfaction of the CO and in a manner that complies
with Federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
107 - Legal Relations and Responsibility To the Public
Fill-in: fire prevention plan & equipment requirements
107.11 Protection of Forests, Parks, and Public Lands:
Add the following:
Add appropriate fire plan and equipment language.
108 - Prosecution and Progress
108 Delete.
Delete Section 108 in its entirety.
109 - Measurement and Payment
109 Deletions
Delete the following entire subsections:
109.06 Pricing of Adjustments.
109.07 Eliminated Work.
109.08 Progress Payments.
109.09 Final Payment.
109.02 Measurement Terms and Definitions.
(b) Contract quantity.
Add the following:
Contract quantities will be adjusted only when there are errors in the original design of 15% or
Change the following:
“(b) Cubic yard” to “(c) Cubic yard”.
Add the following definition:
(p) Thousand Board Feet (Mbf). 1,000 board feet based on nominal widths, thickness, and
extreme usable length of each piece of lumber or timber actually incorporated in the job. For
glued laminated timber, 1,000 board feet based on actual width, thickness, and length of each
piece actually incorporated in the job.
Allows use of manual scales as approved by CO. May include in contracts when less than 30,000 tons of material are to be weighed for payment
109.03 Weighing Procedures and Devices.
(c) Project weighing system. Add the following::
Manual scales may be used if approved in writing by the CO and if the method of weighing
meets all other contract requirements.
Use when weighing aggregate for payment
109.03 Weighing Procedures and Devices.
(c) Project weighing system.
Add the following:
For aggregates weighed for payment, adjust scale weights of material to deduct the daily average
moisture content in excess of 2 percentage points over optimum moisture as determined by
AASHTO T 99 or the designated compaction method. If moisture determination is necessary,
determine the daily average moisture content in accordance with AASHTO T 255, from not less
than three representative samples of aggregate taken at random intervals each day that aggregate
is being weighed.
151 - Mobilization
Include to identify mobilization as an indirect payment (when no pay item will be in contract)
151.03 Payment
Delete the entire subsection and add the following:
151.03 Payment
Mobilization is considered an indirect cost of this contract and will not be compensated as a
separate work item.
152 - Construction Survey and Staking
Modifies FP-152 to meet FS requirements
152.01(c) Material.
Add the following:
Use required stake dimensions and materials. Pre-paint the top 2 inches of all stakes and lath, or
mark them with plastic flagging. Use designated colors for paint or flagging. Mark all stakes
with a stake pencil that leaves a legible imprint, or with waterproof ink.
Do not use aerosol spray paints.
Use moisture-resistant paper for survey notes. Keep notes in books with covers that will protect
the contents and retain the pages in numerical sequence.
Construction Requirements
152.02 General.
Delete the first two sentences.
Add the following:
When indicated on the plans, a preliminary survey line has been established on the ground. The
project location line is established by offsets from this preliminary line.
Delete second sentence in second paragraph and replace with the following:
Reestablish missing reference, control lines, or stakes as necessary to control subsequent
construction staking operations
152.03 Survey and Staking Requirements.
(b) Roadway cross-sections.
Replace the first two sentences with the following:
Take roadway cross-sections normal to centerline. When the centerline curve radius is less than
or equal to 200 feet, take cross-sections at a maximum centerline spacing of 25 feet. When the
centerline curve radius is greater that 200 feet take cross-sections at a maximum centerline
spacing of 80 feet.
c) Slope Stakes & References:
Replace section with the following:
Slope stakes and references. When required, locate slope stakes on designated portions of the
road. Locate the slope stake catch points and use them to establish clearing limits and slope stake
Mark slope stakes with the station, the amount of cut or fill, the horizontal distance to centerline,
and the slope ratios.
Place slope reference stakes at least 10 feet outside the clearing limit and mark with the offset
distance to the slope stake. Place sight stakes when required.
Prior to clearing and grubbing operations, move the slope stake outside the clearing limit to the
slope reference stake. After clearing and grubbing and before excavation, reset the slope stakes
in their original position.
Use the designated method to establish the slope stake catchpoint.
Method I—Computed Method. Use the template information shown in the plans or other
Government-provided data to calculate the actual location of the catchpoint. The slope
stake “catchpoint distance” provided may be used as a trial location to initiate slope
staking. Recatch slope stakes on any section that does not match the staking report
within the tolerances established in Table 152-2.
Method II—Catchpoint Measurement Method. Determine the location of slope stake
catchpoints by measuring the catchpoint distances shown in the plans or other
Government-provided data.
(d) Clearing and grubbing limits.
Add the following:
Establish clearing limits on each side of the location line by measuring the required horizontal or
slope distances shown in the stake notes. Mark the clearing limits with flagging or tags on trees
to be left standing, or on lath. Make markings intervisible, and no more than 90 feet apart.
After establishing clearing limits, move the location line stake outside the clearing limits for
station identification purposes, and mark it with horizontal distance to location line
(e) Centerline reestablishment.
Replace with the following:
Reestablish centerline from instrument control points. The maximum spacing between centerline
points is 25 feet when the centerline curve radius is less than or equal to 200 feet. When the
centerline curve radius is greater than 200 feet, the maximum distance between centerline points
is 80 feet.
(g) Culverts.
Replace subsection with the following:
Set culvert reference stakes at all culvert locations. Set a culvert reference stake on the centerline
of the culvert 10 feet from each end or beyond the clearing limit, whichever is greater. Record
the following on culvert reference stakes:
(1) Diameter, actual field measured length, and type of culvert.
(2) The vertical and horizontal distance from the reference stake to the invert at the ends
of the culvert.
(3) Station of actual point where culvert intersects centerline.
When required, stake headwall for culverts by setting a hub with a guard stake on each side of
the culvert on line with the face of the headwall. Perform this work after clearing is completed.
152.03 (l) Miscellaneous Survey and Staking.
Add the following:
(11) Cattleguards
(12) Drain Dips
(13) Erosion Control Measures
Replace Table 152-1 with the following two tables:
Table 152-1 Tolerances for reestablishing P-line, traverse, and elevations.
Angular Accuracy (±)
L-Line Tangent
Control Pointsa
2 sets, direct/reverse
10 second rejection
0.02 ft or
2 sets, direct/reverse
20 second rejection
Vertical Closureb
0.02 ft or
0.1 ft
1 set, direct/reverse
0.2 ft
Foresight and backsight;
15 minute rejection
0.4 ft
Foresight and backsight;
30 minute rejection
0.8 ft
1 minute rejection limit
a. Accuracy of offset measurement.
b. Determine vertical closures at intervals not to exceed 2000 ft as measured along centerline.
c. Use greater value.
Table 152-2 Cross section and slope stake tolerances.
Allowable deviation of cross-section
line projection from a true perpendicular
to tangents, a true bisector of angle
points, or a true radius of curves
Take cross-sections topography
measurements so that variations in
ground from a straight line connecting
the cross-section points will not exceed
0.5 ft
1.0 ft
2.0 ft
2.0 ft
3.0 ft
Horizontal and vertical accuracy for
cross-sections, in feet or percentage of
horizontal distance measured from
traverse line, whichever is greater.
0.1 ft or
0.15 ft
or 0.6%
0.2 ft or
0.2 ft or
0.3 ft or
Slope reference stakes and slope stakes.
0.1 ft or
0.15 ft
or 0.6%
0.2 ft or
0.2 ft or
0.3 ft or
Clearing limits
1.0 ft
1.0 ft
1.0 ft
1.5 ft
2.5 ft
Horizontal and vertical accuracy for
slope stake, slope stake references, and
clearing limits. In feet or percentage of
horizontal distance measured from
centerline or reference stake, whichever
is greater.
153 - Contractor Quality Control
Requires written proposal when alternative testing methods are requested by contractor
153.02 Contractor Quality Control Plan.
Add the following:
Submit written proposals for approval of alternate AASHTO or State approved test methods.
Alternate methods may be allowed based on documented equivalence to the specified method.
Simplifies record-keeping requirements. Use in all FS contracts unless extensive record-keeping is needed for large, complex contracts
153.04 Records.
Delete all but the first sentence
154 - Contractor Sampling and Testing
If 154 is included in the contract it must be listed in the Schedule as a Pay Item
154.01 Description
Delete the last sentence of the first paragraph.
155 - Schedules for Construction Contracts
155 Delete.
Delete Section 155 in its entirety.
156 - Public Traffic
Replaces FP 156 and simplifies requirements for very low volume roads. Does not require additional supplemental specifications in 156. Fill in
the blanks.
Delete Section 156 in its entirety and replace with the following:
156.01 This work consists of controlling and protecting public traffic adjacent to and within the
156.02 Conform to the MUTCD and the following Sections and Subsections:
Construction sign panels
Retro-reflective sheeting
Temporary concrete barrier
Temporary plastic fence
Temporary traffic control devices
156.03 General. Unless otherwise provided for in Table 156-1, keep existing roads open to all
traffic during road improvement work, and maintain them in a condition that will adequately
accommodate traffic. Delays may not exceed ___ minutes at any one time followed by an open
period of no less than ___ minutes.
Perform no work that interferes or conflicts with traffic or existing access to the roadway surface
until a traffic control plan has been approved. Post construction signs and traffic control devices
in conformance with MUTCD. All required signs will be in place and approved prior to
beginning work on project.
If the Contractor agrees in writing to allow public traffic to use a new road being constructed
prior to completion, it will be considered an existing road for traffic control purposes.
156.04 Temporary Traffic Control. Install and maintain temporary traffic control devices
adjacent to and within the project as required by the approved traffic control plan and the
MUTCD. Install and maintain traffic control devices as follows:
(a) Furnish and install traffic control devices before the start of construction operations.
(b) All detours outside of clearing limits will be approved in writing by the Contracting
Officer as part of the traffic control plan.
(c) Install only those traffic control devices needed for each stage or phase.
(d) Relocate temporary traffic control devices as necessary.
(e) Remove devices that no longer apply to the existing conditions.
(f) Immediately replace any device that is lost, stolen, destroyed, or inoperative.
(g) Keep temporary traffic control devices clean.
(h) Remove all temporary traffic control devices upon contract completion or when
(i) When required, use flaggers certified by the American Traffic Safety Services
Association, the National Safety Council, the International Municipal Signal
Association, a state agency, or other acceptable organization. Perform the work
described under MUTCD Part 6. Use type III, VII, VIII, or IX retroreflective
sheeting on flagger paddles. Do not use flags. Flaggers must wear high visibility
safety apparel as required by MUTCD 6E.02.
156.05 Temporary Closures. Road segments may be closed as shown in Table 156-1. The
maximum consecutive days of closure shall be followed by a minimum number of consecutive
days open to traffic as shown. Maintain traffic control devices during closure period(s).
Appropriate barricades and signs will be erected and maintained as shown in the traffic control
plan or as otherwise designated.
Prior to closing roads during construction, give written notice to the Contracting Officer at least
10 days in advance.
Table 156-1
Temporary Road Closures
Consecutive Consecutive
Days of
Days Open
156.06 Acceptance. Public traffic work will be evaluated under Subsection 106.02.
Measurement and Payment
156.07 Do not measure Public Traffic for payment. Compensation is made as an indirect
include in all Contracts with Section 156
156.03 Accommodating Traffic During Work.
Delete the following from the last paragraph:
according to Subsection 106.07(b)
Include in all contracts with section 156. Requires approval of CO for construction of detours or use of alternate route detours
156.04 Maintaining Roadways During Work.
(a) Add the following:
Do not construct detours outside of the clearing limits or use alternate route detours without the
approval of the CO.
Include in all contracts with section 156. Deletes requirement of Traffic & Safety Supervisor
156.08 Traffic and Safety Supervisor.
Delete this subsection in its entirety.
157 - Soil Erosion Control
Include in contracts with 157 to require contractor to submit an erosion control plan
157.03 General
Delete the entire subsection and replace with the following:
Prior to the start of construction, submit a written plan that provides permanent and temporary
erosion control measures to minimize erosion and sedimentation during and after construction.
Do not begin work until the necessary controls for that particular phase of work have been
implemented. Do not modify the type, size, or location of any control. An alternate erosion
control plan with all necessary permits may be submitted 30 days before intended use.
Incorporate all permanent erosion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time,
as outlined in the approved plan.
When erosion control measures are not functioning as intended, immediately take corrective
170 - Develop Water Supply and Watering
Adds Section to FP -- same as old FS-96 Section 207
170.01 This work consists of developing an acceptable water supply, furnishing, hauling, and
applying water.
170.02 Conform to the following subsection.
Construction Requirements
170.03 Development of Supply & Access. Develop water supplies and access to the water
supplies as required. Use designated water sources or other approved water sources. Before
using non-designated water sources, obtain all necessary permissions, water rights, and permits.
170.04 Equipment. Provide mobile watering equipment with watertight tanks of known
capacity. Provide for positive control of water application from the driver’s position.
170.05 Application. Apply water uniformly without ponding or washing.
170.06 Acceptance. Developing water supplies and watering will be evaluated under
Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
170.07 Measure the Section 170 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection
170.08 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 170 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
171 - Weed and Disease Prevention
Use in PW contracts onlyas mitigation measure for invasive species prevention. Requires equipment washing
171.01 This work consists of washing and treating construction equipment to remove seeds,
plants, and plant fragments from the equipment before the equipment is used on National Forest
System lands.
171.02 Conform to the following Subsection:
Construction Requirements
171.03 General . Notify the CO in writing at least 15 days before moving any construction
equipment onto National Forest System lands. Construction equipment does not include cars,
pickup trucks, and other vehicles that regularly travel between the construction site and areas
outside of National Forest System lands.
Perform all work at a location designated on the plans or other locations approved in writing.
Provide the CO with an opportunity to monitor the washing and inspection.
171.04 Equipment. Use a high pressure washing system.
For work on National Forest System lands, use a washing system that traps all wash water and
either stores it for removal from National Forest System lands or recycles the water for continued
use. If the equipment recycles the water, provide adequate filters for seed removal. Dispose of
the filter material and removed seeds in an approved manner. Do not mix soaps, detergents, or
other chemicals with the wash water.
For work at a commercial washing facility, use an approved facility.
171.05 Washing. Wash the sides, tops, and undercarriages of all construction equipment.
Remove all seeds, plants, plant fragments, dirt, and debris from the construction equipment.
171.06 Inspection. Inspect the washed construction equipment, including the undercarriage, to
ensure that the washing removed the dirt, debris, and seeds from the construction equipment.
Rewash the construction equipment as necessary or as directed.
171.07 Acceptance. Weed prevention will be evaluated under Subsection 106.02.
171.08 Do not measure weed prevention for payment.
171.09 Include all costs associated with the Section 171-Weed Prevention in the unit price for
Section 151-Mobilization.
183 - P Line Survey
Adds new Section to FP-03. Use in contracts where contractor is to perform p-line surveys.
183.01 This work consists of the P-line (preliminary line) survey of low volume roads, including
staking the proposed line, traversing, taking profile levels (elevations), topographical cross
sections, streamcourse channel and drainage-way sections, and recording and submitting all
survey data.
Accomplish the design under the direction of a registered professional engineer or land surveyor
as required by applicable State laws.
Construction Requirements
183.02 General. Accomplish the work under the direction of a registered professional engineer
or registered land surveyor. Furnish technically qualified survey crews experienced in highway
construction surveying and staking. Provide personnel capable of performing in a timely and
accurate manner. Ensure that an acceptable crew supervisor is on the project whenever
surveying is in progress. Furnish survey instruments and supporting equipment capable of
achieving the specified tolerances. Obtain permission from the CO before operating motor
vehicles on closed roads. All field notes and supporting documentation become the property of
the Government upon completion of the work. Before surveying or staking, discuss and
coordinate the following with the CO:
(a) Surveying and staking methods
(b) Stake marking
(c) Grade control for courses of material
(d) Referencing
(e) Structure control
(f) Any other procedures and controls necessary for the work
183.03 Stakes. Use stakes with minimum nominal dimensions of 3/4 inch x 2 inch x 18 inches
and planed or smooth sawn on the 2 inch faces will be used. Paint the top 2 inches of all stakes
with fluorescent orange paint.
183.04 Survey Note Paper & Books. Use moisture-resistant paper for survey notes. Use books
with covers that protect the contents and retain the pages in numerical sequence. Hand
calculator/portable data recorder printouts may be accepted in lieu of hand recorded field notes.
183.05 Government Furnished Information. The government will furnish the Contractor
copies of road location notes, design criteria, and available recovery notes to public land survey
183.06 Tolerance. Meet the following tolerances:
Elevation :
Nearest 2 inches or 1% grade each reading
References to Traverse:
2 adjacent points of intersection every 1000 feet
percent tolerance.
All breaks of 24 inches or more; slope breaks of 5% or more + 2
Deflection Angles:
30 degrees or less + 2o tolerance
Typical survey instruments to achieve this level of accuracy are hand compass, clinometer or
abney, woven cloth or plastic/fiberglass tape, and hand level. Provide effective quality control
procedures to ensure that survey tolerances are achieved. Reference points of intersection at
least every 1000 feet with at least two reference points for each points of intersection.
183.07 Survey Notes. Prepare field notes in an approved format. Furnish all survey notes at
least weekly.
Ensure that manually recorded survey notes are legible. Delete errors by lining out. Record
date, crew names and positions, instrumentation, and weather in the notes at the beginning of
each day's work. Have the crew supervisor sign or initial each page of the notes.
Consecutively number electronically recorded survey notes. In a book meeting the requirements
of 183.04 record the project name and for each day identifies identify the date, crew names and
positions, instrumentation, weather, type of survey, stationing of sections between which survey
was performed, and survey data or sketches that cannot be electronically recorded. Have the
crew supervisor sign or initial each page of the notes.
183.08 P-Line Staking. The CO will mark with flags the approximate centerline of the road.
Survey the preliminary line using the marked line as a guide. This P-line should represent the
final centerline of the road, but not necessarily along smooth geometric curves. Do not deviate
from the flagged line more than 6 feet.
At intersections with existing roads, survey the existing road 300 feet on each side of the
intersection. Where the new road begins at the end of an existing road, survey 500 feet back
along the existing road.
Set stakes solidly in the ground. Set preliminary line stakes at all breaks in ground profile and at
all each streamcourse channel or drainage-way crossings, intersections with planned and existing
roads, property boundaries, fence crossings, and as directed by the CO. Measure distances as
horizontal distance. The maximum horizontal spacing between stakes is 80 feet. Mark stakes
with the stationing of the point on the side facing the origin of the survey. Write on the stakes
with a stake pencil that leaves an indentation in the wood or with waterproof ink.
183.09 Traverse. Measure and record the magnetic bearing or azimuth of foresights and
backsights between each set of points of intersection to the nearest 1 degree.
183.10 Profile. Measure and record percent slope of foresights and backsights between each set
of points of intersection to the nearest 1 percent.
183.11 Cross Sections. Survey cross sections at each staked point on the preliminary line.
Survey and record measurements as percent slope and slope distance. Survey cross sections each
side of preliminary line for a minimum distance of 50 feet slope distance if the ground slope is
less than 40 percent, 75 feet slope distance if the ground slope is 40 percent to 55 percent, and
100 feet slope distance if the ground slope is greater than 55 percent.
Survey cross sections along a line perpendicular to the preliminary line on tangents and bisecting
the interior or exterior angle at points of intersection. Survey cross sections along streamcourse
channels and drainage-ways. Survey and record the angle between the preliminary line and the
streamcourse channel or drainage-way.
Survey and record readings along each cross section at each obvious break in ground slope.
Where the ground slope is uniform, survey and record at least one reading on each side of
preliminary line. Record slope as positive or negative, as referenced from the preliminary line.
Survey and record the locations of existing drainages, fences, roads, property boundaries, corner
posts, and other features as directed by the CO within 100 feet slope distance of the preliminary
line and those within or adjacent to the cross section.
183.12 Acceptance. Preliminary line survey will be evaluated under Subsection 106.02 and
106.04. Prior to final acceptance of the work, affix a State authorized seal by a registered
professional engineer or land surveyor and sign all field books and any other survey documents,
and attest in writing to the satisfactory completion of the project. Upon acceptance by the
Engineer, all items will become the property of the Government.
183.13 Measure the Section 183 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
183.14 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 183 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
185 - Low Volume Road Design
Include to require Low Volume Road Design. Fill in blanks.
185.01 This work consists of the design of roads using non-geometric design methods. The
design objective is to minimize quantities of excavation and embankment while conforming to
the design standards and guidelines. The work includes furnishing all labor, transportation,
materials, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to complete the design in accordance with
these specifications and acceptable engineering practice.
185.02 Government Furnished Information. The Contractor will be furnished access to the
following information:
(a) Design Criteria, elements, and standards
(b) Survey notes
(c) Applicable portions of Forest Service Manuals and Handbooks
(d) Standard Specifications For Construction Of Roads And Bridges On Federal Highway
Projects FP-03 and associated Forest Service Supplemental Specifications
(e) Environmental documentation for the road construction.
(f) Geotechnical investigation reports
(g) Sample plans, specifications and drawings.
(h) Applicable standard drawings and detail sheets
Design Requirements
185.03 General. Except for work performed under the requirements of a timber sale contract by
the timber purchaser's employees, accomplish the design under the direction of a registered
professional engineer. Furnish a design conforming to the design standards and criteria.
Accomplish the objectives set forth in the appropriate environmental document. Keep all notes,
stakes, design computations, specifications, and drawings in a neat and orderly manner.
185.04 Design Program: Use the__________computer program for all design. Use the same
method of design computations for all portions of each road designed under this Section.
185.05 Field Review and Classification Notes. Before beginning the design, the Contractor
visit the site and review the road location(s) to become familiar with the topography, drainage,
and environmental conditions. Prepare classification notes for the road to provide information
on clearing, grubbing, soils, rock, drainage, geotechnical investigation needs, potential disposal
sites, and other necessary information.
Soils and rock will be classified in accordance with the following:
Material Type
Organic Material
Soil and Loose Rock
Rock which can be moved
Rock that requires blasting
Solid Rock
Boulders (list size range)
(without blasting)
185.06 Design Criteria. The design criteria are those requirements such as management area
direction, road management objectives, safety requirements, and traffic characteristics that
govern selection of design elements and design standards. This information will be provided to
the Contractor as background material that led to development of specific design elements and
185.07 Design Elements and Standards. The Government will provide specific road design
elements and standards for this project. See Forest Service Handbook FSH 7709.56 - Road
Preconstruction Handbook, Chapter 4, to determine how to apply these elements and standards to
the design process.
Basic road width will be specified in the design standards. Apply additional road width for
turnouts, curve widening, and fill slough widening as shown in the design standards and/or
derived from use of the furnished tables, to the basic width shown in the design standards to
obtain total road width.
185.08 Specifications. Prepare the design and completed engineering drawings to be compatible
with Standard Specifications For Construction Of Roads And Bridges On Federal Highway
Projects FP-03 and associated Forest Service Supplemental Specifications.
In instances where the standard specifications are inadequate, prepare additional supplemental
specifications to accomplish the intent of the design. Use the format and grammatical standards
described in Subsection 101.01 of Standard Specifications For Construction Of Roads And
Bridges On Federal Highway Projects FP-03. Obtain approval by the CO for all supplemental
185.09 Design Products. Furnish the following products:
Engineering Drawings. Drawings shall meet the requirements of subsection 104.03
unless otherwise designated. In addition to paper copies, furnish 1 engineering drawings in
electronic format for the specified computer program. Format drawings on 11 inch by 17 inch
sheets, or as directed by the CO. Furnish drawings that conform to content and format of
samples provided by the CO.
Assemble the sheets in the following order:
Title Sheet
Vicinity Map
Estimate of Quantities
Typical Sections
General Notes (incorporate notes provided by the CO)
Drainage Listing
Drainage Construction Details
Riprap Details
Typical Construction Staking Details
Plan and Profile Drawings
Pit Development Plan
Use a vertical scale of 1 inch equals 10 feet, and horizontal scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet on
plan and profile drawings. On details, use scales appropriate to the area and the elevation
change. Show the centerline alignment with stationing, natural ground profile with stations and
elevation, centerline grade with station and elevation, north arrow, scale, road name and number,
sheet number, turnouts, location of rolling dips, culvert location and dimensions, excavation and
embankment and clearing quantities, and balance points if applicable.
Specifications. Furnish an electronic copy in an approved format of the
Specification list showing FP-03 and FS Supplemental Specifications.
Staking Notes. Furnish one paper copy and one electronic copy in an approved
format of construction staking notes. Include centerline grade elevation, centerline ground
elevation, centerline cut or fill, template data left and right, slope ratios, offset from
preliminary line to location line, preliminary line ground elevation, and information for
trial catch points.
Computations. Furnish calculations including quantities of clearing, excavation,
compaction factors, haul, culvert lengths and diameters, aggregate base and surfacing, and
seeding. Include subtotaled quantities by classification and the grand totals shown by
material. Compute excavation quantities by the average end area method. Compute
seeding by slope areas of cut and fill slopes. Compute aggregate base or surfacing by final
in-place quantities using appropriate compaction factors. Compute clearing quantities as
the horizontal area between clearing limits.
185.10 Preliminary Review. Upon completion of a preliminary design drawings, submit the
design drawings and specifications to the CO. Allow 30 days per submission for review. The
CO may request additional specific drawings for unique situations in order to clarify layout,
construction details, or methodology. If drawings must be resubmitted, the time for review starts
over. The CO will provide comments and changes that are necessary for the design.
185.11 Formal Review. Submit modified drawings and specifications to the CO. Allow 30
days per submission for review. The CO may request additional specific drawings for unique
situations in order to clarify layout, construction details, or methodology. If drawings must be
resubmitted, the time for review starts over.
