IE 486 Lab 3: Spring 2007 Cell Phone Survey Analysis & Recommendation This handout contains the information you need to complete Lab 3 (due Thursday March 22, in class). It consists of the following parts: 1) analysis of the collected data, and 2) recommendation for cell phone usability. Survey data and questionnaire are available through the course webpage. Examples of SAS codes for analysis of data are given in the appendix of this document. Write-ups: report length should be no more than 5 pages, including any figures and tables (from abstract to results & discussions); conclusions should be no more than 3 pages; anything in addition can be put in appendix and referred to in the text; font size is no less than 11 pt and line space can be single-spaced. 1. Cell phone survey data All data for the cell phone survey was collected using the structured questionnaire (available on the course webpage). Each group has data from 100 subjects including information about the subject description (gender, age, duration of experience on cell phone, etc.) and which cell phone (manufacturer, brand and model name) the subject uses. 2. Analysis of the collected data Analyze the data using SAS/STAT program as follows: 1) Tabulate collected data in summary table for features, models and questionnaire responses as illustrated in table 1. 2) Calculate basic statistics, such as mean, standard deviation, and frequencies on each question according to the type of cell phone (manufacturer and model). 3) Perform Cronbach’s α tests for internal consistency (using paired questions). 4) Do a correlation study among items. 5) Perform ANOVA tests. 6) Perform multiple regression analysis. Please draw statistical and practical inference from the survey results regarding the following: 1) Which generic features (across manufacturers and models) are liked most, disliked most, or having greater difficulties in usage? 2) Which manufacturer and which model of the manufacturer is preferred regarding to each feature by the survey customers? 3) Which generic features (within manufacturers) are liked most, disliked most, or having greater difficulties in usage? Table 1. Summary table Features Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 … X X X X X : X Manufacturer Model Model 1 X Model 2 X Manufacturer 1 Model 3 X : X X Manufacturer 2 Model 1 X X : : : : Note: X is the number of responses corresponding to each cell; X X : 1 Empty cell means that the subjects cannot answer the question regarding to that feature because the model of cell phone does not have such feature. The procedures of analysis are explained in more detail in the following. The detailed SAS code and analysis examples can be found in Appendix 1 and 2. Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient Internal Consistency is the extent to which tests or procedures assess the same construct. We could estimate the error of tests by just two comparable measurements from each of many subjects. It is usually done by include pairs of questions in the questionnaire. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient can then be calculated to measure the internal consistency of the questionnaire. While using the SAS/STAT (proc corr) program to calculate Cronbach alpha coefficient, since there are more than one question pairs, you can put the scores from the corresponding question pairs together for each subject. For example, if (q1,q7) , (q2,q8) are the question pairs used, the layout of the data sheet looks like this: Subject1 q1 q7 Subject1 q2 q8 …. Subject2 q1 q7 Subject2 q2 q8 …. Subject3 q1 q7 Subject3 q2 q8 ….. Pearson Correlation (SAS/STAT (proc corr)) Do a correlation study among items (features). If a pair of questions represents one item, the average value of this pair of question should be used to represent that item. The most common measure of correlation is the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (called Pearson's correlation for short). When computed in a sample, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient is designated by the letter "r" and is sometimes called "Pearson's r." Pearson's correlation reflects the degree of linear relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to +1. A correlation of +1 means that there is a perfect positive linear relationship between variables. A correlation of -1 means that there is a perfect negative linear relationship between variables. A correlation of 0 means there is no linear relationship between the two variables. Pearson’s correlation coefficient can be calculated by Cov( x, y) Var ( x)*Var ( y) Multiple Regression Analysis (SAS/STAT (proc reg)) Use the same items (features) as Pearson correlation analysis for multiple regression analysis. Consider the overall satisfaction as a dependent variable and the other items as independent variables. Perform