JENOUVRIER Stéphanie - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Nationality: French
Date of birth: 3 august 1977
Place of birth: Paris 15°
Postdoctoral Investigator
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
 : Biology Department MS-34, Woods Hole,
MA 02543, USA
 : +1- (508) 289-3245
 : +1- (508) 457-2134
Academic qualifications
PhD in Population Ecology, University of Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. 2001-2004.
“Effects of climate variability on the population dynamics of an Antarctic seabird
community.” supervised by Dr. H. Weimerskirch and Christophe Barbraud. Centre
d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Villiers
en Bois, France. Members of the jury: Hal Caswell, Bernard Cazelles, Jean Clobert, John
Croxall, Jean-Michel Gaillard, Henri Weimerskirch
Master in Ecology, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. 2001-1999.
o “Biodiversity dynamics : study of the performance of the estimator of the temporal
and spatial dynamics of biodiversity parameters taking into account the probability
of detection.” supervised by Dr. T. Boulinier. Laboratoire d’Ecologie, UPMC, Paris,
France. 2001- 2000.
o “Conservation of the golden eagle in the Mercantour National Park, France.”
supervised by Dr. F. Sarazin. Laboratoire d’Ecologie, UPMC, Paris, France. 20001999.
BSc of Science in Biology and Ecology, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay. 1999-1996.
o "Monitoring brown bears in the Pyrenees National Park, France : a statistical
method to identify the individuals from their tracks”, supervised by J.J. Camarra
and E. Corda. Office National de la Chasse, Pau and S t Benoît, France. 1999.
o “ Monitoring population : the example of the brown bear in the Pyrenees National
Park, France “, supervised by Dr. C. Berducou. Office National des Forêts, Pau,
France. 1998.
Appointment/ professional experience
Post- doctorate position, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. April 2005- April
2006. “Impact of climate change and fisheries on wandering albatross and emperor
penguin demography”.
Post- doctorate position, Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé and Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, Villiers en Bois, France. April- June; September- February
2005. “ Demography of cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea ).” directed by Dr. V.
Teaching assistant, Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé: Courses in population
ecology, biodiversity dynamics and the ecological effects of climate change for graduate
and master students. 2005 – 2001.
Research assistant :
o Foraging ecology of Adélie penguin in Terre Adélie, Antarctica for the CEBC
TAAF research programs (n°394), directed by C. Bost. December 2005- February
o Demographic survey of seabirds in Terre Adélie, Antarctica for my PhD and the
CEBC TAAF research programs (n°109), directed by H. Weimerskirch. December
2003 – February 2002.
o Demographic survey of seabirds and fur seals in Kerguelen Islands for the CEBC
TAAF research programs (n° 109), directed by H. Weimerskirch. January – April
o Predation risk and departure behaviour in common guillemot chicks, habitat
selection in kittiwakes and population genetic structure in the seabirds tick,
directed by Dr. T. Boulinier and Dr K.D. McCoy. June-July 2000.
This has involved monitoring productivity and breeding phenology for most species and
censusing using standardized protocols: measuring chick growth parameters; colour -ringing for
longitudinal analyses of breeding and survival (common guillemot, kittiwake, most petrels and
penguins, skuas); satellite-tracking (wandering albatross, Adélie penguins); trapping and
measuring of breeding adults (mostly petrels and skuas); characterization of diet using
regurgitates (penguins); blood sampling (kittiwakes, penguins, shags, skuas, blue petrels and
fur seal); parasite sample (kittiwakes).
Research interests
I am very interested in the effect of environmental fluctuations and human induced impact on
the dynamics of population in the context of global changes (global warming and human
activities). I’m particularly excited by capture-recapture approaches in conjunction with matrix
models. I’m mainly fascinated by polar regions, where the ecological effects of global warming
are expected to be stronger.
Jenouvrier S., Barbraud C. and Weimerskirch. H., “Effects of climate variability on the
temporal population dynamics of southern fulmars.” Journal of Animal Ecology, 2003, 72:
 Jenouvrier S., Barbraud C., Cazelles B. and Weimerskirch H., “Modelling population
dynamics of seabirds : importance of the effects of climate fluctuations on breeding
proportions.” Oikos, 2005, 108: 511-522.
 Jenouvrier S., Weimerskirch. H., Barbraud C., Park Y-H. and Cazelles B., “Evidence of
a shift in cyclicity of of Antarctic seabirds dynamics link to climate”. Proceedings of the
Royal Society, 2005, 272: 887-895.
 Jenouvrier S., Barbraud C. and Weimerskirch. H., ” Long-term contrasted responses to
climate of two Antarctic seabirds species”. Ecology, 2005, 86:2889-2903.
 Jenouvrier S., Barbraud C. and Weimerskirch. H., “Sea ice affects the population
dynamics of Adélie penguins in Terre Adélie” Polar Biology, 2005, 1432-2056.
 Jenouvrier S. and Boulinier T., “Estimation of local extinction rates when species
detectability covaries with extinction probability: is it a problem ?” Oikos, 2006, 113: 132138.
 Jenouvrier S., Viallefont A., Vidal P., Thibault J.C., Ristow D., Mougin JL, Brichetti P.,
Borg J.J, Bretagnolle V., “ Size, or large scale effects on adult survival rates in a
seabirds? A compararison across six localities.” Submitted to Oecologia.
 Gimenez O., Barbraud C., Crainiceanu C., Jenouvrier S and Morgan B.J.T.
“Semiparametric regression in capture-recapture modeling.” Biometrics, 2005.
 Poisbleau M., Jenouvrier S. and Fritz H., « Use of dominance scores for assigning an
individual rank in hierarchy ” Animal Behaviour, 2006.
 Cazelles B., Chavez M., Berteaux D., Ménard F., Vik J.O., Jenouvrier S. and Stenseth
N.C., “Wavelet Analysis in Ecology: An Introduction”. Submitted to Oecologia.
Presentation to congress
Woods Hole Working Group on Albatross Demography. 21–26 September 2004, 1-7
may 2005, and 15-19 may 2006.
 Workshop ACI quantitative, CLIM POP, “Réponses démographiques des vertébrés aux
changements climatiques – choix d’indicateurs environnementaux et influence de la
stratégie démographique“, Montpellier 2004.
 “Effects of climate variability on a southern fulmar population dynamics.” 3 rd
International Wildlife Management Congress. Christchurch. New Zealand. 2003.
 “Modelling the population dynamics of two Antarctic seabirds”. EURING Technical
Meeting 2003 :The quantitative study of marked individuals in ecology, evolution and
conservation biology. 2003.
L’OREAL-UNESCO fellowship for young woman in science.
2001 PhD Research fellowship from the French Minister of Research (3 years)