Submit final engineering drawings, specifications, construction staking notes, and working
documents used for design including plots, cross sections, notes and similar information. Return
Government furnished data, references, and property. Affix a State authorized seal by a
registered professional engineer and sign all field books, staking notes, drawings, and working
documents in accordance with applicable State laws; and attest in writing to the satisfactory
completion of the project. Upon acceptance, all documents become the property of the
185.12 Acceptance. Road Design will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
185.13 Measure the Section 185 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and 109.04.
185.14 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 185 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
201 - Clearing and Grubbing
Deletes reqt's for tree wound dressing. TREE WOUND DRESSING IS REQUIRED unless this FSSS is included with Section 201.
201.02 Material:
Delete Tree wound dressing material reference.
201.03 General.
Delete the last sentence.
201.04 Clearing.
Delete the last sentence of (d).
Use in all FS contracts that include Section 201
201.01 Description
Replace with the following
This work consists of clearing and grubbing within clearing limits and other designated areas.
Include in FS contracts with Section 201
201.04 Clearing. (c)
Delete paragraph (c) and replace with the following:
(c) In areas outside the excavation, embankment, and slope rounding limits, cut stumps to
within 12 inches or one-third of the stump diameter of the ground, whichever is higher,
measured on the side adjacent to the highest ground. For timber sales, stump heights will
meet the requirements of the Timber Sale contract.
201.04 Clearing.
Delete subsection (d) and replace with the following:
(d) Do not cut vegetation less than 3 feet tall and less than 3 inches in diameter, that is
within the clearing limits but beyond the roadway and not in a decking area, and that does
not interfere with sight distance along the road.
Add the following:
(e) Trim branches of remaining trees or shrubs to give a clear height of 14 feet above the
roadbed unless otherwise indicated. Trim tree limbs as near flush with the trunk as
(f) Remove brush from log decks. Deck logs so that logs are piled parallel to one
another; can be removed by standard log loading equipment; will not damage standing
trees; will not interfere with drainage, and will not roll. Keep logs in log decks free of
brush and soil.
Includes removal of dead trees outside of clearing limits when marked in advance
201.04 Clearing.
Add the following:
When marked in advance, remove dead trees over 6 inches in diameter measured at 12 inches
above the ground that lean toward the road and are tall enough to reach the roadbed.
Use to establish utilization standards for merchantable timber. FILL IN BLANKS: 40% net scale for ccf; 33-1/3% net scale for MBF (same as
A(T)2 in TS contract 2400-6(T)
Construction Requirements
201.04 Clearing.
Add the following:
Utilization standards for merchantable timber are listed below. Fall and buck merchantable
material into lengths not to exceed _________ feet. Pieces (logs) meet utilization standards when
such pieces would have met Utilization Standards if bucking lengths were varied to include such
Minimum Utilization Standards
Diameter (Inside Bark) at Small End
_______% Net Scale in
% of Gross Scale
Include the following when merchantable timber is to be removed from Forest Service lands.
201.06 Disposal.
Delete the first sentence of this subsection and substitute the following:
Merchantable timber removed from Forest Service land is subject to the Forest Resources
Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990 (PL 101-382; 104 Stat. 714-726; 16 USC 620 et.
seq.). Do not export timber from the United States or use in direct or indirect substitution for
unprocessed timber exported from the United States, from private lands by Purchaser, or any
person as defined in Section 493 (16 USC 620e) of the Act.
Unless Forest Service determines that circumstances warrant a written waiver or adjustment, (1)
hammer brand all products on both ends with an assigned contract brand before removal from
the project site, (2) hammer brand each product exempt from domestic processing on both ends
with an exempt brand registered for use on exempt logs from National Forest, and (3) paint all
domestic processing products on both ends with 2 inch circle of yellow paint according to
Interim Specification 2400-400 (available upon request). Paint or brand products before
removing them from project site unless approved by the CO. Brands and yellow paint must
remain on logs until they are processed.
Contractor may remanufacture logs into different log lengths as approved. Repaint or rebrand all
remanufactured pieces. Pay all surveillance costs except that Forest Service may waive such
payment if such costs are minor and part of normal remanufacturing operations.
Use in all contracts requiring decking of merchantable timber
201.06 Disposal
Delete the first sentence of this paragraph and substitute the following:
Limb and deck logs that meet utilization standards at locations approved by the CO or otherwise
designated. Deck logs according to 201.04 (f).
Use in all timber sale contracts. Address disposal of merchantable timber
201.06 Disposal.
Delete the first sentence of this subsection and substitute the following:
Dispose of merchantable timber designated for removal according to the provisions of the timber
sale contract.
Include the following when the Contractor is required to purchase timber from the Forest Service.
201.06 Disposal.
Delete the first sentence of this subsection and substitute the following:
Buy all merchantable within the clearing limits on Forest Service land. Pay the Forest Service
for the merchantable timber at the rates listed below.
Deck merchantable timber at approved locations according to 201.04(f).
Merchantable timber removed from Forest Service land is subject to the Forest Resources
Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990 (PL 101-382; 104 Stat. 714-726; 16 USC 620 et.
seq.). Do not export timber from the United States or use in direct or indirect substitution for
unprocessed timber exported from the United States, from private lands by Purchaser, or any
person as defined in Section 493 (16 USC 620e) of the Act.
Unless Forest Service determines that circumstances warrant a written waiver or adjustment, (1)
hammer brand all products on both ends with an assigned contract brand before removal from
the project site, (2) hammer brand each product exempt from domestic processing on both ends
with an exempt brand registered for use on exempt logs from National Forest, and (3) paint all
domestic processing products on both ends with 2 inch circle of yellow paint according to
Interim Specification 2400-400 (available upon request). Paint or brand products before
removing them from project site unless approved by the CO. Brands and yellow paint must
remain on logs until they are processed.
Contractor may remanufacture logs into different log lengths as approved. Repaint or rebrand all
remanufactured pieces. Pay all surveillance costs except that Forest Service may waive such
payment if such costs are minor and part of normal remanufacturing operations.
Include the following when the Contractor has the option to purchase timber from the Forest Service.
201.06 Disposal.
Delete the first sentence of this subsection and substitute the following:
All merchantable timber within the clearing limits on Forest Service land is Government
property. The contractor may buy any or all of the merchantable timber on Forest Service land
within the clearing limits. Pay the Forest Service for the merchantable timber at the rates listed
Deck all merchantable timber at approved locations according to 201.04(f).
Merchantable timber on private land within the clearing limits belongs to the landowner. Deck
merchantable timber according to 201.04(f) on each owner's property adjacent to the road in
approved locations.
Use when timber remains the property of the landowner and is to remain.
201.06 Disposal.
Delete the first sentence of this subsection and substitute the following:
All merchantable timber within the clearing limits on either private or Government land remains
the property of the landowners. Deck according to 201.04(f) on each owner's property adjacent to
the road in approved locations.
203 - Removal of Structures and Obstructions
Include in FS contracts with sections 201 and 203
203.01 Description.
Delete and replace with the following:
This work consists of disposing of construction slash and debris, salvaging, removing, and
disposing of buildings, fences, structures, pavements, culverts, utilities, curbs, sidewalks, and
other obstructions.
Include when use of geotextile is utilized in disposal methods
203.02 Material.
Add the following:
Include in FS contracts with Section 203
203.04 Removing Material.
Replace the fourth and fifth paragraphs with the following:
Where part of an existing culvert is removed, remove the entire culvert upstream from the
removal. The remaining downstream culvert may be left in place if no portion of the culvert is
within 12 inches of the subgrade, embankment slope, or new culvert or structure; and the culvert
ends are sealed with concrete.
Remove structures and obstructions in the roadbed to 12 inches below subgrade elevation.
Remove structures and obstructions outside the roadbed to 12 inches below finished ground or to
the natural stream bottom.
Include when designated disposal method is Burning
203.05 Disposing of Material.
(b) Burn.
Delete the last sentence and add the following:
Deposit construction slash so that burning does not damage standing trees. Dispose of unburned
material as directed by the CO.
Adds several FS disposal methods: windrowing, scattering, chipping, grinding, and more
203.05 Disposing of Material.
Add the following:
(e) Windrowing Construction Slash. Place construction slash outside the roadway in neat,
compacted windrows approximately parallel to and along the toeline of embankment slopes. Do
not permit the top of the windrows to extend above subgrade. Use construction equipment to
matt down all material in a windrow to form a compact and uniform pile. Construct breaks of at
least 15 feet at least every 200 feet in a windrow. Do not place windrows against trees. Obtain
approval for pioneer roads. A pioneer road may be constructed to provide an area for placement
of windrows, provided the excavated material is kept within the clearing limits and does not
adversely affect the road construction.
(f) Scattering. Scatter construction slash outside the clearing limits without damaging trees.
Limb all logs. Place logs and stumps away from trees, positioned so they will not roll, and are
not on top of one another. Limb and scatter other construction slash to reduce slash
(g) Chipping or Grinding. Use an approved chipping machine to grind slash and stumps greater
than 3 inches in diameter and longer than 3 feet. Deposit chips or ground woody material on
embankment slopes or outside the roadway to a loose depth less than 6 inches. Minor amounts of
chips or ground woody material may be permitted within the roadway if they are thoroughly
mixed with soil and do not form a layer.
(h) Debris Mat. Use tree limbs, tops, cull logs, split stumps, wood chunks, and other debris to
form a mat upon which construction equipment is operated. Place stumps upside down and blend
stumps into the mat.
(i) Decking Firewood Material. Remove brush from decks. Limb and deck logs that do not
meet Utilization Standards according to Subsection 201.04 as directed by the CO. Cut logs to
lengths less than 30 feet. Ensure that logs stacks are stable and free of brush and soil.
(j) Removal to designated locations. Remove construction slash to designated locations.
(k) Piling. Pile construction slash in designated areas. Place and construct piles so that if the
piles are burned, the burning will not damage remaining trees. Keep piles free of dirt from
stumps. Cut unmerchantable logs into lengths of less than 20 feet.
(l) Placing Slash on Embankment Slopes. Place construction slash on completed embankment
slopes to reduce soil erosion. Place construction slash as flat as practicable on the completed
slope. Do not place slash closer than 2 feet below subgrade. Priority for use of available slash is
for: (1) through fills; (2) insides of curves; and (3) ditch relief outlets.
(m) Hydrological Sensitive Placement. Where required use this method in combination with
other designated methods to dispose of material to reduce erosion and to aid in re-vegetation:
1. Place windrow segments on contours, wrap in type I geotextile.
2. Place logs as log erosion barriers on contours. Place logs so that 80% of their
length is on the ground surface.
3. Scatter slash on bare or disturbed areas within or outside the clearing limits as
4. Scatter chips or ground woody material on bare or disturbed areas within or outside
the clearing limits as directed.
Place stumps in swales or on sites to form planting pockets. Place windrow segments on
contours, wrap in type I geotextile.
Include with Section 203 for Scattering WITHIN clearing limits is a designated disposal method
203.05 Disposing of Material.
Add the following:
(e): Scattering. Scatter pieces of wood less than 3 inches in diameter and 3 feet in length within
the clearing limits. Do not place construction slash in lakes, meadows, streams, or streambeds.
Immediately remove construction slash that interferes with drainage structures.
Include in all contracts containing Section 201 and 203. Clarifies payment for construction slash disposal.
203.08 Payment
Add the following:
Disposal of construction slash will be compensated under the designated pay item in Section
204 - Excavation and Embankment
Incorporates the following FSSS's: 204.05, the three 204.06's, 204.09, 204.10, 204.11,the two 204.13's, 204.14 and 204.15 Plans need to show the
construction tolerance class from Table 204-2. DO NOT SUPPLEMENT THIS WITH OTHER FSSS
Replace Section 204 in its entirety with the following:
204.01 This work consists of excavating material and constructing embankments. This includes
furnishing, hauling, stockpiling, placing, disposing, sloping, shaping, compacting, and finishing
earthen and rocky material.
204.02 Definitions.
(a) Excavation. Excavation consists of the following:
(1) Roadway excavation. All material excavated from within the right-of-way or
easement areas, except subexcavation covered in (2) below and structure excavation
covered in Sections 208 and 209. Roadway excavation includes all material encountered
regardless of its nature or characteristics.
(2) Subexcavation. Material excavated from below subgrade elevation in cut sections or
from below the original groundline in embankment sections. Subexcavation does not
include the work required by Subsections 204.05, 204.06(b), and 204.06(c).
(3) Borrow excavation. Material used for embankment construction that is obtained
from outside the roadway prism. Borrow excavation includes unclassified borrow, select
borrow, and select topping.
(b) Embankment construction.
Embankment construction consists of placing and
compacting roadway or borrow excavation. This work includes:
(1) Preparing foundation for embankment;
(2) Constructing roadway embankments;
(3) Benching for side-hill embankments;
(4) Constructing dikes, ramps, mounds, and berms; and
(5) Backfilling subexcavated areas, holes, pits, and other depressions.
(c) Conserved topsoil. Excavated material conserved from the roadway excavation and
embankment foundation areas that is suitable for growth of grass, cover crops, or native
(d) Waste. Excess and unsuitable roadway excavation and subexcavation that cannot be used.
204.03 Conform to the following Subsections:
Backfill material
Select borrow
Select topping
Unclassified borrow
Construction Requirements
204.04 Preparation for Roadway Excavation and Embankment Construction. Clear the area
of vegetation and obstructions according to Sections 201 and 203.
204.05 Reserved.
204.06 Roadway Excavation. Excavate as follows:
(a) General. Do not disturb material and vegetation outside the construction limits.
Incorporate only suitable material into embankments. Replace any shortage of suitable
material caused by premature disposal of roadway excavation. Dispose of unsuitable or excess
excavation material according to Subsection 204.14.
At the end of each day's operations, shape to drain and compact the work area to a uniform
cross-section. Eliminate all ruts and low spots that could hold water.
Retrieve material deposited outside of the clearing limits as directed by the CO. Place
unsuitable material in designated areas.
(b) Rock cuts. Blast rock according to Section 205. Excavate rock cuts to 6 inches below
subgrade within the roadbed limits. Backfill to subgrade with topping or with other suitable
material. Compact the material according to Subsection 204.11
(c) Earth cuts. Scarify earth cuts to 6 inches below subgrade within the roadbed limits.
Compact the scarified material according to Subsection 204.11.
(d) Pioneer Roads. Road pioneering, slash disposal, and grubbing of stumps may proceed
concurrently with excavation. Conduct excavation and placement operations so material to be
treated under Section 201 will not be incorporated into the roadway unless specified in the
slash treatment method. Maintain drainage during pioneering operations.
Remove snow and ice in advance of the work and deposit beyond the roadway limits in a
manner that will not waste material or generate sediment. Do not incorporate snow and ice into
embankments. Place snow or ice in a manner to prevent resource damage.
204.07 Subexcavation. Excavate material to the limits designated by the CO. Take crosssections according to Section 152. Prevent unsuitable material from becoming mixed with the
backfill. Dispose of unsuitable material according to Subsection 204.14. Backfill the
subexcavation with topping, or other suitable material. Compact the material according to
Subsection 204.11.
204.08 Borrow Excavation. Use all suitable roadway excavation in embankment construction.
Do not use borrow excavation when it results in excess roadway excavation. Deduct excess
borrow excavation from the appropriate borrow excavation quantity.
Obtain borrow source acceptance according to Subsection 105.02. Develop and restore borrow
sources according to Subsection 105.03. Do not excavate beyond the established limits. When
applicable, shape the borrow source to permit accurate measurements when excavation is
204.09 Preparing Foundation for Embankment Construction.
embankment construction as follows:
Prepare foundation for
(a) Embankment less than 4 feet high over natural ground. When designated, remove
topsoil and break up the ground surface to a minimum depth of 6 inches by plowing or
scarifying. Compact the ground surface according to Subsection 204.11.
(b) Embankments over an existing asphalt, concrete, or gravel road surface. Scarify
gravel roads to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Scarify or pulverize asphalt and concrete roads
to 6 inches below the pavement. Reduce all particles to a maximum size of 6 inches and
produce a uniform material. Compact the surface according to Subsection 204.11.
(c) Embankment across ground not capable of supporting equipment. Dump successive
loads of embankment material in a uniformly distributed layer to construct the lower portion of
the embankment. Limit the layer thickness to the minimum depth necessary to support the
(d) Embankment on an existing slope steeper than 1V:3H. Cut horizontal benches in the
existing slope to a sufficient width to accommodate placement and compaction operations and
equipment. Bench the slope as the embankment is placed and compacted in layers. Begin each
bench at the intersection of the original ground and the vertical cut of the previous bench.
204.10 Embankment Construction. Incorporate only suitable roadway excavation material into
the embankment. When the supply of suitable roadway excavation is exhausted, furnish
unclassified borrow to complete the embankment. Obtain written approval before beginning
construction of embankments over 6 feet high at subgrade centerline. Construct embankments as
(a) General. At the end of each day's operations, shape to drain and compact the embankment
surface to a uniform cross-section. Eliminate all ruts and low spots that could hold water.
During all stages of construction, route and distribute hauling and leveling equipment over the
width and length of each layer of material.
Compact embankment side slopes flatter than 1V:1.75H with a tamping type roller or by
walking with a dozer. For slopes 1V:1.75H or steeper, compact the slopes as construction of
the embankment progresses.
Where placing embankment on one side of abutments, wing walls, piers, or culvert headwalls,
compact the material using methods that prevent excessive pressure against the structure.
Where placing embankment material on both sides of a concrete wall or box structure, conduct
operations so compacted embankment material is at the same elevation on both sides of the
Where structural pilings are placed in embankment locations, limit the maximum particle size
to 4 inches.
(b) Embankment within the roadway prism. Place embankment material in horizontal
layers not exceeding 12 inches in compacted thickness. Incorporate oversize boulders or rock
fragments into the 12-inch layers by reducing them in size or placing them individually as
required by (c) below. Compact each layer according to Subsection 204.11 before placing the
next layer.
Material composed predominately of boulders or rock fragments too large for 12-inch layers
may be placed in layers up to 24 inches thick. Incorporate oversize boulders or rock fragments
into the 24-inch layer by reducing them in size or placing them individually according to (c)
below. Place sufficient earth and smaller rocks to fill the voids. Compact each layer according
to Subsection 204.11 before placing the next layer.
(c) Individual rock fragments and boulders. Place individual rock fragments and boulders
greater than 24 inches in diameter as follows:
(1) Reduce rock to less than 48 inches in the largest dimension.
(2) Distribute rock within the embankment to prevent nesting.
(3) Place layers of embankment material around each rock to a depth not greater than that
permitted by (b) above. Fill all the voids between rocks.
(4) Compact each layer according to Subsection 204.11 before placing the next layer.
(d) Embankment outside of roadway prism. Where placing embankment outside the staked
roadway prism, place material in horizontal layers not exceeding 24 inches in compacted
thickness. Compact each layer according to Subsection 204.11.
204.11 Compaction.
Compact the embankment using one of the following methods as
(a) Compaction A. Use AASHTO T 27 to determine the amount of material retained on a
Number 4 sieve. If there is more than 80 percent retained on the No. 4 sieve use procedure (1).
If there is 50 to 80 percent retained on the No. 4 sieve use procedure (2). If there is less than 50
percent retained on the No. 4 sieve use procedure (3).
(1) Adjust the moisture content to a level suitable for compaction. Fill the interstices
around rock with earth or other fine material as practical. Use compression-type rollers at
speeds less than 6feet per second and vibratory rollers at speeds less than 3 feet per second.
Compact each layer of material full width with one of the following and until there is no
visible evidence of further consolidation.
(a) Four roller passes of a vibratory roller having a minimum dynamic force of
40,000 pounds impact per vibration and a minimum frequency of 1000 vibrations per
(b) Eight roller passes of a 20-ton compression-type roller.
(c) Eight roller passes of a vibratory roller having a minimum dynamic force of
30,000 pounds impact per vibration and a minimum frequency of 1000 vibrations per
Increase the compactive effort for layers deeper than 12 inches as follows:
 For each additional 6 inches or fraction thereof, increase the number of roller
passes in (a) above by four passes.
 For each additional 6 inches or fraction thereof, increase the number of roller
passes in (b) and (c) above, by eight passes.
(2) Use AASHTO T 99 to determine the optimum moisture content of the portion of the
material passing a No. 4 sieve. Multiply this number by the percentage of material passing
a No. 4 sieve, and add 2 percent to determine the optimum moisture content of the material.
Adjust the moisture content of material classified A-1 through A-5 to a moisture content
suitable for compaction. Adjust the moisture content of material classified A-6 and A-7 to
within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content.
Use compression-type rollers at speeds less than 6 feet per second and vibratory rollers at
speeds less than 3 feet per second. Compact each layer of material full width according to
(1) above.
(3) Classify the material according to AASHTO M 145. For material classified A-1 or A2-4, determine the maximum density according to AASHTO T 180, method D. For other
material classifications, determine the optimum moisture content and maximum density
according to AASHTO T 99, method C.
Adjust the moisture content of material classified A-1 through A-5 to a moisture content
suitable for compaction. Adjust the moisture content of material classified A-6 and A-7 to
within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content.
Use compression-type or vibratory rollers. Compact each layer of material full width to at
least 95 percent of the maximum density. Determine the in-place density and moisture
content according to AASHTO T 310 or other approved test procedures. When required,
use AASHTO T 224 to correct for coarse particles.
(b) Compaction B. Place material by end dumping to the minimum depth needed for
operation of spreading equipment. Adjust the moisture content of the material to obtain a mass
that will not visibly deflect under the load of the hauling and spreading equipment. Operate
compaction equipment over the full width of each layer until there is no visible evidence of
further consolidation or, if when a sheepsfoot roller is used, the roller “walks out” of the layer.
Make at least three complete passes.
(c) Compaction C. Place material by end dumping to the minimum depth needed for
operation of spreading equipment. Level and smooth each embankment layer before placing
the next layers. Operate hauling and spreading equipment uniformly over the full width of each
layer. Construct a solid embankment with adequate compaction by working smaller rock and
fines in with the larger rocks to fill the voids, and by operating hauling and spreading
equipment uniformly over the full width of each layer as the embankment is constructed.
204.12 Ditches. Slope, grade, and shape ditches. Remove all projecting roots, stumps, rock, or
similar matter. Maintain all ditches in an open condition and free from leaves, sticks, and other
Form furrow ditches by plowing or using other acceptable methods to produce a continuous
furrow. Place all excavated material on the downhill side so the bottom of the ditch is
approximately 18 inches below the crest of the loose material. Clean the ditch using a hand shovel,
ditcher, or other suitable method. Shape to provide drainage without overflow.
204.13 Sloping, Shaping, and Finishing. Complete slopes, ditches, culverts, riprap, and other
underground minor structures before placing aggregate courses. Slope, shape, and finish as
(a) Sloping. Leave all earth slopes with uniform roughened surfaces, except as described in (b)
below, with no noticeable break as viewed from the road. Except in solid rock, round tops and
bottoms of all slopes including the slopes of drainage ditches. Round material overlaying solid
rock to the extent practical. Scale all rock slopes. Slope rounding is not required on tolerance
class D though M roads.
If a slide or slipout occurs on a cut or embankment slope, remove or replace the material, and
repair or restore all damage to the work. Bench or key the slope to stabilize the slide. Reshape
the cut or embankment slope to an acceptable condition.
(b) Stepped slopes. Where required by the contract, construct steps on slopes of 1⅓V:1H to
1V:2H. Construct the steps approximately 18 inches high. Blend the steps into natural ground
at the end of the cut. If the slope contains nonrippable rock outcrops, blend steps into the rock.
Remove loose material found in transitional area. Except for removing large rocks that may
fall, scaling stepped slopes is not required.
(c) Shaping. Shape the subgrade to a smooth surface and to the cross-section required. Shape
slopes to gradually transition into slope adjustments without noticeable breaks. At the ends of
cuts and at intersections of cuts and embankments, adjust slopes in the horizontal and vertical
planes to blend into each other or into the natural ground.
(d) Finishing. Finish the roadbed to be smooth and uniform, and shaped to conform to the
typical sections. Remove unsuitable material from the roadbed and replace it with suitable
material. Finish roadbeds to the tolerance class shown in table 204-2.Ensure that the subgrade
is visibly moist during shaping and dressing. Scarify to 6 inches below the bottom of low
sections, holes, cracks, or depressions and bring back to grade with suitable material. Maintain
proper ditch drainage.
For surfaced roads, remove all material larger than 6 inches from the top 6 inches of the
For unsurfaced roads, use one of the following methods to finish the roadbed:
(1) Method A. Remove all material larger than 6 inches from the top 6 inches of the
roadbed and replace with suitable material.
(2) Method B. Use a vibratory grid roller or approved equal with a minimum weight of 10
tons. Roll at least 5 full-width passes or until there is no visible evidence of further
(3) Method C. For roads designated as Construction Tolerance Class K, L, or M, finish the
roadbed by spreading the excavation. Eliminate rock berms.
204.14 Disposal of Unsuitable or Excess Material. Dispose of unsuitable or excess material at
designated sites or legally off of the project.
When there is a pay item for waste, shape and compact the waste material in its final location. Do
not mix clearing or other material not subject to payment with the waste material.
204.15 Acceptance. See Table 204-1 for sampling and testing requirements.
Material for embankment and conserved topsoil will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and
Excavation and embankment construction will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
Clearing and removal of obstructions will be evaluated under Sections 201 and 203.