multiple regression analysis with ‘stepwise’ option, which is used to select relevant independent variables on that dependent variable. We assume that the first-order (linear) regression model is fitted and that all the assumptions for regression model are satisfied. Multiple regression is performed when several independent variables are used to predict the value of one dependent variable. In stepwise regression – we enter all the variables in at once and let the computer calculate and select the optimal independent variables that will lead to the rx, y 2 greatest R-square. R-square represents the proportion of variance of the dependant variable that are accounted for by the independent variables together. The relationship between the dependent variable (DV) and p independent variables (IV) can be expressed by the following formula. DV = Intercept + Coefficient(1)* IV(1) + Coefficient(2)* IV(2)+… + Coefficient(p)*IV(p)+ Error ANOVA and LS means analysis (SAS/STAT (proc glm)) Table 2 below shows the layout of the data your group will collect. For each type (manufacture and/or model) of cell phone and features (items), you may have different number of data. We call it ‘the unbalanced design’ of experiment. Run ANOVA (analysis of variance) under the unbalanced design to find 1) preferred manufacturer, 2) preferred feature (item) across models of manufacturers and 3) preferred feature (item) within a manufacturer. Is there any significant difference ( =0.05) among the types of cell phone and features? To answer this question, use ‘Type III SS’ in ANOVA. If there is main effect of the types of cell phone and features, use ‘LS (least square) means’ analysis to determine where those differences are. We assume that all the assumptions for ANOVA are satisfied. Table 2. Layout of data for ANOVA item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 item 5 … item 20 model 1 xxx xxxx xx xxxx xx … xxx model 2 oo ooo oooo oo ooo … oo … … … … … … … … … Note: x --- data from one subject, who uses the cell phone model 1; o --- data from one subject, who uses the cell phone model 2. Type of cell phone manufacturer 1 Requirements to report: 1) Summarized results of analyses (summary table, mean and standard deviation, Cronbach’s α, Pearson correlation, multiple regression, and ANOVA & Duncan test), 2) SAS outputs attached in appendix, and 3) Interpretation and discussion about the results of analyses. 3. Recommendation for cell phone usability Finally, project group makes recommendation and guidelines for the redesign of cell phone based on the results of analyses. What are the major problems while using the cell phones? Which features contribute to the customer’s general satisfaction most? What is the best design for each feature? How to emulate the best design? How can the usability of the cell phone be improved? 3 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Example SAS codes for analysis 1. Mean and SD of each question (when we have 22 questions) data one; input subj q1 q2 q3 … q22; cards; 1 3 3 7 … 5 2 7 7 1 … 4 3 3 2 5 … 2 … ; proc means; var q1 q2 q3 … q22; run; 2. Cronbach’s alpha test (only use paired questions’ data) data one; input subj p1 p2; cards; 1 4 3 1 4 4 … 2 4 4 2 4 4 … 3 4 2 3 3 1 … ; proc corr alpha nocorr nomiss; var p1 p2; run; 3. Pearson correlation (when we have 20 items) data one; input subj t1 t2 t3 … t20; cards; 1 3 3 7 … 5 2 7 7 1 … 4 3 3 2 5 … 2 … ; proc corr; var t1 t2 t3 … t20; run; 4 4. ANOVA & LS means analysis (when we want to get the preferred manufacturer and feature) data one; input manufacturer item score; cards; 1 1 6 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 4 1 1 5 3 … 2 1 5 2 2 6 2 3 7 2 4 7 2 5 4 … 3 1 1 3 2 4 3 3 5 3 4 2 3 5 6 … ; proc glm; class manufacturer item; model score= manufacturer | item; lsmeans manufacturer item manufacturer*item / pdiff=all adjust=tukey; run; 5. Multiple regression (when we have 20 items and t3 is an overall satisfaction question) data one; input subj t1 t2 t3 … t20; cards; 1 3 3 7 … 5 2 7 7 1 … 4 3 3 2 5 … 2 … ; proc reg; model t3 = t1 t2 t4 t5 … t20/selection=stepwise; run; 5 Appendix 2: Example of the results of analysis 1. Data structure The data can be coded in Excel file like the table below. Subject ID # 1 2 3 4 : 100 Gender Experience … Manufacturer (month) 1 12 1 2 40 1 2 5 2 1 56 3 : : : 1 12 … 3 Model q1 q2 q3 … q22 11 12 21 31 : 32 5 3 4 4 : 3 6 4 7 7 : 4 7 5 6 5 : 7 2 3 4 3 : … 7 - Subject ID # is the sequence of numbers, which represents that we have 100 responses. Each row corresponds to the data from each subject. - You may have variables that explain the characteristics of subjects, such as experience of cell phone usage in months. - Manufacturer and model can be coded in numbers. For example, in manufacturer, Motorola is coded as 1, Nokia as 2, Samsung as 3, and so on. In model, 11 means the first model of Motorola, and 32 means the second model of Samsung. - The responses from question 1 to 22 are coded in 7-point scale. 