DATENSATZ “DIALOGUE” (NOUN) <hit text="H9X" n="230">Indeed, he had a remarkable gift for extracting from even the most commonplace remarks or situations some latent humour, which otherwise might never have been suspected.Even the written word, by conjuring up the Eliot tone of voice, could express this kind of humorous gravity, for example, his remark in the ‘<kw>Dialogue</kw> on Dramatic Poetry’ that ‘we cannot spend all our time reading large philosophical works’.(I have often tried to analyse what makes this statement so amusing, and I have come to the conclusion that it is due to the words ‘all’ and ‘large’, so that the idea becomes a preposterous one.)</hit> <hit text="H83" n="639">Few teachers commented on the literary qualities of the text, and where they did, extreme variation was instanced.‘Good <kw>dialogue</kw> and story-line’ and ‘I did not like the story’.</hit> <hit text="CFP" n="316">It is an exciting, if dangerous moment in its history.Now, for the first time in 40 years, South Africans of all political beliefs can take part in open, free and vigorous debate about the future of their country.For the first time, black and white political leaders are starting to talk to each other about a common, not a divided, South Africa.The <kw>dialogue</kw> has just begun, but the process is irreversible — a process that will inevitably see the collapse of the last remnants of apartheid, and the emergence of a radically different society.This has all come as welcome news to the Anglo American Corporation, South Africa's biggest industrial and mining group.</hit> <hit text="CA6" n="378">Here, for the first time, her visual powers are fully exploited, and her exquisite taste in painting.Her most interesting character is an elderly painter, Frances Rutherford.This <kw>dialogue</kw> between her and her admirer, Morland Beddoes, is most significant — it deserves to be a locus classicus of criticism, and gives the final justification for Elizabeth's sort of art:‘I committed a grave sin against the suffering of the world by ignoring it, by tempting others with charm and nostalgia until they ignored it too.’</hit> <hit text="CMU" n="258">It is essential, as HMI argued in 1983, ‘that all pupils should be guaranteed a curriculum of distinctive breadth and depth to which they should be entitled irrespective of the type of school they attended or their level of ability’.In the headlong rush to articulate what an ‘entitlement curriculum’ ought to be we could destroy the essential quality of all curricula, the engagement in a <kw>dialogue</kw> by teacher and learner, a dialogue whose ends are diverse, whose pathways various but whose aim is constant — the enhancement of the quality of understanding.The curriculum that is enshrined within the Education Act seems more to serve the interests of the Department of Education and Science to effect greater control and accountability within the system than to promote the concerns of the disadvantaged and dispossessed.</hit> <hit text="J86" n="24">De Man makes the texts of Nietzsche, Rousseau, Rilke and Proust speak sometimes in citation, but more often in a mode akin to free indirect speech.The texts seem to speak for themselves, but in fact they are subtly construed, translated and transformed by de Man's own voice.Ventriloquy is a kind of artifice — a single voice presented falsely as a <kw>dialogue</kw>.It could then be argued that ventriloquy is a better metaphor for fiction than criticism, because in criticism there are object texts which are not voiceless.A novelist is free to invent whatever he or she likes, and free indirect speech is just one form in which fictional information can be presented.</hit> <hit text="H0J" n="474">You need to make a conscious effort especially to get the tune right — at the beginning you will probably feel that you sound strange and maybe affected, but that is only because the intonation patterns are new to you.4.1.2.MIMICKINGAlways put life and vigour into your mimicking — it keeps both you and your language helper from getting bored.In mimicking a <kw>dialogue</kw> it is important that you hear the language helper say the utterance again after you have mimicked, so that the last version you hear is the correct one.The production phase includes saying from memory with a cue/prompt and saying from memory without a cue/prompt.4.1.3.PRODUCTION</hit> <hit text="A9E" n="443">The Likud Prime Minister, Mr Yitzhak Shamir, proposed holding the elections last May, but he is resolutely opposed to any role for Mr Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organisation, which he insists is still committed to terrorism.Rightwingers in his own party, however, fear that by embarking on a <kw>dialogue</kw> under US auspices, Israel will eventually be pushed, despite its own reservations, into talks with the PLO and advance the creation of an independent Palestinian state.One of the most truculent of his critics, the super-hawkish Mr Ariel Sharon, said yesterday that he would be consulting likeminded colleagues about what he called ‘the dangerous deterioration in the political situation’.