II cycle

Vice rector for academic affairs
__________________ Dmitry A. Zubtsov
«______» ______________ 2014
on the procedure of selection of young scientists (PostDocs) with international experience to
carry out scientific research in the MIPT leading laboratories in 2014-2016
(II cycle)
Dolgoprudny 2014
1. General Provisions
1.1. The purpose of the selection procedure is the employment of PostDocs (hereinafter referred
to as the Young Scientists) for conducting research in leading laboratories of the Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology (hereinafter referred to as MIPT) in the framework of the
Program for Increasing the Competitiveness of MIPT (“5TOP100” Program) and in accordance
with the Action Plan (“Roadmap”) Program to address the tasks set before the Russian
universities in the framework of the open competition for state support of the top universities of
the Russian Federation in order to improve their competitiveness among the world's scientific
and educational centers, conducted pursuant to Decree No. 599 dated May 7, 2012 of the RF
President and to Decree No. 211 dated March 16, 2013 of the RF Government.
1.2. The successful candidates will be employed by MIPT with a guaranteed salary of 65
thousand rubles per month in 2014, 70 thousand rubles per month in 2015 and 75 thousand
rubles in 2016. In addition to salary, the young scientists may be paid incentive bonuses at the
expense of the laboratory. If necessary, they may also be provided with a place in MIPT campus
at the expense of the 5top100 Program.
1.3. The relationship of the parties under the selection procedure is governed by the legislation of
the Russian Federation.
1.4. The selection procedure is carried out by the Federal State Autonomous Educational
Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(State University)" (MIPT).
Location and mailing address of MIPT: 9, Institutskiy pereulok, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region,
141700, Russia.
Email address: postdoc@mipt.ru .
2. Requirements for Participation
2.1. The applicants may be Russian or foreign scientists who prepared the Application for
Participation in accordance with paragraphs 5.1 to 5.5 of the Regulatory Documentation.
2.2. The candidate may only submit one application per competition cycle.
2.3. The candidate should pass his/her PhD degree defense not earlier than 6 years prior to the
date of announcement of the selection procedure.
2.4. The candidate should be less than 35 years old at the time of filing of the application.
2.5. The candidate should have at least three publications indexed in the Web of Science
database and work experience in the leading research centers.
3. Research Requirements and Conditions
3.1. The stated research should not be a repetition of any research carried out in the current
period or completed in the previous period at the expense of budgets of different levels or other
3.2. The applications and research projects should fall within the fields of work of MIPT leading
3.3. When submitting the application, the candidate should propose the theme of the project for
its future implementation within the frames of his/her research.
3.4. When preparing the application, the candidate should select a Research Supervisor for his or
her project and get his or her approval for the subject of the research.
3.5. The terms of the research should provide for a full-time employment in 2014-2016.
3.6. Research Supervisor of the project obliges:
a) to direct the scientific research and to provide guidance to the invited Young Scientist
during the entire period of the project;
b) to provide the Young Scientist with an assistant for administrative support;
c) during evaluation of the application, to give written consent to fulfill his or her
obligations under the project.
3.7. MIPT obliges:
a) to provide the Young Scientist with a continuous salary payment for the duration of the
employment contract;
b) to provide the Young Scientist with a working place and a possibility to access the
existing experimental base for the conduct of scientific research;
c) Upon the recommendation of the Research Supervisor MIPT obliges to sign with the
Young Scientist a fixed-term employment contract until the end of December 2016 with
its possible extension to December 2017. Or MIPT obliges to sign with the Young
Scientist a fixed-term employment contract for the 3 month probationary period. At the
end of the probationary period upon the recommendation of the Research Supervisor
MIPT obliges to sign a fixed-term employment contract until the end of December 2016
with its possible extension to December 2017.
3.8. By the end of 2016 the results of the research should be presented by publication of articles
with a total impact factor of at least 4 in the scientific journals (according to the Journal Citation
Reports (Thomson Reuters)) and (or) by filing two international patent applications for the
3.9. During the scientific research the Young Scientist should popularize the research results in a
form of reports on international conferences and seminars and by using different forms of mass
3.10. The Young Scientist and his or her Research Supervisor are held responsible for the
achievement of the results of the research project stipulated in the contract.
