DivorceRulesFinal2BW.. - Saptarishis Astrology

Marriage Life
Divorce Rules
P. M. Padia, India.
Assistant redactor: Andree Leclerc,
Proofing: Carole McMechan, Canada
P. M. Padia is an unknown name in India
but in the West he is known as the guru of
the man who introduced Vedic astrology in
America, yes the guru of James Braha.
Every American reads Mr Braha’s books
when he starts Vedic astrology. James first
learnt astrology from R. Santhanam & then
had to come back to India and learn from
Padia Saheb whom he immortalized in his
books. Padia Saheb learnt astrology
through 3 books and then mainly from his
meticulous observation skills sharpened
through decades. He has been a beloved
friend of Saptarishis Astrology since many
years and now has written the very first
article of his life for Saptarishis Astrology at
this ripe age of 70. We expect many articles
to come out of his experience and in this
venture SA Team member Andree Leclerc’s
hard work is appreciated in teaming up
with P.M.Padia and making this possible.
n my long experience as a professional
Jyotishi, I had many occasions to
problems in marriages. Out of my
observations, I have noticed that there are
specific combinations in charts that are
indicative of marriage problems and, when
they cumulate together, a divorce is sure to
happen. One should not forget Desh, Kala,
Patra that are country, time and customs
of the native before venturing into blindly
applying these rules. Some of these rules
you would find working in charts of
natives with happy married life and there
are special rules which would be given in
the next issue which will cancel the
negative yogas mentioned in the rules
below, these are most important and
should not be forgotten.
For ascertaining the marriage life of a
native or even matching of horoscopes
between 2 partners, we should consider the
following rules:
General Rules:
1) The 1H (the native himself), 2H
(family) soubhagya of spouse, 4H
(domestic happiness), 7H (spouse, span
of marriage life, sex desires), 8H
(soubhagya – span of marriage life and
sex ability), 12H (sexual compatibility,
bed pleasure). If these houses or their
Lords are afflicted by natural malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu), the
married life will be disturbed and give separation or divorce. If we find afflictions to 3 or
more of these factors, the chances of problems increase. Please note that for this method, it is
more important to consider the 7H, 8H and 12H with their Lords and karaka
(significator) of 7H (Venus for males and Jupiter for female). Most important if the lord
of 5th, 7th, 8th or 12th is retrograde and if it is malefic and at the same time in any of these
houses (5, 7, 8, 12) then there will be more chances of divorce.
2) Same observations as above will have to be made in the Navamsha chart (D-9) particularly the
good or bad Navamsha positions of the Rashi Lords of 7H, 8H and 12H. So, we should analyse the
Navamsha in itself like we’ve done for the rashi and also see the Navamsha positions of the rashi
Note: the Karaka for the 2H is Jupiter – for the 4H it is the Moon – for 7H is Venus or Jupiter.
Nakshatras Based Rules:
3) If the Center point (cusp) of the above bhavas (1H, 2H, 4H, 7H, 8H, and 12H), their Lord and
their karakas are in Nakshatras of malefic planets, especially Ketu and Rahu, then marriage
life will be disturbed. The cusps considered here are according to the Sripathi Bhava
calculations (all Vedic astro softwares should have this option).
4) The Moon does not give good results in Anishtakaal Nakshatras (bad for Moon).
Following are the Anishtakaal Nakshatras:
The 2nd and 3rd padas of Pushya (6o41 to 13o20 Cancer)
Ashlesha (16o41 to 30o00 Cancer)
Magha (0o00 to 13o20 Leo)
1st pada of Uttara Phalguni (26o41 to 30o00 Leo)
1st and 2nd padas of Chittra (23o21 to 30o00 Virgo)
4th pada of Vishaka (0o00 to 3o20 Scorpio)
Jyeshta (16o41 to 30o00 Scorpio)
Mula (0o00 to 13o20 Sagittarius)
3rd pada of Purva Ashada (20o01 to 23o20 Sagittarius)
If the Centre point of 1H, 7H, 8H and 12H is in the above mentioned nakshatras or the
Lords of the 7H, 8H, and 12H and 7H karaka (Venus or Jupiter) are in the above
mentioned nakshatras, this will give disturbance in married life.
