YEAR MONTH ISSUE (LVII) 2012 SEPTEMBER 3 STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABEŞ-BOLYAI STUDIA EUROPAEA 3 EDITORIAL OFFICE: Hasdeu no. 51, 400015 Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA Phone +40 264 405352 SUMAR – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE – INHALT KEYNOTE ADDRESS PHILIPPE BEKE EU Enlargement, Past, Present and Future .......................................................... 5 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ŞEVKET OVALI From Europeanization to Re-Nationalization: Contextual Parameters of Change in Turkish Foreign Policy…........................................................................17 KOKOU FOLLY LOLOWOU HETCHELI Intégration et prévention des conflits dans l’espace ouest-africain: la CEDEAO face a la crise sociopolitique au Togo .....................................................................39 LAURA MARIA HERŢA Peacekeeping and (Mis)management of Ethnic Disputes. The Cyprus Case.... 59 ADRIAN-CIPRIAN PĂUN A Political-Juridical Approach to the Post-Lisbon Agenda in Central and Eastern Europe ........................................................................................................... 77 EUROPEAN HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY GABRIEL TROC Patterns of Migration and Economic Development in Southern Danube Microregion....................……………………………............................................................85 LUCIAN T. BUTARU Eminescu and the Pattern of Romanian Antisemitism ...................................... 117 PHILIPP HOCHBAUM Südosteuropa als Migrationsraum am Beispiel der serbischen Besiedlung des Habsburgerreichs bis zum 18. Jahrhundert..........................................................129 VLAD MUREȘAN L’esprit faustien occidental et la crise écologique ............................................... 149 MIHAI MURARIU The Political Uses of Spatiality: Temporality, Telos, Legitimacy ...................... 169 ADRIANA BICHIŞ De Vichy à la résistance: Le cas du diplomate Jacques Truelle.......................... 189 COMAN (ANDREICA) ALINA The Ossian Pattern in the Matter of Identity Romanian Construction .............. 209 EU ENLARGEMENT, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Philippe Beke Conference by Ambassador Philippe Beke Cluj-Napoca, Babeș-Bolyai University 28th of May 2012 FROM EUROPEANIZATION TO RE-NATIONALIZATION: CONTEXTUAL PARAMETERS OF CHANGE IN TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY Şevket Ovalı Abstract The aim of this essay is to examine the contextual parameters that culminated in Turkey’s retreat from Europeanization and subsequent move towards renationalization in terms of its foreign policy. The paper is organized into three sections. The first section examines the analytical tools that may provide explanations for the transformations in Turkey’s foreign policy domain, while the second section discusses the early effects of European integration after 1999, with the aim of decoding Europeanization in terms of changes in the foreign policy domain. The third section scrutinizes the contextual parameters of change, which resulted in Turkey’s disenchantment with the EU integration in relation to certain topics on Turkey’s foreign policy agenda. The empirical parts of the essay focus on Turkey’s relations with Greece, Cyprus and Armenia since the shifts in Turkey’s policy preferences are more profound and observable in these areas. Keywords: Europeanization, nationalization, conditionality, socialization INTEGRATION ET PREVENTION DES CONFLITS DANS L’ ESPACE OUEST-AFRICAIN : LA CEDEAO FACE A LA CRISE SOCIOPOLITIQUE AU TOGO INTEGRATION AND PREVENTION OF CONFLICTS IN THE WESTERN AFRICAIN AREA. THE ECOWAS AND THE SOCIAL POLITICAL CRISIS IN TOGO Kokou Folly Lolowou Hetcheli Résumé La CEDEAO, dans sa dynamique d’intégration, est passée d’une organisation à vocation économique à une sécurité collective de proximité. C’est ainsi qu’elle ne cesse de mettre en place des mécanismes juridico-politiques pour faire face aux problèmes sécuritaires de son espace géographique. Ces mécanismes lui pemettent d’intervenir dans ses Etats membres confrontés à des conflits ou des crises. Son intervention dans la crise togolaise est diversement appréciée par les acteurs de la vie sociopolitique du pays. On note cependant une constante dans les discours : l’incapacité de cette institution à régler les problèmes politiques complexes en toute impartialité. Mots-clés: Crise, CEDEAO, intégration, intervention, Togo Abstract The ECOWAS in its integration process has evolved from an organisation with economic mission to a local collective security. It is in this perspective that in order to solve the security issues in its geographical space, it continues to set and develop legal and political mechanisms. These mechanisms allow the institution to