An Introduction to Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA)

Paper design guidelines
Department of Mechanical Engineering, division PMA, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
e-mail :
This document contains the paper design guidelines for the Second International Workshop on Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems 1999 (IMS99, Leuven, September 1999).
A template for MS WORD7, MS WORD97 and LaTeX2e is available on the IMS99 website :
For questions about the paper design guidelines contact (preferably by e-mail) :
Patrick Peeters -- IMS 1999
K.U.Leuven – PMA
Celestijnenlaan 300B
B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
e-mail :
Tel: (+32) 16 32 25 15
Fax: (+32) 16 32 29 87
The deadline for the initial submission is February 15, 1999. Accepted papers must be submitted before
June 15, 1999.
Four (4) copies of initial papers and three (3) camera ready originals of accepted papers should be sent
directly to :
Paul Valckenaers -- IMS 1999
K.U.Leuven – PMA
Celestijnenlaan 300B
B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
1. Introduction
2. Layout of text
The paper will be used as camera-ready artwork and
therefore, some basic rules must be followed to
insure quality and standardisation of the conference
 Be accurate in your typing and thorough in your
photographically reduced (by 17%) for
reproduction without any proof-reading or
retyping before printing.
 Limit the paper to ten (10) pages, including text,
illustrations and references.
 Print the text on your own paper. It is
re-commended that you use a high quality
 Do not pencil in corrections or changes.
 Do not fold the originals.
The text should fit entirely into a rectangle of
247mm x 170mm.
Use the following margins on DIN A4-paper
(297mm x 210mm) :
 top margin
 bottom margin
 left margin
 right margin
And the following margins on Letter-paper (11inch
(279.4mm) x 8.5inch (215.9mm)) :
 top margin
 bottom margin
 left margin
 right margin
Use a 2 column format, except for the title and the
abstract (see below). The column width is 82mm,
with a gutter of 6mm between the 2 columns.
Do not add page numbers nor any other header or
footer to the pages. Number the pages lightly at the
backside with a crayon pencil.
Use the font Times New Roman 11pt for normal
text. The text should be justified. Use single line
spacing. Indent of the first line of each paragraph
by 5mm/14pt. Do not indent after an open line or a
Use Helvetica 14pt bold for the first heading,
Helvetica 12pt bold for the second heading and
Helvetica 11pt bold for the third heading.
Leave one blank line above and one beneath the
headings. Do not indent the first line of the text
following the heading. If a heading falls at the
bottom of a column, transfer it to the top of the next
column/page and leave open space at the bottom.
2.1 First page
2.1.1 Title of the paper
The title should appear left justified at the top of the
first page, in Helvetica 16pt bold. Use the full page
width (the 2 columns) for the title.
Leave a space of 10mm/30pt between the title
and the name(s) of the author(s). The firstname(s)
of the author(s) must be in lower case, the
surname(s) must be in upper case. Use Times New
Roman 11pt bold for the name(s) of the author(s).
Mention, for each author, in Times New Roman 11,
the corporation or university, city, state and country,
and if wanted one e-mail address.
2.1.2 Abstract
Include a short abstract (max. 10 lines). Use the
word ‘Abstract’ as heading in 14pt Helvetica bold,
followed directly by the abstract itself, which
should run over both columns. Leave 2 open lines
before starting the text or first heading of the paper.
3. Figures and tables
Figures and tables must be numbered consecutively.
Each figure and table should have a caption. Place
captions on or near the illustrations, at the bottom.
Use small captions. Centre the figure/table and
Example :
Figure 1: The IMS99 logo
Figures may be either 82mm (one column) or
170mm (two columns) wide. The most convenient
place for figures is at the top of a page. Leave
about 2 lines of space between the actual text and
figure (including the capture).
Illustrations (photos, graphs or line drawings)
are to be drawn directly on or attached to the paper
provided. Attach graphs or drawings to each page in
the desired location. Glue may be used. In case of
photos, clip them loosely to the appropriate page;
they will be removed for separated processing.
Leave the appropriate amount of space for each
photo and indicate where on the page the photo is to
be placed. Identify the photo on the back with
Use only those illustrations pertinent to, and
cited in the text. They must be sharp black and
white photos or drawings. Blueprint or colour are
not acceptable. Keep in mind that everything will
be reduced photographically (by 17%).
preferably 2mm size of lettering and lines of 0.2mm
thick on the figures.
4. Equations and units
Equations must be allowed sufficient space to
ensure clarity.
Equations must be numbered
consecutively, with the numbers parenthesised at
the end of the corresponding line : (1), (2) etc.
Example :
sin 2 x  cos2 x  1
Use the International System of Units (SI)
throughout the paper wherever possible. Acceptable
alternates are to use SI units followed by other
common units in parentheses, or vice versa, i.e. 25.4
mm (1 in.), 1inch (25.4 mm).
Acknowledgements, if any, should be typed at the
end of the text before the references.
References should be quoted in the text in the
following way :
If there is only one author : (Surname, year)
e.g. … (Peeters, 1994) …
Using the name of the author in the text :
Surname (year)
e.g. … Peeters (1994) states …
If there are several references of the same
author and year : (Surname, yearLetter).
Distinguish the references by consecutive
letters, starting from a.
e.g. … (Peeters, 1995a) …
SurnameOfSecondAuthor, year)
e.g. … (Peeters and Janssens, 1996) …
If there are three or more authors :
(Surname-OfFirstAuthor et al., year)
e.g. … (Peeters et al., 1996) …
The format of the references is :
 If there is only one author : Surname,
First-LetterOfFirstname. (year). …
e.g. Peeters, P. (1994). Title of paper. Name of
journal, Vol. x, pp. y-z.
chapter/paper. Book, Editors, Publisher, pp.
 If there are more references of the same author
and year : add consecutive letters to the year,
starting from a.
e.g. Peeters, P. (1995a). Title of chapter/paper.
Book, Editors, Publisher, pp. y-z.
Peeters, P. (1995b). Title. ...
 If there are two or more authors :
SurnameOfLastAuthor (year). …
e.g. Peeters, P. and J. Janssens (1996). ...
Peeters, P., J. Janssens and R.
Vanoudenhove (1996).
Sort all references alphabetically. Indent each
reference by 5mm/14pt, except the first line.
For example:
Peeters, P. (1993). Title of chapter/paper. Book,
Editors, Publisher, pp. y-z.
Peeters, P. (1994). Title of paper. Name of journal,
Vol. x, pp. y-z.
Peeters, P. (1995a). Title of chapter/paper. Book,
Editors, Publisher, pp. y-z.
Peeters, P. (1995b). Title. ...
Peeters, P. and J. Janssens (1996). ...
Peeters, P., J. Janssens and R. Vanoudenhove
(1996). …