2. Basic statistics (mean, SD, frequency) You can summarize the data using mean, standard deviation, and frequency. - Categorical variables, such as gender and type of cell phone (manufacturer and model), are summarized by frequency and percentage. - Continuous variables, such as experience of cell phone usage and all questions, are summarized by mean and standard deviation. Variables Gender 1 (Male) 2 (Female) Experience Type of cell 1 11(M1) phone (Motorola) 12(M2) : 2 21(N1) (Nokia) 22(N2) : : Frequency 52 48 12 15 Percentage 52% 48% 12% 15% 13 20 13% 20% Mean (SD) 24.5 (12.34) 6 - For each question, the frequency of each scale point (1 to 7), mean and standard deviation per each manufacturer and model should be reported. Using the following table, you can see the distribution of frequency over scale points (1 to 7) per each manufacturer and model. Table for question 1 Manufacturer Model 1 (Motorola) 2 (Nokia) 3 (Samsung) : Mean (SD) 11(M1) 12(M2) 13(M3) : 21(N1) 22(N2) 23(N3) : 31(S1) 32(S2) 33(S3) : : Frequency of each Scale point 1 2 … 7 2 … 4 1 2 … 1 1 … 2 Sum of Frequency Mean (SD) 10 12 7 3.6 (1.03) 4.0 (1.71) 3.5 (1.02) 1 … 1 … 5 … 1 12 15 9 3.3 (1.41) 5.2 (1.53) 4.5 (1.20) 2 3 1 … 3 … 2 … 5 8 15 20 5.1 (1.60) 3.2 (1.05) 4.1 (1.72) : : 3 1 1 : : 3.5 (1.05) : Table for question 2 Table for question 3 : Table for question 22 3. Internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) With the paired questions, you can calculate Cronbach’s alpha coefficient as a measure of Internal Consistency by using the SAS code in Appendix 1. After running the SAS code, you can see the output like the following: Cronbach Coefficient Alpha Variables Alpha ------------------------------------Raw 0.891129 Standardized 0.891865 There are two kinds of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, raw and standardized. The raw Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is computed based on the covariance matrix of the data, whereas the standardized Cronbach’s alpha coefficient based on the correlation matrix of data. Usually, these two coefficients are not very different, but the standardized score is preferred when the variances of variables are quite big. 7 You can report both of coefficients and interpret them with 0.7 as the critical value to determine whether the questionnaire has acceptable internal consistency. Note: until now, you use all the questions in the questionnaire to summarize the data and the paired questions to get Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. But, for correlation study, multiple regression analysis and ANOVA, you should use the features (= items) as the variables, which are obtained by averaging the values of the paired questions, instead of raw results from the structured questions. For example, if you have 22 questions, including 2 paired questions, then you are really measuring 20 features (= 20 items). So, by averaging the values of the paired questions, you can get the values of 20 items. 4. Correlation analysis Using the SAS code under “3. Pearson correlation” in Appendix 1 with data of the variables of features (= items), you can get the output like the following: Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 100 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 t1 t2 t3 t1 1.00000 -0.86258 0.0028 -0.26656 0.4881 t2 -0.86258 0.0028 1.00000 -0.18394 0.6357 t3 -0.26656 0.4881 -0.18394 0.6357 1.00000 ... correlation coefficient (r) p-value for the t-test : Each cell of the correlation matrix has two scores. The first score is the value of correlation coefficient (r), and the second score is p-value. The value of correlation coefficient (r) exists between -1 and +1, and p-value between 0 and 1. As the value of correlation coefficient (r) is near +1 or -1, the linear relationship between two features (= items) is strong in the positive direction or the negative direction. When p-value is less than 0.05, we can say that the linear relationship between two features (= items) exist. Thus, you should report the correlation matrix and interpret r-values and p-values to find which features ( = items) have linear relationship. If you use the whole data of features, then you can get the relationship among features across the types of cell phone. But if you only use the data of features within a manufacturer, then you can get the relationship among features within a manufacturer. 