The Moon in these Nakshatras will give hardship in life. At the time of birth, if Moon is
in any of these nakshatras, the birth time is called Anishtakaal (Inauspicious time). To
remove the inauspiciousness of these, Vedic astrology suggests performing particular
religious Pooja.
5) If Venus is in the 1st pada of Ashwini Nakshatra (0o00 to 3o20 Aries) or, if Venus occupies
Krittika Nakshatra (26o41 Aries to 10◦00 Taurus), married life will be disturbed.
Other Principles:
6) When the 12L is aspecting or conjunct the 7H, or the 7L or 7H karaka or, if the 7L or its
karaka is in the 12H and afflicted by malefic planet.
7) Ketu or Rahu being in the 7H or any two malefic planets conjunct in the 7H or with the
Lord of 7H or its karaka then disturbance in marriage life occurs.
8) Saturn in the 2nd, 8th or 12th house aspected or conjunct with other malefic planets.
9) The Lord of 2H in the 12H or vice versa.
10) When the 8L and 12L conjoint or aspect each other this also is bad for marriage life.
11) Malefic planets afflicting houses 6 and 12 or their lords or karakas of 7H, is one of the
reasons of divorce (because 6th and 12th houses are for sexual compatibility and bed
pleasure for each partner).
12) If the 7th Lord or karaka is placed in the 6, 8 or 12 house or, if the Lord of 6, 8 and 12 is in
7H afflicted by malefic planets, this may also give divorce. If any of these factors are
retrograded, it will also disturb marriage life.
13) In the native’s chart, if Venus and Jupiter are in the 6H or 8H from each other, this gives
disturbance in married life.
14) 7H, 8H, 12H or its lord or karaka(s) of 7H being hemmed in by natural malefic planets
(called Papakartari yoga) brings afflictions.
If any 3 principles or more apply on a chart, then divorce can be predicted depending on the
strength of the planet to give effect or not.
Master Principle for Exceptions:
15) If the Lord and/or karakas of houses 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 12 are in an angle house (kendra) or
in a trine house (trikona) and are aspected by, conjunct with, or ‘hemmed in’ (Subha
Kartari yoga) by benefic planets, this will protect and save the marriage life. Similarly, if
benefics occupy, aspect or hem in the above houses, it also proves beneficial.
So, above all, we need to judge how many bad and unfavourable yogas are present and evaluate
their strength. At the same time, we should see how many good and favourable yogas are found
and what their strength is. If bad yogas are more powerful than good yogas, this will
definitively create difficulties, disappointments, hardships and unhappiness in the life of the
native. And if good yogas are prevailing over bad yogas, there will be happiness, harmony, peace
and progress and marriage life will thus be saved. This mastery of
finding the fine balance between good yogas and bad yogas and coming
to a conclusion can come to you only with ‘Experience’ which no course
in astrology can teach.
We will examine some charts to get a better view of the intertwining
of these factors. Let’s see which one from our selection of famous
personalities will win the laureate of afflictions (competition will be
tight between some of our candidates). Our first criteria will be the
number rules for each and for the finalists, we’ll give you the count of afflictions present.
Chart 1: Martha Stewart
Well-known American entrepreneur. In 1960 she met Andy Stewart, 23, a Yale law student
and they married the following year; one child.
To her dismay, Andy moved out in 1987 and they divorced in 1990. The separation was not
amicable and Andy got a court order to keep Martha away. A non-stop compulsive achiever
known for a tendency to run over people, she was said to have put Andy down often.
Let’s start with rule #1 which spells out that houses 7, 8 and 12 with their Lords and 7H
karaka are the first factors we want to examine. We’ll immediately note that the 7H is
hemmed in, its Lord is in the 6H of quarrel and divorce with Ketu and the 7H karaka is in
the 8H with Saturn and receiving Rahu’s aspect – this is bad… Mars is also the 2H Lord.
This also implies that houses 6 & 12 are damaged (rules 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13 apply).
Saturn (the Lord of the 4H) is well placed in the sign of Taurus (Kubera = wealth – is she
not the glorious and prosperous queen of household?), but it is in the malefic 8H. It is with
Jupiter, a natural benefic who is nonetheless by its dispositorship of Mars & Ketu. The 1st &
8th Lord, Venus, is hemmed in (rules 1 & 7, 11, 13).