204.16 Measure the Section 204 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and the following as applicable.
(a) Roadway excavation. Measure roadway excavation in its original position as follows:
(1) Include the following volumes in roadway excavation:
(a) Roadway prism excavation;
(b) Rock material excavated and removed from below subgrade in cut sections;
(c) Unsuitable material below subgrade and unsuitable material beneath embankment
areas when a pay item for subexcavation is not shown in the bid schedule;
(d) Ditches, except furrow ditches measured under a separate bid item;
(f) Borrow material used in the work when a pay item for borrow is not shown in the
bid schedule;
(g) Loose scattered rocks removed and placed as required within the roadway;
(h) Conserved material taken from stockpiles and used in Section 204 work; and
(i) Slide and slipout material not attributable to the Contractor's method of operation.
(2) Do not include the following in roadway excavation:
(a) Overburden and other spoil material from borrow sources;
(b) Overbreakage from the backslope in rock excavation;
(c) Water or other liquid material;
(d) Material used for purposes other than required;
(e) Roadbed material scarified in place and not removed;
(f) Material excavated when stepping cut slopes;
(g) Material excavated when rounding cut slopes;
(h) Preparing foundations for embankment construction;
(i) Material excavated when benching for embankments;
(j) Slide or slipout material attributable to the Contractor's method of operation;
(k) Conserved material taken from stockpiles constructed at the option of the
Contractor; and
(l) Material excavated outside the established slope limits.
(3) When both roadway excavation and embankment construction pay items are shown in
the bid schedule, measure the following as roadway excavation only:
(a) Unsuitable material below subgrade in cuts and unsuitable material beneath
embankment areas when a pay item for subexcavation is not shown in the bid
(b) Slide and slipout material not attributable to the Contractor’s method of
operations; and
(c) Drainage ditches, channel changes, and diversion ditches.
(b) Unclassified borrow, select borrow, and select topping. When measuring by the cubic
yard measure in its original position. If borrow excavation is measured by the cubic yard in
place, take initial cross-sections of the ground surface after stripping overburden. Upon
completion of excavation and after the borrow source waste material is returned to the source,
retake cross-sections before replacing the overburden.
Do not measure borrow excavation used in place of excess roadway excavation.
(c) Embankment construction. Measure embankment construction in its final position. Do
not make deductions from the embankment construction quantity for the volume of minor
(1) Include the following volumes in embankment construction:
(a) Roadway embankments;
(b) Material used to backfill subexcavated areas, holes, pits, and other depressions;
(c) Material used to restore obliterated roadbeds to original contours; and
(d) Material used for dikes, ramps, mounds, and berms.
(2) Do not include the following in embankment construction:
(a) Preparing foundations for embankment construction;
(b) Adjustments for subsidence or settlement of the embankment or of the foundation
on which the embankment is placed; and
(c) Material used to round fill slopes.
(d) Rounding cut slopes. Measure rounding cut slopes horizontally along the centerline of the
roadway if a pay item for slope rounding is included in the bid schedule. If a pay item for slope
rounding is not included in the bid schedule slope rounding will be considered subsidiary to
(e) Waste. Measure waste by the cubic yard in its final position. Take initial cross-sections of
the ground surface after stripping over burden. Upon completion of the waste placement,
retake cross-sections before replacing overburden.
(f) Slope scaling. Measure slope scaling by the cubic yard in the hauling vehicle.
204.17 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 204 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
(1) Minimum of 5 points per proctor
Select borrow
(704.07 & Select
topping (704.08)
Measured and tested
for conformance
Measured and tested
for conformance
(704.05) &
borrow (704.06)
Type of Acceptance
Material or
& T 11
method D(1) or T 99,
method C(1)
AASHTO T 310 or
other approved
Liquid limit
13,000 yd3
1 per 6000 yd2 but
not less than 1 per
1 per soil type but
not less than 1 per
1 per soil type but
not less than 1 for
each day of
13,000 yd3
1 per 6000 yd2 but
not less than 1 per
AASHTO T 310 or
other approved
1 per soil type but
not less than 1 per
1 per soil type
method D(1) or T 99,
method C(1)
Test Methods
Table 204-1
Sampling and Testing Requirements
in work
in work
Point of
Yes, when
Yes, when
placing next
Before using
in work
placing next
Before using
in work
Reporting Time
Measured and tested
for conformance
Measured and tested
for conformance
Earth embankment
Compaction A)
Top of subgrade
Compaction A)
(1) Minimum of 5 points per proctor.
Type of Acceptance
Material or
method D(1) or T 99,
method C(1)
AASHTO T 310 or
other approved
AASHTO T 310 or
other approved
Test Methods
1 per 2500 yd2
1 per 3500 yd2 but not
less than 1 per layer
1 per soil type but not
less than 1 per
13,000 yd3
1 per soil type
Table 204-1 (continued)
Sampling and Testing Requirements
Source of
Point of
Yes, when
Before placing
next layer
Before placing
next layer
Before using
in work
Reporting Time
(a) Maximum allowable deviation from construction stakes and drawings.
(b) Maximum allowable deviation from staked slope measured from slope stakes or hinge points.
(c) Unless otherwise shown the centerline alignment and subgrade elevation, as built, have no horizontal curves with a radius of less than 80 feet, and no vertical curves with a curve
length of less than 80 feet when the algebraic difference in the grade change is less than 10 percent, or a curve length of less than 100 feet when the algebraic difference of the grade
change is greater than or equal to 10 percent. The centerline grade is not to exceed 20 percent in 100 feet of length.
excavation, and
(% slope(b))
alignment (ft)
Roadbed width
Tolerance Class (a)
Table 204-2
Construction Tolerances
204.05 Conserved Topsoil
Delete the entire paragraph.
Include in all contracts with FP-204: requires retrieval of material outside of construction limits resulting from contractor operations
204.06 Roadway Excavation
(a) General.
Add the following:
Retrieve material deposited outside of the clearing limits as directed by the CO. Place unsuitable
material in designated areas.
Pioneer Roads -- use in all contracts with FP-204
204.06 Roadway Excavation.
Add the following:
d) Pioneer Roads. Road pioneering, slash disposal, and grubbing of stumps may proceed
concurrently with excavation. Conduct excavation and placement operations so material to be
treated under Section 201 will not be incorporated into the roadway unless specified in the slash
treatment method. Maintain drainage during pioneering operations.
Remove snow and ice in advance of the work and deposit beyond the roadway limits in a manner
that will not waste material or generate sediment. Do not incorporate snow and ice into
embankments. Place snow or ice in a manner to prevent resource damage.
Use when blasting is required for Rock cuts
204.06 Roadway Excavation
(b) Rock Cuts.
Add the following:
When blasting rock, use blasting methods according to Subsection 205.08
Include in all contracts with FP-204 -- deletes requirement of topsoil conservation
204.09 Preparing Foundation for Embankment Construction.
Delete subsection (a) and replace it with the following:
(a) Embankment less than 4 feet high over natural ground. When designated, remove topsoil
and break up the ground surface to a minimum depth of 6 inches by plowing or scarifying.
Compact the ground surface according to Subsection 204.11.
Include in all contracts with FP-204. Requires written approval prior to beginning construction on fills over 6ft. at centerlineand deletes
overbuilding fills
204.10 Embankment Construction.
Add the following:
Obtain written approval before beginning construction of embankments over 6 feet high at
subgrade centerline.
(a) General.
Delete the third paragraph and add the following:
Compact embankment side slopes flatter than 1V:1.75H with a tamping type roller or by walking
with a dozer. For slopes 1V:1.75H or steeper, compact the slopes as construction of the
embankment progresses.
Adds FS compaction methods. Use in all contracts with FP-204
204.11 Compaction.
Delete the first paragraph and replace it with the following:
For compaction according to method (a), (b), or (c), use AASHTO T 27 to determine the amount
of material retained on a Number. 4 sieve. For compaction methods (d) or (e) no sieve test is
Add the following compaction methods:
(d) Layer Placement Method (Hauling and Spreading Equipment). Place material by end
dumping to the minimum depth needed for operation of spreading equipment. Level and smooth
each embankment layer before placing the next layers. Operate hauling and spreading equipment
uniformly over the full width of each layer. Construct a solid embankment with adequate
compaction by working smaller rock and fines in with the larger rocks to fill the voids, and by
operating hauling and spreading equipment uniformly over the full width of each layer as the
embankment is constructed.
(e) Layer Placement (Roller Compaction) Method. Place material by end dumping to the
minimum depth needed for operation of spreading equipment. Adjust the moisture content of the
material to obtain a mass that will not visibly deflect under the load of the hauling and spreading
equipment. Operate compaction equipment over the full width of each layer until visible
deformation of the layer ceases or, in when a sheepsfoot roller is used, the roller “walks out” of
the layer. Make at least three complete passes.
use in all contracts with FP-204. Deletes Slope rounding for FS tolerance classes
204.13 Sloping, Shaping, and Finishing.
(a) Sloping.
Add the following:
Slope rounding is not required on tolerance class D though M roads.
Use in all contracts with FP-204. Adds FS roadbed finishing and tolerance classes
204.13 Sloping, Shaping, and Finishing.
Delete section (d) and add the following:
(d) Finishing. For surfaced roads, remove all material larger than 6 inches from the top 6 inches
of the roadbed. For all roads, finish the roadbed to be smooth and uniform, and shaped to
conform to the typical sections. Remove unsuitable material from the roadbed and replace it with
suitable material. Finish roadbeds to the tolerance class shown in table 204-2.
Ensure that the subgrade for both surfaced and unsurfaced roads is visibly moist during shaping
and dressing. Scarify to 6 inches below the bottom of low sections, holes, cracks, or depressions
and bring back to grade with suitable material. Maintain proper ditch drainage.
For unsurfaced roads, use one of the following methods to finish the roadbed:
(1) Method A. Remove all material larger than 6 inches from the top 6 inches of the
roadbed and replace with suitable material.
(2) Method B. Use a vibratory grid roller or approved equal with a minimum weight of 10
tons. Roll at least 5 full-width passes or until visible displacement ceases.
(3) Method C. For roads designated as Construction Tolerance Class K, L, or M, finish the
roadbed by spreading the excavation. Eliminate rock berms.
Add Table 204-2—Construction Tolerances:
Table 204-2 Construction tolerances.
Tolerance Class(a)
Roadbed width (ft)
Subgrade elevation
Centerline alignment
Slopes, excavation,
and embankment (%
a. Maximum allowable deviation from construction stakes and drawings.
b. Maximum allowable deviation from staked slope measured from slope stakes or hinge
c. Unless otherwise shown the centerline alignment and subgrade elevation, as built, have no
horizontal curves with a radius of less than 80 feet, and no vertical curves with a curve length of
less than 80 feet when the algebraic difference in the grade change is less than 10 percent, or a
curve length of less than 100 feet when the algebraic difference of the grade change is greater
than or equal to 10 percent. The centerline grade is not to exceed 20 percent in 100 feet of length.
Use in all contracts with FP-204. Includes language for designated disposal sites.
204.14 Disposal of Unsuitable or Excess Material.
Delete the text of the first paragraph and substitute the following:
Dispose of unsuitable or excess material at designated sites or legally off of the project.
Include in all contracts with FP-204. Adds FS conditions for Table 204-1 for Sampling and Testing
204.15 Acceptance
Table 204-1 Sampling and Testing Requirements.
Add the following note to the table:
(2) When compaction methods (d) or (e) are used AASHTO M 145, T 99, T 180, and T 310 are
not required for earth embankment test methods.
205 - Rock Blasting
Add Manual reference J
205.03 Regulations
Add the following:
(e) Forest Service Manual (FSM) 6745 Explosives and Blasting Materials.
205.06 Preblast condition survey and vibration monitoring and control.
Add the following:
Limit blasting induced vibrations in saturated soils or on steep slopes as designated or as directed
by the CO.
Notify the owners of nearby utilities at least 24 hours before blasting.
205.07 Test Blasting.
Add the following:
Test blast at all new sources, when rock type changes, and when blast layout changes due to
slope or other changes.
205.08 Blasting.
Delete the following:
Place a stake next to each hole with hole number and total depth drilled.
Do not stem the hole with drill cuttings.
Add the following:
(8) Halt blasting operations when any of the following conditions exist:
Precipitation exceeds 1 inch in any 24 hour period.
Precipitation exceeds 3 inches in any 96 hour period.
Precipitation exceeds 4 inches in any 144 hour period.
A landslide occurs within 300 feet of a blast site under any precipitation conditions.
208 - Structure Excavation and Backfill for Selected Major Structures
Includes subsections 04,09,13; for use with bridge and culvert construction projects, adds definitions, submittal times, and limits over exc.
Construction Requirements
208.04 General.
Add the following to the end of the second sentence of the third paragraph:
"... to the CO a minimum of 5 days prior to beginning excavation work."
Add the following to the end of the third sentence of the third paragraph:
"...to the CO a minimum of 15 days prior to installation."
208.09 Foundation Preparation.
Add the following after the first paragraph:
The foundation elevation is defined as the bottom of footings, for spread footing placement; the
bottom of the pile cap, for construction of pile foundations; and the toe of the wall, for
construction of retaining walls, except wingwalls at bridges.
Replace all material from any over-excavation below the designated footing elevation with
concrete, compacted gravel, or foundation fill at the direction of the CO.
When boulders or irregular, fractured, or seamed bedrock precludes excavation to the designated
footing elevation without further loosening of previously solid material, the CO may order
removal of such loose material and allow payment for concrete, gravel, or structural backfill that
is required to restore foundation material to the designated elevation
208.13 Measurement.
Add the following to the second paragraph:
(f) Material excavated to construct end walls or wing walls which lie outside the excavation
limits specified above.
Add the following paragraph:
Foundation over-excavation and the resulting replacement material will not be measured for
payment unless the CO determines the over-excavation was unavoidable because of the nature
of the material.
209 - Structure Excavation and Backfill
For use with MINOR structures, such as fill reinforcements using geogrid or welded wire facing. Can be used in same contract as 209
209A.01 This work consists of excavating, preparing foundations, backfilling, and subsequent
removal of safety features for the construction of selected structures with or without a geogrid
reinforcing mesh and welded wire facing.
209A.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Crushed Aggregate
Backfill Material
Structural backfill
Geotextile type I-D
Geogrids, Category 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
Welded wire form
Construction Requirements
209A.03 Preparation for Structure Excavation. Clear the area of vegetation and obstructions
according to Sections 201 and 203.
209A.04 General. Excavate trenches or foundation pits to a width and length that allows room
for work. When excavation is complete obtain written approval of the foundation. Ensure the
foundation is firm with uniform density throughout its length and width. Foundation grade is the
elevation at the bottom of any bedding for installing the structure.
Where necessary to blast rock, blast according to Section 205.
Follow OSHA safety regulations (29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, Excavation) for sloping the sides
of excavations, using shoring and bracing, and for using other safety features. When sides of
excavations are sloped for safety considerations, provide one copy of the design that demonstrates
conformity with OSHA regulations. Where support systems, shield systems, or other protective
systems are to be used, design the shoring according to Section 562 and submit working drawings
and construction details according to Subsection 104.03.
Remove safety features when no longer necessary. Remove shoring and bracing to at least 2 feet
below the surface of the finished ground.
Saw cut or mill existing pavements or concrete structures adjacent to the area to be excavated that
are designated to remain.
Do not deposit excavated material in or near a waterway. Do not stockpile excavated material or
allow equipment closer than 2 feet from the edge of the excavation.
Dispose of unsuitable or excess material at designated sites or legally off the project. If approved,
suitable excavated material may be used as backfill material or structural backfill.
Remove all water as necessary to perform work.
Survey minor structures according to Subsection 152.03 (e) and (i), and verify the limits of the
structure. Survey and establish controls within + 0.16 feet. Grade the foundation for a width equal
to the length of the bottom geogrid layer.
209A.05 Foundation Preparation. Excavate any unsuitable material below foundation grade,
and replace it with backfill material. Place backfill material in horizontal layers that, when
compacted, do not exceed 6 inches in depth. Compact each layer according to Subsection 210.07.
Compact the foundation prior to placing backfill in Subsection 210.06
209A.06 Backfill. Place leveling course with crushed aggregate on the foundation grade when
required. Backfill with structural backfill material. Place backfill in horizontal layers that do not
exceed 6 inches in compacted thickness. Compact each layer according to Subsection 210.07.
Bring structural backfill up evenly on all sides of the structure as appropriate. Extend each layer to
the limits of the excavation or to natural ground.
Ensure when placing the geotextile or geogrid layers that there are no voids below the layer. When
placing geotextiles overlap the geotextile a minimum of one foot. When placing geogrid no
overlap is required but ensure no gap between adjoining sheets is larger than one-inch. Do not
operate equipment directly on top of or damage the welded wire form facing, geotextile, or geogrid
elements. Place the geotextile and geogrid smooth and free of wrinkles or folds. Correct all
damaged, misaligned, or distorted structure elements. Repair all damage to galvanized coating
before installation.
Do not deviate from the design batter of the welded wire form by more than 1 inch per 10 feet of
structure height.
209A.07 Compacting. Determine optimum moisture content and maximum density according to
AASHTO T 99, method C. Adjust the moisture content of the backfill material to a moisture
content suitable for compaction.
Compact material placed in all layers to at least 95 percent of the maximum density. Determine
the inplace density and moisture content according to AASHTO T 310 or other approved test
Do not apply density requirements as measured by AASHTO T 310 to material that is incapable of
being tested or compacted to maximum values determined by AASHTO T 99. For these materials,
fill the voids around the rock in each layer with earth or other fine material. Compact each layer,
full width, until there is no visible evidence of further consolidation, with a vibratory steel wheeled
roller with a mass of at least 8 tons.
In places not accessible to the rollers compact with alternative equipment to obtain the required
compaction requirements.
209A.08 Acceptance. See Table 210-1 for sampling and testing requirements.
Clearing and removal of obstructions will be evaluated under Sections 201 and 203.
Survey work will be evaluated under Subsection 106.02 and 106.04.
Material for the backfill material and structural backfill will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02
and 106.04.
Structure excavation and backfill work will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
Shoring and bracing will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
Welded wire forms, geotextiles, and geogrids will be evaluated under Subsection 106.02 and
Placement of welded wire forms, geotextiles, and geogrids will be evaluated under Subsection
106.02 and 106.04.
209A.09 Measure the Section 210 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and the following.
Measure structural excavation by the cubic yard in its original position according to Subsections
204.16 (a) (1) and (2). Do not include the following volumes in structure excavation:
(a) Any material included within the staked limits of the excavation, such as contiguous
channel changes and ditches, for which measurement is covered under other sections; or
(b) Material rehandled, except when the contract specifically requires excavation after
embankment placement.
Measure backfill material and structural backfill by the cubic yard in place for the volume placed
according to Subsection 204.16 (c).
Measure geotextile by the horizontal and vertical dimensions.
209A.10 The accepted quantities measured as provided in Subsection 109.02 and above, will be
paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section 210 pay items listed in the bid
schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See
Subsection 109.05.
Payment for structure excavation, shoring, and bracing will be full compensation for excavation to
a depth of 6 feet below the lowest elevation shown on the plans for each minor structure. When
the excavation exceeds 6 feet, either the Contractor or the CO may request an equitable price
adjustment for the depth in excess of 6 feet.
Include in all contracts with 602 Culverts and Drains
209.10 Backfill.
(a) General.
Add the following:
Replace any pipe that is distorted by more than 5 percent of nominal dimensions, or that
is ruptured or broken.
Do not place or backfill pipe that meets any of the following conditions until the
excavation and foundation have been approved in writing by the CO:
Embankment height greater than 6 feet at subgrade centerline.
Installation in a protected streamcourse.
Round pipe with a diameter of 48 inches or greater.
Pipe arches with a span of 50 inches or greater.
Any box culvert of structure other than pipe culverts.
(b) Pipe culverts.
(1) Pipe culverts with compacted backfill.
Add the following:
Excavate an area on each side of the pipe as needed to effectively achieve
compaction requirements. Backfill without damaging or displacing the pipe.
Complete backfilling of the trench with suitable material.
Include in all contracts with 602 Culverts and Drains
209.11 Compacting.
Delete the subsection and add the following:
Compact backfill using designated compaction method A, B, or C:
Method A. Ensure that backfill density exceeds the density of the surrounding embankment.
Method B. Adjust the moisture content of the backfill material to a moisture content suitable
for compaction. Compact each layer using appropriate compaction equipment until visual
displacement ceases. For compaction under sections 252, 254, 255, 257, 258 and 262
compact with a vibratory steel wheeled roller with a mass of at least 8 tons.
Method C. Determine optimum moisture content and maximum density according to
AASHTO T 99 method C. Adjust the moisture content of the backfill material to a moisture
content suitable for compaction. Compact material placed in all layers to at least 95 percent
of the maximum density. Determine the in place density and moisture content according to
AASHTO T 310 or other approved test procedures.
Table 209-1 Sampling and Testing Requirements
Add the following:
(2) Compaction methods (A) and (B) do not require AASHTO T-99 or T-310 test methods for
foundation fill.
211 - Roadway Obliteration
Use with Section 211 for alternative methods.
211.01. Description.
Add the following to the first sentence:
and revegetate all disturbed areas.
Delete the definition for (b) Method 2 and replace with the following:
Obliterate the first 150 feet of the roadway by restoring to approximate original ground
contours. Keep excavated material within the original construction limits. Loosen the
roadbed by ripping to a minimum of 18 inches. Remove all existing culverts and drainage
structures. Remove and slope embankment material at localized drainages to restore natural
drainage patterns. Construct driveable waterbars at designated locations. Scatter any
available slash on obliterated roadway.
Add the following roadway obliteration methods:
(c) Method 3. Loosen the roadbed by scarifying to a maximum depth of 3 inches.
Construct driveable waterbars at designated locations. Scatter any available slash on
obliterated roadway. Eliminate all ruts and low spots that could hold water. Effectively
close the road by installing or maintaining a gate, constructing a rock barrier or
obliterating the first 150 feet of roadway to approximate ground contour.
(d) Method 4. Grade the roadbed to eliminate all ruts and low spots that could hold
water. Close the road by installing or maintaining a gate.
Use to modify methods 1 & 2 to include removal of drainage structures.
211.01 Description.
Add the following to (a) Method 1:
Remove all pipes, bridges, and other structures.
Add the following to (b) Method 2:
Remove only designated pipes, bridges, and other structures. Cultivate the roadbeds and slopes
according to Subsection 625.04.
Use in all contracts with Section 211.
211.02 Construction Requirements.
Add the following:
Limit disturbance to soils and vegetation. Slope all areas to drain and return water to natural
watercourses. After removing pipes and bridges, obtain approval from CO before continuing
work. Remove all fill material to the natural channel. Treat slash and clearing debris according to
Subsection 203.05.
211.02 (a) Rigid material.
Add the following:
(3) Pipes and Bridges. Remove structures such as pipes and bridge components
according to Subsection 203.05(a), or as approved.
212 - Linear Grading
Duplicates Composite Rd Construction FS-96 Spec 249
Delete the entire specification and replace it with the following:
212.01 This work consists of clearing and grubbing, excavation and embankment, and erosion
control to construct roadways and associated features.
Construction Requirements
212.02 Clearing & Disposal. Protect construction stakes and construction control markers.
Remove or treat all trees, snags, downed timber, brush, and stumps within the clearing limits.
Immediately remove slash deposited in stream courses.
Fell all dead trees that are outside the clearing limits and that lean toward the road and are tall
enough to reach the roadbed.
Leave stump heights less than 12 inches or one-third of the stump diameter; whichever is greater,
measured on the side adjacent to the highest ground. Leave felled trees outside the clearing limits
in place, and treat them no further unless otherwise designated.
Utilization standards for merchantable timber are listed below. Fall and buck merchantable
material into lengths not to exceed _________ feet. Pieces (logs) will be considered as meeting
utilization standards when such pieces would have met Utilization Standards if bucking lengths
were varied to include such material.
Minimum Utilization Standards
Diameter (Inside Bark)
Length at Small End
8 feet _____________ inches 33-1/3 Net Scale in % of Gross 2 Cubic Feet
Do not cut vegetation less than 3 feet in height and less than 3 inches in diameter that is within
the clearing limits but beyond the roadway and not in a decking area and that does not interfere
with sight distance along the road.
Merchantable Timber
Insert appropriate treatment method from 201.
Unmerchantable Timber and Large Construction Slash
Insert appropriate treatment method from 203.
212.03 Pioneering. Do not undercut the final back slope during pioneering operations. Deposit
material inside the roadbed limits. Do not restrict drainage.
212.04 Grubbing. Within the clearing limits remove stumps with less than 6 inches of cover.
212.05 Excavation & Embankment. Construct the roadway to the required template. Protect
backslopes from being undercut. Embankment may be placed by side casting and end dumping.
Locate and use borrow material, and remove and treat unsuitable or excess material.
Place rocks that are too large to be incorporated in the embankment outside the traveled way on
the downhill side so that they will not roll, obstruct drainage, or hinder roadbed use and
Leave slopes that are to be seeded in a roughened condition.
Use a crawler tractor with a dozer blade to shape and finish the roadbed. Provide for drainage of
surface water, unless otherwise designated. Do not permit individual rocks in the roadbed to
protrude more than 4 inches above the subgrade. A motor grader finish is not required.
Do not encroach on stream channels, wetlands, or extend beyond right-of-way or easement
limits. Do not make alignment or profile grade adjustments that adversely affect drainage.
Construct the roadbed within the following grading tolerances:
(a) Alignment (centerline). Alignment may be shifted a maximum of 10 feet left or right of the
planned centerline. Curve radii may be reduced by up to 50 percent. Do not construct curves with
radii less than 100 feet. Compound curves are permitted. Traveled way tolerance is (+) 2 feet
unless otherwise designated.
(b) Profile grade. Profile grade may be shifted a maximum of 5 feet up or down from the plan
elevation provided the new grade tangent does not vary more than 2 percent from the plan grade
tangent. Connect revised forward and back grade tangents with a uniform vertical curve
consistent with the design.