</hit> <hit text="EBU" n="244">This was done without any cynicism or insincerity.It was intended purely to acquaint us with a field of art historical research to which we had very limited access and to give us the opportunity of establishing a <kw>dialogue</kw>.Unfortunately the invitation was turned down.Yes, it is rather odd.For instance, if one says to them, you at least have the advantage of speaking Russian and this entitles you to a certain authority in the area of Eastern European art, one seldom gets the reply: yes, that is our speciality, a contribution we could make.</hit> <hit text="HJA" n="225">Undertake routine unpacking, hardware setup, software installation and custom configuration for users.Supervise equipment re-locations and carry out software transfers between machines.4.Establish regular routine visits to all users to monitor system performance, undertake regular routine machine cleaning, and establish a <kw>dialogue</kw> with users on user support provision.Assist in identifying user training needs, and liaise with other staff on subsequent training provision.Provide secreterial support to the Computer Users Group.5.Liaise with Stationery on the fulfilment of consumables requests, jointly monitor issues, and advise on stock levels and suppliers.</hit> <hit text="HHW" n="4733">We have made public the existence of two standing committees of Ministers, one chaired by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State and one by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister — again an unprecedented step.One of the Government's White Paper commitments was to establish a <kw>dialogue</kw> with the business community on environmental issues.The Secretaries of State for the Environment and for Trade and Industry appointed the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment in May.Since then the 25 business men and women on the committee have been working to an ambitious programme.Earlier this week, they published their first report containing 35 action recommendations, principally on global warming and recycling.</hit> <hit text="CBV" n="452">The will, signed in January 1990, listed all investors' holdings: these were shown as loans made by the individuals on the basis that these were repayable at given notice or on Mr Young's death.Although Mr Hornsby was quick to stress that the investors have held a <kw>dialogue</kw> with the Revenue and have nothing to hide, he admitted that they got ‘very upset’ when letters from the Revenue began arriving.Mr Hornsby consequently issued his complaint.Mr Butterworth, however, reiterated that Clark Whitehill was not involved.‘We did not send the letter on,’ he stressed.</hit> <hit text="A3T" n="358">From my visit to Lhasa last year, I am very much aware of the implications for the Tibetan people of Chinese colonialism and its policy of apartheid.As your article (6 October) says, the award challenges Peking to honour what it says is its willingness to open a <kw>dialogue</kw> with the Dalai Lama.Their condemnation of the award is not a good omen.The award is also a challenge to Her Majesty's Government.For how long can Mrs Thatcher continue to recognise China's present position, in spite of martial law in Lhasa and a series of brutal attacks on peaceful demonstrations by Chinese troops, in that HMG recognises the Chinese occupation of Tibet?</hit> <hit text="APS" n="339">By politicizing his text in this way Sukenick runs the risk of linking authorial production with political manipulation, but he regularly plays down the privilege of composition by including himself as a minor character within his narratives.In the case of Out , a <kw>dialogue</kw> within the novel articulates Sukenick's engagement with the reader's probable, realistic expectations.A suitably pedagogic figure called Skuul puts the case for cause and effect which is speedily reduced to relativism by an opposing voice: ‘You pursue essentials I ride with the random…You struggle towards stillness I rest in movement’ (Sukenick 1973: 127).