The 1H receives Mars’ aspect, 2H does receive Saturn & Ketu’ aspects and the 4H receives
Sun & Rahu’s glances. Nevertheless, Jupiter does aspect the 12H, 2H of family and 4H of
domestic happiness but these are not free from malefic influences – besides, the 4H karaka
the Moon, receives no malefic aspects but no benefic glances either so, rule 14 does not apply.
This kinds of bundles it for marriage troubles but we’ll still list the Nakshatra afflictions,
just in case anyone had any doubt.
Nakshatra afflictions...
The Ascendant is in Swati (Rahu is Lord) and Saturn the 4th Lord, is in Krittika (Sun)
(rule 2). The Moon is in Mula (Lord Ketu) (rule 3).
With all this, Martha Stewart gets 8 negative rules applying.
Chart 2: Linda McCartney
American photographer and musician, a chef and cook-book writer who also happened to the
wife of former Beatles Paul McCartney. Together, they lived an uncommonly stable
marriage contracted on 3/12/1969. For 29 years, she and Paul never spent a night apart except
for one ten-day period when he was arrested and held in a Tokyo jail for having marijuana
on his person. They lived most of their time on a farm in West Sussex, England.
But before, while a student at Sarah Lawrence and the University of Arizona, she married,
had a daughter and divorced in 1963.
Her marriage to Paul McCartney ended when she died of Cancer on April 17, 1998 in
Tucson, AZ.
Born about 2 months after Martha Stewart, we will observe some similar positions as they
even have the same Ascendant.
Again here the 7H is hemmed in and is aspected by Rahu since the Nodes have changed
houses. So now the Lord of the 7H and 2H, retrograde Mars, is alone in the 6H of quarrel
and divorce and faces Rahu’s dispositor, the Sun, placed in the 12H so, houses 6 & 12 are also
damaged – especially since Mars’ can’t help misbehaving, being retrograde. The 7H karaka,
Jupiter (dispositor of Mars & 6L), is with retrograde Saturn in the 8H. Saturn (Lord of
houses 4 & 5) is well placed in the sign of Taurus, but it is in the malefic 8H and it not on its
best behaviour either due to retrogression and being dispositor of ketu. Mercury, the 12th
Lord is in the Ascendant and aspects the 7H. Mercury is conjunct Lagna Lord Venus and
4H karaka Moon – these 3 receive Ketu & Mars’ glances (rules 1, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13 apply).
The 2H receives Jupiter & Saturn’s aspects. Jupiter also positively aspects the 12H and 4H –
let it be mentioned that the 4H as such receives no malefic influence. Venus, 4H karaka
Moon and Mercury are in the Ascendant, an angle, creating Malavaya, Raja and Dhana
yogas. This brings positive relief although Mars and ketu still aspects them all.
Additionally, Jupiter and Venus are in 6/8 relation (rules 1, 12, 14).
Nakshatra afflictions…
The Ascendant and its Lord are in Swati (Rahu). Saturn, 4th Lord, is in Krittika (Sun is
Lord), Jupiter is placed in Mirgashira (Mars), the center point of the 8H is in Ardra (Rahu)
and 12th Lord Mercury is in Chitra (Mars) (rules 2 & 3).
Linda McCartney amazingly gets 9 negative rules but these are not as excruciatingly negative as in
Martha Stewart’s case (or other celebrities below) as there is a sense of balance brought in by
favourable yogas – we must conclude that some of the afflictions affected her in other ways
(like dying of breast Cancer with the Moon conjunct 8L & 12L and receiving Mars’ aspect).
Chart 3: Salman Rushdie
Indian writer, a Moslem famed for the condemnation by the Ayatollah of Iran along with
his death sentence given on 2/14/1989, for writing his book "Satanic Verses," 1989. He was
married to his first wife Clarissa Luard from 1976 to 1987 and fathered a son, Zafar. He
married American writer Marianne Wiggins in 1988. They divorced 3/02/1993. In 1997 he
married Editor Elizabeth West and the couple had a son in May 1997. Still married to West,
Rushdie became a couple with 29-year-old Indian model, author and New York City society
girl Padma Lakshmi in early 2000 and they married in Manhattan on April 17, 2004 in a
traditional Hindu ceremony. This was Rushdie’s fourth marriage.
