
This Week’s Journal Prompts
Week of 10/20
Monday:10/20: Sovereign: n: a ruler; king; queen; emperor
The legend of King Arthur is probably not based on a sovereign. Instead, he was probably a local ruler
who became a king only in legend.
Tuesday:10/21: venerable: adj: deserving respect because of age, dignity, or character;
honored above others; worthy of reverence
Merlin is a venerable character in the Arthur legend as he is very old and wise.
Wednesday:10/22: hereditary: adj: of or passed down by inheritance from an ancestor;
transmitted from parent to child
Many positions of power in medieval England were hereditary. The position was passed from parent
to child.
Thursday:10/23: Entice: v: to attract; to tempt; to lure
It is not easy to entice a hobbit to join in an adventure. They much prefer the comforts of home.
Friday:10/24: Herald: v: to announce; to foretell
In “The Birds” the East wind whistling through Nat’s window heralded the arrival of winter.
Please have these prompts completed before I collect
journals. Make sure you copy the prompts into your
journals and Date the top of your page.