intervene in member states facing conflicts or crises. The intervention of ECOWAS in the crisis of Togo is valued differently by the stakeholders. We have to notice however a constant in the the socio-political speeches: the incapacity of the institution to resolve impartially the complex political issues. Keywords: crisis, ECOWAS, integration, intervention, Togo PEACEKEEPING AND (MIS)MANAGEMENT OF ETHNIC DISPUTES. THE CYPRUS CASE Laura Maria Herţa Abstract The article explores the dynamics of the Cyprus conflict and aims at proving that the failure of resolution stemms from the psysical and mental segregation of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. The main purpose of this article is to identify the weaknesses of long term peacekeeping operations, using the example of UNFICYP, and to prove that in the case of Cyprus, monitoring the separation of military forces has also led to the preservation of ethnic division. We argue that, despite its efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the conflict, the United Nations, through the presence of UNFICYP and its subsidiary tasks, actually contributed to the preservation of internal borders. Keywords: Cyprus, frozen conflicts, intercommunal dispute, peacekeeping, ethnic separation A POLITICAL-JURIDICAL APPROACH TO THE POST-LISBON AGENDA IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Adrian-Ciprian Păun Abstract The effects of the Lisbon Treaty at the Central and East-European level have revealed a set of significant patterns, germane to the political and juridical changes that characterise the post-Lisbon agenda in this geographical area. Thus, each member state of the European Union from this ex-communist space has been able to play a role, for the first time in history, in the juridical modelling of the new institutional configuration at the Community level. This article presents some of the most prominent implications of this participation. Keywords: Lisbon Treaty, ratification process, Central and Eastern Europe, institutional configuration PATTERNS OF MIGRATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHERN DANUBE MICRO-REGION Gabriel Troc Abstract Being theoretically located within the debate regarding the positive or negative consequences of the migrant’s remittances for local development, the paper is the result of field research in the rural area of Southern Danube Micro-region, from Teleorman County, Romania. The main contribution of the paper resides in challenging the general assumption that transnational migration from rural Eastern Europe is always caused by underdevelopment, and in proving instead that the local process of development itself, in its particular post-socialist-cumneoliberal form, may determine and enhance migration. As the argument goes, the paper gives an assessment of the extent and the general causes of transnational migration from this region to Spain, and reveals the formation of different patterns of migration along the generational, confessional and ethnic lines. The statements of the paper are illustrated ethnographically with instances from the village with the highest rate of migration. Among the important findings of the research are that the emergence of entrepreneurial behavior, as result of migration, tends to be linked with the minority group of the Adventists, and that the mass migration of the Ursari Roma has resulted in a geographical and a social repositioning of this ethnic group within the villages. Keywords: post-socialism; transnational migration; rural development; minority group entrepreneurship; Roma migration EMINESCU AND THE PATTERN OF ROMANIAN ANTISEMITISM LUCIAN T. BUTARU Abstract After the Congress of Berlin (1878), the international pressure to eliminate from the Constitution the exclusions based on religious criteria produced an ideological battle, which raised the Romanian antisemitism to a new level. Of the representatives of the Romanian antisemites, Mihai Eminescu is the figure that has the widest public recognition. We can find in Eminescu’s writings a pattern of discourse which it was used later (without any nuances) in the Romanian antisemitic discourse. Eminescu contributed to the development of a specific Romanian antisemitic understanding of the Jewishness, as a cultural product – a function of religion, of economic interest and of ethnicity. Keywords: antisemitism, citizenship, Jewish identity, racism, ideology production SÜDOSTEUROPA ALS MIGRATIONSRAUM AM BEISPIEL DER SERBISCHEN BESIEDLUNG DES HABSBURGERREICHS BIS ZUM 18. JAHRHUNDERT SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE AS AN AREA OF MIGRATION: THE SERBIAN COLONIZATION OF THE HABSBURG EMPIRE UNTIL THE 18TH CENTURY Philipp Hochbaum Abstract South-Eastern Europe´s ethnic shape was highly influenced by migration throughout its history, which can be defined as a “migration history”. Probably