Controversial Mr. Rushdie has Mars in the Ascendant, in its own sign (Ruchaka yoga) and
mutually aspected by both Jupiter and Saturn (Raja & Dhana yogas). Retrograde Jupiter
(also 12th Lord) in the 7H is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Mars is also 8th Lord. Ketu in the
8H aspects the 4H and the 12H. Venus in the 2H is with Rahu and hemmed in (rules 1, 5, 9,
11, 13 apply).
Lord and karaka of 4H, the Moon, is exactly conjunct the Sun (Amavasya) and becomes a
malefic. The 6H receives Saturn and Rahu’s aspects and we have already seen the condition
of Jupiter as 12th Lord. Venus and Jupiter are in 6/8 relation (rules 1, 10, 12).
Other favourable yogas such as Guru-Mangala, Kalpadruma and Vipareet are also present.
To all this, we can add a full course of…
Nakshatra afflictions (!)
The Ascendant is in Ashwini (Ketu) while the centre point of the 2H is in Krittika (Sun),
that of the 7H in Swati (Rahu), of the 8H in Anuradha (Saturn) and of the 12H in Uttara
Bhadrapada (Saturn) – so, the centre points of 5 out of the 6 houses under scrutiny are
afflicted. Additionally, Ascendant Lord Mars (1H & 8H) occupies Krittika (Sun), 4H
karaka Moon (also 4th Lord) is in Mrigashira. (Mars) (Rule 2) (He sure looks like the winner
as far as Nakshatra afflictions are concerned… so far).
With all this action, Salman Rushdie gets 8 negative rules all categories considered.
Chart 4: Pamela Anderson
Canadian-American actress, star of the most watched TV show in history, "Baywatch," a
sand-sex-surf-saga marketed to more than 40 countries and watched by a billion people
every week.
After a four-day courtship with "Motley Crue" drummer Tommy Lee, she married him on a
beach in Mexico, February 1995, wearing a white bikini. They had a son on 6/05/1996. With
stormy battles over substance abuse, she filed for divorce on 11/19/1996, Los Angeles, they
reconciled five minutes later. The marriage finally broke up in spectacular demonstration of
spousal abuse that took Tommy Lee to jail and Pamela to the divorce court. He kicked her
once in the back and once in the buttocks. She filed a court order to keep him away.
In April 1999, Pamela had a much publicized bust reduction to balance her exaggerated topheavy shape. This monumental event was followed with the announcement of reconciliation
with her drinking, tattooed mate, referring to his beating as an "isolated event." On
4/23/1999 she moved back to their $1.5 million Malibu home, thrilled that her boys have their
daddy back. Their reconciliation soon ran its course and by 2001, Pamela was hot'n'heavy
with rocker Kid Rock.
Free from the afflictions we seek, the 7H even receives an exalted Jupiter aspect (rule
14!) 7L Mars, however, is opposite Saturn while karaka of 7H Jupiter (also 8H Lord), in the
3H is free from aspects. The 8H that shows the gains from marriage receives the combined
aspects of Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu (that hurts!) Rahu conjunct the fourth house karaka
Moon sits in the 12H that also receives Mars’ aspect – this goes to say that the axis of the
6th and 12th house is harmed by the Nodes (rules 1, 10, with intensity).
The Ascendant is hemmed in between Sun and Rahu and its Lord (Venus) receives Rahu’s
aspect. The 2nd Lord is retrograde, conjunct the Sun and they receive Ketu’s aspect (rules 1,
13). Pamela also has favourable Raja and Gajakeshari yogas.
Nakshatra afflictions…
While the Ascendant is in Mrigashira (Mars), its Lord is placed in Magha (Ketu). The 4th
Lord Sun is in Ardra (Rahu). The 4H centre point is Ashlesha (Mercury), 4H karaka Moon
is in Ashwini (Ketu), that of the 7H is Jyeshta (Mercury) and 7H karaka Jupiter is in
Pushya (Saturn). Then the 7th & 12th Lord, Mars, occupies Chitra (Mars) (rules 2 & 3).
So (hey) Pamela Anderson gets 5 negative rules.
Chart 5: Woody Allen
American comedian, writer, actor and film director, screenwriter, play writer and musician,
gifted and appealing. The ultimate pessimist, Allen is an hedonic, one who is
psychologically unable to enjoy himself; in therapy for over 20 years, perhaps the funniest
neurotic of the 20th century.