212.06 Drainage. Install culverts and other drainage structures according to Section 602 and
Section 209.
212.07 Erosion Control. Install erosion control measures and seeding according to the
drawings and Section 625.
212.08 Acceptance. Linear grading will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
Clearing and slash and timber treatment will be evaluated under Sections 201 and 203.
212.09 Measure the Section 212 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and the following.
Do not measure changes in the clearing and grubbing quantity caused by alignment adjustments
under Subsection 212.04.
212.10 The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Subsection 109.02 and above, will be
paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section 212 pay item listed in the bid
schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See
Subsection 109.05.
213 - Subgrade Stabilization
Corrects error in Table 213-2
251 - Riprap
Includes subsections 03,08; for use on bridge and culvert projects with riprap
Construction Requirements
251.03 General.
Add the following:
Place riprap under or adjacent to structures before placing prefabricated superstructure units or
constructing superstructure falsework unless otherwise approved by the CO.
251.08 Measurement.
Add the following:
Payment for excavation and embankment required for placement of riprap is indirectly included
in the pay item for riprap.
252 - Special Rock Embankment and Rock Buttress
252.02. Material.
Add the following:
Geotextiles, Type IV (A, B, or C)
252.03 Placing Rock.
Add the following:
Place geotextile according to Subsection 207.05. When geotexitle is in place, request
approval before placing rock on geotextile.
255 - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
Use when Section 255 includes geocomposite drains or geogrids.
255.02 Material.
Add the following:
Geocomposite Drains
Geogrids, Category 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
255.06 Acceptance.
Add the following to the fifth paragraph:
Sampling and testing requirements are shown in Table 255-1.
262 - Reinforced Soil Embankment
New Specification
262.01 This work consists of constructing reinforced soil embankments.
262.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Geogrid, category 1,2,3,4,5,or 6
Structural backfill
Select granular backfill
Reinforcing mesh
Construction Requirements
262.03 General. Before beginning work, submit a work plan for acceptance. Allow at least 3
days for acceptance. Include procedures for stretching and staking the geogrid.
Excavate according to Section 209. Grade the foundation for a width equal to the length of
reinforcing elements plus 18 inches. Where the embankment is set on a rocky foundation, place 6
inches of select granular backfill under the geogrid or reinforcing mesh. Dispose of unsuitable or
excess excavation material according to Subsection 204.14.
The final limits and configuration of the excavation may vary, depending on the foundation
materials encountered during excavation.
262.04 Reinforcing Elements. Place soil reinforcing elements at the specified elevation and
alignment. Orient the reinforcing elements so that the maximum tensile strength available is in
the direction of specified primary reinforcement.
Do not splice reinforcement elements in the primary direction. Overlap geogrids three ribs in the
direction transverse to the primary direction, and attach with hog rings or other approved
methods. Overlap reinforcing mesh one rib in the direction transverse to the primary direction.
Prevent wrinkle development or slippage of reinforcement elements during fill placement and
262.05 Backfilling. Install the base of the reinforced embankment within + 4 inches of the plan
elevation or as directed by the CO. Backfill the stabilized volume with specified structural
backfill or select granular backfill according to Subsection 209.10. Ensure that no voids exist
below the geogrids or reinforcing mesh. Compact each layer according to Subsection 209.11,
method (b). Do not use sheepsfoot rollers for compaction.
Do not damage or disturb the reinforcing elements. Do not operate equipment on the
embankment with less than 6 inches of fill on top of the geogrid or reinforcing mesh. Correct all
damaged, misaligned, or distorted reinforcing elements.
Backfill and compact behind the stabilized volume with structural backfill according to
Subsection 209.10 and 209.11, method (b). At the end of each day's operation, slope the last lift
of backfill away from the embankment face to direct surface runoff away from the face. Do not
allow surface runoff from adjacent areas to enter the embankment construction area.
262.06 Embankment Slope Treatment. Treat the face of the reinforced slope for erosion
control in according to Section 157.
262.07 Acceptance. Reinforcing elements will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and
Construction of reinforced soil embankments and services will be evaluated under Subsections
106.02 and 106.04.
Select granular backfill and structural backfill will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and
106.04. See Table 262-1 for sampling and testing requirements.
262.08 Measure the items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02 and the
Measure reinforcing elements by the square yard in place.
Measure select granular backfill within the stabilized volume by the cubic yard in place.
262.09 The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Subsection 109.02 and above, will be
paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section 262 pay item listed in the bid
schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See
Subsection 109.05.
Include with 262 above
Table 262-1 Sampling and Testing Requirements
Type of
Characteristic Test Methods Sampling
Point of
Split Reporting
Specifications Frequency Sampling Sample
Product (Subsection)
Measured and
tested for
Method D(1) or T99
Method C(1)
AASHTO T 310 or
other approved
(1) Minimum of 5 points per proctor.
One per soil
Minimum two
per Lift
Source of
Before using in
Before placing
next layer
301 - Untreated Aggregate Courses
Include in all contracts with 301
301 Title Change.
Change the title to: Section 301 Aggregate Courses
Include in all contracts with 301
301.01 Work.
Add the following:
Work includes producing aggregate by pit-run, grid rolling, screening, or crushing methods, or
placing Government-furnished aggregate. Work may include additive mineral filler, or binder.
Include in all contracts with 301
301.02 Material.
Add the following:
Calcium Chloride Flake
Lignon Sulfonate
Magnesium Chloride Brine or Calcium Chloride Liquid
In clude in all contracts with 301
301.03 General.
Add the following:
Written approval of the roadbed is required before placing aggregate.
For pit run or grid-rolled material, furnish material smaller than the maximum size. No gradation
other than maximum size will be required for pit-run or grid-rolled material. For grid rolling, use
all suitable material that can be reduced to maximum size. After processing on the road, remove
all oversize material from the road and dispose of it as directed by the CO.
Provide additives or binder, if required, at the proportions specified.
Develop and use Government furnished sources according to Section 105.
If the aggregate is produced and stockpiled before placement, handle and stockpiled according to
Section 320. Establish stockpile sites at locations approved. Clear and grub stockpile sites
according to Section 201.
Include in all contracts with 301
301.04 Mixing and Spreading.
Delete the first sentence of the first paragraph and add the following:
Ensure that aggregate and any required additives, water, mineral filler, and binder are mixed by
the specified method except, if crushed aggregate products are being produced and mineral filler,
binder, or additives are required, uniformly blend following crushing. Control additive
proportions to 0.5 percent dry weight.
(a) Stationary Plant Method. Mix the aggregate with other required materials in an approved
mixer. Add water during the mixing operation in the amount necessary to provide the moisture
content for compacting to the specified density. After mixing, transport the aggregate to the
jobsite while it contains the proper moisture content, and place it on the roadbed or base course
using an aggregate spreader.
(b) Travel Plant Method. After placing the aggregate for each layer with an aggregate spreader
or windrow-sizing device, uniformly mix it with other required materials using a traveling
mixing plant. During mixing, add water to provide the necessary moisture content for
(c) Road Mix Method. After placing the aggregate for each layer, mix it with other required
materials at the required moisture content until the mixture is uniform throughout. Mix
aggregate, water, and all other materials until a uniform distribution is obtained.
Spread the aggregate in a uniform layer, with no segregation of size, and to a loose depth that
will provide the required compacted thickness.
When placing aggregate over geotextile, place aggregate in a single lift to the full depth
Route and distribute hauling and leveling equipment over the width and length of each layer.
Include in all contracts with 301
301.05 Compacting
Delete and replace with the following:
Compact each layer full width. Roll from the sides to the center, parallel to the centerline of the
road. Along curbs, headers, walls, and all places not accessible to the roller, compact the material
with approved tampers or compactors.
Compact the aggregate using one of the following methods as specified:
Compaction A. Operating spreading and hauling equipment over the full width of the
Compaction B. Operate rollers and compact as specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction C. Moisten or dry the aggregate to a uniform moisture content between 5
and 7 percent based on total dry weight of the mixture. Operate rollers and compact as
specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction D. Compact to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 99, method C or D.
Compaction E. Compact to a density of at least 96 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
Compaction F. Compact to a density of at least 95 per-cent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 180, method C or D.
Compaction G. Compact to a density of at least 100 percent of the maximum density as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
For all compaction methods, blade the surface of each layer during the compaction operations to
remove irregularities and produce a smooth, even surface. When a density requirement is
specified, determine the in place density and moisture content according to AASHTO T 310 or
other approved test procedures.
Include in all contracts wtih 301
301.06 Surface Tolerance.
Add the following:
Thickness and Width requirements:
The maximum variation from the compacted specified thickness is ½ inch. The compacted
thickness is not consistently above or below the specified thickness and the average thickness of
4 random measurements for any ½ mile of road segment is within + ¼ inch of the specified
The maximum variation from the specified width will not exceed +12 inches at any point. The
compacted width is not consistently above the specified width and the average of any four
random measurements along any ½ mile of road segment is within +4 inches of the specified
Include in all contracts with 301 -- Table 301-1 Field Density Requirements
Table 301-1 Field Density Requirements.
Table 301-1: Delete laboratory and field density requirements for base, subbase, and surfacing and replace with the following:
or Product
Base and
Type of
Measured and tested
conformance (Subsection
Moisture Density
Point of
1 per type and
source of
Source of
Before using in
Method C-1
R-1 Marshall
Method D
Method D-1
R-1 Marshall
AASHTO T 310 or
other approved
1 per 500 t
Before placing
the next layer
Method C, C-1, D,
Measured and tested
conformance (Subsection
Method C
Test Methods
Moisture Density
Method C-1
R-1 Marshall
Before using in
Method D
Method D-1
R-1 Marshall
AASHTO T 310 or
other approved
1 per 500 t
Before placing
the next layer
Method C, C-1, D,
Include in all contracts with 301 --Plasticity Index
301.08(b) Plasticity Index.
Add the following to the first sentence:
“and under 703.05(c)(1)”.
Include in all contracts with 301 --FS Table 301-1 Sampling & Testing Requirements
Table 301-1: Add the following:
Table 301-1—Acceptance Sampling and Testing Requirements.
Material or
Type of
Test Methods
Point of
Subbase & Base
Courses L, M, N, O,
P, Q, R
Measured and tested
(Subsection 106.04)
Plastic Limit
1 per each 1,000
From the
windrow or
roadbed after
4 Hours
Table 301-1—Acceptance Sampling and Testing Requirements.
Material or
Type of
Test Methods
Point of
Aggregate Width
Measured and tested
(Subsection 106.04)
4 per each 0.5
Roadbed after
4 Hours
Aggregate Thickness
Measured and tested
(Subsection 106.04)
4 per each 0.5
Roadbed after
4 Hours
Measured and tested
(Subsection 106.04)
Amount of Additive
1 per each 1,000
From the
windrow or
roadbed after
4 Hours
Include when measurement is compacted in place for Contract Quanities
301.09 Measurement.
Replace the second paragraph with the following:
Measure aggregate by cubic yard compacted in place when payment is by contract quantities.
Use in all contracts with 301 --DELETES STATISTICAL PAYFACTORS
301.10 Payment
Delete the following:
adjusted according to Subsection 106.05
302 - Treated Aggregate Courses
302 Delete.
Delete Section 302 in its entirety.
Corrects error in Table 302-3
303 - Road Reconditioning
Include in all contracts with FP 303 -- modifies description of included work.
303.01 Work.
Delete and add the following:
This work consists of reconditioning ditches, shoulders, roadbeds, cattleguards, asphalt surfaces,
and aggregate surfaces.
Include in all contracts with Section 303 -- changes scarification depth and references for compaction
303.06 Aggregate Surface Reconditioning.
Delete and replace with the following:
303.06 Asphalt and Aggregate Surface Reconditioning.
Repair soft and unstable areas to the full depth of the aggregate surface and according to
Subsection 204.07. Scarify to the depth of the aggregate surface or to a depth of 6 inches,
whichever is less, and remove surface irregularities. Reshape, finish, and compact the entire
aggregate surface according to Subsection 301.05, Subsection 321.05, or Subsection 322.05 as
For asphalt surfaces, clean the existing surface of all loose material, dirt, or other deleterious
substances by approved methods. Remove and dispose of unsuitable material that shows
evidence of distress, excess asphalt material, or settlement in the roadbed. Patch the areas with
approved material that conforms to and is compatible with the adjacent pavement structure.
Perform the patch work according to Section 301, 404, 430, or other sections as applicable for
the layer or courses being repaired. Clean and seal cracks in the existing asphalt surface
according to Subsection 414.05. Correct surface irregularities exceeding 6 inches in depth with a
specified aggregate. Place and compact the aggregate according to Subsections 301.04 and
301.05. Prelevel other dips, depressions, sags, excessive or nonexistent crown, or other surface
irregularities with asphalt concrete according to Section 404. Spread and compact the asphalt
concrete in layers parallel to the grade line not to exceed 2 inches in compacted depth.
Include in all with contracts with Section 303 to address requirements for cattleguards
Method D
Measured and
for conformance
In-place density
& moisture
Method G
Method F
Method E
Type of
(1) Minimum of 5 points per proctor.
Existing Roadway
Material or Product
or other approved
R-1 Marshall
R-1 Marshall
AASHTO T 99 (1)
Test Methods
1 per 3000 yd2
1 per each
mixture or
change in
Table 303-1
Sampling and Testing Requirements
material before
incorporating in
Point of
Yes, when
Before placing
next layer
Before using in
Table 303replace
303.07 Roadway Reconditioning.
Add the following:
Remove cattleguard decks. Clean the deck and the area beneath the cattleguard of soil and other
material to the bottom of the original foundation over the entire width of the installation.
Reinstall the cattleguard deck.
Adds Mile - create a pay item if using station or foot
303.10 Measurement
Modify the second paragraph as follows:
Measure ditch reconditioning and shoulder reconditioning by the mile, station, or foot
horizontally along the centerline of the roadway for each side of the roadway.
306 - Dust Palliative
Use in all contracts with Section 306
306.03 General.
Add the words “or rainy” after the word “foggy” in the third sentence.
Use with Section 306 to include compaction -- must designate compaction requirements on the plans
306.04 Preparation and Application.
Add the following to the last paragraph:
When designated, begin compaction as soon as palliative has penetrated enough to prevent
pickup of material. Operate rollers over the full width of each layer until visual displacement
Use in all contracts with 306 -- requires submission of material certifications
306.06 Acceptance.
Add the following:
Submit certification and samples as specified in Table 306-1.
Include in all contracts with section 306
Add Table 306-1:
Table 306-1—Sampling and Testing.
Type of
Test Method
Point of
Subsection 725
1 per type of
Source of
Prior to
EPA Standard
Procedure 2022
Specific Gravity Chart (2) (liquid
products only)
Material Safety
Data Sheet
First load and
determined by the
CO thereafter
vehicle (3)
submitted to
Note: 1) 96-Hour static toxicity test using Daphnia and juvenal rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
2) Specific Gravity Chart: Correlation of Specific Gravity with percent solids of constituent presented in 1 percent increments
beginning with a 5 percent solution up to, including, and exceeding 5 percent (or the solubility limit of the product) the
proposed concentration of the undiluted product.
3) If the product is liquid, obtain a two-liter sample from the transfer load. If the product is solid obtain a 1-pound sample from
the load.
320 - Stockpiled Aggregates
Use in contracts to include stockpiled aggregate.
320.01 This work consists of furnishing and placing aggregate in a stockpile at an existing site
or constructing a new site and placing the aggregate at the new site.
320.02 Conform to the following Section:
Provide the gradation and quality requirements specified in the Section identified in the pay item.
Construction Requirements
320.03 Stockpile Site. Prepare existing sites as necessary to accommodate the quantity of
aggregate to be stockpiled.
For new sites, clear and grub according to Section 201. Grade and shape the site to a uniform
cross-section that drains. Compact the floor of the site with at least three passes using
compaction equipment conforming to Subsection 204.11. Place, compact, and maintain a
minimum 6 inches of crushed aggregate over the stockpile site and access roads. Prevent
contamination of the stockpiles.
320.04 Stockpile. After a representative quantity of aggregate is produced, submit proposed
target values for the appropriate sieve sizes along with a representative 350-pound sample.
Set target values within the gradation ranges shown in Table 703-2 or 703-3 for the required
Request site approval before stockpiling aggregates. Make the stockpiles neat and regular in
shape. Make the side slopes no flatter than 1:1.5.
Build the stockpiles in layers not exceeding 3 feet thick. Complete each layer before depositing
aggregates in the next layer. Do not allow aggregates from the one layer to run down over lower
layers of the stockpile. Do not drop aggregates from a bucket or spout in one location to form a
cone-shaped pile.
Construct stockpile layers by spreading aggregates with trucks or other approved pneumatic-tired
equipment. Do not push aggregates into piles.
When operating trucks on stockpiles, avoid tracking dirt or other deleterious material onto the
stockpiled material.
Space stockpiles far enough apart or separate stockpiles by suitable walls or partitions to prevent
the mixing of the different aggregate gradations.
320.05 Acceptance. Aggregate for stockpiling will be evaluated under Subsection 301.08 and
Table 301-1. The point of sampling will be the belt or stockpile.
Preparation of stockpile sites and construction of stockpiles will be evaluated under Subsections
106.02 and 106.04.
Clearing will be evaluated under Section 201.
320.06 Measure the 320 items listed in the bid schedule according to subsection 109.02.
320.07 The accepted quantities, measured as provided in subsection 109.02 and above, will be
paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section 320 pay items listed in the bid
schedule except the stockpiled aggregate.
321 - Major Aggregate Courses
A stand-alone modification of 301 - includes additives. Must use FSSS 703.05 with FSSS321. Subsection 321.04 modified 11/01/05
321.01 This work consists of constructing one or more courses of aggregate on a prepared
surface. Work includes producing aggregate by grid rolling, screening, or crushing methods, or
placing pit-run or Government-furnished aggregate. Work may include additive mineral filler, or
Surface aggregate grading is designated as shown in Table 703-3.
Subbase and base aggregate grading is designated as shown in Table 703-2.
Screened aggregate grading is designated as shown in Table 703-16.
321.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Calcium Chloride flake
Magnesium Chloride or Calcium Chloride liquid
Lignin Sulfonate
Construction Requirements
321.03 General. Prepare the surface on which the aggregate course is placed according to Section
204 or 303 as applicable.
Request approval of the roadbed in writing before placing aggregate.
Develop and use Government provided sources according to Section 105.
Develop, haul, and apply water in accordance with Section 170.
Submit a written quality control plan and perform the Contractor quality control and inspections
according to Section 153.
After a representative quantity of subbase, base, or surface aggregate is produced, submit proposed
target values for the appropriate sieve sizes along with a representative 75-pound sample at least
two days before incorporating the aggregate into the work. Submit target values within the
gradation ranges shown in Table 703-2 or 703-3 for the required grading. After reviewing the
Contractor’s proposed target values the CO will determine the final values for the gradation and
notify the Contractor in writing.
No quality requirements or no gradation other than maximum size will be required for pit run
and grid-rolled material. For grid rolling, use all suitable material that can be reduced to
maximum size.
After processing on the road, remove all oversize material from the road and dispose of it as
directed by the CO.
Provide additives or binder, if required, at the proportions specified.
If the aggregate is produced and stockpiled before placement, handle and stockpiled according to
Section 320. Establish stockpile sites at approved locations.
321.04 Mixing and Spreading. Mix the aggregate and adjust the moisture content to obtain a
uniform mixture with a moisture content suitable for the specified compaction method. Spread and
shape the mixture on the prepared surface in a uniform layer with no segregation of size, and to a
loose depth that will provide the required compacted thickness.
Do not place in layers exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness for aggregate base and surface
courses or twice the maximum particle size for screened aggregate. When more than one layer is
necessary, compact each layer according to Subsection 321.05 before placing the next layer. Route
hauling and leveling equipment uniformly over the full width.
When placing aggregate over geotextile, place aggregate in a single lift to the full depth specified.
When additives are specified ensure that aggregate, additives, and any required water, mineral
filler, and binder are mixed by the specified method. Control additive proportions to 0.5 percent
dry weight.
Additive Mixing Methods:
(a) Stationary Plant Method. Mix the aggregate with other required materials in an
approved mixer. Add water during the mixing operation in the amount necessary to
provide the moisture content for compacting to the specified density. After mixing,
transport the aggregate to the jobsite while it contains the proper moisture content, and
place it on the roadbed or base course using an aggregate spreader.
(b) Travel Plant Method. After placing the aggregate for each layer with an aggregate
spreader or windrow-sizing device, uniformly mix it with other required materials using a
traveling mixing plant or rotary mixer. During mixing, add water to provide the
necessary moisture content for compacting to the specified density.
(c) Road Mix Method. After placing the aggregate for each layer, mix it with other required
materials at the required moisture content for compacting to the specified density until a
uniform distribution is obtained.
321.05 Compacting. Compact each layer full width. Roll from the sides to the center, parallel to
the centerline of the road. Along curbs, headers, walls, and all places not accessible to the roller,
compact the material with approved tampers or compactors.
Compact the aggregate using one of the following methods as specified:
Compaction A. Operating spreading and hauling equipment over the full width of the
Compaction B. Operate rollers and compact as specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction C. Moisten or dry the aggregate to a uniform moisture content between 5
and 7 percent based on total dry weight of the mixture. Operate rollers and compact as
specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction D. Compact to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 99, method C or D.
Compaction E. Compact to a density of at least 96 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
Compaction F. Compact to a density of at least 95 per-cent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 180, method C or D.
Compaction G. Compact to a density of at least 100 percent of the maximum density as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
For all compaction methods, blade the surface of each layer during the compaction operations to
remove irregularities and produce a smooth, even surface. When a density requirement is
specified, determine the in place density and moisture content according to AASHTO T 310 or
other approved test procedures.
321.06 Construction Tolerance. If grade finishing stakes are required, finish the surface to
within ±0.05 feet from staked line and grade elevation.
If grade finishing stakes are not required, shape the surface to the required template and check the
surface with a 10-foot straightedge. Defective areas are surface deviations in excess of 1/2 inch in
10 feet between any two contacts of the straightedge with the surface.
Correct all defective areas by loosening the material, adding or removing material, reshaping, and
Ensure that the compacted thickness is not consistently above or below the specified thickness.
The allowable average thickness of four random measurements for any ½ mile of road segment is
within + ¼ inch of the specified thickness. The maximum variation from the compacted specified
thickness is ½ inch.
Ensure that the compacted width is not consistently above the specified width. The allowable
average width of any four random measurements along any ½ mile of road segment is within +4
inches of the specified width. The maximum variation from the specified width will not exceed
+12 inches at any point.
321.07 Maintenance. Maintain the aggregate course to the correct line, grade, and cross-section
by blading, watering, rolling, or any combination thereof until placement of the next course.
Correct all defects according to Subsection 321.06.
321.08 Acceptance. See Table 321-1 or Table 321-2 as applicable, for sampling and testing
Aggregate gradation and surface course plasticity index will be evaluated under Subsection 106.04.
If the aggregate is obtained from a Government stockpile then the above characteristics will be
evaluated under Subsection 106.02. Other aggregate quality properties will be evaluated under
Subsections 106.02 and 106.04. Placement of aggregate courses will be evaluated under
Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
The allowable upper and lower aggregate gradation limits are the Target Value plus or minus the
allowable deviations shown in Tables 703-2 and 703-3.
The allowable upper and lower Plasticity index limits for surface courses are stated in 703.05(b).
Preparation of the surface on which the aggregate course is placed will be evaluated under Section
204 or 303 as applicable.
321.09 Measure the Section 321 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and the following as applicable.
Measure square yard width horizontally to include the top of aggregate width including designed
widening. Measure the square yard length horizontally along the centerline of the roadway.
If the measurement for aggregate is by cubic yard using contract quantities then measure
aggregate by the cubic yard in-place once compacted, otherwise measurement for aggregate by
the cubic yard is measured by the cubic yard in the hauling vehicle.
Measure thickness perpendicular to the grade of the travelway.
Measure width perpendicular to the centerline.
321.10 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 321 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
Measured and
for conformance
(106.04 & 105)
Measured and
for conformance
Measured and
for conformance
Subbase, Base, and Surface
Surface course
Type of
Aggregate source quality
Material or Product
ASTM D 5821
Durability index
(coarse & fine)
Fractured faces
Plasticity index
ASTM D5821
Liquid limit
Fractured faces
& T 11
Sodium sulfate
soundness loss
(coarse & fine)
Test Methods
LA abrasion
1 per 1000
1 per 1000
1 per type &
source of
Table 321-1
Sampling and Testing Requirements
From windrow
or roadbed after
processing or
from approved
crusher sampling
Yes, when
From windrow or
roadbed after
processing or
from approved
crusher sampling
Source of
Point of
48 hours
48 hours
Before using
in work
Measured and
for conformance
(1) Minimum of 5 points per proctor.
Measured and
for conformance
Type of
Subbase, Base, and Surface
Material or Product
Amount of
or other approved
R-1 Marshall
R-1 Marshall
AASHTO T 99 (1)
Test Methods
In-place density
& moisture
Method G
Method F
Method E
Method D
1 per 1000
4 per each 0.5
1 per 500 tons
1 per type and
source of
Table 321-1 (continued)
Sampling and Testing Requirements
From windrow
on roadbed after
Yes, when
Roadbed after
Source of material
Point of
4 hours
Before placing
next layer
Before using in
Screened Aggregate
Material or Product
Measured and
for conformance
(106.04 )
Type of
T 11
Liquid Limit
1 each
per1000 tons
Test Methods
Plastic Limit
Table 321-2
Sampling and Testing Requirements
From the
windrow or
roadbed after
processing or
from approved
crusher sampling
Point of
48 hours
322 - Minor Aggregate Courses
A stand-alone modification of 301 - does not include additives, use with FSSS 703.05. Subsection 322.04 modified 11/1/05.