</hit> <hit text="AKB" n="243">In run-of-the-mill performances you often find yourself lamenting the absence of Lerner and Loewe's songs from My Fair Lady, but in this detailed, absorbing production, Shaw's verbal music is enough.The final text of Pygmalion is a hybrid of the stage play and the later film.Shaw incorporated descriptive passages and additional <kw>dialogue</kw> from the movie, while admitting that they would be technically possible only ‘on stages furnished with exceptionally elaborate machinery’.The Olivier, of course, is blessed with just such equipment.</hit> <hit text="FB0" n="167">Surely this night the unexpected would happen, surely she had summoned up the unexpected.She had, of late, felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word, the next move, in any <kw>dialogue</kw>: she could hear and take in three conversations at once: she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients, sometimes of her friends: she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation: had felt in danger (why danger?) of too much knowledge, of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge: for </hit> <hit text="CN6" n="75">An example of practitioner as researcher, in the field of adoption, demonstrates how a practitioner can enrich her practice and make a contribution to knowledge at the same time.He concludes with a brief discussion of the ‘alliance for the future’ between research and practice and the need for a constructive <kw>dialogue</kw> (this book being one example) from which each will benefit.Substitute care while a child or young person is away from home, must continue to provide for the child's overall development.In this the child's health and education are of major importance.</hit> <hit text="HKW" n="9">However, the USA would continue to offer every support to the two non-communist coalition factions, namely the Sihanoukists, led by Prince Norodom Sihanouk, and the Kampuchean People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF), headed by Son Sann.The USA would enter into a direct <kw>dialogue</kw> with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia.' We want to talk to Vietnam,' Baker said,' because we think they have influence over the Cambodian government and could use this to help us construct conditions permitting free elections.'Baker also signalled that the USA might be prepared to give humanitarian assistance to the State of Cambodia (SOC) government in Phnom Penh.</hit> <hit text="GUH" n="409">In Rome itself there was another musical manifestation of the Counter-Reformation, associated with the Oratorian movement founded by St. Philip Neri for which Animuccia composed two volumes of laudi spirituali (1563 and 1570).These were very much in the tradition of the older polyphonic laudi, but before long imitation and chromaticism appeared in Oratorian laudi and by the end of the century an element of dramatic <kw>dialogue</kw> which was to flower into the full-blown ‘oratorio’.A more sophisticated form of vernacular religious music of the Counter-Reformation was the madrigale spirituale which began to flower in 1581 with the publication of the first book of Madrigali spirituali a cinque voci by the Imperial Kapellmeister Philipp de Monte (1521–1603), another Italianized Fleming.</hit> <hit text="CAJ" n="1692">The lazy undergraduate who cannot be persuaded to read Trevor-Roper's magisterial life of Archbishop Laud might fruitfully be propelled in the direction of the 20-page retrospect reproduced here.Byways of history, particularly might-have-beens, also suit the form well.Faltering 17th-century attempts at ecumenical <kw>dialogue</kw> between western Protestants and eastern Orthodox churches are treated here in an entertaining piece, whose footnotes also show with what insolent and deliberate ease Dacre can out-pedant any pedant.However, the format seems strained in tackling less personal subjects.Perhaps the most ambitious theme here, ‘The Continuity of the English Revolution’, is also the weakest essay.</hit> <hit text="HCA" n="54">The main duties and responsibilities of the board provided a general framework but training developers had little to go on beyond this.They did, however, anticipate that boards would bring together people likely to have different views about the purposes of boards.They therefore wanted to encourage <kw>dialogue</kw> and to provide members with a range of objectives for their boards to help them establish a plan of development.</hit> <hit text="KAY" n="10">Pride and Prejudice seems to be full of conversations or references to them and this reveals the character of the speaker but usually the entire <kw>dialogue</kw> centres around one particular person mainly called Mr. Darcy.The characters in the novel are that of an extensive range from the proud, head high Mr. Darcy to the clever Mrs. Phillips who is affectionate of talking; from the sweet Jane Bennet to the most jealous Miss. Bingley.One of the main themes throughout the two novels is that of ‘Love and Marriage’.