Individual student feedback on VetU project (uppsats) during DFM1 autumn 2011 Reviewer: _______________________________________________________________ Name of author (student)_______________________________________________ Aspect Examples of “Pass”, valid alternatives circled Examples of “Fail”, valid alternatives circled Extent 2 pages long More/less than 2 pages Title Informative, reflects the contens of the papers Title not informative, does not reflect the content Abstract Proper summation of the contents of the paper Does not reflect the content Introduction part (background) Adequate general introduction to the theme Does not present an adequate introduction to the theme Approximately one third to half of the paper Too long/ too short Contains answers for the questions completed in literature searches Includes references to used sources. Summary (referat) of article Does not contain the answers to the questions completed in the literature searches Does not include references. Adequate summation of the research article presented in a clear and logical manner The findings in the research article not summarized in a clear and logical manner Approximately one third to half of the paper Too long/ too short Includes reference to the article summarized Feedback to student Does not include reference to the article summarized 1 Commentary/ reflection (voluntary) Table Contains official MeSH terms that relate to the disease The MeSH terms are too general or do not relate to the disease Table legend properly placed and adequate Table legend is misplaced, incomplete, or missing Table referred to in the text Table not referred to in the text The figure complements the written contents The figure does not relate to the contents Figure legend properly placed and adequate Figure legend misplaced, incomplete or missing Figure referred to in the text Figure not referred to in the text Source of the Figure acknowledged Source of the Figure not acknowledged Contains at least 5 relevant references Insufficient references Figure References At least 2 original or review articles Proper format in Vancouver style Not enough original or review articles Format of references does not follow Vancouver style 2