Medieval Clothing

Medieval Times Day
Medieval Clothing
Every society has its own style of dress, and the Middle Ages was no exception. Your
job is to share with your classmates the clothing worn by men and women during this
time period, especially the early Middle Ages. Use the rubric to guide your research and
be sure to address the following questions. Feel free to add any additional information of
1. Describe the different types of clothing worn by both men and women. Include
everything from head to toe. (Use information from the early Middle Ages before
dress became more complicated and clothing more fitted.)
2. Include a brief description of each type of clothing from the list in “Medieval
3. What types of fabric was used in making clothing?
4. How were colors used?
5. Did certain pieces of clothing pertain to certain jobs?
6. What type of jewelry was worn?
7. Did wealth affect the type or style of clothing?
Crafts Project – Choose one
1. Show how cloth was made from wool.
2. Create medieval attire for a mannequin or a doll. Include both clothing for men
and women.
3. Choose a specific social class during medieval times and make designer drawings
to illustrate what type of clothing was worn. Example:
- What type of clothing would be worn by a royal family? Include husband, wife,
and children.
- servants of the household? Include maids, cooks, vassals, messengers, carriage
drivers, etc.
- squires, pages, and knights?
- peasants?
- Religious orders?
4. Create a display of the materials used during the Middle Ages and what types of
designs and dyes were popular?
5. Create a variety (3) of head or hair ornaments worn by men or women of the
6. Explain weaving and the use of a loom.
7. Build a spinning wheel.
Medieval Times Day
8. Embroider or cross-stitch a medieval design on a piece of clothing. This may be
anything from a vest or blouse to a handkerchief or scarf.
Medieval Feast
Prepare a medieval food to serve at Medieval Times Day. Include a copy of the recipe to
project on the screen. You must have your recipe approved.
Medieval Clothing – Extra Credit (10 points)
Design one or more garments and accessories to wear at Medieval Times Day.
Examples: cloak, tabard, gown, veil, or wimples; hat or hood, hair ornaments, surcoat,
tunic, pouches, belts or sashes, boots or shoes.