</hit> <hit text="J7T" n="24">In this part of the book Nash discusses the narrative structure of the above stories as comprising Relation (i.e. description of places and events), <kw>Dialogue</kw> and Dilation, a word used in an extended sense to denote and signify a blend of the two previously mentioned narrative types.In order to illustrate the relation of these three elements, Nash resorts to tabulation (a device employed in many parts of the book) which bears resemblance to the model for the analysis of fictional discourse (Moves) devised by Burton (1980).</hit> <hit text="CBB" n="756">This theory was to be one of the central beliefs of Stukeley's historical and religious philosophy.p 100: illustrationHe began a friendship with William Warburton, the famous clerical controversialist and vicar of Brant Broughton near Newark, and Stukeley's history of Stamford is in the form of an elaborate and flowery <kw>dialogue</kw> between ‘Palaephatus’ (Stukeley) and ‘Panagius’ (Warburton).In it Stukeley happily explores the early mythology of the town.In 1736 he began a series of strange publications which further examined the supposed links between Biblical and Classical characters, including A Comment on an Ode of Horace, Showing the Bacchus of the Heathen to be the Jehovah of the Jews .</hit> <hit text="GUR" n="1288">I'LL SEND YOU BACK TO THE CHOCOLATE FACTORYIt is difficult to say conclusively that there are differences in the way in which teachers in the classroom interact with Afro-Caribbean pupils.However, the following <kw>dialogue</kw> noted during a classroom observation, demonstrates how a teacher's insensitivity can result in conflict with Afro-Caribbean young people.The teacher was talking to the class.Whilst he wrote on the blackboard, a group of four white boys, sat talking to each other in an ordinary tone of voice.</hit> <hit text="K5K" n="38">I am looking forward to the usual summer visitors. Playing hard to getWELL, not everyone is turned on by talking dirty.The attempt to entice six male sperm whales out of Scapa Flow by playing them some fruity <kw>dialogue</kw> recorded at a whales' hen night off the Azores has so far failed.With great foresight, the scientists operating this marine 0898 line had also brought a tape of a large male whale — saying what, we know not — presumably in case these were, well, the sort of lads who don't like girls.That didn't ring their bells either.</hit> <hit text="HKV" n="49">Gorbachev said that' we did not reach agreement but that does not mean our efforts were futile'.Bush said that the Lithuanian independence crisis was' one of the thorns in the side' of US-Soviet relations.He stressed the US government's commitment to self-determination for Lithuania and the other Baltic states, urging Gorbachev to begin a' good-faith <kw>dialogue</kw>' with the Lithuanian government.Gorbachev appealed for understanding for his' very cautious' approach to the independence movement.While welcoming moves to allow more Soviet Jews to emigrate, Bush said he wanted to see' unfettered emigration'.</hit> <hit text="EBJ" n="222">Tel (71) 582 9139.Fax (71) 735 0340.Videos highlight social and religious issuesInterreligious encounter, trade in Native Taiwanese children and the Church in South China are the themes of three documentary films which have recently been produced by Kuangchi Program Service.‘Pilgrims in <kw>Dialogue</kw> — Paths to Interreligious Encounter’, is a 65-minute video showing the cooperative efforts of Buddhists, Christians, Muslims and Hindus in bringing peace, development and harmonious living to their communities.It draws on the powerful experiences of groups in Japan, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.</hit> <hit text="CDW" n="426">In this country the influence of Marxism in the universities, trade unions and arts has reached a point where as Christians I believe we are forced to take it seriously.There are also many Christians, especially in Latin America, and associated with international bodies such as the World Council of Churches, who are actively involved in <kw>dialogue</kw> with Marxists and who see no fundamental conflict between Christianity and Marxism.For example, Miguez Bonino who inaugurated this series of lectures, talked of his own personal discovery of ‘the unsubstitutable relevance of Marxism’ and went on to argue that it must be taken seriously because ‘it offers a scientific, verifiable and efficacious way to articulate love historically’.