ED 421: Technology Integration Spring 2010 3 Credits ITC 001 Wednesdays, 9:00—11:50 Instructor Phone Office Email Dr. Mary Bucy 503-838-8794 ED 202M bucym@wou.edu Other sections Office Hours T 1:30—3:30 W 3:00—5:00 Class times Denvy Saxowsky 503-838-8760 ED 123 saxowsd@wou.edu R Bill Hamlin ED 101 whamlin@wou.edu R 503-559-8189 12:00—2:50 8:00—10:50 Course Description Explores operations and concepts of basic technology to enhance personal and professional growth and productivity, and integration of technology into classroom planning, instruction, and assessment. Course Objectives Within this course students will develop a conceptual framework for using educational technology, analyze strategies for integrating technology into educational contexts and evaluate its potential for the improvement of teaching and learning. This project-based course is taught through a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration and hands-on practice. In this class, students will: explore and discuss the impact of interactive socializing processes online; explore a variety of ways to display information through words, images, sound, and video; become familiar with concepts of visual design; study how and why we can organize information spatially; find and evaluate electronic resources; explore the use of new devices and products in education; find and identify useful interactive educational resources online; evaluate, design and build educational websites; and examine ways that all of these techniques can be integrated into classroom to enhance learning. ED 421 Syllabus Pg 1 of 5 Program Proficiency #7, Technology, is targeted in this course. A candidate who is proficient in this area understands operations and concepts of basic technology equipment, applies technology to enhance personal and professional growth and productivity, and integrates technology in classroom planning, instruction, and assessment. Technological equipment includes computer hardware and software, related peripherals such as printers, scanners, digital cameras, CD-recordable equipment, and graphic, video, print, and audio devices. Demonstrates facility in identifying/mastering technology applications Identifies strategies for integrating technology into instructional contexts Identifies/applies technologies which facilitate the attainment of higher order skills and creativity Demonstrates ability to design means for assessment evaluation (e.g. spreadsheets, databases) Identifies appropriate classroom technologies and designs activities in which they are employed productively Observes social, legal, and ethical uses of technology resources. WOU Core Competencies Emphasized: 6. Students will ...demonstrate improvements in their information and media literacy. 7. Students will learn how to use appropriate technologies. 11. Students will be able to apply theory in relevant, appropriate and reflective ways. Sources of Evidence NOTE: These are summaries only. Directions for each assignment will be made available on the course web site or distributed during class as appropriate. Class participation Regular attendance and active engagement in discussions, readings, assignments and other activities associated with college scholarship as well as display of professional behaviors and teacher dispositions such as teamwork, punctuality, reliability and reflective practice. Full credit for assignments depends upon evidence you have planned and engaged in the production of the necessary material: the primary source for that evidence is your observable activity in class. Weekly Blog At the beginning of this course you will create a personal blog and throughout the term you will post a weekly entry reflecting on the activities of the week. Complete instructions will be given on the first day of class. Assignment #1 Using Photoshop, combine three images into a montage. Add a text label. Publish following in-class instructions. ED 421 Syllabus Pg 2 of 5 Assignment #2 Working in groups, and using a digital video camera, shoot clips for a 30-second commercial. Capture the clips in iMovie, edit the video adding transitions and titles, and submit as a QuickTime movie. Assignment #3 Create an educational tour using Google Earth. Assignment #4 Using Garage Band, create an educational podcast that includes a voice track as well as photos. Assignment #5 TBA—mobile applications in education Assignment #6 (Website presentations during Finals week, time TBA) Create an educational website. Your website may stand alone or support a unit of instruction, must be appropriate to your authorization and content area, and should encourage critical thinking. Details will be given in class. Assignment #7 Technology-infused unit of instruction