At 19, he married a 17-year-old student, Harlene Rosen. The marriage lasted five years. He
married a second time, to actress Louise Lasser, and they had several good years together
before calling it quits.
He is said to have been ‘together’ with his co-star of 5 movies, Diane Keaton.
In the fall of 1979 he met Mia Farrow, who had seven children. They slowly began a
relationship early in 1980, wondrous at how different they were. The relationship began
falling apart in the end of the '80s.
On 12/01/1991, he began an affair with Soon-Yi (about age 21), one of Farrow's adopted tribe.
When Farrow found out, it became a highly public explosion. She accused him of molesting
daughter Dylan on 8/04/1992, which was never proven.
On a chilly afternoon, 12/23/1997, Allen, 62, married Soon-Yi Previn, 27, at a municipal
building in Venice, Italy.
To start with, the 7H receives aspects from Ketu and Mars; 7L & 4L Jupiter is in the 2H
facing the benefic Moon and karaka Venus is conjunct Rahu that creates a Pitru dosha in the
5H. Venus is hemmed in by Rahu and Saturn. The 8H, where 4H karaka Moon is placed,
receives Saturn & Mars’ aspects and the 8L is aspected by Rahu. Saturn in the 6H aspects
the 12H and Mars aspects 12th Lord, the Sun (rules 1, 10, 13, 14).
Mars in the Ascendant receives Rahu’s aspect – same Rahu is in a very close conjunction
with Mercury, the Ascendant Lord (rule 1).
Nakshatra afflictions…
His Ascendant escapes difficult Nakshatras! But then, the centre point of the 2H is Swati
(Rahu), that of the 4H in Mula (Ketu), that of the 7H Uttara Bhadrapada (Saturn), for the
8H it is Ashwini (Ketu) and the 12H cusp is in Magha (Ketu). The 12th Lord Sun is in Uttara
Ashada, its own Nakshatra (rules 2 & 3). To balance his difficulties, Mr. Allen also has Raja,
Dhana, Gajakeshari, Kalpadruma and Brahma yogas.
We’ve got 5 consistent negative rules for Woody Allen.
Ready for another cinema character? Here she comes….
Chart 6: Brigitte Bardot
French actress called "the French sex-kitten" for over 25 years, lush and pouty. A model at 15
for magazine covers, she became the protégé of director Roger Vadim; they married on
12/20/1952. The press have chronicled her misfortunes with relish, her marriage
misadventures, the abandonment of her baby son and her suicide attempts.
Actor Jacques Charrier was her second husband and the father of her son, and millionaire
playboy Gunther Sacks was her third husband. On 8/16/1992, she was married in
Switzerland for the fourth time to seven-year-younger Bernard d'Ormale. When she
overdosed on pills on 11/14/1992, her husband said it was an accident.
The 7H has the 4H karaka Moon (9L) and they both receive Rahu’s glance. Meanwhile,
Venus (7L and 12L) is uncomfortably sandwiched (hemmed in) between Ketu/Mars in
Cancer and Sun in Virgo whilst the 7H karaka Jupiter (2L & 5L), conjunct Mercury (8L) in
the 12H, receives Mars and Saturn’s aspects (7H matters get a full score). The 8H receives
Jupiter’s benefic aspect and retrograde Saturn (4L), is conjunct Rahu and aspected by Ketu
conjunct Mars (6L) intensifying the difficulties. This means that the 6H/12H axis is
afflicted (rules 1, 8, 10, 11, 13).
The 4H receives Mars and Venus’ glances and no aspects are found on the 2H (rule 1).
Some of the favourable yogas ornamenting Ms. Bardot’s chart are Chamara, Amala,
Brahma, Raja and Dhana yogas…
Nakshatra afflictions…
The Ascendant is in Jyeshta (Mercury) and the 2H cusp is in Uttara Ashada (Sun). The 7th
and 12th Lord, Venus, occupies the 1st pada of Uttara Phalguni (Sun). Meanwhile, 7H karaka
and 2nd Lord Jupiter is in Chitra (Mars) and 4th Lord Saturn is in Dhanishta (Mars) (rules 2
& 3).