4. Time Schedule of the Selection Procedure
Application opening date: September 24, 2014, 9:00 Moscow Time.
Application closing date: November 1, 2014, 17:00 Moscow Time.
The applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
The results will be announced by no later than November 15, 2014.
5. Contents of the Application for Participation
The Application for Participation shall contain the following:
5.1. Form 1. “Application Form of the Young Scientist”.
5.2. Form 2. “Description of Research”.
5.3. Recommendation of the research supervisor from the previous place of work or study.
5.4. Letters of support from at least two recognized experts in this field of science.
5.5. Copy of a degree diploma in English or Russian language or its translation into one of these
5.6. Appendices (at the discretion of the applicant).
6. Preparation of the Application
6.1. The persons interested to participate should prepare their application documents in an
electronic form.
6.2. The Application for Participation should be prepared both in Russian and in English
languages or in English only. If certain documents of the Application are composed in other
languages, they may be included into the Application provided that they are accompanied by a
duly certified translation thereof into Russian or English language.
6.3. The application documents should be sent to the email address postdoc@mipt.ru.
7. Evaluation of Applications
7.1. The submitted applications are formally verified for their compliance with the Regulatory
Documentation and the accuracy of the presented information. If the provided information is
found to be false or unreliable, the application will be rejected, and the applicant will be notified
7.2.. The applications are forwarded in an electronic form to the members of the Expert
Commission within a time period not exceeding five working days after the submission deadline.
Form 1. Application Form of the Young Scientist
Information about the Young Scientist
Personal information
Full name
Date of birth
Citizenship (if you hold multiple
citizenship, separate them by comma)
Education, name of higher education
institution and year of graduation
Academic degree
Place of residence
Telephone number
Main place of work / last place of work
Full name of the organization
Job position
Telephone number
Previous places of work (including internships)
Scientometric indices
Researcher ID2 (if absent, it is
necessary to register and fill)
h-index (according to Web of Science)
Number of publications indexed in the
Web of Science database
Number of publications indexed in the
Scopus database
Number of publications indexed in the
Russian Science Citation Index
database (optional)
Scientific achievements and experience of the Young Scientist
1. Scientific achievements of the Young Scientist
1.1. Scientific activity of the Young Scientist and his main achievements
1.2. Prizes and Awards of the Young Scientist
Prize / Award Title
Issuing authority
Dаte of issue
Achievement awarded
1.3. Publications of the Young Scientist in the years 2009 to 2014 in editions indexed in the
Web of Science database
Title of the edition
Authors (in the order
shown in the
Title of the
Year, Impact- Number
volume, factor of
to the
Web of
1.4. Patents or registered patent applications of the Young Scientist
Name of patent
Authors (indicate the patent)
Output data
1.5. Conferences at which the Young Scientist presented his reports in the years 2009 to 2014
Name of the conference
Place and time of
the conference,
language of report
Authors and title of the
Report type
(invited / oral /
2. Experience of the Young Scientist in training scientific and pedagogical staff
3. Additional information
____________________________ ____________________ “_____” _____________ 2014
Full name
To get a ResearcherID, please register at the website http://www.researcherid.com .
At the time of submission of the application.
Form 2. Description of Research
1. General information about the project
1.1. Field of science
1.2. Direction of scientific research
1.3. Project goal (not more than 0.5
1.4. Objectives of the project (not more
than 0.5 pages)
1.5. Expected results (including expected
inventions, patents, know-hows etc.) (not
more than 1.5 pages)
2. Description of the project
2.1. Description of the proposed research
(not more than 5 pages) (relevance of the
stated research, its adequacy to the
current state of world science, possibility
to get new scientific results)
2.2. Description of scientific approaches
and methods to be used to fulfill the
stated objectives (not more than 3 pages)
2.3. Description of scientific groundwork
for the project and related results (not
more than 3 pages)
2.4. Name of the potential Research
Supervisor in MIPT
2.5. Name of the potential laboratory in
____________________________ ____________________ “_____” _____________ 2014
Full name