8 5. ANOVA (with unbalanced design) Using the SAS code under “5. ANOVA & LS means Analysis” in Appendix 1, you can get the following output. In ANOVA table, we can conclude whether there are differences among manufacturer and among feature (item), and whether there is the interaction effect between manufacturer and feature (item). In LS means analysis, we can see where the differences exist. In this example, we consider only ‘manufacturer’ and ‘feature (item)’ as two main factors, but you can also consider ‘cell phone model’ and ‘feature (item)’ as two main factors within a manufacture if you only use the data within a manufacturer. i) ANOVA table Dependent Variable: score Source DF Model 5 Error 11 Corrected Total 16 Sum of Squares 47.97058824 8.50000000 56.47058824 R-Square 0.849479 Coeff Var 22.99051 Mean Square 9.59411765 0.77272727 Root MSE 0.879049 F Value 12.42 Pr > F 0.0003 score Mean 3.823529 Source manu item manu*item DF 1 2 2 Type I SS 0.59558824 11.16071429 36.21428571 Mean Square 0.59558824 5.58035714 18.10714286 F Value 0.77 7.22 23.43 Pr > F 0.3988 0.0099 0.0001 Source manu item manu*item DF 1 2 2 Type III SS 1.55128205 12.59523810 36.21428571 Mean Square 1.55128205 6.29761905 18.10714286 F Value 2.01 8.15 23.43 Pr > F 0.1842 0.0067 0.0001 Because the number of responses may be different among variables (we call it the unbalanced design), you should interpret the results using ‘Type III SS’ instead of ‘Type I SS’. When pvalue is less than 0.05, we can say that the factor is significant (i.e., there is significant difference among the levels of the factor). In this example, there is significant difference among features (items), and significant interaction effect between manufacturer and feature (item). Because there is significant difference among features (items), and significant interaction effect between manufacturer and feature (item), we need to perform LS means analysis to find where the differences exist. ii) Results of LS means analysis 9 The results of LS means analysis show the least square (LS) mean of each level of factors and the p-values to test the difference between the LS means of each level of factors. The LS means is the adjusted means that reflect the adjustment effects resulting from the unbalanced design. (1) LS means analysis for features (items) In the following example, there is significant difference between feature (item) 1 and 2, because the p-value of pairwise comparison between feature (item) 1 and 2 is 0.0114, which is less than 0.05. And, there is significant difference between feature (item) 2 and 3, because the p-value of pairwise comparison between feature (item) 2 and 3 is 0.0114, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, feature 1 and 3 are better than feature 2 (LS mean of feature 1 and 3 are 4.3333, which is higher than feature 2). Least Squares Means Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Tukey-Kramer item 1 2 3 score LSMEAN 4.33333333 2.41666667 4.33333333 Number 1 LS means for items (features) 2 3 Least Squares Means for effect item Pr > |t| for H0: LSMean(i)=LSMean(j) Dependent Variable: score i/j 1 2 3 1 0.0114 1.0000 2 0.0114 3 1.0000 0.0114 p-value to test the difference between items (features) 0.0114 (2) LS means analysis for the interaction between manufacturers and features (items) In the following example, within manufacturer 1, there is significant difference between feature (item) 1 and 2 because the p-value of pairwise comparison between feature (item) 1 and 2 is 0.0016, which is less than 0.05. And, within manufacturer 1, there is significant difference between feature (item) 1 and 3 because the p-value of pairwise comparison between feature (item) 1 and 3 is 0.0070, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, when we only consider manufacturer 1, feature 1 is the best (LS mean of feature 1 is 6.0000, which is higher than others). Least Squares Means Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Tukey-Kramer manu 1 1 1 item 1 2 3 score LSMEAN 6.00000000 1.50000000 2.66666667 Number 1 LS means for each combination of 2 manufacturer and items (features) 3 10 2 2 2 1 2 3 2.66666667 3.33333333 6.00000000 4 5 6 Least Squares Means for effect manu*item Pr > |t| for H0: LSMean(i)=LSMean(j) Dependent Variable: score i/j 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 0.0016 0.0016 0.0070 0.0070 0.0306 1.0000 0.6972 0.6972 0.2766 0.0016 3 0.0070 0.6972 1.0000 0.9307 0.0070 4 0.0070 0.6972 1.0000 0.9307 0.0070 5 0.0306 0.2766 0.9307 0.9307 6 1.0000 0.0016 0.0070 0.0070 0.0306 0.0306 p-value to test the difference between the combinations of manufacturer and items (features) 6. Multiple regression Using the SAS code under “4. Multiple regression” in Appendix 1 with data of the variables of features (= items), you can get the output like the following: Dependent Variable: t2 Stepwise Selection: Step 1 Variable t8 Entered: R-Square = 0.5250 and C(p) = 5.7255 Source DF Model 1 Error 13 Corrected Total 14 Variable Intercept t8 Parameter Estimate 8.40347 -0.92327 Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Squares Square 22.95858 22.95858 20.77475 1.59806 43.73333 Standard Error 1.19828 