322.01 This work consists of constructing one or more courses of aggregate on a prepared
surface. Work includes producing aggregate by grid rolling, screening, or crushing methods, or
placing pit-run or Government-furnished aggregate.
Surface aggregate grading is designated as shown in Table 703-3.
Subbase and base aggregate grading is designated as shown in Table 703-2.
Screened aggregate grading is designated as shown in Table 703-16.
322.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Construction Requirements
322.03 General. Prepare the surface on which the aggregate course is placed according to Section
204 or 303 as applicable.
Request approval of the roadbed in writing before placing aggregate.
Develop, haul, and apply water in accordance to Section 170.
Submit target values within the gradation ranges shown in Table 703-2 or 703-3 for the required
grading. After reviewing the proposed target values the CO will determine the final values for the
gradation and notify the Contractor in writing.
No quality requirements or gradation other than maximum size will be required for pit run and
grid-rolled material. For grid rolling, use all suitable material that can be reduced to maximum
After processing on the road, remove all oversize material from the road and dispose of it as
directed by the CO.
If the aggregate is produced and stockpiled before placement, handle and stockpiled according to
Section 320. Establish stockpile sites at approved locations.
322.04 Mixing and Spreading. Mix the aggregate and adjust the moisture content to obtain a
uniform mixture with a moisture content suitable for the specified compaction method. Spread and
shape the mixture on the prepared surface in a uniform layer with no segregation of size, and to a
loose depth that will provide the required compacted thickness.
Do not place in layers exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness for aggregate base and surface
courses or twice the maximum particle size for screened aggregate. When more than one layer is
necessary, compact each layer according to Subsection 322.05 before placing the next layer. Route
hauling and leveling equipment uniformly over the full width.
When placing aggregate over geotextile, place aggregate in a single lift to the full depth specified.
322.05 Compacting. Compact each layer full width. Roll from the sides to the center, parallel to
the centerline of the road. Along curbs, headers, walls, and all places not accessible to the roller,
compact the material with approved tampers or compactors.
Compact the aggregate using one of the following methods as specified:
Compaction A. Operating spreading and hauling equipment over the full width of the
Compaction B. Operate rollers and compact as specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction C. Moisten or dry the aggregate to a uniform moisture content between 5
and 7 percent based on total dry weight of the mixture. Operate rollers and compact as
specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction D. Compact to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 99, method C or D.
Compaction E. Compact to a density of at least 96 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
Compaction F. Compact to a density of at least 95 per-cent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 180, method C or D.
Compaction G. Compact to a density of at least 100 percent of the maximum density as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
For all compaction methods, blade the surface of each layer during the compaction operations to
remove irregularities and produce a smooth, even surface. When a density requirement is
specified, determine the in place density and moisture content according to AASHTO T 310 or
other approved test procedures.
322.06 Construction Tolerance. If grade finishing stakes are required, finish the surface to
within ±0.10 feet from staked line and grade elevation.
If grade finishing stakes are not required, shape the surface to the required template and check the
surface with a 10-foot straightedge. Defective areas are surface deviations in excess of 1/2 inch in
10 feet between any two contacts of the straightedge with the surface.
Correct all defective areas by loosening the material, adding or removing material, reshaping, and
Ensure that the compacted thickness is not consistently above or below the specified thickness.
The maximum variation from the compacted specified thickness is ½ inch.
Ensure that the compacted width is not consistently above the specified width. The maximum
variation from the specified width will not exceed +12 inches at any point.
322.07 Maintenance. Maintain the aggregate course to the correct line, grade, and cross-section
by blading, watering, rolling, or any combination thereof until placement of the next course.
Correct all defects according to Subsection 322.06.
322.08 Acceptance. See Table 322-1 or Table 322-2 as applicable, for sampling and testing
Aggregate gradation and surface course plasticity index will be evaluated under Subsection 106.04.
If the aggregate is obtained from a Government stockpile then the above characteristics will be
evaluated under Subsection 106.02. Other aggregate quality properties will be evaluated under
Subsections 106.02 and 106.04. Placement of aggregate courses will be evaluated under
Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
The allowable upper and lower aggregate gradation limits are the Target Value plus or minus the
allowable deviations shown in Tables 703-2 and 703-3.
The allowable upper and lower Plasticity index limits for surface courses are stated in 703.05(b).
Preparation of the surface on which the aggregate course is placed will be evaluated under Section
204 or 303 as applicable.
322.09 Measure the Section 322 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and the following as applicable.
Measure square yard width horizontally to include the top of aggregate width including designed
widening. Measure the square yard length horizontally along the centerline of the roadway.
If the measurement for aggregate is by cubic yard using contract quantities then measure
aggregate by the cubic yard in-place once compacted, otherwise measurement for aggregate by
the cubic yard is measured by the cubic yard in the hauling vehicle.
Measure thickness perpendicular to the grade of the travelway.
Measure width perpendicular to the centerline.
322.10 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 322 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
Measured and
for conformance
(106.04 & 105)
Measured and
for conformance
Subbase, Base, and Surface
Type of
Aggregate source quality
Material or Product
ASTM D 5821
Fractured faces
Durability index
(coarse & fine)
Sodium sulfate
soundness loss
(coarse & fine)
Test Methods
LA abrasion
2 per day
1 per type &
source of
Table 322-1
Sampling and Testing Requirements
From windrow or
roadbed after
processing or
from approved
crusher sampling
Source of
Point of
Yes, when
48 hours
Before using
in work
Measured and
for conformance
Type of
(1) Minimum of 5 points per proctor.
Subbase, Base, and Surface
Material or Product
In-place density
& moisture
Method G
Method F
Method E
Method D
or other approved
R-1 Marshall
R-1 Marshall
AASHTO T 99 (1)
Test Methods
3 per day
1 per type and
source of
Table 322-1 (continued)
Sampling and Testing Requirements
Source of material
Point of
Yes, when
Before placing
next layer
Before using in
Screened Aggregate
Material or Product
Measured and
for conformance
(106.04 )
Type of
Test Methods
2 per day
Table 322-2
Sampling and Testing Requirements
From windrow or
roadbed after
processing or
from approved
crusher sampling
Point of
48 hours
324 - Minor Aggregate, Commercial Source
use when small quantity of aggregate is required and practical to use a commercial source (allows use of local agency gradations)
324.01 This work consists of constructing one or more courses of aggregate on a prepared
surface. Work includes producing aggregate by crushing methods.
324.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Construction Requirements
324.03 General. Prepare the surface on which the aggregate course is placed according to Section
204 or 303 as applicable.
Request approval of the roadbed in writing before placing aggregate.
Develop, haul, and apply water in accordance to Section 170.
Submit aggregate gradations for approval by the CO.
After processing on the road, remove all oversize material from the road and dispose of it as
directed by the CO.
If the aggregate is produced and stockpiled before placement, handle and stockpiled according to
Section 320. Establish stockpile sites at approved locations.
324.04 Mixing and Spreading. Mix the aggregate and adjust the moisture content to obtain a
uniform mixture with moisture content suitable for the specified compaction method. Spread and
shape the mixture on the prepared surface in a uniform layer with no segregation of size, and to a
loose depth that will provide the required compacted thickness. Place the mixture in a maximum
compacted layer thickness of 6 inches.
When more than one layer is necessary, compact each layer according to Subsection 324.05 before
placing the next layer. Route hauling and leveling equipment uniformly over the full width.
When placing aggregate over geotextile, place aggregate in a single lift to the full depth specified.
324.05 Compacting. Compact each layer full width. Roll from the sides to the center, parallel to
the centerline of the road. Along curbs, headers, walls, and all places not accessible to the roller,
compact the material with approved tampers or compactors.
Compact the aggregate using one of the following methods as specified:
Compaction A. Operating spreading and hauling equipment over the full width of the
Compaction B. Operate rollers and compact as specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction C. Moisten or dry the aggregate to a uniform moisture content between 5
and 7 percent based on total dry weight of the mixture. Operate rollers and compact as
specified in Subsection 204.11(a)(1).
Compaction D. Compact to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 99, method C or D.
Compaction E. Compact to a density of at least 96 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
Compaction F. Compact to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density, as
determined by AASHTO T 180, method C or D.
Compaction G. Compact to a density of at least 100 percent of the maximum density as
determined by the Modified Marshall Hammer Compaction Method (available upon
request from USDA Forest Service, Regional Materials Engineering Center, P.O. Box
7669, Missoula, MT 59807).
For all compaction methods, blade the surface of each layer during the compaction operations to
remove irregularities and produce a smooth, even surface. When a density requirement is
specified, determine the in place density and moisture content according to AASHTO T 310 or
other approved test procedures.
324.06 Construction Tolerance. If grade finishing stakes are required, finish the surface to
within ±0.10 feet from staked line and grade elevation.
If grade finishing stakes are not required, shape the surface to the required template and check the
surface with a 10-foot straightedge. Defective areas are surface deviations in excess of 1/2 inch in
10 feet between any two contacts of the straightedge with the surface.
Correct all defective areas by loosening the material, adding or removing material, reshaping, and
Ensure that the compacted thickness is not consistently above or below the specified thickness.
The maximum variation from the compacted specified thickness is ½ inch.
Ensure that the compacted width is not consistently above the specified width. The maximum
variation from the specified width will not exceed +12 inches at any point.
324.07 Maintenance. Maintain the aggregate course to the correct line, grade, and cross-section
by blading, watering, rolling, or any combination thereof until placement of the next course.
Correct all defects according to Subsection 324.06.
324.08 Acceptance. See Table 324-1 for sampling and testing requirements.
Aggregate gradation and surface course plasticity index will be evaluated under Subsection 106.03
and 106.04. Other aggregate quality properties will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and
106.03. Placement of aggregate courses will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04.
Preparation of the surface on which the aggregate course is placed will be evaluated under Section
204 or 303 as applicable.
324.09 Measure the Section 324 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and the following as applicable.
Measure square yard width horizontally to include the top of aggregate width including designed
widening. Measure the square yard length horizontally along the centerline of the roadway.
If the measurement for aggregate is by cubic yard using contract quantities then measure
aggregate by the cubic yard in-place once compacted, otherwise measurement for aggregate by
the cubic yard is measured by the cubic yard in the hauling vehicle.
Measure thickness perpendicular to the grade of the travelway.
Measure width perpendicular to the centerline.
324.10 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 324 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
Measured and
for conformance
(106.03 & 105)
Measured and
for conformance
Subbase, Base, and Surface
Type of
Aggregate source quality
Material or Product
ASTM D 5821
Fractured faces
Durability index
(coarse & fine)
Sodium sulfate
soundness loss
(coarse & fine)
Test Methods
LA abrasion
2 per day
1 per type &
source of
Table 324-1
Sampling and Testing Requirements
From windrow or
roadbed after
processing or
from approved
crusher sampling
Source of
Point of
Yes, when
48 hours
Before using
in work
Measured and
for conformance
Type of
(1) Minimum of 5 points per proctor.
Subbase, Base, and Surface
Material or Product
In-place density
& moisture
Method G
Method F
Method E
Method D
or other approved
R-1 Marshall
R-1 Marshall
AASHTO T 99 (1)
Test Methods
3 per day
1 per type and
source of
Table 324-1 (continued)
Sampling and Testing Requirements
Source of material
Point of
Yes, when
Before placing
next layer
Before using in
401 - Superpave Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement
Corrects Reference in subsection 401.16(b)
401.16 (b)International roughness index (IRI).
Delete the first sentence of subsection 401.16(b) and substitute the following:
For type III or IV pavement roughness, furnish an inertial profiler conforming to AASHTO PP
50 and validated according to AASHTO PP 49.
Corrects typo - equation in Table 401-4
Delete Table 401-4 and substitute the following:
Table 401-4 Type IV Pavement Roughness
Table 401-4
Type IV Pavement Roughness
Single Lift (1)
Pay Adjustment
Factor (1)
Greater than 48.4
24.8 to 48.4
12.4 to 24.7
0.9 to 12.3
Less than 0.9
Multi-Lift (2)
Pay Adjustment
Factor (2)
PAF = 12.50
PAF = 0.5274(%) – 13.027
PAF = 0.00
PAF = 13.2609(%) – 40.435
Reject (3)
Greater than 61.1
43.3 to 61.1
34.0 to 43.2
25.4 to 33.9
Less than 25.4
PAF = 12.50
PAF = 0.6983(%) – 30.168
PAF = 0.00
PAF = 4.3605(%) – 148.260
Reject (3)
(1) For single lift overlays with no other corrective work such as milling, grinding or preleveling in excess of 25 percent of
the surface area the of existing pavement.
(2) For multiple lift operations such as milling, grinding or preleveling followed by one or more lifts of pavement or two or
more lifts of pavement without milling, grinding or preleveling.
(3) Pay adjustment factor when corrections are not allowed equals minus 37.5.
402 - Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement by Hveem or Marshall Mix
Design Method
Corrects form number error
402.03 (b)Submission.
Delete the first sentence of subsection 402.03(b) and substitute the following:
Submit written job-mix formulas with Form FHWA 1607 (Hveem) or Form 1622 (Marshall) for
approval at least 28 days before production.
403 - Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement
Include in all contracts with 403 - add surface preparation criteria
403.06 Surface Preparation.
Add the following:
Prelevel dips, depressions, sags, excessive or nonexistent crown, or other surface irregularities
with hot asphalt concrete according to Section 404. Spread and compact the hot asphalt concrete
in layers parallel to the grade line not exceeding 2 inches in compacted depth.
Include in all contracts with 403 -- adds tolerance for width & thickness of pavement
403.16 Pavement Smoothness.
Delete the heading and replace with the following:
Pavement Smoothness and Surface Tolerance
Add the following:
The maximum variation from the compacted width is 3 inches and the average width of 4 or
measurements for any ½ mile of road segment is the specified width.
The maximum variation from the compacted specified thickness is ¼ inch and the average
thickness of 4 measurements for any ½ mile of road segment is the specified thickness
Include in all contracts with 403 - Adds pavement width and thickness sampling requirements
Add the following:
Table 403-1—Acceptance Sampling and Testing Requirements.
Material or
Type of
Test Methods
Point of
Pavement Width
Measured and tested
(Subsection 106.04)
4 per each 0.5
Pavement after
4 Hours
Pavement Thickness
Measured and tested
(Subsection 106.04)
4 per each 0.5
Pavement after
4 Hours
Include in all contracts with 403 -- Modifies Table 403-1 Sampling & Testing requirements
403.17 Acceptance.
Modify Table 403-1 Sampling, Testing, and Acceptance Requirements as follows:
In the sampling frequency column for the characteristics: gradation, asphalt content, and
compaction, add the following:
but no fewer than a minimum of 1 per shift
404 - Minor Hot Asphalt Concrete
Include in all contracts with 404 -- requires submittal of job-mix formula. Modified 06/09/06
404.02 Composition of Mix (Job-Mix Formula).
Delete the second paragraph and replace with the following:
Submit a job-mix formula and supporting documentation, test results, and calculations for the
material to be incorporated into the work. Include copies of laboratory test results and mix design
data that demonstrate that the properties of the aggregate, additives, and mixture meet the current
requirements and criteria of Federal or state agencies. Ensure that the job-mix formula was
performed no more than one year prior to placing the hot asphalt concrete. After reviewing the
Contractor’s proposed job-mix formula, the CO will determine the final values for the job-mix
formula to be used and notify the Contractor in writing.
Include in all contracts with Section 404 -- modifies weather limitations
404.04 Weather Limitations.
Change 35o F to 45o F:
Include in all contracts with 404 -- adds requirement of written approvals before placing asphalt; adds joint construction requirements
404.06 Placing.
Add the following:
Do not place asphalt until the CO has approved in writing the area where it will be placed.
Delete the last sentence and replace with the following:
Offset the longitudinal joint of one layer at least 6 inches from the joint in the layer immediately
below. Make the longitudinal joint in the top layer along the centerline of two-lane roadways or
at the lane lines of roadways with more than two lanes. Offset transverse joints in succeeding
layers and in adjacent lanes at least 10 feet, where possible.
Include in contracts with 404 for roadway paving
404.07 Compacting (a).
Delete and replace with the following:
(a) Roadway paving. Thoroughly and uniformly compact the surface a minimum of three passes
with rollers that meet one of the following requirements:
(1) Steel-wheeled rollers, other than vibratory type, capable of exerting a force of not less than
1.5 ton/feet of width of the compression roll or rolls.
(2) Vibratory steel-wheel rollers with a minimum mass of 5 ton, equipped with amplitude and
frequency controls, and designed to compact asphalt concrete.
(3) Pneumatic-tire rollers with smooth tread tires of equal size that provide a uniform compacting
pressure for the full width of the roller and capable of exerting a ground pressure of at least 80
Perform initial compaction while the mixture is above 250 °F. Perform finish rolling with steelwheel rollers and continue until no roller tracks remain.
Include with 404 when non-roadway paving is to be done.
404.07 Compacting (b).
Delete and replace with the following:
(b) Non-roadway paving. Compact by rolling with a hand-operated roller with a mass of least 1
ton. Perform initial compaction while the mixture is above 250 °F and continue until no roller
tracks remain.
Include in all contracts with 404 -- adds Table 404-1 Sampling & Testing Reqts
404.09 Acceptance.
Add the following to the second paragraph:
See Table 404-1 for sampling and testing requirements.
Table 404-1. Delete and replace with the following:
Table 404-1. Sampling and Testing Requirements.
Type of
per project
and at least
one per
500 Cubic
Point of
prior to
As soon as
409 - Asphalt Surface Treatment
State Requirements
409.02 Material.
Add the following:
When designated, conform to applicable State department of transportation asphalt cement or
emulsified asphalt requirements.
409.06 Weather.
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Apply surface treatments with aggregate only when ambient air and surface temperatures are
above 60 °F and rising in the shade, when the weather is not foggy or rainy, and when rain is not
forecast for at least 24 hours after application.
409.06 Date & Time.
Add the following.
Construct fog seal and single-course surface treatments between _____ (dates) and ______ and
multiple-course surface treatments between ______ and ______.
409.08 Asphalt Application.
Add the following to the 3rd paragraph:
Ensure the length of spread is no more than what can be covered with aggregate within 1 minute
of the asphalt application.
409.10 Fog Seal.
Add the following to the first paragraph:
Dilute by adding an equal amount of water to the emulsified asphalt. Do not cut the emulsified
asphalt more than once.
409.11 Single Course Surface Treatments.
Add the following:
Do not permit traffic to travel over any Asphalt Surface Treatment until completion of rolling.
Corrects conversion liters to gallons - Table 409-01
Delete Table 409-1 and substitute the following:
Table 409-1 Approximate Quantities of Material-Single Course Surface Treatment
Table 409-1
Approximate Quantities of Material for
Single-Course Surface Treatment
Size of
Gradation (1)
Quantity of
Aggregate (2)
Quantity of
Asphalt (3)
Quantity of
Binder (3)
3/4 inch
40 – 49
0.40 – 0.55
0.27 – 0.38
1/2 inch
26 – 29
0.31 – 0.44
0.20 – 0.31
3/8 inch
20 – 26
0.20 – 0.35
0.13 – 0.24
No. 4
15 – 20
0.15 – 0.22
0.11 – 0.18
9 – 15
0.11 – 0.18
0.09 – 0.15
(1) See Table 703-7 for aggregate gradations.
(2) Aggregate masses are for aggregates having a bulk specific gravity of 2.65, as determined by
AASHTO T 84 and
T 85. Make proportionate corrections when the aggregate furnished has a bulk specific gravity
above 2.75 or below 2.55.
(3) Adjust the asphalt content for the condition of the road.
Corrects conversion liters to gallons - Table 409-2
Table 409-2 Approximate Quantities of Material – Double Course Surface Treatments
Delete Tables 409-2 and substitute the following:
Table 409-2
Approximate Quantities of Material for
Double Course Surface Treatments
Quantity of
Asphalt (3)
of Asphalt
Binder (3)
26 – 35
0.20 – 0.31
0.11 – 0.22
No. 4
9 – 15
0.31 – 0.40
0.18 – 0.29
1/2 inch
29 – 40
0.31 – 0.40
0.18 – 0.29
2 Application
No. 4
14 – 20
0.40 – 0.51
0.24 – 0.33
2C (3/4 inch)
1st Application
3/4 inch
40 – 49
0.35 – 0.51
0.22 – 0.33
3/8 inch
20 – 26
0.51 – 0.60
0.33 – 0.42
Size of
2A (1/2 inch)
1 Application
3/8 inch
2nd Application
2B (5/8 inch)
1 Application
2 Application
Quantity of
(1) See Table 703-7 for aggregate gradations.
(2) Aggregate masses are for aggregates having a bulk specific gravity of 2.65, as determined by
AASHTO T 84 and
T 85. Make proportionate corrections when the aggregate furnished has a bulk specific gravity
above 2.75 or below 2.55.
(3) Adjust the asphalt content of the first application for the condition of the road.
Corrects conversion liters to gallons - Table 409-3
Delete Tables 409-2 and substitute the following:
Table 409-3 Approximate Quantities of Material – Triple Course Surface Treatments
Table 409-3
Approximate Quantities of Material for
Triple Course Surface Treatments
Size of
3A (1/2 inch)
1 Application
Quantity of
Quantity of
Asphalt (3)
Quantity of
3/8 inch
26 – 35
0.20 – 0.31
0.11 – 0.22
2 Application
3rd Application
No. 4
9 – 15
9 – 15
0.24 – 0.35
0.20 – 0.31
0.15 – 0.27
0.11 – 0.22
3B (5/8 inch)
1 Application
1/2 inch
29 – 40
0.20 – 0.31
0.11 – 0.22
2nd Application
3/8 inch
15 – 20
0.31 – 0.40
0.18 – 0.29
3 Application
No. 4
9 – 15
0.20 – 0.31
0.11 – 0.22
3C (3/4 inch)
1 Application
3/4 inch
35 – 46
0.24 – 0.35
0.15 – 0.27
3/8 inch
20 – 26
0.31 – 0.40
0.18 – 0.29
No. 4
9 – 15
0.24 – 0.35
0.15 – 0.27
2 Application
3 Application
(1) See Table 703-7 for aggregate gradations.
(2) Aggregate masses are for aggregates having a bulk specific gravity of 2.65 as determined by
AASHTO T 84 and
T 85. Make proportionate corrections when the aggregate furnished has a bulk specific gravity
above 2.75 or below 2.55.
(3) Adjust the asphalt content of the first application for the condition of the road.
409.13 Acceptance.
Delete the 2nd paragraph and replace with the following:
Aggregate gradation for asphalt surface treatment will be evaluated under Subsection 106.04.
Table 409-4 Sampling and Testing Requirements.
Delete the last cell (4th) under Sampling Frequency and replace with the following:
1 per tanker truck and 1 per trailer
Delete the 2nd and 3rd cell under Type of Acceptance and replace with the following:
Measured and tested for conformance (106.04)
411 - Asphalt Prime Coat
411.06 Asphalt Application.
Add to the fifth paragraph:
If emulsified asphalt is used, use choker aggregate.
412 - Asphalt Tack Coat
Replaces subsection 07; changes references for acceptance of emulsified asphalt tack coat.
412.07 Acceptance
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Emulsified asphalt will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02, 106.03, and 702.07.
413 - Asphalt Pavement Milling
Modifies sections 01,03,05, 06, adds asphalt cutting to work, deletes rotory broom requirement, make milling & cutting indirect to 404 pay items.
Add the following:
This work also includes cutting asphalt pavement.
Construction Requirements
413.03 Milling.
Add the following to the end of the first paragraph:
Prior to milling, cut existing asphalt pavement at the locations and to the extent shown on the
plans. Cut the asphalt pavement to form a vertical face in unfractured asphalt surfacing.
Delete the first sentence of paragraph five and replace with the following:
Remove and completely recover all loose milled material.
Delete the second paragraph and replace with the following:
Do not measure asphalt pavement milling or asphalt pavement cutting.
Delete the first sentence and replace with the following:
Payment is indirect to Section 404 pay items listed in the Schedule of Items.
414 - Asphalt Pavement Crack and Joint Sealing
414.02 Material.
Add the following:
Backer Rod
Low-modulus rubberized asphalt
712.01 (a) (7)
414.05 Crack Cleaning and Sealing.
Delete and replace with:
414.05 Asphalt Pavement Crack Sealing and Filling.
Crack seal and fill only when internal pavement temperatures are between 36 and 68 °F the road
surface is dry, there is no frost in the road section, and the weather is not foggy or rainy.
Heat, mix, and apply the crack sealing and filling materials as recommended by the sealant
manufacturer. Submit a copy of the manufacture’s recommendations to the CO prior to the start
of work.
Prepare cracks between 1/4 inch and 1 inch and apply sealant by one of the following methods:
Crack Sealing - Rout and clean all cracks between 1/4 inch and 1 inch wide. Rout cracks
to produce a reservoir with straight ½ inch vertical walls and a 1 1/2 inch wide flat
bottom. Use a low-modulus rubberized asphalt. Completely fill the routed cross section
flush with the pavement surface.
Crack Filling - Clean the crack between 1/4 inch and 1 inch wide. Prepare cracks to a
depth of at least three times the crack width. Ensure crack sealing materials penetrates
more than twice the crack width.
For cracks between 1/2 inch and 1 inch where sealant penetrates more than two times the crack
width, use a backer rod.
For cracks with a width greater than or equal to 1 inch, clean and fill flush to the existing surface
with asphalt mix according to Section 401, 402, 403, 404, or 417.
For cracks less than ¼ inch wide, clean and fill with CSS-1, SS-1, or joint sealant. Apply a
sealant band less than 2 inches over the crack, such that the crack is centered under the band.