Brigitte Bardot gets a pungent 7 negative points.
Chart 7: Donald Trump
American entrepreneur who made a fortune estimated at $1 billion by finding and buying
losing properties and turning them around.
Trump had a 13 year marriage with Ivana whom her met in 1975, producing three children;
Donald Jr. in 1978, Ivanka in 1982 and Eric in 1986. Their divorce in 1991 was highly
publicized with accusations of his affair with Marla Maples and Ivana reaming Trump for as
much as she could at the time, settling for a $3.5 million dollar home and $14 million. With
this being only 1.5% of his net worth, she continued to pursue for a higher settlement. With
the publication of Ivana's tell-all book, Donald brought a $25 million law suit against Ivana
7/30/1992 for breach of privacy. His tempestuous relationship with Marla Maples
included a public shouting match in October 1992 in a restaurant. Their daughter Tiffany
was born 10/13/1993. Trump separated from Marla in May 1997 with a pre-nup between one
and five million.
Giving her a $2 million 12-carat diamond ring, Trump became engaged to Slovenian-born
model Melania Knauss on April 26, 2004. They have lived together for the past five years.
The multi-millionaire married for the third time on January 22, 2005 in Palm Beach, Florida,
this time to Melania Knauss. The marriage ceremony was scheduled to begin at 7 PM.
The 7H receives a mixture of Rahu, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn’s glances. Saturn (7L & 8L) is
conjunct karaka Venus in the Lagna and they both receive Ketu’s aspect. The 8H receives
Mars’ aspect while the Sun (2L) is conjunct Rahu. Retrograde 2H karaka Jupiter (6L & 9L)
receives Rahu and Saturn’s glances. Mercury, the 12L is in his own house and receives no
aspects – however, the 12H is hemmed in between Sun/Rahu and Saturn (rules 1, 11, 13).
Raja Yogakaraka Mars is in the 2H and aspects the Moon (4H karaka) which is in a fallen
condition and caught up in a total eclipse (!) (Rule 1).
Nakshatra afflictions…
The Ascendant occupies Ashlesha (Mercury) and 2nd Lord Sun is placed in Mrigashira
(Mars). The 2H karaka Jupiter is in Chitra (Mars again), the 4H cusp is in Swati (Rahu),
the Moon is in Jyeshta (Mercury), the 7H center point is in Dhanishta (Mars) and 12th Lord
Mercury is in Ardra (Rahu) (rules 2 & 3). We can easily imagine that Mr. Trump’s chart
reveals Raja and Dhana yogas but also a Tapaswi yoga for an austere and dedicated person…
(to his cause).
“The Donald” gets 5 negative rules.
Chart 8: Nathalie Wood
American actress, one of the few child stars who was able to make the transition from child
roles to teenage and adult roles.
Natalie' love life was active and complicated. She married actor Robert Wagner in 1957 when
she was 19. The couple bought a house and tried to meet the demands of their respective
careers. Neither handled money very well and soon the marriage was in trouble. They
divorced after five years. Gossip columnists reported every spat and suspected liaison.
Natalie was romantically linked with actor Warren Beatty and the two became the most
written about Hollywood duo of 1962. After they split up, Natalie and Warren remained
close friends.
She later was engaged to Arthur Loew and Ladislav Blatnik, a shoe manufacturer from
Caracas. Natalie also dated Elvis Presley, Raymond Burr, Frank Sinatra, and Henry Jaglom.
Six years after her divorce from Wagner, Natalie married the handsome Brit, Richard
Gregson, an agent turned producer. They had one child, a daughter named Natasha but
divorced in 1972. Natalie then married Robert Wagner for the second time. They had a
daughter, Courtney, and Wagner adopted Natasha.
Retrograde karaka and bhadakesh Jupiter (also 4L & 7L) is in the 6H (divorce, wars) and is
recipient of an 8H Mars aspect (Mars is also 8L). Saturn, the 6L of conflicts and 5L of
romance occupies the 7H and receives Rahu’s aspect. The 8H which holds 4H karaka Moon
is sandwiched between Saturn and Ketu (hemmed in); the 8L, Mars is fallen and badly
combust by the Sun as 12L – plus, they both receive Rahu’s aspect – Mars and the Moon
exchange houses (2 bad Lords for Virgo rising). 6L, 6H and 12L are all afflicted by malefics.