</hit> <hit text="CNP" n="59">TENON PLAN SYSTEM 7 EMULATION SOFTWARE FOR UNIXMacintosh software emulation developer Tenon Intersystems Inc, Santa Barbara, California is planning to introduce the latest version of Mach/ten, its Mach System 7 emulation software for Unix: based on Berkeley BSD 4.3 Unix, Version 2.1 adds virtual memory support, which provides protected model execution for Unix processing, Mac-like <kw>dialogue</kw> boxes, debugger and new software development tools.CLEO WILL DEMO 3270LINKIX SOFTWARECleo Communications Inc, Ann Arbor, Michigan, will demonstrate its IBM RS/6000-compatible 3270linkix emulation software: the package enables users to operate as IBM 3174 controllers and display terminals in SNA networks and includes IBM 3287 printer emulation.</hit> <hit text="J9A" n="306">He said well you're very lucky he said by my estimation that's worth four thousand pounds I was, I was thinking cos I've got an old copper kettle Right, well the time's passing we will have to push on.Have you got anything Peter?Yes.A certain no <kw>dialogue</kw> today or anything like that.This is one of my film articles which I mean it's of the things that I've sent of and I know it will be published because I belong to the Cinema Veterans cinema and television veterans and they have this quarterly magazine and almost certainly you know it will be published in there, there's no </hit> <hit text="AL9" n="5">The Arkleton Trust, which was established in 1977 for the study of new approaches to rural development, with emphasis on education and training, believes that it is useful to encourage this new type of <kw>dialogue</kw> between developed and developing countries.Its second seminar, in 1979, was devoted to the subject of the developing world of Europe.Prior to its third seminar, in 1980, it invited five experts from developing countries to study and evaluate a number of development programmes in the United Kingdom.</hit> <hit text="HYA" n="484">Using still image to initiate a dramaA photograph (or picture) is given to a group(s).They then take up positions as if they were the people in the photograph.When they are satisfied with what they have produced they are asked to bring the image to life — for a very short time, perhaps as little as ten seconds — and/or say one line of <kw>dialogue</kw> each.From there the groups can be questioned further — either by the teacher or by other children — to establish what is going on.The class work in small groups to' mould' each other into still images which will function as waxworks or statues in the drama.</hit> <hit text="AHR" n="156">If two are company and three a crowd, what do four unacquainted Englishwomen thrown together by Fate and an inaccessible Italian castle add up to?Last night's answer was Screen Two's slow, frankly rather soppy Enchanted April (BBC2).Peter Barnes's adaptation from a republished novel by Elizabeth von Arnim opened quite promisingly.A couple of lines of <kw>dialogue</kw> established Lotty Wilkins and Rose Arbuthnot as repressed middle-class wives, one compelled by her slob of a husband to record every penny she spent, the other characterised as having the face (and by implication the disposition) of a disappointed Madonna.Their hare-brained scheme to join two perfect strangers in an Italian retreat for a month would, in real 1920s life, have met with incredulity.</hit> <hit text="K2Y" n="267">Initial suspicion and mistrust turn to friendship as events draw the group together.Memories, mingled with joy and sadness, come flooding back when they visit Angelique (Jeanne Moreau) the former lover of both Cyril and Waldo, and the graves of those friends they lost half a century before.Surprisingly, Sir Alec has only five words of <kw>dialogue</kw> in the entire 90-minute film, though he appears in almost every scene.Amos, the part he plays, has been left with the intelligence of an eight-year-old by his war injuries. HandbagLife with Maggie Thatcher was not all sweetness and light, as will be revealed by Kenneth Baker in Maggie's Minister (Saturday, BBC 2, 6.50pm).</hit> <hit text="G3C" n="1196">This was still by far the major part of the performance.Phrynichos elaborated it by dividing the chorus into groups; some could represent men and some women, though all voices were in fact male.Aeschylus, who had fought at Marathon, now turned the development on to new lines.He greatly increased the amount of <kw>dialogue</kw>, introducing a second actor to take minor parts, while the first actor or prōt-agonist might remain on the stage throughout; and thus a tragedy became truly a drama, or action.Even Aeschylus' development proceeds cautiously, however, and the first impression left on a modern reader by some of his plays is that there is little action.