Submit a copy of, and adhere to, the manufacture’s recommendations for heating and applying
the joint sealant.
Clean cracks with a stream of air to remove all dirt, dust, or deleterious matter adhering to the
crack walls or remaining in the crack cavity so that the crack is clean and dry when the sealant is
applied. Blow or brush dry material off the pavement surface. Avoid damage to the adjacent
Use approved methods to protect all seal materials from being picked up by traffic. Treat seal
material tracked onto the road surface as directed by the CO.
430 - Asphalt Pavement Patching
New Specification
430.01 This work consists of performing full depth patching, patching with geotextiles, skin
patching, spray-injection patching, and removal and replacement of asphalt berms.
430.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Minor Hot Asphalt Pavement
Asphalt Binder
Cutback Asphalt
Emulsified Asphalt
Application Temperatures
Cold Asphalt Mix
703.07 (a) and (b)
Choker Aggregate
Geotextile Type VI
430.03 Composition of Mix (Job-Mix Formula). Furnish either Minor Hot Asphalt Pavement
or Minor Cold Asphalt Mix as approved by the CO.
430.04 Full Depth Patch.
Remove material to a minimum depth of 4 inches, or as necessary to reach firm support. If firm
support for a patch is unavailable, notify the CO prior to placing any material.
Trim or mill the edges of the prepared hole to form a vertical face in un-fractured asphalt
surfacing. Make the prepared hole rectangular, and clean it of all loose material. When the hole
is dry, apply emulsified asphalt to the bottom and faces of the hole. Barricade prepared sites.
Patch the sites immediately after the emulsified asphalt breaks. Place the asphalt concrete
mixture in layers not exceeding 4 inches. Thoroughly compact each layer with hand or
mechanical tampers or rollers. For hot asphalt concrete mixtures, compact the mix while it is
above 230 °F.
Compact the finished surface with a steel-wheel roller or vibratory plate compactor. Ensure that
the compacted patch is approximately 1/8 to 1/4 inches above the level of the adjacent pavement.
Seal the edges of the completed patch with emulsified asphalt, and blot with fine sand.
430.05 Patching with Geotextile. Prepare the surface by digging out and patching according to
Subsection 430.04 or by cleaning the surface, removing vegetation, and filling all cracks more
than 1/4 inch wide with an approved crack-filling material. Remove excess crack-filling material.
Spray the prepared surface with asphalt cement or emulsified asphalt according to the geotextile
manufacturer’s direction. Immediately place the geotextile over the repaired area. Allow
emulsified asphalt to break before placing geotextile. Extend the fabric a minimum of 6 inches
beyond the repaired or patched area onto sound adjoining pavement. Use a minimum of 2 inches
overlap where adjacent fabric panels are needed to cover the repaired area.
Do not place the asphalt concrete mixture until authorized by the CO. Uniformly distribute
asphalt concrete mixture in layers not to exceed 2 inches compacted depth. Feather the edges of
skin patches. When placing more than one layers, offset all joints at least 6 inches between
layers. Compact each layer with an 8 to 10 ton steel roller. For hot asphalt concrete mixtures,
compact the mix while it is above 230°F. Ensure that the completed patch does not have abrupt
transitions that could adversely affect the steering of a passenger car traveling across the area.
Provide transition tapers for skin patches that are 12 inches long per 1/8 inch thickness of patch
in the direction on travel.
430.06 Skin Patches. Prepare the surface on which the skin patch is placed by cleaning the
surface, removing vegetation, and filling all cracks more than 1/4 inch wide with an approved
crack-filling material. Remove excess crack-filling material. Spray the surface with emulsified
asphalt at the rate approved by the CO.
Apply the asphalt concrete mixture according to Subsection 430.05.
430.07 Spray-Injection Patching. Use an approved continuous process that cleans and dries the
area to be patched, sprays a tack coat of binder on the sides and bottom of the pothole, place
aggregate coated with emulsified asphalt, and covers the area with a choker aggregate.
430.08 Asphalt Berm. Remove damaged segments of berm and bevel exposed ends at
approximately 45 degrees from vertical. Clean and patch the berm foundation as necessary. Coat
the foundation and joining surfaces with emulsified asphalt. Place and compact asphalt mix to
conform to the shape of the undamaged segment.
430.09 Waste Material. Dispose of all materials removed from potholes, patches, and berms in
accordance with Subsection 203.05(a).
430.10 Acceptance. Asphalt concrete mixtures will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and
106.03. Geotextiles will be evaluated under Subsection 106.03. Spray-injection patching will be
evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.03.
430.11 Measure the Section 430 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
430.12 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract unit price per unit of measurement
for Section 430 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the
work prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05
551 - Driven Piles
Includes subsections 03,04,05,08,09,16; for contracts with driven piles.
Construction Requirements
551.03 Pile Driving Equipment
(b) Approval of pile driving equipment.
Delete the first two paragraphs and replace with the following:
Furnish pile driving equipment of such size that the permanent piles can be driven with
reasonable effort to the required lengths without damage. The energy of the driving equipment
submitted for approval, as rated by the manufacturer, must be at least 10,000 foot-pounds.
(1) Equipment submittal.
Delete the last three sentences in the first paragraph.
(2) Wave equation. Omit this subsection.
551.04 Pile Lengths.
Delete first paragraph and replace with the following:
Furnish piles in accordance with the itemized pile order list shown on the plans. The order
lengths may be longer than the Government estimates will remain in the structure, to provide a
margin of safety in case piles have to be driven deeper than anticipated. All piling furnished and
paid for is the property of the Government, including piling not driven to full penetration as
directed by the CO. For cutoff pile lengths over 10 feet, deliver these to a storage area
designated by the CO. For cutoff pile lengths less than 10 feet or any designated to be removed
by the CO, remove the material from Forest Service land in accordance with Section 202.
Furnish pile lengths less than 60 feet long as one piece, unless field splices, at the contractors
expense, are approved in writing at the time of material submittal.
551.06 Driven Pile Capacity.
Add the following at the end of the first paragraph:
Drive piles to the minimum tip elevations shown on the plans. If a pile reaches refusal above the
minimum tip elevation shown on the plans, do not overdrive the pile. Refusal is defined as 7
Delete paragraph two and subsections (a) and (b).
551.08 Preparation and Driving.
Delete the second paragraph and replace with the following:
Drive piles to within 3 inches of plan location at cutoff elevation; provide a minimum of 9 inches
cover to any cap face. Drive piles so that the axial alignment is within 1/4 inch per foot, along
the longitudinal axis, of the required alignment. The CO may stop driving to check the pile
alignment. Check alignment of piles that cannot be internally inspected after installation before
the last 5 feet are driven. Do not pull laterally on piles or splice to correct misalignment. Do not
splice a properly aligned section on a misaligned pile.
551.09 Splices.
(a) Steel Piles.
Delete the last sentence of the last paragraph and replace with the following:
Approved proprietary manufactured splices may be used in place of full penetration groove butt
welds; submit manufacturer's literature and attachment instructions to the CO for approval.
551.16 Measurement.
Delete paragraph two and replace it with the following paragraphs:
Measure furnished piles by the linear foot as given in the pile order list.
Measure driven piles by the linear foot from the final pile tip elevation to the cutoff
552 - Structural Concrete
Includes subsections 02,03,08,09,12,16,18; for projects with structural concrete, deletes ref to FHWA forms, adds form release agent and
evaluation of aggregate reactivity.
552.02 Add the following:
Anchor bolts
Epoxy resin adhesives
High strength non-shrink grout
Portland cement
Sealants, fillers, seal, and sleeves
Construction Requirements
552.03 Composition (Concrete Mix Design).
Delete Tables 552-1, 2, and 3 and replace with the following:
Class of
Table 552-1
Composition of Concrete
Slump (1)
(pound per
cubic yard)
2 to 4
1 to 4
2 to 4
2 to 4
2 to 4
1 to 3
1 to 3
4 to 6 (4)
Nominal Coarse
Size (5)
0 to 4
0 to 4
4 to 8
Maximum slump is 8 inches if approved mix design includes a high-range water
Concrete with a water reducing and retarding admixture conforming to AASHTO
M 194, type D.
A latex modified concrete with 0.037 gallons of modifier per pound of cement.
Measure the slump 4 to 5 minutes after the concrete is discharged from the
Meeting the processing requirements of AASHTO M43, Table 1 – Standard
Sizes of Processed Aggregate.
Use Class P (AE) concrete in the entire depth of the top flange of all multi-beam
bridge girders. In lieu of this, Class P (AE) concrete may be used for fabrication of
the entire girder, and throughout the entire depth of prestressed slabs. In all cases,
furnish concrete meeting the 28 day specified minimum concrete strength
requirements for the prestressed members as shown on the plans, unless otherwise
Table 552-2
Minimum Air Content for Air Entrained Concrete
As Delivered
Nominal Maximum
Aggregate Size (1)
2½ inch
2 inch
1½ inch
1 inch
¾ inch
½ inch
Meeting the processing requirements of AASHTO
M 43, Table 1 – Standard Sizes of Processed
These air contents apply to the total mix. When
testing these concretes, aggregates larger than 1½
inches are removed by handpicking or sieving, and air
content is determined on the minus 1½-inch fraction
of the mix. Air content of the total mix is computed
from the value determined on the minus 1½-inch
For P(AE) concrete, the as delivered minimum air
contents may be reduced 1.0 % and the maximum air
content is 6.0 %
Table 552-3
Required Average Compressive Strength (1)
Specified Compressive
Required Average
Strength (f’c)
Compressive Strength
Less than 3000
f’c + 1000
3000 to 5000
f’c + 1200
Over 5000
1.10f’c + 700
(1) Use this table when there is not enough data
available to establish a standard deviation
Delete the first paragraph after Table 552-2 and replace with the following:
Submit written concrete mix designs for approval at least 30 calendar days before production.
Add the following under the list of items to be included in the mix design submittal:
(y) Evaluation of potential aggregate reactivity
552.08 Delivery.
(a) Truck mixer/agitator.
Add the following:
Do not exceed 130 total revolutions at mixing speed, including both initial mixing and
remixing. Do not exceed 300 total revolutions, including both mixing and agitating speed.
552.09 Quality Control of Mix.
Add the following after the first paragraph:
At least 2 weeks prior to the start of concrete placement operations, arrange a pre-concrete
placement conference. Coordinate attendance with the CO and any applicable subcontractors.
Be prepared to discuss and/or submit the following:
(1) Proposed concrete placement schedule.
(2) Review approved concrete mix design and determination of batch weights.
(3) Discuss Section 153, Contractor Quality Control, minimum frequency schedule
for process control sampling and testing (to be performed by the Contractor).
(4) Discuss batching, mixing, placing, and curing requirements.
(5) Discuss Subsections 106.03, Certification, and 106.05, Statistical Evaluation of
Material for Acceptance.
552.11 Handling and Placing Concrete.
Add the following after the forth paragraph:
Use an approved form release agent to produce a minimum of staining, air holes, and hydration
552.12 Construction Joints.
Add the following at the end of the first paragraph:
Provide form cleanout ports at construction joints.
552.18 Loads on New Concrete Structures.
Add the following paragraph:
Do not allow public traffic on the bridge until approaches, curbs, and bridge rail are completed
and in-place. Erect barricades at each end of bridge spans when road approaches allow vehicles
to drive directly onto the structure.
Table 552-3 modified to compare with ACI 318
Delete Table 552-3 and substitute the following:
Table 552-3 Required Average Compressive Strength
Table 552-3
Required Average Compressive Strength When Data
Are Not Available to Establish a Standard Deviation
Specified Compressive
Strength (f’c)
(pounds per square inch)
Required Average
Compressive Strength (f’cr)
(pounds per square inch)
Less than 3000
f’c + 1000
3000 to 5000
f’c + 1200
Over 5000
1.10f’c + 700
553 - Prestressed Concrete
Includes subsections 02,03,05,06,07,08; for projects with prestressed concrete members. Companion supplement 717.01
553.02 Material.
Add the following:
High strength non-shrink grout
Load indicating washers
Structural steel
725.22 (c)
553.03 Method Approval.
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Fabricate prestressed concrete members by pretensioning in a fabricating plant that is certified by
the Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) for the type of pretensioning required by the contract.
Submit a report for approval at least 30 days before starting prestressing that shows the
Add the following to the list of items to be submitted with the report:
(k) Calculations to validate supporting prestressed members while in storage or transit at
locations different from those indicated on the contract drawings;
(l) Documentation and details for all desired changes or deviations from the contract.
Add the following paragraph after item (1):
To meet requirements of subsection 153.02 (b), all phases, furnish a Quality Control (QC)
Report prepared by the fabricating plant upon delivery of the prestressed members to the job.
Include certification that the quality and quantity of the furnished prestress members conforms to
the contract. Affix the seal and signature of the professional engineer most directly responsible
for the plant's quality control organization, whether a member of the QC organization or not, on
the report.
553.05 Concrete.
Add the following after the first paragraph:
As a minimum use air-entrained Class P(AE) concrete according to Section 552 for the top 2
inches of the precast member.
Ensure that threaded inserts required by the contract develop the full tensile strength of the bars
or bolts they secure. Provide lifting devices of adequate strength to safely lift the girders at
locations shown in the contract or on the girder shop drawings, if different from the contract.
Delete the third paragraph and replace with the following:
Rough cast the top surface of members against which concrete will be cast . Finish surfaces to
be covered with a waterproofing membrane deck seal to a smooth surface free of ridges and
other projections. Finish surfaces that will be paved with an asphalt concrete wearing surface or
that will not receive any wearing surface with a transverse stiff broom finish.
Add the following at the end of this subsection:
Submit all concrete cylinder test results and temperature curing records as part of the fabricating
plant's QC report, except 28 day concrete strength test results may be submitted later when
prestressed girders are authorized to be shipped before that date.
553.06 Tensioning.
Delete the last sentence in the eighth paragraph and replace with the following:
Stress and anchor prestressing steel at the initial stress called for by the approved stressing
553.07 Pretensioned Members.
(b) Releasing steel.
Add the following:
Paint cut ends of strands using an epoxy paint or a zinc-rich paint.
553.08 Storing, Transporting and Erecting.
Add the following at the end of the subsection:
Use high-pressure water blasting to remove all debris and paste in the keyways immediately
prior to placing mortar. Remove all free-standing water and allow keyways to completely
surface dry. Use mortar in keyways between multibeam members and to patch defects,
blockouts, or other areas on the concrete roadway portion of the structure 1 inch or more in depth
and over 1 inch in width. Patch smaller areas on the concrete roadway and set anchor bolts and
dowels with high-strength, non-shrink grout.
Strike off exposed grout or mortared surfaces flush and apply the same surface texture finish as
the surrounding concrete as soon as the grout or mortar has sufficiently set. Cure the grout or
mortar in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Meet the requirements of AWS D1.1-Structural Welding Code when field welding.
554 - Reinforcing Steel
Includes subsections 03,08,11; for bridge and culvert projects with field placed reinforcing steel.
Construction Requirements
554.03 Order Lists.
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Do not submit order lists or bending diagrams for approval.
554.08 Placing & Fastening.
Delete the first sentence and replace with the following:
Place, fasten, and support the bars according to the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. Use
precast concrete blocks or metal supports, but only use precast mortar blocks in areas
permanently hidden from view in the completed structure.
554.11 Method.
Add the following to the end of the second paragraph:
Do not measure or include reinforcing steel fabricated into the prestressed member.
555 - Steel Structures
For bridge and culvert projects with any welding.
Construction Requirements
555.18 Welding.
Add the following at the start of the first sentence.
"Unless otherwise provided for in the supplemental specifications or shown on the plans, ... "
556 - Bridge Railing
Includes subsections 01,02,05; for use on bridge projects with bridge railing.
Add the following:
Prior to acceptance of the completed structure, clean the bridge and approach rail of all foreign
matter, including dirt, cement paste and petroleum products, leaving these surfaces in the same
condition as when they left the fabricator. Use hand tool, solvent and blast cleaning as required
but use power tool cleaning only as approved.
Add the following:
Galvanized coating repair
Structural steel tubing
556.05 Steel Railing.
Add the following at the beginning of the first sentence.
"Except as provided for in the supplemental specifications or shown on the plans, ... "
Add the following:
For galvanized rail, galvanize in accordance with AASHTO M111, and furnish nuts, bolts, and
washers galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Repair minor abrasions, cuts and all
damaged areas with a galvanized coating in accordance with 717.07.
571 - Prefabricated Bridges
New Specification for bridges
571.01 This work consists of designing, fabricating, delivering, and installing a prefabricated
modular bridge superstructures, or transporting and installing Government-furnished
prefabricated, modular superstructures and components. The work also includes constructing
caps, bearings, and abutments including excavation and backfill and anchoring bridge
superstructures to abutments as required
571.02 Requirements. Furnish materials that meet the requirements specified in the following
Bridge Railing
Structural Metal
Prestressed Concrete
Reinforcing Steel
Steel Structures
Structural Concrete
Timber Structures
Material for Timber Structures
Concrete compressive strength, structural steel tensile strength, finish and designation, timber
species, grade, and treatment, and other material specifications shall be as required or if not listed
in the contract documents, take them from the manufacturer’s drawings, and have them approved
by the CO prior to fabrication.
Construction Requirements
571.03 Design Requirements. For required loadings use the most recent AASHTO “Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges”.
When design of the structure is required, submit plans and calculations signed by a professional
engineer registered in the state where the bridge will initially be located or in the state where the
fabricator’s offices are located.
Use durable materials to allow removal, transportation, and re-installation without using
specialized construction equipment. When required, design bridges to allow transportation by air
or pack animals and complete construction by manual labor. Use design techniques and
fabrication methods to minimize field installation difficulties. Fabricate primary components
from steel.
Rig main superstructure components with permanent lifting devices to facilitate efficient
installation and removal of these items. Place lifting devices so as not to interfere with traffic.
571.04 Design Drawings. When furnishing a prefabricated bridge superstructure, submit design
drawings, calculations, or shop drawings at least 21 days in advance of the start of fabrication to
allow time for review and correction of any changes and approval by the CO. Include plan,
elevation, and section views of the modular bridge superstructure, dimensions of all components,
welding and connection details, and general and specific notes regarding design and
When Government-furnished prefabricated bridge superstructure components are specified,
material lists, installation information, and manufacturer’s instructions will be furnished by the
571.05 General. Perform excavation, backfill, and embankment work under Sections 204 and
Dispose of all debris resulting from operations in accordance with Section 203.
571.06 Performance. Notify the CO at least before delivering the bridge.
If the prefabricated superstructure is not installed immediately upon delivery to the project site,
provide appropriate equipment and labor to unload and stack, support, and store all material at
the delivery point. Support and stack all components to prevent damage. Furnish and install
blocking to support all components at least 12 inches above the ground.
Furnish all tools, devices, special equipment, and material needed for installation in well-marked
watertight containers suitable for long-term, outdoor storage.
571.07 Abutments and Approaches. Construct required caps, bearing, and abutments
according to Division 500. Construct approaches including excavation and backfill according to
sections 204 and 209.
571.08 Contractor-Furnished Prefabricated Bridge Superstructure. Furnish the following
items for approval prior to delivery of the bridge component:
(a) Supplier or inspection agency certification of wood species and grade of all timber and a
conformance certificate for all sawn and glued laminated members.
(b) Certification by an approved inspection and testing agency of wood treatment, listing method
of treatment, type of preservative, retention, and penetration. Supplier certification is permitted if
each piece is stamped or branded with a legible American Wood Preservers Bureau quality mark.
(c) Certification of structural steel, fasteners, and hardware.
(d) Certification of galvanizing process used.
(e) Steel fabricator certification that steel fabrication and quality control meet the requirements
of the AISC Code of Standard Practice; and that all welding meets the requirements of
ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D 1.5 Bridge Welding Code.
(f) A complete list of all bridge components, hardware, and fasteners.
(g) Complete instructions and drawings. Provide drawings that are black line, of reproducible
quality, on ANSI sheet size D (24 inches by 36 inches). Furnish the same information in an
approved electronic format.
Mark each major component of the bridge superstructure with the same permanent serial number
in a location that is clearly visible, both when stacked in storage and erected at the site.
Assemble bridge superstructure prior to delivery to assure proper fit-up of all components.
Notify the CO of the assembly 2 weeks before assembly.
571.09 Government-Furnished Prefabricated Bridge Superstructure. For Governmentfurnished prefabricated bridge units, transport all material from the storage site(s) to the bridge
site, and install the superstructure complete and in place, including connection of all girders,
diaphragms, railings, panels, transoms, and other elements.
Upon taking possession of the Government-furnished units at the storage site, assume liability
for damage resulting from handling, transporting, or erecting the units in place, until final
acceptance of the project.
571.10 Non-pressure Epoxy Grout Anchors. Furnish non-pressure epoxy grout to cement
anchor dowels and bolts. At least 15 days prior to use submit for approval manufacture’s test
information on the non-pressure epoxy grout proposed for use.
Immediately prior to placing dowels or bolts, clean drill hole of dust and other material. Fill hole
halfway with grout. Insert dowels by rotating it though one complete turn while tapping it down.
Insert bolts according to manufacture’s instructions. If necessary add more grout to fill the hole.
571.11 Acceptance. Furnish a production certification for timber, including glued-laminated
lumber, structural steel, and fabricated steel. Furnish a certification for all wood treatment,
fasteners, hardware, galvanizing processes, and non-pressure epoxy grout.
571.12 Measure the Section 571 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
571.13 The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Subsection 109.02 and above, will be
paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section 571 pay items listed in the bid
schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See
Subsection 109.05.
572 - Log Stringer Bridges
New Specification for Log Bridges
572.01 This work consists of building log bridges, including abutments, piers, and
superstructures and associated excavation and backfill.
572.02 Conform to the following Sections and Subsections:
Reinforcing Steel
Structural Concrete
Timber Structures
572.03 Logs. Use designated trees for logs. Use logs used for stringers that are of the correct
species and within the dimensional tolerance. Use high quality logs, that are straight, sound, and
free of windshake, decay, or excessive twist (spiral grain with a slope of grain relative to the
longitudinal axis of the log exceeding 1 in 8). Ensure that knots in the middle half of the stringer
length do not significantly affect structural capacity. Obtain approval for all logs to be used in
the structure.
572.04 Timber & Lumber. Furnish structural lumber and timber that meets the required
species, grades, and dimensions.
572.05 Aggregate. Furnish aggregate for crib abutments, decking, or surfacing.
Construction Requirements
572.06 General. Perform clearing and grubbing according to Section 201. Perform excavation
and embankment according to Section 204. Perform structure excavation and backfill according
to Section 209.
Handle all logs and timber carefully to prevent damage to the wood.
Dispose of all debris and excess material at approved locations.
Construct abutments and piers as required.
572.07 Performance. Construct bridge superstructures and substructures as required with
attention paid to erection, fit-up, and connection. Obtain written approval for all deviations from
the plans.
Place timber caps to obtain even and uniform bearing over the tops of supporting posts or piles
and with post and pile ends in true alignment. Secure all caps.
Match stringers for size at the bearings and place them in position so that the crown is up.
Alternate stringers butt to tip. Locate any knots that may affect the strength of the member in the
top portion of the stringer.
Cut stringers to length with a square cut. Cut or hew the bottom surface of the small end of the
stringer logs only to the depth necessary to achieve the required bearing area. Block or shim tip
ends that are smaller than the largest tip and shim or block as necessary to provide uniform
bearing area.
Notch all logs together, including face logs, tie logs, mudsills, and anchor logs and drift pin all
Place geotextile and aggregate to construct a running surface.
572.08 Measure the Section 572 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02
and the following:
Measure untreated and treated timber and lumber by the cubic yard of timber and lumber in place
in the completed structure. Compute the quantities from nominal cross section dimensions and
actual lengths.
572.09 The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Subsection 109.02 and above, will be
paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section 572 pay items listed in the bid
schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See
Subsection 109.05.
573 - Bridge Repair
New Specification not in FP-03
573.01 This work consists of minor bridge repair and the repair of other concrete structures.
573.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Air-entraining admixtures
Chemical admixtures
Coarse aggregate
Curing material
Fine aggregate
Fly ash
Joint fillers
Portland cement
Precast concrete curbing
Precast concrete units
Reinforcing steel
Structural steel
Epoxy Resin Adhesives
Construction Requirements
573.03 General. Perform excavation and backfill work under Section 209.
a) Concrete Removal: Remove loose concrete from the designated areas. Use jack hammers
that weigh less than 30 pounds. Use chipping hammers that weigh less than 15 pounds to
remove concrete from beneath reinforcing bars. Operate jack hammers and mechanical chipping
tools at an angle less than 45 degrees from the slab surface.
Use hand tools (hammers and chisels) to finish the cavity.
Inspect the cavity for remaining defective concrete by tapping with a hammer or steel rod on the
concrete and listening for dull or hollow sounds. Dull or hollow sounds indicate defective
concrete. In areas where tapping produces a dull or hollow sound, remove additional concrete
until tapping produces a solid tone. Make the entire cavity at least 1 inch deep. Saw cut edges of
cavity to avoid feather edging. Prepare surface of cavity by sandblasting, grinding, or water
blasting. Remove dust, dirt, and loosely bonded material resulting from cleaning. Allow cavity
surfaces to dry.
For spalls to be repaired that are adjacent to joints and existing cracks insert preformed joint
filler to the working faces of the spall. Trim filler to fit shape of the working faces of joint or
crack so epoxy material is prevented from bypassing filler. Where practicable, extend filler
horizontally and vertically into joint or crack opening. Secure filler strip in place prior to and
during placement of epoxy concrete. Apply a bond breaker to working faces at keyed joints.
