Decimals PLACE VALUE OF DECIMALS We use the decimal point to separate whole numbers from parts of numbers (the decimal numbers) This happens when we use money decimal point £2.57 2 whole pounds the pence are parts of a whole pound. £0.57 is 57 parts of 100. and it happens when we use other decimal numbers decimal point 12.77 The whole number is before the point the decimal number is after the decimal point You would write this in words as Twelve point seven seven A Have a go at writing these in numbers. The first 2 are done for you. Seven point three = 7.3 f lex i p Twenty two point eight five = 22.85 1) Five point five 2) Twelve point one 3) Twenty point six two 4) Nine point three nine 5) Eleven point one seven five 6) Fifty point five ac k s 1 Decimals B Now have a go at writing these in words. The first 2 are examples. 7.4 = Seven point four 6.35 = Six point three five 1) 9.1 2) 23.84 3) 30.4 4) 3.04 5) 2.99 6) 1.04 Whole numbers have place value. thousands 1000’s hundreds 100’s tens 10’s units 1’s . get ten times bigger So do decimals Whole numbers 10’s tenths 1 10 1’s hundredths 1 100 thousandths 1 1000 . get ten times smaller f lex i p All numbers get ac k s 10 times bigger as you move to the left, and 10 times smaller as you move to the right. 2 Decimals Each number in a decimal is worth an amount. 10’s tenths 1 10 1’s 7 10’s 1’s 7 0 . . hundredths 1 100 1 3 1 10 3 100 tenths 1 10 hundredths 1 100 3 7 5 3 10 7 100 5 1000 thousandths 1 1000 Remember The point separates the whole numbers from the decimals. Numbers get 10x bigger as you go left and 10x smaller as you go right. C Try these yourself 1 Underline the 10 ‘s in these numbers. 1) 1.57 0.176 26.3 107.75 22.07 9.9967 0.06 1 Underline the 100 ‘s in these numbers. 2) 7.25 0.375 113.92 How much is the 3 worth on these numbers? 3) 3.5 0.37 0.23 26.3 How much is the 7 worth on these numbers? 4) 17.62 0.87 10.71 0.007 70.45 f lex i p Check your answers, then discuss with your tutor what you need to work on next. ac k s 3 Decimals Answers Place Value Of Decimals A 1) 5.5 2) 12.1 3) 20.62 4) 9.39 5) 11.175 6) 50.5 B 1) Nine point one 2) Twenty three point eight four 3) Thirty point four 4) Three point nought four (or Three point zero four) 5) Two point nine nine 6) One point nought four (or One point zero four) C 1) 1.57 0.176 26.3 107.75 22.07 2) 7.25 0.375 113.92 9.9967 0.06 3) Three units 3 3 Three tenths 10 Three hundredths 3 100 3 Three tenths 10 4) Seven units 7 Seven hundredths 7 100 7 Seven tenths 10 Seven thousandths 7 1000 f lex i p Seventy (seven 10's) 70 ac k s 4