</hit> <hit text="CMS" n="101">His method is to record what happens, over the course of sixty years of the narrator's life, to the large group of people that he meets and meets again during this period; what they made of themselves and what he made of them.This explicit treatment of his own life as data is further exemplified by his treatment of <kw>dialogue</kw>.Like several other British novelists in the realist tradition, he presents dialogue directly, and unadorned by any authorial comment.As in qualitative sociology, dialogue is seen as evidence and, therefore, to be presented and digested on its own.Interpretation and comment come either before or after the evidence, not during, and are explicitly defined as such.</hit> <hit text="EVS" n="516">Sisters in Blood7 The Popular ChurchWhen a dictatorship seriously violates human rights and attacks the common good of the nation, when it becomes unbearable or closes all channels of <kw>dialogue</kw>, of understanding, of rationality, when this happens, the Church speaks of the legitimate right of insurrectional violence.Archbishop Arnulfo Oscar Romero, San Salvador, 6 August 1979. 4th Pastoral Letter</hit> <hit text="A12" n="1406">If the dancers perform those gestures with feeling and understanding they will express the moods, emotions and actions of the characters they play.This is what happens in MacMillan's Romeo and Juliet and Ashton's A Month in the Country .It is perhaps appropriate to stress again that where playwrights require pages of <kw>dialogue</kw> to explain every factor in the development of the plot, to create a changing atmosphere and to show how the actions affect the actors in the play, dancers can communicate whole passages of dialogue in a few expressive gestures woven into encha○ nements .(As played by the Moscow Arts Theatre, Turgenev's A Month in the Country takes over two hours, Ashton's ballet roughly half an hour.)</hit> <hit text="HJ3" n="5440">Sinn Fein party chairman Mitchel McLaughlin revealed today he had sent Mr Wilson a letter welcoming his decision to ‘break the ranks of consensus’ and talk to the IRA.He also said that in the letter he told Mr Wilson that he was held in great esteem among Irish people, qualifying him to engage in political <kw>dialogue</kw>.‘Dialogue is at the centre of Sinn Fein's party policies and we would encourage similar approaches by other organisations, including the British and Irish governments,’ he said.Mr Wilson, who is a member of the Irish Senate, also announced today that he would be attending the funeral of three-year-old Johnathan Ball, who died in the Warrington blast.</hit> <hit text="A6M" n="982">There are no easy answers to African development, and an appropriate degree of humility on the part of donors is a necessary condition for developing a serious <kw>dialogue</kw> with recipient governments.PUMP PRIMER OR DRIP FEED?The confidence displayed by the World Bank men and other donors in the early 1970s has clearly not fulfilled its promise.Neither Africa nor the donors carry the prime responsibility for this.</hit> <hit text="HGX" n="1204">Input and Output DetailsAll other inputs are via the keypad and are fully described under OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .There are two output systems, the actual outputs in each being identical.Output 1 is to a miniprinter and provides hard copy of all messages and measurements output by the instrument.The diagnostics and set-up <kw>dialogue</kw> are described under OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .Output 2 is an optional second copy of the output which is available to a BBC and disc drive via an RS232 port.The measurements are— ‘Reference’ is the measurement of the reference card in square millimetres and ideally should be exactly the same number as the area of the card, entered at set-up time.</hit> <hit text="EBH" n="130">Before the festival took place, 18 villages took part in workshops to help them identify the ways in which their dance, songs and drama could be used in raising the wider community's understanding of the life of tribal and Dalit groups.The Institute is planning to hold similar festivals every two years.‘What is done is only a beginning.We have to continue the <kw>dialogue</kw>,’ Mr Srampickal added.The Ravi Bharati Institute was founded in 1977 by Roman Catholics as an audiovisual production centre for the needs of the Church.Due to the multi-faith, feudal nature of Bihar State, the Institute now works ecumenically with Christian and Hindu groups.