0.24359 Type II SS 78.59439 22.95858 F Value 14.37 F Value 49.18 14.37 Pr > F 0.0022 Pr > F <.0001 0.0022 : : Dependent Variable: t2 Stepwise Selection: Step 4 Variable t6 Entered: R-Square = 0.8219 and C(p) = 1.2717 Source Model Error Corrected Total Variable DF 4 10 14 Parameter Estimate Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Squares Square 35.94324 8.98581 7.79010 0.77901 43.73333 Standard Error Type II SS F Value 11.53 Pr > F 0.0009 F Value Pr > F 11 Intercept t4 t6 t8 t10 10.86043 0.37432 -0.34174 -0.67307 -0.82064 2.74191 0.20881 0.19548 0.22559 0.25959 12.22167 2.50343 2.38081 6.93454 7.78511 15.69 3.21 3.06 8.90 9.99 0.0027 0.1033 0.1110 0.0137 0.0101 All variables left in the model are significant at the 0.1500 level. No other variable met the 0.1500 significance level for entry into the model. Summary of Stepwise Selection Step 1 2 3 4 Variable Entered t8 t10 t4 t6 Variable Number Removed Vars In 1 2 3 4 Partial R-Square 0.5250 0.1797 0.0628 0.0544 Model R-Square 0.5250 0.7046 0.7674 0.8219 C(p) F Value 5.7255 14.37 1.3994 7.30 1.1885 2.97 1.2717 3.06 Pr > F 0.0022 0.0192 0.1128 0.1110 Because of the stepwise option, we can get several steps of multiple regression results and a summary of stepwise selection. In this example, we use item 2 (t2) as the dependent variable. In the first step, item 8 is entered as the most important independent variable in the multiple regression procedure; in the second step, the second important independent variable is entered; and so on. Through these steps, the SAS program automatically selects the important independent variables and makes the summary of stepwise selection. In the last step, you can get the estimates of intercept and slopes of the independent variables in the parameter estimate column. In the summary of stepwise selection, you can interpret the results with partial R-square and pvalue. Partial R-square shows how much each independent variable explains the variation of dependent variable. P-value shows whether each independent variable is significant. Usually we use the value of 0.05 to determine the significance of each independent variable, (i.e., the independent variable is significant, if p-value is less than 0.05). In this example, t8 and t10 are significant features at the significance level of 0.05, because their p-values are less than 0.05. If you use the whole data of features, then you can get the effects of the features on general satisfaction across the types of cell phone. But if you use only the data of features within a manufacturer, then you can get the effects of the features on general satisfaction within a manufacturer. Additional hints: 1. Determination of the rank order of items/variables that are significantly different is dependent on appropriate choice of analysis: include a regular post-hoc test such as SNK test or Duncan test if the interaction for item*manufacturer is not significant. 2. Pre-test your data to see if it meets the assumptions of the test: homogeneity of variance and assumptions of parametric statistics such as normality of distributions. 3. Consider a factor analysis to justify grouping multiple highly correlated features/items into a measure (before your test of internal consistency). 4. You may also consider drafting a tree-branch chart to show the likely necessary 12 analyses as an if-then type of consideration (include normality, homogeneity of variance, factor analyses, anovas, posthoc tests – with and without interactions, correlations and regressions (stepwise and final form – also consider discussing the ‘error’ term, coefficients and consider revising/rerun in the final regression model/equation (rerun w/out stepwise), choosing only those variables included at p<0.05) in final stage model – Again, consider this option only in final regressions – In other words, be careful not to capitalize on chance when rerunning (do not rerun analysis to decide a new set of variables after previously dropping variables from analysis). 13 Lab 3 Report - Table of Contents 1. Title, author & date 2. Abstract 3. Objective, Significance & Methods/procedures 4. Results & Discussion 1) Internal Consistency 2) Data Analysis a) Descriptive Statistics b) Intercorrelations c) Multiple Regression d) ANOVA & LS means analysis 3) Discussion of Data Analysis a) Design Guidelines b) Important Feature Characteristics 5. Conclusions 6. Appendix 1) SAS outputs 2) Coded Data Mini-project 3 Grading Points 5 10 5 15 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 Contents Executive Summary Sequence of activities for Cell phone Survey Summary table Raw Data in Excel file and Questionnaire Mean and SD Cronbach Alpha results and discussion Correlation result and discussion Multiple Regression result and discussion ANOVA & LS means Analysis and discussion SAS outputs Recommendation Appendices 14