the most important of them is the Serbian immigration to Southern Hungary, which was later to become Ottoman territory and – as a result of the Ottomans being defeated by Austria – part of the Habsburg Monarchy thereafter. Of outstanding importance is the Serbian Migration organized by patriarch Arsenije III. Čarnojević from 1690, also known as „The Great Migration“(Velika Seoba). With the Serbs also settling in Banat, this multiethnic region became an object of retroactive, ethnicity-based claims in modern Serbian and Romanian historiography. They both reproject ethnic differences and identities upon a population that was ethnically diverse, but not yet nationally differentiated according to contemporary criteria. Keywords: migration, multiethnical societies, religion, modern national identities, re-projection of national identity L’ESPRIT FAUSTIEN OCCIDENTAL ET LA CRISE ECOLOGIQUE THE FAUSTIAN WESTERN SPIRIT AND THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS Vlad Mureșan Abstract The ecologic crisis is undeniably the product of the Western civilisation, particularly of the modern ameliorative task, now projected on a planetary scale. Is it, however triggered by a more profound determinism, which finds its roots in the original religious vision of Christianity? More precisely, in the biblical mandate God has given men to multiply and dominate the Earth as a king over his dominion? There are, actually, some ecologist “prosecutors” who are making exactly this point. Christianity is, on the long term, to be held as ultimate responsible for the heavy mass of this “eco-cide” civilisation. Evaluating such spiritual roots of the disaster, we discovered however, in the “epileptically” advancing Western history a fundamental differentiation between this royal status given to man in the Bible over the Earth, and the “psychosis” of modern Faustian project. Given the fact that, from a theological standpoint, such a divine mandate implied however a divine surveillance and correction, the neurotic progressivism of the Faustian principle was not completely released, until the proclamation of the Death of God. It is in this way only that man could become his own master. He was now able to freely dispose of the great cosmic reservoir without accounting in front of any instance higher than himself. It is, in conclusion, not in the least the contemplative Christianity to be hold responsible for the ecological crisis, but, indeed, the Faustian modernity. Keywords: Faustian spirit, Western civilization, Christianity, Modernity, Ecologist movement THE POLITICAL USES OF SPATIALITY: TEMPORALITY, TELOS, LEGITIMACY Mihai Murariu Abstract This paper aims to present several of the most important aspects concerning political spatiality and its various dimensions, such as the physical, symbolic and charismatized aspects. This analysis will serve a two-fold purpose: 1) depicting the main types of spatiality, while concentrating more on the difficulty in defining and categorising sacred space; 2) how the use of spatiality can aid in the creation of ideological hegemony, of social homogeneity and, ultimately, of a distinct teleological narrative which may legitimize communities, as well as modern ideocratic regimes. Keywords: spatiality, hegemony, regime, charismatization, legitimacy DE VICHY A LA RESISTANCE : LE CAS DU DIPLOMATE JACQUES TRUELLE FROM VICHY TO RESISTANCE: THE CASE OF DIPLOMAT JACQUES TRUELLE Adriana Bichiş Abstract The aim of the current article is to analyze the actions of the French diplomat Jacques Truelle who from his early position as a Vichy diplomat later rallied himself to General de Gaulle in June 1943. Firstly, our aim is to evaluate the difficulties he encountered into joining the Resistance movement, and those regarding the acceptance of de Gaulle’s persona as the leader of Free France. Furthermore, we seek to outline his “double game” policy and the role he played regarding the fate of Jews he encountered in the turmoil of the Second World War. Keywords: diplomacy, ambassador, Vichy, Resistance, Truelle, Second Word War. THE OSSIAN PATTERN IN THE MATTER OF IDENTITY ROMANIAN CONSTRUCTION Coman (Andreica) Alina Abstract James Macpherson, the young rhapsode (etymologically speaking) with poetic aspirations who is stimulated or even “obligated” to prove the existence of other founding traditions in the European culture besides the Greek and Latin ones, “invents” Ossianic epic poems by resorting to oral and popular literature. Elements of the Ossianic model were identified in the Romanian culture during the construction of the national state and identity. By “inventing traditions”, to use Hobsbawm’s terminology, the Romanian modernity was built on the concept of rurality, term that was later applied to the entire Romanian culture. Keywords: pattern Ossian, tradition, construction, identity, modernity