TERMS OF REFERENCE National Consultancy for the development of the HIV/AIDS Case Management Guide for Injecting Drug Users A. Overall program background The National AIDS Programme 2010-2015 implemented under the Global Fund Round 8 Grant will scale-up comprehensive care and support for PLWH by building on and expanding existing programs and services, and introducing innovative approaches that are consistent with UNAIDS centered models of care and support. The program will expand intensive psychosocial and adherence support for 8,000 PLHA through deployment of grants to NGOs of the National League of PLWH and through supporting ART Teams to cover geographically the 4 regions of the country, with the aim to bring the services closer to the final beneficiaries. The program will make use and increase the capacity of 18 Multidisciplinary Teams functioning under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child who can provide regular, community-based services for PLWH and children, as well as identification of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS for social protection services, contributing towards the goal of universal access and 100% coverage with social services. The program will provide PLWH and IDUs with an enhanced case management system through the establishment of a Department to be responsible for proper planning and interaction between the National AIDS Centre who is responsible for testing, ART Treatment Section placed within the Dermatovenerological Dispensary, M&E Unit, and the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child who are responsible for ensuring the adherence of PLWH to their regimen, one through the clinical part, the other through social protection and care. Activities of the project to be implemented by NGOs for identification of IDUs and referral to OST have been planned to ensure higher rates of enrolment and thus improving the success rate of Round VI proposal. This is essential given the proposal’s focus on active IDUs, who typically require more support to remain adherent to OST, with the aim to reduce high drop out rates that are currently attested. The program will also sustain and enhance community centers to provide social services to PLWH, a joint initiative by the local public authorities and NGOs to complement the current gap in the social services system, to be established in each of the 4 regions of Moldova and to be further supported by the local public authorities by the end of program. In addition to care and support services provided onsite, these centers will also serve as key vehicles for the delivery of other components of the overall care and support package, including counseling, self-help groups and job training. The program will develop standards and train service providers to provide palliative care for terminally-ill who require chronic home care or end-of-life care. A Palliative Care section will be refurbished and further sustained by the state Goals: To reduced morbidity, mortality and HIV-related impact on people living with HIV/AIDS. It is based on the achievement of 3 objectives: 1) to improve performance of GFATM, Round VI 2) to improve quality of life of PLWH and IDUs 3) to strengthen the National League of PLWH B. Specific background Improve the quality of life of PLWHA is the major aim of HIV care and support and a comprehensive case management that will link PLWHA with appropriate services is imperative for reaching this goal. Most people living with HIV/AIDS have complex needs that exceed those caused by medical or health conditions, they are likely to require additional assistance with emotional, financial, legal, and social problems throughout different stages of their HIV disease progression. Case management is widely used to facilitate access to care and support services and should become the cornerstone of HIV/AIDS programs that seek to address a wide array of medical, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors that affect the functioning and well being of HIV infected people and their families. The separation between medical and social support systems characteristic for our country present significant barriers to care for PLWHA and IDUs and to poor retentions rates among ARV patients. Medical and social efforts should be integrated in order to avoid service duplication, inefficiency and client confusion and increase overall effectiveness of today's health and social care systems in meeting AIDS patients' needs. C. Objective of the assignment The main purpose of the assignment is to develop a practical HIV/AIDS case management guide that shall serve as a reference material for professionals in view of contributing to a better understanding of the case management and hence increasing of quality of services provided to PLWHA and IDUs. Summary The consultancy team shall develop a practical comprehensive HIV/AIDS case management guide that will assist providers of case management services in understanding their case management responsibilities and those of their counterparts. The guide should be based on the principle of multidisciplinary team as one of the most effective approach to case management and should be tailored and organized in response to the country unique local, organizational and client factors. The guide shall cover clear definition of case management and description of case management service model before and after the start of ART, case management processes, roles and responsibilities of case managers, modality of medical and social efforts integration from the perspective of varied levels of client needs, client readiness for case management services, and country available resources. D. Specific responsibilities Specifically the consultancy team should: identify the optimal case management approach based on country existing services and available resources, establish clear services integration, coordination and collaboration principles; define the target group that will use the HIV/AIDS case management guide and the levels at which it will be used; delineate clearly between the case management services before and after the enrollment in ARV treatment; describe the core processes of case management (intake, assessment of needs, service planning, service plan implementation, service coordination, monitoring and follow-up, reassessment, case conferencing, crisis intervention, case closure, etc.); describe the core case management activities (assisting client to access and maintain specific services, consultation with providers, navigation through the service system, psycho-social support, supportive counseling, etc.); specify the course of actions at each stage depending on client needs (as algorithms); specify the responsibilities of medical and social case management and the modality of medical and social case management efforts’ integration, coordination and collaboration; present and discuss the concept and final draft with the CCM TWG on treatment and care for PLWHA and CCM TWG on Social Assistance. E. Deliverables The final product of the consultancy will be the guide on HIV/AIDS case management. The consultant team will report to the UNAIDS. The guide should be submitted in electronic version – 1,5 months after commencement of the assignment. The final guide must be presented for approval in Romanian. Any draft document produced by the consultancy team will be discussed and cleared with the UNAIDS before final presentation. The consultancy team will be managed by the UNAIDS and periodic presentation and discussion of the product will be made to the CCM TWG on treatment and care of PLWHA and the CCM TWG on Social Assistance through a process agreed at beginning of the consultancy. F. UNAIDS’s contribution UNAIDS in connection with Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, UNAIDS, WHO and other partners will facilitate access to any available information, in relation to the assignment that may be needed by the Consultancy Team. The consultancy team is expected to carry out all its work in close collaboration with the UNAIDS. G. Consultants profile and qualification In order to accomplish the described responsibilities, UNAIDS needs to contract a consultancy team comprised of two experts from medical and social disciplines with a combination of the following qualifications: Advanced degree in related discipline, i.e. medicine, public health, health management, social assistance, etc.; Professional background in Medicine/Social field with experience in HIV/AIDS; In dept knowledge of services existent in the field of HIV/AIDS (medical, social, supportive, etc) Demonstrated experience in HIV/AIDS sector for at least two years, experience in clinical or social case management will be an asset; Proficiency in Romanian, English and Russian; Solid analytical skills. H. Duration of service and terms of payment 1. The consultancy assignment will require up to 20 consultant’s days to be distributed between consultancy team members, over a period of 1,5 months from the start of contract. 2. The consultants hired by the Project for the elaboration of the HIV/AIDS case management guide will closely work in team under the guidance of a team leader appointed by UNAIDS. 100% of the Contract - upon presentation of the Guide and other subproducts (technical notes, memos, plans, presentations and other documents) that may be required by the UNAIDS, according to the TOR, following the receipt and approval of the Guide by the UNAIDS.