But, benefic Jupiter and Venus also occupy the 6H and 12H respectively (rules 1, 9, 10, 11, 13).
Saturn and Ketu aspect the Ascendant while Lagna Lord, Mercury, is conjunct Mars and
Sun receiving Rahu’s aspect; the 4H receives Saturn’s aspect and Venus, Lord of the 2H of
family life is in the 12H (rules 1, 8). This good lady has some Raja and Dhana yogas.
Nakshatra afflictions…
Here the center point of the 2H is Swati (Rahu). The 7H karaka Jupiter, also 4th and
Lord, occupies Shatabishak (Rahu), 8th Lord Mars is in Pushya (Saturn) and the 12H Lord
Sun is in Pushya (Saturn) (rules 2 & 3).
Nathalie Wood obtains a consistent 8 negative rules like Salman Rushdie.
Chart 9: Britney Spears
Spears married childhood friend Jason Allen Alexander on January 3, 2004, at The Little
White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas. The marriage lasted 55 hours, ending with an
annulment stating that Spears "lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she
was incapable of agreeing to marriage because before entering into the marriage the Plaintiff
and Defendant did not know each others' likes and dislikes, each others' desires to have or
not have children, and each other's desires as to State of residency".
In July 2004, Spears announced her engagement to Kevin Federline, three months after they
met. Federline had recently been in a relationship with actress Shar Jackson, who was eight
months pregnant with their second child. On the night of September 18, Spears married
Federline in a surprise, non-denominational ceremony at a residence in Studio City,
California, filing legal papers on October 6. She gave birth to her first child, Sean Preston
Federline, nearly one year later, on September 14, 2005 in Santa Monica, California by a
scheduled caesarean section.
‘Brit’ announced her second pregnancy in May 2006 during an appearance on The Late Show
with David Letterman. Just two days before Sean's first birthday, Spears gave birth to her
second son, Jayden James Federline on September 12 in Los Angeles. Spears filed for divorce
from Federline on November 7, 2006, citing irreconcilable differences and asking for both
physical and legal custody of their two children, with visitation rights for Federline. The
couple reached a global settlement agreement in March 2007 and their divorce was finalized
in July.
While the 7H receives Saturn, Rahu and Mars’ aspects, karaka Jupiter (Lord or 4H & 7H)
is in the 2H of family life which is hemmed in Saturn, malefic Mercury and Sun (tough
start). The 8H receives Jupiter’s benefic aspect but the 8L, Mars, is placed in the 12H,
hemmed in between Rahu and Saturn. Saturn (6L), placed in the 1H receives Ketu’s glance.
12th Lord Sun which is conjunct Mercury, the Lagna Lord, is aspected by Saturn, Mars and
Rahu – so, Sun and Mars are exchanging houses (3H & 12H). Mars also afflicts the 6H
(rules 1, 9, 10, 13, 14).
Venus (2L) placed with 4H karaka Moon is conjunct Ketu to the very degree and the 4H
receives no aspects but is hemmed in between Mercury/Sun and Ketu (rules 1, 13). Amongst
her glorious yogas, Britney has Gajakeshari, Amala, Raja and Dhana yogas, and
interestingly, a couple of ascetic’s yogas: Tapaswi and Parivraja.
Nakshatra afflictions…
To make a long story short, basically, all houses’ centre points, all karakas and pertinent
house Lords are in bad Nakshatras. That was rules 2 & 3.
With all this, “Brit” gathers some 6 negative rules.
Chart 10: Margaret Trudeau
Canadian noted family, the daughter of a former cabinet minister and political wife of Pierre
Trudeau from 3/04/1971 to 1976. They had three sons by 1974 when M. Trudeau was
hospitalized for psychiatric treatment.
She left the marriage in 1976 for the drug-culture option of the "Rolling Stones" and racketed
around New York "making the scene." She appeared in the film "Kings and Desperate Men"
in 1978 and wrote an autobiography, "Beyond Reason" in 1979, divorced Trudeau in 1983 and
married Fried Kemper. They had two children, a boy in 1985 and a girl in 1990. Maintaining
her link with show biz, she spent three years as a local talk show host. Her husband went
bankrupt in 1993 and now runs a smaller realty firm.