Design a coherent instructional set of activities that makes use of technology as an integral part of the student learning process. Examples and criteria will be given during class. Lessons must align with ISTE NETS standards and the Framework for 21st Century Learning. Criteria for Assessment Demonstrated ability to use and evaluate the use of interactive socializing online programs. Demonstrated ability to use recent technologies in an educational manner. Demonstrated ability to work with a variety of digital imagery formats and peripherals. Demonstrated ability to use computers to display spatial information and create maps. Demonstrated ability to create and use databases to encourage critical thinking. Demonstrated ability to use electronic resources to conduct research and evaluate validity. Demonstrated ability to find and identify online interactive educational resources. Demonstrated ability to create educational websites. Demonstrated ability to infuse lessons with technology. ED 421 Syllabus Pg 3 of 5 Grading Lab Assignment 1: Photo Montage Assignment 2: Video Assignment 3: Mapping Assignment 4: Podcast Assignment 5: Mobile Apps Assignment 6: Web Site Assignment 7: Technology-infused unit of instruction Class participation and attendance Blog postings each week Total Pts* 9 9 9 9 9 15 20 10 10 100 Grades (%) A 93-100 A90-92 B+ 88-89 B 83-87 B80-82 C+ 78-79 C 73-77 C70-72 D 60-69 F below 60 Class Schedule Week 1 3/31 2 4/7 3 4/14 4 4/21 5 4/28 6 5/5 Theory Course overview Explain technology-infused lesson Explore Web 2.0 Create Blog Using images in the classroom Digital images: cameras Photoshop Application Video: Explore iMovie and camcorders Digital camcorders Video editing: iMovie Mapping: Google Earth Web-based GIS Information Literacy Evaluate Internet Websites Google Earth Due: Assignment #1 Website evaluation Due: Assignment #2 Podcasting: Garage Band Screen casting: Jing Due: Assignment #3 Podcasting Intro to the lab Initial blog posting In-class Web 2.0 discussions Digital cameras Photo editing: Photoshop 7 5/12 8 5/19 9 5/26 10 6/2 Finals Week 6/7 Mobile applications (iPod Touch) Visual Design Principles Introduce Website Design Due: Assignments #4 and #5 Website Website workday Tech Unit/Website work sessions Finalize websites Due: Assignment #7 Due: Assignment #6 Website presentations (times TBA) ED 421 Syllabus Pg 4 of 5 General course guidelines Attend class every week. Working individually with students during office hours is normal but reserving that time for those who really need help rather than those who simply missed a class is preferred. If you are ill or have an unavoidable conflict, please email to let me know ahead of time. Occasionally, classes can be made up by attending a different section. If you need to do this, please be sure that all students officially enrolled in that section have a computer before you claim one. You should not plan on doing this regularly. Pay attention in class. You can read your email before or after class. Typing is distracting to others. Avoid talking to others during presentations. Even quiet whispering can be very distracting for others. Participate in class discussions. Join in the conversation and listen carefully to your classmates. Make every attempt to turn work in on time. Let me know if technical difficulties are interfering with your timeline and I will try to help you get back on track. Consistently back up, make copies and otherwise keep track of your work. If you have problems, talk to me in class, after class, or make an appointment by e-mail. Plagiarism policy Much of the work we do in this class involves using online electronic texts and images as a resource. If you use material you have found online, you are expected to acknowledge the source and, in the case of text, paraphrase as appropriate. If you use another writer’s words, you must put those words in quotation marks (or use block quote formatting) and formally cite where they came from. If you cut and paste text or any other material without crediting your source, you are plagiarizing. Plagiarism is unethical and can lead to a failing grade. WOU Student Support Services Available Disability Accommodation: If you have a documented disability that my require assistance, you will need to contact the Office of Disabilities Services (ODS) for coordination in your academic accommodations. The ODS is located in the Academic Programs and support Center (APSC) Suite 405. The phone/TTY is (503) 838-8250 Writing Center (www.wou.edu/las/humanities/writingctr) Learning Resource Center (www.wou.edu/provost/aalc/learning) Counseling Center (www.wou.edu/student/health/counseling/index.php) Department or College Resources ED 421 Syllabus Pg 5 of 5