</hit> <hit text="CBW" n="2025">You can switch into standalone mode, and run your favourite spreadsheet or other personal productivity tool.When you're running applications on the Unix ‘host’, you can share the work between the host and the workstation: the workstation can take care of local jobs such as the <kw>dialogue</kw> between system and user, while the Unix box handles data management and maybe other shared processing.This type of ‘client-server’ architecture also makes it possible to provide a uniform way for users to talk to applications running on different platforms.</hit> <hit text="AJ8" n="254">The play has a satisfying documentary detail (the title is salesman's jargon for frightening people into buying the product, in this case by saying that their health won't be safe without it) and it gives a fascinating insight into the tricks of a dubious trade.The characters at Virgin Waters Ltd, from the spieling, cocaine-sniffing boss to an innocent young newcomer to the racket, are sketched with skill and the <kw>dialogue</kw> crackles along.But a worrying pall of familiarity hangs over the proceedings.The American dramatist David Mamet has given a far more penetrating and disturbing account of salesmen on the make in Glengarry Glen Ross, and I can remember at least two other British plays on virtually the same theme.</hit> <hit text="GVT" n="2657">He remembered vividly one particularly interesting example from the previous evening: at one point in the film the love interest was sorted out in the control-room of a broadcasting studio.Through the glass came faintly the sound of Rock Around The Clock.At once the audience had taken up the song, and drowned the <kw>dialogue</kw>.Now they were at it again:Four o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock rock, Seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock rock, Ten o'clock, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock rock!We're gonna rock Around The clock Tonight!Mr Berkley found himself responding to the insistent beat.The beat was the only genuinely musical element in it, of course.</hit> <hit text="J56" n="1144">In the meantime, I had attended a special engine-handling course at Rolls-Royce, Derby, and we had different ideas about the engine settings.This led to an occasional resetting of my settings when I may have been distracted.Halfway between the target and the coast the Night engineer announced that we were having a heavy petrol consumption and the <kw>dialogue</kw> was something like this:' Skipper to navigator, how long to the coast?'Navigator:' Thirty-nine minutes.'Skipper to flight engineer,' how much petrol?'Flight engineer to skipper,' thirty-seven minutes.'At each stage there was always less fuel than there was time to get to the French coast.</hit> <hit text="A9W" n="727">‘We wanted to let the people of East Germany know about our support for the reforms taking place in this country,’ Mr Baker said later.Mr Modrow said German reunification was not discussed at the one-hour meeting but the two sides had agreed to turn their <kw>dialogue</kw> ‘into co-operation’.In his West Berlin speech on a New Europe and a New Atlanticism, Mr Baker, who had earlier held talks with Chancellor Helmut Kohl, proposed strengthening Washington's links with the EC, possibly through a new treaty that would give the US a formal presence in EC institutions.Overlaps between Nato and European institutions would inevitably grow, Mr Baker said.</hit> <hit text="HHX" n="3599">I commend the proposals to the House.Mr. Donald Dewar (Glasgow, Garscadden)When the Secretary of State made the equivalent announcement a year ago, I congratulated him on his promotion to the Cabinet.I remember welcoming in particular his pledge to’ <kw>dialogue</kw> and accord’ in Scotland.A year on, I cannot repeat that courtesy.Dialogue and accord have been translated into government by diktat.Dialogue with the Scottish Office is dialogue with the deaf, as yesterday's statement on the health service underlined.Planned public expenditure for the next financial year is up by 7 per cent.</hit> <hit text="F9Y" n="487">His passionate belief in the strength of the Doctor Who ethos saw him extending its repertoire into a whole range of media.He wrote two novels for Frederick Muller Ltd based on the series, and the very first Doctor Who annual for World Distributors.He co-authored the first Dalek movie, and wrote <kw>dialogue</kw> for the second virtually singlehandedly.He penned the 1964 stage play, Curse of the Daleks , and spent two years writing all the back page Dalek comic strips for TV 21 , only to see much of the credit for all the above going — with the royalties — to Terry Nation.As a BBC employee, Whitaker could only receive his monthly salary.</hit> </listHits>