Jupiter, Mars and Saturn all aspect the 7H (some good and some bad), Jupiter aspects
Venus (7L & 12L in the 9H) while karaka Jupiter (2l & 5L) is free from aspects. Ketu glances
at the 8H and 8L Mercury occupies the 11H that is in a perfect Papakartari yoga. Mars (1H &
6H) conjunct Ketu receives Saturn’s glance – so, Mars and the Nodes afflict the 6/12 houses
axis. We shall note that the 12H and its occupants are hemmed in by Mercury and Jupiter
(some positive) (rules 1, 10, 14).
Jupiter is in the Ascendant which is good but 4H karaka Moon in the 2H receiving Rahu’s
glance; 4L Saturn is conjunct the Sun and the 4H receives the combined aspects of Ketu,
Saturn and the Sun aspect (rules 1). Not many yogas in this chart but, out of all our
personalities, Margaret Trudeau is the only person with 2 trines and the 7L receiving benefic
aspects – these are 5H, 9H & Venus.
Nakshatra afflictions…
The Ascendant which occupies the 4th pada of Vishaka and all houses cusps are in bad
Nakshatras save for the 4H. The Moon is in Mula (Ketu) and the 4th Lord, Saturn is in
Magha (Ketu). Venus, the 7th and 12th house Lord is in Pushya (Saturn) (rules 2 & 3).
Canada’s ex-lady earned 4 negative rules.
Our finalists are…
Britney Spears = 6 rules
Brigitte Bardot = 7 rules
Martha Stewart = 8 rules
Salman Rushdie = 8 rules
Nathalie Wood = 8 rules
Linda McCartney = 9 rules
We’ll need to proceed by elimination. To make a more detailed count, we have scientifically
considered each malefic influence or aspects on all houses, Lords and karakas concerned.
Linda McCartney = gets a total of 28 afflictions. Besides, she does have 3 benefics on angles
and nice yogas despite some bad hits Martha Stewart = has 22 afflictions. Some good placements are found but they do not create
the benefic yogas we’d wish to find. The difficulties are rather intense like the lady herself Salman Rushdie = surprisingly gets a total of 21 afflictions. Yogas, yogas, yogas… are to be
found here. But his Moon (mind) is quite afflicted Brigitte Bardot = gets 25 afflictions. She’s got some very nice yogas though Nathalie Wood = gets 24 afflictions. Some good yogas are there but the difficulties are quite
concentrated Britney Spears = has 35 afflictions (!) Yeap, she’s got good yogas but her ascetic yogas suggest
that she would benefit in using her inborn capacities to perform austerities for simplifying
and purifying her life – in doing so, she could benefit from them; otherwise, they may
just destroy her (so far, she has been doing the “otherwise”)…
The laureate of afflictions is won by… Britney Spears!!
In the next issue I would give out special rules for ascertaining happy marriage life and
especially laying more stress on those rules which over rule the bad yogas.
Saptarishis Astrology Team Member Rahul Vedi from
Australia Writes
himanshu is made up of him+anshu "him" in sanskrit means ice (as in
himalaya - house of ice) and anshu is a form of the root "ansha" meaning
part put together, himanshu means piece of ice.
More than 10 years ago - when I visited NASA, Huston, TX,USA - I told
them that "hima-nshu" is what NASA calls Moon.
The rishis of ancient times, did not name him "himanshu" just like that.
There was a reason and a motivation for calling him "himanshu" now, they
(NASA scientists) have reconciled with that piece of intellectual
NASA finds water on the moon
WASHINGTON (AFP) - A "significant amount" of frozen water has been
found on the moon, the US space agency said heralding a giant leap
forward in space exploration and boosting hopes of a permanent lunar
Preliminary data from a dramatic experiment on the moon "indicates the
mission successfully uncovered water in a permanently shadowed lunar
crater," NASA said in a statement on Friday.
"The discovery opens a new chapter in our understanding of the moon," it
added, as ecstatic scientists celebrated the landmark discovery.
"Yes indeed we found water and we did not find only a little bit but a
significant amount," said Anthony Colaprete, project scientist and
principal investigator for the 79-million-dollar LCROSS mission.
The data was found after NASA sent two spacecraft crashing into the
lunar surface last month to probe Earth's nearest neighbor for water.
Rahul Vedi