Keep bond breaker off of concrete surface to be bonded. After the epoxy concrete has completely
cured, saw out the top 1 inch of the preformed joint filler and install liquid joint sealer.
(b) Reinforcing Steel: Clean all exposed reinforcing steel that is to remain in place. Remove all
rust and corrosive products, including oil, dirt, concrete fragments, laitance, loose scale, and
other coating of any character that would destroy or inhibit the bond with the new concrete.
When cleaned reinforcing steel will be exposed for more than seven days before placing the
concrete, protect the steel from corrosion and contamination. Clean or replace all corroded or
contaminated reinforcing steel.
Prevent cutting or damaging reinforcing steel designated to remain in place. Repair or replace
any damaged bars.
(c) Forms: Design and construct forms that are free of bulge and warp and allow for removal
without injuring the concrete. When concrete contains a retarding admixture, fly ash, or other
pozzolan replacement for cement, design the forms for a lateral pressure equal to that exerted by
a fluid weighing 2.5 tons per cubic yard.
Use wood, metal, or other suitable material for forms. Keep forms clean and coat with a form
release agent or form oil before placing concrete.
Place and fasten reinforcing steel according to Subsection 554.08.
573.04 Epoxy Concrete and Mortar Composition:
Use the appropriate epoxy grout for the application.
Surfaces where a non- sagging epoxy resin is needed:
ASTM C 881, Type III, Grade 1 or 2, Class B or C without mineral filler. For walls and ceilings
use ASTM C 881, Type III, Grade 3, Class B or C with filler.
Non-Pressure Epoxy Grout:
ASTM C 881 Type IV, Grade [2] [3], Class [B] [C] with or without mineral
Crack Sealer for Pressure Grouting:
ASTM C 881, Type IV, Grade 1, Class [B] [C] without filler.
Crack Surface Sealer for Pressure Grouting:
ASTM C 881, Type IV, Grade 3, Class [B] [C] with mineral filler.
Aggregate: Provide dry aggregate. For material passing No. 200 sieve provide a non-plastic
material composed of a minimum of 75 percent limestone dust, talc or silica inert filler. Epoxy
concrete: Furnish fine aggregate meeting the requirements of 703.01. Epoxy mortar: Furnish
fine aggregate meeting the requirements of AASHTO M-45.
Job Mix Formula: At least 15 days before work commences, submit a job-mix formula for
each use of epoxy concrete or epoxy mortar. Include test reports with the mix design. Identify the
source of the materials and include the proportions of aggregates and epoxy resin. When
determining job mix, use samples of materials to be used on the job.
573.05 Mixing and Placing Materials.
Make batches small enough to ensure placement before binder sets. Mix materials according to
manufacturer's recommendations.
Halt work when weather conditions detrimentally affect the quality of patching or bonding
concrete. Apply epoxy resin materials only when the contact surfaces are completely dry and if
the atmospheric and surface material. Follow manufacturer's instructions for weather conditions
and temperature ranges.
Do not permit vehicular or heavy equipment traffic on the pavement in the work area during the
curing period
(a) Epoxy Concrete: Prime dry cavity surfaces with epoxy resin using a stiff bristle brush.
Make coating approximately 0.02 inch thick. Place epoxy concrete while primer is still tacky and
in layers not exceeding 1 inch thick. Use vibratory floats, plates, or hand tampers to consolidate
the concrete. Level each layer and screed the final surface to match the adjoining surfaces.
Remove excess epoxy concrete on adjacent surfaces before the concrete hardens. Do not feather
epoxy concrete out onto adjacent surfaces.
(b) Epoxy Mortar: Prime surfaces with epoxy resin binder. Scrub prime coat into surface with
a stiff bristle brush. Make coating approximately 0.02 inch thick. Place epoxy mortar while
primer is still tacky. Apply at a thickness recommended by the manufacturer. Work mortar into
place and consolidate thoroughly so that contact surfaces are wetted by the mortar. Finish surface
of mortar to the required texture. Do not feather epoxy mortar onto adjacent surfaces.
(c) Cementing Dowels: Immediately prior to placing the dowel, clean hole of dust and other
deleterious material with high pressure air. Fill hole halfway with grout. Insert dowel in hole and
rotate it at least one complete turn while tapping it down. If necessary add more grout to fill hole.
d) Epoxy Grout for Cracks: Apply epoxy grout at a thickness recommended by the
manufacturer. Work grout into place and consolidate thoroughly so that contact surfaces are
wetted by the grout. Finish surface of grout to the required texture. Do not feather epoxy grout
onto adjacent surfaces.
e) Pressure Grouting of Cracks: Clean each crack of dust, dirt, loose concrete and unsound
material. Insert a valve at both ends of each crack, at the junction of two cracks, and along the
length of each crack at 20 inch intervals. Apply crack surface sealer between the valves. After
crack surface sealer has hardened and cured, pump crack sealer into valve at one end of crack.
For vertical surfaces start at lowest valve and work upwards. As crack sealer appears at next
valve, pinch closed pumping valve and move to next valve and commence pumping. Continue
procedure until other end of crack is reached. Avoid delays in pumping operation. After crack
sealer has hardened and cured grind valves off flush with concrete surface. Coat areas around
valves with crack surface sealer and allow to harden and cure.
f) Curing: Cure epoxy materials according to manufacturer's recommendations. Furnish a
representative sample of each batch of epoxy resin and aggregate. Clearly identify samples by
designated name, specification number, batch number, project contract number, intended use and
quantity involved. Check each repaired area for cracks, spalls, popouts and loss of bond between
repaired area and surrounding concrete. Check each repaired area for voids by tapping with a
hammer or steel rod and listening for dull or hollow sounds. Immediately repair defects.
573.06 Acceptance. Material for minor concrete structures including concrete, reinforcing steel,
and structural steel for minor structures will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.03.
For confirming commercial certifications of compressive strength, AASHTO T 23 is modified to
allow the 28-day cure in a waterproof mold.
Excavation and backfill will be evaluated under Section 209.
Construction of minor concrete structures will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and
573.07 Measure the Section 573 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
573.08 The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, will be paid at the contract price
per unit of measurement for the pay items listed below that are shown in the bid schedule.
Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See Subsection
601 - Minor Concrete
Replace 601 with this specification
Delete the entire specification and replace it with the following:
601.01 This work consists of constructing minor concrete structures.
601.02 Conform to the following Subsections:
Air-entraining admixtures
Chemical admixtures
Coarse aggregate
Concrete coloring agents
Curing material
Fine aggregate
Fly ash
Hydraulic Cement
Joint fillers
Precast concrete curbing
Precast concrete units
Reinforcing steel
Structural steel
601.03 Concrete Composition. Use the designated concrete composition:
(a) Method A. Submit a mix design showing the proposed masses of aggregate, water, and
cement per cubic yard of concrete a minimum of 7 days prior to beginning placement. Proportion
the cement, aggregate, and water to obtain concrete with good workability.
Composition of Minor Structure Concrete
Test Method
4 in maximum
Air content
5 to 7 percent
AASHTO T 152 or T 196
28-day compressive strength
3000 psi
AASHTO T 23 and T 22
(b) Method B. Submit the following information a minimum of 7 days prior to beginning
(1) Type, grading, and sources of aggregate.
(2) Type and source of cement, blended cement, or fly ash.
(3) Saturated surface dry weights of the fine and coarse aggregate in pounds per cubic yard of
(4) Weight of mixing water in pounds per cubic yard of concrete.
(5) Weight of cement in pounds per cubic yard of concrete.
(6) Admixture type, quantity, and certification by manufacturer.
(7) Air content.
(8) Slump.
(9) 28-day compressive strength.
Furnish concrete containing not less than 680 pound of cement per cubic yard. Ensure that slump
is 4 inches or less, as determined by AASHTO T 119.
(c) Method C. Make the concrete using a dry, preproportioned, blended, and bagged mix meeting
the requirements of ASTM C 387 and mixed at the jobsite according to the manufacturer’s
(d) Fly Ash- or Pozzolan-Modified Concrete. Fly ash may be substituted for cement at the rate of
20 ounces of fly ash per 16 ounces of Portland cement. After substitution, reduce the design
aggregate volumes by an amount equal to the net increase in volume of the combined cement and
fly ash. Replace no less than 10 percent and no more than 20 percent of the weight of Portland
cement required with fly ash at the above rate. For purposes of controlling the maximum
water/cement ratio of 0.49, make the water/cement ratio for fly-ash-modified concrete the ratio
of the weight of water to the combined weights of Portland cement and 60 percent of the weight
of the fly ash.
Extend the standard 28-day curing period for compressive-strength tests for fly-ash modified
concrete by 1 day (rounded to the nearest whole day) for each 1.5 percent of Portland cement
replaced with fly ash at the selected rate. (Example: If the maximum of 20 percent cement is
replaced, the curing period for cylinders is 41 days.)
Construction Requirements
601.04 General. Perform excavation and backfill work according to Section 209. When
concrete is cracked, spalling, or scaling, remove concrete to the nearest joint.
Design and construct forms that are free of bulge and warp and allow for removal without
injuring the concrete. When concrete contains a retarding admixture, fly ash, or other pozzolan
replacement for cement, design the forms for a lateral pressure equal to that exerted by a fluid
with a mass of 2.5 ton per cubic yard.
Use wood, metal, or other suitable material for forms. Keep forms clean and coat with a form
release agent or form oil before placing concrete.
Place and fasten reinforcing steel according to Subsection 554.08.
601.05 Placing Concrete. Place all reinforcing steel in position and ensure that it is securely
held in place by approved supports during placing of concrete. Do not place concrete until the
grading, forms, and steel reinforcements have been inspected and approved by the CO. Provide
24 hours written notice prior to placement of any concrete.
Place reinforcing steel according to Section 554.
Discharge all concrete prepared using methods A and B into the forms within the time limits
shown in table 601-1. These time limits are based on jobsite ambient air temperature, cement
type, and admixture used. Begin counting time from when the cement is introduced into the
aggregate. Discharge concrete prepared using method C into the forms within 1-1/2 hours after
introducing water to the mixture. Do not retemper concrete. When required cement must be
added to the mixer at the jobsite. Do not mix or place concrete when the temperature is, or is
expected to be, less than 40 °F unless adequate provisions are made to protect the concrete.
Place concrete to avoid segregation. Use high-frequency internal vibrators for consolidating
concrete in the forms. Operate vibrators to produce concrete free of voids, but do not hold them
in one place long enough to result in segregation or formation of laitance on the surface.
Method C concrete may be rodded instead of internally vibrated as necessary to remove voids.
Do not use aluminum pipe, conduit, or troughs for transporting concrete. When concrete is
pumped, take samples from the discharge stream at the point of placement. Do not apply water to
plastic concrete surfaces during finishing operations.
Table 601-1 Concrete discharge time limits.
Cement Type With and Without Admixtures
Time limit (hour)
< 85 oF1
>85 oF1
Type I, IA, II, or IIA with water reducing or retarding
Type III
Type III with water reducing or retarding admixture
Type I, IA, II, or IIA
Ambient air temperature.
601.06 Curing Concrete. Cure concrete a minimum of 7 days. If high early strength cement is
used, cure concrete a minimum of 3 days. Cure according to Subsection 552.15. Finish according
to Subsection 552.16 class 2 rubbed finish.
601.07 Acceptance. See Table 601-2 for sampling and testing requirements. Material for minor
concrete structures including reinforcing steel, and structural steel for minor structures will be
evaluated under Subsections 106.03. The concrete mixture's slump, air content, unit mass, and
temperature will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and 106.04. See Tables 552-1 and 552-2
for specification limits.
Excavation and backfill will be evaluated under Section 209.
Construction of minor concrete structures will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02 and
601.08 Measure the Section 601 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
601.09 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 601 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
The concrete lump sum item will be prorated based on the progress of the work under this
Include with FSSS 601
Table 601-2. Sampling and Testing Requirements.
Type of
Characteristic Category
and tested
Test Methods
Point of
Point of
of project
Unit Weight
One set per
32 cubic
yards but
not less
than one
per day
Air content
Field Measured
stream at
point of
602 - Culverts and Drains
Include with all contracts using Section 602.
602.03 General.
Add the following:
Ensure that the final installed alignment of all pipe allows no reverse grades, and does not permit
horizontal and vertical alignments to vary from a straight line drawn from center of inlet to
center of outlet by more than 2 percent of pipe center length or 1.0 feet, whichever is less.
Include when plastic pipe is permitted or required. Adds the word "bell" to clarify soil-tight joints.
602.06 Laying Plastic Pipe.
Delete the second paragraph and substitute the following:
Provide soil-tight bell and spigot joints for plastic pipe culverts.
603 - Structural Plate Structures
Include in all contracts with 603 -- requires written approval before backfilling and adds requirements for shop drawings
603.03 General.
Add the following:
Do not place or backfill structure until the CO has approved in writing the excavation and
foundation. Submit four sets of shop drawings of the long-span structure to the CO at least 21
days before planned construction. Accompany shop drawings with all calculations used to
determine the size, shape, location, and spacing of stiffening ribs, thrust beams, or other special
structural features.
Include in all contracts with 603
603.04 Erecting.
Add to the third paragraph:
Torque all bolts before beginning the backfill.
607 - Cleaning, Reconditioning, and Repairing Existing Drainage
Include in contracts with 607 -- adds option for CO to approve removal of all or part of pipe for cleaning.
607.04 Cleaning Culverts in Place.
Add the following:
If approved by the CO, all or part of the pipe designated to be cleaned in-place may be removed,
cleaned, and re-laid in accordance with Section 602. In these cases, furnish all material required
to replace damaged pipe and joints and relay the pipe.
617 - Guardrail
Includes subsections 02,03,04,05; for bridge projectes with approach guardrail.
Add the following:
Galvanized coating repair
Construction Requirements
617.03 Posts.
Replace the first paragraph with the following:
Fabricate all timber components of guardrail as detailed in Subsection 557.04. Pressure treat all
timber as detailed in Subsection 716.03, using creosote, pentachlorophenol (any solvent),
ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate (ACZA), or chromated copper arsenate (CCA – Type A, B, or
C) in conformance with AASHTO M 133. Provide grading certification and pressure treatment
test results, and meet the Best Management Practices (BMP’s) requirements of Subsection
716.03. Field treat cuts or abrasions made in fabricated timber after treatment in accordance
with Subsection 557.04.
617.04 Rail Elements.
(a) Steel rail.
Replace the third paragraph with the following:
Repair all scrapes, cuts and other damaged coating areas on galvanized surfaces that are through
to the base metal with galvanized coating repair.
617.05 Terminal Sections.
Add the following to the end of the second sentence:
"... unless otherwise shown on the plans."
625 - Turf Establishment
Include in all contracts with Section 625.
625.03 General.
Delete the first subsection and add the following:
Apply turf establishment to finished slopes and ditches between __________ and ________. Do
not seed during windy weather or when the ground is excessively wet, frozen, snow covered,
extremely dry, cloddy, hard pan, or is otherwise untillable.
Allows for fill-in of: seeding types & rates, fertilizing type & rate, and mulch type & rate. Includes deleting water, most seedbed prep, etc, so
national supplements 625.03, .05, .07 are not needed.
625.03 General.
Delete this subsection and replace with the following:
Apply turf establishment to prepared ground or any disturbed area between (Date1) and (Date2).
Apply turf establishment to the areas shown on the plans or worklists within XX days after
completion of ground disturbing activities. Unless otherwise specified in writing by the CO
apply turf establishment after each XXXX foot section of road has been constructed to template
lines. Seeded areas damaged by construction activities shall be reseeded within 10 days of the
damage. Do not seed during windy weather or when the ground is excessively wet, frozen, or
snow covered.
Assure that all seed and mulch used in the work conforms to the weed free requirements of
Section 713.
625.04 Preparing Seedbed.
Delete entire subsection and replace with the following:
Ensure that the surface soil is in a roughened condition favorable for germination and growth.
625.05 Watering
Delete entire subsection.
625.06 Fertilizing.
Delete entire subsection and replace with the following:
Apply fertilizer having a chemical analysis as listed below by the following methods.
(a) Dry Method. Apply the fertilizer with approved mechanical equipment. Hand
operated methods are satisfactory on areas inaccessible to mechanical equipment.
(b) Hydraulic method. Use hydraulic-type equipment capable of providing a uniform
application using water as the carrying agent. Add fertilizer to the slurry and mix before
adding seed. Add the tracer material when designated by the CO.
Fertilizer. Apply fertilizer at the rate of XXXX pounds per acre. Insure that the fertilizer meets
the following chemical analysis:
Nitrogen, N . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Phosphorus, P205 . . . . . . . . .
Potassium, K . . . . . . . . . . . . .
625.07 Seeding.
Delete the first sentence and add the following.
Apply seed mix by the following methods:
(a) Dry method. Delete the third sentence.
Add the following after subsection (b).
Seed Mix. Furnish and apply the following kinds and amounts of pure live seed:
Quantity of Pure
Type of Seed
Live Seed (Lbs/Acre)
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
7. __________________________________
Determine the pounds of seed to be furnished per acre by dividing the pounds of pure live seed
required per acre by the product of the percent purity and percent germination.
625.08 Mulching.
Delete the entire subsection and replace with the following:
Apply Mulch within XX hours after seeding by the following methods.
(a) Dry Method. Apply mulch with a hand spreader or a spreader utilizing forced air at a
rate of XXXX pounds per acre. Anchor the mulch with an approved stabilizing emulsion
tackifier at a rate of XX gallons per acre. Do not mark or deface structure, pavements,
utilities, or plant growth with tackifier.
(b) Hydraulic Method. Apply mulch in a separate application from the seed using
hydraulic-type equipment according to Subsection 625.07(b).
Apply wood fiber or grass straw cellulose fiber mulch at a rate of XXXX pounds per acre.
Apply bonded fiber matrix hydraulic mulch at a minimum rate of XXXX pounds per acre.
Apply so no hole in the matrix is greater than 0.04 inches. Apply so that no gaps exist
between the matrix and the soil.
Inaccessible areas may be mulched by hand. Apply mulch uniformly over the entire disturbed
625.09 Protecting and Caring for Seeded Areas
Delete the first sentence and add the following:
Protect and care for seeded areas until final acceptance.
625.11 Measurement.
Delete the entire Subsection and replace with the following:
Measure the Section 625 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
625.04 Preparing Seedbed.
Delete “2 inches in diameter and larger,” from the second sentence.
Include to modify FP 625 watering requirements. Fill in the blank.
625.05 Watering.
Delete the entire subsection and add the following:
Maintain moisture as follows:
Describe watering requirements for the project here.
Include in contracts to DELETE WATERING REQUIREMENT.
625.05 Watering.
Delete the entire subsection
Include in all contracts with Section 625
625.07 Seeding. (a) Dry method.
Remove the last sentence “Lightly compact the seedbed within 24 hours after seeding.”
625.07 Seeding. (b) Hydraulic method.
Add the following:
Apply fertilizer conforming to Subsection 713.03 at the rates shown in Table 625-1. Fertilize
areas inaccessible to hydro-type equipment by hand.
Table 625-1. Fertilizer Application Rate.
Quantity per Slurry Unit
Apply the seed mixture at the rate of __________ kilograms of live seed per __________
(hectare/slurry unit). Include a tracer material consisting of either wood fiber mulch or grass
cellulose fiber mulch to provide visible evidence of uniform application. Add the tracer to the
slurry at a rate of __________ (400 pound per acre or 100 pound per slurry unit). Seed areas
inaccessible to hydro-type equipment by hand.
633 - Permanent Traffic Control
Include in all contracts with 633
633.02 Material.
Add the following subsections
Protective Overlay Film
Edge Film
Include in all contracts with 633
633.03 General.
Delete the subsection and add the following:
Furnish traffic control devices and guide signs according to the MUTCD, approved USDA-FS
and state supplements, the current edition of USDA-FS EM-7100-15 Sign and Poster Guidelines
for the Forest Service, and Standard Highway Signs published by FHWA. Submit the sign list
for approval before ordering.
Include in all contracts with 633
633.05 Panels.
Add the following:
Apply protective overlay film and top edge film as required and according to with
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Delete the sentence: “Use antitheft fasteners where possible” in the fifth paragraph and replace it
with the following: “For each sign panel use at least one antitheft fastener.”
634 - Permanent Pavement Marking
Include in all contracts with 634
634.03 General.
Add the following:
On single lane roads apply pavement markings according to the manufacturer’s
recommendations and in a direction consistent with safe application.
635 - Temporary Traffic Control
635.03 General.
Add the following:
Install temporary traffic control signs to temporary posts or approved temporary sign mounts.
648 - Stream Simulation
Use to simulate natural streambed for aquatic species passage
648 – Streambed Simulation
648.01 This work consists of placing rock and fill to simulate a natural streambed, profile and
cross section though road stream crossings. The placement of Channel Rock for: fish rest stop,
rock bands, rock weirs, stream bank rocks, and other in stream rock structures, is included within
this specification.
648.02 Conform to the following Subsections.
Foundation Fill
Stream Bed Simulation Material
Channel Rock
Construction Requirements
648.03 General. Place streambed simulation material on a prepared surface to form a wellgraded, low permeability mass, similar in appearance and texture to the natural streambed. Do
not drive metal track or rubber tired equipment directly on metal or concrete structure surfaces.
648.04 Placed Streambed Simulation Material and Channel Rock.
(a) Method A, Machine Placed. Place stream simulation rock in one or more layers with a
layer depth less than 1 ½ times the maximum dimension of the stream simulation rock. Place
stream simulation by methods that do not cause segregation or damage to the prepared surface.
Place or rearrange individual rocks by mechanical methods to obtain a compact low permeability
mass matching streambed simulation details. Fill voids before placing the next lift. Place fish
rest stop, rock bands, rock weirs, stream bank rocks, and other in stream rock structures as
(b) Method B, End Dumped. Dump stream simulation rock in one or more layers with a layer
depth less than 1 ½ times the maximum dimension of the stream simulation rock. Distribute
larger rocks throughout the mass of stone. Obtain a uniformly dense, compact, low permeability
bed with a surface matching stream simulation bed details. Fill voids before placing the next lift.
Place fish rest stop, rock bands, rock weirs, stream bank rocks, and other in stream rock
structures as designated.
(c) Method C, Hand Placed. Place stream simulation rock using hand labor. Material may be
hand carried, or carried in wheelbarrows and end dumped to obtain its full thickness. Compact
each load using hand operated or hand operated mechanical equipment to obtain a uniformly
dense, compact, low permeability bed with a surface matching stream simulation bed details.
Fill voids before placing the next lift. Place fish rest stop, rock bands, rock weirs, stream bank
rocks, and other in stream rock structures as designated.
648.04 Foundation fill. Fill all voids left during placement of Channel Rocks and Streambed
Simulation adjacent to footings, concrete structures or corrugated pipes with foundation fill. Use
water pressure, metal tamping rods, and similar hand operated equipment to force material into
all surface and subsurface voids between the structure and rocks and between individual rocks.
648.05 Acceptance. Placing streambed simulation material will be evaluated under Subsections
106.02 and 106.04.
648.06 Measure the items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
648.07 The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Subsection 109.02, will be paid at the
contract unit price per unit of measurement for Section 648 pay items listed in the bid schedule.
Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See Subsection
650 - Road Closure Devices
New Specification
650.01 Work. Furnish and install, or install only, road closure devices using fabricated gates
and accessories, combination post and rail barriers, concrete barriers, earth mound barriers, and
other devices.
650.02 Requirements. Furnish materials to be used in fabricating gates and barriers. Ensure
that all hardware is galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 232 and meets the requirements
of ASTM A 307. Furnish plain or cut washers that are American Standard Washers.
Furnish timber posts, rails, and lumber that meet the requirements of AASHTO M 168. Provide
timber of the species and type, and rate of preservative treatment.
Furnish concrete that meets the requirements of Subsection 601.03, method B or C.
Construct earth mound barriers from excavated material adjacent to the barrier location, or from
other designated locations.
650.03 Performance. Place road closure devices at designated locations. Construct all devices
to the required dimensions. In assembling gates, perform required welding in accordance with
the best modern practice and the applicable requirements of AWS D1.1.
After assembly, clean non-galvanized steel pipe gates and paint them with one coat of zinc-rich
primer and two coats of exterior enamel of the required type and color.
Set all posts vertically and embed them to the required depth. Place concrete for embedment
against undisturbed earth within an excavation sized to achieve the embedment dimensions.
Compact the backfill in 6 inch layers to finished grade.
Furnish and install all signs and/or reflective warning markers accessory to the road closure
650.04 Acceptance. Construction of road closure devices will be evaluated under Subsections
106.02 and 106.04.
650.05 Measure the items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
650.06 The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Subsection 109.02 and above, will be
paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section 650 pay item listed in the bid
schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Section. See
Subsection 109.05.
651 - Development of Pits & Quarries
Use with 105 to include Pit or Quarry Development in contract
651.01 This work consists of clearing, grubbing, stripping topsoil, removing overburden,
constructing access roads, conducting restoration activities, and performing other incidental work
required for pit or quarry development.
Construction Requirements
651.02 General. Submit a plan of operations according to Section 105. Perform all work in
accordance with Sections 105, 201, 203, 204, 625, and 635, landscape preservation requirements,
and the approved pit and quarry development plan of operations. Perform the work in
accordance with MSHA 30 CFR, part 56.
651.03 Acceptance. Developing pits and quarries will be evaluated under Subsections 106.02
and 106.04.
651.04 Measure the Section 651 items listed in the bid schedule according to Subsection 109.02.
651.05 The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the
Section 651 pay items listed in the bid schedule. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this Section. See Subsection 109.05.
701 - Cement
For bridge and culvert projects that have adjacent precast or prestressed concrete members that have shear keys or a joint between members.
701.02 Masonry and Mortar Cement.
(b) Mortar Cement.
Add the following:
Use this mortar in bridge deck and prestressed multi-beam girder keyways instead of high
strength non-shrink grout; and, when approved, as a structural repair mortar.
Keep mortar in the original manufacturer's labeled containers until used. Protect as specified for
Portland cement in 701.01. Do not use mortar after the expiration date shown on the container or
1 year from date of purchase, whichever date occurs first.
Store, mix, place and cure in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions; submit a copy in
advance of use to the CO.
Furnish mortar that is a chemical action concrete of the magnesium ammonium phosphate family
and requires no curing under ambient temperatures of 36° - 100° F. Require recommendation
by its manufacturer specifically for use in prestressed concrete bridge member keyways that are
to be part of the finished wearing and running surface of the bridge, subjected to normal roadway
contaminants and conditions promoting wear of normal bridge deck concrete.
Typical properties of the mortar, when tested neat without aggregate, are as follows, except when
 Compressive strength (ASTM C 109 modified) of 6000 psi at 24 hours at 72° F or above,
and when used below 50° F, 5000 psi.
 Modulus of elasticity (ASTM C 469) at 7 and 28 days of 4177 ksi and 4554 ksi.
 Freeze-thaw durability (ASTM C 666, Procedure A Modified) of a relative dynamic
modulus greater than 80 percent after 300 cycles.
 Scaling resistance to deicing chemicals (ASTM C 672) after 5 and 25 cycles at a rating of
0, shall show no surface scaling; after 50 cycles at a rating of 1.5 shall show only slight
surface scaling.
 Sulfate resistance (ASTM C 1012) length change after 52 weeks shall be no greater than
0.9 percent.
 Coefficient of thermal expansion (CRD-C 39-81) when run with 1inch x 1 inch x 11 inch
bars and neat mixes without aggregate, shall be within 10 percent of 7150 psi/degree
 Flexural strength (ASTM C 78 Modified) of 3 inch x 4 inch x 16 inch prisms shall be 3.8
550 psi at 24 hours for the mortar only, and 670 psi with 3/8 inch pea gravel.
Submit independent tests for the mortar recommended for use from 50° - 100° F, when used to
fill test specimens conforming to the Government's bridge box beam test keyway, showing the
following results:
 Lateral (horizontal) shear between adjacent members: Range of 14 k/ft of keyway
 Vertical shear between adjacent members: 16 k/ft of keyway
 Direct tension between adjacent members: 6 k/ft of keyway.
Submit independent tests for the mortar recommended for use from 36° - 50° F, when used to fill
test specimens conforming to the Government's bridge box beam test keyway, showing the
following results:
 Lateral (horizontal) shear between adjacent members: Range of 2.4 k/ft of keyway
 Vertical shear between adjacent members: 6 k/ft of keyway
 Direct tension between adjacent members: 4 k/ft of keyway.
Two products that meet these requirements are BASF/Master Builders Technologies Regular
Set-45 [for use below 50° F] and Set-45 Hot Weather Formula [for use from 50° - 100° F].
Use Set-45 Hot Weather Formula in air temperatures from 50° - 100° F. Use Regular Set-45 only
in air temperatures below 50° F. When used in temperatures below 36° F, use approved weather
precautions designed to prevent the mortar from freezing. Except when used in bridge deck
keyways and blockouts, Regular Set-45 may be extended by the addition of 20 pounds of
washed and clean 3/8 inch minus pea gravel per 50 pound bag when placed in thicknesses over
1.5 inches, or when approved by the CO.
Unless using one of the two products described above, submit products proposed for use to the
CO for approval, and accompany them with the manufacturer’s submittals substantiating all
requriements in this section, including (1) graphs or charts showing the time, temperature,
humidity, and curing requirements to achieve mortar strengths equal to the adjacent concrete;
and (2) complete recommendations for storage, mixing, application and curing procedures.
703 - Aggregate
Use in all contracts with 703
Delete 703.05 and replace with the following:
703.05 Subbase, Base, Surface Course, and Screened Aggregate.
(a) Subbase or base aggregate. Furnish hard, durable particles or fragments of crushed stone, crushed
slag, or crushed gravel conforming the following:
(1) Gradation
(2) Liquid limit, AASHTO T 89
(3) Plastic limit, AASHTO T 90
(4) Los Angeles abrasion, AASHTO T 96
(5) Sodium sulfate soundness loss (5 cycles),
(6) Durability index (coarse), AASHTO T 210
(7) Durability index (fine), AASHTO T 210
(8) Fractured faces, ASTM D 5821
(9) Free from organic matter and lumps or balls of clay
Table 703-2
25 max.
40% max.
12% max.
35 min.
35 min.
50% min.
Do not use material that breaks up when alternately frozen and thawed or wetted and dried.
Obtain the aggregate gradation by crushing, screening, and blending processes as necessary. Fine
aggregate, material passing the No. 4 sieve, shall consist of natural or crushed sand and fine mineral
(b) Surface course aggregate. Furnish hard, durable particles or fragments of crushed stone, crushed
slag, or crushed gravel conforming the following:
(1) Gradation
(2) Liquid limit, AASHTO T 89
(3) Plastic Index, AASHTO T 90
a) If the percent passing the No. 200 sieve is less than 12%
b) If the percent passing the No. 200 sieve is greater than 12%
(4) Los Angeles abrasion, AASHTO T 96
(5) Sodium sulfate soundness loss (5 cycles),
(6) Durability index (coarse), AASHTO T 210
(7) Durability index (fine), AASHTO T 210
(8) Fractured faces, ASTM D 5821
(9) Free from organic matter and lumps or balls of clay
Table 703-3
35 max.
2 to 9
Less than 2
40% max.
12% max.
35 min.
35 min.
75% min.
Do not use material that breaks up when alternately frozen and thawed or wetted and dried.
Do not furnish material that contains asbestos fibers.
Obtain the aggregate gradation by crushing, screening, and blending processes as necessary. Fine
aggregate, material passing the No. 4 sieve, shall consist of natural or crushed sand and fine mineral
(c) Screened aggregate – Furnish hard, durable particles or fragments of stone, slag, or gravel
conforming the following:
(1) Gradation
Table 703-16
(2) Plastic Index, AASHTO T 90
Less than 9
(3) Los Angeles abrasion, AASHTO T 96
(4) Free from organic matter and lumps or balls of clay.
55% max.
Do not use material that breaks up when alternately frozen and thawed or wetted and dried.
Obtain the aggregate gradation by crushing, screening, and blending processes as necessary.
4.0 – 7.0 (3)
( ) The value in the parentheses is the allowable deviation () from the target values..
4.0 –7.0 (3)
4.0 – 8.0 (3)
No. 200
4.0 – 12.0 (4)
12 – 26 (4)
36 – 64 (6)
9 – 17 (4)
31 – 54 (6)
No. 40
40 – 60 (8)
51 – 82 (6)
86 – 100 (6)
64 – 94 (6)
40 – 69 (6)
D (Base)
80 – 100 (6)
C (Base)
28 – 42 (6)
45 – 59 (7)
97 – 100
B (Subbase)
Grading Designation
No. 4
3/8 inch
1/2 inch
3/4 inch
1 inch
65 – 79 (6)
97 – 100
2 inch
1½ inch
A (Subbase)
2½ inch
Sieve Size
Table 703-2
Target Value Ranges for Subbase and Base Gradation
Percent by Mass Passing Designated Sieve (AASHTO T 27 and T 11)
4.0 – 7.0 (3)
12 – 26 (4)
36 – 74 (6)
62 – 90 (6)
E (Base)
Delete Table 703-2 and replace with the following:
43-53 (7)
No. 4
15-23 (5)
10.0-16.0 (4)
No. 40
No. 200
28 – 40 (6)
16 – 26 (5)
9.0 – 14.0 (4)
19 – 27 (5)
10.0 – 16.0 (4)
58 – 70 (7)
51 – 63 (7)
28 – 39 (6)
80 – 92 (6)
70 – 80 (6)
( ) The value in the parentheses is the allowable deviation () from the target values.
If the plasticity index (PI) is greater than 0, the TV range for the No. 200 sieve size is 8-12 (4).
23-32 (6)
No. 16
No. 8
56-68 (6)
3/8 inch
1/2 inch
97 - 100
8.0 – 15.0 (4)
8.0 – 15.0 (4)
16 – 28 (5)
30 – 46 (6)
26 – 40 (6)
14 – 25 (5)
43 – 60 (7)
71 – 91 (6)
36 – 53 (7)
51 – 71 (6)
76-89 (6)
3/4 inch
97 - 100
72 – 92 (6)
1 inch
Grading Designation
1 1/2 inch
Sieve Size
Table 703-3
Target Value Ranges for Surface Gradation
Percent by Mass Passing Designated Sieve (AASHTO T 27 and T 11)
8.0 – 15.0 (4)
19 – 30 (5)
34 – 51 (6)
50 – 68 (7)
71 – 90 (6)
Delete Table 703-3 and replace with the following:
Add Table 703-16:
Table 703-16
Gradation Requirements for Screened Aggregate
Percent by Mass Passing Designated Sieve (AASHTO T 27 and T 11)
Grading Designation
Sieve Size
6 inch
4 inch
3 inch
2 inch
No. 4
Use in all contracts with 703
703.10(e) Flakiness Index.
Delete and replace with the following:
Flakiness Index, FLH T 508
30% max.
703.10(i) Adherent Coating.
Add the following:
Adherent coating on the aggregate, FLH T 512
0.5% max.
Include in contracts with703 to correct Table 703-2
Table 703-2 Correction
Include the following substitution
In Table 703-2, delete the “436 – 74 (6)” percent by mass passing for grading E (base) No. 4
sieve size and substitute “36 – 74 (6).”
Table 703-2 Correction
Include the following substitution
In Table 703-2, delete the “436 – 74 (6)” percent by mass passing for grading E (base) No. 4
sieve size and substitute “36 – 74 (6).”
Use in all contracts with 703 that include asphalt surface treatment aggregate. Replaces Table 703-7
Delete Table 703-7 and substitute the following:
Table 703-7 Target Value Ranges
Table 703-7
Target Value Ranges for
Single and Multiple Course Surface Treatment Aggregate Gradation
Percent by Mass Passing Designated Sieve
(AASHTO T 27 & T 11)
Grading Designation
1½ inch
1 inch
¾ inch
½ inch
⅜ inch
No. 4
No. 8
No. 200
(1) Statistical procedures do not apply.
( ) The value in the parentheses is the allowable deviation () from the target values.
704 - Soil
Include in contracts with 704 when requiring 3-inch minus bedding material
704.02 Bedding Material.
Delete Subsection 704.02 and substitute the following:
Furnish a well graded, free draining material free of excess moisture, muck, frozen lumps, roots,
sod, or other deleterious material conforming to the following:
(a) Maximum particle size
3 inch or half the corrugation
depth, whichever is smaller
(b) Material passing No. 200 sieve,
AASHTO T 27 and T 11
10% max.
Include in contracts with 704 when requiring 1/2 inch minus bedding material. Corrects FP error.
704.02 Bedding Material.
Delete Subsection 704.02 and substitute the following:
Furnish a well graded, free draining material free of excess moisture, muck, frozen lumps, roots,
sod, or other deleterious material conforming to the following:
(a) Maximum particle size
1/2 inch or half the corrugation
depth, whichever is smaller
(b) Material passing No. 200 sieve,
AASHTO T 27 and T 11
10% max.
705 - Rock
Provides intermediate gradation class 4a and larger gradations class 7 & 8
705.02 Riprap Rock.
Delete Table 705-1 and replace it with the following:
Gradation Requirements for Riprap
Percent of
Approximate Cubic
Rock by Mass
Dimension b,c (inches)
22 to 33
6 to 8
11 to 22
5 to 6
1 to 11
2 to 5
0 to 1
0 to 2
55 to 110
8 to 10
22 to 55
6 to 8
2 to 22
3 to 6
0 to 2
0 to 3
220 to 330
14 to 16
110 to 220
10 to 14
11 to 110
5 to10
0 to 11
0 to 5
550 to 770
18 to 20
220 to 570
14 to 18
22 to 220
6 to 14
0 to 22
0 to 6
770 to1353
20 to 24
330 to 770
16 to 20
33 to 330
7 to16
0 to 33
0 to 7
1540 to 2200
26 to 28
1100 to 1540
20 to 26
55 to 1100
8 to 20
0 to 55
0 to 8
1870 to 3520
28 to 34
1100 to 1870
22 to 28
110 to 1100
10 to 22
0 to 110
0 to 10
4400 to 5940
2200 to 4400
220 to 2200
0 to 220
7000 to 10000
4000 to 7000
400 to 4000
0 to 400
35 to 39
28 to 35
14 to 28
0 to 14
42 to 47
35 to 42
16 to 35
0 to 16
(a) Furnish spall and rock fragments graded to provide a stable dense mass.
(b) The volume of a rock with these cubic dimensions has a mass approximately equal to
the specified rock mass.
(c) Furnish rock with breadth and thickness at least one-third its length.
Table with gradation for streambed material. Include in contracts with 648 Streambed Simulation
Add the following:
705.07 Streambed Simulation Rock.
(a) General. Furnish a mixture of soil, gravel, cobble, and boulders to simulate a natural streambed. The
cobbles and boulders should be hard, durable rock that conforms to test values in 705.02.
Table 705-5 – Gradation requirements for Streambed Simulation Material, inches or sieve size
Bed Class
No. 10
1 3/4
No. 10
2 1/2
No. 10
No. 10
No. 10
1 1/2
No. 10
1 3/4
No. 10
No. 10
No. 10
No. 10
No. 10
No. 10
Table describing rock used in channels for weirs, fish rest stops, etc. Use with Section 648 Streambed simulation
705.08 Channel Rock.
(a) General. Furnish hard, durable rock that consists of intact blocks without open
fractures, foliation, or other planes of weakness. Conform to test values in 705.02.
(b) Sized and shapes. Furnish rocks that are generally cubical, tabular, or rectangular
in shape, with dimensions as designated, or as specified in the following table:
Table 705-6 gradation requirement for Channel Rock
Rock Size
(Man Rock)
Mass (Pounds)
Approximate Cubic
Dimension (inches)
(c) Color. Furnish rocks with a color indigenous to the area. Rocks should be free of
machine-made scratches, mars, or other damage to the visible surface. If requested,
submit a 12 in sample of rock that is representative of the rock color for approval by the
709 - Reinforcing Steel and Wire Rope
Includes subsections 01,02,03; for projects with rebar, wire cable, or prestressing strand.
709.01 Reinforcing Steel.
(b) Reinforcing bars.
Delete paragraph one and replace with the following:
Furnish deformed, grade 60 bars conforming to AASHTO M 31.
(d) Tie bars.
Delete paragraph one and replace with the following:
Furnish deformed, grade 60 bars conforming to AASHTO M 31.
(e) Hook bolts.
Delete paragraph one and replace with the following:
Furnish plain, grade 60 bars conforming to AASHTO M 31 with M14 rolled threads or M16
cut threads. Furnish a threaded sleeve nut capable of sustaining a minimum axial load of
15,000 pounds.
709.02 Wire Rope Or Wire Cable.
Delete paragraph one and replace with the following:
Furnish wire rope or wire cable, and associated fittings, conforming to AASHTO M 30. Furnish
0.75 inch diameter Type II wire rope, with Class C zinc coating, unless otherwise shown on the
709.03 Prestressing Steel.
Delete all to subsection (a) and replace with the following:
Fabricate from one of the following:
Seven-wire uncoated strand conforming to AASHTO M 203, Grade 270, Supplement I,
low relaxation strand, minimum ultimate tensile strength 270 ksi, unless shown otherwise
on the plans.
Epoxy coated seven-wire strand, ASTM A 882, Grade 270, low relaxation strand,
minimum ultimate tensile strength 270 ksi, unless shown otherwise on the plans.
High tensile strength wire, AASHTO M 204, Type BA or WA, Supplement I (low
relaxation), unless shown otherwise on the plans.
High strength steel bars, AASHTO M 275M, Type II, minimum ultimate tensile strength
150 ksi, unless shown otherwise on the plans.
712 - Joint Material
For bridge and culvert projects calling for preformed expansion joint filler.
712.01 Sealants, Fillers, Seals, and Sleeves.
(b) Preformed expansion joint fillers.
Add to the end of the first sentence:
except on abutment, pier cap or other bent more than one piece may be used.
Include in contracts with 712
712.01 Sealants, Fillers, Seals, and Sleeves.
(a) Joint sealants and crack fillers.
Add the following:
(7) Low-Modulus Rubberized Asphalt. Conform to ASTM D 3405 and the following.
Cone Penetration, 75oF
Cone Penetration, -0oF
25 minimum
Flow, 140oF, 5h
3/8 in. maximum
Bond, -20oF, 200% extension
Pass 3 Cycles
Recommended Pour Temperature
Safe Heating Temperature
Asphalt Compatibility
713 - Roadside Improvement Material
Include in all contracts requiring mulch. Addresses weed prevention
713.05 Mulch.
Add the following:
Assure that mulch used on the project is certified noxious weed free by the appropriate authority
in the jurisdiction of use.
714 - Geotextile and Geocomposite Drain Material
Include in all contracts requiring geogrids.
Tables 714-1 and 714-4.
Add the following note to both tables:
(4) Woven slit film will not be allowed.
Add the following:
714.03 Geogrids.
Furnish geogrids consisting of polymeric materials such as polypropylene, polyethylene, or
polyester formed into a stable network of bars or straps fixed at their junctions such that the bars
retain their relative position to each other.
Elevate and protect rolls with a waterproof cover if stored outdoors.
(a) Physical requirements. Furnish geogrid treated to resist ultraviolet degradation, and
conforming to the physical strength requirements shown in table 714-7 according to ASTM D
4595 for the specified geogrid category. Strength values shown in table 714-7 represent
minimum average roll values and are for the direction of primary reinforcement. Ensure that the
aperture size for all geogrids is between ¾ to 3 inches.
(b) Evaluation procedures. Geogrids will be evaluated under Subsection 106.03. Furnish a
certification and a sample of the geogrid.
Table 714-7—Physical strength requirements for geogrids.
Minimum Ultimate Strength at Breakage (lbs/ft)
715 - Piling
For projects calling for pile shoes or tips on driven steel piling.
715.08 Pile Shoes.
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Furnish pile shoes for steel H-piles, cutting shoes for open-end pipe piles, conical points for
closed-end piles, and protectors for steel sheet piles that are cast-in-one piece steel conforming to
AASHTO M 103 Grade 450-240 or higher quality grade or high strength cast steel conforming
to ASTM A 148, any grade. Fasten shoes to the piles as recommended in writing by the shoe
manufacturer; submit a copy of the manufacturer's fastening recommendations in advance.
717 - Structural Metal
Includes subsections 01,02,03; for use on projects calling for hardened washers, load indicating washers, steel anchor bolts, structural steel
tubing, steel castings, galvanized coating repair, and elastomeric compression seals.
717.01 Structural Steel
(e) High-Strength Bolts, Nuts, & Washers.
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Conform to either AASHTO M164 or AASHTO M253, as specified. Use Type 3 bolts in
combination with unpainted weathering structure steel. Conform to AASHTO M293
(ASTM F 436) for hardened steel washers.
Add the following subsections:
(f) Load-Indicating Washers.
Furnish load-indicating washers (Compressible-washer-type DTI's) conforming to ASTM F
959, Type 8.8 or 10.9. Use Type 8.8 with AASHTO M 164 bolts and with ASTM F 568,
Class 8.8 tie rods; use Type 10.9 with AASHTO M 253 bolts. When galvanizing is shown
on the plans, furnish DTI's mechanically galvanized to conform to AASHTO M 298, Class
50, Type I. When used with other components that are weathering steel or are to be coated
the color of weathering steel, furnish DTI's protectively coated with baked epoxy in a
black color.
(g) Steel Anchor Bolts.
Furnish steel anchor bolts of the dimensions shown on the plans. Furnish steel anchor bolts
that conform to AASHTO M314, Grade 40 unless otherwise shown on the plans. Ensure
that the exposed portion of the bolt is zinc coated by hot dip or mechanical deposition.
(h) Structural Steel Tubing.
Furnish structural steel tubing that conforms to ASTM A500, grade B or ASTM A501
unless otherwise shown on the plans.
717.07 Galvanized Coatings
Add the following:
Furnish hot-dipped galvanized hardware and fasteners conforming to AASHTO M 232 and
mechanically galvanized hardware and fasteners conforming to AASHTO M 298.
Repair damaged galvanized surfaces by power or hand tool cleaning, followed by 2 brush
applications of zinc rich 2 component paint meeting FS TT-P-641, FS TT-P-1046A or MIL-P21035. Single component brush or spray-on zinc or galvanizing compounds are not permitted. A
source for TT-P-641 paint is Far West Paint Company, Tukwila, WA 206-244-8844.
718 - Traffic Signing and Marking Material
Inlcude in all contracts with 718.
718.02 Reserved.
Replace this section with the following:
718.02 Protective Overlay Film and Edge Film.
Protective overlay film will be a high performance flouropolymer film such as 3M Scotchlite
Premium Protective Overlay Film Series 1160 or approved equal.
Edge film will be a pressure-sensitive, premium-quality, clear, ultraviolet-resistant, 3 inches
wide vinyl film.
Required in all contracts -- deletes the use of chromate for preparation of aluminum sign blanks
718.05 Aluminum Panels
Delete the third paragraph and replace with the following:
Clean, degrease and properly prepare the panels according to methods recommended by the
sheeting manufacturer. Conversion coatings will conform to ASTM B-921 or ASTM B-449.
Inlcude in contracts with 718. Corrects typo in 718.08(b)(2)(c) and ASTM designation
718.08 (b)(2)(c)Signpost - Square tubular steel posts
Delete the existing subsection and substitute the following:
(c) Galvanizing after punching
(inside and outside of post) coating Z275 designation
ASTM A 653M,
Include in contracts with 718. Corrects typos and reference to 718.14(g)
718.14 (g)Waterborne Traffic Paint - Daylight reflectance
Delete the existing subsection and substitute the following:
(g) Daylight reflectance. (Without glass beads)
(1) White, ASTM E 1347
84% relative to magnesium
oxide standard
(2) Yellow, ASTM E 1347
55% relative to magnesium
oxide standard
Include in contracts with 718. Corrects typos in Subsection 718.15(g)
718.15 (g)Epoxy Marking - Drying Time
Delete the existing subsection and substitute the following:
(g) Drying time. 15 mil film thickness with beads.
(1) Laboratory at 72o F, ASTM D 711
30 minutes maximum to
no-pick-up condition
(2) Field at 77 oF, viewed from 50 feet
10 minutes maximum to
no-pick-up condition
Include in contracts with 718.Corrects Typos in 718.15(a)(2)
718.15 (a)Epoxy Markings Pigments
Delete the existing subsection and substitute the following:
(2) Yellow.
(a) Chrome yellow (PbCrO4),
23% min.
ASTM D 126, type III.
(b) Epoxy resin
70 to 77%
725 - Miscellaneous Material
Include in contracts with 725
725.02 Calcium Chloride, Calcium Chloride Flakes and Magnesium Chloride.
Add the following:
Ensure that the material does not exceed the following chemical constituents: phosphorous,
25.00 ppm; cyanide, 0.20 ppm; arsenic, 5.00 ppm; copper 0.20 ppm; lead 1.00 ppm; mercury
0.05 ppm; chromium 0.50 ppm; cadmium 0.20 ppm; barium 10.00 ppm; selenium 5.00 ppm; zinc
10.00 ppm; sulfate 4.3 percent maximum; nitrate 5.0 percent maximum.
725.20 Lignin Sulfonate.
Add the following:
Ensure that the material does not exceed the following chemical constituents: phosphorous,
25.00 ppm; cyanide, 0.20 ppm; aresenic, 5.00 ppm; copper 0.20 ppm; lead 1.00 ppm; mercury
0.05 ppm; chromium 0.50 ppm; cadium 0.20 ppm; barium 10.00 ppm; selenium 5.00 ppm; zinc
10.00 ppm.
725.30 Bentonite.
Furnish bentonite as sodium montmorillonite (sodium bentonite) in the form of a powder that
meets the following requirements:
a) Ensure that colloid content by AASHTO T88 is 60 percent minimum.
b) Ensure that a sieve analysis in accordance with AASHTO T27 on a dry, unwashed,
pulverized sample yields the following:
c) A minimum of 95% passing the No. 4 sieve.
A minimum of 15 percent passing the No. 200 sieve.
Includes subsections 04,21,22; includes revised references for fly ash, epoxy resin adhesives, and grout.
725.04 Pozzolans.
Delete paragraph (a) and replace with the following:
(a) Fly ash
AASHTO M295, class C or F, except the
loss on ignition must not exceed 3.0%.
725.21 Epoxy Resin Adhesives
Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following:
Furnish epoxy resin adhesives conforming to AASHTO M 235, which are moisture resistant and
are the appropriate M 235 type (intended use), grade (viscosity), class (temperature range) and
color for the intended use.
725.22 Grout.
(c) Nonshrink grout.
Add the following:
Where grout placement is confined and the grout cannot flow sideways, a mortar meeting the
requirements of subsection 701.02 (b) may be used in lieu of a high-strength non-shrink grout.
Use only at manufacturer’s suggested temperature ranges.
Keep grout in the original manufacturer's labeled containers until used. Provide protection
requirements as specified for cement in 701.01. Do not use grout after the expiration date shown
on the container or 1 year from date of purchase, whichever date occurs first.
Store, mix, place and cure grout in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions; submit a
copy to the CO in advance of use. Do not place grout when the air temperature is below 41° F or
above 86° F.